How to write a commercial proposal - (44 samples)

The first document, based on the content and design of which the client forms an impression of the seller, is commercial offer. Based on its competent preparation, a potential client judges the professionalism of employees, the maturity of the company and their own benefit. Whether or not the relationship between the supplier and the client will develop in the future largely depends on the unique commercial offer.

Alas, sometimes one glance is enough to understand whether to read the proposal further, or immediately send it to the trash as spam. The Russian proverb “One meets people by their clothes” is more appropriate in this case than ever. Hence the conclusion: the sales manager’s task is to create a readable, competent, attractive commercial proposal, beautifully designed and beneficial to his client.

In this article, a commercial proposal is understood not only as a document with the same name, a seller’s companion in sales negotiations, but also a selling article on the website, and an oral presentation of the proposal, which would also be good to write and rehearse in advance.

What is a commercial offer

This is a working tool for absolutely any sale, a kind of business card of every company. A commercial offer differs from a price list or description in that it does not just contain some information, its purpose is to encourage specific action. After reading the commercial offer, the client must do something: pick up the phone and make an appointment, ideally be ready to buy.

Commercial offer- a kind of marker that shows the professionalism of the manager.

A commercial proposal is the main document of any company, which describes the proposal in a short or detailed form, the main goal of which is to sell, increase the average bill, attract the largest number clients, as a result - increased profits.

How many commercial proposals do you need to write? Much, moreover, this document cannot be static, drawn up once, once and for all. The company is growing, its product line, product matrix, terms of cooperation are changing, and the professionalism of the team is increasing. Along with these changes, the commercial offer is constantly supplemented, formed and changed many times. Moreover, it is written for each target audience separately, in a language that only they understand.

The commercial offer for cold and warm contact will differ dramatically. Each person making a purchasing decision also needs a separate offer. A business owner cannot write the same sales letter as an employee - these people have different goals and objectives, which means that the proposal will focus on their own points of persuasion.

Rules for making a commercial offer

The commercial proposal is written either on the company’s letterhead or drawn up according to the following rules:

A small company logo is placed on the main page, but there is no need to write all the bank details in the header, this overloads the page and distracts from the main purpose of the document;

All text is maintained in the same style, written in the same font and color, it is only possible to highlight the main subsections of the sentence in bold;

The appeal to the potential client is written in the middle of the page and is specific and personalized;

The recipient of the commercial offer is reflected in the right top corner, where his position, company and last name, first name, patronymic are indicated;

The signature in the proposal is clear, deciphered, indicating the position of the person drawing up this document, his telephone number, email address, actual address of the company, website and operating hours;

All information must be in strict form, aligned along the edge;

Abbreviations, slang expressions, and acronyms are not allowed in the text;

Commercial proposals for the cold market do not indicate product prices, do not include long diagrams, detailed applications and price lists. All this information is sent only to the interested client upon his separate request.

Rules for drawing up the text of a commercial proposal

1. Benefit for the client. Any text of the company’s most important document in the introduction should answer the client’s question “Why should he buy the product from you?” That is, in the very first lines of the text you need to indicate the benefit for the client. The most common mistake in writing business proposals is to start your story with a long and detailed description own merits. I call such texts a “board of honor”; the question always arises after reading: “so what?” What should I do after reading this iconostasis of regalia? Feel respect? What next? As practice shows, the client most often skips these offers and automatically looks for his own benefits and benefits with his eyes.

This means that the task of a smart manager is to help the client quickly find attention hooks in the text, highlighting the headings “Advantages of working with us”, “It is beneficial because...” into separate subsections. In these sections you can add your own merits: “Our company has a market share...”, “We have been providing services in this segment of offerings for the second ten years...”.

2. Second rule - be able to speak the client's language. Every business environment has its own internal lexicon. Knowing and using them is the task of a professional. At the same time, it is important to adhere to the norms, avoiding excesses.

An example from the practice of the owner of a business newsletter with more than 40,000 subscribers, providing paid services for everyone who wants to notify the world about their offer: “A serious Moscow business center turns to us for this service, sends a commercial offer to the mailing list with an invitation to a paid seminar. I open the text and... have difficulty understanding what it is about. The text is replete with special terms borrowed from English technical language. I’m trying to convey the idea to the customer that most likely there will be no feedback on such a proposal: not everyone wants to admit their own misunderstanding. Moreover, the proposed service of attending a seminar is quite expensive, and not everyone can afford it.

The correspondence with the customer reached a dead end, because I received a firm and specific decision: “We don’t need people at the seminar who don’t understand what we’re talking about.” It’s a matter of business, I tried to help him, to translate the text into the language of the reader of our audience. As a result, the customer did not receive a single response from the forty thousand consumer mass.”

In a commercial proposal, it is important to learn to speak three languages ​​with your potential client: the language of facts, the language of benefits and the language of benefits. Try right now, after reading the article, to break down your own commercial proposal into these three components.

