How to calculate cubic meters of timber. Calculator for calculating the materials of a log house with siding, prefabricated-monolithic slab foundation, wooden-beamed ceiling, corrugated roof. Calculation of timber in units

Specify dimensions in millimeters

W- board width
H- board thickness
L- board length

Initial data
N- quantity in pieces
E- quantity in cubic meters
Many, when building a house or a bath, are faced with the need to calculate how much lumber is required for work. Determining how much board or timber you need is simple. But the price of lumber is usually indicated per cubic meter, and in this case it will be more convenient to use a special program for calculations. With the help of our website, knowing the length, width and thickness of the board, as well as their number in pieces, you can calculate how many cubic meters of lumber you will need and how much one cubic meter or one board will cost.

Scope of application

Lumber is so called because it is obtained by sawing the trunk of a tree. Lumber is used for construction, the manufacture of furniture, various containers and other products. Today, this type of building materials is the most popular. The wood from which sawn timber is made is an excellent heat-insulating material, maintains a stable humidity and does not require special treatment and care, which makes it especially convenient.

Types of lumber

Timber includes timber, edged boards, unedged boards, building slats. The beam is a log processed from all sides. In the cut, it has a square or rectangular section. The timber is most widely used in the construction of houses, baths and floor structures.
The edged board is a versatile lumber that is actively used both in construction work outside the building and in the design of the interior space. Edged board in cross section is an elongated rectangle. An unedged board differs from an edged board in that its edges are not cut off, so that a layer of the bark of the tree from which this board was cut remains visible. A building rail or bar is a bar with a smaller section than a regular one and is widely used in construction.
Lumber is classified according to the type of wood from which it is made. They are made from coniferous trees such as pine, spruce and larch. And from hardwoods such as oak and beech, birch, aspen.
Lumber is also distinguished by moisture content. They are divided into raw with a moisture level of more than 22 percent and dry with a moisture content below 22 percent. The former are used for construction work, and the latter for the manufacture of furniture.
There are also several varieties of lumber. The choice of grade depends on the application. So, for furniture, materials of the highest grade are used. For joinery and moldings, grade 1 lumber is suitable, and grade 2 and 3 are used exclusively as a building board. Lumber, if not used for a long time, must be protected from moisture. This can lead to their deterioration. It is not recommended to store lumber stacked on top of each other. There must be spacers between the layers of beams or boards.

The calculation technology will differ depending on the number of timber in the batch. For a small amount, it is very simple: if all the material has the same dimensions, you must first multiply the cross-sectional area (it will be equal to the width multiplied by the height of the section) of one bar multiplied by its length. Thus, you find the number of cubic meters of one unit of lumber, after which you multiply the resulting number by the total number of units - this will be the exact cubic capacity of the units of timber you purchased.

It is very difficult for a non-woodworking specialist to figure out how to calculate the cubic capacity of a beam or other wooden moldings. And this is important, since the sale of timber, boards, bars at sawmills and warehouse stores is carried out precisely in cubic meters, which is what many merchants use to earn money in their pocket.

There are at least two fairly simple calculation methods that any non-specialist can master and feel confident when buying lumber for the home.

Calculations for a small amount

As mentioned above, here you just need to multiply the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bone beam by its length. For example, 15 units of timber with a section of 150 x 150 mm and a length of 6 meters were purchased. We find the cross-sectional area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beam - 0.15 x 0.15 \u003d 0.0225 square meters, after which we multiply this area by 6 and get 0.135 cubic meters. - that's how much one bar has. After that, we multiply the resulting number by 15 (the number of timber units) and get 2.025 - the total cubic capacity of the purchased timber.

In such a very simple and accessible way, you can count a small amount of timber and other lumber.

