I had a dream, I planted potatoes, the earth was black. Complete dream book of the New Era. Specific actions of the dreamer

Potatoes are one of the most popular root crops in the human diet. Unassuming appearance hides a pleasant taste. In the same way, an unsightly vegetable is revealed in dreams - foreshadowing interesting incidents and exciting emotions.

  • Sleep "potato" portends favorable changes in life, joyful emotions and prosperity.
  • Why with potatoes? Successful execution of the case, which does not have to make efforts. Everything will happen, of course.
  • The dream "garden with potatoes" warns of a difficult situation in which you need the help of loved ones.
  • Why dream of a large potato? Grandiose improvements in fate; an unexpected event will suddenly change the course of your life, pleasant meetings and acquaintances await you.
  • Why do small potatoes dream? Sad events that will bring a few sad moments, and make you shed tears due to the difficulties that have arisen.
  • What is the dream of a young potato? The vision promises a pleasant surprise that will bring joy and a smile of tenderness.
  • Why dream of green potatoes? A warning about a dubious case in which you happen to participate. It will not bring benefits, but will greatly worsen your situation.
  • Why dream of rotten potatoes? A harbinger of difficult events that will significantly worsen the state of your affairs. You need to learn how to cope with obstacles in your path so that success accompanies you.
  • Why dream washed potatoes? Upcoming events will force you to change your point of view on many things.
  • Dirty potatoes in a dream predict the onset of a difficult life stage. In order to pass it without serious losses, you need to take care of creating a reserve in advance.
  • The dream "potato blossoms" - tells about your secret dreams that you hide from everyone.
  • Why dream of potatoes in a bucket? Feel free to implement your ideas, the vision portends their successful execution, which will bring you benefits. (cm. )
  • Why dream of potatoes in the ground? You have the wrong idea about the people from your environment. Do not judge superficially.
  • Why dream of potatoes in bags? Your options will be severely limited, and you will have to get out of a difficult situation with little resources.
  • Why dream of potatoes in nets? Vision predicts getting a promotion, or changing jobs to much better conditions.
  • Why dream of spilled potatoes? Heavy atmosphere in the house. Conflicts and quarrels over trifles.
  • Why dream of a cellar with potatoes? Symbolizes a secret that you carefully hide.
  • Why dream a lot of potatoes? Hard work will bring a good income, your efforts will be richly rewarded.
  • Why dream of potatoes with sprouts? Your efforts will not bring results, and the energy expended will be wasted.
  • Why dream of planting potatoes? Get a profitable offer: the case will be difficult, but will bring significant results.
  • Dream Interpretation: planting potatoes in the ground is a health problem for a loved one.
  • Why plant potatoes on a grave in a dream? Your future is lost in the mist, and it is impossible to realize what the future promises.
  • What does the dream mean: plant potatoes with the deceased? Help stabilize your financial position provided by an outsider.
  • Why dream of picking potatoes in a dream? Your labor zeal will be appreciated, you will be rewarded with an increase in salary or an increase.
  • Collecting potatoes in a garden in a dream - upcoming events will allow you to visit distant relatives, or receive news from them.
  • Digging potatoes in a dream: why dream? A difficult monotonous business is ahead, requiring a significant application of effort.
  • What does it mean to dig large potatoes in a dream? Any, even the most risky business, will be crowned with success.
  • Dream Interpretation: digging potatoes in a dream with your hands is a difficult and hard way to increase your well-being. Nothing will be given just like that - you will have to make great efforts.
  • Seeing in a dream: digging up potatoes with the deceased - regrets and longing for the departed will come to you. The dream is trying to warn and give a hint about what will happen soon.
  • The dream of "digging potatoes out of the ground with parents" is reconciliation with relatives, with whom they have been in a quarrel for a long time.
  • Why dream of eating potatoes? You will receive a significant one-time replenishment of income: winnings, a gift, a bonus.
  • The dream of "picking potatoes" predicts good events that will bring peace and joy.
  • Why dream of selling potatoes? You can remove annoying annoying personalities from your social circle.
  • Why potatoes in a dream? You have to go against your inner convictions.
  • In a dream, buy small potatoes - ill-conceived little things will ruin the whole thing.
  • Dream Interpretation: peeling boiled potatoes in a dream is the need to act in order to avoid losses.
  • Why dream of peeling raw potatoes? You have to change your mind about someone close to you. better side.
  • Why dream of boiled potatoes? Quiet times will come in your house, harmony and peace will reign in relationships.
  • Why dream of raw potatoes? The case in which you doubt will succeed and bring income.
  • Why dream of frying potatoes? The changes will affect the work area: it is possible to get a new job, change the team, a good deal.
  • Why dream fried potatoes? Income will increase, profitable acquaintances will occur that will help strengthen your position in society.
  • The dream of "potato pies" tells you that you need to take care of your inner world and external form.
  • Potato tops in a dream predict the onset of calm and serene days; enjoyment of relaxation and harmony.
  • The dream “grandmother gave a bucket of potatoes” promises a comfortable life, the opportunity to do good deeds.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

