Photo report on the construction of a frame garage. Instructions for the construction of a frame garage and the benefits of technology. Drawing up a scheme with a pitched roof

Properly equipped frame garage will provide reliable storage of the car at any time of the year. People are increasingly giving preference to frame buildings. Wood is extremely simple in processing and installation, and in financial terms this option is one of the most profitable.

There is nothing super complicated in the construction of a frame garage. You can handle the basic construction activities with your own hands. You just need to understand the main features of such work and follow the instructions in everything.

One of the main advantages of a frame garage for most private developers is the possibility of building it with your own hands. It is enough to familiarize yourself with the main provisions of the manual and do everything according to the instructions. Start by preparing the necessary project documentation with all required drawings.

Required project documentation

The listed drawings will make the work on arranging the garage as simple and convenient as possible. With their help, it will take a minimum amount of time to complete the necessary construction activities.

However, it is extremely difficult to draw up such a detailed project without the required skills. In such situations, it remains either to turn to professionals, or to select suitable drawings from open sources.

Place for a garage

Before you start building, choose appropriate place for building a garage. Think over everything so that in the future there will be no difficulties with the exit and entry of the car.

It is better that the garage is located near the house. Optimal size platforms for arranging a garage - 10x10 m. You can choose the dimensions of the garage itself at your discretion. It is strongly not recommended to tie the building area to the dimensions of a particular car, because after a while you can change your car to a larger model.

Clear the selected site of any kind of debris and other third-party items. Remove vegetation from the site. Level and tamp the ground.

Mark out the site according to the plan of your garage. Simple pegs and any rope will help you mark the territory.

Garage Building Guide

Start building a frame garage. You need to start, as with the construction of any other structure, with the arrangement of the foundation.

The first stage is the foundation

The finished frame building will have a relatively small weight, due to which the requirements for the strength of the base are significantly reduced. The most important thing is that the site is level and stable.

If desired, a small frame garage can be built even on compacted gravel or a flat asphalt path, but it is better, after all, to give preference to a concrete surface.

Dig a trench around the perimeter of the future foundation. A pit with a depth of about 400-500 mm will be enough. Install formwork.

Fill the bottom of the trench with a small layer sand and gravel mixture. If the foundation is being built on difficult soil, lay a reinforcing mesh over the compacted backfill.

Pour concrete mortar. Filling can be done independently or entrusted to a specialized team.

When self pouring you will have to spend extra time and effort preparing the solution.

After pouring, the concrete must be treated with a special vibrator. He carefully compacts the mixture and removes excess air from it. In the absence of a vibrator, it is necessary to at least pierce the concrete in several places with a reinforcing bar. All recesses are subsequently sealed with concrete.

Leave the foundation to harden for 3-5 weeks. After that, you can proceed to other construction activities.

Stage two - gender

Start arranging the floor.

Backfill the area with gravel. Lay a reinforcing mesh over a thin layer of gravel and pour concrete. Lay a roofing material on the hardened concrete.

Lay wooden beams on top of the roofing material. Nail the deck boards to the timber.

If the passing level groundwater and soil features allow, you can equip a viewing hole in the garage. If you wish, you can also make a full-fledged cellar. Such additions will definitely not be superfluous.

The third stage - the frame

After completing the work on arranging the base and floor, proceed with the installation of the frame.

To equip the lower part, use 10x5 cm boards pre-impregnated with an antiseptic. Mount the corner posts of the frame, as well as the gate posts, from a 10x10 cm beam. For the manufacture of all other posts, beams, as well as

e roof elements use boards 10x5 cm.

Mount the racks of the lower garter in increments of up to 120 cm. These racks can be fastened to the bottom harness using corners and self-tapping screws, nails, or a tenon-groove connection.

Build the frame in accordance with the project.

If the width of the garage will exceed 4 m, it is preferable to use not a 10x10 timber for the manufacture of ceiling beams, but quality boards 10x5. They will make the finished building much stronger and more reliable.

For the manufacture of longitudinal elements and the necessary jibs, use a 5x5 cm timber.

It usually takes several days to assemble a garage frame. To make the work go faster and easier, you can enlist the support of 1-2 assistants.

