What material is best to build from? Materials for building a house. The cheapest materials for construction

The most important and first question before starting work on the construction of a home: what is the best material to build a house from? permanent residence. The choice depends on many factors and making it is quite problematic without proper preparation. The material of the walls affects not only the microclimate in the room, but also design features other elements of the house. To build a house for permanent residence you will need the highest quality modern materials, A country house gives some relief when constructing with your own hands.

Review of materials

Before building new walls, we will need to compare materials according to the following indicators:

  • strength;
  • thermal conductivity;
  • moisture resistance;
  • frost resistance;
  • sound insulation;
  • durability;
  • price;
  • density (mass);
  • accessibility and transportation distance.
To build a house, materials must be durable, with good thermal conductivity, moisture resistance, frost resistance, and sound insulation.

The choice is made based on all these characteristics together, but the most important is strength, since the load-bearing capacity of the walls depends on it. For external enclosing structures, compliance with thermal technical requirements and frost resistance must be checked.

If the material is not warm enough, the temperature and humidity conditions of the room will be disrupted, which will lead to inconvenience for residents. If frost resistance is insufficient, destruction may occur when the outside air temperature changes from negative to positive, and vice versa.

You can make a country or city house with your own hands from the following materials:

  • ceramic brick;
  • sand-lime brick;
  • ceramic blocks;
  • wood (profiled timber, rounded logs, laminated wood);
  • on a frame with insulation and cladding (the frame can be metal or wood);
  • lightweight concrete.

The cheapest option would be to use frame technology or some types of lightweight concrete. These materials allow you to save not only on the construction of external and internal walls with your own hands, but also on foundation elements.

To make a choice for a private home, all materials can be divided into several groups:

  • brick and stone;
  • lightweight concrete;
  • tree;
  • frame houses.

If the material is not warm enough, the temperature and humidity conditions will be disrupted. Living in such a house will be uncomfortable

The most impressive buildings will be those whose walls are made of massive materials such as brick or concrete. These new homes can withstand the elements environment and look quite attractive. But when using them, you need to prepare for serious costs.
The most profitable option to build with your own hands is a wooden (not laminated wood) or frame object. Next, it is worth considering in detail the main modern materials that are suitable for the walls of a building intended for permanent residence.

This material was widely used in the past for apartment buildings. It is important to note that it has more disadvantages than advantages, but choosing sand-lime brick allows you to make the walls of a private house cheaper.
The advantages include:

  • low cost of production and finished products;
  • high accuracy of geometric dimensions;
  • attractive appearance masonry;
  • the ability to use any types of masonry mortars;
  • high strength (the choice is relevant for both low-rise and high-rise construction);
  • high frost resistance (more than 50 cycles) allows you to safely use the material for making external walls with your own hands.

Sand-lime brick is not resistant to moisture, has low thermal conductivity, but it has a low cost

There are disadvantages and they are significant, so if possible, it is better to choose another material:

  1. The mass is greater than that of ceramic bricks, which creates additional load on the foundation and increases its cost.
  2. Instability to moisture. In rainy weather, you can see how the silicate walls darken. This means that they have absorbed water. This is an undesirable quality for external fences; the humidity regime in the premises is disturbed. Also because of this, it is not allowed to be used for laying plinths and basements.
  3. Thermal insulation characteristics are very low (high thermal conductivity). Greater wall thickness or additional thermal insulation is required.
  4. Instability to high temperatures. This material for building a house is not suitable for stoves, fireplaces and chimneys.


The selection here is represented by the following products:

  • solid brick;
  • hollow brick;
  • porous stone.

If we talk about thermal insulation, the last option will be the most effective, and the first one will be the least desirable. On the contrary, the strength of solid brick is greater.

The price range for this category is very large. Depending on the manufacturer, you can find the material cheaper or more expensive. It is important to consider shipping costs, as they can be significant.

Ceramics are the best option for building a house that will last forever. With the availability of high-quality materials and adherence to technology, we can ensure long term operation without problems.

When using facing brick as an outer layer, you can leave the walls without additional finishing. They will endure negative impacts and maintain an attractive appearance.

A new type of material is ceramic stone. Its thermal insulation performance is twice as good as that of hollow brick, which allows you to reduce the thickness of the enclosing structures and reduce the load on the foundation. At the same time, the strength of the material is comparable to its closest relatives. Another advantage is that the enlarged dimensions allow for faster laying and reduce the labor intensity of the process.

Ceramic brick is very reliable. They are resistant to negative natural influences and keep the appearance of the house attractive for many years

If you answer the question of what to build a strong and reliable home with your own hands, then the answer will be porous ceramic stone. Other materials may be cheaper, but here you can save money during operation, on masonry mortar and insulation. New walls made from such products have an attractive appearance. The following options can be used as finishing:

  • plaster;
  • siding;
  • lining;
  • block house.

Lightweight concrete

This group includes large number different types. The following are the most popular ones when you need to build a country house or residential house with your own hands:

  1. Foam concrete. It is easy to process, has good thermal insulation and low weight. The disadvantages are high water absorption and low strength. Choosing such products allows you to save on foundations and walls.
  2. Aerated concrete. Similar to the previous wall material. Resistance to moisture is even less than that of foam concrete. Characterized by greater accuracy of geometric dimensions.
  3. Expanded clay concrete. It is cheaper than all other types of lightweight concrete. It is easier to install fastening devices in it (the material does not crumble or crumble). Disadvantages: large mass, low thermal protection.
  4. Arbolit. The most desirable of this group is the material for DIY walls. It protects well from the cold and is light in weight. Disadvantages: low fire resistance, destruction of wood under the influence of moisture and rodents.

To understand which of the listed materials is better to choose for walls, you need to consider climatic features terrain (wall thickness), number of floors of the house and soil characteristics.

There are several options for the material from which you can build a wooden house with your own hands:

  • beam;
  • log;
  • glued wood.

In terms of technology, it is easier to work with timber. There is no need to cut out recesses to maintain the stability of the elements, as is the case with a log.

