Hanging chair in the interior. Hanging chairs in the interior (30 photo examples) Hanging chair in the interior of a nursery

Childhood passes, but the desire to at least sometimes ride a swing and stay in limbo does not leave. If at least sometimes you have such a desire, then do not suppress it, but get yourself a hanging chair and enjoy weightlessness and comfort every day. Don't believe it's possible? Then we invite you to the virtual world of hanging furniture, where, together with the Dream House website, we will not only see the types of such chairs, but also decide how to use them in the interior.

What is a hanging chair

For the first time, a hanging chair for the home was created by a designer from Denmark in the middle of the last century. Despite its venerable age, it, as before, belongs to the category of designer furniture. However, recently it has been increasingly used for arranging country houses and city apartments. Ergonomic design, modern materials and an unusual shape make you opt for a hanging chair.

What does it represent? This is a comfortable bed, mostly wicker or rattan, or made from modern materials like acrylic or plastic, which is suspended from the ceiling by a hook. Thus, it turns out that in it you can swing in different directions, as in childhood on a swing. By the way, the second name of this unusual “flying” furniture is a hanging swing chair, which fully justifies its name.

Many people are interested in the question, how much weight of a seated person can a chair suspended from the ceiling support? This question should be asked directly to the seller, because depending on the different models and materials, the indicator may vary - some chairs can withstand a person weighing up to 100 kg, while others can hold heavyweights up to 150 kg in their "embraces".

Types of modern hanging chairs

Hanging chairs may differ in shape and material of manufacture, but, as a rule, they all allow you to sit and sway back and forth, left and right, and even diagonally. An exception is only one type of chair, which is attached not only to the top of the hook, but also attached to the bottom. If we draw analogies, then this design is similar to the fastening of a punching bag, which is fixed to the floor and to the ceiling. As you understand, on such a chair it will not be possible to sway from side to side, it will only allow it to rotate around its axis.

The frame of such a chair can also be of several options. The wicker rattan and wicker hanging chair has a rigid body, as do modern egg chairs made of clear plastic or acrylic. For the convenience of location, soft mattresses and are placed inside.

But there is also a softer option - this is a hanging hammock chair, which looks like a real fabric hammock, only smaller.

Which one you prefer is up to you, but perhaps the most comfortable models are those that allow you to retire and abstract from external fuss - these are cocoon chairs, closed on three sides with wicker walls and comfortably enveloping the person sitting inside.

There are even wicker models that are made in the form of a drop with a small window designed only to climb inside. And then you find yourself in your own separate world, full of comfort and enjoyment of loneliness.

Hanging chairs on a frame or stand

As you already know, hanging chairs are hung from the ceiling or from wooden beams, but there are also those that are mounted on a metal rack standing on the floor. These models are the most functional because:

  • firstly, they are mobile - such chairs can be moved and installed anywhere at home and even on the street;
  • secondly, the frame itself can be detached from the rack and suspended from the ceiling.

Hanging chairs in the interior of an apartment or house

The advantage of a hanging chair is that you can fit it into any style of interior. For example, for pick up a solid rattan model, for a white cobweb chair, a hanging hammock will fit perfectly into a rustic style, and a cocoon or a plastic egg will fit into modern styles. Also a great option for a chair made of metal rods.

Hanging hammock chair

Bubble chair hanging photo

You can place a hanging ball chair (or another name for it is a bubble - from the English bubble, which translates as “bubble”), an egg or a cocoon, you can somewhere in the corner of the room, continuing the seating area next to the sofa and other chairs. In this case, small-sized models that are made in the same color scheme and from the same material as the rest of the furniture will look good.

Chair bubble transparent

In the second case, the hanging chair can be turned into the main accent of the room. For these purposes, an extraordinary model (for example, with engraving and LED lighting) placed right in the middle of the room is suitable. In order not to be considered a sole proprietor, install another chair opposite your bed for your soulmate.

But let's get back to the backlit chair mentioned earlier. This original masterpiece of design ideas will allow you to relax with maximum comfort after a hard day's work. The pattern on the surface of the ball is applied based on your preferences for an individual order, whether it will be funny openwork curls or a futuristic web, it's up to you. But besides this, even the color of the backlight can be chosen to your taste - depending on your mood, you can change the color of the luminous ball, for example, it will relax and relieve tension of a soft green or light green color, at the same time, if you are in high spirits, then red would be better.

Pictured below is an example of an illuminated hanging chair created by INSA artists in collaboration with Rousseau design studio.

Where can you place a hanging chair in an apartment or private house? It is universal, so it will fit perfectly into the interior of any room. But most often it is installed in living rooms, bedrooms and children's rooms.