Fourth stage - the roof

Fill boards 10x2.5 cm over the rafters - they will serve as a crate. Finishing roofing material choose at your discretion. You can give preference to both budget bitumen and more expensive materials type euroslate, metal tiles, etc. At this point, focus on your personal preferences and available budget.

Fifth stage - wall decoration

For the interior decoration of the frame garage, use the lining. Wall cladding is carried out with parallel arrangement of steam, heat and moisture insulating layers.

To install insulation layers, you need to fill the crate. Usually the crate is assembled from wooden beam. The beam fastening step is selected individually in accordance with the thickness of the heat-insulating plates.

The outer skin can also be made using lining. Siding is often used. Material outer skin choose at your discretion.

Finishing is completed with the installation of double-glazed windows and doors. At this stage, you also have to decide on your own the best option the structures mentioned.

Stage six - gate

Choose your gate. On the modern market presented a huge range garage doors– from common and most popular swing structures from metal to modern automatic lifting gate systems consisting of several sections.

The cost of finished gates will vary according to the features of their design, ease of use, quality of insulation and finish, appearance and other parameters. If desired, garage doors can be made with your own hands, having previously studied the provisions of the assembly manual for the selected type of system.

Choose the dimensions of the gate so that you can freely enter the garage. After a while, you can change the car - remember this and make an opening for the gate with some margin.

The seventh stage - interior arrangement

In the end, it remains only to complete the work on interior arrangement garage. Recommendations for wall cladding were given earlier - lining is excellent for this work.

In the presence of attic space, it is enough to lay out its floor with boards 25-30 mm thick and install a ladder.

An inspection pit and a cellar are arranged accordingly. Electrical wiring is being installed.

All other work is done solely at the discretion of the owner.

For greater convenience, water and sewer pipes are connected to the garage. It is also recommended to consider solving the issue of heating the garage so that it can be used as comfortably as possible even in cold weather.

Successful work!

Video - DIY frame garage

An example of a frame garage

Just bought a building plot country house, and there is no place to park a car during visits? Or own small house, and building a pompous structure next to it seems irrational? Then read this article. From it you will learn: why frame structures are attractive, and how to build a frame garage with your own hands.

The garage was the cherished dream of the Soviet motorist. Selected lucky ones built cooperative brick boxes. Everything was in short supply: bricks, lumber, and the very place in the cooperative. Suffice it to recall the film "Garage" by Eldar Ryazanov. The rest were content with handicraft metal boxes. Garages produced under the guise of consumer goods had a more attractive appearance, weighed less, which was an undoubted advantage during assembly. Finally, the so-called "shells" were also produced.

AT current conditions most car owners prefer to leave their "iron" horse next to the entrance. And yet there are situations when it is required to quickly and cost-effectively build a covered structure for storing a car. If the need arose, perhaps the best option will be a frame garage.

Location selection

Before starting construction, you need to decide on the location of the future building. To avoid conflict with local administration and neighbors, should be observed building codes and rules (SNiP). According to the latest, a garage is allowed to be installed directly on the red building line. But before the fence of the neighboring area should be at least a meter.

The frame garage should organically fit into the layout of the site, have a convenient approach and be located on a calm terrain, which will save on the manufacture of the foundation.

In order not to shade the beds or flower beds, place the garage near the north edge of the lot.

Metal or wood?

Do-it-yourself frame garage can be made from metal structures or wooden. It all depends on the personal preferences of the future owner. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages.


  • ease of transportation of purchased parts;
  • quick and easy assembly, if necessary, it can be easily disassembled for subsequent sale;
  • durability;
  • fire resistance. Belongs to the category of non-combustible buildings.
  • in winter, it is difficult to heat the room, and the walls are covered with frost (this problem is solved by insulating the frame);
  • higher cost compared to wood.

Timber frame garage


  • ease of construction;
  • construction can be carried out without the involvement of lifting equipment;
  • low thermal conductivity, which allows you to quickly heat the room in winter.
  • fire hazard of the structure, it is necessary to process the structure several times protective equipment- flame retardants;
  • the tree is hygroscopic, thorough waterproofing of the lower trim is required;
  • absorbs exhaust gases, smells of gasoline and other chemical compounds.