Language of facts- these are all the company’s achievements (how many years on the market, how many retail outlets, what is the assortment matrix, service capabilities, streamlined logistics, vocational training commands and so on).

Benefits language- this is what distinguishes your offer from competitors’ offers, in fact, it is unique trade proposal. If a company is a home for giants, provides services only to blondes, or sells products exclusively to astronauts, this is already unique in the market. If a company is similar in its offering to thousands of others, you need to look for uniqueness, creating it in the service or product offering in order to differentiate yourself from a competitor.

Benefit language- the most important aspect for the client, which can tip the scales towards accepting your offer. This is beneficial because it allows... What follows is a clear and specific list of benefits: it saves nerves, money, resources, and the like.

In this case, the language of facts is always transferred to the very end of the text of the commercial proposal.

What not to write in a commercial proposal

A commercial proposal is an official document, therefore humor and jokes are inappropriate in it, especially banal, flat, vulgar ones. True, there is one exception to this point: if the proposal is written as an invitation to an evening of humor, or services are offered whose purpose is to create a festive, cheerful atmosphere, humor can play a decisive role in influencing the client’s final decision. However, tact, dose and timeliness, freshness are important here.

No jargon, sexual innuendo or obscene language. What a cynical person can afford to do in a narrow circle is prohibited from being transferred into the text of a commercial proposal. Otherwise, the client may regard it as an insult, stupidity, or flirtation.

Deliberate lies and empty promises are not allowed in a commercial offer. Once you lie, who will believe you? If for some reason the company cannot, does not want, or does not know how to do something, there is no need to promise it in the text. You cannot write such sentences in the text: “We will increase the level of your sales significantly.” Will everything depend on your efforts? If the client’s company does not have established business processes, staff are not trained and there is no serious marketing support, it is unlikely that your offer will be able to significantly increase the client’s profit.

It is forbidden to write anything negative in the text of a commercial proposal. I recently received email such a sentence from some esoteric magician: “Did your loved one leave you? Is your business falling apart? Are you tormented by aging diseases? Are you constantly having troubles at work? We will help you, even from a distance, we will solve all your problems.” What should a client who does not have such problems do? What feelings and emotions does this text evoke?

Another prohibition in writing the text of a proposal is touching on issues of nationality, religion, race and gender. For any company, all clients are equal; chauvinism and discrimination have no place in sales. This is a taboo in any negotiation practices when building long-term relationships with clients.

The most important thing is that after sending your commercial proposal you do not receive an anecdotal response from your potential client: “We carefully studied your commercial offer and decided to buy a batch of the weed you smoke from you.”

To whom should I send a commercial proposal?

Direct marketing, fan distribution of commercial offers by email, is a serious science that also requires certain knowledge. Because without special training It is not recommended to send your proposal to everyone. A much greater response will be given by mailing to specific customer bases of potential customers, or those consumers who have ever contacted the company.

Where can you get such a client base? These can be independently generated lists of the company’s clients, or thematic client databases purchased on exchanges. To understand who will be interested in your product, your offer, it is important to create a portrait of your consumer. When my clients tell me that consumers, say, drinking water That's it, I'm smiling. It is clear that everyone needs clean drinking water, but some consumers drink only spring water, melt water, and some are already clients of others brands drinking water, and some prefer not to spend money on water that can be drunk from the tap. Each segment of these consumers can become a client of this company, but you need to work with them point-by-point; just sending a commercial proposal is not enough.

There is a proprietary “excuse” for potential clients: after a cold call to the company, they ask the manager to send them a commercial proposal by fax. Many sellers know a similar trick; in professional slang it is called “send by fax.” The client cannot refuse immediately by coming up with such an excuse. Therefore, it is recommended that all managers resort to a tiny deception, saying that the fax does not work, and arrange a live meeting at a time convenient for the client.

A commercial proposal can be either a selling tool in skillful hands or a waste of time if handled unskillfully.

Zhanna Pyatirikova specially for the business portal

Commercial offer – perfect tool to work with old partners, this offer is also used to find new partners. From our article you will learn in detail about the specifics of commercial proposals: rules for drawing up, mistakes that can be made, get useful information, as well as example sentences and templates.

What is a commercial offer?

Often a company thinking about expanding its customer and partner base chooses commercial proposals as its main tool. Conventionally, commercial offers can be divided into 2 types:

  • Personalized, sent to a specific addressee and containing a personal message inside. The main advantage of such offers is that the client involuntarily begins to feel involved in your company, he is pleased that he is in individually will receive an offer with a special discount or bonuses. Of course, he doesn’t need to know that several dozen other people received a similar letter.
  • Non-personalized, which is also called cold. It contains anonymized information and is not directed to to the only person, but is designed for a wide range of consumers. There are also disadvantages to such an offer: firstly, the lack of personal appeal generalizes the information, reducing the degree of interest of the client. Secondly, the offer can be read by a person who will not make the purchasing decision (secretary, middle manager, relative, etc.).

