Stove heating system. Furnace heating of a private house: the principle of operation, what furnaces are needed, advantages and disadvantages. Cast iron with water circuit

Despite the presence of central or autonomous water heating, many owners of cottages and private houses cannot imagine their home without a real stove. Indeed, the stove is able to create coziness in any environment, and besides this, having such an assistant, you don’t need to worry that for some reason it suddenly turns out that there is nothing to cook dinner or warm water on.

Furnaces for heating can be made of metal (most often cast iron) or made of brick. Which one to choose? - it will depend on several criteria: the area of ​​​​the room in which it will be installed, financial capabilities and personal preferences of the owner of the house.

Brick heating stoves

Traditional and brick fireplaces have always been and remain the most popular for the home. This fact is not surprising, since such stoves combine the most important functions, without which it is difficult for a person to do even in country conditions - heating the house and maintaining a comfortable microclimate in it for a long time, cooking, heating water, drying clothes, preparations for the winter.

"Classics", of course, are brick ovens

That is why, despite the emergence of more modern heating appliances, many still prefer brick structures. Their diversity is great - a very large number of designs are known that differ not only in size, but also in functionality. Such a variety allows you to choose the model that is most suitable for a specific area and interior of the house and meets the needs of the owners.

To understand the nuances of brick ovens, it makes sense to consider some of the most popular options. However, whatever variety is chosen, in any case, it must heat the house with high quality, and one of the most important design conditions for performing this function is the size of the furnace's combustion chamber. Having decided on this parameter, it will be possible to choose the stove itself, since any of them is designed with a certain calculation.

The required size of the combustion chamber must be in accordance with the area to be heated. In addition, the minimum section of the chimney directly depends on the size of the furnace. For a starting point when choosing, you can use the following table:

Room area in sq. mPortal volume
in cube dm (liters)
Fuel tank in mmChimney cross-section in mm (minimum)
12 42 500 450 300 300 120 140×140
16 50 600 500-520 400 320 120 140×270
22 60 700 560-580 450 350 120 140×270
30 80 800 600-650 500 370-380 130 270×270
35 100 900 700 600 400-420 130 270×270
40 120 1000 750 700 450 140 270×270

Furnaces for the home can be divided according to their functionality:

  • Just heating stoves - for example, "Dutch".
  • - these are stoves with a stove and an oven, for example, "Swede", Russian stove and others.
  • Fireplace stoves - their functionality is clear from the name itself.
  • Heating stoves for special purposes stand somewhat apart - these are sauna heaters, stoves for heating greenhouses, garages, and other outbuildings.

Heating furnaces of the "Dutch" type

"Dutch" is a heating stove, which is designed exclusively for space heating. This design can be quite compact and is perfect either for a small building or as a second, additional stove in the house. It can be placed between two rooms, it will not only heat them effectively, but also serve as a wall.

Heating stove "Dutch"

"Dutch" came to Russia from Western Europe at the beginning of the 18th century and reliably took root in Russian huts. Since that time, Russian stove-makers have significantly reconstructed the original model, since at first it did not have valves, and the heat went directly into the chimney. Complex channels have appeared in the internal design of the furnace, which help to keep heat for a long time. In addition, in some modernized "Dutch" tanks for heating water, drying chambers appeared.

The scheme of the traditional "Dutch" is as follows:

A typical "Dutch" scheme

You can find out how to fold this compact and easy to use correctly by clicking on the link to the corresponding publication of our portal. There you can also find recommendations on building a foundation for it, detailed masonry instructions with an ordering scheme and other useful information.


The "Swede" is a more rational design, since in it, with compact dimensions comparable to the "Dutch", elements such as a stove and a drying chamber, and sometimes even an oven, are initially provided.

Very functional oven

The scheme of the traditional stove - "Swedes" is as follows:

The internal structure of the "Swede"

Interesting historical facts - the original version of the "Swede", as its name implies, was developed in Sweden by order of the government in connection with the need to save firewood, which was sorely lacking in the winter. Its authors were the engineer Karl Johan Cronsted and General Fabian - they presented their project in 1767. The stove took root and became widespread not only in Sweden, but also in a number of other northern countries, one of which was Russia, in which the “Swede” began to gain popularity at the end of the 19th century. Before the advent of this model, chimney-type stoves were most often built in Sweden, giving off little heat and requiring a large amount of fuel.

The design of the "Swede" is perfect for a small and large house. During the time that has passed since the appearance of the first such stove, various variations have appeared, from which you can choose the best one for the existing conditions of a country house.

You can find out on your own by following this link to a special portal page dedicated to this particular topic.

Kitchen oven-stove

A kitchen brick stove-stove can be safely called the most economical in construction and compact in size option of all existing heating facilities. However, such a stove-stove is designed only for heating the kitchen itself and cooking. Of course, it can be used to divide one large country room into two zones, organizing a kitchen in one of them, and something like a bedroom in the other. In this case, the rest room will be heated from the back of the stove for 10 ÷ 12 hours.

In addition, the advantages of this design include its relative lightness compared to other buildings, which means that such a stove does not require a massive and too deep foundation. The construction occupies a very small area - a little more than an interior partition with a table installed next to it.

There are also more massive stove models that can be chosen if there is enough space in the house for them.

The stove-stove scheme is quite simple and can be done on its own. However, in order for the main work to be successful, the craftsmen recommend first laying the entire structure “dry”. This operation is necessary in order to get at least a minimum practice and “fill” your hand, as well as to understand the structure of each of the rows. In addition, it becomes possible to precisely fit the bricks for subsequent masonry.

"Ordering" the kitchen stove

It is produced in accordance with the developed and more than once tested ordinal schemes. If this particular stove option is chosen, then you can find a large number of “orders” for rectangular and square structures, with and without a chamber around the stove, with an oven and with a hot water tank.

It is impossible not to say about the design features of the stove with a stove bench arranged behind or on the side. This option is perfect for a country house, as, one might say, one bed will always be ready. Even if there is no need to warm up, as the nights are warm, the couch can be used as a bed - you just need to lay a mattress and a pillow on it.

If there is enough space in the house, and there is a desire to build such a structure, then the design of this furnace will not much more difficult than ordinary plates. Naturally, more material will be needed for work, and more time will be spent on laying, but on the other hand, you can save on buying a bed and at the same time always have a place to dry wet clothes and shoes, fruits, vegetables and berries.

The layout of the laying of such a furnace can be well seen in the figure.

Refractory brick prices

Refractory brick

Video: super-compact heating and cooking oven

Russian oven

A real Russian stove is a rather massive structure that requires a large area for installation and a large amount of fuel for good heating. Previously, the stove occupied about half the area of ​​the hut, as it was the main element in the house - it not only fed the whole family, but also treated, and also gave a cozy overnight stay. Beds were built around it, on which sleeping places were arranged.

Today it is rare to find a real Russian stove in private houses, since it takes up a lot of space, requires a massive foundation, a large amount of masonry material, and hardly anyone will sleep on the stove or floors today. But still, some owners of mansions choose this particular type of heating stove to maintain the interior style, since it becomes not only a functional building, but also a decorative element of the interior.