The foundation for a frame garage, both metal and wooden, can be made not as massive as for a brick structure.

Plate or tape? Foundation for the frame

frame structure differs in insignificant weight that allows to make the base under frame garage facilitated. Consider 3 options.

  1. Columnar.
  2. Pour a few concrete supports with a step of 1–1.5 m along the perimeter of the building, as well as in 2 longitudinal rows along the width of the track of the car. Such a base will be the cheapest to manufacture. Do not forget to lay the anchor outlets before pouring for the subsequent fastening of the lower trim.

  3. Tape.
  4. It is rational to fill the tape with a shallow depth (0.5 m high). It is more correct to pour concrete into the formwork, which, in the case of heaving soils, is installed on a layer-by-layer compacted sand cushion 200–250 mm thick. The lateral sinuses around the walls of the foundation are covered with sand. For reinforcement, periodic rolling with a diameter of 10–12 mm is used. It will be enough 4 rods (2 each - above and below).

  5. Slab.
  6. This foundation is the most expensive (high consumption of concrete and reinforcement), but it provides savings on the manufacture of the floor. In addition, it is recommended for construction on weakly bearing soils. Unfortunately, it cannot be used on a site that has a slope.

Attention: before making any type of foundation, remove surface layer soil.

Building a fireproof garage

The metal frame is made in different ways. Until recently, rolled from corners (for example, 50 × 50) were used as load-bearing structural elements. With the expansion of the range of rolled metal, they began to use rectangular pipes(for racks, for example, - 100 × 100, for crossbars - 60 × 60). The frame is assembled using fasteners, or in the old fashioned way - using a welding machine.

Bolted connection will cost more, because in addition to fasteners, expensive connecting elements will be required. The advantage is the ability to dismantle and sell the garage when it becomes unnecessary.

A welded frame garage will be somewhat cheaper and, in addition, stronger. But on the other hand, it may be possible to sell it only by cutting it with an autogenous. After all, places for vehicles with crane may or may not be in the area.

Today, a do-it-yourself frame garage can be assembled from light steel structures(LSTC). They are a set of galvanized C-section profiles, purlins and additional elements, wall and roofing sheeting, fasteners. The kit includes overhead sectional doors Alutech.

Assembly sequence

  1. Assemble the bottom harness, connecting it to the foundation.
  2. Install vertical racks, temporarily unfastened among themselves.
  3. mount belt top harness, then finally connect all the racks with crossbars.
  4. Assemble a triangular roof truss on a flat area. With the help of inclined slopes, raise it to the upper harness and fix it in the back of the structure.
  5. Install everything this way roof trusses and fasten them together.
  6. Install entrance gate at your discretion: swing, sliding, sectional lifting.
  7. Perform external and inner lining. The material can be anything: outside - corrugated board, siding, inside - OSB, drywall.

We build from wood

Wooden garage building is in harmony with residential building, folded from a bar or rounded logs. However, building a garage from solid wood is not affordable for everyone. A frame garage made of wood has the same qualities, but it does not burden your wallet much. Consider the main stages of construction.

Step-by-step instruction

Timber frame garage

  • Step 1

Lay the lower trim on the slab foundation, fixing it with anchors to concrete base. The harness is a board or beam, the width of which is the same as the dimensions of the vertical posts, and the thickness is 50 mm. If you are building a frame garage with your own hands, do not forget to pre-lay two layers of rolled waterproofing: glassine, bikrost, technonikol or other brands.

  • Step 2

Wooden racks are installed from a bar with a section of 100 × 100 or 150 × 150 mm. They are set strictly vertically in level and temporarily strengthened with jibs. Two racks are added for hanging the gate.

  • Step 3

Connect the upper ends of the racks with a strapping from the same beam as for the racks. The strapping belt will carry the load from the truss structure, so a thickness of 50 mm will not be enough for it.

  • Step 4

Mount the rafter legs. The material for them is boards with a section of 100 × 50 or 150 × 40, placed on edge. At the same time, a board 150 × 40 is almost twice as stiff for deflection. The pitch of the rafters should not exceed 60 cm. To side walls garage did not part under the action snow load, the lower part of the rafter legs is connected with puffs from a 100 × 50 board, which will simultaneously serve bearing base for garage mezzanines.