Any type of commercial proposal will help you achieve the following goals:

  • Will attract the attention of a potential client/partner.
  • Will arouse interest and desire to purchase the product.
  • It will help the buyer decide to make a purchase or order a specific service.

Taking these decisions into account, a commercial proposal is developed, but the principle of its “work” is similar to that of a conventional advertising campaign. Naturally, the textual content of a commercial proposal is 50% of success; if you create a personalized proposal, then you need to pay great attention to the paper and even the envelope in which it will be sealed. Usually, in order to attract the client’s attention, the proposal is supplemented with the company logo or an emphasis is placed on corporate colors.

Structure: compose a sentence sequentially

The standard structure of such a proposal consists of 5 main parts. Let's look at them with examples.

Title and subtitle of the CP

  • Headline, which uses an enticing phrase and, if possible, a corporate logo.
  • Subtitle, which defines the service or product offered.

Which is correct?

Example No. 1

  • Title: How to reduce the cost of a click in Yandex Direct while maintaining a CTR of 40-50%?
  • Subtitle: The IT company will reduce the cost per click by half in 10 days, increasing CTR by at least 10%.

Example No. 2

  • Headline: The Minutka courier service will deliver your order from the cafe so quickly that the dishes will not have time to cool down!
  • Subtitle: Services for delivering hot lunches for employees directly to the office.

Example No. 3

  • Title: Express Italian courses: we will refund you 100% of your payment if your employees do not speak Italian in 3 months!
  • Subtitle: Special service for preparing personnel for the arrival of foreign colleagues, foreign business trips, and maintaining documentation.

Example No. 4

  • Title: What to do if the contractor missed the deadline and there is no time interior decoration Is there no more apartment left?
  • Subtitle: Company "Repair M": we carry out finishing work in a short time and give a 10% discount.

How wrong?

  • Headline: LLC "Wall": let's build it as if it were for ourselves.
  • Subtitle: The Stena LLC company has been engaged in construction work for more than 10 years.

Information and benefits block

  • A block that attracts attention and provides advertising information about a product/service.
  • The benefits that a partner or client will receive from cooperation with your company.


The courier service “Minutka” has been on the market for these services since 2010. About our work they leave only positive reviews, we have more than 500 clients, but this is not the limit. Our service cooperates with the companies Technotrade LLC, Autoservice 100 and others. We - best service delivery in its segment:

  • Large car park.
  • We cooperate with a large number cafes and restaurants.
  • We provide discounts to regular customers.

The cost of our services depends on the number of your employees, the distance of the cafe from your office and other factors. To find out more, contact us by phone or email!

There is no “pepper” in KP, there is no intrigue and that same “candy” that attracts customers. You definitely need to use more numbers, tempting phrases and offers that will make a person read the letter to the end and call you.

Which is correct?

The Minutka courier service offers to organize meals for your company’s employees. Hot lunches in the office mean not only saving material resources, but also increasing the efficiency of your team. Why waste time looking for a cafe, because courier service“Minutka” will bring hot dishes from any restaurant or cafe Nizhny Novgorod within 30 minutes.

5 reasons why you should contact a courier service in a minute:

  • Our services are used by more than 15 organizations in Nizhny Novgorod.
  • We work 744 hours a month, accepting orders day and night.
  • We cooperate with more than 25 food outlets of different price categories.
  • The service has its own fleet of vehicles and the latest equipment, allowing you to accept and deliver orders within 30 minutes - 1 hour.
  • If you find food delivery cheaper, we will give you a personal 20% discount.

Feedback: Our company does not have its own canteen, so we have been cooperating with the Minutka courier service for more than 3 years, we are satisfied with the quality of their work and the speed of delivery. We are often given discounts and sent an extended list of cafes and restaurants with which the courier service cooperates. Our employees are satisfied, we express our deep gratitude to the Minutka service for delicious lunches and prompt delivery!

Sincerely, Director of Recruitment of the Company " Latest Technologies» Anna Kovalenko!

Shall we cooperate?

Here are your available contacts, address and phone number, you can add a service logo.

What is the purpose of the proposal?

All advertising tools have one goal - to sell, to sell profitably. And it doesn’t matter what tools you use, because a cheap calendar or expensive offer on laminated paper should attract the client and arouse his interest. Therefore, all the efforts of the person making the commercial proposal should be concentrated on competently presenting the benefits of the purchase, which even the client who is “not in the know” will see.

If your potential client reads the commercial proposal to the end, then this is a success for the company, which can bring profit and new clients.

