Opinions about military service. Served and forgot or became a real man? A report about village wires and the long-awaited demobilization. Video: Contract without urgent service, possibly

In accordance with our laws service life in the Russian army, since 2008, is 12 months, or 1 year!

2020 inductees 1 year service life

Military (including the duration of its passage for all categories) is strictly regulated by the regulatory legal acts of the state, and the main one, of course, is the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

And for many years after the decrease service life up to 1 year there were no major changes regarding the term of military service on conscription (an increase in the term of service or, conversely, a decrease) and, it seems, is not expected.

Accordingly, in the 2020-2021 draft, conscripts will serve no more than 1 calendar year. And right now you can find out how much and what period of service has already been passed.

The term of service in the army and navy will not change

About the term of service in the army 1.8 years

But nevertheless, our site for conscripts and soldiers constantly receives the same questions from conscripts (future soldiers), conscripts, as well as their relatives and friends. The essence of all these appeals boils down to the fact that, supposedly, service life this year will increase to 1.8 years(1 year and 8 months).

What would you like to say about this. Until changes are made to the current legislation, no talk about increasing the service life is groundless. In other words, in the next year or two term of service in the army will not change and will remain as it is now 1 year.

Reducing the term of service in the army by 45 days

Or opposite questions come up about reducing the service life by 45 days. It is completely incomprehensible where this information comes from, but nevertheless, every year from draft to draft, we strongly recommend that these rumors not be taken seriously. Since this information has never been confirmed. Get information only from reliable sources!

The term of service in the army will not be increased or reduced!

President on military service in 2020

Data talk about increase or decrease military service in the course of or arise primarily in connection with the legal illiteracy of our population. Also, these rumors are published, and in some cases intentionally distributed by a number of media outlets.

But in response to all these unfounded conversations, our Supreme Commander-in-Chief - President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin - made an official statement that to increase and even more so reduce service life in 2020 not planned.

After such a statement by the first person of our state, we have nothing more to add. I hope you found the answer to your question and now you know for sure what is the term of service in the Russian army.

Dima from the village of Lakhva has just cut his hair and packed his things before the army, Roma from Aksakovshchina has already served and is going home with mixed feelings. Dima does not believe that the army will be able to teach him anything, and Roma is proud of his life experience. What two simple guys think about the Belarusian army, what the conscript and the demobilized dream and regret about - in the report of Onliner.by.

To the village of Lakhva, near Luninets, electric trains run infrequently. There are only a few people in the car: a tattooed man with gold teeth and a couple of drunken guys. There is no one on the platform, only the horse looks askance at the approaching train. The village is also silent. On the only wide road, a heavily drunk man confuses his tracks. Only from a low brick house comes "The boy wants to go to Tambov." It's alive there today: Dima is leaving for the army.

Dima is an ordinary Belarusian guy from the outback. He studied in Minsk as an engineer, worked at a factory, because of the agenda he had to return to his place of registration. A young man looks at life simply, because of the little things he is not upset, he speaks about himself and his problems without hesitation, he is not afraid of change. Dima did not really want to join the army, but he quickly reconciled himself: they will come for him sooner or later anyway.

- After university, I wanted to apply to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but I did not pass the medical examination. There were only a few doctors left to go through, the optometrist had already said: “That's it, kid, you are ours,” but everything broke down on an ultrasound of the heart. Mitral valve prolapse was found. The doctors said that the army is also not shining for me yet, and until next year I can sit quietly.

I did not waste time, I immediately went to the Minsk Civil Aviation Plant: after all, I graduated from BSUIR with a degree in Radio Electronics. They were immediately promoted to the post of foreman. They paid well: five million came out. I wanted to stay there, but then they started calling from the military registration and enlistment office.

Work at the aviation plant Dmitry was completely satisfied: “When God handed out duties, aviation was in the sky and missed everything,” The guy smiles widely.

- Well, what can I say about the plant? Factory as a factory. Everything depends on the old people. Either guys aged 23-25 ​​or pensioners worked for us. There were no middle-aged people there. Of course, this complicates the work: we did not understand each other. But without these old men, the plant is closed.

Dima also tried to find a job in Lakhve. Did not work out. According to the 2010 census, a little less than 1,500 people lived here. The village has everything to be considered a village: a youth club, a small shop, a church, a local eccentric on a bicycle who urges the iron horse with “But!” orders.

- When the idea with the Ministry of Internal Affairs was covered, I climbed into the Internet and looked at what was being offered in the district. The most I could count on was two hundred. This is for a young specialist who has been studying for a fee for five years. It cost me five years to pay so much money for this?

Dima also suffered from visiting local doctors and the military registration and enlistment office.

