Methods to survive in the heat without air conditioning. Natural recuperator or free air conditioner for a country house How to cool indoor air

From the heat

It is especially difficult in the heat for residents of apartments whose windows face the south and southwest. To reduce sun exposure, keep blinds down and curtains drawn tightly. Curtains made of light linen and cotton reflect heat rays especially effectively. It is also recommended to stick a special reflective film on the glass. It can be replaced with food foil or mirror paper, which is used in children's creativity. It is necessary to ventilate the premises in the morning and evening, and during the day it is better to keep the windows closed to protect the apartment from hot air.

Try to cook less on the stove and in the oven. During the cooking process, a lot of heat is generated, which in hot weather cannot be eliminated simply by ventilating the room. In addition, at elevated temperatures, it is better to eat cold and light foods: salads, fruits, vegetables and traditional Russian okroshka. If you do have to cook, be sure to use a hood. It will help you get rid not only of food odors, but also of large amounts of hot air.

Also, a lot of heat is generated when working with an iron, vacuum cleaner and other household appliances. It is advisable to avoid their use whenever possible.

How to cool a room in hot weather

A primitive air conditioner can be made from plastic bottles and a regular room fan. Fill the bottles with water and place them in the freezer for a couple of hours to turn the water into ice. Place the bottles in front of a fan and direct the air flow towards them. Despite its simplicity, such a device can lower the temperature in the room by a couple of degrees in 15 minutes of operation. As the ice melts, the bottles need to be changed.

Purchase and install a ceiling fan with multiple modes. At minimum speed, this device makes virtually no noise and does not create strong wind. You can’t catch a cold under it; such a fan does not interfere with watching TV or working at the computer. However, with it in the room it becomes much easier to breathe.

In hot weather, it is recommended to wet clean the apartment more often. Evaporation of water always helps cool the air. You can also place containers of water around the rooms, hang wet towels on doors and radiators, and spray the air from time to time with a spray bottle. However, this method of cooling an apartment is not suitable for many, because humid heat is more difficult to tolerate than dry heat.

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My apartment is located on the 5th floor of a 5-story building in Istanbul. The trees do not reach that height, the roof is flat, the windows face the sunny side. Therefore, in summer, when the temperature rises to +40 °C, the room turns into a branch of the Finnish sauna.

In such conditions it is impossible to fall asleep and get enough sleep. And since I don’t have air conditioning, I have to somehow get out and try various ways cool down.

For readers website I'll tell you what tricks and tricks I use to cool the room and bed and ensure a comfortable sleep.

To keep a room cool at night, it must be kept cool during the day.

    To keep the cold out of a room, it is important to ventilate it properly. To do this, I close the windows when the outside temperature rises above +25 °C, and open them when it drops below this value. The most low temperature lasts from 4:00 to 7:00, so I open the windows in the morning and in the evening after 20:00.

  • To keep the sun out of your apartment, you should use the right curtains. I tried various materials and I can say that you should not buy curtains made of synthetics: they quickly heat up and fade. It is best to use thick linen white curtains.
  • To prevent heat from lingering in the house, you should also get rid of all dust collectors - carpets, rugs and mountains of pillows. This will make the air cleaner and cooler.
  • While airing, you can wet a towel and hang it in front of open window. This will help cool the room quickly. But don't leave the towel on overnight: a room that's too damp can be just as stuffy.
  • Previously, when air conditioning did not yet exist, in the heat before going to bed, the floors were wetted. The temperature in the room immediately dropped. This allowed me to fall asleep quickly and sleep comfortably.

Another way is to use ceiling fans

They are cheap, mounted on a chandelier and cool the room well. If you have such a fan, check that its switch is in the “summer” position. Many fans have 2 modes for different seasons.

  • If you can't find the switch, check the blades: they should spin counterclockwise so that air hits the ceiling.

Homemade air conditioner

An ordinary small fan simply circulates air, and its motor heats the room. But any fan can be turned into a real air conditioner.

  • To do this, you need to freeze bottles or other containers with water and place them in front of the blades - then cold air will swell throughout the room. When the heat is particularly bad, I freeze 2 sets of bottles and simply change them every 4-5 hours.

