Does the air conditioner work in an open window. Did you know that when the air conditioner is in ventilation mode, no fresh air comes from outside? What is the comfortable indoor temperature in summer?

Often, if an air conditioning system is installed in a room, controversial issue, is it possible to open the windows when the air conditioner is running? Some open the window vents to supposedly quickly ventilate the room, others say that this should never be done. So what should you do in such a situation: open or not open the windows?

What is a comfortable temperature for a person?

For the human body, comfortable temperature ranges are from 18 to 25 degrees above zero. If the air is cooler, we begin to shiver and freeze; if it is higher, the person quickly overheats, performance decreases, and if high rates and in a poorly ventilated area, even heat stroke is possible.

In hot weather, to avoid uncomfortable conditions, using an air conditioner is an excellent solution to the problem.

Operating principle of the air conditioner

IN living conditions Three types of air conditioners operating on different principles can be used.

  1. Supply type air conditioners operate using air from outside the room.
  2. The recirculation type uses air masses only inside the building for its operation.
  3. Recuperative types of air conditioners can operate on both the first and second principles.

But all three types of devices work on the principle of cooling the air passing through the system with a cooler, which is freon gas.

This is where the answer to the question of whether to open a window or not when the air conditioning system is running comes from.

Several reasons why you should not turn on the air conditioner with the window open

  • A sharp increase in air volumes

When the windows are open, the amount of air in the room increases sharply and in significant volumes. An air conditioner operating on the recirculation principle for cooling has temperature sensors, and the arrival of more heated air forces it to work harder to cool the increased volume of air masses. For this it is spent more energy and resource of the device, and the cooled air will go out through the open windows, and the lighter heated air will enter the room. This will have a very negative impact on the operation of the air conditioner, since the device will constantly increase its operating power. And of course, the electricity consumption for increased operation of the air conditioning system will increase significantly.

In this case, the air temperature in the room may not change at all.

Supply and recovery types of air conditioners will also increase their operating power when the windows are open.

  • Device filters are dirty

If a window with street air is open, dust will also enter the room. The busier the place near the house, the more dust there is in the air masses. Operating the air conditioner with the windows open will involve filtering more polluted street air, and as a result, this will lead to accelerated clogging of the device filters.

To avoid damage to the air conditioner, the filters need to be cleaned, and ignoring this issue will lead to a decrease in service life.

  • Risk of colds

When the air conditioner is running, a flow of colder air is created in the building, simply a draft, and a person who is under such a flow for a certain time can easily get a cold. Manufacturers of air conditioning systems take this into account, so the operation of the device is based on a thermostat.

When the room temperature reaches the set temperature, the cooling operation slows down. The air conditioner picks up speed again when the sensor detects an increase in the indicator. That is, the device does not blow constantly. If you open the windows, constant influx hot air masses are forced to constantly cool the air, and the device will constantly create streams of cold air. As a result, a cold is guaranteed. To avoid this, you need to close the windows when the air conditioner is running.

Can an air conditioner break if the window is open?

Most often, the main reason for the breakdown of air conditioning units is water hammer. It can occur for several reasons, but two relate directly to the issue.

  1. Low temperatures. The air conditioning system may break down at sub-zero room temperatures. It is clear that no one opens the windows in winter so much that the air cools to below zero, but it is worth knowing.
  2. As mentioned above, this is filter clogging due to the ingress of polluted air.

And finally, if there is an indoor air cooling system, then why open the windows? After all, it is the hot street air that causes the temperature in the room to rise; the building itself, with the windows and doors closed and tightly curtained, heats up very slowly and it will take more than one day to reach the street temperature. If you turn on the air conditioner in the room, then closed windows the room temperature will quickly drop and will remain so for a very long time even when the device is turned off.

I welcome everyone to my website “Air Conditioner”! Today I will tell you about the most incomprehensible mode in air conditioners - the “Fan” ventilation mode. This option is a basic one (present in almost all devices) and performs the function of ventilating the room. In this case, “split” creates an air flow in the room without an influx of oxygen, i.e. works like a traditional fan. Only some luxury models have the possibility of additionally introducing fresh air from the street (read more about this option).

