We make an extension to the house from foam blocks. How to make an extension of foam concrete to an old house? Foam concrete block masonry

Still popular among construction companies. Usually, you want to build additional buildings for such houses, which would emphasize the individuality of the building. Frame extension to wooden house can be erected in principle and independently, however, for this it is necessary to have construction skills and follow the rules and sequence of work.

In order to avoid unpleasant surprises with the extension in the future, several questions must be considered during its construction:

  • The choice of material for the extension

Most best option- This metal carcass, then sheathed with wood. It is also necessary to immediately consider what kind of wood (color) the veranda lining will be made of so that it is combined with common style Houses.

  • Foundation

Basically, extensions are erected after the completion of the construction of the whole house, so it is necessary not only to build a foundation for the veranda, it is also desirable to achieve solidity of both foundations.

  • Drawing up an extension project

You can’t start building a veranda without a project plan, as this can then not only spoil the external image of the whole house, but also affect the life of the veranda. It is necessary to think over the layout, dismantle, if necessary, old buildings, provide a good approach to the construction site, think over, etc.

Do-it-yourself warming of the veranda of a wooden house

Since the veranda will be the place where noisy companies will gather, family conversations will be held during tea drinking, etc., it is necessary to consider how to ensure the preservation of heat inside the room during the cold season.

The first step in the process of warming the veranda is this. most wanted and popular view insulation are polystyrene and mineral wool.

IMPORTANT: In order for the effect of insulation to be as noticeable as possible, a layer of penofol must be laid between the walls of the veranda and the insulation layer.

Since the frame extension to a wooden house usually has a plank floor, it needs to be insulated in without fail.

Insulation of the floor of the veranda

The floor must be puttied and painted with paint with frost-resistant additives. After painting, a bedding layer of penofol is laid on the floor, and on top - a layer insulation material. Floor insulation can be made from natural (cork, granular insulation, cellulose) and artificial materials.

The floor can be insulated with bulk (expanded clay, slag, foam glass), sprayed (ECOwool, penoizol), bulk ( polymer blends), rolled (mineral wool, linoleum) or tiled (foam glass, glass wool, gypsum-fiber sheets) materials.

Since the floor in the verandas is usually made of logs to which boards are attached, it is necessary to ensure that the insulation is laid between the logs. To do this, you need to carefully remove the boards from the floor, lay them out between the joists, lay a vapor barrier layer, and then nail the boards back.

IMPORTANT: The insulation should fit as tightly as possible to the joists. The height of the insulation should be several millimeters below the floor level. Such a gap will ensure air circulation so that moisture does not linger inside (this will protect the floor from the appearance of fungus and decay).

Insulation of the walls of the veranda

To insulate the walls of the veranda from the inside, you can use not ordinary heaters (foam plastic, mineral wool), but sheets of drywall. Their installation is very simple, it is fastened quickly, especially since its cost is low.

Since the insulation of the veranda in a wooden house drywall sheets implies the construction of a crate, its basis can be not only metal, but also wooden frame. A heater (polystyrene, glass wool) is laid between the crate, and the drywall sheets themselves are fastened with ordinary screws to the profiles of the crate.

If you insulate the veranda with only one mineral wool, then it must be treated from above with penofol to ensure the desired level of vapor barrier.

one more simple material for warming the veranda can be PENOPLEX. Such sheets are attached to the walls with glue. If you use PENOPLEX, then there is no need to carry out vapor barrier, since the material already has good performance waterproof. A thin layer of plaster is then applied on top of the insulation, which is pasted over with wallpaper or simply painted in the desired color.

Outside, the walls of the veranda are insulated in the same way: the crate is attached, the cavities between the profiles of the crate are filled with a moisture insulator and insulation, after which they are fixed facing materials. A frame extension to a wooden house is usually arranged outside decorative panels or siding.

Rarely, when building a house, it is not insulated. Even if heaters are not used precisely at the time of construction itself, the possibility of insulating walls inside the house, but ...

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  • Foam block structures can be attached to almost any structure, including in order to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200ba residential building, whether it is made of wood, brick or the same concrete. Often with the help of it they expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200beven the simplest frame buildings: garages, greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses and aviaries.

    Professional opinion on this issue suggests that the main condition for the possibility of erecting an additional structure next to the main structure is its strength and technical condition. So, it is not recommended to expand a building that has served for more than 15 years. However, in most cases, after inspection and calculation of the residual strength, a positive conclusion is given for the work to be carried out.