Wooden house allows you to minimize the load on foundations and save on them. This occurs due to the following characteristics:

  1. Low wood density. One cubic meter weighs on average for coniferous species 520 kg, while brick has a density of 1800 kg/m3. This allows the use of lighter foundations, for example, it is especially advantageous in terms of cost and labor intensity to use screw piles.
  2. Good thermal conductivity. You can again compare a wooden house with ceramic bricks. To ensure normal thermal protection, the thickness brick wall should be an average of 770 mm (for a midland climate). Wood walls can be 300 mm thick, which further reduces the load on the foundation, increases the speed of work and reduces their cost.

A wooden house reduces the load on the foundation due to the low density and good thermal conductivity of wood

If you answer the question of what is better (and more profitable) to build a house from, then the answer will be wood, but it is important to provide reliable protection from various negative factors. Wall material in mandatory treated with antiseptic compounds and, if possible, fire retardant.

Clapboard, block house or siding are used as the finishing layer of the wall. The latter reduces costs, but the house loses its ability to “breathe” due to the unnatural finish. You can leave the building without cladding, but in this case, in addition to antiseptic treatment, you need to coat it with varnish or protective paints.

The answer to the question of what type of wood is best to use when working with your own hands will be this: you need first or second grade softwood material.

Glued beams are not sustainable for most private buildings. They are designed for increased loads and large spans, and therefore have a very high cost. It is impractical and unprofitable to use them without special need for walls.

Frame houses

Walls using this technology have the following advantages:

  • ease of making with your own hands;
  • high thermal conductivity;
  • low cost;
  • light weight;
  • the possibility of using inexpensive lightweight foundations as a base;
  • fast construction speed.

The house can be made of wood or metal frame. The first option is more common. A profile is used as parts for the metal frame. Main elements: upper and lower trim, racks, insulation. Thermal insulation is laid between the racks, the thickness is calculated depending on the climatic region. Exterior sheathing can be made from siding or various panels, internal - from plasterboard.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of what material to use to build a wall. It all depends on the financial capabilities and requirements of the customer. We can only give recommendations from the point of view of thermal engineering, cost and strength.

formwork Warm

Comparison of various materials and their combinations for thermal conductivity:

What to build a house from?

Before starting construction, you need to decide why you need a country house. Conventionally, country houses can be divided into two large categories.

Seasonal houses. They are designed primarily for summer living and for ambient temperatures of 0...-5°C. The walls of such houses are made in a frame design, from timber 100 - 150 mm thick, from rounded logs of small (up to 220 mm) diameters. Due to the low level of protection of the walls of such a house from heat loss, the cost of construction is low.

Some standard options walls for such houses:

Homes for permanent residence. The name speaks for itself and implies constant heating in winter. They are designed for outdoor temperatures down to -30°C. Such houses can be either wooden or stone.

Walls wooden houses year-round residence made from profiled or sawn timber from 200 mm and above, with or without insulation, from rounded or chopped logs 240 - 280 mm.

Stone houses for permanent residence are also built according to different technologies: monolithic houses in permanent formwork, stone houses made of aerated blocks (gas silicate blocks), bricks, warm ceramics, expanded clay concrete blocks.

Typical wall designs for permanent residences:

You can read more about the energy efficiency of various building materials in the article Thermal characteristics of wall materials.

Choosing building material

Wooden house usually chosen by people who prioritize the environmental friendliness of the building. In such a house it is most pleasant to relax from heavy working week, get some sleep, get some psychological relief. Wooden walls maintain a very comfortable atmosphere for humans - an optimal level of humidity and air exchange. Stone house, First of all, a practical choice. Minimum operating costs, low heat loss and long service life are the factors that make you think about building such a home. Combined house- a house that allows you to combine the practicality of a stone house with the light atmosphere of a wooden one. The stone ground floor provides space for practical solutions and design experiments, and in the bedrooms wooden second floors, your sleep will be sound and pleasant. General comparative characteristics materials are summarized in two tables. The tables contain general information, and not technical coefficients and parameters, which, if interest arises, are not difficult to find. Table 1.




Low weight (600 - 900 kg/m3) allows the use of a lightweight shallow foundation. The material is environmentally friendly and acts as a natural filter in the room. The ability to leave the internal and external surfaces of the walls without additional finishing. Possibility of year-round construction, wide architectural possibilities, attractive appearance. Price.

Fire hazard, susceptible to biological effects, wood shrinkage, cracking, lower durability compared to stone houses, lower wall heat transfer resistance.

Warm ceramics

High degree of fire protection, low susceptibility to atmospheric influences, absence of biological influence, high structural strength, durability, good performance vapor permeability.

The desirability of using foundations poured to the depth of soil freezing. Requires interior wall finishing, restrictions on wall construction work in winter time. Difficulty in attaching heavy hanging structures to hollow walls. The wall thickness is quite large - 51cm (without insulation). High cost.

Monolithic houses
(in permanent formwork)

Short construction time. Savings when constructing foundations. Saving on the cost of wall materials. High thermal characteristics of walls.
Expanded polystyrene - environmentally friendly pure material, does not contain substances that feed microorganisms. Durability and reliability of monolithic walls. High seismic resistance. High resistance of the structure to destruction on floating foundations.

It is not a natural eco-friendly material. Wall finishing required. For plastering, special expensive materials are used - “wet plaster”.

Gas silicate blocks
(Air blocks)
Good vapor permeability, high heat capacity. Does not emit any into the atmosphere harmful substances. Good frost resistance and durability.

Requires more complex foundations compared to monolithic houses. Difficulty in attaching heavy suspended structures to fragile walls made of aerated blocks. Inability to carry out work in winter.

Table 2.

Materials Thermal conductivity Reliability Eco-friendly Operation Foundation cost Fire safety Vapor-air-permeability
Beam and log * ** *** * *** * ***
Gas silicate block ** ** ** *** ** *** **
Foam block * * ** ** ** *** **
Monolith in permanent formwork *** *** ** *** ** ** *
Warm ceramics (porous brick) ** ** *** *** * *** **

Some additions.