Cooling the bed

    If your bed linen is made of satin or synthetic, it is worth replacing these materials with cotton or silk. Cotton sheets absorb sweat well and keep you cool. And natural silk is very light and tends to slightly cool the skin.

  • Also use cotton pajamas: they are better ventilated. Or sleep without clothes. And what? Also a way out.
  • Another great way to cool down - put a sheet and pillowcase in the refrigerator in the morning, and make the bed with them before going to bed. But don’t put your laundry in the freezer: you risk getting sick.
  • Memory foam mattresses retain heat well. This is useful in winter, but inconvenient in summer. This is the mattress I have, so in the summer I put a cotton mattress pad over it (which can also be placed in the refrigerator).

Dry air and high temperatures negatively affect a person’s performance, mood and health. Particularly sensitive to this temperature conditions people with weakened immune systems or elderly citizens. Air conditioning can solve this problem, but not everyone can afford it because high price. Other ways to get rid of the heat accessible ways, how to cool a room without air conditioning will be discussed below.

An air conditioner is capable of lowering the air temperature with the help of the physical processes that take place in it and it will not be possible to completely imitate it at home. All of the methods listed below will help achieve only a short-term effect, so that you can endure the heat more comfortably.

Airing the room

Most people make the same mistake during hot weather; they open all the windows wide open. Doing this is highly not recommended, especially if the outside temperature is above +35 ºС. Even if there is no air conditioning in the house, the microclimatic conditions in it will be much more comfortable than outside. If during summer heat open the windows, the temperature in the room will be the same as outside, and a person’s well-being may worsen.

The same applies to windows that are located in the shade. Sometimes people try to keep their house cool by keeping all the windows closed on the sunny side and open in the shade. In fact, the desired effect cannot be achieved in this way, since in this case there will be an exchange of air and it does not matter whether it enters the home from the sunny or shady side.

It is best to avoid ventilation during hot periods, as this will prevent the appearance of stuffiness, while at the same time cold air will not be able to escape into the street. It is recommended to ventilate at night or early in the morning; at 9:00 the heat already appears.

Remove direct sunlight

To create a comfortable microclimate, you should remember that more than half of the heat enters the room due to direct sunlight. Therefore, to achieve desired effect It is recommended to curtain all windows or lower blinds if possible. The denser the curtain material, the higher the likelihood that excessively high temperatures will not appear in the apartment. Certainly, dark room sometimes it makes me sad and it’s nice to enjoy the bright sunlight, but in in this case You will have to choose between comfort and personal preference.

If the curtains on the windows are transparent and they still let light through, then you can use foil or a special reflective film. They are glued to the windows, thus protecting the room from direct light. You can also cope with ultraviolet radiation by gluing light filters. Energy-efficient windows can also replace air conditioning; they have a polarized coating, so they provide warmth in winter and coolness in summer. Such option will do for those who decided to do major renovation or simply replace window structures.

Regulating humidity

Air humidity is also an important factor when assessing the microclimate in the house. Hot, dry air can cause dizziness, nausea and fever, so it is recommended to install a humidifier in the room. It will not fully replace air conditioning, but it will make you feel much more comfortable. It can also be used in the cold season, since it operates on batteries and other heating elements also affect air humidity. Household humidifier in mandatory must be purchased if there are children in the house.

Allergy sufferers and asthmatics will also benefit from humid air, as it nails all dust particles to the floor. Against this background, exacerbation of the disease can be avoided. Another suitable device for this purpose is an air washer; this device performs the following functions:

  • moisturizes any room;
  • cleans the air of dust, all kinds of viruses and fungi;
  • ionizes air;
  • can fill a room with any chosen aroma.

When purchasing any of the listed devices, you still need to regularly carry out wet cleaning, wash the floors and care for the furniture.

Heating household appliances

To feel comfortable at home, you need to turn off, if possible, all appliances that produce heat. Otherwise, in addition to natural high temperature air in the home will occur additional heating. You need to turn off not only the batteries, but also the heated towel rails. They can be powered by electricity or powered hot water. Each thermal or heating device can produce up to 400 W of heat, this amount is enough to heat a small bath, so it is best to avoid them during hot weather.