    Preparatory stage of work

    Preparation for the construction of an extension includes two main components: drafting future design taking into account all requirements for safety, functionality and costs, as well as the acquisition necessary materials and tools for its direct construction.

    Self-design takes place in three stages:

    1. Folding the architectural concept of the future structure.
    2. Accounting for individual private nuances of implementation.
    3. Preparation of plans, drawings and estimates for the entire structure under construction.

    Foam block elements do not impose any restrictions on the configuration of the new building. Therefore, its architectural appearance, as a rule, corresponds to the style of the main building.

    There are no strict restrictions on the type of finish. In most cases, it repeats the surface of the main house.

    Definition technical parameters project in the case of construction with your own hands, you can also do it yourself. It is enough just to delve into and follow the principles, because the hours of "brainstorming" put into thinking through the details of the project are more than justified, as they speed up the process of direct construction at times.

    For your own perception and understanding, it is advisable to write a list or table with the entry of the main positions of the future structure:

    • the widest range of functions that a given structure must or can perform;
    • design features necessary for the most complete implementation of this functionality;
    • materials required for construction and their quantity;
    • a work plan that necessarily determines their beginning, completion and total duration;
    • own comments that require consultation with professionals, for example, when choosing in favor of certain features or design alternatives.

    Accounting for traditional functions includes:

    1. Weight load, on which the type and power of the foundation will depend. Its correct and balanced calculation is extremely important, since in case of revaluation it will lead to additional inefficient spending, and in case of arrogance that “it will not go anywhere, it will stand”, it can lead to the collapse of not only the new structure, but also the collapse of part of the adjoining to it the walls of the main house. It is extremely difficult and expensive to fix a foundation that does not meet the necessary parameters, therefore, in case of errors, a decision can be made to build a new building instead of reworking the old one.
    2. Lighting mode that determines the number, design and installation of windows. AT sunshine not all rooms need, for example, a pantry or a garage will easily cost electric lamps, and the absence additional elements increase both the stability of the structure and its heat capacity. For specific buildings such as greenhouses, greenhouses and conservatories prerequisite is not only natural light, but also its penetration from above - through the roof, which is quite possible. True, the roofs of the extensions are often flat, which means that in winter a powerful layer of snow accumulates on them, which requires the installation of special reinforced openings for windows, which significantly increases the weight and cost of construction. For walls made of foam blocks, there is the possibility of both cutting through a solid wall and embedding ready-made window openings, but both of these options are undesirable.
    3. The possibility of access to a new building from the outside determines the number and location of doors. It can be, as only one doorway between the house and the annex, together with their adjoining each other, and the presence of a second outer door outside in an additional room. In the second case, when creating a second external doorway, it will require a new calculation of heat-shielding parameters. In addition, a porch and a change in house passes will be required. Block walls, due to their fragility, can only be changed after construction in the most extreme cases, for example, by cutting additional or laying extra openings.
    4. Compliance with optimal temperature parameters may require additional thermal insulation of the floor, ceiling and walls, influence the choice of the type of glazing and auxiliary heating of the new premises. Thermal insulators are needed for most rooms, but too many of them can significantly increase costs. To provide low temperatures a room air conditioning system may be required, but it can be installed already during the operation of the foam block structure.
    5. Soundproofing, which performs the functions of both protection from external noise, and prevents it from leaving the house itself. In this respect, one should take into account functional features premises, for example, if this is a home cinema, then it is not easy to make the insulation of all surfaces inside and out, but also take care of special acoustic coatings.
    6. Plumbing and require installation and conduct plumbing equipment and communications. Their installation again requires additional investments, so it is better to postpone its implementation to a later date.
    7. Power supply can be easily and without the involvement of specialists in foam concrete walls in advance. It is especially important to distribute electrical wiring with a margin and taking into account constant and powerful consumers of electricity, as this will at least save significant funds on the purchase of extension cords, tees and other equipment in the future.
    8. Compliance with fire requirements. concrete blocks they have good fire safety characteristics, so the premises of them are universal and suitable even for storing fuels and lubricants, for example, in the case of a garage. When organizing a workshop for work with high temperatures and open fire, you should always take care of its finishing with special heat-resistant coatings.

    Thus, a detailed study of each item makes it possible to build your own terms of reference, on the basis of which you can already develop the required sketches of the structure under construction and a list of necessary materials.

    Their minimum set includes: cement, crushed stone, sand, roofing material, trowels and, of course, a sufficient number of foam blocks themselves.

    Required construction tools: building level, a hacksaw, a puncher, a shovel and a container for mixing the solution.