To maintain normal heat and humidity conditions in a brick house, it must be constantly heated. If the house has not been used in winter, then in the spring it will have to be heated thoroughly before it warms up and the rooms become dry. House made of wood or monolithic house, built using permanent formwork technology, does not require heating during the winter.

The construction of a heavy foundation and thick brick walls is significantly more expensive compared to the construction of a wooden cottage or the construction of a monolithic house.

In a wooden house exchange and purification of air occurs more intensively. Up to 30% of the air per day can change through a log or beam in a closed room, and the unique properties of these materials allow them to release accumulated moisture in dry weather, and, on the contrary, to absorb excess moisture from the living room in damp weather. That's why wooden houses They have a special microclimate and a high level of comfort. Wood is a very living material. Even after being cut down, it continues to breathe, radiate heat energy, and exude the aroma of resin. Wooden houses give people a boost of bioenergy, heal them, and have a positive effect on the human nervous system.

Construction of a monolithic house using permanent formwork gives creative scope to the most daring architectural ideas. This material can bring to life any architectural form - from a warm garage for an iron pet to the floating lines of a small country residence. And you can be proud of the heating of the building in front of your neighbors - it is so economical.

A house made of warm ceramics is a combination of durability, reliability and environmental friendliness. The walls of such a house will last for hundreds of years, paying off their fairly high cost. A house made of such blocks does not need additional insulation(with a wall thickness of 51cm). The use of natural clay as a basis for ceramic blocks guarantees the absence of any chemical impurities in the air. Such a house is a long-term investment in which more than one generation of descendants will live.

So, make up your mind!! If your choice is in favor of a cozy wooden house or you are attracted by the reliability and durability of a stone one, contact our construction company, we will help you select a project from the catalog, or we will develop a new one to suit your needs.


Which tree is better?

Many developers are faced with the question of what type of wood to build a house from. When building a wooden house, from time immemorial preference was given to coniferous trees - larch, pine and spruce. No wonder there was a saying among the people: “The hut is a spruce tree, but the heart is healthy!”
Most famous material for wooden construction - pine. It has a hard, resin-impregnated core and a looser
top part. Of all the coniferous species, pine is most often used in construction. It is distinguished by the greatest straightness of the trunk, the minimum number of knots and good technical properties. Pine has a high resistance to decay, but often (especially in July-August) with high humidity it tends to turn blue. Blue stains in themselves do not change the physical and mechanical properties of wood, but spoil the appearance. Pine is the main material for the construction of wooden houses, both here and in Europe (in particular, in Finland).

No less popular building material- spruce. The physical characteristics of these breeds are very similar. Spruce is more durable outer shell, but a softer core. In a dry state, spruce wood is not inferior in strength to pine wood. Spruce is more susceptible to rotting, but turns blue much less. On the world market, spruce is valued higher than pine.

Another building material (almost ideal) is larch, which has a unique pattern that is unique to it. Larch is stronger, denser and practically unaffected by moisture, but it is more difficult to process than pine and splits easily. Therefore, larch is ideal as wall material, but is not used for material for structures (beams, valleys, rafters, tie-downs, etc.) However, this material is relatively expensive and is not available to everyone.

What will we build the walls from?

Our construction company offers a large selection of building materials for your home or bathhouse. Let's look at their main types.

Technological material requiring a minimum manual labor at construction of a house, since the house is assembled according to the principle of a designer. All necessary operations with rounded logs are performed at the production site, in particular the selection of mounting cups and landing channel in rounded logs.

The advantage of a rounded log is its smooth, rounded shape, which makes it possible to achieve a tight connection between the logs. The diameter of rounded logs ranges from 160 to 320 mm. And thanks to the same diameter and high quality Surface treatment of rounded logs does not require wall finishing.

Advantages of building houses and baths from rounded logs:

Precision manufacturing of rounded logs and their marking speeds up the assembly of buildings and reduces construction costs;

The beautiful appearance of rounded logs due to the high quality and cleanliness of the surface treatment allows you to do without additional finishing of the walls inside and outside;

The tightness of crown and corner connections of logs is ensured by the technological precision of the groove and “cups”;

The aesthetic appeal of buildings constructed using rounded logs.

2. Hand-hewn logs with a diameter of up to 40 cm
For manual felling, we use environmentally friendly, high-quality wood (spruce, pine, larch), not infected with woodworm and fungus, with a humidity of 45-60%. It is quite easy to process and is less deformed when natural drying assembled. The logs undergo manual processing: removal of bark, cutting, removal of cups and grooves, processing with a plane. This treatment preserves the upper hard protective layer logs (“sapwood”). Hand-hewn logs are less deformed during the aging process. The corner connections of the logs with each other are made into a “bowl” or “paw”, the crowns are fastened with wooden spikes (dowel) every 1000 - 1500 mm, all logs are treated with an antiseptic. Such houses are warmer than those assembled from rounded logs, and their walls are less susceptible to cracks. And when high-quality processing When using logs, the appearance of such houses is not much inferior to houses made of rounded logs.
If you like old Russian or Finnish style houses - this is your material!

A house made of profiled timber is an island of comfort and coziness in the world of the concrete jungle. A wooden house will delight its owner with a very comfortable atmosphere indoors - after all wood is an excellent natural conditioner , maintaining air exchange and humidity at a very comfortable level for humans.
When producing profiled timber, a high purity of the treated surface is achieved, so the wood becomes almost polished, which makes it possible not to use additional materials For interior decoration wooden house, and therefore avoid unnecessary costs. Unlike log walls, the walls in a cottage made of profiled timber are even, almost o facilitates possible finishing, arrangement of furniture, and use of wall cabinets.
Currently, many people prefer this material. The price-quality ratio is optimal here. Cottages made from profiled timber are very modern, look great, and withstand temperature changes well, which is very important for the regions of central Russia.
The construction of houses and cottages from profiled timber is a technological process that includes processing the material on a machine and preparing a “cup” with a double lock. It is possible to pre-assemble the house in the workshop, which ensures particularly high assembly accuracy. Final assembly includes erecting the frame on the construction site, drilling and securing the timber with dowels.
During the construction of cottages and country houses From profiled timber, our company uses material manufactured by one of the company’s departments.

