Elite houses in the style of Finnish minimalism. Scandinavian style apartment design - minimalism in the interior Scandinavian minimalism instructions for creating

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 6 minutes

A Scandinavian-style apartment has recently become a design dream of many of our compatriots. With all its originality, simplicity and sophisticated beauty, it looks appropriate both in luxury apartments and in a one-room apartment, while leaving wide scope for creativity and self-realization.

Origin of direction

This interior style owes its appearance to King Gustav III, ruling at the beginning of the 18th century, during whose reign science, art and culture received a powerful impetus. Thanks to the royal will, the Empire style, widespread in Europe, took root in this northern country. Over time, due to cultural and geographical features, it acquired some characteristic national features, turning into the so-called "Swedish Empire".

The priorities of the inhabitants of these harsh lands were comfort, safety, reliability and warmth. Gradually, these qualities replaced excessive decorative excesses, pomposity and luxury, putting modest aesthetics, functionality and simplicity at the forefront.

Since the middle of the last century, the Scandinavian interior has begun to find more and more recognition among the general public, and it has not died out even today.

Scandinavian Style Motifs

To better understand the philosophy of this design direction, we suggest learning the features of the Scandinavian style in the interior.


Having started a Scandinavian-style renovation, be prepared for the fact that now you will be surrounded by an abundance of white surfaces that lighten the surrounding space and give its owners a sense of intoxicating serenity.

In addition to boiling white, the Scandinavian style prefers calm, natural colors - light shades of green, yellow, gray, beige and blue.

The originality and originality of the interior will give a few bright accents.

Favorite materials

The Scandinavian interior prefers naturalness not only in colors, but also in the materials used. Therefore, forget about plastic and chipboard, you should now be surrounded by wood, stone, fur, leather. If you cannot do without man-made materials, try to select those that will skillfully imitate their natural counterparts.


A Scandinavian-style room should be furnished exclusively with natural wood furniture. The upholstery is chosen in pastel colors, it is permissible to combine materials for it.


Natural light is an important design element, so a key feature in a Scandinavian style is having large, wood-framed windows that let in natural light. This feature makes thick, heavy curtains and curtains out of place, choose a light fabric that transmits light well, or refuse them altogether.

But the absence of huge half-wall windows is not a reason to abandon the embodiment of the Scandinavian style in the interior. Well-designed artificial lighting will help make up for the lack of daylight. Equip your apartment with versatile lamps: chandeliers, floor lamps, sconces, lamps and even candles. They can be completely different in shape and color, but at the same time they will not get out of the general style of the interior.


Walls and floors in the Scandinavian style should be decorated with natural shades. For walls, it is preferable to use light, pastel colors. Often there is white or beige plaster, as well as sheathing one wall or part of it with wood panels. A Scandinavian-style toilet often boasts light blue or white tiles.

The ceiling can only be snow-white. Wooden floors can be decorated with plain carpets or stylized patchwork runners, making the environment more homely, family and cozy.


The whole world has heard about Scandinavian minimalism, so when designing interiors, only the most necessary accessories are selected in a very limited amount. Give preference to natural materials, glass, ceramics. The peoples inhabiting these lands have always been close to the sea, so such a theme will always be appropriate. For example, the interiors of apartments can be decorated with paintings or photographs depicting the expanses of the sea.


The abundance of white can evoke associations with a hospital, so the design move to revive the Scandinavian style in the interior of an apartment is to place bright color accents. Any small object, made in contrasting colors, will thereby become a breath of good mood and vivacity. It can be a green pillow on a white sofa, a blue lampshade on a lamp, photo frames painted in different colors. The main thing is to stop in time and not overdo it.

Furnishing an apartment in the spirit of northern peoples

Renovating an apartment in a Scandinavian style is one of the most rational decisions that a modern city dweller can make. Due to its conciseness, democracy and not pretentiousness, Scandinavian design will help save significant money and time for its implementation.