    The result of all the work to a greater extent depends on the accuracy of the calculations and following them when assembling the structure from foam blocks, while the design procedure itself is simple and accessible to everyone.

    Extension foundation

    The correct foundation construction technology and the choice of its type for an extension structure mean much more than for an independent structure. In theory, you can choose between several types of basis:

    • tape;
    • columnar;
    • pile-screw.

    The determining factor in this case is not copying the foundation of the main structure, but the mass of a specific extension and soil features. So, buildings such as baths, equipped with heavy oven system usually require strip base to distribute the load as evenly as possible.

    This type of foundation requires a large number concrete and at least a month of time for erection and strengthening. The pile-screw foundation design is universal, but difficult to erect, as it requires the invitation of professional workers and special equipment.

    For a standard foam block building, a simple and cheap columnar foundation is enough, which is built in a few days, even with only two pairs of working hands.

    To begin with, clearing and leveling of the building site is required. The height of the pillars is almost not determined by the load created by the building and is approximately 1 meter. But their number and placement depends on the weight of the structure.

    The process of mounting the pillars is simple and is carried out in stages for all elements at once:

    1. Digging a hole 1 meter deep.
    2. At its bottom, a small-stone or sandy pillow is poured.
    3. A waterproofing layer is being laid, a sheet of roofing material is optimal in this regard.
    4. Armature is installed.
    5. Covered with stones.
    6. Filled with concrete mortar.

    You can adjust the height of the pillars that act as a foundation using bricks. Logs are often used to connect the pillars, but it is more reliable to make this structural element from the same concrete by constructing a simple formwork.

    As a result, a solid encircling foundation will be erected with minimal time, effort and money.

    Regardless of the type of base, foam concrete is hygroscopic, which means that it is necessary to lay a layer of roofing material waterproofing substrate on top of any foundation before laying the blocks.


    As in the case of other block elements such as bricks, the laying of foam concrete elements starts from the corner. As with most building materials, the rule of the first “ideal” row applies, since it is he who determines the correct geometry of the entire structure and always fits very carefully and scrupulously.

    Due to the hygroscopicity of foam concrete blocks, their bottom row is covered with a waterproofing solution. The upper side of each layer of blocks is soaked with water and coated with a special glue. The seam between them should be no more than 1 mm in thickness. It is advisable to lay reinforcement in every fourth row of blocks in a pre-cut groove. This will prevent the walls from cracking.

    The second crown of blocks also begins to be laid from the corner, but according to the dressing rule, that is, at the joints of blocks in adjoining rows, in no case should they fall on each other.

    As you approach the wall of the main building, it becomes necessary to cut the blocks protruding along the length, which is easily done with an ordinary hacksaw, because foam concrete is cut even easier than wood.

    Extension windows and doors

    For window and doorways they mount special steel jumpers that support ordinary foam concrete elements reinforced with reinforcement or lighter U-shaped parts that are mounted with a hole up.

    Installation of windows and doors in foam concrete walls with openings less than 1.7 m does not differ in special requirements, but a large distance already requires the installation of special reinforced lintels to support blocks.

    Reinforced belts and floors of the building

    In order to increase the overall strength and reliability of the load-bearing walls of the extension, inner wall from above it is reinforced with a reinforced belt, which, due to its large weight, is assembled directly on the wall. To do this, rebars pre-cut along the length are laid along the wall on pre-prepared wooden templates, after which they are welded together into steel frames.

    The pattern is filled with narrow frame blocks and after wetting its edges with water, it is poured into them concrete mortar.

    After the concrete has dried from 3 to 7 days, they begin to install the floors. They perform the function of holding the roof. Therefore, it is rational not to complicate their design, which will only lead to its weighting. As a basis for them, both wood and aerated concrete or hollow concrete slabs are used.


    Roof installation is similar to most standard buildings - bars are laid across the walls, erected rafter system, on which the crate is attached, and on it, in turn, the roof covering spreads.

    So that a large amount of condensate does not accumulate under it, you should not overdo it with fillers. Due to the peculiarities of the material of the walls, it is recommended to use soft light roofing: profiled sheet or metal tile.


    Regardless of what material the main house is - wood, stone or brick, the foam block structure is not rigidly attached to it, but only adjoins. This is due to the shrinkage of the new extension and the possible subsidence of the old one due to the destruction of its foundation. Precisely so that when moving they do not harm each other between them and do not make a rigid connection.

    The gaps between the new building and the stone house are foamed. And in the case of a log house made of wood as a house, the gaps are closed with bars, stuffing them onto the walls of the dwelling on both sides of the extension.