- The military registration and enlistment office tried to persuade me to come without a summons for a long time. They call and begin to “treat” me: they say, come, we will put a holter on you, only for your sake the doctor comes to work ... Of course, I was not going to go anywhere. I immediately told them: send paper - I will come. Then they started calling my mother, intimidating that the police were looking for me, that there would be problems and stuff like that.

Apparently, I annoyed them. After the agenda, I was assigned two large examinations on the same day: one at the hospital, and the second at the clinic. I was not weakly late for an ultrasound of the heart, I barely persuaded me to do it (although it’s not at all clear why, I just did it recently). But in relation to children aged 18-27, local doctors have a firm position: if you complain about something, you definitely “mow down”.

The cardiologist looked down at me, found out my age, did an ultrasound in five minutes and kicked me out. In Minsk, I went through the same procedure for about twenty minutes. I remember what the sound of this "wonder machine" was like, but this was not the case here. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't do anything at all...

Well, now it's too late to drink Borjomi. I'll be somewhere else in a couple of hours.

Now Dima has already cut his hair short, the personal belongings indicated in the list of the military registration and enlistment office are folded into a small backpack. Relatives and neighbors eat cabbage rolls and chicken at the table. “Dimochka, my brother, all the best to you! Don't cry, don't be discouraged, don't lose heart!"- the cousin hugs the conscript. But Dima does not lose heart. Just serve a year - and go home again.

- I'm generally a douchebag in life. Well, I'll serve. I've been thinking ... While barefoot-bachelor, why not serve? Then it's harder. How to press at 26 - get out as you want. There is already a family, maybe children, permanent work. Better to serve now and forget. It won't be possible to run for another four years. And I have no regrets about the fact that the Ministry of Internal Affairs did not work out. I'm even glad: no one in the family was a policeman, and I won't be! What for?

Fifteen people came to see the guy off. Most of the men are already airing out on a street bench. They smoke and are silent. Closer to the night, they strike up conversations that begin with stories like “I had a mare. Wherever she wanted, she took her there. Marina Artemovna was her name, ”and end with stamps“ You are a good guy. ” Anecdotes are etched around the table, songs are sung suddenly and without warning. The silence is broken by Aunt Tanya:

- As my own mother saw me off,
So my whole family came running.
Oh, where are you, boy, oh where are you?
You would not go, Dimok, to the soldiers.

- Do not go? I can't walk!- the future soldier breaks away from the correspondence with the girl.

- Yeah, then feed four years in the cellars,- picks up a neighbor-policeman.

After a long correspondence on VKontakte, the recruit became a little depressed: he said goodbye to the girl. After the army, Dima plans to return to Minsk to the factory. There is little that attracts him in the village.

- There is only one prospect here - to drink and go to fight in a club. Well, at 16, that's forgivable. But at 23, an adult man does such nonsense ... And there is nothing more to do here.

The attitude towards the army in Lakhva is the same as in Minsk, Kyiv or Moscow. Even the older generation forgot about the prejudice "He didn't serve, he's not a man." Dima's father, who also once served an honest two years, does not really drive his son to the unit:

- On the one hand, the duty to the motherland and all that, on the other hand, if I had not joined the army, I would have earned money. On a car, for example! And what did he do in the army? I didn't make any money! Well, nothing, let my Dimka serve, it won’t be superfluous,- a man overturns a glass for his son. - Well, I was taken into the army on the same day as Dimka, on May 22. Exactly thirty years ago. Everything, now the son will protect.

“Ode-erzhi-they will win, I’ll come to you-e”,- the spontaneous conversation is suddenly interrupted.

Dima also doubts the usefulness of the service. Anyway, for myself:

“I don't know what the army can teach me. There was a military unit behind our house in Soviet times. I used to climb obstacle courses as a child. Half of the village here is officer's houses. They were once brought from Finland. There was a barracks a little further, and behind it was another one.

Chopping wood and dig trenches? So I have been able to do this since childhood. In front of the army, with my father, they dug up the entire sewer. We have been doing this all our lives in the village.

Dima is on the road. Exactly at midnight, he, along with nineteen other future signalmen, should stand at the entrance to the military registration and enlistment office. Uncle Kolya drives Dima to Luninets in his white Audi. On the way, the man gives parting words, tells how he once wanted to get into the landing force in order to become strong, but was escorted out of the military enlistment office with a powerful but accurate blow from the beret on the place most mentioned in the crisis due to not cutting his hair, not being discharged from Komsomol and got into an accident on the way.

- Everything should go the way it goes,- Uncle Kolya brings the idea to the end already on the street. - Then they kicked me out of the military registration and enlistment office, and I got into contact. And six months later, rumors came that the entire company, which I could get into, was shot by spooks in the mountains. That's how it happens, Dima: sometimes it's better to kick in the ass ...

Two hundred people gathered near the military enlistment office. Here the escorts drink white from the neck. And here is the first fight, which is hardly separated by two policemen. Dima tries not to pay attention.