  • , will become the heart of any home, a place for the whole family to gather. Therefore, the surrounding space should be designed as comfortable and cozy as possible. Durability, convenience and attractiveness of the interior will pay off all the costs of natural materials. It will be possible to diversify the boring atmosphere by simply changing a few sofa cushions or a picture on the wall. The interior design of the living room in the Scandinavian style is a snow-white ceiling, light walls and flooring in natural wood tones.
  • . The design of the Scandinavian-style apartment suggests that this room will first of all be as functional as possible. In terms of color scheme, the contrast of white trim and a dark ceramic apron is most often found here, entering into tandem with natural wood furnishings.

An apartment with a Scandinavian-style kitchen-studio, divided into working and dining areas, will fit perfectly into modern reality.

  • , more than other rooms, minimalism in the interior is inherent. The main features of such a room are a simple finish, a minimum of furniture and decor.
  • A Scandinavian-style office in modern urban reality is rarely an isolated room. A more realistic option is a comfortable, functional space allocated in the living room or bedroom, in which it is pleasant to be and work.

A Scandinavian-style workplace is a compact desk or console attached to the wall with open shelves for storing necessary stationery and books.

  • The bathroom, decorated in Scandinavian style, is spacious, bright, with maximum functionality of the space. It also features combinations of light wall finishes and dark floors. A Scandinavian-style toilet is usually characterized by concise forms, environmentally friendly textures and the maximum possible use of natural materials.
  • Ancillary spaces, such as a corridor, pantry or Scandinavian-style balcony, are characterized by the maximum moderation in furnishings and simplicity of form. They are not clogged with rubbish and useless garbage. Everything you need is placed in convenient and concise storage systems.

Design of small apartments

Not everyone is lucky with large apartments, but the Scandinavian style in the interior of small apartments looks extremely organic, allowing you to make the most of the available space, even if you own only a modest one-room apartment.

On the net you can find many examples of how to introduce Scandinavian style into the interior of small apartments, photos will tell you a lot of ideas. To implement them, use our advice.

  1. A small Scandinavian-style apartment should delight with white wall decoration, so you can visually lighten and expand the space.
  2. in Scandinavian style will turn even the most modest property into a modern, stylish space. Don't be afraid of remodeling.
  3. Let natural light fill the rooms, Scandinavian style in a city apartment involves minimal decor and draping of window openings.
  4. Bright accents, large or small color spots are also inherent in the Scandinavian style, a lot of photos on the Internet will tell you interesting solutions.

Why is minimalism today more and more often in one way or another beginning to please modern women? Personally, when I start cleaning and dusting, I dream of simple furniture and a minimum of any decorations. The simpler things are and the less superfluous, the easier it is to clean up and simply create conditions for order for your family. For working women or mothers with many children, this approach would save a lot of time. Therefore, when my husband and I began to dream a little and plan repairs, I immediately spoke about the desire to make repairs in this style. It may seem that the interior with a Scandinavian character is cold and uncomfortable. But I have always believed and will continue to believe that a lot of light and simple in the house only helps to find the right accessories and decorate rooms without clutter in them.

Where do legs grow from?

I won’t surprise anyone if I note two main style trends in general: everything is light, simple, and at the same time warm and cozy. Surprisingly, it was precisely such a tandem of completely opposite directions that made the Scandinavian style so original and unlike anything else.

Officially, this style appeared in the second half of the 19th century. But, in fact, it was gradually formed for about three centuries, step by step. At first, French design rules were methodically imposed on the Scandinavians, and English furniture gradually appeared. But the peoples of the north abandoned this foreign body in their harmonious and simple style, and therefore pretentious lines did not take root there, and luxurious fabrics became a thing of the past.

All that we now call the Scandinavian style was finally formed only in the 19th century. All its main elements fully reflect the typical features of the behavior and worldview of the inhabitants of these camps. Everything is concise, calm and understandable, but not without pleasant color moments. Therefore, it is difficult to say whether this approach is really cold. Here, whoever looks at it: who sees exactly warm natural materials and natural colors, and who hurts the eye with too much white and gray. Yes, and a lot of things are simply alien to our person, from the white floor to the absence of carpets or other decor on the walls.

What do Scandinavians breathe?