  • Step 5

Perform roofing installation. The choice of material is large: corrugated board, metal tile, ondulin.

  • Step 6

They hang the gate, sheathe the outer walls. After fastening rough coating plywood or oriented strand board (OSB) windproof film. Then, a final cladding is fixed on an additional crate: lining, siding or block house.

Take note: in order to exclude the formation of residues when sheathing the frame with OSB boards, choose the dimensions of the garage in multiples of the size of the boards (1220, sometimes 1250 mm)

Fachwerk - an option for aesthetes

You can build a frame garage with your own hands using an old building technology when the space between elements wooden frame fill brickwork(half-timbered). The building will look original. True, the frame will have to be made of massive timber (at least 150 × 150). Otherwise, the structure will not be strong enough.

Internal equipment

The construction is completed, the car has somewhere to hide from the weather, but this is not enough for a full-fledged habitat. There are a few more finishing touches left to do.

  • First of all, the frame garage must be equipped supply and exhaust ventilation. Otherwise it will be inside high humidity, which will not benefit both the garage and the car.
  • The solution to this problem will also help to insulate the walls and ceiling, which is performed simultaneously with the installation of the internal filing (drywall or OSB, for example).
  • And finally, a garage without light is nonsense. You will have to become an electrician for a while, and this will help you acquire additional knowledge and skills.

After reading this article, we can conclude - to make a frame garage with your own hands, most of those who wish can do it.

In the construction of garages, simplified technologies and lightweight structures are often used. The purpose of any garage is to protect a car or other equipment from unauthorized access, minor repairs and maintenance, as well as storage of spare parts, tools and other useful little things. Even a non-capital structure perfectly copes with these functions. A do-it-yourself frame garage will help to significantly save money on construction, and in functionality it will not yield to a major garage made of brick or concrete.

Features, advantages and disadvantages of a frame-type garage

The frame of a do-it-yourself garage is most often made of wood. This material is easy to process, affordable and does not weigh down the structure. Almost any material can be used for sheathing: wood, vinyl or metal siding, but the most popular today are sheets of corrugated board or metal sandwich panels.

The advantages of such a garage include:

  • Ease of erection;
  • The ability to perform work without the involvement of technology;
  • Lightweight yet durable construction;
  • There is no need for a deep foundation.

Among the shortcomings, the combustibility of the frame material should be noted, therefore it is recommended to sheathe it outside and inside with non-combustible material, and use it for insulation. stone wool that does not sustain combustion. It is also recommended to impregnate the wooden frame with an antiseptic, which prolongs its service life.

Foundation and foundation

The frame garage has lightweight construction, so it does not require the construction of a strip buried foundation. However, if there is a need for a viewing hole, you can make a foundation with a hole using the same technology as when building a garage from a metal profile. Below is the technology for erecting a frame garage based on prefabricated concrete blocks.

The finished foundation will carry the entire load from the building, so you need to wait a few days before installing the garage frame.

garage frame

The frame is made of well-dried wood. For the frame you will need:

  • Beam 10x10 for the main racks and beams of the floor and ceiling;
  • Board 40 mm for rafters;
  • Board 20 mm for the crate and intermediate racks;
  • Floor board from 40 mm thick.

The amount of building material depends on the size of the garage and is calculated after drawing a sketch. Frame technology:

  1. The foundation surface is waterproofed with two layers of roofing material glued to bituminous mastic. Waterproofing protects the wooden frame from moisture and decay. Along the perimeter of the garage, a lower trim bar is laid, connecting it in the corners with the help of a notch and dowels. For this purpose, a beam of 10x10 cm is used.

  2. Corner and intermediate racks made of timber are installed on the lower beam, fixed with dowels, additionally fixing them to metal corners with self-tapping screws. The distance between the racks is at least 2 meters. Then they install the upper harness from a 10x10 cm beam. The beam is fixed in the same way as the bottom one.