It is also necessary to remember that there are special tables - cubic meters, which will minimize the use of the calculator and greatly simplify the calculations:

- timber 0.10 x 0.10 x 6m - 0.060 cubic meters. - 16.67 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.10 x 0.15 x 6m - 0.090 cubic meters. - 11.11 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.15 x 0.15 x 6m - 0.135 cubic meters. - 07.41 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.10 x 0.20 x 6m - 0.120 cubic meters. - 08.33 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.15 x 0.20 x 6m - 0.180 cubic meters. - 05.56 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.20 x 0.20 x 6m - 0.240 cubic meters. - 04.17 pieces per cubic meter.

- timber 0.10 x 0.10 x 7m - 0.070 cubic meters. - 14.28 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.10 x 0.15 x 7m - 0.105 cubic meters. - 09.52 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.15 x 0.15 x 7m - 0.1575 cubic meters. - 06.35 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.10 x 0.20 x 7m - 0.140 cubic meters. - 07.14 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.15 x 0.20 x 7m - 0.210 cubic meters. - 04.76 pieces per cubic meter.
- timber 0.20 x 0.20 x 7m - 0.280 cubic meters. - 03.57 pieces per cubic meter.

There are times when you need to buy a large amount of timber for your home, while it can be of different lengths and cross-sectional sizes.

To measure and calculate each beam with such volumes is not an occupation for one day.

There is a calculation methodology for such cases, but first we need to understand the concepts of a cubic meter of dense wood and a folding one that exist in forest commodity science.

cubic meter of solid wood

A cubic meter of solid wood is the volume of clean wood obtained by measuring a single bar, excluding voids between the bar and other lumber.

Folding cubic meter

A folding cubic meter is the overall dimensions of a stack of timber, including voids between the timber.

To find the number of storage cubic meters, we stack the timber in a stack as tightly as possible, while the length of the stack should not be more than the length of the main amount of lumber. Docking of short bars is allowed.

Upon completion, we measure the overall length, height and width of the resulting one or more stacks. When multiplying them, we get the folding cubic capacity of your timber, from which, by means of a special conversion factor, we obtain the cubic capacity of dense wood, for which you pay money.

The value of the conversion factor for lumber is regulated by a number of state standards (GOST 6564-84, GOST 6782.1-75, GOST 6782.2-75, GOST 13-24-86) and ranges from 0.74 to 0.82 for a bar - depending on the moisture content of the bar and the breed from which it is made.

It does not matter whether you have found a decent construction company or decided to make a house out of timber with your own hands - at some stage you just need to calculate the amount of lumber required to build it. What do you need to know for this? Firstly, how much and what kind of timber is needed for the house. Secondly, how much is approximately in one cubic meter. And only then you can carry out a simple calculation of the cost of construction and even draw up an approximate estimate.

We calculate the amount (consumption) of material

Immediately make a reservation that all the following calculations are indicative. More precise volumes of material can be determined based on a specific project. The cubature of lumber on the walls of the timber can be calculated as follows:

  • calculate the perimeter of the house;
  • multiply it by the height of the floor;
  • the resulting value is multiplied by the thickness of the beam;
  • as a result, we have the number of cubes for the construction of one floor.

If, in addition to external walls, the presence of internal partitions (also from a bar) is also implied, then they are additionally taken into account. If desired, the material can be calculated not only by volume, but also in pieces, dividing the total volume by the piece.

Let's give a specific example: it is necessary to build a small one-story house 5 × 7 m with a simple attic and one partition. The height of the ceiling is 3 m. In this case, a beam with a cross section of, for example, 150 × 150 mm will be used, and the pediment will also be laid out of it.

Our calculations will look like this:

  • the perimeter of the house, taking into account the length of the partition: (5 + 7) × 2 + 5 = 33 m;
  • the volume of the walls of the first floor: 33 × 3 × 0.15 ≈ 15 cubic meters. m.;
  • we consider the cubic capacity of the beam for the pediment as approximately half of the material required for two walls 5 m long and 3 m high: 5 × 3 × 0.15 = 2.25 cubic meters. m.