  • What is the dream of potatoes? The dream tells you that it will take hard work and perseverance to get good supplies and create additional resources.
  • Why dream of growing potatoes? To discover hidden information, you will need to work hard and search more carefully.
  • Why dream of digging potatoes? A business that is capable of making a profit will be unpleasant, but will give you a good source of income.
  • Why dream of digging potatoes with a dead person? Sadness and spleen. The vision warns of disturbing events that will soon occur, and gives a hint on how to behave in this situation.
  • Why dream of a big potato? portends further well-being.
  • Why dream of seeing rotten potatoes? You have to go through hard times, marked by losses and waste.

Jewish dream book

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

  • If you dream of potatoes, what does it mean? Replenish household supplies, increase your income.
  • “I dreamed that I was digging potatoes” - you have to work hard for a small reward.
  • Why dream: eat potatoes with meat? Be careful with the choice of products, the vision tells about intestinal disease.
  • Why dream of peeling potatoes in a dream? Liberation from oppression bad man; escape from violence.
  • Why dream of frying potatoes in a pan? Expect a visit from an unpleasant person. (cm. )
  • What is the dream of a potato field? Earn generous rewards for your hard work.
  • Selling potatoes in a dream - avoid visiting people who bother you.

Noble dream book Grishina

  • Why dream of digging potatoes? You have fruitless work ahead of you, which will take up a significant part of your time.
  • Why dream of cooking potatoes? Wait for the arrival of people who disgust or bore you.
  • Why dream of potatoes in bags, a lot? Get a sudden source of profit, improve your financial situation.
  • Dream Interpretation: selling potatoes - liberation from oppressive emotions and the object that causes them.

Women's dream book

  • Why does a woman dream of potatoes? Career advancement, unexpected recognition and success.
  • Seeing a big potato in a dream - for a woman, a vision prophesies the successful implementation of a difficult task, followed by gratitude from the leadership.
  • A pregnant woman dreams of a potato - for a difficult but successful birth.
  • Why dream of digging large potatoes? A vision predicts a happy outcome of a problem that has tormented you for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: digging potatoes with a shovel - your bosses will notice your zeal; offer for a better job. (cm. )
  • Dream Interpretation: digging potatoes with your hands - you can achieve what you want only by perseverance, nothing will come easy.
  • Dream Interpretation: the interpretation of “digging potatoes with parents” is the restoration of relations with a kindred person who offended you.
  • Digging potatoes on a grave in a cemetery - the dream book interprets as sad memories that will come to you from the past. At the same time, the vision is a hint on how to behave in the future. (mass media )
  • Why dream of a dirty potato? Empty experiences and activities that do not bring results.
  • Why dream of sprouted potatoes? The business you have conceived will be very profitable, and will bring you success.
  • Why dream of potatoes in the garden? Well-groomed and even beds predict the successful implementation of plans, without effort and worries on your part.
  • Why dream of planting potatoes in the ground? Vision indicates the need for painstaking and difficult work to obtain the expected result.
  • Dream Interpretation: planting potatoes in a dream with her husband is a long and happy life together.
  • Why dream of digging rotten potatoes out of the ground? You will find yourself in a difficult financial situation.
  • Why dream of potato tops? The answer to your problem is hidden deep, it is necessary to unearth the details in order to achieve answers.
  • Why dream of flowering potatoes? Sudden receipt of money: this can be a win, an inheritance or a gift.
  • Why dream of weeding potatoes? Be careful keeping your secrets, someone seriously set out to take possession of them.
  • Why dream of picking potatoes in a bucket? Strengthening your financial position. There is work to be done for your personal enrichment.
  • Why dream of spudding potatoes? Favorable time for investing in reliable projects or depositing in a bank.
  • Why dream of a large potato on the ground? You are mistaken in assessing one of your relatives or friends.
  • Why dream of red potatoes? Happiness in romantic relationships, building a strong love connection.
  • Why dream of digging, picking potatoes with your life partner? A dream predicts marriage, unclouded by troubles and sorrows.
  • Why dream: dig potatoes big hands? A signal that you are too overworked and on the verge - you urgently need to take a break.
  • Why dream of picking potatoes? A good time for professional realization, all paths are open to you.
  • Why dream of picking potatoes? You will need to do a nasty, but important job for you.
  • Why dream of stealing potatoes? The dream tells about your envy of wealthier individuals.
  • Why dream of a large potato in a bag? A promise to improve your financial situation. Get a sudden win, or the return of a long-forgotten debt.
  • Why dream of a baked potato? Lose hope to improve your destiny; bouts of depression and melancholy.
  • Why dream of a potato in a uniform? Meeting with a close friend.
  • Why dream of cleaning boiled potatoes? Wait for guests or news that will bring long-awaited joy.
  • Dream Interpretation: peel potatoes - do not be afraid to defend your interests and express your opinion.
  • Why dream: potatoes? Do not trust unfamiliar personalities, there comes a time when they will try to deceive you.
  • Why dream of mashed potatoes? Pleasant and joyful worries in preparing a serious holiday.
  • Why does a woman dream of fried potatoes? You will have a good time with close friends and get a lot of positive impressions.
  • Why dream of potatoes with mushrooms? The party will turn out to be more expensive than you originally planned.
  • Why dream of baking potatoes with chicken? Get a financial injection from an outside source.
  • Why dream of dumplings with potatoes? Noticeable improvement in money matters.
  • Why dream of pies with potatoes? Subconscious dissatisfaction with their forms. You probably need to pay attention to yourself by going in for sports.
  • Why dream of cooking potatoes? We will have to solve problems related to the financial side of the matter.
  • Why dream of raw potatoes in their skins? Monotonous hard work with minimal reward.
  • Why dream of buying potatoes in a dream? A sense of respect and recognition of your merit by others.
  • Why dream of peeling potatoes? The vision tells about the scarcity of your gray everyday life, you have been sucked into monotony, and you are moving with the flow, not making any attempts to change your existence to the optimal one.
  • Why dream of cutting potatoes into strips? In reality, do a bland and boring project.
  • Why dream of washing potatoes - you have to reconsider your opinion on a very important issue.
  • Dream Interpretation: weeding potatoes is a difficult choice between friendships and family relationships.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: what the potato is dreaming of: profit on the farm, reward.
  • Why dream of boiled potatoes - the arrival of long-awaited guests.
  • Why dream of planting potatoes? You will have to work hard to get results.
  • Why dream of a lot of potatoes on earth? You will not know the need, a calm and unburdened state of worries.
  • Why dream of collecting large potatoes? A harbinger of improving your financial capabilities, you will be able to replenish your stocks by creating a reserve fund.
  • Why dream of peeled potatoes? You will have to defend your position, but by gathering resources, you will do it.
  • Why dream of peeling potatoes cooked "in uniform"? It portends poverty, a decrease in income.
  • Why dream of fried potatoes? Fulfillment of a small modest dream, but it will please you and give you strength for further activities.
  • Why dream of choosing potatoes? A comfortable existence, unclouded by the search and persistent attempts to earn money.