The young colonel calls out last name after last name. There are almost no sober conscripts. The first named smokes right in the courtyard of the military enlistment office. The second gets his first outfit in his life out of turn for disobeying an officer and returning to kiss a girl.

Dima's parents, like himself, do not accept such pathos. Hearing his last name, the guy replies sonorously: "I!"- hugs her mother and calmly enters the gate of the military registration and enlistment office. Mom starts to get bored at the same moment, but she doesn’t get very upset:

- For five years, while he was in Minsk, I already got used to missing him. Will be back soon.

Roma is 19 and a half, and he spent the last year and a half away from home. In the morning, the personal file of the border guard will be lost in the bottomless cabinets of the military registration and enlistment office, and they will forget about it for a long time. The service is over, although the guy still does not realize it.

Roman got into the army as a very young man, knowing about the service no more than any militant lover. The guy did not go to the Military Academy due to his health, to the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - according to points.

- I did not want to work far from home[Roma lives in the village of Aksakovschina near Minsk - ed. Onliner.by] I wanted to stay in Minsk. I arrive at the military registration and enlistment office, and the bus to the Military Academy, where I was supposed to go, has already left. I am at a loss: where to go, what to do? Then an officer comes up and says: "They want to talk to you." They called me to the office, there was a border guard with my case: “I'm taking you. You have a high GPA in the certificate, a good reference, you seem to be an intelligent guy. We need those." No one really asked me where I want to go. They called my mother, they said that they were sending me to Pinsk, and that was it.

During his service in Pinsk itself, Roman almost never visited: he spent the whole year and a half in the forest at the outpost. Now he nervously smokes one cigarette after another at the Pinsk railway station and, together with the officers, is waiting for a train to the capital. The officers ask Roma about the service, instruct, call "for a contract." Roma refuses with a smile, answers in monosyllables, probably not listening.

- I don't understand what's going on. It seems that he was born in the army, lived there all his life and was supposed to die there. As if everything before the army was a dream. Damn, I can't believe I did. I don't think about anything right now. I look at all this and cannot understand: am I going home?

During the last night, Roma slept only an hour. In the car, he is also unlikely to fall asleep: there are too many emotions. On the road, the soldier does not drink. He is the only demobilized person on this train, although he admits that he would not refuse: he wants to forget himself. The border guard begins to “come to life” only after an hour and a half.

- Most of all I missed people. More precisely, for people not in green uniform. He spent his entire service in the forest. The forest is green, the uniform is green, the officers are green. For a long time I will not perceive this color. I am very tired mentally, seriously. But I will remember the army. It was a great time.

Like most young guys, Roma did not want to change mother's cutlets for canned stew. Now he is glad that he served:

- I've grown up. I understood what it means to be responsible for your actions. In this, probably, there is some kind of army experience. I do not believe those who say that they received nothing from the army. During this time I understood a lot, I began to appreciate freedom. When I went to the army, I thought that everything would be like in the movies: hand-to-hand combat, shooting, an obstacle course in smoke. And when he came, he got a mop and went to scrub the floors. I don’t argue, there was hand-to-hand combat and an obstacle course, but basically it’s hard work.

Article content:

How to repay the debt to the Motherland without losing the price? Almost all young people over the age of 18 ask this question. The way out of the situation is simple: instead of military service in the Russian army in 2017-2018, conscripts can go on a contract. The program has been operating since 2012, and contract service provides a number of advantages.

  1. Guarantees the conscript to receive benefits and a full social package;
  2. Mercenaries are free to move;
  3. For two years of contract service, conscripts receive a decent monetary reward.

The advantages are obvious. So, how to sign a contract without going through military service? Let's take it step by step.

In order to get into the elite troops - special forces, marines or airborne, the conscript must apply with the appropriate application to the district military registration and enlistment office. Further, a recruiter will work with the conscript. After listening to the advantages of alternative service, and agreeing to the contract, yesterday's schoolboy will go to the regional assembly point. It is here that specialists train recruits. First of all, during the interview, the newcomer will have to talk about his abilities - his relationship with sports, the ability to drive a car, and so on.

Choice made...

If the choice is made, the recruit fills out a questionnaire. It will be reviewed by the unit commander. You will have to wait for a response from two days to a month. The decision in writing will come to the same assembly point - in the questionnaire, the unit commander will indicate in what rank or position the recruit falls into the unit.

However, it is impossible for a recruit to waste time waiting for an answer. Ahead - two medical commissions and testing. "Experienced" advise taking tests for a fee - as this will significantly speed up the whole process. The recruit will take blood for HIV, as well as urine - so doctors can check if a potential contract soldier is using drugs. If the result is negative, the narcologist will give a conclusion about health. If the answer is positive, a re-examination must be done in a week.