In total, about 17.25 cubic meters will go to the walls. m, or, taking into account 20% of the stock, about 20 cubic meters. m. But it should be understood that we did not take into account, for example, floor beams made of glued laminated timber (regular or profiled), as well as other design features. Therefore, you can safely add 5 cubes. As a result of such approximate calculations, it turns out that the construction will take about 25 cubic meters. (But window and door openings, on the contrary, will reduce the need for lumber.)

How many timber in a cube

Simple calculations allow not only to calculate the cubic capacity per house, but also to determine almost the exact number of bars. This is easy to do: it is enough to know the required volume of lumber and the volume of a piece product in order to divide one value by another. Here is a table in which the most common cross-sectional dimensions for a material length of 6 meters.

Beam dimensions

Determining with them, you need to proceed from economic feasibility. It is mostly about the thickness of the walls and the heat-conducting characteristics of the material. Consider this in two variations: a summer (country) house and a building for permanent residence.

Thickness and width

The width of the beam should worry the developer only if permanent residence is planned, and even then not always - after all, any wooden wall can be insulated with effective thermal insulation, thereby avoiding losses for "street heating". For giving, it is quite possible to use a section of 100 × 100 mm. Using ordinary unplaned material, you still have to deal with issues with facade cladding and interior decoration, dealing, for the most part, with the problems of the aesthetics of the result. But for permanent residence it is better to use a profiled beam with a width of 150 mm or more. In this case, you still have to insulate the walls. As for the thickness, everything is simpler here: the number of beams needed to build walls just depends on it. But, meanwhile, this also affects the number of seams between the crowns. Summarizing the above:

  • the thickness and width of the timber for a country house practically does not matter (for seasonal living in the warm season);
  • for permanent residence, you can choose a large width, but you still have to insulate the walls. And you can save on cubic capacity by relying on high-quality insulation - it will turn out cheaper and more efficiently in terms of reducing heat losses.

So, in order to build a really warm house without insulation, the thickness of its walls for the Moscow region should be about half a meter. The same effect will be when using a beam of 150 × 150 and 10–15 cm of thermal insulation.

We draw your attention to the fact that not all lumber manufacturers and sellers are honest with their customers: you can often encounter an underestimation of the declared section. For example, a 150 × 200 beam actually has a section of 140 × 190 or even less. Be sure to check the actual parameters before buying! This will help you not to get into a mess, save money and nerves!


Before deciding on the choice of builders, monitor offers. To determine the most cost-effective option, ask different competing firms for their estimates for the selected standard or individual project, which includes all costs: both the cost of building materials and the payment for all types of construction work.

Normal companies offer such estimates for free. It is noteworthy that for different firms the final amounts for the same buildings can differ not only by 10-20%, but also several times. It is advisable to have on hand the most detailed list of works and materials to implement your idea - this is the only way you can avoid additional, unforeseen expenses along the way.

If desired, the estimate can be compiled independently: by calculating the consumption of materials, multiplying the results by average prices (in total, these will be the costs of building materials) and adding about 50–100% of this amount to pay for work. Such an approximate calculation can be used to analyze proposals from specialized companies.

Building a house from a bar opens up a lot of advantages for its owner, the main of which is the environmental friendliness of the chosen material. The process of calculating and choosing the material precedes the construction of the house, and we will talk about it further.

Timber house - varieties and advantages

Making houses from timber is becoming more and more popular. Since this material is harmless, and even beneficial to health. Living in a house made of wood has a beneficial effect on well-being. Since, wood is able to regulate the optimal level of humidity in the room.

For the manufacture of timber, solid wood is used, from which rectangular beams are cut. The most commonly used material is coniferous trees. Since they are distinguished by the highest level of resin content, which makes the material more durable and prevents it from rotting, thereby increasing the service life.

There are two types of timber:

  • ordinary type;
  • profiled.

The standard type of timber is a timber with a square or rectangular section. The procedure for manufacturing profiled timber is more complicated, as it requires cutting out locks, grooves and ridges. This beam is more convenient in connection and the room that is made from it has the highest thermal insulation characteristics.

