An example of an interesting article about a company. We write the text “About the Company” (for which we are not ashamed)

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The page of the corporate site "About the company" causes more difficulties than any other. The fact is that clients often do not know how to write about their business.

Why do we need an About page?

Page "About the company" - an auxiliary page of the corporate site. It does not perform a direct function and is secondary to the main tasks of the site. Why do it? Maybe she doesn't need it at all?

I love provocative statements, but this time without surprises: the “About the company” page on the site is needed. And even if only 10% of visitors come to it, the game is worth the candle. Because customers who are ready to buy come to this page. They come in to make sure that the company is trustworthy and that they have done right choice deciding to buy from this company. Let's take a look at those 10% of site visitors and give them what they need.

Buyers go to the "About the company" page to verify that the company exists. It is wise not to disappoint them.

The "About" page is usually the only place on the site where you can read what the company thinks about itself. Partially, this information is placed on the main page, but users are used to looking for it in this special section. If the site does not have “About the company”, most likely, users will no longer look for details about the company in other sources; and that doesn't encourage buying.

Page "About the company" - the best place for information about . And although some things can and should be brought to the main page, full version achievements should be here. Errors in describing benefits are outlined in the next section of the article, and correct technique- in the final part.

About page errors

Let's think about why visitors come to the "About" page. As a rule, hot buyers who are one step away from buying go there. To take this final step, they need to make sure the company is trustworthy and that the choice is right. Helping customers do the right thing. Everything else in the "About the company" section will be superfluous or even interfere.


  1. "We are the very best" : the statement of a small online store about “the most wide selection”, especially after visiting a major federal portal. Obviously, the assortment of a small store is not comparable to a large store. Do not write high-profile statements that you cannot confirm.
  2. "We have been on the market for 5 years" : the client is interested in the company "here and now" and if we are not talking about a century-old family business, then no one is interested in how many years the company has been on the market. 5, 7 or 10 years - no difference.
  3. "We are better than our competitors" : competitors are scolded when there is nothing more to say. And all buyers know this. Let's remember the phrase from the movie: “That means good boots. You have to take it!"
  4. « Short story development of the company in three volumes" : until you are Richard Branson, your "success story" is interesting only to yourself. No one will ever read an essay about the path "from a trailer to a network of wholesale depots." Not to mention more modest successes.
  5. "The lowest prices" : And if not? Throwing 10 rubles from a thousand in order to lure customers is not the most promising strategy, competitors will throw off 20 rubles and so on ad infinitum. You can be left without profit, and without customers. Think twice before declaring low prices as a competitive advantage.
  6. "The structure of the company" : unpleasant for those who are proud of the structure of their company, but customers do not care about it.

There are also other non-system errors. There are two types of errors on the page of the corporate website "About the company":

  • The information is too personal.
  • The information is too general.

Anything that is not directly related to the company is considered personal information. For example, personal experience(biography) of the leader, unless the business is built on a personal brand. You should not show too much behind the scenes, even if you really want to “open up” to clients. Not everyone accepts this.

The information is too general if hackneyed stamps are used (" best company”, “industry leader”) without evidence. Stationery and clichés level the text, do not use them. No one believes worn out, hackneyed phrases like "an innovative approach in a dynamically developing company with highly qualified personnel and an individual approach to each client." From such phrases normal person be sick.

Do not write texts on the page "About the company" for the sake of SEO-promotion of the site. This is an important "closing" page, write for people, not search robots.

In conclusion, a common mistake: the "About" page is not school essay, not work of fiction and not a place for literary exercises. For the vast majority art style- an impossible task. Use the info style of storytelling: short, concise sentences flavored with facts and figures. 2-3 paragraphs of specific information is 100 times more effective than a lengthy empty word. Long essays are boring to read, and the benefits for the reader are not worth a penny.

How to properly format the section "About the company"

The purpose of the information in the "About the company" section is to finally convince the client that the company is suitable for purchase. The more concrete arguments the company brings, the closer it gets to the client's problem, the higher the chance of a purchase. And the more informational noise on this page, the less chance of a purchase.