    The exception is stone and brick structures with the same foundation and not much different construction time. Under such conditions, docking is possible with the help of reinforced rods with a diameter of 6-8 mm, which are cemented into holes drilled at a level not higher than the first floor in the brick of the main building.

    Docking of the walls of the extension and the house is carried out different ways: tires, corners or anchors. In any case, the key to a clear adjoining of the walls of the new and old buildings is not to attract them with something “tightly” to each other, but a reliable, correctly erected extension foundation, which must withstand the mass of the foam concrete structure without changing its position.

    High-quality docking of the roof of the main house with the covering of the extension is one of the most important and at the same time complex operations. Professionals prefer to perform this operation by partially disassembling the roof of the main building at its junction with the new structure. This is a completely justified step, which makes it difficult to dock the roofs of two different designs, and make the roof of the extension building a continuation of the roof of the main building.

    This greatly simplifies the entire operation and guarantees against possible leaks at the so-called joint. However, this option should be considered in advance preparatory stage when planning in this case, the extension walls must necessarily be lower than the walls of the main building, otherwise nothing will come of it.

    Features of construction using foam blocks

    For the construction of walls of any buildings, the basic requirements for materials are always unchanged:

    • strength;
    • ease;
    • resistance to natural influences;
    • ease of processing and installation;
    • minimum thermal conductivity;
    • increased heat capacity;
    • the shortest shrinkage time.

    Most building materials fully meet only a few requirements, completely failing others. For example, a tree is both heat-intensive and light, but at the same time it quickly rots in the rain, and after installation it shrinks for a long time. Brick is durable, but its weight and the need for skilled hands to lay it does not make it ideal either.

    Foam concrete, perhaps, is one of the few materials that has a complete list of optimal characteristics.

    It fits perfectly with any other materials, which is especially important when building an extension to the main building. In addition, it is also cheap, unlike wood or brick.

    It has, of course, disadvantages:

    • it does not differ in beauty, therefore, in order to give the building an aesthetic appearance from it, it is necessary finishing coating, which can reduce its environmental friendliness;
    • block sizes imply rather rough masonry;
    • a high degree of hygroscopicity, which, if used incorrectly, can significantly reduce thermal insulation characteristics walls.
    1. The foam block is a rather specific material, therefore it is recommended to mount it not on an ordinary cement mortar, but add special glue to it, thanks to which the elements can be installed more accurately, and the thickness of the seams between them can be reduced to 1 mm, which during operation will significantly reduce the possibility of cold penetration into the room .
    2. When calculating the height of the jumpers, the level of the floor must be taken into account.
    3. In the presence of a foam generator, such blocks can be made independently using streaming technology and right on the construction site during construction, so that they are continuously produced and consumed. In this case, even time is saved, in contrast to the delivery of ready-made elements that must be pre-ordered and wait until they are brought and stored.

    Filimonov Evgeny

    Reading time: 8 minutes

    A A

    Advantages and disadvantages of foam blocks. Stages of construction. The subtleties of the construction of the building. How to legalize an extension. Competent connection outbuildings with the main house.

    AT recent times an extension to a house made of foam blocks is gaining popularity, but you need to know the features of its construction, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the material. Which houses can be built on. Stages of construction. Required preparatory work. Fundamentals of building foundations and walls.

    Correct installation of windows and doors. How to properly insulate walls and carry out finishing and construction work. Councils of builders for the construction of an extension.

    Discussions important points construction. What reinforced belt. How to legalize an extension, how to correctly connect an extension and the main house.

    An extension to a house made of foam blocks is most often used to increase the usable area, less often to improve external characteristics building. In addition, many developers appreciate this material for its distinctive properties.

    This material is characterized by the number of voids, and the more of them, the more significant it retains energy-saving properties, which is confirmed in construction practice using hollow bricks as an example. The pores in the foam blocks are evenly distributed over each product. It is worth noting that the foam block, unlike standard aerated concrete, is considered the most suitable for the construction of an extension (not a full-fledged building). Actually given type premises is an inexpensive and rational method of solving the problem of a lack of usable space, especially if it is being built by hand.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the material

    This material has increased strength and ease of use, is environmentally friendly and does not contribute to dampness. It is easy to lay down without a lot of time.

    In addition, foam blocks have such positive properties as:

    • installation does not require professional skills;
    • the process of laying foam blocks is much less than that of brick or wood;
    • does not burn, and meets absolutely all fire safety requirements;
    • porous structure prevents shrinkage;
    • has low thermal conductivity and cheap material;
    • service life exceeds 50 years;
    • easy to erect on difficult soils;
    • easy to fit, easy to drill; has a low weight, which is important in the design and construction of the foundation.