In relation to the structure and production technology of timber, the following material is distinguished:

  • whole;
  • glued type.

For the production of the first version of the beam, the presence of solid trees is required, from which the beam is cut. To make a glued-type beam, it is necessary to have boards of a certain size, which are glued and pressed together. For additional resistance to decay, antiseptics are applied to the boards, and then interconnected with resin. This type of timber is more resistant to cracking, but not fireproof enough. It is possible to manufacture glued laminated timber using various kinds of wood, for example, spruce and pine. In the process of gluing, the main thing is not to allow the fibrous parts of the boards to coincide with each other, since the beam, in this case, becomes less durable.

In addition, in the process of manufacturing glued beams, boards on which defects are present are not used, but replaced with new ones.

The most important and indisputable quality of any type of timber is its environmental friendliness. Since for its manufacture solid wood is used, which has all the useful properties of natural wood. If we compare glued and solid timber, then the second option is more environmentally friendly, since the resins used for gluing glued timber emit toxic substances in small quantities.

Although in architectural terms, the use of glued laminated timber is more convenient. Since with its help it is possible to build buildings of any shape. The standard length of glued laminated timber is 6 m, but there are cases when logs reach a length of 15 m.

A house made of profiled timber allows you to hide communications by cutting out special niches. The building, in the process of manufacturing of which glued laminated timber is used, is more fire resistant, since in the process of its manufacture each of the boards is impregnated with fire-resistant mixtures, which make it incombustible.

Among the disadvantages of making a house from a bar are:

  • if the material is not properly dried, it is not able to perform all its functions with high quality;
  • requires constant application of impregnations that improve its quality characteristics, otherwise, the tree begins to rot and deteriorate;
  • glued laminated timber has a very high cost, which is its big drawback, although it is fully justified by the complexity of its manufacture and durability in operation.

How to calculate a beam: features of the implementation

When buying a bar, its cost is measured in cumobetry. Therefore, this unit is also used for glued calculation beams or edged boards. To determine the amount of material needed, you should first find out its size. For example, with a width of 15 cm, a length of 6 m, and a thickness of 10 cm, the number of logs is determined by dividing one cubic meter by the volume of the beam. One cubic meter of this timber contains 11 logs.

The calculation of the amount of timber per house involves the determination of materials for its various sections.

The first to be calculated are the ceiling and floor beams. When building a house on unstable ground, it is advisable to replace the floor on beams with a monolithic base. Otherwise, the use of wood is recommended. The standard size of ceiling and floor type beams is 10x15 cm. Their laying step is not more than one meter. To ensure maximum strength, the beams should be cut into each other in a vertical position. To calculate the total length and number of required beams, you must perform a series of actions:

  • divide the total length of the house by the step of laying the beams, and then subtract 1.

For example, if a house has a length of 6 m and a width of 5 m, with a laying step of 1 m, the beams are calculated as follows: 5/1-1=4 pieces.

The beams are produced in a standard length of 600 cm, which is the same as the length of the house.

The next stage is the calculation of the cubature of the beam, for the construction of the truss system. We offer an example of a calculation option for a straight gable roof. In this case, the installation step of the rafter is 600 mm, and the angle of inclination is 45 degrees. For the manufacture of rafters, a material with a cross section of 10-15 cm is used. Please note that with an increase in the angle of inclination, the amount of snow that accumulates on the roof in the winter decreases, and the load on the building decreases, although the stability of the roof in front of the wind also becomes less. Therefore, for regions with increased windiness, it is recommended to build a roof with a low angle of inclination, and in places with a lot of precipitation, in the form of snow, it is better to give preference to a roof with a high level of inclination.

In order to equip the rafter system, you must first install two rafter legs, and then fix them with a bar. Next, the rafters are installed.

If the value of the run of the house is 1000 cm, and the angle of inclination is 45 degrees, then in order to calculate the length of the rafter leg, it is necessary to calculate the sum of the legs squared. This value will be 424 cm. For the construction of each triangle, you will need to purchase 850 cm of material.