Place on the "About" page:

  1. Photo of the office(if clients are serviced in the office) outside and inside. This gives the effect of presence, correspondence acquaintance.
  2. 2-3 paragraphs about the company today. It is not necessary to praise yourself at all, it is better to briefly describe what the company does and how it will help the client.
  3. Expertise companies - allows you to sell more and more expensive.
  4. Competitive advantages documented companies. For example, if the company really delivers faster than competitors, then write for how long. If the company has know-how, build marketing on it.
  5. Company achievements in numbers (“800 thousand tons of shipped raw materials per year”, “250 outlets according to the Central Federal District”), but the truth, not fiction.
  6. Licenses, certificates, industry awards.
  7. Company information in media. Be careful: commissioned articles in small-circulation media are negatively perceived by professionals.
  8. Mission companies, philosophy, plans for the future; specially combined into one point, because I consider informational garbage. But there is no other place on the site for this.

It is not necessary to rack your brains to fill the page "About the company" exactly according to the above list. This is a list of recommended content that is relevant there.

If the company does not yet have to be proud of its achievements, build it with the help of the "About the company" section human relations with clients. Market yourself as a customer-centric company (read the pro article to understand what I mean by this). This tactic will cut off "extra" clients, and work with "our own".

The "About the Company" page is the best place to build a business on the leader. To do this, organize the page based on the personality of the leader and his role in the business. Ideally, in this case, cost the content of the entire site in the same vein.

Re-read the About page regularly through the eyes of the customer. Are the facts clear? Are strengths brand? Are the arguments in favor of the company convincing, or do they need to be strengthened? After reading, buyers should not have a shadow of doubt about the honesty and competence of the company.

A person goes to the "About the company" section to see if you can be trusted. He wants to get comprehensive and intelligible information to make a decision. A well-written text will help you make a decision in your favor.

"Many years ago, in a distant galaxy…" - The main mistakes when writing texts for the section "About the company"

    Mistake 1. Talk about what is important only "inside" the company. Too detailed history of the emergence and development of the company from its very foundation. The mission and values ​​of the company, too detailed about the employees.

    In what cases is it still worth mentioning the mission? If in it you declare your special approach to work, innovation, and most importantly, the benefits that the client receives from your mission. For example: “Our mission is to make high-quality foreign spare parts for construction equipment available to the Russian consumer, so we only work directly with manufacturers. The price remains reasonable."

    The “history of occurrence” can also be reflected in one phrase, if this is important in removing possible objections and concerns of the client. For example: “The TOP-office company has been operating on the market for two years, but the experience of our employees in the furniture industry is 12 years. You gain the knowledge and skills of the most the best specialists without overpaying for the big name of the company.

    Mistake 2. Bragging. If a strangers will ask you to tell about yourself, it is unlikely that you will immediately begin to show off. Any enumeration of virtues looks like boasting if they are not supported by facts. In the text "About the company" it is important to give the reader these facts.

    Mistake 3. Facts whose meaning is not explained. Facts and figures - that's good, but by themselves they don't mean anything. They need to be decrypted. “We have been on the market for 5 years.” Decryption: “Other companies in this industry have no more than 2 years of experience. Turning to us, you get proven, well-established technologies.

    Mistake 4. Boredom. Tell in one or two sentences about an unusual event. Not necessarily related to the company. Just to draw the reader into the text. Use a "meme" (tale, anecdote) that is close to the target audience.

    Mistake 5. The absence of a call to action at the end of the text. Push the reader to specific action. Yes, the notorious “Call us right now at 55-55-55” has already stuck on your teeth. But if you know what action you want from the person who has read the text about you, formulate the call with an active verb. It works.

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"Baby, well, I'm better than a dog!" - Detach from competitors, highlight benefits, remove objections

    Detachment from competitors. How are you different from others? Your know-how. For example, "We have developed own system logistics and set it up for two years. We are the only ones in the industry to offer 3-day delivery."

    Who did you work with? Who already trusts you? Why? For example: “The employees of our company have vast experience in organizing deliveries in working with the largest companies cities, such as: IKEA, MAXIDOM, CASTORAMA, AUCHAN, MediaMarkt. These companies chose us because…”

    Tell "cases from practice". It could be difficult task(interesting case) or work experience for a large client, a recognized brand, famous person. What was the problem and how did you solve it.

About company

Trading and production company "SPA Bell" is an active participant in the market of goods for beauty and health. The company began its activity in 2011, using the high innovative and scientific potential of professionals in the field of cosmetology, herbal medicine and hygiene for a successful start.