Suspended "fluffy" chair

Wicker hanging chair

Transparent hanging chair

Chair bubble transparent hanging

Hanging chair for summer cottage and garden

Hanging chairs for the street can be attributed to a separate type. If indoor furniture can be made from any material, outdoor seating will require a chair made from materials that are resistant to natural disasters. It must withstand high humidity and the scorching sun.

It is better to choose a hanging chair for a summer residence or for open ones from artificial rattan - unlike its natural counterpart, it can better withstand the influence of atmospheric phenomena and, therefore, is more durable. But even such furniture must be removed from the street in winter. The best place for storage during the unused period is an unheated room (but not a damp shed).

Whatever hanging chair you look at, the main thing is to choose it for the interior or exterior, so that in shape and dimensions it fits well into the environment. But the most important thing is that a chair suspended from a ceiling or a frame should be comfortable, so before buying, test it not only for strength, but also for comfort. Feel free to place yourself in a cozy cocoon right in the store!

Reading a book, listening to music or watching your favorite movie, wrapped in a blanket and swaying comfortably, drowning in soft pillows - is this not the ultimate dream of an ever-tired resident of a metropolis, exhausted by stress and constant haste?

It is very useful for the human body to plunge into a state of weightlessness from time to time, therefore, hammocks and swings are often installed in summerhouses and gardens of country houses. The creative development of this idea was a hanging chair, which is designed to restore the state of bodily comfort and peace of mind to city dwellers.

The use of such an interior detail helps to revive and decorate the room, bringing a special feeling of comfort to it. The physiological aspect of the effect of deep relaxation has not been scientifically proven, but the sensory experience available to us suggests that, for inexplicable reasons, a person feels unusually comfortable in the limited space of a hanging chair.

Fashionable relaxation: unusual interior details

The appearance of hanging chairs on the furniture market has completely changed the usual idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ideal place to relax. Its unusual shape, non-standard placement make it possible to transform the interior of a standard city apartment in an amazing way. Plaids, pillows, mattresses for sitting give additional decorative effect to the product.

If earlier hanging chairs were not available to the inhabitants of our country due to a total shortage, now it is not a problem to purchase such an accessory.

But it is difficult to choose the right model due to the variety of colors, textures and designs: huge and soft, compact hard, transparent, colored, wicker, plastic, on hooks and stands - the entire range cannot be listed.

There are many ways to make a hanging chair with your own hands, although this painstaking work will require the use of special tools and materials. And yet, the hanging chair provides unlimited opportunities for constant renovation of the interior. After all, decorative mattresses, pillows and blankets for its internal arrangement will constantly awaken creative imagination, depending on the change of weather and seasons.

A hanging chair can become a central point in the interior of an apartment or unobtrusively complement it. A fashionable accessory will be appropriate on the terrace, balcony, living room, bedroom, hall - wherever free space allows. Most often, a hanging chair can be seen in the nursery.

The style of the room and the choice of a hanging chair

How to combine extravagance and comfort? A hanging chair, like wicker furniture or a wooden rocking chair, is associated in the minds of most people with the interior of a country house. However, professional designers are not advised to be too conservative in the matter of choice. For example, even in a strict classical style, it is possible to harmoniously fit a chair on a stand, if it retains the features of furniture that are familiar to the perception (the presence of a back, armrests) as much as possible. It is better if the part is made of traditional materials (wood, fabric). If the style is not strictly observed, it is permissible to use an egg-shaped chair. However, wickerwork, chairs in the form of cocoons or bubbles are completely excluded.

The baroque style in the interior of the apartment accepts the installation of a swing chair with a forged openwork back of a complex pattern. It is acceptable to use furniture made of shiny polished wood. But such a detail will take up a lot of free space, so it is rarely used.

The Art Nouveau interior opens up unlimited possibilities for placing a hanging chair. A wicker, plastic, acrylic, metal or combination of materials model would be appropriate here. There are practically no restrictions on shape and color. Today, the hemisphere chair made of transparent plexiglass has become the most popular model.

In a studio apartment, a soft fabric hammock, or a practically closed wicker chair in the form of a hornet's nest, would be appropriate.

Rustic style (country, Provence) suggests that the furniture in the room is made of natural wood, but wickerwork will also be in place here.

Large-knit shawls, handmade pillows, patchwork quilts and fringed mattresses are suitable for internal filling. A winning option, emphasizing the original taste of the hostess, will be a hanging bean bag chair made of fabric on a wooden frame.

Ethnostyle makes it possible to beat all types of wickerwork made from natural materials (rattan, bamboo, vine). A hanging chair in the form of a drop, a ball, an egg, attached to the ceiling, will look natural and harmonious.

