If the freezer has stopped freezing. Why the refrigerator does not work when the freezer is running LG refrigerator does not freeze freezer reasons

Refrigerators and freezers (intended exclusively for freezing and not having a moderate cooling mode) are technologically unable to operate continuously.

The compressor unit is programmed for cyclic mode: as a rule, the electric motor runs for 15–20 minutes, then there is a break of 5–10 minutes. The execution of the program is monitored by a control unit consisting of a fairly primitive programmer, an electronic timer (in advanced models), and a temperature sensor. In addition, the starting device contains a so-called thermal protection relay. It monitors the current flowing through the motor winding and breaks the power circuit if it overheats. This is an emergency shutdown unit that is not related to the operating mode. That is, if the monitoring and control unit does not give the command for a cyclic shutdown, and the motor overheats, the power still disappears. The engine cannot start until the actuator cools down: the bimetallic plate.

Thus, in the absence of obvious malfunctions, the engine will in any case periodically rest. Either at the end of the cold injection cycle, or after the protective thermostat has tripped.

Causes of compressor cycle failure

If your freezer is running continuously, the motor will overheat because it has no means of cooling. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the electric motor is housed in a hermetically sealed housing, which does not even have a basic heat sink. And the compressor itself wears out much faster in this mode. If the cause of the cycle violation is not eliminated, the main unit of the refrigeration unit will fail. Repairs are comparable to the cost of the entire unit, especially if it is used.

Why doesn't my chest freezer turn off on time?

Important: Before rushing to troubleshoot, carefully monitor the operation of the unit for at least 30–40 minutes. During this time, a change of modes (work/rest) should occur at least once.

If the suspicions are confirmed, we will look into the situation.

First, let's look at the reasons that are not pure malfunctions.

If the freezer does not freeze when the compressor is running continuously, go through this list. All reasons are eliminated without calling a technician, since they are not malfunctions.

Real malfunctions that disrupt the cyclic operation of the freezer

  • A serious mechanical problem is the condition of the insulation. There is insulation between the outer metal casing and the inner plastic walls. This can be polystyrene foam, polyurethane foam, or other material with a high thermal insulation coefficient. If even a small amount of moisture gets into it, a zone is formed that ideally conducts heat (in our case, cold). Heat exchange occurs between the inner and outer walls, and all the frost from the inside falls on the outer walls. Of course, no compressor can cope with such a job: freezing the entire room in which the chest freezer is located. It is almost impossible to dry the insulation, unless it can be removed in the form of plates. Signs of the problem are constant perspiration on some areas of the outer wall of the freezer. Operational “repair” - cutting out the wet area (with a reserve for the dry zone), and pouring new thermal insulation material.
    Polyurethane foam is excellent.
  • Refrigerant leak. If there is not enough freon in the system, during the standard freezing cycle, the compressor will not be able to provide the required temperature difference. Diagnostics using an ultraviolet lamp (a phosphorescent additive is added to freon). In addition, at the initial stage of the leak, a characteristic smell of freon is felt around the freezer. If the problem cannot be localized using primary signs, the chest freezer must be cleared of food, turn off the power and completely defrost the chamber. When you turn it on again, you will immediately understand whether there is refrigerant or not. Filling the system with your own hands is possible if you have the appropriate equipment and experience in performing such work.
    However, repairing the freezer yourself with such a breakdown can lead to failure of the compressor. It's better to call a specialist.
  • Thermostat malfunction. The control unit does not receive information about reaching the required temperature. The controller “thinks” that the cycle is not over and does not give a command to turn off the electric motor. The breakdown can be easily fixed with your own hands: replacing the thermostat can be done in half an hour.
  • A related problem is the failure of the protective element of the starting relay. With continuous operation, sooner or later the supply conductor overheats. If the protective shutdown does not work, you need to check the bimetallic strip. If it is impossible to fix the breakdown, the element must be replaced. The operation is also performed independently.
  • Clogged capillary tube in the condenser system. Because of this, the refrigerant will not circulate properly in the system and the freezer will not produce cold. As a result, the electric motor will operate continuously and at increased load. The cause of the malfunction is burning of the lubricant in the compressor. A special oil is present in the refrigerant and circulates with it through the system pipes. In case of spot overheating, solid slags are formed, which can clog the thin hole of the capillary throttle. It can be eliminated by flushing the system, evacuation, and subsequent refilling with new refrigerant (and oil).
  • Compressor failure. The engine is running and it seems to you that the system is working properly. But the compressor pump does not drive freon through the pipes. There is no frost in the chamber; the thermostat does not signal the control unit to turn off. Do-it-yourself repairs are unlikely. In the event of such a malfunction, it is more profitable to buy a new (or serviceable used) compressor of similar performance.
  • There may be a fault in the freezer control board. Self-diagnosis and repair are possible if you have an electrical diagram and experience working with electronics. You may need not only a multimeter, but also an oscilloscope.
  • The fan in the chest freezer does not work. It forcibly cools the condenser radiator.
    If this does not happen, a sufficient amount of cold does not form inside the chamber, and the compressor begins to work continuously.