To calculate the number of triangles, we divide the total length of the roof, which is 1000 cm, by the laying step - 60 cm, and subtract one, we get 16 pieces. Now we multiply the number of triangles by their length - 16 * 850 = 13600 cm. In addition, one should not forget about the run, which is 1000 cm, we add it to the main value and get 145 m of wood. If the cross section of the beam is 5x15 cm, then to calculate the number of cubic meters, you need 145 * 0.15m * 0.5 \u003d 10.9 cubic meters.

The calculation of the beam load on the surface of walls, gables and internal partitions is carried out in relation to the building project. When carrying out the calculation, one should proceed from one approach to calculating the material for internal partitions and walls. All elements should be converted into geometric shapes and, based on the formulas for each, determine their area. If there are openings in the form of windows and walls, their area should be determined. Subtract the opening area from the pre-calculated wall area, multiply the resulting value by the wall thickness and you will get the amount of material that will be needed to build the wall. After calculating the value for each of the walls, summarize the results.

The calculation of the strength of the timber depends on its weight, which is affected by the rock and humidity. The latter value is determined by the percentage of the amount of water in the tree. The humidity value determines the quality of drying and storage conditions of the material.

Dry wood is a material that has been dried under technological conditions, or stored in warm and dry rooms for a long period of time.

Raw wood is called a tree that begins to dry. If the material contains equilibrium moisture, then it is classified as air-dry wood. When the material is stored in conditions of high humidity, it takes the form of a wet or freshly chopped tree.

The construction of a house with the use of timber is easier to carry out calculations, compared with houses made of logs. In addition, the use of timber opens up a large number of options for finishing both the interior and exterior of the building for the owner of the house.

In relation to the cross section of the beam, materials are distinguished: 12x12, 15x10, 18x18, 20x15, 15x15, 10x10, 14x14. The most optimal size of timber for building a house is 15x15 cm. Since it is this type of timber that has an acceptable cost and high thermal insulation characteristics. In addition, this beam is easy to install and easy to operate.

The use of profiled timber with such a section will allow you to build an excellent house that will serve its owner for many years. The only drawback of this beam is its high cost, therefore, when calculating a profiled beam, you should be extremely careful not to make a mistake and not spend a lot of money.

To correctly calculate the amount of material with which you want to build a house, use the formula:

A * B * C \u003d number of timber

A is the length of the wall;

B is the height of the wall;

C is the thickness of the material.

For example, for the construction of a house, the length of which is 8 m, and the width is 6, using a beam with a section of 15x15, calculations are carried out according to the formula: 2 (6 + 8) \u003d 28 m - the value of the perimeter. The height of the wall is three meters, so this value is multiplied by the perimeter, we get 54 m. Now we multiply the result by the cross section of the beam, which is 0.15 m, we get 8.1 cubic meters. Therefore, this will be the value of the amount of timber needed to build a house.

How much timber is needed to build a house

Factors on which the amount of timber for the house depends:

  • type of timber used in the construction process;
  • the amount of timber in one cubic meter;
  • house design.

To calculate the amount of timber for the outer and inner walls, use the algorithm:

1. Calculation of the perimeter of the building.

2. Multiplying this value by the total height.

3. Multiplying the result obtained by the cross section of the beam.

4. It turns out the amount of cubic meters of material needed to build the building.

In the process of making calculations, attention should be paid to the fact that the device of the first crown will require more material, since its width must be increased. In this calculation algorithm, this condition is not taken into account, therefore, to calculate the bar of the first crown, a separate formula must be applied.

The cross section of the beam for the first crown should be chosen more than the main one, since it is this crown that is bearing and takes on the entire load from the building. In addition, it requires additional processing with engine oil or an antiseptic solution.