The interior of the apartment in high-tech style, techno accepts all types of plastic, transparent and metallic materials. Preference should be given to models of chairs in the form of a hemisphere. An openwork metal structure will look especially unusual.

The magical world of the children's room: a hanging chair as an option for a secret shelter

Hanging chair in the nursery is not just a way to replace the traditional swing. Rather, this is a variant of a house for games, like those that are customary to build on playgrounds. Lulling swaying, weightlessness, a sense of flight evoke fantasies about traveling to distant lands, exploits and treasures.

In addition, from a certain age it is extremely important for children to have their own completely controlled territory. For normal development and psychological comfort, it is very important for each child to maintain the autonomy of the inner space, but moving away from the society of peers and the mother, he also needs to feel complete security. A cozy hanging chair in the form of a hornet's nest, a ball or a soft sling, which you can climb into, curled up, will give the little ones a feeling of true bliss.

Hanging chairs in the urban interior: safety precautions

The spectacular design of the chair, mounted on a cable or chain, always attracts attention. However, there are certain limitations to installing it.

Massive fastening must be durable, it should also be taken into account that rearranging furniture in the room will become problematic.

Modern models of hanging chairs can be fixed on rods, beams, on stretch marks between walls, there are options for mounting to the ceiling and floor (according to the principle of a punching bag).

A fabric hammock, a bean bag chair, a wicker wicker basket can withstand a maximum weight of up to 100 kg. Wicker rattan honeycomb chairs on a metal frame are designed for a weight of 110-150 kg. But the acrylic hanging bubble chair can take a load of up to 200 kg. When choosing furniture, you should consider what load it is designed for. The technical characteristics of each model should be specified before purchase; this information is written in the manufacturer's instructions.

The mobile version on its own support stand is extremely convenient, as it makes it possible to move the piece of furniture, but the cost of such chairs is higher than that of stationary ones.

An original and cozy piece of furniture in the interior is a hanging chair. Its unusual look enlivens the room, makes it unique and special. In addition, such a chair promotes relaxation, which is very important for a good rest.

What are hanging chairs

The main differences between different types of hanging chairs are in the installation features:

  • hanging chair to the ceiling;
  • armchair on a stand.

The second option is also suspended, only the basis for installation is not the ceiling, but a special rack.

Armchairs suspended from the ceiling look impressive: a special hook is mounted on the ceiling, a long chain or cable is attached to it, which can withstand the chair itself and the person sitting in it. Wicker chairs made of wicker or rattan look original in an eco-style interior.

Armchairs on a rack take up a lot of space in the room, but they are mobile and safe: there is no need to calculate the strength of the structure and spoil the ceiling, and if necessary, the chair can be rearranged in the room and even taken out of the room: for example, in a country house - by installing it on a veranda or terrace . It's so nice to sit in a wicker chair with a book in your hands on a warm summer day.

The shape can also be different: a hanging chair in an apartment or in a country house can have a spherical, drop-shaped appearance, resemble a hammock, a swing. The latter are more often used for the street, an open terrace, and the cocoon chair is great for any interior.

Chair materials

A wicker hanging chair-"cocoon" is considered traditional, and the materials for it can be different:

  • vine;
  • natural or artificial rattan;
  • nylon or cotton cord.

These armchairs look great in both classic and modern interiors: hi-tech, loft or country, Scandinavian style will immediately acquire individuality. Materials for weaving are often left in a natural shade, although they can also be dyed in the desired color.

Modern materials - plastic, plexiglass and acrylic - are distinguished by a variety of colors, which means that they can be used to transform the interior.

They look great in a child's room, minimalist styles, and become a bright spot of color in the room. The shape of the ball is popular, and soft pillows will help create comfort.

Textile hanging chair hammock is a popular option for giving, a country house. In it you can relax in the shade of trees on a warm summer day. It is convenient to read a book, take a nap in such a chair, and it will be difficult to do other things.

Hanging chair in the interior

In an apartment or a country house for a cozy chair, you can find a suitable place. Of course, in a small-sized "odnushka" or "Khrushchev" it will be problematic to do this, since additional free space must be allocated to install the chair: at least half the diameter of the chair.

Calculate in advance whether the ceiling will withstand the load: it must be monolithic, but not plasterboard or wooden: in addition to the weight of the chair itself, it must withstand the maximum allowable weight - which is 90-150 kg. When installing a chair on a rack, such difficulties are not expected.

In the living room, even a standard set of furniture can be combined with a wicker hanging chair. It should match the style of the room.