We have looked at the main reasons why the freezer does not turn off. This situation can arise not only in a separate unit for freezing food. If the main compartment of the refrigerator is working properly, but the freezer does not produce the required temperature, the symptoms will be the same. The control system will “drive” freon in a circle without interruption for a rest cycle.

Freezer malfunctions in two-chamber refrigerators

In addition to the reasons listed:

  • If you have one compressor for two chambers (refrigerator and freezer), there is a valve in the overall system that switches freon between circuits. If it fails, half of the system will not work. The refrigerant will only provide cold to one part of the unit.
  • In the version with two compressors, we diagnose the autonomous part of the system in which the problem was detected. Of course, each individual circuit has its own control system and thermostat.

Bottom line

Despite the fact that freezing units are complex devices, some faults can be fixed on your own. And half of the problems are not related to breakdowns at all: it is enough to follow the operating instructions and service the unit on time.

Video on the topic

Sometimes an unpleasant situation happens with household refrigeration units - the freezer is working, but the refrigerator compartment is not cooling. It seems that the refrigerator has not broken down, but it does not perform its functions well.

This situation is not only unpleasant for the owner, but can also be quite dangerous. If you let the situation take its course, the refrigerator may break down completely, and repairs will cost a pretty penny. And failure to comply with the temperature regime can not only lead to additional expenses, but also seriously harm the health of household members. There's no point in waiting for this. It is best to find a malfunction at the first sign, find out its cause and take appropriate measures.

Before finding out why the refrigerator began to freeze poorly, it is worth talking about how exactly the refrigerator is designed and works. In principle, there is nothing complicated about this. The household refrigerator system includes 4 main components:

  • compressor;
  • capacitor;
  • evaporator;
  • connecting tube system.

A special gas, a refrigerant, circulates in a hermetically sealed system. It has a low temperature of evaporation and boiling. When a refrigerant expands, it absorbs heat, and when it contracts, it releases it back through condensation.

The refrigerant in home refrigerators is usually freon. This is an absolutely harmless, non-flammable substance. The liquid refrigerant enters under pressure into the capillary tubes, and then into the evaporator, where it begins to “absorb” heat. As a result, the surface of the refrigerator compartment cools down. This process is repeated from the beginning until the set temperature is reached in the refrigerator. Next, the temperature controller will operate, which opens the electrical circuit and forces the compressor to stop. The thermostat is necessary to protect the compressor from overloads and save electricity.

After some time, when the temperature in the refrigerator compartment rises again, the circuit will close again and the cycle will repeat all over again.

Primary diagnostics of a refrigerator

If you notice that the refrigerator does not freeze food or has begun to do so poorly, first of all, carry out a visual diagnosis of the device. Sometimes a malfunction may not be related to a breakdown, but is a consequence of the carelessness of the owners.

