The work week will be 4 days. Four-day work week: immediate prospect or joke? The experiment was successful

Anisa Purbasari Horton

A journalist who writes about personal development and entrepreneurship for Fast Company. Previously worked at Mashable, The Verge and Business Insider.

At first, a four-day work week seemed like some kind of fantasy to me. I just had no idea how I would finish everything. But then I noticed that on Friday I still have tasks that, with proper self-discipline, can be completed in advance. I decided to conduct an experiment: on Thursday, finish all current affairs, and devote Friday to in-depth work on long-term goals.

First week. Catch up and prioritize

The day before returning to the office after vacation, I sat down to plan my work week. Here I ran into the first obstacle - few working days. I had to cut my goals in half. I wrote down three mandatory tasks for the day in my diary instead of the usual six. Just in case, I added three additional points if I have time for them. Of course, he was not found.

The second obstacle was bad weather. I had to. I completed the urgent tasks until Friday, but I completely abandoned e-mail. Anyway, 99% of my mail just takes time and does not bring any benefit.

On Friday, I tried to work hard: edit the article, find new ideas and think about how to improve our mailing list. But the productivity was at the level of 50%. I'm just not very good at working from home.

Second week. I'm sick

I wanted to start this week with a lot of energy, but on Monday night I started feeling symptoms. For two days I couldn’t do anything at all, on Thursday I worked sluggishly from home and got to the office only on Friday.

Again, I had to make up for lost time. Surprisingly, I coped with all the current cases. Although I postponed some long-term projects for later, well, I again failed to sort out all the mail.

Third week. I'm trying to do everything in two days

Another shortened week. We didn't work on Monday because it was Martin Luther King Day. I took Thursday and Friday off to celebrate my wedding anniversary. There were two days left to complete the work that would normally take five days.

By this time, I had already determined which things took up the most time. I did them first. I sorted out the mail as much as possible and tried to delete as many letters as possible. As a result, I completed all the current cases and did not even fail the deadlines.

Fourth week. Finally a success

This was the last week of my experiment. On Sunday evening, I began to doubt whether it was worth continuing at all. Things weren't going too badly, but I didn't reach my goal of doing more in-depth work. I decided not to stop.

I have done more in the last week than in the previous three. Although I suddenly had additional responsibilities, I managed everything. On Friday morning, I completed the current affairs, and then I was engaged in my serious projects. I noticed that my . I started making to-do lists based on the importance of the tasks rather than the urgency. Introduced short breaks for idleness, during which I read Twitter.

I experienced stress more often, but I found more effective methods of work.

My conclusions

I have conflicting impressions. On the one hand, I experienced more. Unforeseen cases often arose, planned tasks had to be postponed. As a result, I worked longer hours to get everything done. There were days when I was very tired and angry that I had to cancel plans for the evening.

On the other hand, it made me think about my habits. I became more strict about planning. Now on Sunday evening I reflect on the progress of the past week and make plans for the next. I also never leave work without making a to-do list for tomorrow. It helps to honestly evaluate your work for today.

Perhaps my opinion would have been different if I hadn’t gotten sick, and there would have been less workload at work. In the summer we worked on Fridays until two o'clock in the afternoon, and I did not experience any difficulties. I think I will continue to do only long-term projects on Friday. But I will not be upset if I do not have time to finish the main work on Thursday.

Nutritionists say: it’s real to lose weight in 4 days! Choose one of 18 different menus to your taste, follow three simple rules and lose up to 6 kg of excess weight during this time.

Diets for 4 days are strict low-calorie nutrition systems, the purpose of which is not so much to get rid of a large number of kilograms, but to unload the body and make yourself fall in love with proper nutrition. In addition, such short courses are often used before starting long-term weight loss programs. In these cases, the 4-day plan should be selected in accordance with the further weight loss scheme. Also, a diet for 4 days should be selected depending on lifestyle, physical fitness and individual characteristics.

Essence and rules

Short-term strict diets become a lot of stress for the body, and their results are often short-lived. Therefore, all nutritionists call for gradual and safe weight loss, in which weight loss in 1 week is no more than 1 kg. However, for a quick reduction in body volume, for example, before an important event, to unload or prepare for a more thorough weight loss program, such techniques are indispensable.

One of the main disadvantages of diets for 4 days is that weight loss in such a short time is not due to the breakdown of fat, but mainly due to the removal of fluid from the tissues and contents from the intestines.

Therefore, at the end of the dietary course, you must either switch to proper moderate nutrition, or begin to follow a balanced diet. If you do not change the old diet, then all efforts will be in vain.

At its core, any diet for 4 days is an unloading and cleansing technique that can be used no more than 1 time per month. Due to the removal of excess water, toxins and toxins, there is not so much weight loss as a reduction in the burden on the digestive system and activation of metabolism. In addition, prerequisites are being created for accelerating the breakdown of fats, but this process can begin with further dietary or proper balanced nutrition.

To make the 4-day diet as effective as possible, you need to follow a few rules:

  1. Do not skip breakfast, as it speeds up metabolism and stabilizes all metabolic processes. Breakfast should be protein.
  2. Do not endure hunger throughout the day - the body can be "deceived" if you drink kefir, tea or even plain water.
  3. Increase physical activity a little, but do not overload yourself with training - regular walking, jogging or swimming is enough.

With the right combination of diet and physical activity, you can lose up to 6 kg or even more in 4 days. However, it is extremely important that during this period there is no feeling of hunger. Otherwise, the metabolism will begin to slow down, as a result of which you may not get the expected result, but, on the contrary, provoke an intense weight gain.

Types of diets for 4 days

The advantage of such short-term methods is a very wide choice of products and menu options based on them. Today, there are a large number of varieties of 4-day diets, each of which can be very effective if all the rules are strictly observed.

"4 days - 4 products"

Diets consisting of a set of mono-diets are especially popular. They are based on a variety of products and have different durations. At the same time, the minimum course on which you can get visible results is exactly 4 days. Thus, a nutrition system is obtained that includes 4 products that are consumed on separate days, and they, in turn, alternate with each other.

Essence and rules

The proposed diet consists of natural low-calorie foods. Most often, plant and protein foods are used on the basis of the alternation of days. Compliance with all such techniques requires the implementation of several general recommendations:

  1. Every day you should drink from 2 liters of pure water.
  2. The total amount of food should be divided into equal portions and consumed in 5-6 doses throughout the day.