Russian stove looks good in a "rustic" interior style

If you dreamed about it, and only the instructions for its construction are missing, then we recommend that readers follow the link. In the article that opens, you can find not only a detailed guide, but also a list of everything you need for the masonry process, as well as a 3D order.

Fireplace stoves

The dream of many homeowners is to have a fireplace in a private house. However, at the same time, they need to clearly understand that in its “pure form” it little functional and is only suitable for heating one small room. Usually, romantic natures miss fireplaces, dreaming of spending cold evenings by an open fire, when dry fragrant firewood crackles. But, for example, this is not enough for a country house, since the fireplace will not make it possible to cook food or bake bread, and the heat from it disappears very quickly.

For this case, a design was developed that combines a heating stove with a hob and oven, and a fireplace that can be used separately.

Such a design can be both compact and quite massive. In some models, the fireplace insert is located on the side, in others - on the side opposite to the stove. The fireplace stove can be installed in such a way that its side with the stove and oven would go out into side kitchen room, and a fireplace in side recreation areas.

The schemes of this structure are not too complicated, but it will be necessary to purchase a lot of additional metal elements.

To find out more about how the process goes, you need to refer to the article of our portal dedicated to this particular topic.

Varieties of brick kilns at the installation site

In addition to classifying brick ovens according to functionality, dimensions and massiveness, they can also be divided according to the shape of the base and their location in the house. This is also an important criterion for choosing a particular model.

Furnaces according to the shape of their base can be:

- just rectangular or rectangular with a ledge in the form of a hob;

- square;

- round;

- triangular (trapezoidal), for location in the corner;

- T-shaped.

  • Rectangular stoves can be installed near a wall, act as a wall, or stand in the middle of a room that needs to be divided into two different zones.

Rectangular oven dividing the room into two zones

In addition, the rectangular oven may have a protrusion in the form of a cooking plate.

Rectangular can be any of the above types of furnaces. The structure can be massive or compact. The choice of the desired option depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises and the capabilities of the owners.

  • Square ovens can also be installed anywhere in the room. They are quite compact, although they can be quite multifunctional, and not only cope with space heating, but also have a hot water tank and a hob.

  • A round stove can rarely be found in private homes lately, although it used to be quite popular. This design was often installed at the junction of three small rooms, and it not only heated the neighboring rooms, but also added individuality to the interior.

Round stoves are also often called "Dutch", as they have an internal structure identical to the original original design. Such a structure has an elegant appearance and does not take up much space, but it is characterized by low functionality and does not hold heat for a long time. Therefore, if the house has only stove heating, then the round "Dutch" is installed more often as a second stove in order to heat the rooms faster.

  • corner oven can be called the most compact of all. Made with high quality, it will heat the room just as well as stoves of a different shape. However, usually a corner oven has only one function - heating. Of course, you can dry shoes or clothes near it, but you can’t cook food or warm water.
The convenience of a corner oven is in its compactness

If the goal is to build in one of the rooms, then it is best to replace it with a corner stove, which will look like a fireplace portal, but will give much more heat.

  • The T-shaped stove does not have many functions, but it is able to warm three rooms of the house at once, since special channels are located in its rear walls through which hot air passes during combustion.

This type of stove is, as it were, part of the wall, therefore, despite its massiveness, it does not occupy a large area. A compact oven or even a single-burner hob can be built into the design. A good option for choosing if you can’t do without stove heating in three rooms of the house, but you need to save as much space as possible.

Cast iron heating stoves

Modern cast-iron stoves are often no less popular than brick ones, as in some of their qualities they even surpass massive buildings. These advantages include lower cost, compactness, elegant appearance, the ability to do without a massive foundation, easy and fast installation.

Cast iron stoves have many advantages over brick

If there is not enough space for a brick oven in the house, then you should opt for cast iron, especially since this metal has qualities that are ideal for heating appliances.

Its advantages include the following qualities:

  • Cast iron heats up quickly because it has very good thermal conductivity. Thanks to this, the room is filled with heat in an extremely short time. Metal cn is especially able to withstand high temperatures, while not deforming, not giving t tons of cracks and, having heated up, due to its massiveness and heat capacity, it cools down for a long time, giving off heat to the room.
  • Provided that the house is well insulated, the cast-iron unit will operate with an efficiency of up to 80-85%. This circumstance allows you to save fuel, which means there will be no extra expenses. If you purchase a high-quality cast-iron stove and properly install the chimney, then fuel costs will be much reduced.
  • Due to the resistance of the material to high temperatures, such stoves will last a very long time without creating significant problems for the owner of the house during operation. The minimum warranty period for active service, set by manufacturers for such heaters, is at least 10 years.
  • Cast iron stoves are often fitted with heat-resistant glass doors with a built-in self-cleaning effect. They can be located both in the center of the front panel of the furnace, and with an offset to one of the sides and even to the side walls.
  • In addition, if you choose a stove lined with a ceramic coating, then the duration of effective heat transfer will be even longer, that is, the heat in the room will remain longer.
  • Any of the cast iron stoves is perfect for installation in a house of any size, as it takes up very little space.

They are produced in four varieties: heating, heating and cooking, fireplace stoves and stoves for saunas.

Heating cast iron stoves

Heating cast iron stoves work only to provide heat to the house. Thanks to the transparent fire-resistant glass door, you can watch the play of flames while sitting in a cozy armchair on quiet evenings.

Cast iron heating stove

Unlike brick ovens, cast iron ones take up very little space, and will look great in a small room in a residential building or cottage.

The stove is easy to install and does not require special strengthening of the bases on which it will be installed. Many models are equipped with a niche for storing firewood, which allows you to always have dry fuel on hand.

Heating and cooking cast iron stoves

Heating and cooking stoves have in their design one or two burners, and sometimes also an oven, which allow you to cook food, heat water and bake bread or pies. These functions are simply necessary in summer cottage conditions - they allow you to save on electricity, and if it is not available at all or is supplied with frequent interruptions, then the stove becomes simply an indispensable assistant.

The heating and cooking stove is also more efficient in heating the room, since heat comes not only from the body, but also from the stove and oven. Even a kettle heated on the stove will also be a kind of heat source for some time.

Cast iron stoves

Cast iron fireplace stoves are equipped with glass doors that can be opened if desired to admire the open fire. And you can keep it closed, then the device will more effectively perform the functions of a furnace and effectively heat the room. A fireplace stove differs from a conventional heating stove in a larger size of the furnace hole.

Some fireplace stoves have a built-in oven, which is very useful for long-term living in the country. If the oven has such a function, then it is enough to take the necessary products for baking with you outside the city, and you can enjoy fragrant home-baked bread or pies at least every day. with berries own dacha. The oven will not interfere in urban conditions, as it has long been noticed that food cooked in a wood-fired oven is much more aromatic and tastier than in an electric or gas oven.

Cast iron fireplace stoves are produced in different forms. They can be not only rectangular and square, but also round or trapezoidal - angular. Therefore, you can always choose the right option, depending on the size of the room and the planned installation site.

Sauna stoves

Special baths are made for heating baths, in which there is a place for laying stones. When fired, they can become red-hot, as they say, “red-hot”, giving off dry heat to the steam room. And if you wish, it is enough to splash a little cold water or herbal decoction on them - and the room will be filled with fragrant healing steam.

