Two-story extension to the house of foam blocks. How to make an extension of foam blocks to the house? Final stages - the new building is almost ready

No matter how big the house may seem, almost every home owner sooner or later has to deal with the problem of lack of free space. A room is required for the arrangement of a boiler room, a warehouse or a covered veranda. Attach even small room to the main box of the house will cost a tidy sum, so most often the addition to the building is built in the form of an extension to the house from foam blocks.

What gives the use of foam blocks for construction, problems and benefits

The material is very light and warm, and most importantly, inexpensive, which is why most amateur builders and firms choose it. The idea of ​​​​using a foam block for building an extension to the house, in addition to the possibility of making blocks with your own hands and certain share environmental friendliness, entails also purely practical benefits:

  • Reducing the cost of arranging the foundation, the weight of the foam block extension is two to three times less, respectively, the amount and cost of concrete and metal laid in the foundation will decrease by the same amount;
  • The material is ideally processed with ordinary saws and hacksaws for metal, there is no need to rent or buy special equipment for the manufacture of curly elements;
  • The cost of delivery, loading - unloading of the foam block to the place of construction of the extension is reduced by 20-30%.
  • Opportunity to save on insulation of the extension.

It cannot be said that the foam block is ideal material for home construction, it has its drawbacks, just like any other building material. Before attaching a foam block extension to the house, it will be useful to learn about several features of the material.

Secrets of using a foam block to build an extension to a house

It is desirable to build structures from a foam block with a height of no more than two floors and with a wall span of up to 6 m. That is, a huge extension, half the size of a house, cannot be attached to the main building.

The reasons for introducing restrictions on the size of extensions are two features of the material:

  • The slight rigidity of the foam block, even with a wall width of 40 cm, the rigidity of the masonry is clearly not enough to ensure the solidity of the building box, it is necessary to use reinforcing belts made of steel reinforcement;
  • Weak bearing capacity and strength of the foam block. Despite the fact that in theory the material is able to withstand contact pressure at the level of 35-50 kg / cm 2, its strength is estimated as concrete or brick grade M10-M15.

Note! Any foam concrete structure will shrink and settle on the foundation within two to three years, so for construction it is important to buy a foam block in one batch so that the material laid in the walls is strengthened and deformed evenly throughout the box.

Masters consider foam blocks soft material, the weight of one cube is 650-680 kg. From the moment of manufacture and for another 30 years, foam concrete blocks will slowly “shrink”, gain density and strength. Indicative data on changes in the structure over time are given in the table.

Part of the strength of the blocks is due to the absorption of moisture by the cement grain, but some of the increase is due to the compression and compaction under pressure of the upper rows. This means that an extension to a house made of foam blocks will shrink for several years, and even more than masonry made of brick or expanded clay concrete.

How more room foam concrete extensions, the more problems will arise with ensuring its stability and rigidity. But for small-sized extensions to any type of house, the foam block can be considered an ideal material. Why?

  • First, the ratio of the width of the wall to its length increases significantly. This determines the natural stiffness of the box. For example, with a width of 40 cm, an extension wall 2-3 m long can not even be reinforced, its rigidity will be sufficient to hold a pitched roof.
  • Secondly, the foam concrete extension has a small mass, which means that with proper planning of the load distribution, it will practically not affect the foundation, will not tear off the wall of the main building and will not give a crack in the foam block masonry.

The choice of foundation design for the extension

The correct selection of the base scheme for the extension box is considered the most difficult stage of planning. Using foam concrete blocks, the easiest way is to build an extension to the house from foam blocks. Two structures made of the same type of material will behave in exactly the same way, therefore, if the house or cottage is already made of foam concrete, the problem of choosing a foundation for an extension is solved automatically - its structure should be the same as that of the main building.

For wooden, concrete or brick buildings, the foundation of the extension is carried out according to one of three schemes:

  • Tape concrete foundation;
  • Pile version of the base design;
  • Reinforced concrete slab.

The specific choice of the foundation scheme largely depends on the nature of the soil, the terrain, the size of the extension and the material of the walls of the main building, so we will dwell on them in more detail.