4. Regular sawn (unplaned) timber
This is the cheapest wood building material. The sawn timber used for the construction of a well for a wooden house is made of an equilateral section (150x150mm, 200x200mm), or a versatile section (from 150x100 mm). In construction, either simply sawn timber or planed timber (on one or both sides) is used. Mostly ordinary timber with a section of 150x150, 200x150, 200x200 mm used for construction country houses(optimal ratio: price/quality), and larger sizes - for the construction of cottages with subsequent insulation and finishing with other facing materials.
However, we must not forget that a simple beam does not have a thermal lock. Because of this, it is difficult to insulate it, because... the blowing coefficient will be several times higher than that of a wall made of properly made logs or profiled timber. In any case, after 1 - 1.5 years (after the log house has dried out), it is necessary to carefully caulk the seams between the beams and sheathe finishing materials walls both inside and outside (eurolining, siding, etc.). All these activities absorb the savings obtained when purchasing the timber itself. The benefit here is one thing - such a house can be built (and, therefore, invested in it) in stages, over time.

Naturally, any option for constructing a wooden house must involve antiseptic treatment of the walls. special compounds and paints that protect wood from blueing, putrefactive diseases, mold and wood-boring beetles.

TECHNOLOGIES OF THE XXI CENTURY: Monolithic houses in permanent formwork

IN modern world, where are the prices for building materials, as well as electricity, gas and fuel are growing rapidly, the issue of cost-effective construction of cottages is being raised quite seriously, and during operation - saving on heating and air conditioning of houses.
In this regard, we offer technology of monolithic house construction "Izodom" (using permanent formwork made of expanded polystyrene). This technology for thermal protection, sound insulation, comfort, simplicity and speed of construction, as well as durability refers to advanced technologies in the field of construction and is designed for the rapid construction of warm, reliable and inexpensive houses.
This technology has been tested for many years in the USA, Canada and Western Europe, confirming the cost-effectiveness and durability of this system, and recent years is beginning to become popular in Russia. The scope of application of the Izodom technology is the construction of cottages, rural houses and dachas; construction of shops, cafes; multi-storey residential buildings; warm individual pools, garages and much more.

What does the Izodom technology (monolithic houses) give to developers?

Reduced construction time. When using traditional materials (such as brick), the construction of a house takes a long time. If you build using the Izodom technology, the same wall area is built several times faster.
Savings when constructing foundations, since Izodom walls create a significantly lower specific load on the foundation. For such a house it is recommended to install a shallow foundation.
Saving on the cost of wall materials. The cost per square meter of an “Izodom” wall is significantly lower than the cost of a brick wall with similar heat-saving properties.
from obtaining additional usable space, since the thickness of the IZODOM walls is much less than the thickness of walls made of other building materials with similar heat-saving ability.
High thermal characteristics of walls
- this is a way to avoid large costs for the purchase of expensive heating equipment, transportation of fuel, time and labor for its operation. The cost of heating an IZODOM building will be 3-4 times less compared to a brick building.

How cottages are built from monolithic concrete.

Izodom system modules are hollow polystyrene foam blocks with a density of 25-27 kg/m3, which are joined together like parts children's construction set. Permanent formwork modules have cavities that are reinforced and filled with concrete during the construction process, and a special The design of the locks allows you to quickly and accurately connect blocks. In this way it is constructed monolithic wall, framed on the inside and outside with a heat- and sound-insulating polystyrene foam shell. Thanks to this wall design, houses built using permanent formwork are durable, light and very warm. The wall thickness is selected depending on the purpose of the structure, as well as the temperature parameters of the construction region.
The internal partitions of the house can be made from these same blocks or from any other traditional materials. When constructing buildings, you can use any type of floors - monolithic floors, concrete slabs or classic wooden floor structures.
For exterior wall decoration, plaster, siding, facing brick or stone can be used. Interior decoration can be carried out using plaster or plasterboard. The undoubted advantage of a house built using this technology is that the walls, both internal and external, have a very smooth surface, therefore, an economical thin layer of plaster is needed to finish the walls. In addition, electrical wiring is very easy to install in such walls.
Expanded polystyrene is environmentally friendly (97% air and 3% material) and is even used for packaging food products. It does not contain substances that feed microorganisms, i.e. not susceptible to the destructive effects of rodents, mold and bacteria. In addition, it does not burn unless there is prolonged exposure to flame (more than 2.5 hours).

Technical parameters of walls.

The wall thickness is 25, 30 or 35 cm, where 15 cm is concrete, the rest (10, 15 or 20 cm, respectively) is polystyrene foam.

The weight of the walls without finishing is 400 kg/m2.
Concrete consumption is about 125 liters per square meter of wall.
Thermal conductivity coefficient - R0=0.036 W/mK excluding external and internal finishing.
The fire resistance limit of the wall is 2.5 hours.
Vapor permeability - 0.032 mg/(m.h.Pa).
Water absorption in 24 hours, by volume - 0.1%.
Acoustic insulation - 46 dB.

Fire safety:

Fire hazard class of load-bearing wall - K0 (fire spread limit is 0)
The fire resistance limit of a load-bearing wall is at least 155 min.**

* According to the conclusion of the State Unitary Enterprise "NIIMosstroy"
** According to testing center of the Federal State Institution VNIIPO EMERCOM of Russia

Whatever material you choose to build your house, we will be happy to help the future homeowner decide on a project or develop an individual one, discuss materials and finishing, and build STRONG HOUSE, according to your wishes, tastes and capabilities.

In this article we will look at which materials for building a house are better for various purposes.

Today, many people dream of big, beautiful and cozy home. But before you make a decision and start building a building, you need to think carefully about the purpose for which you plan to build the house. One format is suitable for seasonal construction, the second - for permanent residence. After planning, you should think about the material, because safety and convenience depend on quality material.

On modern market Various materials are presented that have certain properties. Usually the most important selection criteria are:

  • strength, reliability of raw materials;
  • possibility of noise isolation;
  • heat preservation, insulation;
  • frost resistance;
  • moisture impermeability.