    Among this abundance positive characteristics the foam block extension also has negative ones, namely:

    • increased hygroscopicity necessitates the creation of special protection, otherwise there will be a rapid loss of thermal insulation properties;
    • appearance, from which external finishing work is required.

    What kind of houses can be made such an extension?

    Before planning an extension Special attention builders focus on the strength of the premises. Professionals say that regardless of the type of building, which is more than fifteen years old, an extension to it is possible only taking into account a careful calculation of the strength of the room.

    But since the extension refers to cadastral changes (re-planning), it requires individual project and coordination with local authorities in the form of permits for increasing the area of ​​​​the premises through construction.

    Construction stages

    The construction process is somewhat specific, and requires strict adherence to the sequence of its stages.

    Preparatory work

    Before the implementation of the extension of aerated concrete, they receive official permission to carry out construction in the relevant authorities. To do this, you first need to make a project of the planned part of the house. It is advisable to do this under the supervision of specialists in order to prevent major mistakes, or completely entrust them. As an extension, there can be a room, a kitchen, a loggia, a veranda, etc. When building an extension, the most important elements are the foundation and walls.


    The main thing in construction - right choice foundation and its competent pairing with the one already under the foundation of the building.

    The construction of the foundation for the extension has its own nuances:

    • The work is not done from scratch, which already causes some difficulties, including when pairing with an existing building under the main foundation.
    • A rigid reinforcement connection is made with a well-established foundation, when the settlement of the extension has already occurred, and the new foundation will not contribute to the critical settlement of the entire room. Rigid docking is not advisable to perform in conditions of heaving soil.
    • An expansion joint is considered to be a more economical joining method. It is columnar, tape and on screw piles. On the upper layer roofing material or other insulating material is laid.

    Expert opinion

    Filimonov Evgeny

    Professional builder. 20 years of experience

    Ask an expert

    Important! Due to differences in load, it is recommended to carry out the foundation separately in order to prevent the occurrence of cracks due to seasonal heaving of the soil.


    • it is better to moisten the lower side for better adhesion to the solution;
    • many layers of a waterproofing composition are applied on 1 layer, which serves to protect against moisture; then, before applying the second layer, the first is moistened;
    • it is important to consider that the first row must be made with strict observance of the vertical and horizontal position, because the quality of the wall construction depends on it;
    • all horizontal errors are recommended to be leveled with mortar;
    • so that the seams are about 1 mm, the foam blocks are placed on glue; minimization of seams is necessary to minimize "cold bridges";
    • the mixture should be done strictly according to the instructions and applied first to the horizontal part of the foam block, then to the vertical;
    • all blocks must be aligned on both planes;
    • the resulting rows are aligned horizontally with a special grater for grinding, and the dust that has appeared is swept away;
    • every five rows, reinforcement is placed in the corners of the extension, which contributes to the bonding of the structure and the prevention of cracks.

    Making an extension to a wooden house is not at all as difficult as it seems at first glance, but before you start doing your plan, you need to decide on the material from which the extension will be made. Foam blocks are considered the most popular building material for building extensions.

    An extension to the house is one of the easiest and most rational ways to expand your living space.

    Advantages and disadvantages of concrete blocks

    Advantages of using foam concrete blocks: high level thermal protection, good sound insulation and fire resistance, lightness compared to other building materials, strength, ease of installation, simplicity and low cost of finishing after the construction of the building. In general, the technology for building an extension from foam blocks is similar to brickwork. However, an extension made of foam blocks in most cases is cheaper than a brick one: firstly, due to the lower cost of the material and lightness, which allows you to save on the foundation without sacrificing safety; and secondly, thanks to a simpler construction technology than brickwork. Installation of foam blocks does not require special skills, it takes less time and effort to lay the blocks. Also, foam blocks are environmentally friendly, safe for humans, have low thermal conductivity, are not flammable and practically do not shrink.

    But the foam block has one significant drawback: it is prone to freezing in areas with a harsh climate due to its high hygroscopicity. However, this is a solvable problem; during construction, it will be necessary to take more care of the waterproofing and thermal insulation.

    Features of the construction of an extension

    Before starting construction, it is necessary to conduct an examination of a wooden building. At the same time, the walls are checked and rotten logs are replaced in the processes. Also find out the depth of the existing foundation and its dimensions.

    Before the construction of the foundation of the annex, next to the existing foundation, a small trench is dug, and reinforcing bars are introduced into the foundation itself to fasten the future foundation to the present one.