A prerequisite for the effectiveness of such methods is strict adherence to the proposed menu and the number of products allocated per day. If the volume is not indicated, then they can be consumed unlimitedly, but without overeating.

sample menu

The diet menu "4 days - 4 products" by day can be represented by the following options:

Option 1:

  • 1st: buckwheat porridge;
  • 2nd: green vegetables;
  • 3rd: boiled chicken breast;
  • 4th: 1.5 l of kefir 0% fat.

Option 2:

  • 1st: vegetables (raw, boiled, stewed);
  • 2nd: 400 g of beef;
  • 3rd: 1 kg of fruit (without bananas and grapes);
  • 4th: 400 g fish fillet.

Option 3:

  • 1st: boiled rice;
  • 2nd: kefir 0% fat;
  • 3rd: boiled fish;
  • 4th: grapes.

Option 4:

  • 1st: fat-free cottage cheese;
  • 2nd: fruit;
  • 3rd: seafood;
  • 4th: vegetables.

The menu options are very different, so you can easily decide on the most suitable for yourself.

It is advisable to use the technique once a month to maintain normal weight. For 1 course, you can lose from 3 to 6 kg of excess weight. But keep in mind that he can quickly return. Therefore, such diets cannot be ended abruptly - you need to get out of mono-nutrition gradually, slightly increasing the daily calorie content of the diet by introducing 1-2 healthy foods.


There is a special "Unloading diet for 4 days" - the author's technique of the famous Russian nutritionist Margarita Koroleva. The strategy is aimed at losing 4–5 kg of excess weight, facilitating the work of the body and improving digestion. The Queen has a sufficient number of weight loss programs designed for certain categories of people, depending on the body mass index. For example, one of the methods is designed for 9 days and allows you to get rid of 10 kg, but only if you have a lot of excess weight. The results of using the author's methods of Margarita Koroleva are quite real. If you are not already familiar with them, it is best to start with a 4-day discharge.

Essence and rules

Margarita Koroleva considers the correct diet to be the key to successful weight loss. It is on nutrition that not only the success of getting rid of excess weight depends, but also the preservation of the result in the future.

  1. You need to eat every 2 hours, reducing the usual amount of food by half, but without starvation.
  2. Breakfast is a must, but first you need to drink a glass of water, and after 30 minutes, eat, ideally cereals with dried fruits and nuts, dairy products.
  3. Snacks should be, but consist of apples, carrots, kefir.
  4. The psyche needs to be programmed for weight loss so that the person who is losing weight has a goal and motivation.
  5. You can only eat wholesome healthy food raw, or cooked in water, steamed, grilled or in its own juice.
  6. In combination with proper nutrition, there should be physical activity and body care procedures.

sample menu

The diet of Margarita Koroleva includes only natural products. At the same time, it is necessary to abandon not only junk food, but also unhealthy habits. Products are selected with a minimum calorie content and in small quantities. For 1 diet day:

  • 800 ml of kefir 0% fat;
  • 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 1 medium potato or 50 g of rice cereal;
  • 200 g skinless chicken breast;
  • 2 cucumbers or 2 tomatoes.
  • 8:30 - 1-2 glasses of warm water;
  • 9:00 - kefir;
  • 11:00 - rice porridge or potatoes;
  • 13:00 - kefir;
  • 15:00 - cucumbers or tomatoes;
  • 17:00 - kefir;
  • 19:00 - chicken fillet;
  • 21:00 - kefir.

All dishes and products can be interchanged, except for kefir receptions.

To achieve the most effective weight loss on the diet of Margarita Koroleva, you can contact her clinic, where an individual program is developed for each client. But you can use the method created by a well-known nutritionist on your own, at home.


One of the most common 4-day weight loss methods is the actor's diet. It is in this way that actors or other show business figures get rid of extra pounds and centimeters before their decisive performances. During this short period, you can slightly reduce the volume, throwing off 2-6 kg, depending on the characteristics of the body.

Essence and rules

According to its principles, the actor's method of weight loss is low-calorie, with strict restrictions on the composition and caloric content of the diet. It is based on strict adherence to all recommendations and the proposed diet.

The rules are few but strict:

  1. Salt, sugar and all products other than those indicated on the menu are prohibited.
  2. You need to drink a lot (from 2.5 liters) of clean water for 3 days in a row, on the last day the water is completely excluded.
  3. Physical activity is not recommended due to excessive dietary restrictions.

Actor's diet for 4 days exists in two versions - alcoholic and non-alcoholic. The effectiveness of both diets is the same, so you can choose according to your taste.

sample menu

It is believed that the actors cannot do without alcohol because of the "bohemian" lifestyle, so the original version of the technique included dry wine, and then its "sober" version was developed.

The menu of the alcoholic option by day should be as follows:

  • Day 1: boiled brown (unpeeled) rice with any amount of tomato juice;
  • 2nd: fat-free cottage cheese with kefir is also unlimited;
  • 3rd: white meat and tea - until light saturation without overeating;
  • 4th: 750 ml of dry wine with cheese.

The non-alcoholic variety of the technique involves a slightly different diet, presented in different versions:

Option 1:

  • 1st: rice, fresh tomato;
  • 2nd: fat-free kefir;
  • 3rd: sea fish fillet;
  • 4th: grapes.

Option 2:

  • 1st: rice, fresh tomato;
  • 2nd: fat-free kefir;
  • 3rd: seafood;
  • 4th: watermelons.

Option 3:

  • 1st: rice, fresh tomato;
  • 2nd: fat-free kefir;
  • 3rd: dietary white meat;
  • 4th: apples.

We should not forget that on any menu in the last day you can not drink water.

You can repeat acting weight loss once a month. If you have any diseases, you should consult your doctor.


It is difficult to say why such a rather strict and fast weight loss program is called "grandma's", because the grandmother is usually associated with abundant nutrition with pies and constant weight gain. This diet is designed for 4 days and minus 4 kg, which refers it to fast, and, therefore, tough methods of normalizing body weight.

Essence and rules

The effectiveness of this weight loss system is due to the simple restriction of calorie intake. Empty carbohydrates and fatty foods are completely excluded from the menu, and a large amount of fiber and animal proteins are introduced instead. The food is well balanced, but due to the low calorie content, it contributes to the active loss of extra pounds.

Grandma's advice is as follows:

  1. You need to eat food gradually, without overloading the stomach, so as not to disrupt the digestion process.
  2. Eat meat dishes should only be with vegetables, which should prevail in the diet.
  3. More rest to prevent fatigue, nervousness, nervous breakdowns.
  4. Drink 2 glasses of warm water on an empty stomach, have breakfast after 20-30 minutes.
  5. Do not salt food.
  6. Dine no later than 19:00.