Today, the company successfully sells exclusive products on the Russian market, which include highly effective natural ingredients. The product range is promoted under registered trademarks SPA Belle and "Warm hugs" in all federal districts Russia.

Goals and objectives

As a major operator in the wholesale and retail consumer goods, "SPA Belle" conducts expert and marketing research markets. Responding to market demands, the company solves promising tasks:

  • tracking current trends in consumer demand in key business segments
  • production unique goods impeccable quality, in stable demand among consumers
  • creation and launch of brands that are leaders in their market segment in terms of key parameters
  • achieving maximum efficiency in cooperation with partners, distributors and end users products

Company's mission– take a leading position in the market of health and beauty products, meeting the needs of society in an innovative and useful product.

The company has warehouses finished products in the Moscow region and a team of experienced professionals with specialized education, pursuing an advanced marketing policy. To provide best conditions deliveries, cooperation with large transport and logistics companies of the full cycle is carried out, which guarantees the prompt delivery of the ordered assortment to anywhere in Russia.

The products are produced on contract manufacturing in the Republic of China under the careful control of specialists. The production partners of the company have high-tech European equipment and a modern testing laboratory, which allows us to offer customers an impeccable product of world-class quality. All products manufactured under the TM SPA Belle and "Warm Embrace" are certified, meet all the requirements and existing quality standards adopted in Russia and the EU.

Our production

The products meet the requirements of the European consumer - designer individual packaging has been developed, the size range has been optimized, and the popular color range of products has been tested. Today, the company is successfully developing the following areas, supplying branded products to the market:

Cosmetic products for skin care of hands and feet SPA Belle. Gel-impregnated moisturizing gloves and socks, SPA Belle moisturizing gloves and socks set, blue and pink. Materials and ingredients are used to manufacture products highest quality. The composition of the gel was developed by the company's specialists and tested with the participation of leading experts in the cosmetic industry. Only natural ingredients are used (grape seed oils, jojoba, olive, lavender) and materials - knitwear made of cotton of the highest quality.

A series of products for beauty and health "Warm hugs". Products are supplied with inserts filled with natural hypoallergenic buckwheat granules and seeds from French lavender buds. Used for warmth and comfort. Attractive heating toys for children and adults - attractive characters are used (cow, monkey, ladybug, sheep, duckling, elephant, bear, giraffe). Aromatic herbal warmer socks "Warm Embrace", beige and purple.

Our achievements

The company successfully cooperates with trading enterprises, pharmacy chains, online gift and cosmetics stores, electronic hypermarkets, perfumery and cosmetics chains and beauty salons. The nearest plans of the company include opening representative offices and active distribution in the Baltic and CIS countries.

SPA Belle is an active participant of all-Russian and international exhibitions in the beauty industry and modern cosmetology. In the near future, participation in such specialized exhibitions as "Inter Sharm", the International Exhibition EXPO BEAUTY in Riga and BALTIC BEAUTY.

The main priorities in the activity are the constant development and expansion of the range, the implementation of relevant market ideas and the production of new products. The competence and professionalism of the company's specialists, a well-thought-out pricing policy are a reliable basis for mutually beneficial and promising cooperation with partners.

Companies' websites usually have a section with the text "About the company" or "About us". There is an opinion that this section of the site is not important, because anyway no one reads it, but they immediately look at the section with services or the catalog. This problem exists, but it is not as large as it is commonly thought. Users underestimate this section of the site because often texts about companies are useless, they do not contain any information, except for phrases about how good the company considers itself, about a promising team with rich experience, focus on results, about low prices and incredible customer focus. A section with such text is really not interesting to the reader, therefore it is useless.

Why do you really need the text "About the company"

This text is needed to convince the client to contact you to solve their problems. Therefore, self-praise is not an option, each company can say that it is the best. Even though this text is about your company, it’s still not about you, but the client, in the center of such text. He is not interested in the date of creation of the company and your ego. Facts should be built around the needs of the client: your task is to convince that you understand their problems better than others, have really important advantages over competitors and do your job well.

That is, this text is needed to answer three questions of the client:

  1. What kind of company are you?
  2. How can you help?
  3. Why is it worth contacting you?

What should not be the text "About us"

The most common mistake of such texts is unsubstantiated. The company understands that they need to convince the client to contact them by text and order something like this from copywriters:

But this is not convincing. The problem with such texts is that they do not say anything about your company. We have covered up the names of the firms, and it is impossible to represent any specific organization from the description. Such words can apply to absolutely any company, and they do not provide specifics: there is no clear scope of work, services, descriptions of benefits that are important to the client, no evidence of these benefits. Even what companies do needs to be separated from self-praise and cliches. There is no informativeness and persuasiveness, the texts are useless.