Tips to help you write a business proposal

To create a “selling” commercial offer, you need to take into account several tips that make the offer more interesting for a potential buyer:

  • More specificity and clarity. Avoid vague phrases and vague sentences; you need to place on 1 sheet specific information about the product or service that will clearly reveal its advantages.
  • When composing, do not allow logical, semantic or technical errors, which will immediately scare away customers.
  • Provide only truthful information. If the client does not receive the promised bonus or product, then he will have a worse impression of the company.
  • Be sure to indicate special offers that you can guarantee to the client.
  • Stick to structure and fill your business proposal with confident phrases. Your confidence will be transferred to the client, encouraging him to place an order.

Rules for drawing up a commercial proposal: determine the goal, audience and other parameters

Before drawing up a commercial proposal, it is necessary to analyze the target audience for which the document is intended. You must realistically assess the desires and capabilities of your potential audience in order to create a good proposal.

Check after compilation

After drawing up a commercial proposal, it is worth conducting a short test by quickly skimming the finished letter. Does it solve the client's problem? Is there any pattern in it? Is everything listed? You can carry out several such checks; believe me, all the “verbal” chaff will be eliminated, and only useful and effective information will remain on paper.

There are several tools you can use to check your offer:

  • Ask your coworker or friend to read the proposal. Let your friend evaluate the commercial proposal and say whether he would make a call to your company or not. What is important here is perception, understanding of the topic (even if the person is completely unfamiliar with your product), and the desire to call.
  • Read the text, discarding all epithets. For example, the phrase “our best hair dryer in the whole world” sounds simpler and easier without superlatives, ceasing to look like a schoolboy's essay.

This is how you simply proofread a commercial proposal, ridding it of worn-out cliches and truly ridiculous phrases. Then give it to the printing house or designer, and you will receive the CP ready for sending. But what to do next with ready-made proposals? Let's find out together!

Examples of ready-made commercial proposals: photos

If you don't have someone on staff with experience sending out such proposals, you'll probably have to hire one. Fan mailing by email or delivery by courier is a subtle science that requires certain skills. But the situation will be facilitated by using your own or purchased client base with potential buyers.

From prestigious companies customer base has been formed over the years, so no problems should arise, but a young, developing business has not yet large quantity clients. What to do? You can buy, but they may slip you a dummy with “dead souls” (non-existent email addresses, for example) or sell a database with a non-target audience. For example, a car dealership will give its base to a cosmetics store, what's the point?

Let's sum it up

Writing and sending commercial proposals is difficult, really difficult, if you want to get real result. For such an “action” to bring benefits, be sure to contact professionals or friends who have been involved in drawing up commercial proposals at least once in their lives.

“Send your commercial information, we will look and answer you...” Each of us, not to mention sales managers, has heard this phrase at least once.

And very often, it is at this stage that their clients fall off. Because your proposal did not attract them, did not like them, or even repulsed them.

Therefore, it is extremely necessary in our time to know how to draw up a commercial proposal so that it is read and comes to you.

It's a shame

The commercial offer is one of the most effective tools sales, so your profit directly depends on the quality of the text, structure and design.

But, unfortunately, many managers, and even executives, do not pay due attention to its preparation.

Considering that the most important thing is to attract a client, and then he will buy it himself if he needs it.

But as I wrote above, this is where many get burned. And we can safely say this as business consultants, because in our practice we see shocking results. Most likely yours will be the same.

Namely, out of 10 applications from you, in the best scenario, 30% (3 applications) buys, and if we take the overall temperature in the hospital, it will drop to 15% (1.5 applications).

This suggests that you are wasting money on attracting customers. By improving this one stage, will it be possible to increase your profit by 2? No, this is still not a magic pill.

But even an increase in sales by 15-20% will quickly recoup all investments in CP and take the company to a new level.

Therefore, we return to our question: “How to create a selling commercial proposal so that it brings maximum response?”



I would like to start with the fact that there are two main types of commercial offers that pursue completely different goals.

Step 2. Formation of desire

Example: Good afternoon, Ivan Stepanovich. You study different offers every day and most often they end up in the trash. But this is not the case. You can be sure.

And we, for our part, are ready to confirm this with a free gift - “Two tickets to a VIP-class cinema”, if you really think that you wasted your time.

Boldly or confidently?! It's up to you to decide. The main thing is that it works. True, not always and not in all areas.

For you, this approach may be less provocative. But it must solve its task - to create a desire to read everything from cover to cover.

Step 3. The essence of the proposal

The next step for us is your proposal. This is what everyone came together for. Just like in the song “It’s great that we are all gathered here today!” (Did you read or sing?).

At this step, you talk about your product or your service. Remind me what we're talking about.

As a rule, these are 1-2 blocks in which you tell the main points of the proposal. There is no need to describe everything that is included here.

You write exactly as much as is needed for the client to make a positive decision to move to the next stage.