Ukrainian dream book
Why do potatoes dream? Numerous meetings with people I have not seen for a long time.
Why dream of digging potatoes in the garden? Look forward to good things.
Ivanov's latest dream book

  • Why dream of boiled potatoes in uniform? Boring pastime.
  • Why dream of buying potatoes? Get unexpected income; random money.
  • Why dream of digging a big potato? A dream portends a disease.
  • Dream: potato tops tells that everything will turn out the way you wanted.

Spring dream book

Summer dream book

  • Dreaming of "digging potatoes" - waiting for you good harvest; abundance of stocks.
  • Why dream of planting potatoes? A bad sign promising debts and embezzlement.
  • Dream: buying potatoes with sprouts is an acquisition that will help you start your own business.

Autumn dream book
Dream Interpretation: why dream of digging potatoes? Your plans are going to fail.
Why dream of planting potatoes in the garden? You have to save money to implement your own plans.
French dream book

  • Why dream of potatoes in bags? stable financial condition, without obvious losses or fantastic incomes.
  • Why dream of picking potatoes in the field? You have to work hard to ensure your existence.
  • Dream Interpretation: steal potatoes - you will find yourself in an awkward situation.
  • Why dream of potatoes with sprouts? A lot of petty concerns that cause annoyance, nevertheless, require a solution.
  • Why dream of peeled potatoes? A harbinger of an ailment that will suddenly strike you.
  • Why dream of buying potatoes in a store? You can achieve a lot without putting much effort into it.

Loff's dream book

  • Why dream of a clean, large potato? Ahead of you is contentment and well-fed times, not overshadowed by poverty and grief.
  • The interpretation of dreams “small potatoes” sounds like difficulties that will bring great disappointment in life and many troubles.
  • Why dream of a vegetable garden with potatoes? Do not tell others about your ideas, there are people next to you who, without a twinge of conscience, will take advantage of your work.
  • Why dream of digging potatoes in a foreign field? You are waiting for gratuitous work for the sake of someone else's enrichment.
  • What does it mean when you dream of peeled potatoes? Changes for the better are not far off. Incidents that will favorably affect your destiny.
  • Why dream of rotten potatoes in your hands? Your hopes for improving your wealth will not come true. Will have to start all over again.
  • Boiled potatoes in a dream are a good omen that positive changes await you.
  • Why dream of burnt potatoes? Unfavorable incidents that will give you some unpleasant experiences.
  • Sleep: weed potatoes - predicts dissatisfaction with the current situation, events will go against the intended scenario.