How to choose a foundation for an extension to a brick building

The best choice for an extension to brick house from foam blocks there would be a variant of the classic foundation tape circuit. not without reason Golden Rule construction recommends making a foundation of the same type for the extension as for the main building. Following the logic, for a small foam block structure attached to one of the walls brick house, a similar scheme could be recommended. Ideally, it would be the construction of an extension on one common foundation of the main box of the building.

But this situation is quite rare, so you have to choose:

  • Erect an extension on a ribbon rectangle rigidly connected to the base of a brick building;
  • Make an attached room in the form of an independent structure;
  • Attach the box on a more powerful and massive foundation than a brick building.

The scheme works perfectly if the main brick building is installed on a full-fledged strip foundation, in this case, for a small attached box of foam concrete blocks, it would be enough to make a shallow strip. In this case, for the extension, its own closed foundation is made to a depth of 30 cm and a base width of 40-50 cm. Such a tape is able to securely hold the extension from foam blocks, but only under one condition - if the bearing capacity of the soil allows. rocky, with large quantity clastic soils will hold the extension even during spring floods.

If the brick main building is installed on a full-fledged strip foundation, then the base of the box of foam concrete blocks can be rigidly connected to the mother foundation under the brick walls. To do this, a trench is dug along the foundation tape, concrete is cut out to the reinforcement and bows from reinforcing bars are welded. After pouring the strip foundation under the foam concrete box, a deformation seam or joint must remain between the two strips.

In this way, it is possible to make a full-fledged closed foundation for a weak box of foam concrete blocks, which, due to the powerful fully buried concrete base of a brick house, will hold the extension in a bow with brickwork.

In all other cases, you need to use either slab or pile foundation based on Tise piles. One of the options for an extension of foam blocks to wooden house shown on video

Foundation for an extension to a wooden house

There is no fundamental difference between a brick and a wooden house when choosing the type of foundation, in this case, experts recommend using the same type of foundation for an extension as for wooden house, or more powerful, for example, a pile-grillage structure.

As a rule, two types of foundations are used for wooden houses - pile and tape. If the depth and thickness of the tape of the main building is at least 80 cm and 30 cm, respectively, then an extension to a wooden house from foam blocks can be built even on an open U-shaped foundation. The concrete tape of the extension will need to be tied to the reinforcing frame of the wooden house. Naturally, a wooden house must stand for at least 5 years until the extension is arranged.

If you have to make an extension to a wooden house made of foam blocks much earlier, for example, a year or two after completion of work on the main box, then the attached room should be designed as an independent building. This means that a closed strip foundation is being equipped next to the wooden house.

An expansion joint of 30-40 mm is left between the base of the house and the filled tape for the extension, and the ends of the foundation reinforcing bars are released. For the period of shrinkage processes of the foam block box, the two foundation tapes remain unconnected, and the gap between the wall of the wooden house and the foam concrete masonry is temporarily sewn up with thermal insulation and clogged with a plank or any other finishing material.

Note! The bundle can be made no earlier than three years after the completion of the construction of the attached premises.

After the shrinkage is completed, the walls are sealed with an elastic material, and the reinforcement of the foundations is welded into one bundle by electric welding.

Building walls and roofs

After completing the work on arranging the foundation, it will be necessary to pause for at least a month so that the shrinkage processes and curing in concrete base. The next step will be the manufacture of waterproofing and the construction of walls.

Foam concrete block masonry

Before laying the first row of foam concrete blocks, it is necessary to make a complete waterproofing. The foam concrete mass is very sensitive to condensate and groundwater, so the minimum that will have to be done is to lay the roll bituminous material on the base of the foundation strip.

Further, it is recommended to make an armored belt - a casting of concrete with two or four reinforcing bars. Only after that you can start laying foam blocks. The material is laid out on the lower armored belt using a special adhesive with high adhesion to concrete surfaces, attempting to use a conventional mortar will usually result in a very thick joint and increased shrinkage of the extension walls.