The essence of the commercial offer

Step 4: Persuasion

Be the solution to the customer's problem, not the description of it. Reveal the main benefits that he will receive from cooperation.

You can do this using different blocks, for example, through reasons to buy, through, through cases, through a warranty or technical specifications.

Convictions in the business proposal

To summarize, your task is to convince the client to buy from you with the help of several blocks. That is, “Persuasion” is not one “Why us” block, but a collection, each of which covers the necessary objection.

Step 5: Pricing

Since we are talking about a hot letter, it means the client is already waiting for an offer with prices. Therefore, there is no need to hide anything at this step and be afraid of scaring him off; on the contrary, everything should be transparent and honest.

Even to the point where you tell us what factors make up the entire cost.


And yes, in case you have wide range services, then send them separately with your commercial offer.

And don’t forget to write about this in the CP, otherwise it may simply not be noticed, since everything is studied very quickly.

Lifehack. Do not use the word “Price”, it carries a negative connotation. Use the words “Cost” or “Investment”, so it will be easier for the client to agree to the subconscious.

Step 6: Call to Action

It is very often neglected, but this is, in fact, closing the sale. Clearly indicate what your potential client should do after reading it - call, write, come to the office.

It is important to do this, because it is psychologically easier and clearer for people to act when they are told what to do in order to get the desired result (even the strictest director).

Call to action

And also the appeal helps to make the client want to do it immediately after reading it. For example, with the help of an additional and free bonus that will be valuable to him.

Also, be careful, but you can use a time limit in this blog to encourage the client to take action right now, rather than putting it off until later.

Example: Sign an agreement with us before December 24 and receive as a gift washing machine“Even blood will cleanse”

Step 7. Design

Even a short commercial offer may not be read if it is boring. That's why correct design no less important than the content. Here are basic recommendations for implementing the visual component.

  1. Divide the text into paragraphs. This makes it easier to read and study.
  2. Insert images. They will help create the mood of the material.
  3. Highlight important words and a proposal. So that the client definitely doesn’t miss them.
  4. Use infographics. It is easier to digest than text and images.
  5. Add a photo of the manager. Creates a more personal touch.
  6. Leave space between blocks. So that everything is visually separated.
  7. Use . This will make you stand out from the rest faster.

Everyone’s concept of beauty is very different, so don’t be lazy and show your offer to different people.

You need to make a really beautiful shell. After all, in Russia we “meet people by their clothes” and a commercial offer is no exception.

Sample commercial proposal

You're probably expecting to see a sample commercial proposal here, but it won't be there.

He left and told us not to look for him. And all because he will only ruin everything for you. It will completely ruin it. And I have a thousand and one reasons for this.

Let's start with the fact that 99% of samples on the Internet are compiled incorrectly. Therefore, if you rely on them, you will simply join their ranks and tell everyone that “KP doesn’t work.”

All useful proposals can only be obtained through “calling on competitors”, because the good in such a business is usually not displayed, but rather hidden.

Also not taken into account in samples individual feature. You will take as a basis something that does not suit your specifics at all.

And as a result, again, take as an example something that will not work. Even if you try, your brain will still think in terms of the sentence it saw.

And finally, empty templates are thrown onto the Internet and called “Example of a commercial proposal.”

This is all done in order to collect more traffic to the site, and not in order to bring benefits. So for the third time, find good example This request will not work.

And yet, if you want to find some kind of sample or example, it’s better to study the websites of companies (like us) that do this professionally and periodically post work for their clients.

This is, at a minimum, an option that definitely works (only again for the client, not for you).


You are just at the beginning of your journey. During development, you will have a lot of questions on the topic “Should I write this block or not?”, “Should I expand this text in more detail or is it clear?” or “Is this really catchy or is it just me?”

Therefore, get ready for the fact that the process of improvements is endless, because you can always do better.

On our website you could already read about. The ability to write correct and effective commercial proposals is very important in any business. We can say that with the help of a commercial proposal, a certain form of communication occurs between the company and its real or potential partners, suppliers, and clients.

When developing a commercial proposal, you need to pay attention to both its design and structure, as well as content. A high-quality commercial proposal should not contain too much text. Ideally, it will take no more than 2-3 pages (in in some cases, depending on the specifics of the industry, the document can reach 10-15 pages). And if we are talking about a “cold” commercial offer, then its size should not exceed one page of text, otherwise it will simply not be read.

As you can see, to invest in restrictions optimal size commercial proposal, and to express its essence to the maximum, you need to spend a lot of time and effort on developing the very content of this document. If you need to make a commercial proposal, and this is your first time, then you cannot do without templates, samples and examples. On the Internet you can find a huge variety ready-made examples commercial proposals that can be taken as a basis.

Some templates are almost ready-made commercial offers. All you need is just to fill out the ready-made form, entering the name of your company and the type of services provided. However, regardless of how exactly you will create your commercial proposal (use a ready-made form or write from scratch), you must always remember that a commercial proposal is a very important document in your business, which can, figuratively speaking, determine your fate your business.