In more modern models of heaters, special steam generators, which are able to fill the room with steam in 12 ÷ 15 minutes after the stove is flooded. There may also be special dispensers that provide constant and uniform vaporization.

A few examples of manufactured cast iron stoves

At the end of the article - a small top review of popular cast iron heating stoves.

Stove-fireplace "Normandie"

The heating stove of the Russian company "Meta" has a neat and aesthetic appearance. The weight of this device is 170 kg, so it is quite possible to install it on the second floor of a two-story private house. The height of the furnace is 736, the width is 756, the depth of the furnace is 445 mm, and the diameter of the pipe is only 150 mm. The power of the furnace is 12 kW, thanks to which it is able to heat rooms up to 240 m³, almost without “stealing” the usable area.

Stove-fireplace "Normandy"

The stove has a classic black color, which allows you to fit it into any interior - it will look organic with furniture of any color. The panel on top of the oven allows you to cook dinner, heat water or brew coffee.

« ambra"

This fireplace stove from the well-known Polish company "Eurokom" has a retro design, which gives it a special appeal. The stove is produced in black or bronze color, so it will easily fit any color scheme of the interior. The characteristics of the oven are as follows:

- height 730, depth 400, width 520 mm;

- weight - only 75 kg;

- thermal power is 9 kW;

– heated volume – 140÷150 m³;

- efficiency - 70%;

- chimney diameter - 1 50 mm.

The stove-fireplace "Ambra" is one of the leaders in popularity

For the hob, a lid with a through openwork pattern is provided. It not only decorates the appliance, but also serves as a protective wall screen from splashes of food cooking on the panel.

The glass of the oven has an additional fence in the form of a lattice, which also serves as a decorative decoration for it. There is a glass blowing function, a long-term fuel burning mode is provided - from one load - up to 10 hours.

Due to its outstanding performance and compactness, the oven has become a top seller in recent years.

Stove-fireplace "Bavaria - Prismatic" with stove

This popular model of the Russian company Ecofireplace is a full-fledged stove, even resembling an electric or gas stove with its external data. It has a comfortable height, so you do not have to bend down to it when preparing food.

Extremely comfortable and very functional stove-fireplace "Bavaria - Prismatic"

The stove has a niche for firewood, which allows them to dry out if they are placed in it in advance.

The device is also equipped with a protective screen for the cooking oven, has a glass door that goes into the side walls, which gives a more extensive, panoramic view of the fire. In addition, the glass walls are equipped with a special blower, which keeps the glass from carbon deposits, leaving it always clean.

The oven quickly warms up the room, at the same time making it possible to fully cook food. Its side walls are finished with ceramic panels, which contribute to the long-term preservation of heat.

The fireplace stove has the following characteristics:

- height 945, depth 550, width 710 mm;

- chimney diameter - 200 mm;

- efficiency - 80 - 85%;

- the stove is able to heat a room of 260 ÷ 275 m³ due to its high heat output - 14 kW.

The stove does not take up much space, so it is perfect even for a small kitchen. At the same time, logs up to 500 mm long are placed in it, and the long burning mode allows you to load 1 time in 5 ÷ 7 hours

Video: stove stove for home and garden Sofia in tiles

Prices for fireplaces and stoves

Fireplaces and stoves

Thinking about additional or main heating for the house, it is necessary to calculate all the pros and cons of this or that device. Everything needs to be assessed - both the dimensions, and the thermal power, and the cost of materials or the finished product, and the complexity of installation or construction. The final decision is up to the landlords.

Now there are many modern alternatives to stove heating. Despite this, many homeowners consider having a good old stove. Let's see what advantages this option of heating a private house has and, of course, we will study all the disadvantages, which are also many.

We wrote in detail about how you can heat a house without gas, considered various options. In light of such a large selection, it would seem that stoves should be a thing of the past. But this is not at all the case, and the services of stove-makers are still in demand. What is it connected with? Perhaps with the advantages that stove heating provides? Let's consider them in detail.

Advantages of furnace heating:

Traditions, childhood memories, special atmosphere. Many of us in childhood visited our grandparents, whose main place in the house was occupied by a stove. Do you remember how interesting it was to melt it with your own hands, what a pleasure it was to watch the flames pounce on the next log? There is something so special in a live fire, in the opportunity to kindle a stove, to do such a pleasant and useful thing. A real stove still evokes nostalgia, it is an opportunity to return to the roots and make your home truly cozy.

Autonomy. Owners of private houses are still dependent on external energy supplies. A gas pipeline failure can be a disaster in winter, as can a power outage due to a blizzard. But stove heating depends solely on your foresight - stocked up with firewood, bought coal - that's it, your house will be warm, despite any force majeure circumstances.

Stove heating allows you to create a very comfortable microclimate for all the inhabitants of the house. Convectors dry the air, like radiators, but the radiant heat from the stove allows you to create comfortable living conditions. The heat from the oven perfectly fights dampness, helps prevent mold, in such a house there will be no place for a musty smell.

Firewood in some regions turns out to be a much more economical option than paying for gas or electricity. If the forest is nearby, you can save a lot by preparing firewood for heating the house yourself.

The stove is able to keep heat and serve as an additional source of ventilation. All this allows you to smooth out temperature fluctuations in the house and once again not open the window for ventilation.

Food cooked in a real oven on a live fire will be especially tasty. Some housewives specifically learn to cook in the oven to please their family with homemade dishes with a unique taste.

Stove heating also has disadvantages, and quite serious ones:

  • Relax with the stove will not work. The kindling ritual is invariably carried out every day in the cold season, it has to be cleaned, firewood brought in, and the condition of the chimney monitored. There is a lot of trouble, all work is carried out manually, no automation has yet been invented in this area. Therefore, if you want a real oven, be prepared for additional, time-consuming and daily activities. In addition, if you leave for a while in winter, returning to a cold house will be uncomfortable.
  • Live fire is always a fire hazard. An improperly made chimney, errors in the operation of the stove - all these are fire risks. You have to be especially careful.
  • The very construction of the furnace is already an expense. You need a separate foundation if you have a massive structure in the form of a Russian stove or a Kuznetsov stove. And the services of a stove-maker cost a lot, and not everyone is able to build a stove on their own.
  • The installation of the furnace requires careful calculations. In the bedroom, for example, experts do not recommend installing a stove - it is too dangerous. In addition, you should calculate the location so that the stove heats the maximum number of rooms. In old one-story houses with 4 rooms, the stove was placed just in the middle so that all rooms would warm up at once.
  • Prepare firewood and coal for the stove in advance, they need the right storage place. More hassle again.

We state: today it is not necessary and impractical to use the furnace as the only source of heat. In the absence of gas, you can always install a liquid or solid fuel boiler, provide heating for the house from an electric boiler. However, the stove will become an additional source of heat, provide a special atmosphere at home, and be a source of pride for the owners.

To maintain a comfortable temperature in the room, stove heating has been used for centuries. But even in such a traditional method of heat supply, new modern technologies appear. Most often, furnaces are used in places where the possibility of connecting to a gas pipeline is excluded. Although, even in the presence of gas, this type of heating can be used as a backup or additional option.

How to properly make stove heating so that it functions with maximum heat transfer?