And they breathe deeply and with a full chest with a clean and bright filling of their home. Have you noticed how spacious and light a room becomes when there are no unnecessary objects and too much color load? For you and me, who like to decorate more with a characteristic breadth of soul, such a stingy decor may seem to be the result of a lack of colors and greenery. Indeed, there is not enough heat and sun in the homeland of the style, and just a lot of light colors and multi-level light make it possible to make up for this lack.

As for the decor itself, it is very much there, just not pretentious and seems to be part of the working content of the room. Color will definitely appear, but not in the abundance of paintings or figurines, but in the form of bedspreads on beds or dishes, cozy colored window frames and flowerpots. In a word, I do not agree with the opinion that the room will become cold and empty, rather spacious and light.

So, when we want to create a Scandinavian atmosphere at home, we use the following techniques in decorating and decorating the premises:

We avoid anything obviously modern and technical (all materials used are natural, it is wood with stone or simple ceramic tiles), the simpler the better;

Complex lines for furniture are not used here, all sofas or armchairs, and other furniture, usually low and very concise (most often the furniture is not polished, but covered with a layer of transparent varnish, sometimes white or a similar shade of paint);

As a rule, monochrome colors are used for the interior, and color spots are made from textiles, which in turn are also natural (linen and cotton, wool or very thin transparent fabrics);

As for the decoration, all frames and window frames, including straight and simple, have a lot of glass (even the windows are not covered with curtains and curtains, instead of them there is an almost transparent fabric, light and airy);

And of course a lot of lighting, from ceiling to table - as light as possible and the light is not warm yellow, but with a cool tint.

The room can be yellow, blue-blue, green - but all this is in a natural range and without fanaticism. In a word, everything is concise and at the same time not overloaded.

The Scandinavian style appeared as a logical development of post-war trends in the world, superimposed on the national characteristics of Scandinavia: the abundance of wood and people who know how to work with it. Another factor - the ruined cities of Europe needed a lot of furniture, and it had to be functional first, and only then beautiful.

The first here were the Danes, who used mainly teak wood. They also began to use plywood, and then plastic. A little later, standardization came from Sweden: first Swedish kitchens, then beds and other furniture. Since the 70s, the massive use of pine and the distribution of Ikea began. And now the Scandinavian style is chosen for lack of other worthy options, and often from a lack of knowledge. Decorators Anna and Mikhail Koshelev suggest considering alternatives that will not be much more difficult to implement.

Clients often say: "I want Scandinavian style." But the question "And if not Scandinavian, then what?", As a rule, confuses them. It seems that other styles simply do not know. Sometimes "grandmother's style" and hi-tech come to mind, they also remember shabby chic. And it turns out that there seems to be no alternative to Scandinavian. But in fact, there are a great many styles: for example, Moroccan, Chinese, Japanese or Art Deco are good in their own way. But we will only talk about those that are likely to appeal to Scandinavian fans.



Let's start with styles that are often confused with Scandinavian. In the 50s of the last century, a boom in minimalism began around the world, both in clothing and in interiors. Then the beauty of things gave way to functionality: everyone had to build, and there were few materials, and plastic was not yet common.

Distinctive features of the midcentury style are stone, wood and bright colors. Even in "The Adventures of Shurik" we see interiors with these motifs. So a good half of the assortment of Moscow fashion online furniture stores is actually not Scandinavian style, but replicas of style icons of the 50s and 60s.


The second style, which is often mistaken for Scandinavian, is minimalism. The simplicity of the lines is here and there, but in minimalism the main thing is a deliberately limited amount of detail and good lighting. It cannot be said that the Scandinavians live in the dark, but really only large windows can give a lot of daylight, which is not cheap and irrational in a cold climate. The main difference between minimalism and the scarcity of decoration is the high cost of execution of both individual details and the entire architecture of a house or apartment as a whole. But there are difficulties here: everything looks great until the first signs of life. After all, even a shirt left on a chair in such conditions begins to declare itself as part of the interior.