Preparation of a commercial proposal

So, first you need to determine to whom you will send a commercial proposal. Depending on this, its structure will change slightly. Commercial offers can be personalized, that is, written for certain specific people (or companies), or non-personalized, that is, designed for a wide audience.

However, even if you are interested in the second type of commercial proposal, you must create it for a specific target audience. That is, your target audience is people who could potentially be interested in your product or service. For example, the target audience for goods for children is young parents, and the target audience for small business lending services is, accordingly, aspiring entrepreneurs.

What is the purpose of any business proposal? Of course, selling a product or service. Therefore, all efforts when drawing up a commercial offer should be aimed at attracting the recipient’s interest and inducing a desire to make a purchase. Therefore, from the very first lines that your potential client reads, your commercial proposal should arouse interest and force you to at least read to the end. And if the recipient of the commercial proposal reads it to the end, it means that he is interested. And if he is interested, then there is a chance that he will want to become your client or partner.

We have already written in more detail about the structure of a commercial proposal (the link can be found at the beginning of the article); let us briefly recall that this document must consist of at least three components: introduction, main text and conclusion. That is, your commercial proposal must be consistent and structured.

Examples of commercial proposals

Below are several samples of commercial proposals for the provision of various types services. As you can see, these examples contain all the basic elements of an effective business proposal: at the very beginning there is a short, attention-grabbing phrase, the main point the commercial proposal is presented briefly and succinctly, and images are used, various colors and fonts.

Non-personalized commercial offers

They are also called “cold” commercial offers, that is, they are sent to all potential clients of the service. Examples below ( To view in maximum resolution, click on the image):

How to make a commercial proposal online?

Today, there are many online services that work so that you can quickly, efficiently and without problems create an effective commercial proposal. According to user reviews, one of the best services is QuoteRoller. Previously, this service only had an English-language interface, which for some was a barrier to its full use. However, QuoteRoller already exists in Russian. On this QuoteRoller website, by clicking on the link at the bottom of the page, you can register, and then start writing your commercial proposal, following simple instructions.

Besides this, there are other online services drawing up commercial proposals, for example, Moffer. This service is also quite popular and easy to use.

A commercial proposal is one of the main ways to start communication with a potential client. The success of selling a product or service largely depends on how well and professionally it is compiled. Any commercial offer consists of the following sections:

    Logo or emblem of a company that offers a product or service. The commercial proposal must be drawn up on company letterhead using the corporate style of the organization. This is an indicator of the level and seriousness of the business organization of the supplier company. Description of the product or service. In this section it is necessary to disclose what, in fact, is proposed to be purchased or what is proposed to be used. Advertising of services and terms of cooperation. Here you should indicate the advantages of the product or service, justify the reasons why the client is recommended to purchase the product or service, describe how they are better than their competitors. Advantages of the company. This section reveals the advantages of the company, describes its experience, implementation of successful projects, and so on. Contact information - after reading the commercial proposal, the potential client should understand who to contact, what phone number or email address to contact. Signature of the company representative.

Commercial offers can be classified according to several criteria. So, depending on the quality of contact with a potential client, commercial offers can be “cold” or “hot”. “Cold” offers, as a rule, do not have an addressee and their goal is to inform the target audience about the capabilities of the product. Such an offer does not take into account the specifics of the potential client’s business and is typical. A “hot” offer, as a rule, is sent after a meeting with a representative of the potential client. It contains unique benefits and conditions that are relevant to a specific potential buyer. Purpose of this type proposals is the transition to negotiations on the terms of cooperation and the conclusion of an agreement. There are also types of proposals such as presentation (giving general idea about the company’s products), promotional (invites to participate in a marketing campaign), congratulatory, thank-you (contains unique conditions in honor of a holiday or in gratitude for long-term cooperation), or invitation (it contains an invitation to participate in any event).

When composing a proposal, it is necessary to clearly understand and highlight the problems that the target audience has. A commercial proposal can be considered successful or correctly composed if it succeeds in convincing the recipient that he needs the product or service being offered. For a business proposal to be successful, it is recommended that it meets certain requirements. Firstly, it should be free of grammatical and spelling errors. It is useful to use professional text editors for writing. They automatically check your literacy and highlight words or parts of a sentence that are recommended to be changed. In addition, modern text editors have special templates that can be used to create a commercial proposal. Since main task Since such a document is designed to attract attention, it is allowed to use various infographics, drawings, diagrams, diagrams and similar illustrative materials, which makes the proposal easier to perceive and increases the likelihood of its acceptance. The color scheme that is used in the design of the document also plays an important role. Firstly, the colors must correspond to the corporate style of the company, and, secondly, they should not be provocative or overly calm. You shouldn't make black and white documents either. They look outdated and will not attract the reader's attention (except for those for whom content is more important than form, but these are increasingly rare). It should be remembered that nowadays every person receives a large flow of information every day, so it is very difficult to process it. It is for this reason that the necessary data is packaged in graphic materials. The quality of the paper on which the commercial proposal is printed is also of great importance. It should demonstrate the reliability of the company that manufactured and delivered it. A pleasant feeling in your hands will automatically add attractiveness to the proposal and increase the likelihood of reading it to the end. The quotation must be delivered either by email or in person. Moreover, the second method is much preferable. Indeed, in the first case, there is a high probability that the letter will be deleted without being read as spam. And with personal delivery, there is a chance to personally talk with the recipient and convince him of the usefulness of the product or service.