When the calculation of the beam for bending is completed, the procedure for determining the number of pieces of timber for building a house follows. This value will help save time during the material purchase process. In addition, in this way it will be possible to avoid fraudulent actions on the part of the seller.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main values ​​\u200b\u200bof the quantities of timber in one cubic meter, taking into account the length of the material of 6 m:

  • 10x10 cm approximately consists of 16.6 pieces;
  • 10x15 cm - 11 pieces;
  • 15x15 - 7 pieces;
  • 10x20 - 8 pieces;
  • 15x20 - 5.5 pieces;
  • 20x20 - 4 pieces.

To determine the amount of timber in pieces, the total value, for example, 14 cubic meters, should be divided by the volume of one piece of timber in a cube. To calculate this number, you need to divide the cross section of the beam by the number of pieces in one cube. For a standard timber size of 15x15 cm, this is 0.13. 14/0.13=107.6 pieces.

When setting the number of pieces needed to build a building, there is no need to accurately measure each cubic meter when buying material. Enough piece-by-piece counting of the material.

The height and width of the beam play an important role in the construction and operation of the building. In a higher beam, the interventional seams are reduced and the construction procedure is accelerated. When choosing the optimal width, the need for permanent or temporary residence in the house is taken into account. The minimum thickness of the timber recommended for the construction of a building in which people will permanently live is 20 cm. At the same time, to improve thermal insulation, foam or mineral wool is used, laid in a layer of 10 cm. If it is planned to build a bath, then the layer thickness should be increased to 16 cm.

In the process of building a country house, in which people will live only in the summer, it is enough to purchase a beam with a section of 10x10 cm.

When calculating a stepped beam, an important factor is the preliminary design of the building. It is on the project that both the external and internal views of the house, the number of walls, doors and windows are displayed.

There are several options for obtaining a project:

  • its own production;
  • order from specialists;
  • purchase on the Internet;
  • project purchase;
  • use of the finished project.

To independently create a project at home, you need special skills in working with drawings. For its compilation, the climate in which the house is located, the soil on which it is based, and other factors are important.

Therefore, the most correct solution would be to hire specialists who are able to take into account all the individual characteristics of the site.

Remember that when calculating a timber for building a house, it is better to buy material with a small margin than to stop construction work due to its lack.

Building a house from a bar is always associated with considerable financial costs. But so that they do not exceed the allotted limit and you have enough materials, you need to calculate the construction of a house from a bar.

Our Remontik portal offers step-by-step steps for calculating a beam for building a house:

Bar consumption for the house.

The formula for calculating the material consumption for the load-bearing walls of a building.

Consumption of material for the roof frame of the house.

Factors affecting the amount of material needed for a roof frame.

Calculation of the amount of material for the crate and rafters.

The number of blanks for the installation of beams.
Calculation of the number of floorboards.

Regardless of whether you are planning to build housing on your own or for this you decide to hire workers, you need to draw up an estimate. It is she who will be the basis of all work.
A house made of timber contains the following structural elements:

  • walls;
  • roof;

  • logs for floor and ceiling;
  • crate;
  • rafters;

  • fasteners and insulation;

  • windows and doors;

  • strapping.

Consumption of timber for building a house

For the construction of a house for permanent residence, a beam of 150x150 mm, 150x100 mm, 200x200mm or 100x100 mm is used. Before you start work, you should choose the size of the blanks and calculate how much timber you may need. Usually calculations are made in cubic meters, and not in pieces.

Form for calculating the beam for load-bearing walls

The calculation of a beam for building a house can be carried out according to the following formula:

  • to begin with, the sum of the lengths of all the walls of the building is calculated, and not just external, but also internal;
  • the perimeter must be multiplied by the height of the house, excluding the gable (the facade of the building, which is limited by the eaves and roof slopes);
  • the value you get should be multiplied by the thickness of the timber for construction.

As a result, you will get the number of cubes that you need to build a house. As a rule, they are limited to one or two floors.

As a result, to build a house, you will need 13.5 m 3 of timber with a section of 150x150 mm. If you plan to use more walls, then it is important to take them into account in the calculations.