An important feature of this style is relevance. It consists of what is now at the peak of popularity. If white broken triangles in the Audi style are relevant, this is contemporary, if concrete and chandeliers made of cord and cartridge are fashionable, this is contemporary, if zigzags on the walls and craft bags for children's toys are at their peak, this is contemporary. Individual fashion items appear more often than a whole style. Something is forgotten, and what shows itself from the best side accumulates in a new style. The task of the designer is to create a space in which you can constantly change something without violating harmony. The complexity of this undertaking is obvious: it is not easy to follow fashion all the time. It is worth stopping once, and repairs can be dated to within a couple of years.


This style is traditional not for us, but for Europe and America. If you travel around the world, you can understand that the interiors of the houses that we see in Western cinema are really like that. The reason for the style's popularity is practicality. Such an interior will not become outdated and will look appropriate in many years. Scandinavian particle boards or chipboards become shabby over time, which spoils the look, but scratches on traditional furniture (not to be confused with classic) are perceived as scuffs on jeans, that is, they only add charm. Separately, the opportunity to put a brass lamp, which is 80-90 years old, on a new bedside table, or hang a 250-year-old engraving on the wall, fascinates.


The basis of the beach style, as a rule, is quite traditional and in demand in any other style colors - white, blue, beige and coral, as well as the color of the deck board, brass or bronze. Maybe chrome, but definitely not plastic. Details play the most important role here: old, faded oars on the walls, pillows with seahorses, blown glass bottles, ropes and other marine paraphernalia. Nautical decor is often used for nurseries: it is difficult for kids to live in a boring rectangular world.


Farmhouse, French country

Rustic style is a cozy interior with traditional wooden furniture and simple decor, in which pastoral motifs prevail: floral curtains, crockery with red polka dots, bed linen with frills and cockerels. Everything that says about the coziness and hot cocoa that your grandmother cooked for you as a child is a rustic style. Decorators most often borrow barn doors from it, but we would also advise you to look at wooden ceilings, walls and furniture - cast, less often stamped, made of metal and with wooden elements.


The style, originating in the old factories and warehouses of Manhattan, now successfully continues its victorious march through the old buildings in the center of Moscow and other capitals. It is often called "loft" for short, although the loft is just one of the directions of the industrial style. All rooms in this area are characterized by the presence of huge windows and high ceilings. Since you won’t finish large spaces with expensive tiles, bare concrete or metal structures of the building are simply painted, parquet is replaced with a planed board, but they don’t save on furniture. Metal, leather, solid wood will not be cheap. It would be a gross mistake to try to replace real brickwork with its imitation. You can build a wall from the cheapest red brick, and then take used engine oil, coal and age the masonry yourself. For such cases, we use a plasma torch, which oxidizes and ignites clay. As a result, decades of exposure to air and ultraviolet light make up in minutes.


If in the marine style the color of the walls and the shape of the doorways are not so important, then in the Mediterranean style they are the whole point. Semi-circular arches, bright multi-colored tiles, terracotta pots with Provence herbs, textiles with geometric prints in yellow, red and blue shades - this is a Mediterranean style. And no photo wallpaper with the Black Sea surf in Yalta.

Chalet style

Rustic, "Hunting Lodge"

This is an abundance of natural wood with a visible texture, sloping ceilings, warm colors, stone aprons in the kitchen and in the fireplace area, leather furniture, wooden beams on the ceiling and everything that is somehow connected with taxidermy: animal heads and skins on the floor. We often want to see country houses like this, which is understandable. Although sometimes individual elements can be great friends with interiors in other styles.


Aerobatics of the owner of the apartment or the decorator. Eclectic is a successful combination of different styles, such as an antique coffee table from a great-grandmother with a pop art poster and an Auchan carpet. The key word is lucky.


If the traditional style is quite neutral (add a trendy plastic rocking chair with wooden legs - and it's already modern, a boar's head - it's already a chalet), then the Victorian interior is difficult to remake. This is the interior of a rich English grandmother or a Californian gold miner: floral wallpaper on the walls, handmade furniture from the finest woods, classic candlesticks and chandeliers made of crystal, Tiffany, no chipboard. Seriously, sustainedly and without fuss. Like whiskey. Victorian style is definitely expensive. When designing it, you can fall into leather wallpaper or natural silk on the walls. For such an interior, you don’t even need a decorator, but an antique dealer with excellent taste.