Of course, before construction you should take into account all the parameters indicated above, especially if the building is individual. But still, the most important point is strength, as it forms the structure of the building and affects its functionality.

Materials for construction are divided into several categories:

  • stone and brick;
  • ceramic;
  • concrete;
  • wooden (from logs and timber).

Buildings made of stone and brick

Structures made of stone and brick are distinguished by their massiveness. They are not afraid of the elements, and at the same time, they have a stylish appearance. However, these durable materials are expensive.

The characteristics of a house built of stone or brick are not inferior to concrete.

Brick and stone structures suitable for both small country houses and multi-storey buildings. Their main advantages are resistance to fire, moisture, and such a building will not settle over time.

The disadvantage of brick and stone houses is low energy conservation. In order to build warm housing from this material, it is necessary to lay out walls 120 cm thick. Therefore, today brick and stone houses are losing their popularity, and the raw materials are used for cladding.

Another significant drawback is considerable price for the material. Those who want to build themselves a stone or brick house must calculate their finances and plan everything in advance before implementing the plan.

Ceramic structures (ceramic blocks)

Brick and ceramics are made using the same technology from clay. The difference is the savings on the construction of the building, because ceramic blocks are larger in size, fewer of them are needed, and besides, the protrusions at the ends suggest connecting the blocks together without a mixture. It is only needed to fix horizontal rows together.

Concrete materials

Today, brick is no longer as popular as it used to be; it has given way to the modern concrete block.

The advantages of this material are its affordable cost and speed of construction. One concrete block can replace several bricks. You can build a house from aerated concrete, foam block, cinder block, shell rock, wood concrete, expanded clay concrete. They are all similar in characteristics, most subspecies practically do not need complex finishing, but the disadvantage is that concrete materials fragile, have high water permeability, and the material contains chemical elements.

Wooden houses

Wooden houses are built from logs and beams. They place a low load on the foundation, as a result of which it will not settle over time; moreover, this is a good saving at the initial stage of construction. An important advantage is that using wooden materials, you can build a house regardless of weather conditions or time of year.

Timber buildings are profitable option for those who want to become the owner of a neat individual building. Its cross-section is both rectangular and square, with a smooth, even side. In such houses, shrinkage is minimized as much as possible, and the production of log houses occurs without the use of special equipment. Wood is aesthetically pleasing and does not require finishing, making it an economical option.

Positive aspects of using wooden beams:

Disadvantages of timber houses:

  • requires additional treatment against insects, prevention of rot and cracks;
  • ignites easily, fire extinguishing agents must be used;
  • long-term idleness of the foundation;
  • It allows cold and water to pass through well, so heat costs are inevitable.

Log buildings are traditional, well studied and quite attractive. Can be lined up small house or a huge, comfortable cottage. Such structures are natural and environmentally friendly, and also cope well with natural ventilation of the space. Just like timber buildings, log structures do not need a massive foundation.

Pros of log houses:

  • natural raw materials;
  • strong, safe and beautiful design;
  • warms up quickly, reducing heating costs;
  • available material;
  • short terms construction.

Disadvantages of log houses:

  • tendency to rot, insect attacks;
  • easy tanning in a matter of seconds;
  • the foundation should settle for about a year;
  • The structure warms up quickly, but does not retain heat; it needs to be insulated.

What is the best material to build a house for permanent residence (permanent residence) from?

A classic for country house construction is brick made from baked clay and has good wear resistance, strength, and durability. The material is considered environmentally friendly, is not afraid of high and low temperatures, and is resistant to any weather conditions. They are massive, but require insulation.

There are several times more positive aspects in such material than negative ones, which is why a brick house is considered the most a good option for permanent residence. Fire is not so scary for it, and it will last much longer than concrete and, especially, wood.

What materials are suitable for a summer house in the country?

Traditionally, summer cottages are built from wood. Log buildings or houses made of laminated veneer lumber– any of these options will be successful for a comfortable summer. Such constructions are environmentally friendly and safe, the rooms are well ventilated, and also have a pleasant smell.

Wooden cottages, which can easily be built according to individual order. Such a house needs treatment and care, but its accessibility, reliability and comfort are important advantages when choosing summer house for the dacha.

What is better to build a house from in the Urals or in Siberia?

Such cold corners of Russia as Siberia or the Urals need warm houses. It is important to choose a material that will warm up quickly and not lose heat. Of course, in such regions the house will still have to be well insulated, but if initially the raw materials are already “warm”, the owner of the building will save on cladding. The ideal option would be to build it from concrete, namely with cells.

Initially, porous concrete It was used for insulation, and a little later, entire houses began to be built from it, which were distinguished by excellent heat retention. In addition, it will take a little time to construct a fire-resistant building. After construction, for more insulation, the house should be plastered and covered with panels.

What is suitable for warm corners of Russia (a house by the sea)?

A house by the sea is the dream of many romantics. Mainly such buildings are made of stone. Increased coastal humidity will quickly destroy a wooden structure. Still suitable ceramic blocks, which are also not afraid of water.

There is no need to build a house right on the beach, because it will take a lot of money to build a foundation for a house on the sand, very close to the coastline. Better start construction work at least 200 meters from the beach. In addition, thunderstorms are a common occurrence near the sea. A wise decision would be to get a lightning rod and exclude a large number metal structures under construction.

What materials are cheaper to build a house from?

Nowadays, many people want to run away from the city and build own house, but there may not be enough money for a massive structure. The current great financial difficulties do not leave room for great flights of fancy, so you have to choose from cheap materials, taking into account that the house must be reliable and safe.

The cheapest houses are made from concrete and wood. Aerated concrete is fireproof, does not rot, it needs a simple foundation, it is also warm and requires easy processing. But when laying the material, it is necessary to adhere to a certain technology. While wooden houses are easy to build without certain nuances, they are susceptible to rotting, catching fire, and the foundation must stand for about a year.

The choice between these two cheapest materials depends specifically on the future owner of the house.

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What materials are best for building a house? Which materials are cheaper and better quality? These questions concern every person who has begun such an important period of his life as building his own home, and this section of our website provides a comprehensive answer to them.