How does the ventilation mode work and why is it needed?

The word fan means fan. After enabling this option, the device uses the so-called “shaft” (aka fan, aka drum with blades), located . Air is taken from the room, filtered and returned to the room. At the same time, layers of air of different temperatures are mixed and the entire room (apartment) has a uniform “degree”. This is convenient when, for example, the bathrooms are cooler than living rooms(or vice versa).

This option is also relevant when, for example, a person is sick - a flow of air at room temperature can refresh him. A cold stream can only do harm. If you have small children, this function can also be a life saver. Knowing what the ventilation mode in air conditioners means, it is easier to figure out how and when to use it. The mode is turned on in the following cases:

  • when the air in the room is stagnant, you feel that the air next to the radiators is hot, but the heat (or cold, depending on your needs) does not reach the corridors. Gathered near the floor cold air, and near the ceiling it is warmer, for human comfort it is better to equalize the temperature;
  • present in the room bad smell or dampness - is eliminated by turning on the shaft. In this case, the air is forced through existing filters (carbon, catechin, plasma, bactericidal and others);
  • when in the room optimal temperature and you just want to be under the flow of air (neither cold nor hot);
  • There are sick people or small children in the room for whom cold air is contraindicated, and a flow of room temperature will not harm.

Don't confuse ventilation with ventilation!

Ventilation involves the flow of fresh air from the street. But With traditional air conditioners, air from the street does not come in at all! Air
taken straight from the room. At the same time, the room temperature remains the same. This “FAN” VENTILATION mode is found in almost all modern air conditioners.

The most “advanced” models have special devices capable of taking air from the street, i.e. carry out VENTILATION. Outside air they undergo thorough filtration, after which it enters the room. Such devices are very expensive and extremely rare.

Do not confuse the “fan” mode and the “fan” speed control buttons

The fan mode on the air conditioner does not perform the functions of heating or cooling the room. It simply creates air flow like a fan. This same fan has several rotation speeds. Therefore, on air conditioners it is necessary to distinguish:

The rotation speed button does not turn on the ventilation mode itself!

How to turn on ventilation mode

Ventilation in air conditioners is activated using the remote control. The inclusion algorithm is quite simple:

Since the ventilation mode in traditional air conditioners does not provide fresh air from the street, then the use of this function does not exclude the banal ventilation of the room. Now you understand what ventilation means in air conditioners. I wish everyone good luck! Leave comments if the article was helpful!

To keep the room cool in summer and cozy in winter, we recommend installing an air conditioner. Although they provide a flow of both warm and hot air, they are most often used for cooling. With frequent use, the air in the room becomes denser, making it more difficult to breathe. To fix this problem, you must ventilate the room. In addition, even doctors recommend ventilating office and living spaces several times a day to prevent infectious diseases. But what to do if the air conditioner is running? Will I have to wait a few hours or can I still open the windows? We will answer this question below.

An open window with the air conditioner on: is it possible or not?

Fresh air is good not only for your lungs, but also for your whole body. The more often you ventilate the room, the less often you will get sick and the better you will feel. But what to do if it’s simply impossible to do without air conditioning?

If you do not open the windows in a room for several hours and the air conditioner is running, a huge amount of carbon dioxide accumulates in the room. But as you know, our body needs full-fledged work not needed carbon dioxide, and oxygen. It is not surprising that people begin to experience discomfort, chest pain, and suffocation. An excess of the substance affects every cell in your body, although you don’t notice it.

Air conditioning and an open window - compatible things or not? Experts advise mandatory turn off the equipment when ventilating. Nothing bad will happen to you in 10 minutes, so don’t panic or exaggerate the problem.

Why does the air conditioner need to be turned off? It's simple - cold or warm air(depending on the weather), which resists the process of heating and cooling. It turns out that the equipment works just like that, without giving desired effect and at the same time does not allow the room to be fully ventilated. Why is it pointless to “drive” equipment?

In addition, such useless ventilation can lead to other serious problems that you did not even suspect:

Equipment becomes unusable much faster. If you want your air conditioner to work without failures or breakdowns for as long as possible, close the windows. The thing is that dust, dirt and debris enter it from the street, which settle on its internal surfaces. It will need more frequent filter cleaning, which will cost you a pretty penny. Air treated with an uncleaned filter will be unpleasant and dirty.