Ready-made commercial proposal samples

Templates for commercial proposals for the provision of services

Business proposal templates for construction companies

Commercial proposal templates for selling goods

Business proposal templates in Word

Ready commercial proposal for cooperation Examples of commercial proposals for selling goods Samples of commercial proposals for the provision of services

How to create a commercial proposal correctly

Write a commercial proposal for the sale and supply of goods

When creating a commercial proposal for the sale and delivery of goods, it is necessary to reflect the following points: 1. Uniqueness - how the product differs from substitutes and competitors, what are its advantages, why it can satisfy any need better than others. 2. Value for money also important point in the commercial offer of goods. The consumer, as a rule, chooses a product that allows him to achieve the maximum in this ratio. Therefore, when offering a product, it is recommended to indicate what additional quality bonuses the buyer will receive. 3. Efficiency of delivery. Goods are purchased when they are needed. The buyer wants to solve his problem with the product as quickly as possible, so he is not ready to wait for a long delivery. 4. Service. If the product is technically complex, it is necessary to indicate how the buyer should act in the event of a breakdown or need for maintenance. All other things being equal, the buyer will prefer the product that he can either easily service himself or have a service center next to him.

Commercial proposal for cooperation in business

When drawing up this type of commercial proposal, it is necessary to very clearly and, at the same time, unobtrusively talk about the advantages of cooperation, what benefits it will bring for the partner, and also describe the proposed terms of business joint activities. That's enough difficult work, since the proposal should not be written in the dry language of a business plan, but, at the same time, reflect all its main aspects. Creating such a commercial proposal is an art. It is also necessary to remember that an offer of cooperation is made to a specific partner. Therefore, it is very important to know the needs of this partner and to reflect in the proposal the ways and mechanisms to satisfy them.

When creating this document, it is also necessary to understand the interests of the target audience. So, for companies that rarely use the services transport company, the most important factor when making a decision, there will be discounts or prices. Trade organizations are primarily interested in delivery times and safety of the cargo. Therefore, when drawing up a commercial proposal, representatives of this segment of the target audience must indicate why the company can offer minimum terms and the availability of security or escort along the way. Budgetary structures purchase transport services through tenders. Therefore, the commercial proposal should clearly indicate the possibility of complying with all the conditions reflected in the tender documentation.

Make a commercial offer from a construction company

Potential consumer of services construction company, first of all, the price is of interest. Therefore, in the commercial proposal it is recommended to describe in detail the possibilities of reducing it, and the reasons why this is possible (for example, due to the use of modern materials or unique technologies and so on). Transparency in pricing is also important for the consumer, so it is recommended to include a table justifying the cost at the end of the proposal or as an appendix to it. Construction timing also plays an important role. It is advisable to indicate in the proposal how and by what means they can be reduced. The reputation of a construction company is also taken into account by many customers when making a decision. It can be confirmed by articles from newspapers, letters of recommendation, various awards, descriptions of already completed projects.

Features of the offer of accounting, legal and consulting services

The number of providers of such services is quite large, so competition in this market is very high. In addition to price, you can attract consumers by the following factors:
    A high probability of a positive resolution of the client’s dispute in the courts (for example, demonstrating one’s success in such cases); Saving the client’s costs on full-time staff by transferring some functions to outsourcing; Full support of the client’s activities, solving all his problems in a certain area so that he can deal with only the main activity; Offering various bonuses that competitors do not offer (consulting on a number of issues is free).
You can formulate other advantages that will allow the client to effectively solve their problem, save money or earn more.

Commercial proposal from an advertising agency

A document from such a company should demonstrate its professionalism. The commercial proposal from an advertising campaign must contain elements original design, professional terminology, effective slogans and other similar elements. This allows the potential consumer to immediately assess the level and technology of work advertising agency. If it knows how to sell itself well, then it can effectively advertise the client’s product. Thus, the customer develops an element of trust in the company, which increases the likelihood that he will use its services.