What should be the text

The "About the Company" section will be really useful if you write a text that is customer and search engine oriented. That is, it should be understandable to the reader, informative and convincing, and at the same time work for optimization in search results. Therefore, we recommend focusing on these two factors so that the text gives customers answers to their questions about your work, and so that users can go to the site for key queries and contact you specifically.

How to write text useful to the client

The text will be useful for the client if it answers his questions about you. The client is primarily interested in himself and his business, so tell me how you can solve his problems and why you are better than others.

Maxim Ilyakhov, editor, creator of the Glavred service and author of the book Write, Shorten, advises building the text according to the plan:

1.Who are you? Name the company and industry.

For example, you are a bicycle rental company "Sun".

2. How useful are you?

Write what customer problem you can solve. It's better to put it in general plan, for example, your benefit is not that you can rent a bike, but that you save the client from having to buy such a vehicle and take care of storing it.

3. How do you do it?

That is how you provide the second item of the list. For example, you rent bicycles for adults and children, tandems and scooters.

4. What are the features?

Tell us about your chip. For example, by agreement, you can decorate transport for thematic photo shoots or get a sample of Soviet times, perhaps you have convenient family vacation passes or you are the most large network in the city, so it is convenient to get to you from any area.

5. How can you prove it?

All of the above must be proven. Attach a video with a bike ride on your transport, photos with your scooters, write how many points with bicycles you have and residents of which areas are convenient to use your services.

In addition to this plan, Ilyakhov advises writing in the info style - that is, formulating it as clearly, concisely and to the point as possible.

Alina Vashurina, PR director of Ecwid, thinks infostyle makes the text too dry. Alina suggests writing on the page of the text "About the company" a catchy live story of the creation of the store, fragments from an interview with the director about choosing a name, mission and values. So the text will become fascinating and help you win over the client. In addition, she also suggests talking about the benefits for the client and focusing on the features of the product.

What to do for young companies without experience

Petr Panda, founder of Panda Copywriting, writes that young companies that have little to say about themselves due to lack of experience can write about their desires, interests and credo. Of course, if it concerns work and helps the client form an opinion about you.

Let's say you recently opened a computer repair service, but do not yet have great experience and recommendations. In this case, write about your hobbies and passions that will help present you as a specialist. Information about your origami hobbies will not help, unlike a story about how you like to dig into computer technology since childhood, how once you and the guys assembled a robot in a computer circle, and now these guys work with you in a technical center where they repair computers and other equipment.

Expert opinions generally agree. The text should be:

  1. The name of the company;
  2. field of activity and services;
  3. special offers that distinguish the company from competitors;
  4. evidence of the effectiveness of working with the company;
  5. emotionality, liveliness;
  6. lack of clichés and clichés.

A good example of a text about a carrier company, it describes the benefits and indicates special offers that are beneficial to the client:

This is a piece of text about the benefits of the service, the descriptions clearly explain to the client how exactly the properties of the product will be useful to him.

Short and to the point: they outlined the scope of work and their own position.

How to optimize text for search results

It’s great if your text is clear, informative, and persuasive, but that’s not enough. If your text cannot be found on the Internet, raise the site to the top of the search results.

The completed semantic core (SN) will help you with this. This is a list of key phrases categorized into sections of your site. Words must be selected according to the frequency of use in search queries on your topic. We wrote in more detail in the article about and compiling keywords. The main thing is not to spam the text with keywords, so that it doesn’t look like in that joke: “Sometime a SEO specialist comes into a bar and orders tea, coffee, alcoholic drinks, a banquet in a restaurant, holding events, the best clubs in Moscow ... "In this case, even if the semantic core is compiled correctly, search engines will not miss your text on the first page.

You can check the naturalness of the text with the help of - this is our service for checking according to Zipf's law, that is, according to the pattern of word frequency distribution.

There are other services for checking text for nausea, water content, keyword density. For example, this can be done with Istio , Advego , Seotxt optimizer.