To speed up weight loss, you need to do morning exercises, take walks. But high physical activity is contraindicated.

sample menu

The grandmother's diet menu should be something like this:

  • breakfast - tea or coffee (possible with 1 tsp of honey);
  • lunch - 2 slices of hard cheese;
  • lunch - 1 egg, 120 g of veal, 2 slices of cheese, lettuce, 200 ml of berry fresh;
  • afternoon tea - tea;
  • dinner - 120 g of dietary meat, vegetable salad with lemon juice.

There is no significant restriction on the choice of products from among those permitted by the rules of the grandmother's diet. But it is important to make a daily diet without exceeding the daily calorie content of 900-1000 kcal. The main thing is that the basis of the menu is fiber (vegetables, fruits) along with protein (meat, fish, eggs). The taboo is imposed on fatty, sweet, fried and other food harmful to the figure.


Fast diets for 4 days are based on the same main principles as other weight loss methods of a different duration. Depending on the prevailing condition or restriction (main category of food in the diet, eating pattern, daily calorie content, expected result, etc.), there are many varieties of 4-day classic nutrition systems for weight loss.

Essence and rules

The difference in the menu options below for a 4-day unloading is in the set of products. All of them are characterized by low calorie content and give approximately the same result - an average of minus 4 kg. Regardless of the choice of diet, you must follow the general rules for express weight loss:

  1. Strictly follow the given diet.
  2. Do not change products unless otherwise permitted by the conditions of a particular method.
  3. Drink 1.5-2 liters of free (unflavored) liquid.
  4. Avoid the appearance of an acute feeling of hunger, if necessary, make unplanned snacks.

Menu options

The menu options below are based on a varied set of products, which makes them more comfortable to follow compared to mono-diets. However, unlike eating a single product, the amount of which is usually not limited, the indicated portion size should be strictly observed here.


This meal plan involves the presence in the diet of a large amount of protein foods. As you know, losing weight on proteins is one of the most effective, because it allows you to lose weight while maintaining muscle mass. A good addition during this period will be moderate physical activity.

  • breakfast - 200 ml of kefir with 2 tbsp. l. bran, 7 pine nuts;
  • lunch - 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • dinner - 200 ml of warm milk.
  • breakfast - a steam omelette of 4 eggs with herbs, 200 g of dietary meat, ½ tomato;
  • lunch - 200 g of grilled fish fillet;
  • snack -100 g of veal, 1 cucumber;
  • dinner - 300 g of steamed fish fillet.
  • breakfast - 2 soft-boiled eggs, 2 tbsp. l. bran;
  • lunch - 150 g of cottage cheese, 200 ml of kefir;
  • dinner - 300 g of dietary meat.

4th: 1 kg of boiled chicken breasts, greens - consumed in 4 doses.

Such a diet can be a great start for the Kremlin diet, drying, or any other protein weight loss technique. It is not recommended to use it for unloading - only as the beginning of a protein diet.


This type of 4-day weight loss is called fast, because unlike other diets of this duration, it lasts not 4, but 3 days. The first day does not imply dietary restrictions and is preparatory.

A sample menu for the day would be:

  • Day 1: you need to force the body to reduce its needs and adjust to a limited diet. The diet can not be greatly cut, but it should consist mainly of plant foods and dietary meat.
  • Day 2: Only vegetables should be consumed (raw, steamed, baked dishes).
  • Day 3: Vegetables are replaced with fruits (no bananas, no grapes).
  • Day 4: exit the diet on the diet of the first day.

During the entire course should be consumed from 2 liters of liquid. After its completion, it is recommended to switch to proper nutrition in order to avoid weight gain.


This is a simple diet that is relatively easy to tolerate and saturates with nutrients. The power plan should be as follows:

  • lunch - 1 orange;
  • breakfast - salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, herbs) with 1 tbsp. l. flax oil, green tea;
  • lunch - 250 ml of kefir;
  • lunch - vegetarian soup with celery, grilled vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - cucumbers;
  • dinner - stewed cabbage, tea.
  • breakfast - fruit salad, 150 ml of kefir;
  • lunch - 1 apple;
  • lunch - fruit salad seasoned with yogurt;
  • afternoon snack - 2 kiwis;
  • dinner - 2 different fruits (pear, orange), 200 ml of kefir.
  • breakfast - salad (cucumbers, sweet peppers) with 1 tbsp. l. flax oil, green tea;
  • lunch - 1 orange;
  • lunch - fish or chicken with vegetables;
  • afternoon snack - 2 kiwi (can be replaced with apples);
  • dinner - squash stew with eggplant.

The vitamin menu is delicious and allows you to lose weight without a strong feeling of hunger.


This diet option for 4 days is considered optimal. It teaches the body to eat smaller portions, reducing the volume of the stomach, and develops healthy eating habits. There are 2 options for a fractional menu.

Option number 1

  • breakfast - 1 egg, 30 g of cheese with a slice of dietary bread, tea;
  • lunch - 100 g of vegetarian soup, 100 g of rice, 100 g of boiled chicken, 200 ml of fresh juice;
  • dinner - 300 g of unsweetened non-starchy fruits or vegetables.
  • breakfast - 1 slice of dietary bread with butter, tea;
  • lunch - 150 g of fish, 100 g of green peas, tea;
  • dinner - 200 ml fresh (except tomato or grape).
  • breakfast - 1 apple, tea;
  • lunch - a salad of fresh seasonal vegetables;
  • dinner - only clean water.
  • breakfast - tea;
  • lunch - kefir;
  • dinner - water.

In between breakfast, lunch, dinner, you should drink 200 ml of kefir 1% fat.

Option #2:

  • days 1, 4 - cleansing: 1 liter of fresh vegetables or fruits (excluding sweet and starchy);
  • 2nd - 1.5 l of kefir, 0.5 kg of cottage cheese (use in 6 doses together or alternately);
  • 3rd - 1.5 kg of leafy vegetable salad dressed with 2 tbsp. l. olive oils.

Regardless of the option chosen, the daily volume of clean water drunk should not be less than 1.5 liters.