    Construction of the foundation and walls of the annex

    The first step is the foundation.

    Foam blocks - relatively light construction material, which allows you to arrange a simpler foundation.

    Depending on the height of the extension, a tape or monolithic type of foundation is chosen. But it is important that the construction of the foundation of the extension is similar to the foundation of the main building. The depth of occurrence, the values ​​of shrinkage of the foundations must match. Before starting the laying of the concrete solution, formwork is arranged, which is removed only after the composition has solidified (about three days). Waterproofing must be tripled on the surface of the foundation (for example, a layer of sealing mastic with insulation and a bituminous layer). Then the ruberoid layer is laid. To connect the foundation with load-bearing walls, reinforcing pins with a diameter of at least 12 are most often used.

    It is best to start building walls a year after the foundation is completed - this will reduce the inevitable subsidence of the foundation. The construction of the walls of the extension is carried out in a similar way. brickwork. Used as a binder cement-sand mortar or special glue, which is selected depending on the season of construction. To avoid the occurrence of cold bridges, the thickness of the seam between the blocks should not exceed 3 mm. Laying is done layer by layer, starting from the end. If the annex is planned to be converted into a boiler room in the future, then the walls must be insulated without fail, polystyrene foam or mineral wool can be used as a heater.

    Foam blocks are environmentally friendly, cost-effective and efficient in construction.

    The key moment of construction is the connection of the extension with the outer walls of the wooden house. Most often, reinforcing bars with a diameter of 10 and above are used for this. Every three rows at the ends of the building saw holes with a diameter of 60 mm, a depth of 50 mm. Then a hole for the reinforcement is knocked out, which is filled with glue. Thus, the foam block extension will be connected to a wooden building. If desired, you can not connect the walls at all - it is enough to lay a gap between them with mineral wool or any other insulation, or mounting foam, and close the space itself with a plank or bars that are stuffed onto the walls of the house on both sides of the extension. A few years after the construction of the extension, the connections are made rigid with metal fasteners.

    Installation of ceilings and roofs, facade decoration

    For the installation of additional floors, you can use both slab flooring and flooring along wooden beams. It is best to use aerated concrete slabs or hollow concrete slabs. For beam ceiling best solution will become pine timber, which must necessarily be treated with an antiseptic and fire-resistant impregnation - so the timber floor will last much longer. For the device of the ceiling, filing is performed from plywood sheets, light boards and chipboard.

    After the completion of the construction of the extension, you can proceed to the insulation and decoration of the outer walls. Most often, expanded polystyrene panels are used for this, and siding, lining, decorative rock with pre-plastered walls.

    It is better to make the roof of the extension uncontinuous. The covering of the extension is carried out 20-30 mm below the roof of a wooden building, I overlap it, which will not allow snow and rain to penetrate under the roof. As a roofing material, it is best to choose light metal tiles or a profiled sheet so as not to load too much. bearing walls. As constructive solution choose a simple pitched roof, which will be easy to erect and will not require significant costs for design and construction. At the same time, a Mauerlat is laid on the top layer of blocks, which is fixed on the walls. Then rafters and diagonal ones are installed on the Mauerlat rafter legs, on top of which the crate is fixed. The selected one is placed on the crate roofing material. Rafters are best secured with a sled, and not metal corners. This will avoid the inevitable settlement of the building displacement of the roof.

    An extension to a foam block house is one of the easiest and most rational ways to expand your living space.

    Obviously, the implementation of an extension from foam blocks is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The main thing is to choose the right foundation design and follow the masonry construction technology. Then there should not be any problems during operation and the extension will serve long years together with the main wooden building.

    It's good to have a home. But it's even better when it has as much space as your heart desires. If there is a deficit with it, then you can safely build an extension. In our country, foam concrete is rightfully one of the best wall materials.

    Recently, he not only showed himself with better side but also earned a solid reputation. So what is he like?

    A little about foam blocks

    The first thing you need to know about this material is its strength characteristics and brand classification:

    • D150 - D500 - blocks for thermal insulation work. Grades below D400 are not standardized for strength. And D400 blocks can withstand up to 9 kg per cm 3. Accordingly, it can be assigned a strength class from B0.5 to B0.75. Such foam blocks are not used as the main wall material. Due to its low density, these foam concrete products are an excellent heat insulator;
    • D600 - D900 - blocks for structural and thermal insulation work. Foam concrete of this category, depending on the grade strength, can be assigned a class from B1 to B5. Such heat blocks are strong enough to experience severe deformation loads. Recommended brands of foam concrete for the construction of main walls - D800. With such a relatively low density and sufficient strength characteristics, the walls of such products will be heat-intensive and reliable;
    • D1000 - D1200 - blocks for structural work. They are high-strength material with classes B 5 to B 12.5. In private construction, such grades are used quite rarely due to their rather low heat capacity.