In addition to filling the semantic core, meta tags work for promotion ( ) - HTML markup elements with information about the content of the site page. The site can work without meta tags filled in, they do not affect functionality in any way, but bots use them to determine what information is on the page and how useful it is. We described in detail what meta tags are and how they work.

Meta tags are placed between … and are not visible to users, except for the title and description tags. Information from them is displayed in the search results in short description links.

Title - the title of the page, by which the bot determines whether the page matches the request. The more the tag looks like a search query, the more likely the site will get on the first page of the search results, so be sure to include keywords at the beginning of the tag.

Buy <a href="">country windows</a> in <a href="">Nizhny Novgorod</a>, online store Windows in every home

The title is compiled according to the rules of the Russian language, do not forget that the text is written for users, and not just for search engines.

For example, a tag might look like this:

Meta tags are important for ranking a site in search engines, but even perfectly matched tags will not bring the site to the top positions if the content is useless and not interesting to the user.

What is the result

The text in the "About the company" section of the site will be useful if you focus on two factors when writing: customer benefit and optimization for bots. That is, tell the client how the company can help him and why it is worth contacting her, and not competitors, and do not forget about search engines: optimize the text and fill in meta tags correctly in order to get to the top positions of search results. In this case, users will be more likely to open your site, and you will be able to convince them to become your customers.

Text about text is always a lot of letters. Go!

From the moment of "cancellation" of link ranking, webmasters pay more attention to the text content of the site than 2-3 years ago. The demand for good writers has grown, but average and bad copywriters have also raised their prices. Let's look at examples of the text content of pages in order to understand which text is better.

If you do not plan to convey information to the site visitor, and your goal is to ensure the percentage of keywords on the page, then the article will not be of interest to you. A basic page content analyzer and services from one of the hundreds of copywriting exchanges will be enough for you.

Let's consider the content for the "About" pages. Let's abandon the concept of "Selling texts", I am sure that it is not the text that sells, but the presence in it of the information necessary at the time of reading: price, proximity, characteristics, application - benefit for the reader. The more accessible we present the information the visitor needs, the more useful the text will be for him, this will increase the likelihood of the actions you need.

Let's define the basic rules:

  • Do not lie
  • Don't hide
  • Don't round
  • If you are not sure or do not know - do not write.

Following these rules, you have every chance to write good text for site.

Common mistakes and how to avoid them

The purpose of the "About the Company" section is to convey to the reader information that will help make a decision on cooperation. It is important to understand who your target audience is. If the services are aimed at an ordinary citizen, write simply. If your target audience is highly specialized specialists, write in their language.

Let's look at an example text for construction company. Let's see what information is important for a potential client:

Let's take a site in Yandex search results and analyze the text:

“For more than ten years, our company“ such and such ”has been working in the field of designing and building cottages and country houses, providing any kind of services for low-rise construction.

The question immediately arises over ten years" - how much is this? eleven? Does it inspire confidence? Is it a great experience for a construction company?

Let's offer a simpler and more understandable option:

« »

It is immediately clear what the company does and how much it is on the market.

« The range of activities of the organization is extensive:

and much more

We will correct it so as not to leave understatement and unreasonable assessments. First of all, let's remove extensive” is a subjective and unconfirmed assessment. Let's get rid of " much more"- this phrase does not convey anything and does not carry value and - let's simplify:

Our services:

  • Designing houses and cottages (since the phrase "professional design" is also subjective and uninformative)
  • Budgeting
  • The construction of country houses and brick buildings (block-brick and brick architecture is an obscure term coined by the author, what it is, does not even knowwiki)
  • Summing up the water supply and sewerage (we decipher the incomprehensible ordinary person the term "engineering communications")
  • Interior decoration
  • Landscaping
  • Sale and delivery of building materials

In my opinion, the list has become clearer.

The next block consists of high-sounding, non-specific phrases that mean nothing to the reader. This approach is found on every second site. Let's just mark up the text:

« Honor first

Our competitive advantages are decent quality services provided, good speed of work performed, competence of specialists, conscientious attitude to business and, importantly, long-term guarantees.

The qualification of employees is constantly improving, all experts continue training within the company, and also leave to other enterprises in order to master knowledge in practice

Only prepositions and conjunctions are informative here. Let's analyze and rewrite the section in detail.

Let's not fantasize with the title and write simply « competitive advantages» .