Before using this detox plan, you should consult with a specialist, as it may be contraindicated even for minor problems with the gastrointestinal tract. It should be noted that tea and coffee, in this option, are strictly prohibited. Daily nutrition should be built according to the following principle:

  1. Grind in a blender 4 large cucumbers, 600 g celery, 500 g lettuce, 1 lemon. Add chilled boiled water to the resulting mass, bringing the volume to 2 liters. Ready smoothie to use throughout the day with an interval of 2 hours, 250 ml per dose.
  2. Grind in a blender 2 large pears, 500 g cranberries, 300 g spinach, 1 kg oranges (peel). Use the resulting mixture in 4 doses in equal portions.
  3. Grind in a blender 4 tbsp. l. sprouted wheat, then add 1 kg of apples and grind again until puree is obtained. Enter 2 tbsp. l. honey, stir. Consume in 6 doses throughout the day.
  4. The diet is arbitrary - during the day you can eat 1 kg of vegetables and 0.5 kg of raw fruits, as well as 1 tbsp. l. wheat germ.

During the course, you can not use salt, sugar and any products that are not listed in the daily menu. At the end - a week you need to adhere to a salt-free diet.


In all sources, this version of the 4-day unloading is called "Effective", although all methods of this duration, in fact, are such. The most "Effective" diet for 4 days imposes a strict taboo on eating any food after 18:00. In general, the diet involves setting a clear time for all meals. An example schedule for each day might look like this:

  • 8:00 - 200 ml of kefir, 1 hard-boiled egg;
  • 12:00 - 150 g of dietary meat or fish, vegetable slices, tea;
  • 16:00 - herbal infusion with 1 tsp. honey;
  • 18:00 - 200 ml of kefir.

Such a limited diet seems quite difficult to follow, but the presence of proteins and complex carbohydrates makes such a diet not too stressful for the body.


The Mexican weight loss system is considered very tough, but in 4 days it allows you to get rid of 4-6 excess kilograms. Choosing to lose weight in Mexican style, you need to mentally prepare for the presence of an acute feeling of hunger during the entire course. This technique is periodically used by the famous Mexican actress Victoria Ruffo, which allows her to constantly be in excellent physical shape.

Essence and rules

The basis of the Mexican dietary program is a very limited set of products. The diet is allowed to include:

  • boiled eggs;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • vegetables, fruits (most of all - citrus fruits);
  • natural coffee, tea.

The use of these products in small quantities provides rapid weight loss, especially in the first 2 days. Then the weight loss slows down somewhat - the achieved indicator is consolidated.

All other products, except those permitted, should not be consumed. It is also forbidden to increase their volume, replace or remove from the menu.

The Mexican diet is recommended as an unloading or emergency weight loss before any event. Such a rigid technique is contraindicated in the presence of gastrointestinal diseases or allergies to menu components (especially eggs and citruses).

The advantages of the program include the cheapness and availability of menu components, as well as a decrease in the volume of the stomach and the development of healthy eating habits. But it is quite difficult to adhere to such a limited diet.

sample menu

There are several types of menus of the Mexican diet, which allows you to choose the most suitable for a set of products, restrictions and requirements.

Option 1

Using this type of 4-day Mexican weight loss program requires following a few rules:

  1. Three meals a day with breaks of at least 5 hours.
  2. Strict adherence to the proposed menu.

The daily menu is compiled according to the following scheme:

  • breakfast - 1 citrus, 2 eggs, coffee;
  • lunch - 10 pcs. prunes, previously soaked in water;
  • dinner - 1 citrus, 1 egg.
  • breakfast - 100 g of cottage cheese, coffee;
  • lunch - 1 citrus, 2 eggs;
  • dinner - 200 ml of kefir, 1 apple.
  • breakfast - 1 citrus, 1 egg, tea;
  • lunch - 150 g of low-fat cheese, 150 g of vegetable salad without dressing;
  • dinner - 200 ml of milk.
  • breakfast - muesli, vegetable or fruit juice;
  • lunch - 2 eggs, 200 g of vegetable slices;
  • dinner - 2 citrus.

In between meals, you can drink only purified water or mineral water without gas.

Option 2

This type of Mexican diet is a weight loss technique of the famous actress from Mexico - Maria Sorte. Her diet is more varied, based on 5 meals a day and includes additional products.

The menu for each day should be as follows:

  • breakfast - a portion of oatmeal with raisins and almonds, 50 g of low-fat hard cheese;
  • second breakfast - 1 citrus, a handful of almonds;
  • lunch - vegetable soup, stewed beans with a piece of turkey or tuna, vegetable slicing;
  • afternoon snack - fruit;
  • dinner - vegetable salad, a handful of almonds, 1 tsp. honey;
  • second dinner - 1 fruit (apple, kiwi), a few nuts.

The drinking regimen is the same as in the previous case.

The nutrition system of Maria Sorte allows you to lose 2 kg in 4 days without severe hunger and harm to health. During the course of weight loss, you can not load yourself with excessive physical exercises. But in the second option, you need to slightly increase motor activity. The results of each "Mexican option" largely depend on further nutrition. As a rule, they are used as a preparatory stage before a longer course of weight loss.


Mono-diets mean building a diet of all 4 days on only one component. The short duration of the course allows you to use almost any dietary product for this, and most often in unlimited quantities.

Essence and rules

If you follow a 4-day mono-diet, regardless of the choice of the main product, you should follow the general rules for losing weight:

  1. Be sure to drink at least 2 liters of free liquid per day.
  2. Stick to at least 6 meals a day, in small portions.
  3. Refrain from increased physical activity.

In addition, it must be borne in mind that to endure too much hunger is harmful to health and psycho-emotional state. Even if the conditions of the mono-diet prohibit additional snacks, it is better to drink a glass of kefir or eat an apple than to torment yourself for the sake of losing extra pounds.

Menu options

You need to lose weight according to the principle of mono-nutrition only with the use of high-quality products that are useful for the body. Most often, buckwheat, vegetables, fruits or kefir are used for this.


The recipe for dietary buckwheat is simple:

  • rinse 1 glass of cereal;
  • pour 2 cups of boiling water in a saucepan;
  • wrap, leave overnight.

In the morning, the porridge will be ready to eat. Usually this amount is enough for the whole day. You can also steam buckwheat in a thermos, then it will take 2-3 hours to cook. This method can be used additionally if the porridge steamed for the night is not enough. As a rule, on the first day of porridge, a little more than the norm is eaten, and then the monotonous diet gets boring and the number of meals decreases. In addition to the main course, you can drink green tea, herbal infusions, clean water.