For the convenience of calculating the construction of a house from a bar and facilitating the choice, you can use the data shown in the table (with a length of 6 meters):

Bar section pieces per cube The volume of one piece
200x200 mm 4,1 0.24 m 3
150x150 mm 7,4 0.135 m 3
100x150 mm 11,1 0.09 m 3
100x100 mm 16,6 0.06 m 3

In order to perform the correct calculation of building a house from a bar, you need to take into account what you cannot avoid with individual construction - even a trusted supplier will have several defective units in one batch. This must be taken into account at the time of purchase and order blanks with a small margin.

Roof frame material consumption

For a log house, a truss system is used, which acts as the supporting frame of the roof. Wood is a durable material, but despite this, it should not be overloaded, otherwise it can provoke the destruction of load-bearing walls and uneven shrinkage.

The truss system belongs to the category of pitched roofs. Cheaper and easier to build a gable roof with your own hands. The technology is accessible to a beginner, and it takes much less material.

Factors Affecting the Amount of Material Needed for a Roof Frame

If you want the roof to be not only beautiful, but also reliable, do not save on building materials. It is important not to deviate from the technology when building it yourself.

The frame of a wooden roof contains the following mandatory elements:
  • rafters or rafter legs;
  • pediment, consisting of a beam similar to load-bearing walls;

  • beams (logs) - horizontally located bars, represent the basis for laying the floorboard;
  • mauerlat - a thick layer along the perimeter of the walls is used to evenly distribute the weight of the frame;
  • crate - fastened to the rafters and acts as the basis for the installation of the roof.

How to calculate the cost of building a quality house from a bar

According to SNiP 31-02, any roof has a number of requirements, taking into account which building materials need to be calculated. That is, in order for the frame to fully comply with the declared standards and provide protection for the house from snow, rain and melt water, and not let cold air through, you need to find out exactly how many blanks are needed.

Calculation of the amount of timber for the frame: Mauerlat

The amount of material directly depends on the coverage area. For example, we can consider a 6x6 house. For a high-quality foundation, you will need a thick, strong timber 150x150 mm or 150x100 mm. It is laid on four load-bearing walls, respectively, to make a Mauerlat, four beams are needed, each 6 meters long.

Attention! If the house does not imply the presence of internal load-bearing walls, then it is important that the distance between them does not exceed 8 meters. If there is another support inside the house, then it is worth increasing the distance to 14-16 meters.

For example: 6+6+9+9=30 meters.

The perimeter, namely 30 meters, must be divided by the length of one bar: 30 m / 6 m = 5 pieces.

As a result, for the construction of a Mauerlat for a house of 6x9 m, 5 bars of 6 meters are needed.

Calculation of the amount of material for the crate and rafters

The rafter system is the main support for the roofing material, which protects the house from snow and wind.

The calculation of the timber that will go to the construction of the rafters is done according to the following formula:

  1. The total load of wind and snow per 1 m 2 of the roof - it is calculated on the basis of SNiP 2.01.07-85 "Loads and Impacts". Therefore, for a slope with an angle of 45 degrees, the length of the roof is 6.5 meters and the length of the rafters is 3.5 meters, the load is 226.3 kg / m 2.
  2. The total load is 5148 kg. Now we multiply 6.5 m by 3.5 m and we get 22.75 m, which represents the surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe slope (5148 kg).
  3. Then you need to find out the length of all the rafters and how much timber you need to purchase for their construction. To do this, given that 1 running meter can withstand a weight of 100 kg, we divide 5148 kg into structures and get 51.48 m. This will be the minimum length of the rafters.
  4. The slope of the roof hangs over the wall by about 50 cm, which means you need to buy wood of 4 meters.
  5. It is very easy to calculate the number of pieces: 51.48 / 4 \u003d 12.87, or more precisely, 14, since they are arranged in pairs. That is, you need 7 pairs.
According to the instructions, the distance between the rafters should be equal to the number that is obtained if the length of the roof is divided by one less than the number of pairs of rafters, namely 6.5 / 6 \u003d 1.08 meters. The cross section of blanks is 150x150 mm or 100x150 mm.