An ordinary brick oven implies the presence of a firebox, an ash pan, and a chimney system. It is thanks to the last element that the room heats up, since the gases pass through complex channels and give off their heat to the brick.

True, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour house is too large, then this heating system will not be very effective. Therefore, today often heat exchangers are installed inside the furnace, which heat water, air or generate steam. Thanks to such a system, the efficiency of the heating structure is significantly increased, which contributes to an increase in the heating area in the building with the same amount of fuel used.

Types of heat supply using a brick oven

After realizing the effectiveness of stove heating, you can work on choosing the right way to heat the building. For this purpose, standard heat supply schemes from the stove are used, with the difference that the boiler will replace the traditional brick construction.

Important! Before choosing the type of heat supply, you need to decide on the area that you are going to heat. This is the main selection criterion.

The fact is that with the help of this criterion, one can easily calculate the maximum cooling rate of the coolant when it passes through the transport main. Given this factor, we can confidently talk about choosing the type of space heating using a stove. Therefore, the most commonly used:

  • water;
  • air;
  • steam heating.

And now in more detail.

Water heating method

The main element in such heating is a heat exchanger.

Its function is to transfer heat to the water in the system, which is formed as a result of the combustion of fuel: firewood, coal, briquettes, etc. Usually it is made by hand, since there is no single standard for combustion chambers. For this purpose, heat-resistant steel (thickness ≥ 2 mm) is used.

Behind the design, such water furnaces are different. The main thing: maximum contact between the combustion zone of fuel materials and the heat exchanger. One of the most effective is the U-shaped form of the heat exchanger.

Given the specific heat capacity, other physical characteristics, steel construction is the most popular option. Before welding, it is necessary to make a drawing of the heat exchanger, taking into account the following conditions:

  • the dimensions of the fuel chamber must be identical to the internal dimensions of the device;
  • if the line is open, then for its installation use pipes with a diameter of 40 mm, and if closed - then 32 mm;
  • the heat exchanger must be installed during the construction of the furnace. If you want to use the old furnace structure, then you still have to disassemble it so that you can access the combustion chamber.

Advice! To ensure even distribution of heat across all radiators, as well as to avoid possible overheating of the coolant, it is best to install a circulation pump.

In order to ensure that the wiring of the batteries does not provide much trouble, it is best to place the stove with a water circuit near the wall. In addition, an obligatory element of such a heating system is an expansion tank.

If the heating circuit, tank, and other elements are welded at a high technical level, the circuit is always filled with water, and the circulation pump works flawlessly, then the water heating system will not only be very efficient, but also completely safe.


If you make chimney channels with the maximum allowable area in the stove, then this option will provide high-quality heating of the room. It should be noted right away that only a small room can be heated in this way.

As an alternative, install a heat exchanger, similar to a fireplace heat supply. This requires a hermetic structure in which the heating of the air will occur in a natural circulation way, and the air itself will be supplied by special transport channels.

Although, in practice, the creation of this type of heating is not an entirely simple matter. This is due to the fact that a significant part of the top is intended for the chimney. And it is impossible to allow contact of air with carbon monoxide in any way. Plus, efficient air heating is possible with a large volume chamber. In addition, the disadvantages of the design include:

  • a ban on the use of an old furnace;
  • the dimensions of the underwater channels, which must be at least 100 mm in diameter, which causes some difficulties in their installation in the furnace;
  • the need to install fans on the channels: for such heating to be highly efficient.

Therefore, this type of heating is practiced very rarely.

Possible schemes of air channels


To create steam heating from the stove, it is necessary to stock up on special equipment, since the water must be heated above 100 ° C.

Usually, for such purposes, a factory steam boiler is used, the temperature in which is controlled by a whole group of devices.

Hot steam generated in the heat exchanger is supplied to the pipeline by an air pump. Water flows automatically, depending on the drop in its pressure.

The main problem in bringing such a project to life is the presence of a very powerful chamber for the firebox. In addition, when creating a structure for steam heating, it is necessary to ensure that all equipment is located next to the heat exchanger, which is not so simple. Plus, it excludes the possibility of using a mechanism by which it was possible to regulate the supply of coolant to the system.

Considering all the pros and cons, we can conclude that the best option for heating with a stove is water heating, which remains the easiest to install, maintain, and most efficient in terms of heat transfer.

Pros and cons of furnace heating

Furnace heating is different:

  • reliability;
  • financial accessibility;
  • efficiency, which is expressed in the possibility of relatively cheap purchase of solid fuels;
  • ease of operation and maintenance. That is, even if there are small problems, you can solve them yourself, without involving specialists.

In addition, stove heating can be installed in a house located in any area, since such a heating device does not require special communications.

Although heating is characterized by some negative points:

  • long heating time of the furnace, coolant, and, at the same time, the room;
  • low efficiency brick construction;
  • the building occupies a large area;
  • during the functioning of the structure, it is necessary to look after it all the time, since it is necessary to add fuel to the furnace.

Advice! In order to increase efficiency, it is recommended that the channels be long, which will allow the heat to linger longer inside the furnace, and the chimney itself should be high.

Cast iron stove with water circuit

There are also cast iron stoves equipped with a water circuit. As a rule, such designs are factory-made and are produced in different capacities. They are designed for heating buildings with different areas. There are units capable of heating a 2- and even 3-story building.

Today, combined structures are made of cast iron. This means that they are equipped with electric heating, which turns on automatically at the right time when the temperature of coal, firewood or other type of fuel decreases. Thanks to this combined function, the stove always maintains the heating system in the required temperature range.

The design of cast iron can be 2-circuit. This means that in addition to heat, the device provides water heating, which is very convenient.

Compliance with fire regulations

Combustible structures must be reliably protected from stoves and chimneys. The presence of fire-fighting retreats and cuttings helps in this.

The retreat provides a fireproof structure that is able to protect the combustible surface from red-hot furnaces and chimneys.

That is, this is nothing more than a set of necessary measures, as well as a set of distances, the maintenance of which ensures the protection of the combustible elements of the room.

Cutting is understood as a fireproof structure, due to which non-combustible spaces are formed that appear in cases where combustible elements of the room intersect. For example, when a chimney passes through a ceiling or wall, it must be isolated in such a way as to protect the combustible part of the structure from possible ignition.

  • use fireproof materials;
  • adhere to the standards of the required distances from the stove to the combustible structures of the house;
  • reliably insulate the furnace surface from closely spaced walls, interfloor ceilings, etc.;
  • apply shielding. This means that it is necessary to use fireproof partitions and screens to protect parts of the house from intense IR radiation;

Important! The screen will help if other protection methods are used in parallel in the form of ventilated gaps, distances, heat dissipation.

  • use the heat dissipation method. The essence of the method: it is necessary to install a vertical steel plate inside the groove, which will help to "take" part of the heat on itself and, thus, reduce its internal temperature. There are times when, after the end of the firebox, ignition occurs, for example, of a wooden structure, since all the heat has accumulated inside the alteration, and there was no steel plate;
  • provide the structure with ventilated gaps, which will help to reduce temperature indicators.

Today, stove heating is still relevant. If you can build a stove, it means that the house will be warm, regardless of the weather outside. You just have to stock up on fuel. And that's it. Even those owners who use gas for heating do not part with a brick or cast-iron structure. After all, a stove, especially on wood, radiates not only heat, but also creates a special atmosphere and comfort in the whole house, which we sometimes lack.