The results of the buckwheat mono-diet are quite high and can be up to 6 kg in 4 days. But we should not forget that the main plumb is achieved by removing fluid and cleansing the intestines. Therefore, such weight loss gives a temporary effect, which should be fixed with longer sparing methods.


Kefir is one of the most common dietary products. This fermented milk drink is present on the menu of almost any weight loss method, as it is low-calorie, healthy and tasty. Therefore, a 4-day kefir-based mono-diet is a fairly fast and effective express weight loss program that allows you to get rid of 1-2 kg in one day.

The basic rules of kefir weight loss are as follows:

  1. During the day, you need to drink a total of 1.5 liters of kefir, distributing it evenly over all meals at the same intervals.
  2. When choosing a drink, preference should not be given to fat-free, but with 1% fat content - this kefir is considered optimal on a mono-diet.
  3. In addition to kefir, you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of pure water or a healthy liquid (green tea, herbal infusions).
  4. Breaks between drinking kefir and other liquids should be at least 1 hour.

After the end of the course, products should be introduced into the diet gradually, and for the first days it is advisable to grind them on a fine grater.


The mono-diet on carrot salad is somewhat easier to tolerate than the previous ones, since it has a more “varied” diet. The four-day menu includes 2 dishes:

  • grated carrots with vegetable oil;
  • grated carrots with 1 tbsp. l. honey and lemon juice.

In just 1 day, it is allowed to eat 1 kg of carrots, dividing it into 2 parts for making salads. Ready salads, in turn, are distributed into equal portions and consumed alternately throughout the day.

The carrot mono-diet is very effective, but provides slightly less weight loss than the previous options - an average of up to 3 kg in 4 days.


Apples are another superfood for the diet. They are tasty, contain many vitamins and microelements, help normalize digestion and speed up metabolism. When choosing an apple 4-day mono-diet, the main condition for achieving maximum results is strict adherence to the recommended nutrition system.

The menu for each of the 4 days should be as follows:

  • breakfast - 2 fresh apples without peel;
  • lunch - 2 grated fresh apples with cinnamon;
  • dinner - mashed potatoes from 2 baked apples;
  • late dinner - 1 fresh apple without peel.

With an acute feeling of hunger, you can have snacks by eating 1 apple. In general, during the day it is allowed to consume up to 1.5 kg of apples, preferably sweet and sour varieties.

All considered mono-diets are very tough, but the most effective ways to reduce weight and reduce volume. It is very important to remember that losing more than 0.5 kg in 4 days is possible only due to the loss of fluid and the removal of all excess from the intestines. Therefore, such fast diets are used either to get in shape before an important event, or as a preparatory unloading before using long-term programs for normalizing body weight.

new moon

The New Moon Diet is an affordable way to get rid of 3 kg in 4 days. Everyone is well aware of the influence of the Moon on human biorhythms, including the processes on which the normalization of body weight depends. Therefore, if you correctly adjust the diet of certain days, then without significant effort and harm to health, you can throw off a few extra pounds.

Essence and rules

The new moon diet is designed for 4 days, but it is recommended to start it on the waning moon on the eve of the appearance of a new one. During the entire 4-day dietary course, several rules must be observed:

  1. Until noon, the diet should be very diverse - you can eat your favorite dishes, but without overeating.
  2. In the afternoon, you need to eat only wholesome healthy food, excluding all high-calorie and harmful to the figure or health.

To get the maximum result from the new moon weight loss technique, it is recommended to follow the principles of proper nutrition throughout the day, and not just after lunch, as established by the rules of the diet.

Then every day it will be possible to lose 1 kg of weight, and irrevocably and without harm to health.

sample menu

Strict adherence to the menu in the new moon diet is not required. For example, the proposed version of the daily diet:

  • 7:00 - tea or coffee with 1 tsp. honey;
  • 9:00 - 2 eggs;
  • 11:00 - tea with 1 tsp. honey;
  • 13:00 - 200 g of dietary meat;
  • 15:00 - 200 ml of kefir 0% fat;
  • 17:00 - 1 sweet and sour apple;
  • 19:00 - 200 ml of unsweetened fruit juice or (if desired) 1 glass of dry red wine;
  • 21:00 - 200 ml of kefir 0% fat.

Clean water should be drunk throughout the day, as much as possible.

It is allowed to make your own changes to the proposed diet without changing the category of products. For example, eggs can be replaced with seafood, meat with fish, an apple with a pear, etc. You can choose what you like best without increasing the total calorie content of the daily diet.

To select the appropriate days for using this technique, you must use the lunar calendar. At the end of the 4-day weight loss course, you should eat right to prevent subsequent weight gain. It is recommended to follow the rules of the new moon diet and in the future - to eat high-calorie meals before lunch, and after 19:00 refuse meals or drink a glass of low-fat sour-milk drink with an acute feeling of hunger. You can’t overeat even on holidays, and arrange 1 fasting day every week.


The color orange is usually associated with positivity, which is why nutritionists often include fruits and vegetables of this color in their diet. In terms of weight loss, this diet option does not bring any significant benefit and does not provide accelerated fat burning, although it still gives a certain effect.

Orange fruits and vegetables contain many valuable substances, which increase immunity, normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract, remove toxins and toxins, increase the production of hormones of joy, and prevent aging of the body.

Therefore, the orange diet is very popular. Moreover, it is designed for only 4 days, as a result of which you can lose up to 6 kg of weight.

Essence and rules

The mechanism of action of the orange method of weight loss is based on the fact that plant foods of this color have a low calorie content, contain a lot of fiber, vitamins and useful trace elements.

When sticking to an orange diet, you need to follow these recommendations:

  1. Eat according to a well-established schedule, breakfast, lunch and dinner every day at the same time.
  2. Observe the drinking regime - at least 2 liters of free fluid per day.
  3. Subject products to minimal heat treatment, and those that can be consumed only raw.