The rafter system also contains a wooden crate. Boards about 2.5 cm thick are used for it. They must be placed horizontally, namely parallel to the ridge.

At the same time, the width of the board should not be more than 15 cm. There are two laying methods, on which the number of timber purchased depends.

The first is continuous laying, when the distance is not more than 1-2 cm and discharged. In this case, the flight can reach 10 or more centimeters. The more often the boards lie, the warmer and stronger the structure, but at the same time, its cost also increases.

Calculating the amount is very easy. The length of the board and skate is measured. Then the installation of the skate must be divided by the footage of the board. Thus, you can find out how many boards were needed for the support strip.

If the width is 15 centimeters, and the gap is 5, then the number obtained after addition must be divided by the length of the slope. As a result, you will receive the number of blanks.

Calculating the cost of building a log house is a painstaking task. Therefore, it is important to take into account the fact that everything must be purchased with a margin. The roof flow rate is calculated taking into account the roof surface area. At the same time, natural openings are not taken into account - a place for an attic door and a chimney door, if there is one in the project.

Overlapping from beams is especially in demand in low-rise construction. They have a relatively low price, they are quick and easy to manufacture, wood is a durable material and has a low weight. It does not give significant loads on the foundation structure.

For the ceiling of the beams, only coniferous wood is used. In most cases, this is larch, since it is the most reliable and durable material that can withstand a lot of weight:

  • good resistance to temperature extremes;
  • stable tightness;
  • practically no shrinkage.

It is worth giving preference to the best blanks that have been dried in steam chambers and have a moisture content of no more than 14%. In this case, the aspect ratio should be the following 150x200 mm or 150x100 mm.

For proper design, in order to perform a competent calculation of materials for the construction of timber, it is necessary to take into account the width of the span. The larger it is, the more often the beams are laid, and their number also increases. To cover the attic, it is not at all necessary to lay the workpieces very close to each other.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the table, which allows you to determine how many pieces you will need:

Span width in meters Distance between beams in meters Optimum workpiece cross section in mm
3 1 150x100
4 0,5 150x100
4 1 150x150
5 0,5 150x200
6 0,5 150x200
7 0,5 150x250

This means that for a span of 4 m, you need to buy 6 blanks for laying floor beams, starting from a step of 1 m. That is, 4 pieces will be used to close the span and 2 more will go to the edges near the walls. The cost directly depends on the length of the beam.

Calculation of the number of floorboards

Before calculating how much floorboard you need, you should decide on its dimensions:

  • the optimal length is 4, 4.5 and 6 meters;
  • thickness is represented by the following sizes: 32 mm, 25 mm and 30 mm;
  • standard width - 105 mm or 100 mm.

If you are planning to make a floor from whole boards, then it is worth reducing the amount of waste.

The calculation of the material for building a house from a bar is carried out on the basis of the width and length of the covered area and on how the board will spread - across or along.

It is quite easy to do the calculations. If you know the parameters of the blanks, then you will determine the usable area, it is 5-7 mm less than the actual one as a result of the sheet pile.

Typically, manufacturers make boards 6 meters long. You also need to consider the amount of waste that you cannot avoid.

The calculations are performed as follows:

  • Divide the known area of ​​the room by the area of ​​the board, taking into account only the useful area - this is the amount needed for laying.
  • When the room has parameters other than 6 meters, it is important to consider the amount of the whole material. To do this, the width of the room is divided by the working width of the floorboard.

Based on the information received, you can easily find out how much it will cost you to build a house from a bar. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account such consumables as roofing material, insulation and additional fasteners. Their number directly depends on the area, the design of the house and other factors.


Building a house from a bar will be much easier than a brick one, and is available to every novice owner. After completing the construction calculation, you will receive an approximate amount of the object, which you should focus on when planning the budget.