Every three rows, the foam block masonry is reinforced with two threads of a steel reinforcing bar. Even if a U-shaped foundation was chosen for an extension of foam blocks to a wooden house, the extension box must be closed, that is, not three walls attached to a brick or wooden wall at home, but a full-fledged box of four walls. Only in this case, the extension building will have sufficient strength and rigidity. It is clear that in order to build the fourth wall, it will be necessary to lay cross beam between the ends of the open foundation.

The rafter system is usually built according to single slope scheme, while the racks for the higher part of the slope are recommended to be sewn to the wall of the main building with cross-shaped struts. This solution will avoid the formation of gaps between the roof of the extension and the walls of the house.


In the process of building an extension, it is often necessary to make changes to the size and height of the attached premises. If there is no certainty about how the amendments will affect the stability of the foam block building, the box can be reinforced by laying out internal lintels and walls. They are made in the same way as window openings - along a laid concrete beam or by casting into U-shaped blocks. Two internal jumpers, laid under the ceiling, can increase the rigidity of the extension by 30%.

An extension to a foam block house is a good way to increase living space or connect the utility room with the main building. This is an economically justified solution, because. one wall is already done. They often attach a garage, a terrace, winter Garden or summer kitchen. And if you approach the matter thoroughly, additionally insulate the walls, arrange heating, then a full-fledged living room can be used in the winter cold.

A well-made extension to the house of foam blocks becomes its full-fledged part

The extension is a small part of the house, but when building it, you must follow the same rules as for the main building. The construction of foundations, roofs, masonry walls, exterior finishes that protect structures from external influences require a responsible and competent attitude. The strength and durability of the structure directly depend on the quality of work.

What you need to know before starting construction from foam blocks

Any construction must begin with a design. To do this, determine:

    purpose of the object;

    required dimensions extensions - length, width, height;

    location in relation to the house;

    materials and structures from which the construction is supposed to be performed.

make up detailed drawing indicating the dimensions in the plan, the placement of window and door openings, the marking of communications. The best way– project development by a professional, because This document will be required for subsequent registration.

Before attaching an extension of foam blocks to the house, they find out the type of soil - heaving or not, the depth of its freezing. It is important to determine the type of foundation existing building. It is recommended to lay the same foundation for the structure as for the house: columnar, tape or pile.

It is desirable to equip the foundation the same as that of the house

Seriously, you need to take the design of a capital remake. It is easier to do this before the start of construction, otherwise it will take a long time to coordinate the documents through the court.

What kind of houses can you join?

An extension of foam or polystyrene concrete blocks can be attached to a wooden, brick, block or frame house. There are no restrictions on the composition of the material.

The main requirement is that the existing building should not be dilapidated, and its foundation should be strong enough. The attached structure creates an additional load on the ground, which can cause unwanted settlement of the base of the old house, leading to its destruction.

Perform an extension in two ways:

    On an independent basis. With heaving soils with a high occurrence of water, it is advisable to build a building in the form of a separate structure. This will help to avoid cracks and deformations due to seasonal soil movements. The joint between two structures is a small gap filled with waterproofing material.

    On the foundation, rigidly fastened to the base of the house with reinforcement. The design is a monolithic array on which the building with an extension rests. This option is suitable for slightly heaving soils with a water depth of at least 2-2.5 m.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular projects of houses from foam blocks from construction companies presented at the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Advantages and disadvantages of concrete blocks

Foam concrete blocks are made from foamed concrete by molding from a semi-liquid solution or by cutting a frozen foam concrete mass. In addition to traditional cement, water and sand, the composition includes a foaming agent. Thanks to him, the structure of the material acquires porosity and lightness.

Foam concrete blocks are used in private construction for the construction of walls, partitions, insulation of load-bearing structures.

The material has the following characteristics:

    Density from 300 to 1200 kg/m³. Most porous concrete used for thermal insulation, the densest - for the construction of load-bearing structures.

    Small the weight. Foam concrete is twice as light as brickwork.

    Low thermal conductivity. According to this indicator, it is close to wood.

    Dimensions standard blocks 200x200x600 mm or 200x300x600 mm, weight 11-22 kg. With such dimensions and weight, the laying of elements is carried out without the involvement of additional construction equipment and much faster than from brick.