Dream Interpretation of Solomon
Why dream of a potato harvest? Sad events that bring tears.
Modern dream book

Lunar dream book
Dream: there are potatoes - portends disappointment.
Why dream of digging potatoes? Difficult monotonous work without the hope of a decent reward.
Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

  • What does a potato mean in a dream? The promise of change for the better.
  • Dream Interpretation, rotten potatoes, interprets as sad news.
  • Dream: jacket potatoes - a friendly party is ahead, which will bring a lot of warm emotions.
  • Why dream of digging potatoes in the field? Joyful phenomena in fate that will give you pleasant memories for a long time.
  • Why dream of digging potatoes by other people? Your relatives will begin to show care and attention about you.
  • The dream interpretation “eat boiled potatoes, dill” is an interesting date that evokes joyful emotions.
  • Dream: frying potatoes in a pan is a sign of an upcoming wedding.
  • Seeing fried potatoes in a dream - marriage is to be one of relatives or friends.
  • Why dream of planted potatoes? The beginning is waiting for you interesting enterprise, which promises good dividends in the future.
  • Why dream of planting potatoes in the ground that you watched from the side? Financial success awaits someone from your family.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation

  • Vanga's dream book "potatoes" is interpreted as positive phenomena that will happen at this stage of life.
  • Vanga's dream interpretation "potato" also sounds like new working prospects.
  • To eat potatoes in a dream - wait for the replenishment of the wallet.
  • Why dream of planting potatoes? The future looks bright and prosperous.
  • Sleep: cook potatoes - is interpreted as a solution to financial difficulties, payment of debts.
  • Why dream of a lot of rotten potatoes? You should not hope for the successful implementation of your plans.
  • Why dream of potatoes in the cellar? You will face new challenges along the way.
  • Blooming potatoes - a dream prophesies good news.
  • Sleep: potatoes are growing - you will experience an inexplicable feeling of excitement from upcoming incidents.
  • In a dream, collect potatoes from the ground - you will get a higher paying job.

Dream Interpretation Longo

  • Why dream of large potatoes? Success in business and prosperity in the house.
  • Seeing a lot of potatoes in a dream is luck for a long time to come.
  • Why dream of planting potatoes? Start a good enterprise that brings good.
  • Why dream of digging potatoes? You have to do hard physical labor.
  • Why dream of digging large potatoes? Difficult activity will receive a worthy reward.
  • Stealing potatoes - a dream prophesies the need to explain your unjustified actions.
  • Seeing boiled potatoes in a dream - you will receive a profitable offer for a new job.
  • Dream Interpretation: why dream of eating potatoes? You will be prone to bouts of melancholy.
  • Fry potatoes in a dream unusual recipe- Succeed where others have failed.
  • Why dream of picking potatoes, sorting them? You will receive material rewards for the hard work done.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

  • Sleep: a lot of potatoes, promises to make a profit.
  • Seeing potatoes in bags in a dream - you don’t have to think about where to get money, a stable financial situation awaits you.
  • Why dream of planting potatoes? Start a glorious activity.
  • Digging potatoes in a dream - why dream? Get the income you've been waiting for.
  • Dream: digging large potatoes - prophesies the arrival of a large amount of money, which you did not dare to count on.
  • Peeling potatoes in a dream is a fruitless effort that will not bring results.
  • A peeled potato in a dream is interpreted as the likelihood that a person who makes encroachments on your property will renounce them.
  • Dream Interpretation: peeling potatoes in a dream to strangers - such a vision tells that you want to appropriate someone else's thing.
  • Dream: cutting potatoes - expresses your dissatisfaction with the events taking place.
  • Dream: fried potatoes portend the arrival of loved ones to visit.
  • Why do you dream of potatoes, mashed potatoes? Be careful with your health - vision predicts the development of the disease.
  • Wash potatoes in a dream - the prediction predicts that you will have to suffer losses as a result of your honesty. But this will upset you a little, because it will be fair.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation of Karatov

  • Why dream of eating potatoes? The coming event does not have that important that you give it.
  • Why dream of peeling potatoes in a dream? A negative impression of the individual will be deceptive.
  • In a dream, she dug potatoes - predicts a new sexual partner.

Dream Interpretation Lagutina

  • Seeing in a dream: planting potatoes - your wishes will come true.
  • Why dream of digging potatoes? Success and luck will become your faithful companions.
  • Seeing rotten potatoes in a dream - good changes in fate.
  • Dream Interpretation: boiled potatoes - promises a positive result to your search.
  • Dream Interpretation: eating potatoes is making a good deal.
  • Dream Interpretation: sprouted potatoes - an event will soon occur that will give you a surprise.