They can also release heat electrical appliances, although in fairly small quantities. Therefore, it is recommended to replace incandescent lamps with energy-saving ones. Such a change will entail significant changes, since just 5 such lamps can be comparable to the heat production of one small radiator. Incandescent light bulbs not only cause discomfort in the heat, but also consume a lot of electricity, so replacing them would be a great solution.

Hot air travels through the house much faster than cold air. Therefore, when cooking food for a long time, it is better to close the door to the kitchen. If there is such an opportunity, then during periods of abnormally high temperatures you can not use a stove or kettle; it is best to cook food in the microwave.

Basic misconceptions

IN summer period Many people try to cool the apartment using a fan, but on the contrary, it only heats the air. They use it to make the house cool and comfortable. This feeling is created due to constant air ventilation. During this process, the sweat glands, which are located in the human body, begin to secrete fluid onto the surface of the skin. Due to ventilation, it evaporates and the person feels cool.

A fan cannot cool the air in an apartment, but if you place it near your workplace or bed, it will be much easier to endure the hot period. The maximum effect can be achieved if you place this device in an apartment near a window or door. This method will be especially relevant for those whose house is located on the sunny side, since hot air will move from the apartment to the street.

It is also necessary to use a humidifier and other methods within reason. Sometimes, for this purpose, people hang a lot of wet towels around the house and wet the curtains. Each curtain can hold about 5 liters of water; if exposed to direct sunlight, it will dry out very quickly. In this case, the air humidity will be very high and a microclimate will appear that will feel very much like the tropics. As a result of such actions, breathing may become difficult and profuse sweating may occur, which will evaporate very slowly due to high humidity.

To make it easier to cope with the heat, it is also recommended to remove everything unnecessary from the house, for example, get rid of carpets. Much nicer and more comfortable in summer walk on linoleum or parquet flooring. You can moderately humidify the air using a fan, if you attach wet wipes to it or put frozen bottled water in front of it, this will also create a cooling effect.

As weather forecasters note, during the summer the unbearable heat usually lasts no more than a month. You can survive this period using the methods listed above to achieve maximum comfort you will need to purchase an air conditioner.

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In the hot summer, the thermometer goes off scale, and the entire situation in the apartment melts. If an air conditioner is installed in the room, then in a matter of minutes it can reduce the temperature to a comfortable level. However, not everyone has cooling equipment, so today we are talking about how to cool a room without air conditioning in sultry heat.

Systematic ventilation of the room

Creating a constant flow of air can lower the temperature in the room. Remember some points:

  • The lowest temperature is recorded in the time period from 4 to 7 am. It is at this time that it is worth saturating the room with freshness and coolness. If you can’t imagine how you can wake up so early, then open the windows the night before at 22.00-22.30.

  • Ventilation is perhaps the most effective way cool down if you don't break the schedule.
  • If you open the windows at 12-16 o'clock, you will only worsen the situation, because the room will be filled with scalding air.

Systematic humidification of the apartment

  • To cool a room by 2-5 degrees in hot weather, regularly humidify the air. This can be done using an ordinary spray.
  • The heat is felt even more strongly if the humidity in the house is low, but high humidity is also not acceptable. The main thing is the right balance.
  • To cool down, you can hang wet clothes around the room or spray water on the curtains from a spray bottle.
  • Place containers of water around the perimeter, and if desired, you can flavor it with a few drops of aromatic oils of citrus, mint or lavender.
  • We recommend filling the container with dishwashing detergent. running water. Spray the liquid over the entire area of ​​the apartment every hour. And for greater effect, spray a little liquid on yourself. With evaporation, the body will noticeably cool.

Using foil to cool a room

Oddly enough, this material copes well with high temperatures.

  • Buy rolls of 5 meters or more.
  • This material should be glued to walls or windows on any side. To achieve maximum effect, cover the entire glass area.
  • Particularly relevant this method, if you live in an apartment whose windows face southwest and south. It is there that the greatest intensity of sunlight is observed.
  • Cool the house down hot weather foil can also be used because the material prevents the sun from penetrating carpets, furniture and other interior elements, the heating of which causes an increase in temperature.
  • Research by scientists has proven that any room is heated not just by the air, but by the objects on which the rays fall. Heated objects exchange heat with the air, which is what causes suffocating heat in the house.
  • The only negative is the aesthetic component. Foil pasted on walls and glass does not add beauty to the interior.