  3. Install intermediate racks from a 20 mm board at a distance of about 50 cm. It is convenient to choose the distance between the racks according to the size of the insulation mats, then you do not have to lay an additional crate for them. Horizontal jumpers are fixed between the racks, again focusing on the height of the insulation. Screeds are fixed with the help of corners and self-tapping screws.

  4. The rafter system for the roof is made of a board of 40 mm, the pitch of the rafters is from 0.5 to 1 meter, depending on the snow load in the region. Floor beams from a 40 mm board are fastened to the beam of the upper trim with the help of dowels, rafter legs are attached to it at an angle to each other. Strengthen the rafters with puffs and struts, depending on the size of the roof.

  5. A waterproofing film is laid on the rafters, for example,. On top of the film, a crate of a 20 mm board is attached along the ridge along both slopes, the pitch of the crate is 0.5 meters.
  6. Floor coverings are made from a board of 40 mm, they are installed on the lower trim. The floors are made of floorboards laid on the floors. The gate frame is made of a 10x10 cm bar, fastened with dowels and additionally reinforced with metal corners. To give additional rigidity to the gate, transverse ties are performed. The finished frame of the garage is covered with an antiseptic in two layers, after which you can proceed to the sheathing.

Sheathing of the garage with a metal profile and insulation of the garage

The choice of a metal profile for sheathing a garage has a lot of advantages: metal coatings fire resistant, windproof, high strength and durability. The metal profile is attached to the frame using special self-tapping screws. They have a hex head, a sealing washer and are various lengths and colors. For walls, a wall metal profile of grade C or PS is chosen, and for the roof, grade PK or N.

  1. Start cladding from the walls. A metal profile sheet is applied to one of the corner posts, aligned with a plumb line and fixed with self-tapping screws into the lower wave. The next sheet is overlapped on one wave and both sheets are fixed with screws together. Total for 1 square meter sheathing needs 4-5 self-tapping screws. The gates are sheathed with the same wall metal profile.
  2. If necessary, the metal profile is cut to size with metal scissors or a jigsaw. It is not recommended to cut it with a grinder, as it burns polymer coating, and the corrosion resistance of the metal is sharply reduced.
  3. Before laying the coating on the roof, it is necessary to install wind strips. The metal profile is laid on the roof from the leeward side, fixing it together with the wind strips to the crate. The metal ridge is fixed after laying the sheets so that the self-tapping screw enters the upper wave.
  4. Garage insulation is optional. For this purpose, stone wool is used, made in the form of mats. The mats are laid between the posts, having previously fixed a windproof film on the walls. The mats are fixed with a filing from the board or immediately sheathed with sheet iron.
  5. Instead of a metal profile and insulation, it can be used for the construction of a garage, which are prefabricated elements with an external profiled coating, insulation mats and an internal smooth metal sheet.

Frame garage can also be made from metal corner lined with corrugated board. Such a garage is heavier and requires application welding machine, but it is safer in terms of fire protection. However, if repairs and welding work are planned in the garage, metal frame more reliable.

It is not always necessary to major garage. Often, the safety of the car can be ensured by the simplest structure, which will require less labor and money costs. We have prepared step by step instructions for building a garage frame type showing all required steps.

Benefits of a frame garage

Avoiding frame buildings most often due to their low burglary resistance. But if the garage is not located in a cooperative, but on a habitable site and under supervision, low penetration protection no longer looks like such a weighty argument. In the end, the difficulty of hacking is determined by the most vulnerable element of protection, and this is almost always a gate, window or front door.

Frame construction requires much less resources - both monetary and labor. A wooden frame is easy to assemble with a couple of assistants in just one day, in terms of capital investments, such a structure will cost at least a third cheaper than masonry.

In addition, such construction is an excellent opportunity to rationally dispose of the lumber left after the assembly of scaffolding for building a house. For garages up to six meters wide, boards 50x100-150 mm are perfect, you only have to buy materials for flooring and wall cladding.

Foundation and floor

For the lung frame structure it is recommended to arrange a shallow or shallow strip foundation with a width of 250 mm with a backfill of 30-40 cm of non-porous material (sand, gravel). If a viewing hole is planned in the future, there is nothing to be done, you will have to take as a basis a foundation with a sole below the freezing depth and ensure its high-quality waterproofing.