The use of well-established interior styles allows you to comprehensively approach the design of living space, maintaining it in an integral design format. The Scandinavian direction of arranging apartments and private houses has its own characteristics, largely due to the climatic characteristics of the region. Despite the preservation of old traditions, this style is complemented by new features. Branches from the general concept include Scandinavian minimalism in the interior, focused on optimizing design in terms of ergonomics and functionality.

General information about Scandinavian minimalism

The basis of the style was laid back in the 19th century. As the name implies, the direction originated in the northern countries - Denmark, Sweden, Norway, etc. In the middle of the 20th century, the concept underwent a transformation and received a second name - "Swedish modern". He was characterized by sophistication and a specific zest in the form of simplicity with the rejection of pretentious forms and unnecessary accents.

On this basis, the modern understanding of this style as focused on minimalism has quite logically taken shape. The frosty climate and lack of sunlight still dictate their own rules for housing design. Therefore, in addition to aesthetic properties, modern Scandinavian minimalism in the interior also requires the inclusion of functional tools aimed at creating coziness and comfort. The design features of the style should be discussed separately.

Special Style Features

Initially, the Scandinavian design of houses assumed the maximum rapprochement with nature - this also applied to the interior design with natural materials, and the general architecture of buildings, which were usually made of wood. These inclinations gave rise to a feeling of lightness, simplicity and naturalness of style. The principal quality of such housing is the minimum of luxury.

The nature of the arrangement of the premises is due to practicality and comfort. It can be noted in some sense the relationship with other conservative styles, but there is also a place for decorations that have their own specific shade in Scandinavian minimalism in the interior. Features of decorative design are associated with the neutrality and unobtrusiveness of the elements. At the same time, decor and decorations not only perform the task of setting aesthetic shades, but can also have a functional content.

In general, we can say that the style is close to the needs of an undemanding person, while each of its details is sure to be of practical use. Thus, a balanced, functional and comfortable space for living is organized.

Optimum materials to reflect style

As a rule, the most common material of this style is wood. As already noted, it is considered the basis for classic Scandinavian housing construction. Even today, centuries-old recipes for processing pine and spruce with special solutions with protective properties are used, which allow you to save houses for many years of operation.

Stone is also widely used. In addition to the construction of houses, it is used as the basis for furnace structures. Natural fabrics made of cotton, wool and linen are also used in the interior. Tiles are also made from natural clay raw materials without the inclusion of artificial and environmentally harmful components.

And yet, does Scandinavian minimalism allow the use of non-natural materials in the interior? Of course, it was the modern trend that softened this limitation for the sake of the same practicality and functionality. Items and finishing materials made of metal alloys and plastics can be used. However, environmental safety is still a mandatory requirement.

Characteristic colors

Regardless of the material or object, it is advisable to focus on neutral and calm tones in choosing a color. Win-win options are light blue, light green and white colors. However, they do not have to be dull and faded. Pastel solutions are more suitable for bedrooms, textiles and ceiling decoration. But in functional areas in the living room or in the kitchen, for a change, it is quite possible to introduce light contrasting tones with blue, orange and red.

However, bright and variegated colors should still be abandoned - they will violate the general atmosphere of calm and naturalness. Scandinavian minimalism in the interior is inherently formed by natural components. Therefore, almost all natural shades are allowed - from brown or to rich green of vegetation. The natural origin of these objects compensates for the created contrast.

Design of internal surfaces

It is recommended to stick to the traditional set of design tools. If it is possible to confine ourselves to preserving the base of the surface, then it is worth using it. The same frame allows, with proper surface treatment, to do without wall cladding. In other cases, a board, lining, parquet, plaster, patchwork paths and stretch fabrics on the ceiling can be used.