Universal gasification and the development of technology, it seemed, should have outlived stoves as a means of heating a house. But the high cost of gas supply, equipment and installation, gave new life to stove heating.


There is a lot of firewood in Russia, heating technologies have been significantly modernized. To save money, a reasonable solution is to build a brick oven with a water circuit for heating, with your own hands.

Principle of operation

In addition to the furnace, the heating element of the system with a water circuit is a heat exchanger, which is built into the furnace or chimney. The water passing through the register is heated, and then enters the pipes and radiators, giving off heat. Due to the temperature difference at the inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger, the liquid circulates in the circuit.

For optimal operation, a circular pump is built into the system, which allows you to more evenly distribute the heated liquid through the pipes.

The water circuit must be pressed out and air removed. When heated, the water increases in volume and so that the system does not explode, it is necessary to provide an expansion barrel. When using a closed circuit, the tank can be anywhere; in an open system, the expansion barrel is installed as high as possible.

To relieve pressure in the system, it must be provided with an automatic air vent to release excess gases from the coolant and a safety valve. Devices can be combined into a security complex by including a pressure gauge in it.

Thus, if you include a long-burning brick stove with a water circuit in the heating system of the house, you can significantly save on heating.

Important! The presence of a water circuit must be taken into account at the design stage of the heating system in the house.

Advantages and disadvantages

Designs with a built-in heat exchanger have many advantages:

  • The system is energy efficient and economical. Brickwork will not require serious financial investments, the cost of pipes and radiators will be in any case, and the heat exchanger is an order of magnitude cheaper than finished boilers. During the operation of the stove, the cost of heating the house will amount to several thousand rubles for the purchase of firewood for the winter period.
  • The design of a brick oven hides unsightly elements; if desired, a fireplace or decor can be added to the system.
  • Space heating does not depend on the location of the structure, radiators are installed anywhere
  • The brick oven cools down for a long time, the water circuit will be hot for several more hours after the firewood burns out.

Some publications refer to the advantages of the water circuit system as the possibility of installing it in an already finished furnace, which in principle is possible, but in practice this option is associated with a large number of problems to be solved.

Dismantling and subsequent assembly of the furnace is the most necessary thing to do. The price of correcting an incorrectly installed register is comparable to the cost of a new stove, so contact professionals for such work.

The disadvantage of this design is a continuation of its advantages, in order to make a stove with heat exchangers yourself, experience is needed, both in laying bricks and in installing heating systems. If experience comes with years and the amount of material studied, then when building a furnace with a water circuit, its disadvantages should be taken into account:

  • The hearth is a fire hazardous element, it is necessary to take measures to prevent fire from entering flammable objects;
  • The stove occupies a significant area of ​​​​the house, design the rooms in advance, include a large heating element in the design of the room;
  • Near the stove, the temperature will always be higher than in the rest of the room;
  • The heating process of the furnace cannot be stopped instantly. If you are using a closed circuit system with a circulating pump, a power outage (even a short one for a few minutes) and the pump stop will cause the water in the heat exchanger to boil. To avoid this, provide a combined water movement system in the circuit.
  • With irregular use of the heating system, water must be drained from it, which leads to premature wear of the entire structure. Otherwise, the water will freeze, which will lead to the destruction of the entire complex of devices.
  • Do not light the stove without water in the circuit. This will lead to the destruction of the register and the reconstruction of the furnace in order to use the furnace in the summer, without "turning on" the battery, use the original design of the installation of heat exchangers.
  • There is a risk of carbon monoxide poisoning, as with all solid fuel heating products, special attention must be paid to the correct manufacture of the chimney.

Making a heating system in the house based on a furnace with a heat exchanger and batteries is a cost-effective solution, but design and construction must be approached competently, taking into account all the nuances of the work.

Stages of work

The creation of a heating structure with a water circuit consists of several stages:

  1. System design, determination of the location of the furnace, pipes and radiators, calculation of the heat exchanger capacity.
  2. Production (purchase) of the register.
  3. Furnace masonry with simultaneous integration of a heat exchanger.
  4. Installation of the water circuit, including pipes, radiators, security system.
  5. System check.

Let's take a closer look at some stages of construction.

About heat exchanger

When building a brick oven with a water heating boiler with your own hands, you should take into account many factors and calculate the project as a whole. Each type of material and design has its own advantages and disadvantages.

There are several ways to mount a register with water in the oven:

Depending on the location, choose the material for the heat exchanger and its shape:

  • Copper - effective, due to the high thermal conductivity of the metal, but due to the low melting point of copper, constant circulation of water in the system is necessary;
  • Steel - heat-resistant steel with a wall thickness of 4-5 mm is used for boilers. For a long service life of steel structures, it is not recommended to drain water from them.
  • Stainless steel is expensive, but the most suitable material for the boiler. The disadvantages include only the complexity of manufacturing.

When choosing the type of material and the place of installation of the heat exchanger, it is worth remembering that by placing the water circuit in the hearth, in the summer the entire system will heat up, in order to avoid this, separate batteries will have to be removed to remove excess heat.

When installing a heat exchanger in the chimney, additional dampers are introduced into the design of the furnace, which do not heat the boiler during the summer operation of the furnace. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the heat exchanger must be of a larger volume than when it is built into the hearth. In addition, the boiler should not reduce the throughput of the smoke channels.

Calculation of power and dimensions

For normal heating of the room, it is necessary to correctly calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe register and its power. For a brick oven, an approximate calculation is sufficient, it is impossible to make an exact one, due to many factors and variables.

It is known from practice that heating 10 m 2 of a room requires 1-1.5 kW of energy. From one square meter of the heat exchanger, you can get 5-10 kW. To determine the power of the register more accurately, it is necessary to take into account:

  • Location of the coil in the furnace;
  • Type of fuel - firewood, coal. When burned, firewood gives less heat energy.
  • Approximate temperature in the hearth and the location of the heat exchanger;
  • The average water temperature in the entire circuit;
  • The heat transfer coefficient of the material from which the coil is made.

As the fuel burns, the heat exchanger power will decrease, therefore it is better to increase the calculated coil area by 10-15%.

Do-it-yourself construction of a heating and cooking furnace with a water circuit

You can make stove heating in a private house on your own, the main thing is to carefully read the recommendations and carefully and consistently carry out all types of work. First of all, you should choose the appropriate option, the stove can be with a hob, a fireplace, a stove bench and a dryer. It all depends on the size of the room and functionality.

Expendable materials

For the manufacture of the structure, excluding the chimney and foundation, you will need:

  1. Solid red brick - 710 pcs.
  2. Fireclay refractory brick - 71 pcs.
  3. Furnace door 210x250 - 1 pc.
  4. Blower door 140x250 - 1 pc.
  5. Ash pan door 140x140 - 7 pcs.
  6. Grate 250x300 - 2 pcs.
  7. Cast iron hob 710x410 - 1 pc.
  8. Steel heat exchanger 750x500x350 - 1 pc.
  9. Stove valve 130x250 - 1 pc.
  10. Gate valve for the cooking chamber 130x130 - 1 pc.
  11. Steel strip 50x5x400 - 1 pc, 50x5x980 - 3 pcs.
  12. Steel corner 50x50x980 wall 5 - 2 pcs.
  13. Prefurnace sheet 500x1000.