In classical, modern European styles - Mediterranean, Scandinavian and others - a natural-colored wicker or rattan chair will be an excellent option. It will also fit into a rustic style, and in a minimalist interior you can place a ball chair made of transparent or colored acrylic.

In the bedroom, the choice of material and place for installation will dictate the layout of the interior. Choose soft cushions for the chair that match with the rest of the textiles in the room. Throw on a cozy blanket and enjoy your evenings with an interesting book or needlework.

Children will be delighted if a wicker "cocoon" or "drop" chair is placed in the nursery. You can also make a baby hanging chair with your own hands, while it is important to take care of the safety of the child, so be especially careful when choosing a model and installation.

It is enough to look at the photo of the hanging chair, how you want to drown in it, enjoy the lulling smooth rocking. An original piece of furniture will decorate any interior, make it unique and attractive.

Photo of a hanging chair in the interior

In the 50s of the last century, the design world learned about the appearance of the hanging model of the chair, and since then the invention has gained popularity among a wide range of consumers. Everyone has the opportunity to place an original place of rest in their apartment, and the options on the market and the companies involved in the manufacture of such furniture are increasing every year.

The use of a hanging chair in the interior is shown by photos with numerous modifications and successful examples of organic placement in rooms for various purposes. You can place a similar thing in the living room, bedroom, on the balcony or in the children's room, giving originality and making such a chair a highlight of the apartment design.


The frame can be made of materials of different stiffness, and when choosing a suitable model, this parameter should be taken into account, since it affects the convenience and service life of the product. The dense base with a rigid frame is reliable and durable, withstands significant loads.

It is made on the basis of artificial and natural materials and can be made of wood, lightweight metal, wicker, rattan or various types of plastic. After shaping the seat, it is covered with a soft cloth, placed inside the pillow, or other methods are used to create a comfortable resting place.

The soft frame takes the shape of the body of a person sitting or lying in it, as if enveloping from all sides and creating a personal cozy house. Usually these are textile models of various sizes, shapes and colors, reminiscent of a hammock. Sometimes there is a modification based on an interwoven mesh, but such a structure is more suitable for a summer vacation than for creating a cozy interior in an apartment.

In the form of a cocoon, a ball, an egg or other variations on the theme of a spherical shape, a very interesting chair in design and appearance can be made, which, in addition to convenience, provides protection from prying eyes, and also gives a sense of privacy.

Models for the smallest members of the family can be of various forms in the form of houses, cars, swings. Since children weigh very little, there are much more options for choosing materials and creating original chairs.

Choice of model and location

When choosing any version of a unique designer chair or a typical production model, it is important to take into account some features of their use in the interior.

Suspended structures cannot be attached to stretch ceilings and other complex modifications, since it is impossible to hang securely without reinforcement, and some ceiling materials do not provide for additional mounting systems.

If the house has stretch or suspended ceilings, and you really want to arrange a hanging chair for yourself, then you can consider options on a rigid stand that do not require installation work associated with a solid ceiling mount.

The armchair on the stand can be moved, carried and deployed at will, which is very convenient and practical, and also makes it possible to change the environment at will.

It is important to take into account the volumes occupied by the hanging model of the suspension seat. Too close to walls or furnishings, the product will be inconvenient for everyday use.

For safety reasons, do not place glass vases or other fragile and breakable objects near such a device.

Conventional designs are designed for weights up to 100 kg, so you should not try to sit in such a chair together, and you must also take into account the individual features of the body structure.

For a bedroom, installing a floor or ceiling modification closer to the windows is suitable, this will allow rational use of the space of the room and create comfortable conditions for relaxation.

In the nursery, especially close attention should be paid to safety, since it is very easy for restless children to get injured if they are installed incorrectly or if they choose the wrong model.

In the reception room, such models look great in combination with bean bags, as well as in the style of minimalism and naturalism. Such seats will provide additional accommodation options and create comfort in the living room.

Verandas, terraces, large balconies are ideal for wicker hanging chairs. By placing a fountain, a pool, a bio-fireplace or other decorative item with imitation of fire or water nearby, it will enhance the feeling of relaxation.


Usually, the installation of suspended structures is associated with installation work. Anchor bolts are placed in the ceiling, designed to support a sufficiently large weight and designed for high loads. Anchor manufacturers offer modifications with ready-made hooks for fixing hangers.

In the event that working with a construction tool is not a common thing, it is better to entrust the installation to professionals with experience and all the necessary details. As in most cases of working with fasteners, you should not save on quality, comfort and safety of use depend on it.

Overview of Common Species

Catalogs and numerous photos demonstrate a huge variety of such interior items. Manufacturers of upholstered and cabinet furniture equally often offer to buy suspensions of various colors, shapes and sizes. If desired, and some talent is available, it is quite possible to make an analogue of a purchased hanging chair at home.