Limitations in the use of this method of normalizing weight may be associated primarily with the presence of a tendency to allergies, since it is the fruits with such a bright color that most often cause immune reactions.

sample menu

Suitable products for this technique are all citrus fruits, persimmons, apricots, melons, carrots, bananas, pineapples, yellow apples, peaches and peppers, as well as corn, millet, egg yolks, hard cheese, salmon, honey. Of these, you can make a diet to your liking, without exceeding the daily calorie content of 1000 kcal. For example, you can use the following menu:

  • in the morning - fruit salad with lemon juice and 1 tsp. honey;
  • in the afternoon - 150 g of grated carrots, 50 g of cheese, 8 pcs. dried apricots;
  • in the evening - 1 large citrus, 3 egg yolks.
  • in the morning - 100 g of cheese, tea with 1 tsp. honey or apricot jam;
  • in the afternoon - 200 g of salmon, 4 baked peppers with carrots;
  • in the evening - fruit.
  • in the morning - 150 g of millet porridge, tea with lemon and 1 tsp. honey;
  • in the afternoon - 1 large citrus, 100 g of cheese;
  • in the evening - 3 egg yolks, fresh fruit.
  • in the morning - 150 g of corn porridge, 1 apple, tea with lemon;
  • in the afternoon - 200 g of salmon, grated carrots;
  • in the evening - fruits or vegetables.

The diet turns out to be quite “hungry”, but it is relatively easy to tolerate, as it helps to maintain a good mood.


Flight attendants are distinguished by slender, toned figures, since the profession obliges them to have an attractive appearance. However, due to frequent flights, irregular and poor-quality nutrition, along with the inactive specifics of work, a few extra pounds often appear. To quickly get rid of them, a special diet is recommended, which has become widespread in America. This fairly easy, safe and effective technique allows you to reduce fat deposits on the waist and hips in 4 days, as well as lose up to 6 kg of weight.

Essence and rules

This method of 4-day weight loss is great not only for flight attendants, since the lifestyle of a modern person is similar to the working conditions of flight attendants - lack of time, malnutrition, little physical activity.

The peculiarity of the diet of stewardesses is that, unlike most methods, it works effectively with a slight excess of body weight. Of course, if the initial weight indicator is greater, then the results will also be impressive, but the dependence - the more extra pounds, the greater their loss - does not work in this case.

The diet of flight attendants is easily tolerated and is guaranteed to give the desired result. The principle of its action is based on the optimal combination of proteins and sugars that come with food. You can use the technique 3 times a month, because it is absolutely harmless.

The diet involves a low-fat protein menu, which helps burn your own fat reserves. The menu also contains complex carbohydrates, but they are consumed without a trace, providing energy, and not being deposited in the form of cellulite.

The principles of the express method of losing weight flight attendants are as follows:

  1. Refusal of sweets - the body will receive the necessary amount of glucose and endorphin from sweet fruits, so such a restriction will not affect the working capacity and psycho-emotional state.
  2. Dinner before 18:00 - in this case, all the food will have time to be converted into energy, and will not create reserves during sleep.
  3. A sufficient amount of liquid, the exclusion of salt from the diet - will prevent fluid retention, ensure the active breakdown of fats and the removal of decay products.
  4. Eating in small portions - will avoid the "clogging" of the stomach, ensure the complete digestion of food, the gradual release of energy.

Like any method of losing weight, the flight attendant diet is stressful for the body. Therefore, during the course it is recommended to take a good vitamin complex.

sample menu

  • breakfast - 300 g of oatmeal boiled in water, black tea or coffee;
  • lunch - 300 ml of chicken broth, vegetables;
  • dinner - 200 g of breast, lettuce.
  • breakfast - fruit salad of 1 pear and 1 apple with lemon juice, green tea;
  • lunch - 200 g of breast, 200 ml of kefir;
  • dinner - 100 cottage cheese, mint tea.
  • breakfast - 2 bananas, 200 ml of yogurt;
  • lunch - 200 g of fish fillet;
  • dinner - buckwheat porridge without additives.
  • breakfast - 1 jar (200 g) of baby food;
  • lunch - baked fish or chicken fillet, 2 fruits;
  • dinner - 3 potatoes.

During the period of weight loss, it is allowed to drink carbonated mineral water, which will help restore electrolyte balance. All drinks must be free of sugar and other flavorings.

The menu of flight attendants turns out to be quite rich, so it is relatively easy to carry. Unlike most weight loss methods, this diet does not require a special way out of a limited diet - you just need to gradually increase its calorie content. After the end of the course, the body does not need enhanced replenishment of nutrients, since the nutrition was balanced.

The right way out of the diet

The completion of any 4-day diet should be gradual. To do this, the following recommendations should be observed during the week:

  1. It is strictly forbidden from the first days to consume large quantities of fatty, fried, flour, sweet, and other heavy foods.
  2. You can start eating all this from 3-4 days of release and in very small quantities.
  3. Stewed vegetables and cereal cereals must be present in the post-diet diet.
  4. You can not drastically reduce the amount of fluid you drink per day - it must comply with the rules of the diet in the future.

In general, returning to your usual diet is generally not desirable if it has not been built on the right principles. You should develop healthy eating habits, switch to a balanced diet and not reduce (or even increase) physical activity. In addition, it is not recommended to often resort to such diets. To maintain excellent shape, it is enough to carry out such unloading once a month.

If you go to the website of the International Labor Organization, there you can really see an article called "5 reasons to work 4 days a week." The reasons are simple: working long hours is unhealthy, there will be more jobs, a shorter week improves work quality and efficiency, and a shorter work week is good for the environment and makes people happier. Indeed, a 4-day work week will fly by faster than a 5-day one, three days off are better than two. Yes, and for nature it will certainly be more useful if people on Fridays do not stand in traffic jams on their way to work and back.

However, it is impossible to transfer everyone to such a work schedule. According to experts, people who need to take their children to school or kindergarten in the morning and pick them up after work will suffer. If we add to 10 hours of work the time for travelling, going to school or kindergarten, shopping, then there will be nothing left for rest and family. In addition, there are hazardous industries where long shifts are not provided. It is not possible to introduce a short week for people employed, for example, in the service sector.

Mikhail Tarasenko, a member of the Committee on Labor and Social Policy, also notes the negative aspects of the innovation: “In a number of industries, such as metallurgy, continuous operation, furnaces and mills work even on weekends. This applies to government employees. Is it good or bad that schools will work for four days instead of six?”

In fact, if you carefully read the article on the ILO website, you will notice that its author, working conditions team leader John Messenger, refers in the first paragraph to Larry Page of Google and Mexican businessman Carlos Slim. The latter suggested switching even to a 3-day work week. According to a publication in the Kommersant newspaper, in July of this year, at a business conference in Paraguay, the entrepreneur said: “People need to work until they are 70 or 75 years old, but only three days a week, perhaps 11 hours a day. With three working days a week, we will have more time for rest - this will increase the quality of life. Four days of rest per week will have a significant impact on the entertainment industry and other things that people use to keep themselves busy.”