The disadvantages include:

    Foam concrete is enough hydrophobic, i.e. absorbs moisture from environment. This reduces its thermal insulation properties. Therefore, the outer walls must be protected with a finish.

An extension to the house is a good reason to update the finishes throughout the house.

    Not very tall frost resistance material - F15-F75. This means that it can withstand 15-75 freeze-thaw cycles without change in strength and destruction. For comparison, highly frost-resistant concretes are graded F300-F1000.

On the basis of foam concrete, varieties have been created - gas silicate, polystyrene concrete, expanded clay concrete, wood concrete (particle concrete), fiber foam concrete. They have a porous structure, high thermal insulation properties, sufficient mechanical strength. In rooms made of these materials, there is a favorable microclimate due to vapor permeability and environmental friendliness. They are easy to handle with a tool - sawing, drilling, fastening staples.

On our website you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the service of extensions to houses. You can directly communicate with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-Rise Country".

Preparation and layout

AT preparatory stage included cleaning and leveling of the site. The soil layer is cut and transferred for use for horticultural needs. Allocate space for storage of building materials, transport access. Communications should not interfere with construction, so they are temporarily turned off or transferred to a safe area. There must be permission from the relevant organizations.

Based on a pre-drawn drawing, the need for basic building materials and products is calculated. Purchased and stored at designated location.

Even for a small extension, an accurate calculation of materials is needed.

Before starting construction, the foundation is marked out on the prepared site with the help of pegs, a cord and a cast-off. Geometry is checked with a tape measure or special devices - a laser level or a theodolite. The diagonals must be equal.

How to make an extension to the house: the main stages

The main stages of construction include:

    Excavation. They dig a trench, pits or drill wells for the foundation according to the chosen constructive solution. It is desirable that the house and the extension have the same type of foundation, material and the same depth.

Each construction of an extension to a turnkey house begins with earthworks

    Foundationunder the walls it is enough to deepen the extensions to the house from light foam blocks by 60-70 cm. A pillow of sand and gravel is poured onto the bottom of the pit, compacted. Install reinforcing cages pouring concrete. Pile foundations mounts specialized organization via professional equipment. Columnar ones are laid out of bricks, blocks or pipes are immersed in the ground with further concreting. The top of the structure is waterproofed with rubemast, bikrost or roofing material.

    Block masonry carried out with dressing of seams similarly to brick. As a binder, a cement-sand mortar with plasticizers, frost-resistant tile or special glue for foam concrete is used. On the top of the wall, a reinforced concrete belt, which holds the structure together, gives the necessary strength and stability. The joint between the main wall and the extension is reinforced with embedded parts, staples with a rigid hitch, and to create expansion joint filled with polystyrene foam, elastic bands, bituminous, silicone or acrylic compounds.

The construction of the "box" of the extension is being completed

Jumpers are mounted above the openings. Use:

    prefabricated reinforced concrete or aerated concrete beams;

    U-shaped elements made of foam concrete with a recess for reinforcement and concrete;

    monolithic lintels, manufactured at the construction site in the formwork;

    steel corner.

The maximum opening width is limited to 175 cm, the minimum support depth is 25 cm.

Installation of ceilings and roofs, facade decoration

After the concrete reinforcing belt has gained strength, the extension ceiling is mounted. use prefabricated panels from lightweight concrete or make a structure from timber and boards. Can be poured monolithic slab or make a system of beams and flooring with increased thermal insulation characteristics.

The roof of the outbuildings, as a rule, is shed. Consists of truss system(Mauerlat, rafter legs, lathing, flooring) and roofing "pie". As a coating, the same or similar material is used as the coating of the main structure.

When installing the roof, make sure that there are no leaks at the junction with the roof of the house. For fastening, sliding elements are used - “sleds” or sliders. They help to maintain the mobility of the roofing sheet during sedimentary deformations.

The roof of the extension is being made in standard ways

Special attention should be given outdoor decoration, because this will protect the foam concrete from premature destruction, give the house with an extension a finished look.