Dream Interpretation Vasiliev
Why do potatoes dream in a dream? Hard work will get decent pay.
Dream Interpretation Melnikov

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti

  • Why dream of young potatoes - the upcoming event will greatly disappoint you.
  • Seeing in a dream: peeling potatoes - your dislike for a person will dissipate when you can get to know him better.
  • Why dream of digging large potatoes? There is a change of intimate partner.

Generalized dream book

Dream interpretation of O. Smurov

Dream Interpretation Morozova

  • A dream about potatoes predicts waste and loss of valuables.
  • Dream Interpretation: eat potatoes fried in lard - there are evil rumors about you behind your back.
  • Dream Interpretation: planting potatoes in a dream - worries are coming.
  • The interpretation of the dream “digging potatoes” sounds like a warning about a serious illness.
  • In a dream, to see potatoes in the cellar - do not trust strangers, and carefully watch what you say.

Freud's dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: to see potatoes in a dream is a rapid career growth.
  • The meaning of sleep "rotten potatoes" has negative interpretation and predicts the collapse of sorrows and troubles on the dreamer.
  • Boil potatoes - the dream book is interpreted as a visit from distant relatives.
  • What does it mean to dig potatoes in a dream? Problems in the work area - deprivation of a bonus or reprimand.

Russian dream book
Dream: digging potatoes from the ground - predicts a surprise.
Dream: plant potatoes - tells that luck accompanies you, and when proper organization, you will achieve the success of the planned idea.
Lewis' dream book
Digging potatoes in a dream - a vision personifies the dreamer's laziness, and his unwillingness to work.
Eastern dream book
Sleep: big potato - warns of the futility of hopes and aspirations, what is happening does not make sense.
Dream Interpretation for Lovers

Universal dream book

  • Seeing potatoes in a dream: what does it mean? The dream portends prosperity.
  • To dream of a bunch of potatoes - to improve living conditions, and strengthen your position, you can with the help of perseverance and constant readiness for long work.
  • Seeing potatoes in a field in a dream - a vision warns of an insidious disease.
  • Potato sprouts in a dream predict a phenomenon that will bring good luck in business.
  • The dream “tops of potatoes, earth” - fate favors you, the success of the planned enterprise.
  • Dream Interpretation: see large potatoes - fate will provide you with a wide field of opportunities for the realization of your ideas. Do not be afraid to take a chance, you can change everything for the better.
  • What does it mean to see potatoes in a dream, “small”? You have to go through a rather unpleasant life span, marked by small losses and tears due to difficulties.
  • Sleep: digging potatoes is interpreted as meaningless work, exhausting strength, but not bringing results and satisfaction.
  • In a dream, pick up potatoes and get dirty - envious people will spread idle fictions about you, unfairly accusing you of what you did not do.
  • In a dream, digging potatoes with your hands is a “forum” - difficult worries that you will have to solve.
  • Digging potatoes in a dream with a tractor - bureaucratic obstacles will disappear, things will go much faster and better.
  • In a dream, digging potatoes with a shovel - a vision prophesies success, provided that the tubers were large. Small ones promise dissatisfaction and empty hopes.
  • Going to dig potatoes with your wife in a dream is a strong family union that no trouble will destroy.
  • In a dream, digging potatoes with a dead person is an attempt to help you cope with the upcoming trials, to give a hint.
  • Dream Interpretation: digging potatoes with a horse - you will try to get rid of some of the responsibilities by shifting them to a colleague with whom you are on friendly terms.
  • Dream Interpretation: picking potatoes in a dream in the garden - in all matters you will be lucky. Receive happy news from your beloved relatives, pay them a visit.
  • What does it mean to collect potatoes in a dream in a field? Be prepared for the fact that they will try to push the failure of the team onto you. Don't be manipulated and stand up for yourself.
  • Dream: collecting potatoes in a bucket - initially, the opportunity to get a promotion may not seem very interesting to you due to the increase in the amount of work, but later you will realize that this is what you need.
  • Dream: to collect potatoes in a bag - do not hesitate for a long time over the proposed tempting contract, otherwise you will reproach yourself later that you missed such a chance.
  • A potato in the basement, in a dream, tells that in order to get big incomes you will have to complete tasks that others refuse, in the hope of earning the attention of your superiors.
  • Dream: planting potatoes with a dead man - warns that you do not need to be too suspicious, and give you the opportunity to a stranger help you.
  • The dream of planting and digging potatoes with the dead on the grave is the uncertainty of the future. The slightest wrong step can turn into a big disaster.
  • Dream Interpretation: planting potatoes in the ground in a dream - a vision is advised to monitor the health of loved ones, some of them are in danger of a serious illness.
  • Planting potatoes in a dream in a house predicts the fulfillment of a secret desire associated with a major purchase.
  • The dream of “peeling potatoes” has a positive meaning, predicting a change in opinion about a person for the better.
  • Peeling potatoes in a dream for a woman means that the person with whom she goes on a date will make an indelible impression on her.
  • Dream Interpretation: peeling potatoes with a knife in a dream tells you that you will have to argue your position on an important issue.
  • A dead man peels potatoes in a dream - why? An unexpected turn in fate, a change of mood.
  • Dream: steal potatoes - you will get complaints about your behavior and actions - try to be tactful so as not to give rise to a wave of indignation.
  • In a dream, scattering potatoes is interpreted as a chance to change one's fate. You should not go with the flow, it will be much more productive to take matters into your own hands.
  • Watering potatoes in a dream - to receive material profit by will or as a gift.
  • Dream Interpretation: cutting potatoes in a dream - in reality you will need to perform a monotonous task.
  • I dreamed in a dream that the potatoes had run out - you need to worry about the financial reserve.
  • To buy potatoes in bags - the vision is interpreted as a symbol of the manifestation of respectful feelings from employees and personal environment.
  • Sleep: buying potatoes - a small amount predicts the failure of the plans.
  • Why dream of washing potatoes in a dream? Get additional option financing.
  • Raw potatoes - see in a dream: similar phenomenon predicts the acquisition of income from an enterprise that you have already stopped counting on.
  • A baked potato in a dream predicts an unexpected receipt of funds.
  • Sleep: mashed potatoes - you will be attracted to the organization and arrangement of a solemn holiday.
  • Sleep: dumplings with potatoes predict positive developments in business area, you will receive a tempting and profitable offer, which is not recommended to refuse.
  • Dream: potato pie - a dream tells about your dissatisfaction with yourself. You do not like the appearance, and the negative emotions that overwhelm you.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