When planning to build your own home, it is very important to choose the right materials; this will not only get the desired result, but also save money and time. You will learn not only what materials are available on the modern market and how to use them correctly in construction.

If you are the owner of a construction company and want to keep up with the times and be aware of the latest developments in this area, in this article you will find reviews of materials that are just emerging and are beginning to gain popularity.

The process of building a house can be divided into only 3 main stages: foundation, walls and roof. This is the so-called “box”, which needs to be given special attention since this is the main foundation of the house and the reliability and durability of the structure depends on its quality.

Also, the choice of materials for the walls and roof affects the aesthetic appearance of the house, so you need to consider whether further exterior finishing is planned or whether the walls will be finished additionally.

What to consider when choosing

  • Price– for most people this is the main indicator when choosing. It is worth understanding that cheap materials are not always worse than expensive ones. There may be promotion of the brand, imported or domestic material, etc.
  • Labor costs when using– it often happens that expensive material is easier to work with, and this saves on the work of the master. You also need to take into account the time it takes to work with materials and all the costs associated with it.

For example, should I buy ready-made concrete or prepare it directly on the construction site? Ready-mixed concrete will be more expensive, but you will save a lot of time. If you make the mixture yourself, you will save money, but you will waste time. If you hire workers to prepare it, spend money on paying them. So making a clear choice is not always easy and you need to consider the situation from all sides.

  • Quality– the reliability and strength of the entire structure, as well as the overhaul period, depend on this. Therefore, it is impossible to save on this material indicator, although many construction companies often ignore this fact.

The issue of quality is also not always clear, for example, a brick from one factory can be of different quality in different batches, it all depends on the clay used for its manufacture. Also, manufacturers do not always follow manufacturing technologies in an attempt to save money. Therefore, purchases of such materials should be carried out with an experienced specialist..

  • Additional costs– this may include the costs of subsequent finishing, which in general may be more expensive than when using more expensive initial material that does not require additional finishing. You also need to take into account the need for delivery, loading and unloading with a crane, etc., which will affect the final cost.

What materials are there and which ones are best to use?

Brick house

A lot of materials are used to build a house. However, not all of them have stood the test of time and deserve attention. Let's look at only the most popular, reliable and affordable for a person with an average income.


Ceramic brick

The most common material for the construction of walls, used both in private construction and in the construction of multi-story buildings. It has been used for hundreds of years, so the masonry technology has already passed all possible quality tests. But, any material has its pros and cons. Let's look at them.



Durability and strength

Heavy material weight

Versatility in work

Labor-intensive when laying

Resistant to corrosion, mold and mildew

Low thermal insulation, it is necessary to insulate the house

Inert to rodents and insects

High cost of facing bricks

Fire resistance

The need for additional finishing of the private

After looking at the advantages and disadvantages, you can already decide whether this material is suitable for your task and capabilities. But, you also need to know what types of bricks there are.

Laying ordinary bricks

Based on the material used, bricks are divided into:

  • ceramic (red) – made of clay;
  • silicate (white) – made of lime and sand.

Red brick is divided into two types according to the type of use, these are:

  • Private- the cheapest, intended for laying walls for further finishing. This is a basic building material where small chips, cracks or gouges are acceptable.
  • Facial- This is a brick without defects, intended for external, and sometimes internal, wall decoration. He might be different colors, with a smooth or decorative front part. It costs several times more than an ordinary one and requires skill to install.

Sand-lime brick

Silicate is considered universal, divided only by grade, it can be used with or without subsequent finishing. The density of this brick is greater than that of ceramic brick, but it is more fragile. The disadvantage is its low moisture resistance and thermal insulation qualities. The masonry has a less attractive appearance.


The marking of the brick is the letter “M” and a number next to it (from 75 to 300). This is an indicator of the load in kilograms per square centimeter that it must withstand. The higher this indicator, the stronger the material, but also the heavier.

  • For the foundation and plinth use M150 or M175.
  • For building walls up to 3 floors M100 or M125.
  • For the walls of a building above 3 floors M150 or M175.

Grades with higher strength are not used in private construction; as a rule, these will be buildings that require increased strength.

Used for laying bricks cement mortar or special ready-made mixtures. This is an additional cost item that must be taken into account when choosing this material.

Construction of wooden houses

In terms of longevity of use, only wood can compete with brick. This natural material, which began to be used for construction even before the advent of clay processing technologies.

Thanks to the development of technology, the wood processing process has become much simpler and faster, which makes it possible to realize complex projects. A wooden house is now no longer a log house with four walls, but a beautiful, modern building.

For construction modern houses the wood is used in the form of rounded logs or in the form of laminated veneer lumber of a certain section. Frame construction technology is also used. Let's consider the pros and cons of this material.



Environmental friendliness of the material

Weak fire resistance

High thermal insulation

Protection from rodents and insects is required

Fast construction

Protection from mold and rot is required

Material cost

Long shrinkage


The material “breathes”

Low weight

As you can see, this material has many more advantages than disadvantages. However, some disadvantages can also be eliminated by using special compounds and impregnations, which can be purchased without problems on the modern market. It will not be possible to eliminate them 100%, but it is quite possible to significantly reduce them.

Using rounded logs

Rounded log

The part is made from a solid log, which is processed on a special lathe. It is given a precise cylindrical shape with a given diameter, usually 200mm. Such a house preserves the natural appearance of the material as much as possible, which makes the building very similar to old log house in a modern design. It looks very beautiful, especially if you are a connoisseur of natural materials.

There are disadvantages, as with all materials.. The log is processed as a whole, so natural wood defects such as knots, cracks, mold, etc. cannot be avoided. Select more quality material It’s possible, but you won’t see what’s inside the log.

Using laminated timber

Glued laminated timber

Such material is more expensive than rounded logs, but also contains fewer defects. Timber is made from boards that have already been dried to 10-18% moisture content, pre-treated in required size and glued into timber. Next, it is given a profile with a cross-section of 200-230mm on a milling machine and it is ready for work. The house is assembled like a construction kit, very quickly and reliably.