Scheme and dimensions of the future furnace

Characteristics of the heating-cooking structure with a register:

  • Furnace dimensions length/width/height 1020x1160x2380mm
  • The size of the heat exchanger is 750x500x350 mm, the material is sheet steel, the wall is 5 mm inside the hearth, the outer wall is 3 mm.
  • The power of the register is 5.5 kW when laying firewood 2 times a day, which is enough to heat 60 m 2, the power can be increased during active operation up to 18 kW when using forced circulation, the heated area reaches 200 m 2.

Photo of the furnace:

Description of the laying of the furnace with a water circuit

Work must begin with, then prepare the necessary materials, both for the construction of the furnace and for the water circuit system.

Important! The heat exchanger must be pressure tested prior to installation.

In accordance with the order of the heating furnace with a water circuit, laying and installation of appliances is carried out.

Scheme of laying a furnace with a water heating boiler:

  1. The first row of bricks is laid out, it is important to prevent distortions, both in the horizontal plane and in the vertical one. The masonry should be rectangular, in the future this will affect the entire structure.
  2. The second row begins to form the ash part, a blower door 140x250 is installed.
  3. Third row according to the scheme (repeat).
  4. The fourth row forms a hearth for which fireclay bricks are used; grooves are made in the bricks to install the grate. The grate is installed with a gap of 5 mm, then the boiler (water circuit) is installed.
  5. The fifth row is placed with a gap of 5-6 mm from the boiler, free space remains behind the heat exchanger. Two ash pan doors are installed.
  6. The firebox door and the sixth row of bricks are installed, the horizontal and rear channels are separated. For better traction on the fifth row, the channels must be combined.
  7. Rows 7.8 are laid out according to the scheme, fireclay bricks are indicated in yellow.
  8. On the ninth row, a gap must be left near the exhaust pipe. Two halves of fireclay bricks above the door are cut off. The horizontal channel is divided into two parts. On the same row, a ¾ fireclay brick cut obliquely is installed.
  9. On the tenth row, the bricks lie perpendicularly, the space above the heat exchanger decreases.
  10. On the eleventh row, the masonry from the ends of the furnace is carried out inwards, grooves are made for the hob. Installation of a cast-iron hob, the gaps should be 5 mm and a steel corner.
  11. A cooking chamber is formed (12th row).
  12. 13 row according to the scheme.
  13. On the 14th row, an ash door is installed, the channel is enlarged to its full length.
  14. 15 row similarly, taking into account the dressing of the seams.
  15. on the 16th row, the cooking chamber is blocked with the help of a corner and a steel strip 50x5x980.
  16. on the 17th row, the overlap of the cooking chamber is completed.
  17. on the 18th row it is necessary to install two steel strips 50 * 5 * 980. Laying as in the diagram.
  18. The 19th row covers the cooking dome, a hole for the hood remains in half a brick, grooves for the valve are made in neighboring bricks. A valve 130x130 is installed.
  19. 20 row - the base of the upper gas ducts, four ash doors are placed at the same time.
  20. 21st and 22nd rows continue the formation of partitions.

Wood-burning stoves for heating a private house have always been the most popular, since it is this type of fuel that is currently the most affordable in many regions of the country. In addition, many homeowners simply cannot imagine country life without logs burning in the furnace with their crackling and forest aroma. In addition, firewood is the cleanest natural fuel material in terms of ecology, which is also not in last place when choosing a heating device.

Another, already often forced reason for the popularity of wood-fired heaters is the lack of gas supply, and in summer cottages there are sometimes power outages. Other types of fuel, such as diesel fuel coal, are quite troublesome to purchase and store.

On sale today there is a wide variety of cast-iron stoves, which are quite compact in size and often have an original design. If desired, you can find the simplest, affordable model, or opt for more expensive made in a certain style.

In addition to cast-iron stoves, brick ones are often installed in country houses "in the old fashioned way". Despite the presence of other, more modern heating appliances and fuels, many owners of private houses are in no hurry to refuse traditional stoves.

Criteria for choosing a heater

When choosing a cast-iron or brick stove for a particular house, it is important to pay attention not only to its external design, but also to the main technical and operational characteristics.

  • The size of the appliance is the first thing that people pay attention to, since if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is small, not every stove is suitable for it in this particular parameter.
  • Before choosing a particular model, it is necessary to determine a specific place in the house for it. This is necessary in order to select the location of the pipe. If a cast-iron version of the stove is purchased, then the outlet pipe can be located on the top or rear panel of the appliance. The chimney pipe, passing through the attic floor and roof structure, should not stumble upon a beam or rafter leg.
  • The third thing you need draw attention- this is the thermal power of the heater, that is, what heated area the stove is designed for.
  • The presence of additional elements in the design of the oven, such as a hob, a tank for heating water and an oven, is important.
  • The size and material of the fuel door also sometimes play an important role, since thanks to these elements, a modern stove may well become a fireplace.

Furnaces with cast-iron doors are produced, which, heating up in the same way as the walls, give off heat to the room. Another option would be a wide glass door that does not even need to be opened to enjoy the view of the burning flame. Especially such models will be useful in suburban country houses, where the power supply is often turned off. In the evening, a stove with a glass door will not only heat the house, but also illuminate one of the rooms to a certain extent.

Steel and cast iron ovens

If earlier metal potbelly stoves were mainly made independently from improvised materials, today in specialized stores cast-iron oven can be found for every taste - these can be the simplest devices, long-burning units, and even with a built-in water circuit. What each of the options is - you need to understand in more detail on specific examples.

Furnace with a simple furnace structure

Steel oven "Gnome"

The most affordable option for a country house is the fairly popular Gnome stove-stove, which can be heated with wood or briquettes. Such a heater is able to heat a house with a room volume of up to 85 ÷ 95 m³.

One of the simplest metal stoves - "gnome"

Several modifications of this device are made. Some of them have removable burners, others have a solid panel. The stove itself consists of two chambers - a furnace and a blower, and on some models of the "Gnome" steel doors are installed, and on others - glass doors, and the ash pan is made in the form of a drawer.

Approximate drawings of the "gnome"

The walls of the heater, as well as the grate, are made of high quality steel. The case from the outside is covered with heat-resistant paint, which protects the metal from corrosion. The compact size of the oven allows it to be used even in small spaces.

The important point is that there is no need to build a foundation for such a potbelly stove - even a wooden floor can easily withstand it if, for fire safety, a 5 mm metal sheet is laid on it or an asbestos sheet is laid.

The stove is designed for vertical connection to a chimney.

The table shows some of the technical characteristics of the "Gnome":

Name of characteristicsValues
Thermal power5 kW
hobWithout burners
Chimney diameter110 mm
Structure height656 mm
Width304 mm
Firebox depth475 mm
Instrument weight30 kg

The disadvantage of stoves with a simple structure of the furnace is that the heated air immediately goes into the pipe, became be, the steel case does not retain heat for a long time and cools down quickly enough. Therefore, in order to maintain heat in the room, you will have to heat almost constantly, especially if the house is poorly insulated, and the winter temperature is low outside. By purchasing this stove, you will not be able to save on fuel.