  • Seeing potatoes in a dream symbolizes bodily strength and financial position.
  • To dream of dug up potatoes in the garden - do not be afraid to talk about your merits, excessive modesty is not appropriate here.
  • Sleep: planting potatoes in the ground - postpone your plans until a more appropriate moment.
  • To dream of "peeling potatoes" - win tough fight, complete a very difficult task.

Miller's dream book

  • Miller's dream book "potato" is interpreted as a path to future success and recognition.
  • Miller's dream book, digging potatoes, is interpreted as a sign of the development of back diseases.
  • Miller's dream book, peeling potatoes, predicts a change in opinion about the people around you to a more positive one.
  • Miller's dream book, young potatoes, is interpreted as a disappointment in a seemingly profitable offer.
  • Dream Interpretation: to collect large potatoes in bags - they will offer an excellent monetary position.
  • Dream Interpretation: eat raw potatoes - you will suddenly get sick.
  • Dream Interpretation: peeled potatoes - sudden painful phenomena.
  • Dream Interpretation: fried potatoes - unpretentious life demands that do not burden you, since you are always surrounded large quantity friends and fun.
  • Mashed potatoes - the interpretation from the dream book sounds like this: a profitable enterprise is planned.
  • Dream: planting potatoes - a vision tells that dreams will come true if they are supported by actions.
  • Buy very large potatoes in a dream - you will be forced to go against your moral principles.
  • What does it mean to sell potatoes in a dream? Get rid of minor and annoying worries.
  • A rotten potato in a dream predicts the onset of hard times, overshadowed by painful events and troubles.

Home dream book

Mayan Dream Interpretation

  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams "potato" in good option portends luck in all endeavors.
  • Dream Interpretation: "online" potatoes in bad value predicts back pain.
  • Seeing sprouted potatoes in a dream - you are waiting for love.

Slavic dream book

  • Dream: potato tubers symbolize the reward for long and hard work. The one who was able to work well will not know the need and will make good stocks.
  • Dream Interpretation: large potatoes are a special success in household affairs.
  • Dream Interpretation: peeling potatoes - predicts getting cash.
  • Dream Interpretation: digging potatoes in a dream - getting results from your worries.
  • Dream Interpretation: to see potatoes in bags - the creation of stocks, savings in case of difficult times.
  • Dream Interpretation: dig large potatoes - you will earn good money.
  • Dream Interpretation: small potatoes - need will overtake.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of potatoes - create stocks, a very good income.
  • Dream: flowering potatoes - starting a business now, in the near future you will be able to earn income from it.
  • Dream Interpretation: raw potatoes warn of the incompleteness of your business, you have not accepted until the end of what is due to you.
  • Dream Interpretation: shangi with potatoes - a well-equipped household.

Collection of dream books

Islamic dream book

  • The Islamic dream book "potato" is interpreted as living in contentment and luxury.
  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed of a rotten potato - prosperity came by a dishonest method.
  • Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina
  • Dream Interpretation: to see potatoes - interprets as a chance to find a suitable position.
  • Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great
  • Dream Interpretation: planting potatoes - fulfillment of desires.
  • Dream Interpretation: digging potatoes is a complex physical action that is incompatible with creative nature.
  • Dream Interpretation: what dreams of cooking potatoes for - your future fate will depend on the upcoming negotiations.
  • Dream Interpretation: there are potatoes, there are tubers - obviously unpromising things actually conceal a lot of opportunities.
  • Dream Interpretation: interpretation of dreams "potatoes in uniform" - do not refuse the proposals of the authorities, it can be extremely interesting.
  • Dream Interpretation: potatoes are blooming - an unexpected surprise.