  • First, make sure that the refrigerator is level, there are no distortions and nothing is preventing the door from closing.
  • Check whether the refrigerator is connected to a separate outlet or whether it operates through a tee or extension cord. Sometimes the reason that the refrigerator has stopped freezing normally is that there is no good contact between the plug and the socket.
  • Carefully inspect the button labeled “Defrost.” In some refrigerator models, the button may be accidentally pressed when food is placed incorrectly.
  • Inspect the thermostat. If the room is very hot and the freezer is working at maximum, it is likely that the refrigerator simply cannot cope with such a load. This is especially true for refrigerators that have one compressor. In such units, the refrigeration chamber operates according to the “residual principle”. That is, first the set temperature in the freezer is reached and only after that the refrigeration compartment begins to cool. What to do? To solve the problem, set the temperature in the freezer to -10 – 12˚С, and in the refrigerator compartment, move the thermostat knob to the middle position.
  • If you have a No Frost refrigerator, pay attention to the fan in the freezer. If it is frozen and does not work, then the cold will stop flowing into the refrigerator compartment. You don't need to disassemble the freezer for this, just listen carefully. If you do not hear a low, steady hum when the freezer door is open, defrost the refrigerator for 10 to 12 hours. This time is enough for the ice to completely melt and the situation to return to normal.

Motor overheating

If the refrigerator light is on and the temperature does not drop, touch the motor. It is likely that due to the high temperature it overheated, the thermal protection tripped and the motor turned off. This is another reason why the refrigerator began to freeze poorly.

Turn off the refrigerator and defrost it completely. Make sure the engine is completely cool and turn the refrigerator back on. If everything works, move the refrigerator away from the wall and other objects so that the motor can cool better.

Temperature sensor

Place a regular household thermometer in the refrigerator compartment and after a while compare its value with the readings of the temperature sensor. If they do not match, the sensor will have to be changed.

If the refrigerator does not freeze, you have not found any minor “sores” in it, then everything is much more serious. Most likely, the breakdown is related to one of the main components.

The fan motor has failed

If this happens, you won't have to search for long. The fact is that the fan motor produces a very characteristic sound when operating, a uniform hum. If you don't hear it, the breakdown is obvious. It is likely that he was simply frozen. But if long-term defrosting does not help, you will have to call a specialist.

Compressor burned out

If your refrigerator has only one compressor, you will immediately notice a breakdown. Neither the freezer nor the refrigerator compartment will freeze. Most likely, you will very soon find a large puddle next to the refrigerator.

But if you have a two-compressor refrigerator, the problem may not be noticed immediately. In such models, each compartment has its own compressor. This is why the freezer can work normally, but the refrigerator compartment will be warm. Be that as it may, you are unlikely to be able to replace the compressor yourself, without the help of a specialist.

Cooling system clogged

Sometimes the filter drier through which the oil for the electric motor moves becomes clogged with waste or burnt particles. A good technician will quickly identify the problem. Also, the system of thin tubes through which the refrigerant circulates often becomes clogged. It is impossible to fix such a breakdown without special equipment. You need to thoroughly blow out the tubes under pressure and top up the freon.

Refrigerant leak

If you notice that, although the engine is running, the condenser remains cold all the time, it means that there is a freon leak and the refrigerator is pushing air. Another sign of such a breakdown is rusty streaks inside the freezer located below. The cause of the leak may be microscopic cracks in the evaporator. That is why it is strictly forbidden to “help” the refrigerator with defrosting, scrape off snow and break off pieces of ice in the freezer.

Microcracks could also form due to strong vibration of the refrigerator if it is installed unevenly. If you've recently moved your refrigerator, the tubes between the compressor and evaporator have probably broken. In general, there can be many reasons.

If the crack is not obvious, it will not be possible to detect it without a special device. In addition, in order for the refrigerator to work normally, after soldering the system must be refilled with freon.

Refrigerator No Frost

Do you have a No Frost system refrigerator? There is another reason why the No Frost refrigerator does not cool. In units with a dry freezing system, the heating element sometimes burns out. This unit is needed to periodically defrost the cooling system. If the heating elements burn out, the fan will freeze into ice. To fix the problem, you need to thoroughly defrost the refrigerator and replace the thermal electric heater.

Rules for handling refrigeration equipment

Of course, it is impossible to completely rid the refrigerator of malfunctions. But by following some rules, you can delay the onset of trouble:

  • never place warm or hot food in the refrigerator;
  • Clean the back of the refrigerator once or twice a year using a vacuum cleaner and a damp sponge; this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the tubes and wires;
  • connect the refrigerator to an individual outlet so as not to disturb the wire when turning on other household appliances;
  • when turning off the appliance for defrosting, first turn the thermostat knob to position “0”, and then remove the plug from the socket;
  • place the unit away from the stove, radiator and sink - the presence of an additional heat source next to the refrigerator creates additional load;
  • Move the unit at least 5 cm away from the wall and other objects - this will create normal conditions for proper cooling of the compressor.