From the side of the entrance in the tape, an underestimated part should be made, the upper plane of which is brought flush with the zero mark of the floor. The rest of the foundation is carried out 200-250 mm above the ground level in the adjacent territory, regardless of the degree of deepening.

1. Sand preparation. 2. Strip foundation. 3. Concrete floor. 4. Sand preparation for screed. 5. Compacted soil

Reinforcement of the tape is standard: four rods of 12 or 14 mm, connected structural reinforcement through 60-80 mm. The thinning from the entrance side is reinforced by the same scheme, but denser. The issue of laying the studs and linking them to the working reinforcement should immediately be resolved. You can leave the anchoring after 100-120 cm, or you can fix it with anchor bolts, provided that there is a sufficient concrete cover at the top edge.

The floor in the frame garage can be bulk, monolithic concrete or wood, there is no fundamental difference. We only note that with the device wooden floor it makes sense to cast a foundation with a ledge of 5-6 cm in order to support the logs on it. It is better to excavate the soil and fill the gravel immediately, but it is advisable to postpone the final installation of the floor until the completion of the roofing work.

How to assemble a wall frame

The frame system of the garage consists of four sections. First, it is recommended to make the side walls, then the back and front. Before assembly, the wood must be impregnated with an antiseptic and dried in natural conditions.

Each of the walls is initially knocked down in the form of a rectangular frame. For the upper and lower bases, only solid boards should be taken, vertical elements it is allowed to splice with a hem with a bandage.

To assemble the frame, it is better to use ready-made steel corners and headscarves

If you have placed anchor studs in the foundation, first try on the board of the bottom base and drill right amount holes. Position the wall frame so that outside the foundation protruded by 25-30 mm. On a flat area, lay out two longitudinal boards in parallel, add two racks between them at the edges. Knock down the corners, align the diagonals and secure the corner joints with gussets.

Next, add vertical racks to the frame in increments of 60 cm. It is possible that the installation step of the racks will have to be recalculated so that they are not located in the places where the embedded studs pass. Before installing the walls, roll out 2-3 layers of roofing material along the foundation tape.

For fastening, use ruffy nails 100-120 mm long. When one section is knocked down, it is lifted and installed on the foundation, then attached to it by means of embedded studs or anchor bolts. Full tightening of the fasteners is not carried out until all four sections are assembled together.

After installing the side walls, they need to be supported from the ground with slopes nailed to the frame with one nail for free adjustment of verticality. When both sections are set on a plumb line, and the distance between them is verified in several places, 3-4 boards must be thrown on top for temporary fastening.

The back wall of the garage is usually deaf and is assembled according to the same principle as the side walls. After lifting and installing it, it is necessary to provide temporary fastening of the corners with braces. The opening in the front wall of the garage requires a reinforced top lintel. Usually the front wall is assembled from two narrow sections located on the sides of the gate. Their height is lower than the rest, so that a powerful beam can be laid on top, assembled from 3-4 boards 50 mm thick, placed on edge and tightened with bolts.

After assembling the main frame, you need to align its geometry: check the diagonals in the upper and lower planes, achieve the verticality of the walls. Next, adjacent sections are fastened together with braces, nailed no closer than a meter to the corner, then the final tightening of the fasteners to the foundation is carried out.

Roof and floor construction

After assembling the frame of the walls, an almost finished Mauerlat is formed for truss system. First, on the outer edges of the upper bases of the side walls, you need to install on the edge and screw one longitudinal edge with self-tapping screws from below to give the Mauerlat an L-shaped profile. After that, boards with a thickness of at least 50 mm are inserted between the ribs and attached to both parts of the Mauerlat, acting as floor beams.

Instead of boards, they can immediately be inserted and fastened in advance harvested trusses if the garage does not have a habitable room on the second floor. Farms should be assembled according to a template in the form of a narrow rectangular trapezoid. The upper boards of the trusses forming the slope (or slopes) of the roof must be located at an angle of at least 15º and have an overhang of 30-40 cm to form cornice overhangs. At the base of the farm there are two right angles, which are inserted exactly between the Mauerlat ribs. It is recommended to fasten beams and boards for trusses with a tongue-and-groove connection, reinforced with studded plates on the sides.