Use different facade cladding types:


  • decorative panels under a stone or a brick;

    natural materials- wood, stone;

    slabs and panels for outdoor decoration.

Simultaneously with installation finishing materials you can additionally insulate the walls. For this, apply such materials:

    expanded polystyrene;

    mineral wool;


    foamed polyethylene;

    glass wool.

Insulation plates are placed between the guides of the frame, protected, if necessary, with vapor barrier. Finishing elements are mounted outside.

Video description

Visually, how to attach an extension of foam blocks to the house, see the video:

turnkey home extension price

It is impossible to immediately say the exact price of the installation of an extension to the house, since many factors must be taken into account here, including the type of foundation, the condition of the soil and the house.

Before you make an extension to the house, it is impossible to calculate the turnkey price

If we start only from the cost of materials, then the dependence of the price on the size will be approximately as follows:

Outbuilding size, m. Price, rub. from…
2 x 4 100 000
6 x 2 170 000
6 x 3 250 000
7 x 3 275 000
4 x 6 315 000
7 x 4 365 000


The price of building an extension from foam blocks to a wooden or brick house is quite affordable, and in return you get additional square meters housing, a garage, a bathhouse, a veranda - increase the comfort and convenience of a previously built house. The main thing is to contact a competent construction company. Then you will have a guarantee of the quality of the work performed.

Annexes to residential buildings from light blocks - a popular way to expand usable area without resorting to drastic measures. This solution allows you to build on a relatively small areas all necessary household and support services, rationally mastering a few hundred square meters. An annex of foam blocks is assigned to a garage, a summer kitchen, and a bathhouse. Near the porch, you can arrange a veranda or a mini-boiler room for individual system heating.

It is important to correctly determine the type of foundation, because it is he who will provide communication with the main building. The height of the adjoining structure is selected so that its roof is at least 2-3 cm lower than the level of the main roof. Pay special attention to the walls if one becomes common. In this case, it is better to break through the passage in place of the old window so as not to weaken the supporting structure.

Construction technology step by step

All elements except the very first row are recommended to be laid not on a thick layer of mortar, but fastened special glue. The thickness of its application is only 1-3 mm, so the geometry of the foam blocks must be perfect, and the surface of the first belt must be set to a horizontal level.

1. The device of the foundation is carried out according to the chosen technology: the tape foundation is poured into the formwork and reinforced with steel rods, the pile or column foundation is immersed in wells and aligned with the headbands in one plane.

2. The finished base is waterproofed bituminous mastic or two layers of roofing material. Combining the two methods will not be a mistake either. Insulation of the foundation of the extension is carried out if necessary, but most of these objects usually do not need this.

3. Lay several foam blocks at the corners in 2-3 rows, carefully leveling them in all planes. It will be convenient to navigate them during further laying, if you pull the cords.

4. After 4-5 rows are ready, longitudinal grooves are cut in them and reinforcement is performed with steel rods. From above, the frame is poured with glue and the laying of blocks continues.

5. To cover the outbuilding from foam blocks, light cellular or hollow-core slabs or dry prepared timber are used. The latter is laid only on a layer of waterproofing.

6. The roof is laid separately and docking with the main roof is not performed.

Attach additional space to finished house- the same as building a new object. The only difference is that there will be more free space on the site.

Binding Options

Two foundations can be attached to each other and rigidly connected only if several conditions are met:

  • block construction is carried out on soils that are not prone to heaving;
  • the house has stood for several years and has passed a full draft;
  • both bases have approximately the same depth of occurrence.

If all the points are fulfilled, a trench is dug along the old foundation and short reinforcing bars about 30 cm long are embedded in it to the middle. The free ends are fixed in the second base.

An extension of foam blocks to a brick house can be attached using metal bars 6-8 mm thick. They are driven into old masonry every 2-3 rows to a depth of about 15 cm and the same amount is left for bonding with foam concrete. In the brick thickness, reinforcement is additionally fixed cement-sand mortar. Such docking is performed only up to a level of 2.5-3 m above the foundation, since it is not possible to calculate the difference in shrinkage above.