Star dream book
A dream of a potato predicts a small profit as a result of a lot of work.
Dream Interpretation: potatoes are large, clean to eat - to the disease.
Phoebe's Dream Interpretation
Dream Interpretation: choose potatoes - get the desired position.
General dream book

Most often, potatoes in dreams symbolize labor activity, success in the workplace. If the vision shows a good harvest with strong, beautiful tubers, then you should expect an improvement in the financial situation, replenishment of stocks and resources. If the potatoes are small or rotten, then a difficult stage awaits. We can definitely say that when you see potatoes in a dream, you need to prepare for hard work.

According to dream books, plots about planting potatoes cannot be called an unfavorable sign. Their interpretation depends on many details: the type of tubers, emotions, the actions of a sleeping person, other people who participated in the planting, the environment and other nuances. The time of day seen in a dream affects the final interpretation of the dream in which it happened to plant potatoes.

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Landing is often associated with success in undertakings. But if you dreamed of rotten, spoiled potatoes, this is an unkind sign.

Meaning according to various dream books

The plots in which it happened to plant potatoes are interpreted by dream books as follows:

dream interpretation Meaning
MillerA sleeping person can count on making his dream come true
SolomonA sleeping man will shed many tears
FreudA breakthrough in work affairs is possible, a surge of vital energy
VelesovThe dream portends a promotion
HasseMan expects financial stability, material prosperity
OrientalSleep indicates a meaningless pastime
Children'sThe plot means a bleak period, longing and despair
CulinaryPerhaps the emergence of a new lover or mistress
LunarSleeping man will be rewarded for hard work
RussianThings will get better soon
NewestSleep indicates stagnation in work
FamilyLife is full of pleasures and all kinds of material goods
SlavicA person is waiting for love adventures, unforgettable emotions
ModernAuspicious sign indicates good luck in any event
AzaraPossible appearance permanent source income. For men, such a dream promises an increase in salary and rapid career growth.
For loversThe plot means bright hopes, the desire for a comfortable life
GrishinaA sleeping person is waiting for an interesting offer that cannot be refused. For an unmarried woman, such a dream portends imminent marriage, and for married ladies - a profitable event
For the bitchThe dream portends the successful implementation of the plans
Dmitry and Nadezhda ZimaThe case will not bring moral pleasure, but it will turn out to be super-profitable
KananitaPossible bountiful harvest, cash profit
FemaleFor a woman, such a dream promises the fulfillment of a desire of a love nature.

Sleep details

Depending on the type, color of tubers, time of day, actions of a sleeping person, the interpretation of sleep about planting potatoes changes.


Planting potatoes alone and at the same time being in high spirits before and after waking up - the dreamer can independently cope with his problems, since he has everything he needs for this. The plan will surely come true.

Carrying heavy sacks of potatoes to plant tubers in the ground, and at the same time experiencing discontent or other negative emotions, and after waking up feeling exhausted and unhappy - new beginnings will not bring the expected result.

If you happen to plant potatoes in a large and well-coordinated team, the dreamer will be able to become an authoritative and respected person. Quarrel during landing - to intrigue, gossip and the appearance of envious people and competitors in the work team. Planting potato tubers in the ground together with a loved one and at the same time communicating on abstract topics, enjoying the process - to complete mutual understanding and trust in the dreamer's family.

If the sleeper sees how someone is tormented by planting potatoes, a person from his inner circle needs his help.

Type of tubers

Dream Interpretations give several interpretations of stories in which rotten potatoes were present:

  1. 1. The onset of troubled times. The period of cloudless and joyful life will soon end.
  2. 2. Bad luck in any endeavors and bad mood due to your own failures.
  3. 3. Vain expectations. The future will not be as rosy as the dreamer sees it in his dreams.
  4. 4. Irreplaceable losses and colossal losses.
  5. 5. Relationship breakdown and loneliness for lovers.

I dreamed of small potatoes - a sleeping person needs attention from loved ones. The love of his partner is not enough for him. Seeing large potato tubers that do not have black dots and other flaws is a stable source of income.

It is not uncommon for a person to dream that he is planting potatoes, and such dreams come in both a negative and a positive way. Sometimes such a dream is associated with the village where the now deceased grandmother lived and as a child you dug a garden for her to plant potatoes. Probably, such a dream can cause regret or a sad smile and grief for your grandmother. In this case, we can state that the dream was interpreted correctly and he dreamed in the vein of your real experiences. But what if the dream in which you plant potatoes is a dream, and upon waking up you don’t understand why ?! In this case, it would be logical to turn to the interpreters of dreams in order to understand why one dreams of planting potatoes.