Improper freezing of food is considered one of the most common problems with a two-chamber refrigerator. Moreover, both owners of expensive and modern models with No Frost mode, as well as users of old domestic equipment that require manual defrosting, can encounter it.

Having discovered that the freezer in the refrigerator is not freezing or the freezing process is not very effective, it is worth looking for the cause of the problem. After this, you can decide on further actions - or call a specialist.

Too much ice and snow may be signs of compressor failure.

Finding out why any equipment breaks down usually starts with checking the power supply. Sometimes the reason that the refrigerator does not freeze food can be a simple cable damage or even a lack of electricity in the network or a specific outlet.

But, if the freezer has stopped freezing even though the refrigerator compartment is functioning normally, that is where the problem lies.

Missing ice and snow or, conversely, too much of them may be signs of compressor failure, clogged pipes, or even a refrigerant leak.

Door not closed tightly

One of the most common causes of freezer problems is a door that is not tightly closed, which allows air to enter the chamber.

For Hotpoint Ariston refrigerators, the problem may occur after prolonged operation without scheduled defrosting. Sometimes the chamber is too full of products, and the equipment does not cope with its task.

All these issues can be resolved simply, without requiring a call to a specialist. In the first case, you should solve the problem with a poorly closing door. In the second - defrost the equipment by disconnecting it from the network, in the third - reduce the degree of filling of the chamber so that there is free space there.

The jams prevent the passage of melt water, which accumulates at the bottom of the freezer and flows out

The equipment may not work properly due to blockages in the capillary system. Foreign substances get into the tubes - debris from a worn filter, oil, moisture. Because of this, the cooler in refrigerators of brands such as LG does not reach the right place and the food does not freeze.

In Deo models, the lower chamber often does not freeze due to a clogged drainage system.

The jams prevent the passage of melt water, which accumulates at the bottom of the freezer and flows out. The result is cracked plastic and corrosion of metal elements, causing refrigerant to leak out.

Temperature sensor

In freezers of any brand, including Liebherr appliances, there is a temperature sensor that is responsible for maintaining the desired temperature. If it is broken, food will not freeze properly.

A sign of a problem is a long interruption in the operation of the compressor due to incorrectly transmitted data from the electronics.

Improper freezing may be a sign of broken mechanical devices or buttons. The Stinol 106 model often has a problem with the timer set in defrost mode. To solve this, just turn the knob a few degrees.

Freon leak

A freezer of models such as Indesit SFR 167 NF may not work properly due to freon entering the room. The reason is microcracks in the tubes due to improper use or wear.

Cracks often appear if the refrigerator has not been defrosted for a long time, or the user tried to speed up this process on his own by knocking off the ice with a hard object.

Malfunction of one of the compressors

In models that have 2 compressors, the cause of the problem is the breakdown of one of them.

In this case, the refrigerator does not work correctly - but the refrigerator compartment continues to function in normal cooling mode. Owners of the Biryusa 14 or Atlant models have to deal with such a malfunction.

Problems with the rubber seal

Worn seal

A common refrigerator problem is damage to the rubber seal, which can dry out or come off.

The reason is often long-term downtime of the unit. Air enters the chamber, raising the internal temperature.

Because of this, the compressor of a Veko refrigerator or any other brand increases power, but does not solve the problem, but only wears out faster.

Mechanical and chemical damage

During operation, mechanical damage appears on the body of household appliances - from cracks to holes in the back wall.

The reasons for its appearance range from poor-quality manufacturing materials to improper operation or transportation. Due to damage, air gets inside, reducing the effectiveness of freezing.

Oxidation and rust on tubes

Over time, refrigerant lines begin to leak due to wall corrosion. Freon comes out through the holes formed, and the cold does not enter the chamber.

Urgent action is required to correct the problem, otherwise it will lead to compressor failure.

What to do if the freezer stops freezing

The list of freezer faults is quite long. Having determined why the food is not frozen and the compressor is constantly running without turning off, it is worth moving on to solving the problems.