The situation is more complicated with heterogeneous materials. For example, you can attach a kitchen or a veranda made of foam blocks to a wooden house, but you cannot make a rigid connection between them. Due to the difference in the properties and time of construction of the objects, their shrinkage will occur unevenly, which will lead to the rapid destruction of the walls at the junction points. Other methods apply here:

1. Sliding fixation is carried out through longitudinal grooves cut in the blocks, which ensure free vertical movement of the walls relative to each other.

2. Insulated gap. As in the case of a bundle of two foundations without reinforcement, there are no anchor points here. The house can be closely attached to the main one, and the joint can be filled with any insulation: cord, mineral wool or polyurethane foam.

The appearance of such heterogeneous tandems leaves much to be desired, so that subsequent finishing, for example, with siding, will hide the specific seams between the walls.

The cost of blocks and masonry

To estimate how much an extension will cost, you will need a plan with dimensions and a calculator. The calculation is more convenient to make when you have already chosen the size of the foam blocks. Stones of 600x300x200 mm are usually used, but there are quite a few options. You will also have to take into account the brand - factories produce products with a density from D400 to D1000, but D600 will be enough for an extension. Them average price does not go beyond 3100-3200 rubles.

Dimensions, mmPrice per piece, rublesPrice per cube
600 x 300 x 10057,6 3200
600 x 300 x (150-250)83,8 – 139,5 3100
600 x 400 x 200151,2 3150
600 x 400 x 300234 3250
500 x 300 x 10058,5 3200
500 x 300 x (200-250)93 – 116,2 3100
500 x 400 x 200126 3150

A house made of foam blocks can easily be calculated according to the project by calculating the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls from the foundation to the roof minus the openings. After that, the number of stones in the masonry and their total cost are determined. If you attach a kitchen or garage so that one of the walls is common with the house, the costs will be significantly reduced.

You will have to spend money on reinforcement and adhesive composition. The consumption of metal rods will be determined by the height of the extension and the pitch of the armored belts. Glue for each cube of foam concrete masonry will take about 20 kg (slightly less than a bag) - this is another 240 rubles / m3.

The services of professional builders will cost at least 2000 rubles / m3.

Over time, in almost every family there is a need for additional living space. The ideal option there will be an extension to the house of aerated concrete with your own hands in compliance with the basic rules construction works. Given all the undeniable advantages of this modern analogue of concrete, the construction of a new building will be quick, easy and will not require a lot of money.

Preparatory work

Before you make an extension of aerated concrete and start construction, you must obtain official permission from the relevant authorities. To do this, the design of a new part of the building is preliminarily done, preferably with the participation of specialists in order to avoid significant errors in self construction leading to destruction during operation.

An additional room, bedroom, veranda, kitchen, loggia, etc. can act as an annex. When constructing any type of extension, the foundation and walls are mandatory elements. The roof can be made in the form of:

  • adjoining to the slope of the roof of the house;
  • adjoining to the gables;
  • devices of a common truss system;
  • independent design option.
Attention: the construction of aerated concrete blocks is fast and does not require significant building knowledge and skills.

Given the differences in loads, it is recommended to make the foundation of a new building separately to prevent the formation of cracks in case of possible seasonal heaving of the soil. It is more rational to make the walls of the annex from modern analogues of concrete. We are talking about aerated concrete and blocks of this porous thermal insulation material. Aerated concrete is really very effective material, which has a high degree of thermal insulation, due to the presence of a lower density and a large number internal pores.

Features of aerated concrete

The more voids in the material, the higher its heat-saving property. This is confirmed by building practice on the example of hollow bricks. In aerated concrete, the pores are evenly distributed throughout the volume. A kind of foamed concrete is a material in the case of the construction of not a whole house, but its part in the form of an extension. Aerated concrete extension is an inexpensive and reasonable solution to the problem of lack of living space, especially if done by hand.

Tip: laying gas blocks is similar to masonry brick wall, the difference is only in size. Aerated concrete blocks have a standard of 20x20x40 cm.

The popularity of this building material is also due to its optimal strength, ease of use and high environmental friendliness. Aerated concrete walls "breathe" and do not create dampness in the room, they are built easily, quickly and without significant time and money.