Common mistakes when writing text for business proposals

The first mistake that many marketers make is oversaturating the offer with data. They sincerely believe that it is important for the client to know everything about the product in order to make a balanced and rational decision. However, in practice this is far from the case. The behavior of a buyer or customer is rarely rational; rather, it is emotional. Therefore, it is not necessary to give a lot of information in the proposal; it is much more effective to create in the consumer the feeling that the product or service will help him satisfy his need. This feeling significantly increases the likelihood of a subsequent purchase. The second common mistake is paying too much attention to a potential client. The proposal writers are full of compliments, describing all the client’s successes, assuming that it will be pleasant for him. However, a potential buyer is much more concerned about solving his problem or problem, so he, of course, will be happy to read about his successes, but if he does not find an answer to his questions, then he is unlikely to contact such a company. Also, many drafters mistakenly include the following information in the proposal:
    The history of the company describes how the company’s journey began, how it developed, and so on, but this is not at all interesting to a potential buyer of the product. This only takes up his time, which means it irritates him and worsens his perception of the proposal. The history of the manager, the reasons why he came to this business, that he is an expert in this or that activity, are indicated by his achievements and awards. This is also not interesting to a potential buyer and worsens the impression of the offer. A description of the production technology to convince that the product is really of high quality and has the stated characteristics. But it must be borne in mind that the buyer is not an expert in the production of products. He needs to understand that the product or service has the required properties. For this, a quality certificate or a description of the product itself with characteristics is sufficient. Indication of irrelevant client needs. When drawing up a commercial proposal, it is important to clearly study the representatives of the target group and formulate the need that they want to satisfy with the help of a product or service. If there is no such information, there is a high probability that the commercial proposal will go into emptiness. The buyer will not find answers to his questions in it and will not purchase the product.

How to effectively end a business proposal

The last sentence in the document is very powerful. Potential buyer, most likely, will skim through the text, but will linger on the last paragraph or phrase. This is how the human mind works, and when drawing up a commercial proposal, this must be used. The content of the last paragraph or sentence should reflect the essence of the entire document and encourage the potential client to make required action– make an appointment, start negotiations, purchase a product or service, make a trial order, and so on. Most often, they end a commercial offer with the phrase “with respect.” This is of course win-win, but much more effective instead of this phrase is text offering the recipient of the document unique conditions for the sale of a product or service (for example, with a significant discount). This will interest the client much more than showing him respect. Moreover, a respectful attitude between partners is implied a priori. A fairly common option for ending a commercial proposal is a message that specific managers are always ready to answer the client’s questions, and their contact information is indicated. How to contact a specialist, of course, should be at the end of the commercial proposal, but it in no way encourages the potential client to take any action. So, a commercial proposal should end with a call to action. The following motives can be identified that can motivate the client to take the required actions:
    Information that the number of goods or services offered under the terms of this commercial offer is limited; An offer of a bonus - a free sample, the opportunity to test a product or service, product availability, a discount on the current or next purchase; A description of the buyer’s personal interest (what he is as a result of will receive, what savings will he achieve, what need will he satisfy, and so on); Information about the attractiveness of the product or service (availability of a guarantee, special delivery conditions, high-quality service).
Within each type of commercial offer ending, you can formulate specific wording that will demonstrate its relevance and relevance to the buyer. Thus, glancing at the sentence at the end of the paragraph, he may carefully read the entire text and subsequently contact the company for a product or service. Cover letter templates for a commercial proposal:

If the commercial proposal contains more than one page, or is accompanied by various additional materials(for example, cost calculation tables, price lists with the entire product range, schedule of marketing campaigns, conferences or exhibitions), then a covering letter must be sent with it. It contains in a very condensed form the main conditions and essence of the proposal. First of all, the cover letter should contain a greeting from the addressee, preferably by name and patronymic (addressed address attracts much more attention than standard greeting formulas). Next, you should introduce yourself and name your position in the company , so that it is clear what issue is being addressed. In the case of preliminary meetings, it is recommended to remind the recipient of the letter about this. In the main body of the letter, it is necessary to inform the potential client about the goods or services that the company offers, as well as the benefits that cooperation can bring. This must be done briefly so as not to repeat the commercial proposal, but at the same time, after reading the paragraph with the advantages, the potential consumer should still have questions and a desire to find answers to them in the commercial proposal itself. This will encourage him to read the document more carefully. Next, you should list the documents that are attached to the letter. Firstly, this is a standard document flow, and, secondly, it will allow the recipient to quickly figure out which documents to pay attention to first in order to make a decision. At the end of the letter, you should thank its recipient for their attention and call for action (call the company , ask questions by email, etc.). Rules, completions cover letters are identical to the recommendations regarding the final phrase of a commercial proposal. Thus, writing a commercial proposal is a completely technological process. If you follow all the recommendations, it will be successful and will lead to transactions. However, each writer must develop his own unique style and way of forming a sentence. This will greatly improve the efficiency of its work.