For such a frame garage, it is possible to install an uninsulated attic. When the floors are installed, L-shaped assemblies rise to the Mauerlat, knocked down by a jumper 50-60 cm from the top pairing. The tails of the rafters should have an extension of 30-35 cm beyond the Mauerlat and have a hem for quick and technological fastening. In total, each tail of the rafters rests with a groove on the Mauerlat rib, fastened with two self-tapping screws to its horizontal bar and floor beam.

To protect the frame from getting wet, the rafters are temporarily fastened from the inside with several longitudinal boards. Next on the slopes you need to pull polyethylene film and to fix it, fill the counter-lattice with strips of 15-20 mm thick. When it comes down to the roofing, fill the horizontal sheathing and install any suitable type of coating.

For soft roof the crate is made with a wide board (including unedged) with small gaps of 2-3 cm

Installation of doors, windows, gates

With window openings no difficulties will arise. For natural light, a width of 60 cm between the posts is enough, just add two horizontal bars and insert the window frame.

If you want to additional door in the back or side wall, one of the racks will have to be cut out, and then the upper jumper should be made from it. At the same time, to design an opening under the door, you can either add two racks on the sides, or spread the door block inside the existing opening with blocks of 15-20 cm each.

The greatest difficulty is the arrangement of the opening for the gate. It should be framed with at least a double post on each side and, as mentioned, a reinforced horizontal beam on top. This is sufficient for the installation of up-and-over or roller doors. With swing doors, it becomes difficult to perceive the load when the wings are open. Two beams must be added to the double pillars of the opening, which continue under the floor system until about the middle of the length of the garage.

Insulation, cladding, finishing

Final construction - frame sheathing and finishing. Instead of the common chipboard sheathing, it is quite possible to use moisture-resistant GKL or GVL from the inside. Gypsum boards facilitate the construction budget and remove the need to comply temperature gaps. Of the additional difficulties - the addition of horizontal crossbars between the racks for joining sheets and stuffing additional strips for corner mates.

Preparing a frame garage for sheathing: 1. Wind protection. 2. Lathing. 3. Gable

From the outside, the frame racks will serve as an excellent basis for siding, you just need to pre-stuff the windproof membrane. The transition from the walls to the plinth of the cladding is simple corner profile preventing moisture from getting in.

Outside, it is also possible to install solid sheathing from OSB or LSU for painting, plastering or brick cladding. So even a frame garage can be designed in a single style decision with other buildings on the site.

There is no need to insulate such a garage. After parking the car, the residual heat of the engine will heat the air and cause moisture condensation on the body, so the faster the air cools inside, the longer the stored equipment will last.

The technology of erecting a frame garage has been brought to the simplicity necessary for an ordinary car owner who is not used to sophistication, but requires at least a minimum comfortable conditions to keep the car.

Find out strength

Of course, the first thing that every motorist who respects himself and loves his car will pay attention to is the strength of the future garage.

No awnings, temporary shelters, sheds and other flimsy structures can serve as a garage, although many of the only ones manage to “shove” their car there for year-round “residence”.

If funds are tight, and a garage is needed, then a frame coating can save your car from natural phenomena and temperature fluctuations.

The proposed technology is one of the most accessible and profitable- the construction of a frame garage with your own hands can be done, indeed, by hand, that is, without the involvement of heavy equipment.

The frame "house for the car" will be strong enough, but in order to bring the structure to the ideal, You need:

  • build a garage in such a way that it does not depend on the external environment;
  • create a design so simple that it allows you to repair the machine on the spot;
  • ensure a low level of heat transfer of the structure;
  • to invest in the construction of a minimum of funds.

Do you need a hole?

If everything is very clear with the foundation for the frame garage: it weighs little and therefore allows you to take the platform as the basis for the structure, then with the need to arrange viewing hole a fair question arises: is it needed at all?

It is necessary to make a decision about its presence or absence on the eve of all construction work. This element of the garage is only mandatory if you are doing your own car repairs.

If you decide that a pit is needed, then its construction will take some time and make the implementation of your project somewhat more expensive (not significant).