Foundation - the basis of the extension

The construction of a new room in your home should be preceded by without fail arrangement of the foundation for its bearing and internal walls. The connection scheme of two foundations, old and new, assumes the coincidence of the horizontal lines of buildings. Before starting the construction of a new foundation, the corners of the future building are measured. The diagonals of the resulting perimeter should be equal to each other and located at the same distance from the existing walls of the house. It is necessary to carry out a control measurement of the corners of the future building - they should be 90 degrees.

Under the walls of aerated concrete, a standard foundation thickness is selected. For middle lane- this is 40-50 cm. The depth of the foundation is chosen taking into account the depth of soil freezing in this climate zone. The optimal depth is usually considered to be 50-60 cm. After marking and excavation of a trench for the foundation, it is necessary to reinforce it using metal elements to give the foundation greater strength. Ribbed steel reinforcement is best suited for this purpose.

Important points of construction

The crucial moment at this stage of construction is the obligatory binding of the new foundation and its armored belt to the old one. To do this, end cuts are made in the old foundation and the reinforcement of the new and old foundation is connected by welding or tying with a strong metal wire. After that, you can proceed directly to pouring the foundation. For this, preparation concrete mix from sand, gravel, cement and water. It is recommended to use cement high brand with a short shelf life, since the strength of cement is lost during long-term storage.

To prevent shrinkage of the walls during operation, the new foundation must be given time to stand and gain strength. This takes about two weeks. The plinth of a new building is laid out on the surface of the foundation. Brick is usually used for this purpose, because it is easily formed around the perimeter and gives good additional insulation from soil moisture. This is very important in our case, because aerated concrete has a porous structure that is prone to absorbing, absorbing moisture, which can further cause dampness in the corners of the house.

Attention: The finished foundation is covered with bitumen mastic and covered with roofing material for additional waterproofing.

After following all the preparatory processes, you can proceed directly to the construction of an extension of aerated concrete. In order to improve thermal insulation properties concrete with the help of foaming, its structure changes, pores form, density decreases source material. It turns out that with an increase in the ability to save heat, some of the strength is lost and the ability to withstand loads decreases. Therefore, the construction of new buildings entirely from aerated concrete blocks requires special building technologies.

Features of working with aerated concrete

The construction of an extension to a house made of aerated concrete is technologically and economically justified and contains many advantages, namely:

  • there is no need for insulation;
  • walls to build easily and quickly;
  • construction skills are not required;
  • aerated concrete has optimal strength with high heat retention.

Aerated concrete blocks are produced in production in autoclaves, which significantly increases and provides a sufficiently high strength. Walls built of aerated concrete blocks 40 cm thick have heat retention equal to a meter thick brick wall. To simplify the installation and construction of walls made of aerated concrete allows its property to be sawn with a hacksaw. Installation of blocks for an extension is carried out using a special building adhesive or concrete mortar.

Tip: Working with aerated concrete blocks conducted exclusively in dry weather, as it is very hygroscopic.

A feature of working with aerated concrete is also the need to cover it with waterproofing layers. Typically, such walls are plastered from the outside and inside. The extension will be even warmer, drier and more reliable if fiberglass is glued to its surface before applying putty and plaster. After the final layer of plaster, the facades of the walls made of aerated concrete blocks are painted or subjected to another design at the request of the developer.

As you can see, aerated concrete has a number of advantages and advantages in the construction of attached premises, especially good heat preservation and ease of installation. The construction of the roof for such a building is best done from shingles, bituminous slate and other non-heavy roofing analogues.

Many owners of private mansions, even the most spacious, after a while begin to feel a shortage of useful meters. In this case great option is an extension of the veranda to the foam block house. Also, if desired, on such additional meters, you can easily equip an extra bedroom, boiler room or bathroom.

A good option for expanding the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house is an extension of the veranda.

Advantages of foam concrete blocks

Foam concrete blocks are ideal building material for those who decided to build a house on their own. Compared to other materials used for the construction of walls, foam concrete has a low cost. But at the same time, he also has positive qualities, thanks to which foam concrete is popular among private developers.