Prices for popular stoves

stove stove dwarf

Best of all, the "Gnome" with a simple structure of the firebox is suitable for a country house used from spring to autumn, since its power is quite enough to cook food, warm water, and on cold nights to heat the house.

Cast iron potbelly stove

A more practical version of a potbelly stove with a simple firebox structure is a cast-iron design.

The main advantage lies precisely in the material of manufacture. Cast iron heats up quickly and retains heat for a very long time, giving it to the premises. With very small dimensions, this unit is able to heat a room of 90 ÷ 120 m³.

The furnace body is equipped with ribbed side walls, which increases the area of ​​the heated surface, and hence the overall heat transfer. The weight of a cast-iron appliance is much greater than that made of steel - two, or even two and a half times, therefore, a rigid, reliable and heat-resistant base must be prepared for its installation.

The parameters of such a stove are presented in table:

Name of characteristicsValues
Thermal power6.5 kW
hobwith one burner
Chimney diameter110 mm
Structure height560 mm
Width352 mm
Firebox depth540 mm
Instrument weight75 kg

Furnaces with a water heating circuit

This metal stove is more versatile than the first option, since it has a water circuit with which you can heat several rooms of a fairly large area. But for this have to stretch pipes to the appropriate sections of the room and install radiators.

The heating system is connected to the water circuit of the furnace and filled with coolant. When the furnace is fired, the water in the circuit circulates, passing through the radiators, heats them, and they, in turn, give off heat to the premises. Sometimes, with a long circuit length, special ones are built into the system, which gives the coolant the necessary pressure. Such a circulation system is called forced, and it is more efficient, as it heats the premises much faster.

For some models of furnaces, an external pump is optional, as they have built-in automation that helps maintain the desired temperature in the circuit. When the coolant is heated to the set temperature, the automation stops the circulation, and when it cools down, it restarts its movement through the heat exchanger built into the furnace.

Prices for popular furnaces with a water circuit

Furnaces with water circuit

The firebox in this stove, as a rule, has a design designed for long-term burning - this allows you to make a large laying of firewood and not approach the device for quite a long time. since not only the firewood itself will burn, but also the combustion products that rise to the upper section of the fuel chamber. Thanks to this system, the combustion of solid fuel is not intense, so one bookmark is enough for a long time, so as to completely heat the house.

The Pechora-Aqua fireplace stove, made in Belarus, has a built-in water circuit and a long-burning design.

The furnace of the device is made of heat-resistant steel having a thickness of 4 mm. In addition, the fuel chamber is lined from the inside with fireclay plates, which protect the metal from burning through, which increases the life of the device. All connections of individual elements into one structure are sealed with a heat-resistant cord that prevents heat leakage through the joints.

Scheme and dimensions of the furnace - fireplace "Pechora-Aqua"

Heat-resistant glass is installed on the furnace firebox, which can withstand temperatures of 650 ÷ 700 degrees, but the handle installed in the door does not heat up to a level that can cause skin burns.

In these devices, as well as in models with a water circuit, staged combustion of fuel is carried out, so the rooms will be heated much longer than when installing a stove with a simple firebox design.

The first heat transfer occurs directly during the combustion of firewood laid in the stove. A special mode of metered oxygen supply causes only smoldering of wood with the release of pyrolysis gases from it. These gases include hot hydrocarbon components in their composition, which are afterburned in the second chamber - it is here that the most intensive release of useful heat occurs.

Prices for long burning stoves

long burning stoves

The special design of the device, a well-thought-out system for supplying air, passing and afterburning hot combustion products, allow one laying of firewood to heat the room for nine - twelve hours.

Long-burning stove "Volga"

As an example, we can consider the domestic Volga stove-fireplace, which has a large combustion chamber and a retractable ash pan. The furnace is equipped with a glass door and transparent windows permanently installed around it, which expands the view to the flame burning inside the furnace.

Dimensions and layout of the Volga fireplace stove

In the lower part of the stove structure there is a niche for drying and storing firewood, and in the upper part there is a panel for heating coffee or tea.

With a compact size, it has a fairly high technical performance:

Name of characteristicsValues
Thermal power9 kW
Chimney diameter150 mm
Structure height1022 mm
Width550 mm
Firebox depth490 mm
Instrument weight155 kg
efficiencyUp to 85%

Heating and cooking metal furnace

Speaking of metal wood-burning stoves, one cannot fail to mention heating and cooking models, as they fully provide a private house with warmth and the possibility of cooking. These devices are produced both with and without a water circuit.

Visually evaluating this option, you can understand that the oven is quite compact and aesthetic, thanks to the design and color scheme developed for it. It will perfectly fit into the interior of the kitchen, bring to it a special style of comfort and home warmth.

The stove is multifunctional, so it will solve many problems of a private house. Since it is equipped with an oven, it becomes possible to bake a cake or bread, cook stews. A hob will perfectly replace a gas or electric one - it will never let you down if there is a good supply of firewood. will work autonomously, regardless of whether there is electricity, or it was turned off for some reason.

As an example of a heating and cooking option, you can consider the La Nordica stove, shown in the photo.

This heater has a built-in water circuit in its design, so it can easily heat not only one room, but the whole house. In addition, the stove is equipped with a pyrolysis afterburner, which will allow you to use one load of firewood for 8 ÷ 12 hours. The installation of fireclay plates on the walls of the furnace also contributes to the preservation of heat inside the case - when heated, they will also give off thermal energy to the heat exchanger. which means that it is good to heat a house with a volume of up to 440 m³.

Provided in the design and a niche for drying firewood. Having laid one batch of fuel in the firebox, the niche can be immediately filled with firewood brought from the street woodpile. While the fuel burning in the stove will heat the house for half a day, the next batch will dry and prepare for the next bookmark.

The technical characteristics of this heating and cooking stove are in the table:

Name of characteristicsValues
Heat output of the firebox15.5 ÷ 19.4 kW
Water heating power9 ÷ 11 kW
Heating power6.5 ÷ 8.5 kW
hobEquipped with one burner
Chimney diameter150 mm
Structure height852 mm
Width1017 mm
Firebox depth662 mm
Instrument weight155 kg
efficiencyUp to 79 ÷ 80%
Heat exchanger volume14 liters
The operating temperature of the coolant entering the circuit.70 ÷ 75 degrees
Firebox size265×285×400 mm
Oven size330×300×410 mm
Door size220×265 mm

The body of the stove is finished with ceramic plates, but there are models with natural stone finishes. The device itself is made of high-quality steel, and the frames and plates of the heat exchanger are made of cast iron.

The design of this furnace provides for the regulation of primary and secondary air.

Video - Installation of the Bavaria fireplace stove

You may be interested in information about what are

brick ovens

Brick ovens have not lost their popularity for centuries. Recently, a large number of various models have appeared that are designed for heating rooms of various areas. For example, several options will be considered.

Oven "Baby"

This stove model is perfect for a private country house. Its author, V. Atamas, completed the masonry of this "baby" in just one day. Despite its small dimensions, the stove will not only be able to heat the room, but also make it possible to cook dinner or warm water, as it is equipped with a single-burner hob. Its important advantage is that it, without taking up much space, gives off a lot of heat into the room, which allows you to warm up the house in a short time.