« decent quality of services provided — what makes it worthy, how much more worthy than others? Let's try to prove it with facts:

We comply with the norms suburban construction according to the regulation on legislative act such and such" + link. The certificate of the construction company No. such was issued then.

We have documented that we are building in accordance with the norms, which means that we comply Russian standards quality.

« good work speed» What is considered good speed? We understand that each project has an individual time estimate. Therefore, we will not be able to write what we are building in 20 days. Let's use this move:

Of the 40 projects implemented in 2015, we failed to meet the estimated deadline 1 time, the penalty was compensated.

« competence of specialists ' is a cryptic phrase. Let's write the truth about employees in style:

The company employs builders and installers not below such and such a category. Electricians not lower than IV qualification group.

"good faith in business" - remove. Conscience is immeasurable.

"long-term guarantees" - we will give the data, we will confirm:

There was a block on the development of employees within the company. As they say, these are "problems of the Indians ...". The reader does not care that employees are still learning and improving their skills, it is important for the reader what the company already knows how to do - we remove the block.

"Best of the best

The choice of high-quality building materials is one of the most important tasks that the specialists of "Such and such a company" solve. Before using the materials of any manufacturer, their quality must be checked. Departing to the enterprise, the employee takes an introductory course about the products and explores the technology of its production. Thus, all are studied. competitive offers and in the end, a choice is made in favor of the best.

We understood the idea - the company uses quality materials. The reader does not care where the specialists go (what kind of specialists? a director, a cleaning lady, a programmer?). The conclusion in the current version is unconvincing - the company chooses " any manufacturer».

Let's openly write:

We use Construction Materials, corresponding to GOST standards. (We will give norms and certificates. If possible, we will disclose suppliers.)

Consider the last block, in my opinion, the most successful:

“The main thing is customer benefits

At the moment, our organization occupies a strong position in the construction market of suburban real estate. Nevertheless, we continue to actively develop and expand the range of services provided.

We opened our own showroom and building materials store. Many items are in stock, which allows customers not only to familiarize themselves and purchase the goods, but also immediately pick them up.»

Phrases like " we are leaders, one of the leaders, high positions' don't mean anything by themselves. They need to be confirmed.

Here are the figures that will allow the client to form an opinion about the company's place in the market.

In 2015, we built 40 out-of-town objects, which is 15% of the out-of-town construction turnover in the region. For comparison, in 2014 our share was 11%. In the ranking of such and such, we occupy the 3rd line + link.

We have opened our own showroom and building materials store (link) where the buyer can evaluate the quality of building materials, make a purchase, order delivery.

The following text is a repetition of the above items in word forms. There is no special value in this. We remove.

How the text has changed

Thus, from a long, uninformative text, we got a short, unbiased content that contains enough information for the client to form an opinion about the company. Let's collect and read:

The So-and-So Company

We build and design cottages and country houses in such-and-such a region since 2006.

Our services:

  • Design of houses and cottages
  • Budgeting
  • Construction of wooden houses from logs and timber
  • Construction of country houses and brick buildings
  • Supply of water supply and sewerage
  • Interior decoration
  • Landscaping
  • Sale and delivery of building materials

Competitive advantages:

  • Quality

We comply with the norms of suburban construction in accordance with the regulations on “legislative act such and such” + link. The construction company certificate No. such and such was issued at that time.

  • Timing

Of the 40 projects implemented in 2015, we missed the estimated deadline 1 time. The damage was compensated.

  • Competencies

The company employs builders and installers not below such and such a category. Electricians not belowIV qualification group.

  • Warranty

10 year labor warranty installed equipment under the manufacturer's warranty card of 3 years.

  • Quality materials

We use building materials that comply with GOST standards from such and such suppliers.

In 2015, we built 40 out-of-town objects, which is 15% of the out-of-town construction turnover in the region. For comparison, in 2014 our share was 11%. AT rating such and such (link) we are in 3rd place.

Real details and contact details.


Use the techniques given in the article to describe goods and services so that the site is understandable and useful to the reader.

To check the text for "water", "robotic" and stop words, I recommend the service

Learn infostyle from the editing guru in Maxim Ilyakhov's blog ( - this is best source with practical advice in Russia (IMHO).

P.S. Let us know in the comments if you are interested in an article about writing content for service and product pages. I'll be happy to write material for the next issue of the Rookee Spotlight.