  1. Foam concrete blocks are lightweight and simple. They can be cut with a regular hacksaw and given the desired shape.
  2. No skills are required to work with this material.
  3. Foam concrete blocks can be easily transported.

Specialists determine the properties of the material and its trademark according to the density of foam concrete. The lower the density, the higher the heat and soundproofing properties foam concrete blocks.

Foam concrete does not have through pores like aerated concrete, so it does not absorb water.

The higher the density, the stronger the foam block will be. If it will be built summer terrace, then it is better to choose denser foam blocks, and blocks with a lower density coefficient are ideal for arranging a bathroom.

If for the construction of a veranda to choose between blocks of foam concrete and aerated concrete, then in terms of fire resistance, environmental friendliness, sound and heat insulation, these materials are equal to each other. But aerated concrete, due to its porous structure, easily absorbs moisture, so it is more often used for internal floors. So for building external walls foam concrete is more suitable.

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Stages of building an extension

The construction of a veranda or terrace is considered complete construction process. Therefore, the development of such a project and its approval in the relevant structures are mandatory conditions for all. Before you start this process, it is advisable to first get additional advice from a specialist on the quality of the soil, on the degree of subsidence of the operated house and the possibility of building a veranda.

The main danger when laying the foundation for an extension to a capital house is the likelihood of a subsidence of a new structure. Therefore, it is necessary to try to ensure that the quality of the material used for pouring the base, as well as the depth of the old and new foundations, match as much as possible. Such precautions will help insure against unwanted results at the end of the work.

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Features of laying the foundation for the extension of the old house

If the house was purchased and was in operation for several years, then perhaps the new owner does not know what the foundation laid for the building is. Therefore, some questions need to be clarified.

The depth of the foundation of the house and extension should match as much as possible.

  1. First of all, you should find out the type of foundation and the depth of its pouring. To do this, it is necessary to dig a square hole 1 × 1 m near one wall until the sole of the foundation is found.
  2. If the thickness of the base is more than 30 cm, then the house stands on a slab, usually the strip foundation is laid deeper. To find out the exact depth of laying the foundation, you need to dig more.
  3. Simultaneously with the development of the pit, the nature of the soil is determined, conclusions are drawn about bearing capacity foundation and carry out the calculation of the base for the extension.
  4. Next, you need to dig a pit, the depth of which will not exceed the depth of the foundation capital house. After that, you can begin to build the foundation for the extension.

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Features of laying the foundation for an extension for a house built by one's own hands

In this case, the owner built the house with his own hands or participated in the construction process. Therefore, he knows what type of foundation was laid under the house, and has certain data on the soil, so it will take much less time for preliminary preparation.

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How to mark the foundation of the extension

For the construction of an extension of the veranda, a rigid foundation is used using reinforcement or a foundation is laid using an expansion joint. Most often, experts choose the second method, which is more convenient and easier to work with. Depending on the foundation laid for the capital structure, a tape, columnar or screw type of foundation is laid under the extension for the veranda.

For an extension, you can lay the foundation using an expansion joint.

  1. To create an expansion joint, a small gap of 5 cm thick is left between the bases. At the same time, boards wrapped in roofing material are laid.
  2. If the extension is not higher than 2 floors, then a distance of about 2 cm is left between the walls. The resulting gap is laid with insulation from mineral wool and fill with sealants. At the end of the work, the seam is closed with decorative overlays.
  3. The process of laying walls starts from the corners. The smooth surface of the foam blocks makes it possible to apply concrete mortar thin layer, for better adhesion, the bottom of the block should be moistened. Quality further work depends on the laying of the first row of blocks, while always checking the verticality of the masonry line, the error is leveled with a solution.
  4. Between the blocks, the distance is allowed no more than 1 mm, if you do less, cold bridges will form. Evenly laid rows of blocks are linked with an adhesive solution, sanded and cuts are made for laying the reinforcing bar. Cuts are performed circular saw. The reinforcement is cemented into holes, in the future they will firmly bind the entire structure and prevent cracks.