In the bathroom, you can use a neutral light blue or white tile. When it comes to wallpaper and paint, Scandinavian minimalism in the interior rarely uses these solutions. This is partly due to a deviation from the principles of naturalness, but there is also an artificiality of paintwork. They are technologically advanced and versatile in use, but the same board finish with natural patterns is more suitable for the style concept.

The choice of furniture

Furniture items most clearly reflect the character of the Scandinavian style. Products should occupy a minimum of space and, if possible, have the natural color of the material. As a rule, wood is most often the basis for furniture, and glass, metal and textiles in the color characteristic of Scandinavian minimalism in the interior can be used as separate elements. The photo below shows the design features of such items. The base is made of beech, pine and spruce, and suede, linen, cotton and genuine leather can be used for upholstery.

Lighting approach

One of the main problems of regions with a cold climate and long winters is the lack of light. Therefore, artificial lighting plays an important role in home improvement. In this regard, the style requirements are very democratic, so different types of lamps are suitable for use. For example, you can use floor lamps, chandeliers, table and wall lamps, and candles.

However, when choosing specific shapes and designs, it is still worth relying on the general requirements for both materials and color. Do not forget that Scandinavian minimalism in the interior of the house excludes bulkiness and involves the use of small forms. It is better to choose designs with thin, but functional and reliable cases. As for the lamps themselves, the style is more suited to the emission of incandescent filaments, but modern demands again force many to compromise and choose LED devices. Despite the artificiality of the luminous flux of such models, they are distinguished by a high level of energy saving, which is a significant plus and corresponds to the spirit of style.

window openings

The possibility of using natural light cannot be ruled out either. Windows should be large, so they will allow the house to fill with sunlight. If in the Scandinavian countries this possibility is limited by harsh climate conditions, then in Russia this factor is less noticeable, although, of course, it is not completely excluded in cold regions.

An important point is the technical execution of the frame. As mentioned, Scandinavian minimalism in the interior of an apartment allows the use of plastics if necessary - and this is exactly the case of practical expediency. If there are strict requirements for maintaining heat in the house, then a modern double-glazed window will be a good choice for decorating large windows. If we are talking about a warm region, then it makes no sense to abandon the classic wooden frames.

Decor elements

Scandinavian interiors involve the use of small, but original details, which also carry a certain semantic load. Not only aesthetic value is important, but also a deeper meaning for the residents themselves. For example, these can be heirlooms, homemade creations, photographs, etc. Of course, Scandinavian-style interiors cannot do without functional decorative elements. Minimalism, even with a touch of asceticism, fully allows the use of modest flower vases, mirrors with original frames, candlesticks and fleecy rugs with harmonious patterns. Decorative accents can be placed with the help of dishes if they are made of ceramics, natural clay or porcelain.

For whom is it suitable?

This style suits connoisseurs of home peace and comfort. This design also does not require large financial investments, which expands the circle of potential users. Of course, the general concept of style is rather close to country houses, which are surrounded by nature. But you can organize Scandinavian minimalism in the interior of a city apartment, if you follow the above rules for interior design.


With all the attractiveness and positive features of home improvement, the Scandinavian style still limits designers in the use of certain stylistic solutions. Choosing this direction, you should abandon the excessive introduction of Hi-Tech elements.

New technologies and Scandinavian minimalism in interior design contradict each other, although there is a way out of this conflict. For example, in the lines of modern manufacturers of household appliances and electronics, there are a lot of stylized models of products that are oriented just for use in traditional interiors. This style can be expressed in the form of cases made of natural material, as well as in external coatings imitating natural patterns, etc.

In any case, if we are talking about modern housing, then such compromises are simply inevitable. The main thing is to maintain a balance, maintaining a commitment to the idea of ​​Nordic minimalism, and not forgetting the comfort inherent in today.

The Scandinavian interior is the choice of those who seek to create their own cozy and stylish living area in a small area and with minimal financial costs. This style originated in the northern latitudes. Norway, Denmark, Sweden, as well as Iceland and Finland are considered the founders of this trend in residential design. It was in these countries that the so-called Scandinavian minimalism was formed, which found recognition far beyond the borders of these states.

Scandinavian interior is the choice of those who seek to create their own cozy and stylish living area in a small area and with minimal financial costs.