Blackout curtains

Thick curtains not only give the room coziness and beauty, but also help regulate the air temperature.

  • Starting at 8:00 a.m. or even earlier, draw the curtains tightly to sun rays didn't get inside.
  • Buy tight ones heavy curtains, and cover windows facing south.

Interesting! Curtains are considered impenetrable if not a single ray of light penetrates through the straightened fabric.

  • Don't buy products from synthetic materials, because when heated they will aggravate the heat.

Window tinting

This method is suitable for residents of southern apartments.

  • A special shading film is glued to the entire window area for protection. It most often comes in a greenish or bluish tint, and its action is aimed at preventing the penetration of sunlight.
  • The disadvantage of this method is natural colors they get lost outside the windows.

Cooling blinds

If you don’t want to cover your windows with foil, you can easily replace them with blinds.

  • Thin stripes, closed all day, block up to 90% of sunlight.
  • Decide on the material from which the strips will be made. For maximum sun absorption, it is better to choose wooden ones.
  • should be at least a couple of times a year.
  • To create cozy atmosphere choose fabric vertical Roman blinds.

Getting rid of unnecessary things

Have you noticed that in the summer it’s a pleasure to walk on the bare, cool floor?

  • The solution to the problem is to get rid of the carpet and send it for cleaning. It is this that becomes a light reflector that prevents coolness from the floor from penetrating into the room.
  • If you have wall hangings, it is best to remove and clean them as well.
  • Taking off flooring, check the condition of the floor. If it is too wet, fungus may appear on the surface. and treat the surfaces with a primer.

Using Cooling Ice

Cool an apartment without a split system using plain ice it will be a few degrees. To do this, freeze in freezer molds with water, and after freezing them, throw a few cubes on a plate.

Using the kitchen

  • To cool the air in the summer, try to minimize work in the kitchen.
  • A running oven or stove will significantly increase the temperature in the room. It’s simply unrealistic to be in the kitchen after the stove has been running for an hour.
  • Note that heating occurs both from the lit gas and from the electric stove.

Wet cleaning

  • in summer and early spring It is necessary to carry out wet cleaning as often as possible.
  • By wet cleaning we mean wiping windows, shelves, doors, washing floors and changing bed linen.
  • This method will quickly reduce the heat, and moisture evaporation will normalize heat exchange processes.

Electronic devices

  • Try to use as little as possible household appliances and other electronics during the day.
  • These are irons, vacuum cleaners, PCs, TVs or printers.
  • This method will also help reduce energy costs.
  • In the bathroom, turn off the heated towel rail, because in summer it is better to dry things on the balcony.

Wet sheets

Another tip for cooling a room in hot weather without air conditioning.

  • You will need basins of water and sheets.
  • Place the basin near the door, and hang the sheet on the door so that its edges come into contact with the liquid. The fabric, gradually absorbing water, will give the room coolness.
  • In this case, you should choose a larger sheet.

Homemade air conditioner

It is possible to cool the room with a fan; for this you will need several liters of running water.

  1. Fill bottles or bowls with water and place them in the freezer for 3-4 hours.
  2. After the water has turned into ice, remove it from the freezer and place it near the fan so that the air currents from the blades blow across the ice.
  3. Fans that cool the room will help after just 5 minutes of operation.
  4. To prolong the effect, periodically replace the melting containers with new ice ones.

Interesting! Ventilation devices that cool air work by moving air from one side to the other, and during operation their motor gets very hot. Only use them when you are in the room.

It is difficult to cool down without air conditioning and a fan, but there is still an alternative. You can see her in Brazilian TV series. The device is called a ceiling fan. This expensive pleasure (price about 4,000 rubles) is absolutely silent, does not create drafts and does not heat the room with the motor.

Unfortunately, there is no ideal weather. Using the proposed methods, you can cool your living space and increase your level of living comfort in the summer.