The pit is dug according to the markup, its walls are reinforced with bricks (the method of laying in one brick) and provide high-quality lighting.

Along the upper perimeter of the inspection hole, it is necessary (!) to install a steel piping, which is carefully cemented. This is necessary in order to avoid collapses of the pit under the weight of the car.

The next step consists of arrangement monolithic foundation . On the site prepared for it (at the bottom), the so-called pillow is poured - a mixture of sand and gravel no more than 10 cm, on top - concrete (3 cm). A reinforcement frame is placed in concrete - iron bars are placed both along and across, fixing at the intersections.

Formwork is installed along the perimeter of the almost finished site and the structure is concreted.

When the concrete fixing the foundation dries, you can, without waiting until it is well settled (not a house, after all), proceed with the installation of the frame structure.

Types of frame garages

Like any other, building a frame garage with your own hands involves the most difficult and crucial moment in the construction of the foundation. But when this stage of work is over, it turns out that there are still many important points which cannot be overlooked.

Even on what type of garage you choose, the safety of your car depends.

Among some frame garages, there are several types of garages that determine the quality of the maintenance of the car. And although experts say that keeping a car in all frame structures will be about the same, you have a chance to choose, check, compare.

Metal profile garage

According to experts, such a frame garage will cost the owner only 30 thousand rubles.

Optimal garage dimensions from corrugated board (and all other types of garages) 4.5X3.5 meters, provided that it contains one car.

The garage should not be cramped, it must provide for a comfortable placement of the car, the owner and all small and large improvised means.

Most of all, for the walls and roof of such a garage, two-meter sheets of metal profile C 10 are suitable. The thickness of such a sheet should be at least 0.5 mm.

For a standard garage space, you will need 23 sheets, the lion's share of which will be spent on arranging the walls.

Sheathe the walls with overlapping sheets, connecting roofing screws. Adjust the length of the cover (roof) so that its main size (covering) is 1.9 meters, and 10 cm are left for overhang equipment necessary for rainwater to drain.

The construction time of such a garage is frame technology is a week.

Metal frame garages are described in more detail in the next.

Frame-panel garage

To build a frame-panel garage, you do not need a project. You can simply take the most unpretentious designs produced at any plant: in this case This roof structures and wall panels.

This type of frame garage is highly economical, during its construction, you can meet 25 thousand rubles, excellent heat saving and simplicity of design.

In addition, such structures are more likely to resemble a house than a place where vehicles are kept, and successfully complement the landscape design.

Construction of a frame garage with your own hands, in case you have chosen a frame-panel type, proceeds according to the usual scheme:

  • laying the foundation;
  • establishing a framework;
  • covering the "skeleton" of the structure with panels;
  • warming;
  • roof construction;
  • gate hanging.

To your attention is a video on how to build a frame garage with your own hands.

timber garage

A feature of building this type of garage is the construction of a wooden frame, well, and the price. Such a frame garage will be much more expensive than its counterparts - metal-profile and panel garages.

But if you adhere to the principle: if you are going to build, then build with high quality, and you are right. Wood as a material has a number of advantages:

  • the most environmentally friendly;
  • the most energy-saving;
  • the most vapor permeable;
  • the most easily processed;
  • the most appropriate in landscape composition.

In these photos, you see the stages of building a frame garage with your own hands.

When building a frame garage from a bar, you only need take into account some of the nuances:

  • when choosing a strip type of foundation for a frame wooden garage, it is enough for you to deepen it by 60-80 cm, but the piles or poles will have to be deeper and stronger;
  • before installing the timber frame, it is necessary to develop a project or at least a sketch (but as detailed as possible);
  • the joining of the bars should, if possible, be carried out by the simplest methods: the overlapping method is just right.

How much is a cheap garage

The issue of price remains relevant in the implementation of any project, even such a super-simple one as building a frame garage with your own hands.

Everyone has long been accustomed to the idea that homemade is much cheaper, therefore, most car owners are trying to provide their “swallow” with an apartment of “author's” construction.

Taking into account the frame, sheathing, work, a frame garage will cost you from 25 thousand rubles. If you are using a tree as building material- then the cost will be about 35 - 70 thousand rubles, depending on the type of wood.