The main features of the design are dictated by the natural conditions of the places where it was created. The harsh climate, the lack of sufficient sunlight, cloudy weather for most of the year - all this pushed people to look for such a home design that could at least partially compensate for the bleak picture of the gray sky outside the window. Therefore, the main element that defines the Scandinavian style in the interior is various ideas for visually expanding the space and filling it with light.

Partially, this problem is solved due to the free layout of apartments with a minimum number of interior partitions and a large number of windows. Of particular importance to the designer is the decor in the Scandinavian style. But the main role is assigned to the color scheme. It defines the appearance of the room. The predominant color of the walls in the Scandinavian interior is white. It creates the illusion of a wide, open space and makes the room brighter.

But modern Scandinavian style is not just emptiness drowning in whiteness. The color of the apartment can be different, but the palette is always warm and calm. It can be beige, sand, cream shades, reminiscent of the Baltic Sea in a light predawn haze.

All pieces of furniture, accessories, decor elements are usually designed in the same color scheme. It defines the main direction of the design. Light color in the apartment creates a feeling of peace, balance and cleanliness. This gives a zest to the living space, decorated in accordance with the traditions of the Scandinavian countries.

Scandinavian style room (video)

Natural materials are the basis of design

In northern countries, they are very sensitive to the environment. Here it is customary to protect nature, which enables a person to live, eat, build his home. Therefore, the Scandinavian style in the interior involves the use of natural materials for finishing the apartment. Most often it is wood and natural stone. Some decorative elements can be made of thin plastic, but this is the exception rather than the rule.

Wall decoration, flooring, furniture and even Scandinavian-style stairs are traditionally made of wood. The color of the boards used for the floor can be natural. But more often they are painted in light shades that match the walls and ceiling.

This style originated in the northern latitudes. Norway, Denmark, Sweden, as well as Iceland and Finland are considered the founders of this trend in residential design.

In such interiors you can find laminate or parquet. But the classic version involves the usual, even a little rough plank floor surface, painted white. Stairs in the Scandinavian style are also, as a rule, wooden. It was made as simple as possible. Usually it has 2 spans and wide comfortable steps.

In its design, you can not see any complex decorative details that would attract attention. Straight and strong wooden railings are created as simply as possible. Like all other elements of the interior, the Scandinavian-style staircase is only utilitarian in nature, and does not serve as an additional decoration for the house.

Since the main task of such a design is to make the apartment spacious, bright and comfortable, it should not have massive and bulky furniture. All interior items are very functional. It is recommended to choose tables-books, elegant armchairs and chairs and folding sofa beds.

To save space, it is proposed to use compact storage systems. Even a staircase can become a convenient closet if you create drawers on one side under each step. You can buy them at the store or make your own.

Simplicity, convenience and functionality are the main rules for furnishing an apartment in a Scandinavian style.

Scandinavian style in the interior (video)

Decor elements

It is difficult to imagine the design of the room without separate accessories that give the interior a complete look. In the Scandinavian version, there are also decorative elements. They are selected in accordance with the basic requirements for the design of apartments in this style. These are simple utilitarian things that are not only pleasing to the eye, but can also be used in everyday life.

On the floor, as a rule, you can see traditional woven rugs. Usually they are monophonic or two-color, made in black and white. Sofa cushions and blankets of bright colors help to diversify the light palette of shades. They focus on a specific area of ​​​​the room in which they are located.

Wall decoration, flooring, furniture and even Scandinavian-style stairs are traditionally made of wood.

On the walls, you can hang images of seascapes or any abstractions that are in harmony with the general style of the room. The frames in which the pictures are framed can be handmade or completely absent. The minimum set of decorative elements in the Scandinavian interior is more than offset by a large number of lighting fixtures. It can be elegant floor lamps, small sconces, table lamps. Lamps are an essential component of this type of design.

This design option is very suitable for studio apartments and small houses. The interior, in which everything is thought out to the smallest detail, where there are no meaningless things, and each item is in its place, will always please its owner with simplicity and comfort.

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