Some actions to restore operation can be done independently, while others require the purchase of expensive parts and the intervention of specialists.

Refrigerator freezer repair

Problems with the freezer should be solved taking into account their causes:

  • Congestion in capillary systems is removed by lightly tapping the tubes, which can dislodge stuck particles. Drainage pipelines are cleaned by filling with hot water using a rubber bulb.
  • To restore the functionality of the thermostat and thermostat, they can only be replaced. Only a specialist can identify the cause of the problem by carrying out appropriate repairs.
  • The only way to restore a dry chamber seal is to completely replace it.
  • You can try to compensate for overheating of the compressor, due to which the cooling mode is disrupted, by moving the refrigerator away from the wall. If this does not help, the part is changed.
  • You can try to deal with mechanical damage yourself. The equipment is defrosted, the damaged area is filled with foam or insulation.
  • Malfunctions of the defrost sensor, due to which incorrect data are transmitted to the control system, are eliminated by replacing the device.
  • If the Indesit No Frost model does not freeze, the issue can often be resolved by replacing the heating device.
  • Rust from tubes is removed by treating with a special product or 9% vinegar. Before treatment, you should test the effect on a small area, only then apply it to the entire oxidized surface.

Knowing how to solve problems with a refrigerator that does not freeze well, you can try to follow the appropriate recommendations for repairing it. Simple problems can often be fixed with your own hands.

However, if you lack experience or confidence in your repair abilities, you should call a specialist. After all, incorrectly performed repairs will not only not return the equipment to working order, but can make the problem even more serious.

Very often people contact the service with one question: Why is the freezer in the refrigerator not working?, because it itself functions normally? The question, let’s say, is urgent and requires a quick fix, especially if it’s hot outside and there’s simply nowhere to put the food. But you won’t be able to fix everything in a couple of minutes: first you need to determine the cause of the thaw in your freezer, and only then try to fix something.

The reasons for the breakdown may be the following:

  1. Inattention when using. Modern refrigerators have a special regulator that allows you to set the required temperature in the freezer or refrigerator. Take a look at them - maybe you or someone in your household inadvertently turned the toggle switch to the lowest possible position, which is why the freezer simply stopped coping with freezing.
  2. Ice freezing. Ice in the freezer is normal, but only until the moment when there is so much of it that the door simply won’t close. Because of this, outside air enters the freezer, which warms the existing ice during a break in the refrigerator’s operation (it does not always work, but at a certain interval).
  3. Using the refrigerator for too long without any repairs or constantly operating at maximum capacity (for example, setting the coldest mode in the summer heat). Because of this, the refrigeration chamber motor fails - it just runs for a couple of seconds, and then it can’t handle it and turns off again.
  4. Excessive use may damage the temperature sensor. Because of this, the freezer will work, but with very long breaks. This problem is relevant only for electronically controlled refrigerators. In the case of electromechanical refrigerators, the thermostat fails.
  5. If you have a refrigerator that has a no-frost system and a crying evaporator, a special switch may fail. You will notice this as follows: the freezer will freeze, but not as much as you would like it to.
  6. If you defrosted the freezer, and after that it did not work, remember whether you “helped” by chipping off the ice or placing a bowl of hot water inside. If yes, then, most likely, you “killed” your device with your own hands - only old refrigerators were resistant to such manipulations, while new ones require more careful handling.

How to fix it?

As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for breakdowns. What to do with them? You can handle some of them yourself, but some jobs can only be done by a professional:

  1. Just turn the dial to the desired position and wait. If the freezer works, then your problem is solved.
  2. Defrost the freezer (without using any “folk” remedies, such as chipping ice) and thoroughly wipe all seals.
  3. In this case, only replacing the compressor will help. The minimum cost of work is 3500.
  4. Replacing a broken sensor. The minimum cost of work is 2000.
  5. Replacing a unit that has failed. The minimum cost of work is 2500.
  6. It is necessary to find the place where the damage is located, reseal it and refill the freezer with refrigerant. The minimum cost of work is from 3000.