With a small size, the "baby" has good functionality.

An important point in the process of erecting the "baby" is that after the completion of the masonry, one brick is removed from its back wall from the lowest row. Through the resulting gap from the inside of the building, the mortar and moisture that have fallen to the bottom of the furnace are removed, and after that the brick is installed in place.

Folded "baby"

Having built the stove, a metal sheet is laid in front of its firebox, which should be on the bricks of the building up to the blower door - for this, the sheet will need to be bent. On all other sides, the stove is sheathed with plinth. All these measures are taken to ensure that when the solution dries and the pressure of the entire body on its lower layer does not result in sand spilling out of it.

After that, a test furnace is carried out with straw or paper. Next, the oven must be well dried by opening all valves and doors - this process takes place within 7-8 days.

It is recommended to immediately whitewash the stove, as the whitewash will become an indicator of smoke, which can seep through the seams if they are not done very well. Black stripes will appear on the white surface, stretching upward from the seam. If such manifestations have formed, then the seam in this place will need to be cleaned and carefully repaired again.

Full plastering and decorative finishing are carried out after the operation of the furnace for two to three months.

Cuts "babies"

The “baby” chimney can be connected to an already built root pipe if the house already has another stove. In its absence, the pipe will have to be completely laid out of brick and passed through the attic floor and roof. Another option would be a built-in metal pipe that can be run through a roof or wall.

Characteristics of the oven "baby":

Name of characteristicsValues
Thermal return1210 W
hobsingle burner
Chimney passage size100×100 mm
Construction height to pipe725 mm
Width505 mm
Firebox depth737 mm
Furnace weight360 ÷ 370 kg
efficiencyup to 70 ÷ 75%

To build a "baby" you need to prepare the following materials:

Element nameSize in mmQuantity in pcs.
Red brick- 62
Chamotte brick SHA-8- 37
Cast iron furnace door210×2501
Cast iron blower door140×1401
flue damper130×2501

Some craftsmen modernize the “baby” by adding additional useful elements to the design, for example, a hot water tank or an oven.

"Baby", supplemented by a hot water tank

Furnace "Krokha"

Another option for a compact stove for a private residential building is the crumb stove, which can be a good help not only in the summer season, but also in winter.

The crumb oven is a great option for tight spaces

Unfortunately, not only in spring and autumn, damp and cold weather can catch in the country, but in summer it is not uncommon. It is then that the stove becomes an indispensable assistant, which will not allow dampness to penetrate into the premises of the house, and will create comfortable conditions in order to wait out the rainy period.

The "crumb" stove is often called a "simple" one, since it does not have a complex design, and it is quite possible to try to build it, even if you do not have experience as a bricklayer. It will not take up much space, but will bring great benefits.

The designer of this furnace is A. Sushkov, who decided to combine compactness and functionality in it. Therefore, the "baby" is suitable not only for giving, but also for a house used for housing all year round, as an additional heating device. Of course, it will not be possible to heat a large area with one such stove, but it will easily heat two small rooms, since it is designed for 19 ÷ 20 square meters. m. area of ​​the house.

"Baby" has the following technical characteristics:

Name of characteristicsValues
Heat transfer with a disposable firebox1760 W
With a three-time firebox2940 W
hobsingle burner
Chimney passage size100×100 mm
Construction height to pipe2030 mm
Width and length at the base640×770 mm or 3×2.5 bricks
Firebox depth746 mm
Furnace weight1260 ÷ 1280 kg
efficiencyUp to 70 ÷ 75%

When burning near the furnace, its lower section warms up well, and the upper part, the “hood”, slows down the cooling of the furnace. In addition, the design has a "summer" course, which facilitates kindling and allows you to operate the stove for cooking without heating the premises.

The furnace is designed in three versions, but the third, improved, is used most often.

The basic scheme of the improved "crumbs"

In this version of the furnace, the hob and the combustion chamber are located on one side of the building - from the end. The firebox is lined with chamotte fire-resistant bricks, which guarantees longevity operation of the furnace without repair. In addition, this type of masonry allows you to use as fuel, in addition to firewood, peat, briquettes, and even add coal.

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The bottom row under the plate is made protruding by 30 mm. It is laid out around the entire perimeter of the building - it, as it were, divides the furnace into two parts - fuel and air-gas. In the upper part there are channels through which heated air circulates.

This version of the "crumbs" is equipped with a door with refractory glass, which allows you to use the stove as a fireplace - this is especially convenient if the house has a small area, and it is impossible to install a massive structure of a full-fledged fireplace stove in it.

For laying the crumb oven, you need to prepare the following elements and materials:

Element nameSize in mmQuantity in pcs.
- 352
- including curly (rounded)- 124
Chamotte brick SHA-8- 21
Glass furnace door in a cast-iron frame (DP-308-1S)210×2501
Cast iron blower door140×1401
Cast iron grate350×2501
Single burner cast iron stove410×3401
flue damper130×2501
Metal sheet for flooring in front of the firebox500×7001
steel corner40×40×5×5204

The project and ordering of another, completely miniature heating stove - in the presented video:

Video: small heating brick stove

Swede oven

"Swede" can be called the most favorite option for installation, as it is equipped not only with a hob, but also with an oven. Having such a design, the necessary supply of fuel for it and the necessary products, you can spend the winter, as they say, without even leaving your home - the stove will feed and warm.

Swede ovens are characterized by increased versatility

The presented Swede stove is designed to heat a house area of ​​45 m². Its main characteristics are in the table:

Name of characteristicsValues
Heat transfer with a two-time firebox4600 W
hobDouble burner or without burners
Chimney passage size100×250 mm
Construction height to pipe2017 mm
Width and length at the base1280×890 mm or 3.5×5 bricks
Firebox depth500 mm
Furnace weight2900 ÷ 2920 kg
efficiencyup to 70 ÷ 75%

Fireclay brick lining is carried out around the oven and fuel chamber, but it is not connected to the main walls of the furnace. "Dry" seams are arranged to allow the expansion of materials during temperature changes. The opening of the cooking chamber can be made in the form of an arch or have a rectangular shape - this will depend on the desire of the master, since this element does not play a big role in the efficiency of the heater. The arched design of the chamber is more complex and requires a special wooden template and 17 specially shaped bricks to bring it out.

Scheme of the "Swede" oven

To build this version of the "Swede" you need to prepare:

Element nameSize in mmQuantity in pcs.
Red brick (no chimney)- 755
Chamotte brick SHA-8- 63
Cast iron furnace door or equipped with fire-resistant glass DTG-3 "Kami"210×2501
Cast iron blower door140×2501
Cast iron cleaning door140×1405
Cast iron grate252×2501
Cast iron stove without burners or with two burners410×7101
Chimney dampers:
- "summer mode"130×2501
- cooking chamber130×1301
- furnace chimney130×2501
Metal sheet for flooring in front of the firebox500×7001
steel corner40×40×4×8802

In any case, if preference is given to a brick heating structure, then the recommendations for its laying should be strictly followed, as well as strictly following the “order” scheme, which will need to be found specifically for the selected stove model.