Video: How to make an air conditioner from a fan

During hot periods of the year it is very difficult to find a way to hide from the obsessive heat. Unfortunately, not all apartments are well ventilated, and split systems are not installed everywhere. That is why the question of how to cool a room without air conditioning is becoming increasingly relevant every day.

If such a vital device is missing in your apartment, house or office, there are several dozen ways to achieve the long-awaited coolness in a different way.

Method 1

One of the most effective and proven methods is water. This liquid will not only lead to cooling, but will also send required quantity electrolytes, and will also help ensure that such minerals, which are important for the functioning of the body, are not removed from it through sweating. Don’t be under the illusion that ice will help cool a room in hot weather faster than water. This is wrong. It will complicate the body’s work, disrupting the established temperature balance - accordingly, to no effect. positive result its use will not lead.

Method 2

The only acceptable way to use ice for cooling is to wrap a small cube of it in a towel and apply it to the wrist area. This can significantly reduce thermal characteristics human body for 60 minutes.

Method 3

Another option to avoid temperature load– reduce the intensity of movement. In the heat, inactive pastime will help cool the air in the room.

Method 4

A great way to refresh yourself is mint. Suitable cubes for wiping your face, as well as tea.

Method 5

An effective cooling technique that all athletes use is to soak in cold water towel and place on the back of your neck for a few minutes.

Method 6

Sometimes ventilation for cooling a room consists only of opening a window to the street and letting in fresh and cool air from there, the movement of which will significantly reduce the thermal indicators in an apartment or office.

Method 7

  1. take a cool shower;
  2. rinse your hair every half hour;
  3. wet your clothes and put them on yourself.

Method 8

Everyone knows that anyone working household appliances allocate large number thermal energy - that is why, in order to minimize the temperature in the room, it is enough to turn off those that you are on at the moment don't use it.

Method 9

Before going to bed, be sure to open windows and doors so that the apartment or room is ventilated. It's kind of artificial ventilation, which will help refresh your living or workspace and prevent excessive accumulation of excessively warm air masses in it.

Method 10

Another answer to current issue The best way to cool a room without an air conditioner is to make one yourself. For this purpose, it is enough to place in front household fan small plastic bottle which is filled cold water, after which the targeted air flow blown out by the device will become significantly cooler.

General wishes

Effective, proven products for air conditioning

Sometimes the solution to a problem “lies on the surface,” but people’s desire to find something new and creative does not allow them to notice in time the simplest method of solving the situation. Therefore, let’s look at several obvious ways that can easily help cool a server room without air conditioning. These include the following mechanisms:

Simple physics

The simplest way is to organize a simple draft. So, by opening windows opposite each other, you can create a powerful flow of air, the movement of which will lead to the fact that the room will become significantly cooler. If all the windows are located on one side, then this will help household device like a fan. Depending on how low you set it, the faster the cool lower layers of air will rise upward. If you place large containers filled with cool water or ice cubes in front of the device, the cooling effect will be much more significant.

A completely applicable method to freshen the air is to cover all windows and doors with cool, wet sheets. As the water evaporates, it produces a cooling effect on the room. It is important to remember that excessive humidity will give a different result - thermal indicators will increase.

There is another option from the “school physics” category: it’s worth placing two ventilation devices so that the blades of one go outside the apartment, and the other is located inside. Thus, it is possible to create additional artificial ventilation system with significant air flow speed.


IN modern world Not a single person can imagine how one can survive the hot period of the year without air conditioning. Excessive thermal characteristics negatively affect performance, affect health and well-being, and affect metabolism. All this significantly complicates our lives.

Unfortunately, the installation household air conditioners For one reason or another, it is not yet available to everyone. That is why we have to look for acceptable alternative options how to cool any room without using this device. There are quite a few such methods - from the usual fan in combination with wet sheets and bottles, as well as ice cubes, to artificial air conditioning by taking air from the basement.

At the same time, experts strongly recommend showing reduced physical activity during hot periods of the year, as well as eating light foods - preferably fiber and a little animal protein. All these methods will help you survive the hot period of the year, which is difficult in terms of health and general well-being.

If you do not yet have the opportunity to install a household home air conditioner– don’t despair: there is always plenty available options what to replace it with to cool the room.