The most affordable for most is a hanging chair from Ikea. The manufacturer of eco-friendly and original furniture offers a simple and elegant solution, durable enough and affordable.

All products of the company are based on the principles of safety, comfort, naturalness and the possibility of combining with various types of interior in any conditions. These models will be equally convenient for children and adults, and the high level of quality is confirmed by numerous fans of the Ikea brand in the world.

Created for an individual and relaxing holiday, the cocoon chair is perfect for complete privacy and, if you want to be alone with yourself, it will be the best solution. Weight options:

  • completely glass and transparent, equipped with soft pillows;
  • woven from dense natural elements, resembling a butterfly cocoon;
  • combined in structure, with different decorative details;
  • individual orders with the realization of any whimsical desires;
  • plastic and dense, covering the view and isolating from external irritants.

Whichever version of the egg chair attracts attention, it will be comfortable and cozy in almost any of them, and the interior will be complemented by an original work of design art.

Thinking over the options for arranging a summer cottage recreation area, preference should be given to a hammock chair. Such a simple model, known since Soviet times, looks completely different today.

Now it is a cozy, stylish hammock that will allow you to comfortably sit in the shade of fruit trees and enjoy the silence and fresh air. For greater comfort, the product is usually equipped with foam pads that provide softness and good support.

Wicker furniture has long become a symbol of naturalness and environmental friendliness. A wicker rattan chair created from high-quality natural material can be made not only in its usual form, but also be suspended. At the same time, the color is perfect for any interior, and for ethnic and minimalist design it absolutely meets all the requirements of style.

Having become acquainted with the work of designers and masters of interior design, choosing the right model will not present much difficulty, taking into account recommendations on style and safety requirements.

Hanging chair photo

, beds, armchairs different types - these interior items special attention is paid, and the most stringent requirements are put forward in their selection. It can safely be said that such furniture has the largest number of different models, variations and manufacturing methods. One of the most original and unusual places to relax in the house is a hanging chair. The first mention of this piece of furniture dates back to the 50s of the last century. Since then, the hanging chair has become not only one of the vagaries of interior fashion from the pages of glossy magazines, but also a comfortable component. living rooms, bedrooms and children's rooms in simple apartments.

Types of hanging chairs

For more than half a century of its existence, the hanging chair has undergone many metamorphoses and "reincarnations", and at this time there are already several types of this piece of furniture.

  • With a rigid frame - such chairs are made of rattan, acrylic, plastic base, covered with durable fabric. A wicker can also be used as a material for the manufacture of a rigid frame of a chair.
  • With a soft frame - this type of chair resembles an ordinary hammock. Its main difference is the size. A hanging frameless chair is much smaller than a hammock and takes up little space. When used, it takes the form of a human body, that is, you can simply sit in it or take a horizontal position.
  • Hanging cocoon chairs. Their peculiarity is that the inner space is 2/3 hidden from prying eyes with the help of wicker walls. Such a place of rest will appeal to those who are fans of solitude.
  • Armchair "Drop", as a rule, is installed in children's rooms. Outwardly, it looks like house, and some models even have doors.

In addition, hanging chairs are divided into types and according to other criteria - the type of fastening (axial and rod), the material used and the load. Before choosing a chair, you need to decide where and how it will be used, and what intensity of load is expected on it.

Advantages and disadvantages of hanging chairs

Like everything that surrounds us, hanging chairs have their pros and cons. Their advantages include originality, uniqueness, if the chair is made by hand, in a single copy. But their main advantage is, of course, comfort. Where, if not in a hanging chair, you can remember your childhood, calm the nerves that have been shattered during the day?

The disadvantages of such a piece of furniture are the difficulty in moving, because it is quite difficult to install or dismantle a hanging chair. In addition, if you move the chair to another place, then on ceiling there will be traces of the old fastening.

DIY hanging chairs: do it yourself

Having a hanging chair is a dream for many. But most prefer not to buy it, but to do do it yourself. You do not need to have any special skills, you just need to prepare all the necessary tools and materials. To make a hanging frame chair with your own hands, you will need:

  • gloves,
  • scissors, cloth meter or construction tape,
  • thick fabric,
  • the basis for the frame - metal, wooden, plastic or acrylic hoops,
  • trouser tape, interlining,
  • metal fittings (ring and buckles) for mounting and assembling the chair,
  • threads or tapes of polyamide,
  • foam rubber of medium thickness in the form of ribbons or squares,
  • slings and cords that can withstand heavy loads.

All these materials can be bought at any hardware or haberdashery store.