It is worth noting that the millionaire is 74 years old and he is still working.

Around the same time, co-owner Larry Page came up with a similar initiative. As he stated in an interview, it is enough for society that each person works 40 hours a week. According to Page, now it is not necessary for everyone to go to work to provide for the basic needs of humanity - 1% of the workforce and resources will be enough for this. “The 40-hour week makes no economic sense and no sense for society,” says the co-owner of Google. He noted the following: if everyone works less, this will help to defeat unemployment - one job will be occupied by two people. Page cited the example of British entrepreneur Richard Branson, who does not hire people full time, but hires two people for a shortened one.

As for Branson himself, he considers such an idea feasible, albeit with a big stretch. According to the businessman, people who work less will have to pay more, because they will have a lot of free time. On his blog, Branson wrote: “There is no reason why people cannot work less hours with the same, if not more, efficiency. People will have to be paid more for working for a shorter period, so they can afford more free time. It's hard to get it right, but it's possible."

However, the idea of ​​Slim and his supporters was almost immediately subjected to sharp criticism. Firstly, many again touched on the topic of children: when working 11 hours a day, there is no time left for the family. It is worth recalling that the 8-hour working day was introduced under the motto "8 hours for work, 8 hours for rest, 8 hours for sleep."

According to Russian Deputy Prime Minister Olga Golodets, Russia currently cannot afford a 4-day work week. “Our Labor Code is in very good positions relative to other labor codes in the world. Few countries can offer guaranteed and parental leave of this size, but allowing a 4-day work week is still a dream for Russia,” Golodets said.

The Times Of India noted that if you introduce the 3-day work week proposed by Carlos Slim, you will have to work more. According to correspondents of the newspaper, people for whom hourly wages are set will suffer. Performing official duties for 11 hours a day, they will earn 33 hours a week, not 40. Therefore, according to the newspaper, they will have to look for a second job and work 66 hours a week.

The International Labor Organization (ILO) invites its members, including Russia, to switch to a four-day work week. This will increase the number of jobs, will favorably affect the health of workers and the environment, the organization believes. In Russia, the idea is unlikely to be implemented due to low labor productivity and the "critical dependence" of the economy on raw material revenues, experts are skeptical. But the profile committee of the State Duma promises that the ILO proposal "will not be left without attention" .

The ILO has proposed reducing the working week to four days. " And this is not a joke, but a very popular topic that is often discussed in business circles.", according to the UN website. According to the organization's experts, this will increase employment and have a positive impact on the environment, as the number of trips to work will decrease. In addition, many diseases are associated with overtime and stress, and people who work less are more productive . " Those who spend long hours in the office often only imitate hectic activity.", - ILO experts say. The idea of ​​​​reducing working hours was previously advocated by the head of Google Larry Page and the Mexican magnate Carlos Slim Elu, who occupies the second line of Forbes. If you introduce a three-day work week, you can hire two employees for one place, while both will have more personal time, they explained.

In order for the ILO proposal to become binding on Russia, it must be formalized in the form of a convention, which the Russian Federation will join and ratify, explains Anna-Stefania Chepik, general director of the legal exchange Yurbee. After ratification, changes in () should follow, but even if this does not happen, the ILO document will take precedence. At the moment, Russia has already ratified 68 ILO conventions, some of them have led to changes in the Labor Code. Andrei Isaev, chairman of the State Duma Labor Committee, said that the ILO proposal would not go unnoticed. "The committee will make a decision this week to hold a round table on this topic," he said. But it is not the number of days that matters, but the number of working hours, he emphasizes, "if you work four days of ten hours, you get the same 40-hour work week." In his opinion, it is necessary to discuss the introduction of a 36-hour work week with the preservation of wages. The Ministry of Labor was unable to promptly provide a comment on this topic.

Domestic experts and business are wary of the idea of ​​the ILO. According to a study by Hh, in Russia only one in ten employers approve of reducing the working week to four days, and one in four is categorically against it, and more than half of them would not be convinced by a reduction in wages for employees. The majority of workers (67%) would also not agree to such changes. "Obviously, the material component of the work prevails over personal matters and the value of free time," experts state.

Low labor productivity and the critical dependence of the budget on raw material revenues will not give "any chance to massively switch to a four-day work week in the next one or two generations of Russians," Mikhail Zhukov, managing director of Hh, is convinced. In his opinion, no one will take responsibility for the whole working day not to pump oil, not to produce gas, coal. "Only when a significant part of the economy turns into a 'knowledge economy', and the rest is controlled by robots, will it be possible to talk about Russians having more rest," he says. Since labor is expensive in Russia and labor productivity levels lag far behind Europe, a 20% reduction in working hours will lead to an increase in production costs, Ms. Chepik believes. "We are two or three times behind in terms of output in the manufacturing sectors, and so far it is made up for by hours of work," agrees Igor Polyakov from the Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting.

How long do Europeans work

In foreign countries, a shortened working week is no surprise to anyone. So, Google has long offered its employees to work 20% less than full-time, encouraging them to spend this time on their own projects and research. In France, the working week was shortened to around 34–35 hours, boosting employment and smoothing out unemployment. In the Netherlands, a four-day work week is almost standard, and the maximum working time per day is 10 hours. In 2012, the average number of working hours per week in the Netherlands was 29, according to CNNMoney. Danes and Norwegians usually work 33 hours a week. In Italy and Sweden, according to CNNMoney, it takes an average of 36 hours a week to work. Source site

The laws of the Russian Federation do not provide for restrictions on the number of working hours with a part-time work schedule. It is necessary to distinguish part-time from reduced. Their main characteristics are shown in the table. Criterion Incomplete Abbreviated Article TK 74, 93 92 To whom is established Any employees Categories of persons defined by law (pregnant women, disabled people, etc.) goods produced As normal labor (except for persons under 18 years of age) Validity As agreed (at the initiative of management ≤ 6 months) From the moment of employment until the expiration of the rights to reduced time Transfer to part-time work at the initiative of the employer Part-time work can be introduced upon hiring or subsequently.

Working week can be reduced to four days

Ivan Safronov, partner of FutureToday: “Certainly, the optimal approach is when the employment schedule at the enterprise is agreed between employees and management, based on the needs of both parties. In such a situation, enterprises have the opportunity to respond flexibly to market changes, and employees can find work with an optimal schedule, which will give people more opportunities for self-realization.”