The beam solves the main problem of using wood, shrinkage. There is no need to wait 3-5 months for the material to dry and shrink, since it has already been dried. But, you need to wait at least 1 month before the next work so that the material undergoes climatic adaptation.

Frame technology

The frame of the house is made from construction timber. Rafters, racks, trusses and other elements are installed. They are connected using mounting metal corners and self-tapping screws.

  • wooden lining,
  • OSB boards,
  • siding.

This technology is the cheapest for building a house, and at the same time the fastest.

Advantages, in addition to all the advantages of using wood frame technology there are several advantages: easy dismantling and redevelopment of walls, the ability to hide all communications inside the walls.

Main disadvantages technologies: low strength relative to timber or logs, the need for additional front finishing.

Cinder blocks, ceramic blocks and foam blocks

Types of blocks

These materials are often used in construction because they are relatively inexpensive. There are a large number of types of these blocks on today’s building materials market; I wrote more about them in this article and now I don’t want to repeat them.

The block has dimensions of 50 x 24.8 x 23.8 cm, weighs 25 kg, and is equal in volume to 15 bricks of 3.3 kg each. It’s easier and faster to lay one such slab, and you’ll need less mortar. The width of the blocks is 20-25 cm. Their length can be from 25 to 60 cm, depending on the type.

I will generally describe the pros and cons of their use; they are relatively common for all types of blocks:


  • Low price of materials.
  • Fast construction speed.
  • Large selection of colors and sizes.
  • Resistant to corrosion, mold and mildew.
  • Good heat and noise insulation.
  • Not flammable.


  • An experienced craftsman is required for masonry.
  • Low vapor permeability due to the porosity of the material.

For laying blocks, just like bricks, a mortar or adhesive mixture is used, but in smaller quantities, since their size is several times larger, which means there are fewer seams.

Ceramic blocks

This material is considered the most environmentally friendly of all types of blocks, which is why it is so popular in many European countries. Made from clay, without adding any chemicals. Thanks to its cellular structure, it retains heat well, thermal conductivity ranges from 0.14 to 0.29 watts per square meter per degree Celsius . This material is more expensive than other types of blocks, the speed of building construction is approximately the same.

Use of concrete

Monolithic construction

The technology is usually used for the construction of multi-storey buildings and is used by large construction companies. It has proven itself to be reliable, fast and inexpensive. But, to use concrete, it is necessary to have such equipment as formwork, with the help of which a form is built into which the mixture will be poured.



strength of monolithic structure

the need to use formwork

durability of the material

low thermal efficiency

construction speed

need for finishing

fire safety

low cost

The exception is ready-made reinforced concrete products:

  • Foundation blocks,
  • Floor slabs,
  • Wall panels.
  • Beams, columns, etc.

They are delivered ready-made to the site and ready for use. With the help of such elements, you can significantly speed up the process, but to use them you need loading and unloading equipment, since the weight is measured in hundreds of kilograms or even tons. You can read more about the use of concrete in construction here.

Table of the relationship between the cost of materials and the period of construction of the house

* It is worth understanding that the table shows approximate prices for 2016. They may differ in different regions. Material or labor may change in price over time (which is why the price is listed in dollars).

The price also depends on the thickness of the walls; the table was compiled based on the most common masonry thickness.

Video review of materials

There is no single building material for walls that is universal. When selecting it, many factors are taken into account: reliability, soil characteristics, weather conditions, price range and much more. Currently, the choice of building materials is very extensive. In order for a house to be strong and durable, it is necessary to take into account not only the advantages of the raw materials from which construction is planned, but also its disadvantages.

Building materials for walls

A good house is a strong house. This is how it will be if the building material for its walls is chosen correctly.

The wall is:

  • a building structure that encloses or separates some part of the territory;
  • side part of the building.

The walls in the house can be divided into several groups depending on the load. Among them are load-bearing, self-supporting, non-load-bearing, hinged and enclosing. All this is shown in the diagram.

The construction of the walls of a house requires the selection of a specific building material. Each of them has individual properties, has its own strengths and weaknesses. Depending on this, it finds application in the construction of walls. The use of various wall materials can be seen in the video.

The following main wall materials are distinguished:

  • brick;
  • wood;
  • ceramic blocks;
  • concrete;
  • aerated concrete;
  • foam concrete;
  • cinder blocks;
  • vulture panels;
  • metal structures.

All these modern materials are widely used in individual construction.

Brick walls

Brick is a traditional building material, which is artificial stone. It has its positive and negative qualities: it is heat-intensive, has a high load-bearing capacity, but has a relatively high price.

Types of bricks:

  1. Adobe - made of clay and straw, instead of which wood shavings, chaff or horse manure are sometimes used. Used in Asian countries. In Russia it is found in rural areas.
  2. Ceramic - made from baked clay. High quality brick should make a ringing sound and have a uniform reddish color. Through cracks longer than 4 cm are unacceptable; such bricks should be selected for strength and frost resistance. The letter “M” denotes the strength grade. The numbers indicate the permissible compressive load in kg/cm2. The frost resistance class is designated English letter F, numbers indicate freezing cycles.
  3. Silicate - made from sand and lime under the influence of steam at a temperature of 170 - 200 0 C. For the construction of walls, you can choose bricks of various colors and thicknesses.
  4. Hyperpressed is a building material made under high pressure without firing. Fine limestone rocks, waste from the production of ceramic bricks, various waste from mining and cutting facing stone, small crushed stone, marble and dolomite are added to a small amount of cement with water. The material is as close as possible to natural stone.

Pros and cons of brick construction

Types of bricksAdvantagesFlaws
AdobeLow costLow moisture and frost resistance
Good sound insulation and thermal inertiaWalls take a long time to dry and gain strength
CeramicResistance to all climatic conditionsHigh price
Low moisture absorptionPossibility of efflorescence
SilicateGood sound insulationHigh thermal conductivity
High strength and frost resistanceHigh moisture absorption
Hyper-pressedResistant to aggressive environments and climatic influencesHigh price
Ideal geometric shapeRequires thorough drying before laying

Walls made of foam blocks

The composition of the foam block includes sand, cement, and foaming agent. It is used for the construction of load-bearing walls and interior partitions. Advantages of foam block as a building material:

  • environmentally friendly;
  • retains heat well;
  • has the ability to “breathe” - release water vapor outside;
  • excellent fire resistance - resistance to open fire for 8 hours;
  • good moisture and frost resistance;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • significantly reduces overall construction time;

For all their significant advantages, foam blocks have their disadvantages. They are a low-strength material: the wall can crack if it is overloaded. Water that got inside when low temperatures will destroy the foam block. This can be avoided if the surface is plastered or treated special solution. Not all types of finishing are suitable for cladding walls made of foam blocks.