Contact the professionals

Some people have misconceptions about their abilities. Unfortunately, even if you have the knowledge to identify the problem, you are unlikely to be able to fix it. If The freezer in the refrigerator is not working, it is better to leave this matter to professionals - for example, our company. Without undue modesty, we will say: we compare favorably with our competitors in terms of quality and price of services. All work will be completed on time, and after communicating with the craftsmen you will only have pleasant impressions.

  1. Set modes according to the weather.
  2. Periodically call a professional for a preventive inspection.
  3. Do not defrost new refrigerators with a hairdryer or hot water.
  4. Do not chip ice from new refrigerators.

1. Freon leak

Freon is a refrigerant used to lower the temperature in the freezer. Its leakage most often occurs due to mechanical damage to the freon-conducting tubes. This usually happens after defrosting in cases where they try to knock the ice off the walls of the chamber or pick it off with a sharp object.

If freon leaks, the air inside the chamber stops cooling while the motor-compressor operates almost non-stop. In such a situation, it is better to disconnect the equipment from the network, empty the chamber of the food inside and call a specialist to repair the freezers. He will determine the location of the leak, repair damage to the line and pump new refrigerant into the system.

2. Compressor failure

This is one of the most serious faults. With such a breakdown, the freezer simply does not work: its motor tries to start, runs for a few seconds and turns off. Also, the engine may not start at all or may work but make strange sounds. Such breakdowns are most often associated with wear of components or operational errors. So, if the chamber is constantly overloaded or the equipment operates in maximum cooling mode in hot weather, this can cause the compressor to fail. Unfortunately, most often it is impossible to repair compressors. To repair the freezer, the compressor motor will have to be replaced with a new one.

3. Failure of the temperature or air sensor

These sensors measure the temperature inside the freezer. If they are faulty, the control unit receives incorrect temperature information and stops cooling the air. As a result, the temperature in the freezer is not low enough. The engine turns on very rarely. This malfunction occurs only in modern models with electronic control. To solve the problem, it is necessary to replace the failed sensor.

4. Thermostat failure

Electromechanical models use thermostats to control the temperature inside the chamber. If such an element fails, the compressor will not work intensively enough due to the fact that the control unit will receive incorrect data about the temperature inside the chamber. With such a breakdown, the freezer does not cool or does not cool enough. Freezer repair most often involves replacing the thermostat.

5. Failure of the control unit

Most often in such cases the compressor does not turn on at all. However, there are no additional signs of malfunctions. According to the experience of Cold Service engineers, the method of repairing a freezer in such cases depends on the features of the model, as well as on what exactly happened to the control unit. In some cases it can be reprogrammed. If the control unit is completely damaged, it will need to be replaced.

6. Wear of door gaskets

This problem most often occurs in freezers used in shops, cafes, and warehouses. Due to the frequent opening and closing of doors, the rubber gaskets on them wear out, crack and delaminate. As a result, the chamber does not close hermetically. In this case, the freezer operates in intensive mode, although the chamber is not cooled sufficiently due to the leakage of cooled air. In addition, ice builds up inside the freezer due to condensation forming inside. This is fraught with breakdown of the motor-compressor, failure of the control electronics and other problems. If the rubber seals on the doors are worn out and the freezer does not close tightly, they must be replaced as soon as possible. Such work is carried out quickly and the price is low.

Prevention of freezer breakdowns

  • Once every six months the chamber must be completely defrosted. After defrosting, it is thoroughly washed and dried so that after switching on, no frost forms on the walls. If the freezer requires defrosting earlier, it must be done as quickly as possible.
  • Doors should not be left open for long periods of time. It is advisable to open them as little as possible, and also control how tightly the doors are closed. This is important because the temperature difference between the freezer and the room in which it is installed is quite large. To ensure that your freezer operates as efficiently as possible and that condensation does not form inside it, it is important not to leave it open for a long time.
  • The freezer must not be overloaded. This applies to both household models and large cameras used in warehouses, retail establishments, etc. In order for the motor-compressor to cope with maintaining the set temperature, it is important to evenly distribute the products inside the chamber, filling it so that a certain amount of free space remains inside it.

If there are signs of malfunctions in the operation of the freezer or simply non-standard “symptoms”, you should not try to repair the freezer yourself - this can lead to more serious damage. It is better to entrust the solution to the problem to professionals. The Cold Service company provides repair services for freezers of various brands and models.