Interpretation of Tsvetkov's dream book

According to Tsvetkov's dream book, potatoes are interpreted somewhat from a negative standpoint. So, if in a dream you eat potatoes, then in the future you will experience dissatisfaction with some event or fact.

If in a dream you dig potatoes, then your labors will be in vain and you will not be thanked for them in any way, or they will do it in such a way that you will still remain extremely dissatisfied. Try to assess whether you are currently working in that place and whether your work has real prospects.

Interpretation of the culinary dream book

Planting potatoes in a dream is a harbinger of new intimate relationships. You are likely to encounter intimacy with a member of the opposite sex in the near future - do not miss the moment if you are interested.

Peeling potatoes in a dream means that the person you treated badly before can change in your eyes, and you will change your opinion about him for the better. Be prudent and consider whether it is worth it.

Dream Interpretation of Felomen

According to this dream book planting potatoes in a dream can be a person who will soon have a pleasant offer related to work in reality, which, most likely, is better to accept, because the dreamer has been waiting for this offer for a long time.

A person who will soon make a marriage proposal can also plant potatoes in a dream. Don't miss the moment and be happy.

Planting potatoes in a dream with the deceased - to the fulfillment of your cherished aspirations. Do not waste on trifles - you are quite capable of achieving great dreams after such dreams.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

Planting potatoes in a dream - to the fulfillment of cherished dreams and the achievement of goals. Same way similar dream interpreted as a harbinger of the dreamer's imminent financial and material successes.

A potato in a dream - according to this dream book - is an extremely positive symbol.

Take advantage of the chances in life and everything will work out for you.

To begin with, it is worth noting that the process of planting potatoes by outsiders, seen in a dream, speaks only of good things. So most dream books claim that a person who had such a dream is not alien to caring for his own wealth of a material nature.

What if you dream of planting potatoes?

However, we must remember that the dream also reminds us that in order to achieve prosperity, it is necessary to make a lot of work and effort.

Concerning financial resources obtained through hard work, they are likely to be used for the good of the family and building a stable family foundation.

It is worth paying attention to who has such a dream. In the event that a man has such a dream, one should expect good news. If a woman has to plant potatoes in a dream, then you need to be especially careful here, because the sources give several interpretations.

In the first variant, for example, the interpretation of sleep indicates the imminent receipt of an offer for an interesting and well-paid job. In the second option - you should expect a marriage proposal. Many sources of dream interpretation claim that the process of planting potatoes, dreamed in a dream, speaks of a successful outcome of any business.

In the New family dream book a dream about potatoes portends accidents. In the same place, the process of collecting potatoes promises success, the process of eating - benefits. If in a dream you have to cook potato dishes, then you should think about good work. However, not all dreams and interpretations are so positive. For example, a dream of rotten potatoes may indicate that all good things are short-lived, including joy and pleasure. Interpretation of what dreams of planting potatoes in accordance with the Eastern female dream book, indicates the emptiness and meaninglessness of any undertakings and relationships.

What portends?

It points to accidents characterized by negative energy. However, the process of planting potatoes, just like in many other dream books, offers the possibility of an early fulfillment of desires.

The modern dream book promises those who see potatoes in a dream the coming changes of a favorable nature. The dreamed process of digging up and eating potatoes will tell about future success and financial profit. Planting potatoes predicts the fulfillment of the desired. The esoteric dream book interprets the potatoes seen and eaten in a dream as future prosperity.

And the process of digging or, conversely, planting, speaks of the next difficult workdays. Therefore, before turning to dream books and looking for an interpretation of sleep, it is worth deciding on the mental mood and what you want most of all.

Dream Interpretations will help you accept or abandon your plans. And we must not forget that clarity and truthfulness, in any case, cannot be expected from a dream book. After all, this is nothing more than the inventions of some philosophers or ordinary people fond of interpreting dreams.

A dream about potatoes promises various accidents.

They planted potatoes - there will be intimacy with a new partner.

Digging potatoes in a dream - success ahead, eating - expect significant benefits.

Cooked potatoes - get settled in Good work, planted potatoes - your wishes will come true.

But a rotten potato portends the end of your joys and pleasures.

If you ate potatoes in a dream, then an event awaits you that at first will seem important to you, but will soon disappoint you.

Peeled potatoes - change your opinion about some person from bad to good.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Potato

Indicates that happiness will not come to you on its own, and only hard work and patience can provide prosperity in your home.

Potato Bush: Often a clue.

If in reality you are busy solving some issue, then a dream can mean that, just like a potato tuber is hiding underground, the solution you need can be found by digging a little deeper.

Buying, selling or planting potatoes in a dream is a sign that you are going to make an effort to engage in a not very attractive, but profitable business.

If the potatoes are strong and beautiful: a dream promises prosperity.

Rotten potatoes are a sign of loss and loss.

Interpretation of dreams from