Ceramic blocks

Ceramic block or porous ceramic is a material made by firing specially shaped clay blocks. There are 3 main sizes of this raw material:

1 219x250x380 mm10.7 NF*
2 219x250x440 mm12.4 NF
3 219x250x510 mm14.3 NF

*NF - normal form, an indicator of the number of bricks of a given block volume.

The material is environmentally friendly and durable, like any ceramics.

Aerated concrete blocks in wall construction

Aerated concrete is a lightweight cellular material obtained from a mixture of:

  • lime;
  • cement;
  • fine-grained quartz sand;
  • water;
  • gas-forming reagents - aluminum powder is most often used.

The curing process is accelerated in autoclave units.

A comparison of gas silicate and foam concrete - building materials for walls - favorably emphasizes the advantage of the first.

Aerated concrete - relatively inexpensive material, is non-flammable, environmentally friendly and durable. Special blocks are made from it.

Modern construction technologies make it possible to use different materials for walls at the same time. Gas silicate blocks can be combined with brick. This will ensure high thermal conductivity of the walls.

If a person does not have enough finances to individual construction, then it would be appropriate self-production wall material.

Brick or gas block

Brick - artificial stone with dimensions 250x120x65 mm. It is produced by firing clay. Aerated concrete block is an artificially created stone with dimensions of 600x400x250 mm.

Comparison of brick and gas block

A wall built from aerated block is 3 times lighter than a brick one. This means that the frame will require less reinforcement. Considering the ability of the building material for the walls of the house to transfer heat, the thickness of the brickwork should be greater. In terms of frost resistance - the ability of a material to maintain strength, brick is superior: it is more durable.

Aerated concrete blocks are used in the construction of walls of houses no more than 14 m high. It is not recommended to build load-bearing structures of them. A special feature of aerated concrete blocks is their high geometric accuracy. This allows for less expensive laying using glue. It is faster compared to cement.

Walls should be built in dry, clear weather. From cellular concrete It is prohibited to build wet rooms: saunas, baths, laundries. The walls for them are made only of brick.

Aerated concrete blocks may shrink slightly in size some time after construction, which will lead to the appearance of cracks in the wall. This is not observed in brick.

Gas blocks are easier to machine. Cutting and grinding of aerated concrete can be carried out directly on the construction site using standard hand saws. But the reliability of bricks when installing door and window openings much higher. The fire resistance of brick and gas block is approximately the same.

Cellular concrete blocks are the cheapest material. But the construction of walls requires special technology. The services of workers for such masonry are higher than those of builders working with bricks. However, brick walls are warmer and stronger.

Wooden construction

Several types of wood are used as building materials: pine, spruce, larch, cedar, oak, linden. You should choose according to the properties of the tree and financial resources.

The advantage of wooden walls lies, first of all, in environmental friendliness. The tree is natural conditioner. Such a house is warm in winter and cool in summer. The air in the room is renewed up to 30% during the day, so it is easy to breathe in it.

When heated, cracks do not form in the walls, which cannot be said about a brick house. Wooden structures- the most resistant to earthquakes, do not require additional insulation.

In terms of thermal conductivity, a log with a diameter of 20 cm replaces brickwork 1 m thick. This significantly reduces financial costs for the house and reduces the weight of the building, which is economical for the depth and width of the foundation. Its price is sometimes 1/3 of the entire cost of the house. They are building wooden walls very quickly at any time of the year.

The main significant disadvantage of wood as a material for building walls is its high fire hazard. Disadvantages also include susceptibility to rotting, damage by fungus and wood-boring beetles. Wood quickly deteriorates under the influence of the atmosphere: sunlight and moisture.

All these shortcomings are easily eliminated with specially designed chemicals. They are applied to the walls and extend the life of the wooden house.

Glued laminated timber

Glued laminated timber is a leading material in wooden construction

Glued laminated timber is one of the leading materials in wooden construction. It is assembled from individual dried boards of appropriate sizes treated with antiseptic and fireproofing agents. Then gluing occurs with special compounds under high pressure. This is done in order to prevent cracking and torsion of the timber as it dries out.

The beam contains a special tongue-and-groove system, which allows you to assemble walls as quickly as possible. Like many building materials for walls, it is environmentally friendly. Glued laminated timber belongs to the group of combustible materials. With protective treatment, it is relatively durable.

Comparison of building materials

Comparison of wall materials by main indicators

Aerated concreteTreeBrick
Thermal conductivity0,12 0,16 0,18 0,56
Strength25 100 50 150
Fire resistance1200 1500 300 1500
Shrinkage coefficient2 0,01 10 0,01

Thermal conductivity - the ability of a material to transmit heat through itself - is 3 times greater for brick than for ceramic and aerated concrete block. Based on the estimated cost, we can conclude that a cheaper material is a ceramic block. To achieve the correct thermal conductivity of the wall, it is enough to insulate the wall with a special material.

The strength of aerated concrete and wood is minimal compared to other types. This suggests that houses of more than 2 floors should not be built from these materials. The strength of ceramic blocks and bricks allows the construction of buildings of almost any height.

The shrinkage rate is expressed as a percentage. The biggest one is near the tree. This means that a year after construction is completed, the height of the wall will be reduced by 10%. Aerated concrete has a relatively small shrinkage coefficient. Its low strength can cause cracks to form. Other materials can be ignored for this indicator.

Aerated concrete is the cheapest building material. It is widely used in individual construction.

The choice in favor of one or another wall material is based on individual assessment conclusions and analysis of environmental characteristics.