The air conditioner itself can cause a cold, and if you complement the situation with an open window! There is every chance of going to bed for several weeks. Drafts form completely unnoticeably, and you won’t even understand when you got sick. It's better not to joke with your health!

Increased energy costs. The equipment consumes a huge amount of electricity, and yet the prices for it are rising every day. At open window The air conditioner has to work harder, which increases the amount of energy consumed. In addition, this leads to overheating of the equipment. Don't be surprised if you receive a huge utility bill.

As you can see, there are no advantages to using an air conditioner in a ventilated room. On the contrary, such ventilation has a lot of negative aspects, so do not forget to turn off the equipment before opening the window.

When using an air conditioner, you can hear that the windows must be closed. Some people continue to open the windows, claiming that this way they can ventilate and cool the room faster. It is worth understanding the problem and understanding whether it is worth turning on the air conditioner with the windows wide open?

Increasing air volume

Experts say that when windows are open, the volume of air in the room increases significantly. The air conditioner cools the air in the room to certain temperature, is forced to spend more energy and time on cooling the ever-increasing volume of air mass. In this case, the already cooled air will exit out the open window, and the warm air, in turn, will again enter the room. Such air exchange negatively affects the operation of the air conditioner, which constantly increases its power in order to maintain the set temperature. You should also not ignore the unjustified energy consumption spent on increased operation of the air conditioner, since, in turn, this will lead to unjustified financial expenses.

Filters get clogged quickly

Another reason why it is not recommended to use the air conditioner with the windows open. Air conditioners have filters that tend to get clogged from time to time. Manufacturers recommend cleaning filters from time to time to avoid problems and interruptions in the operation of the cooling device. An air conditioner running with the windows open risks clogging the filters much faster. Which can lead to damage to the device.

The risk of catching a cold doubles

Almost everyone knows that you can easily catch a cold under an air conditioner, which is why they try to stay away from the device while it is operating. Also, when the windows are open, they try not to sit in a draft, as this can cause harm to health unnoticed. When the windows are open and the air conditioner is turned on at the same time, the risk of catching a cold from drafts doubles, so those who practice simultaneous ventilation and cooling often suffer from colds and complications caused by respiratory diseases. Experts recommend cooling the room using air conditioners only when necessary, since, in addition to colds, you can also develop allergic complications.

Greetings to all visitors to the Air Conditioner website! Many users ask the question: is it possible to open windows when the air conditioner is on? Today I will tell you how the room is cooled, and why open windows lead to breakdowns of “splits”.

Air conditioner operating principle is a common household refrigerator , which also has two heat exchangers - one inside, the other outside. The power of the refrigerator compressor is designed for the volume of its refrigeration chamber. The door of this household assistant always closed, so a constant temperature is maintained inside. At the same time, the refrigerator engine operates in normal mode for a long time and properly.

Now we understand the principle of cooling, but how does it maintain the desired temperature in the room? It's simple! In indoor unit temperature sensor installed. As soon as the electronics of the “conder” realize that the temperature has been reached, the compressor turns off (the freon stops moving through the tubes). When the temperature in the room rises, the compressor turns on again. Maintaining the desired temperature, the motor turns on and off.

Now let's return to the topic of our article. If the windows are open, then the cold air from the room constantly goes outside! And since the electronics “understands” that the required temperature has not been reached, then compressor does not turn off AT ALL! Because of this electricity consumption increases. We can also include the disadvantages of such operation increased filter clogging"split".

If installed air conditioner designed for only one room, but additionally cools neighboring rooms, the “heart” of the air conditioner is loaded. Although this gives small effect in the form of lowering the temperature in the rooms. But cooling the street is a completely pointless exercise! If the compressor continues to grind without stopping, sooner or later this will lead to overheating and breakdown.

Try to ventilate the room with the air conditioner turned off! Or adjust the ventilation so that cold loss is minimal. But keep in mind that if you are near a window, then a cold stream can easily “pass through” you. Leave comments, and if the article was useful to you, then share with your friends using the social buttons!