So, in general, it turns out that the option with a 4-day working week does not suit all Russians, and the transition to such a mode of work will have negative consequences for the country's economy. As for its approval in the legal field, the ground for this, according to the legal expert, is not sufficiently prepared.

“In my opinion, due to low labor productivity, no one will introduce a four-day work week in Russia.

Thursday Is Friday: The Math of the 4-Day Workweek Deception

The International Labor Organization (ILO) invites its members, including Russia, to switch to a four-day work week. This will increase the number of jobs, will favorably affect the health of workers and the environment, the organization believes.

In Russia, the idea is unlikely to be implemented due to low labor productivity and the “critical dependence” of the economy on raw material revenues, experts are skeptical. But the profile committee of the State Duma promises that the ILO proposal "will not go unnoticed."
The ILO has proposed reducing the working week to four days. “And this is not a joke, but a very popular topic that is often discussed in business circles,” the UN website says. According to the experts of the organization, this will increase employment and have a positive impact on the environment, as the number of trips to work will decrease.

Deputies want to discuss the possibility of switching to a 4-day working week

At the same time, the duration of the annual paid leave is not reduced, the procedure for calculating the length of service does not change, and other rights of the employee are not limited. This procedure is established by Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.


This is also pointed out by the courts (see, for example, the decision of the Leningrad Regional Court of September 11, 2013 No. 33-4197/2013). Notification of the employment service About the introduction of part-time work in the organization at the initiative of the employer, you must notify the employment service.

This must be done within three business days of the decision being made. Such requirements are established in paragraph 2 of paragraph 2 of Article 25 of the Law of April 19, 1991 No.

No. 1032-1 and explained in the letter of Rostrud dated May 17, 2011 No. 1329-6-1. There is no unified form of notification, so make it in any form.

How to correctly introduce a 4-hour working day due to the lack of work?


Part-time work is included in the seniority, does not affect the duration of the next vacation and does not cancel other labor guarantees. Typical error. An incomplete schedule is not an easy one. With the introduction of an incomplete work week, some employers consider unworked days to be downtime and pay them.

Downtime is a forced suspension of the work of a company or its divisions for certain reasons. It is possible within the boundaries of working days and does not apply to weekends. The transition to a partial week means the appearance of additional days off. They are not paid. Step-by-step instructions for registering a part-time job at the initiative of the employee and the employer If the desire to work part-time comes from the employee, the procedure for his transfer will be as follows: Step 1. Accepting the application from the employee. Step 2. Making an order. Step 3. Drawing up an additional agreement.

4-day work week - myth or reality

I believe that the market itself should regulate and regulate the work schedule of enterprises. The state should not interfere in the activities of private companies.”

“In my opinion, at the moment this idea has no prospects: Russia's GDP is falling and the real incomes of the population are declining. In such a situation, the transition to a 4-day working week will entail either an even greater decrease in the income of the population (if the hourly rate does not change), or an increase in the cost for enterprises. In the current unfavorable economic situation, enterprises will not be able to cope with such an increase in costs, which may lead to bankruptcy. This will certainly have an impact not only on the enterprise, but also on employees who will lose their jobs.

Four-day work week: immediate prospect or joke?

Data are submitted quarterly by the 8th day of the month following the reporting quarter. An order to establish a new labor regime When an employee is established a part-time labor regime, an order is issued.

It does not have a standard form. The document reflects the following data:

  • Reason for the transfer with reference to the article of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • Graph type;
  • Working hours and lunch breaks;
  • The period of validity of the innovation;
  • Departments (employees) to which the new regime applies;
  • The procedure for calculating earnings;
  • Payment methods.

Download the order on the establishment of part-time work (sample filling) in word format Signatures are put by the head, chief accountant, personnel department specialist and employee. If an incomplete schedule is set for an employee when applying for a job, this condition should be reflected in the order for admission.

How to switch to part-time work: at the initiative of the employee, employer

As Isaev, the head of the labor committee, noted, the government is ready to discuss this transition, as a number of other countries have done before, switching to a 36-hour week. These changes will mean that the total number of jobs will increase, so the Government will be able to fight unemployment, and also thanks to these changes it is fashionable to increase labor productivity opportunities, but only when the 4-day work week implies keeping wages on that the same level as observed in the 40-hour week. Isaev also pointed out that the increase in free time and the reduction of the worker represents a global trend. The deputy noted that the idea of ​​introducing an eight-hour working day in the nineteenth century seemed quite crazy, but today it is the norm. Likewise, sooner or later we will have to come to a reduction in working days.
In addition, among the able-bodied population of our country, the culture of active recreation is not sufficiently promoted, the system of maintaining health in the workplace is not sufficiently developed, ”the deputy director from Stavropol insists. 35% of respondents would not mind working in the "4 days a week for 10 hours" mode. They see a plus in one extra day off with their family. “Only three days off will allow you to do some household chores and relax,” says the head of production from Lipetsk. “In principle, now this is exactly the schedule of work for many, many ... or rather, a 10-hour working day with a five-day workday ... so let's legalize 10 hours, but make one more day of rest,” suggests the head of the personnel service from Saratov. 17% vote for a shift schedule.

Transition to 4 working days

In addition, many diseases are associated with overtime and stress, and people who work less are more productive. “Those who spend long hours in the office often only imitate vigorous activity,” say ILO experts. The idea of ​​reducing working hours was previously advocated by the head. If you introduce a three-day work week, you can hire two employees for one place, while both will have more personal time, they explained. In order for the ILO proposal to become binding on Russia, it must be formalized in the form of a convention, which the Russian Federation will join and ratify, explains Anna-Stefania Chepik, general director of the legal exchange Yurbee. After ratification, changes to the Labor Code (LC) should follow, but even if this does not happen, the ILO document will take precedence. At the moment, Russia has already ratified 68 ILO conventions, some of them have led to changes in the Labor Code.

According to the Regulations, the incomplete schedule provides for three options:

  1. Reducing the number of working hours in each day of the working week;
  2. Reduction of working days in a week while maintaining their normal duration;
  3. A combination of points 1 and 2.

In his application, the employee indicates one of the above items, the length of the working day he needs, the duration of the period and the date the new schedule was established. According to the rules of Art. 93 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the director is obliged to establish an incomplete working regime for the following employees:

  • pregnant;
  • Parent (guardian) of a child under 14 or a disabled child under 18;
  • A person taking care of a sick relative according to a medical report;
  • Mother caring for a child under 1.5 years old.

The head has no right to refuse the specified categories of persons.

A negative decision can be challenged in court.