    All the pros and cons of foam concrete walls

    To build a reliable building from heat blocks, you need to clearly know all their positive and negative qualities in order to skillfully emphasize the first and smooth out the second.


    • The main advantage of this material is its increased ability to retain heat indoors. Foam concrete owes this remarkable quality to its unique structure. If you look closely at the body of the block, you can see a lot of hollow bubbles filled with air. And as you know, an air cushion - the best insulation. With an increase in the density of foam concrete, the number of cells decreases, respectively, its thermal conductivity becomes lower and the grade strength increases. But even high-strength blocks have a thermal conductivity index an order of magnitude higher than the heat capacity coefficient ceramic brick.
    • Light weight is another distinguishing feature this wall material. In comparison, its indicator is two and a half times lower than the weight of expanded clay blocks. This quality allows you to save on the transportation of foam concrete and on the use of heavy equipment.
    • The frost resistance index is high enough for the construction of capital walls. The lowest grade is M15.
    • The strength of foam concrete allows you to build reliable walls, however, not higher than three floors and only if the walls are reinforced.
    • The degree of workability is high. This foamed concrete is easy to cut.
    • Fire resistance. Foam concrete was awarded the first degree of fire resistance. It is able to keep open fire from spreading for four hours. In addition to the fact that it does not burn, does not emit toxic substances and suffocating smoke from the destructive effects of fire.
    • Environmental friendliness. Foam blocks are made only from non-toxic materials that are not subject to decay. Also, heat blocks do not create a favorable environment for the development of mold and pathogenic organisms.
    • The prices for foam blocks will pleasantly surprise you. They are two times lower than the cost of ceramic bricks. However, beware of cheap products. Perhaps they are made in violation of technology, which significantly affects their quality.


    • Shrinkage is the real trouble of foam concrete. It can be from one to three millimeters per meter of the wall being built. As a rule, foam blocks shrink within 28 days, after which this indicator stabilizes. Therefore, it is recommended to age the products before sending them to the construction site;
    • Edge fragility. Even after gaining full brand strength, heat blocks can chip at corners during impacts and uneven loads. Therefore, care should be taken when transporting and working with them;
    • Low UV and weather resistance.

    What extensions can be built from heat blocks

    With the right choice of a brand of high-quality foam concrete, you can build diverse extensions to the main building:

    • Living quarters, verandas and bathrooms. nodes. From the foam blocks are obtained great houses. So why not increase usable area with them?
    • Boiler room. Many houses have entire rooms for accommodation. heating equipment. Thanks to good fire-resistant properties, an extension for these purposes will be safe and reliable.
    • Bath. Foam concrete perfectly holds heat, which is the main criterion for wall material bath room. It will only be necessary to properly organize hydro- and thermal insulation.
    • Garage attached to the house is an economical solution. First, costs are reduced by common wall, secondly, the heating system is simplified and, thirdly, convenience.
    • Utility rooms for keeping pets and poultry. Foam blocks for these purposes - great option. The extension of them will be dry, warm and comfortable. Just what you need for a home farm.

    What is the cost of an extension of foam blocks

    The excellent characteristics of the buildings are not yet the determining criterion for the choice of material. It is also important that it be no less economical in construction. It should also be taken into account that the cost of building the building itself is only a third of estimated cost the entire project.

    Large investments require electrical, roofing, foundation, plumbing and gas works. The exact cost in your particular case can be found in construction organizations. And the rest of the calculations associated with the construction of walls can be done by yourself.

    Example of calculating the cost of materials

    Depending on the climatic area of ​​\u200b\u200bresidence and the purpose of the extension, we determine the thickness of the walls. So for residential premises, as a rule, masonry is used in two blocks, for the rest of the outbuildings one will be enough:

    • Step 1. Calculate the volume of the walls. To do this, you will need to multiply their total length by the height and thickness. For example, the length is 20 meters, the height is 3 meters and the thickness is 0.3 meters (in one block). 20 * 3 * 0.3 \u003d 18 m 3. From this value we subtract the area of ​​windows and doors. Suppose we have a deaf extension.
    • Step 2. The resulting value is multiplied by the cost. On average, it is about 2500 r. 18 * 2500 = 45000 rubles
    • Step 3. Glue calculation. Usually 20 kg of cool composition is consumed per 1 m 3 of foam concrete. The price of a 25-kilogram bag averages 300 rubles. Accordingly, 20 * 18 / 25 = 14.5 bags. We round up to 15. Total 4500 rubles.
    • Step 4. The cost of the solution. According to technology, the first row is laid on concrete composition. Let's calculate how much it will take for a seam of 2 cm. 20 * 0.02 * 0.3 \u003d 0.1 m3. For such a volume, you need 1 bag of Portland cement and 11 buckets of sand. Their cost is approximately equal to 500 r.
    • Step 5. As a result, we get 50,000 rubles. to this amount we add roofing, foundation, electrical, heating works, doors, finishes and get the final cost.

    Guide to the construction of buildings from heat blocks

    After drawing up drawings and calculations, you can proceed to actions, namely laying the foundation and connecting the walls to the main building. If you have a house made of foam blocks, this is not difficult. It will be much more difficult for the owners of stone and wooden buildings.

    Features of the construction of an extension to a wooden building

    To properly connect the foam block extension to a wooden building, you need to clearly follow the basic algorithm of actions:

    • Conduct a detailed analysis. First, carefully inspect the walls for rotten logs. If necessary, they are replaced, and the walls are strengthened. It is also necessary to carefully examine the foundation, find out its type and size.
    • Fasten the foundation. So that the bases and walls do not deform during the shrinkage of the extension, you need to make their connection. for this it is necessary to dig a trench under the main foundation and drive reinforcing bars into it at the rate of 5 pieces per 25 cm 2. The same fittings are mounted in the basis of a new building.
    • Rigid wall connection is not required. It is enough to lay the space between them with a heater.
    • The roof is also not connected due to shrinkage. The roof of the extension is arranged below the main building. Due to the overlap, moisture does not get inside the room.

    Features of the construction of an extension to a brick building

    1. If you plan to lay the same type of base for an extension at the same depth as the main one, then it is best to connect them with reinforcement, in the same way as indicated above. If the foundations are located at different depths, then cracks cannot be avoided. But they can be closed cement plaster. Sometimes a masonry mesh is laid under it.

      It is very important that the plaster turned out to be of high quality. It will require Portland cement M400, fine sand and lime milk. Components are taken in the following proportions 1:9:2. Everything is thoroughly mixed. If the mortar partially remains on the shovel, then you have correctly prepared the plaster.

    2. Connect foam concrete walls with a brick masonry grid every four brick rows. To do this, holes are drilled in advance and the ends of the mesh are embedded there and filled with mortar.
    3. If you are making an extension to a building to a height of more than one floor, then the connection can be omitted. Cracks will still appear due to increased load and deformation shrinkage.

    Foundation pouring

    • Step 1. Having dealt with the connection of the building, we proceed to laying the foundation for the building. We start with marking and removing the soil. Remember that the distance between the bases of the building and the extension should be an average of 5 cm. To keep it, you can put a board wrapped in polyethylene between them during pouring.
    • Step 2 Then we proceed to dig a trench around the entire perimeter. The depth should be 50 cm, and the width should be a couple of centimeters more than the thickness of the block.
    • Step 3 At the bottom we lay a 10-centimeter gravel pad and tamp it down well. We fill it with sand and also compact it.
    • Step 4 We drill holes in the old foundation, lay reinforcement there and concrete.
    • Step 5 We lay the welded reinforcing cage in the trench.
    • Step 6 We prepare a concrete solution in the proportions of cement, sand and gravel 1: 3.5: 5 parts. Pour the resulting solution, vibrate it and smooth it down. Cover with foil and let rest for 5-6 days. Ideally, it's best to let the foundation settle before building the walls. This takes about a year.

    Wall laying

    Before installing the blocks, it is necessary to carefully waterproof the base. To do this, most often use the usual roofing material in several layers:

    • The first row is laid on the cement mortar. Begin its construction from the corners of the foundation. It is very important to do everything right, because the evenness of the entire building depends on this row. When it is completed, the remaining rows are laid on glue-cement.
    • Every 3 rows, the blocks are reinforced. To do this, grooves are made in them, into which reinforcement is laid and filled with mortar. A concrete lintel is required over each opening.
    • When the laying of the walls is completed, the armored belt is mounted and the floor slab is laid. Upon completion of these works, it is necessary to proceed with the facade cladding so that the blocks are not deformed under the influence of precipitation.
    • In conclusion, the construction of an extension is not an easy task. Therefore, it is important to follow all the rules during work. Especially at the stage of laying the foundation.