In addition, it is necessary to do a fluorographic study. The recruit will have to go through standard specialists - a general practitioner, a neurologist, a dentist, a surgeon. Pay special attention to the examination by an ophthalmologist and a psychiatrist. Vision problems will block the way to some types of units - for example, in the navy. Also, recruits who were registered in psychiatric dispensaries will not be accepted for contract service.

A potential contractor needs to collect a package of documents: copies of a passport, policy, TIN, pension, work book, diploma. At the collection point, you need to provide a certificate of family composition, a certificate of absence of disability, as well as a bank statement.


Further, those who wish to do contract service must submit documents to the collection point. There, the recruit will fill out a questionnaire, which will be checked by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. An outstanding conviction, as well as administrative offenses, will block the way to contract service.

Now the medical examination will have to go right at the collection point. Contract soldiers have more privileges here as well – these recruits, unlike conscripts, are given priority. A healthy applicant will receive category "A".

After that, a personal file is opened for the recruit. And before the service under the contract remains quite a bit. Now the potential military man can only pass a set of physical exercises - for strength, endurance and speed. The results will be entered into a personal file, with him the recruit will go to the assembly point, and from there to the military unit chosen earlier. And if the service turned out to be not so attractive, the mercenary may even quit without waiting for the end of the contract.

However, there can be only one reason for early dismissal - and it must be valid. Whether it is such, the certification commission will find out. In practice, there are cases when contract soldiers received early dismissal due to the inability to support a family on the allowance paid, as well as for health reasons. For dismissal, a soldier must meet a number of conditions:

  1. Write a report.
  2. State the reasons for the dismissal in the report.
  3. With a statement, contact the commander of the unit - it is he who decides on the provision for dismissal and submits a report to the certification commission.
  4. The serviceman will be given the floor - the members of the attestation commission will listen to the contractor. The conclusion will be recorded in the minutes of the meeting, and the mercenary will be given an appropriate extract.
  5. The decision to dismiss is approved by the commander of the unit. It is he who will sign the statement of the soldier.

Video: Contract without urgent service, possibly

The military notes unusual trends associated with military conscription: if since the early 1990s the main headache of those involved in the acquisition of military units has been the lack of recruits associated with the huge number of draft dodgers (there were hundreds of thousands), now the opposite situation is developing : many would be happy to serve, but they don’t take it - there are “no places” in the army.

As Alexander Kanshin, deputy chairman of the public council under the Ministry of Defense, told Izvestia, a week ago, meetings of regional and regional military commissars of the Western Military District were held in the Moscow region. According to their results, the military made precisely such conclusions.

To the barracks - by competition

Military service has become more attractive for two reasons: on the one hand, the prestige of the army has grown, on the other, it has become safer to serve. In addition, the law now prohibits those who have not served from holding positions in the civil service. As a result, there are fewer evaders. On the other hand, the public council under the Ministry of Defense is very often complained that those who want to serve are not called up. Every year the number of such people in each region increases. According to my information, more than 3% of the total number of conscripts (8-10 thousand people) are people who go themselves, but they are not taken, - Alexander Kanshin told Izvestia.

A member of the Duma Defense Committee, communist deputy Vladimir Bessonov adheres to the same point of view.

The number of evaders is significantly reduced, and another problem arises - the problem of getting into the army, he told Izvestia. According to Vladimir Bessonov, the number of those who want to serve, who are not accepted by the military registration and enlistment offices, is 10-14% in relation to those who go to the troops.

In the past few years, approximately 150,000 young soldiers have been sent to duty stations in the spring and autumn, that is, according to Vladimir Bessonov, 30-45 thousand young men are ignored by the army.

However, those who were left out of the conscription plan, in his opinion, should not despair.

We will call them in the next calls, - assured Vladimir Bessonov. In 2017, according to him, another demographic hole is expected, when the number of citizens who have reached the age of 18 will be lower, “and those who could not be drafted will have the opportunity to get into our Russian army.”

Not fit for combat

Last spring, the General Staff stated that during the draft campaign, during which 154 thousand people were put under arms, about 600 thousand young people passed the draft board. That is, three-quarters of citizens of military age were not drafted.

At the same time, Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu stated that the number of contract soldiers in the Russian army exceeded the number of conscripts. According to the Ministry of Defense, there were 300,000 professional soldiers at that time (it was stated that by the end of the year it was planned to increase their number to 350,000), and conscripts - 276,000.

It should be noted that the conscription plan, fully implemented in 2014, was 308 thousand people. The “lost” 32,000 conscripts, obviously, are those who have already been commissioned in the army for health reasons, as well as those who have retired from the reserve, who have not yet had time to be replaced by young recruits.

Chairman of the Union of Committees of Soldiers' Mothers, member of the public council under the Ministry of Defense Valentina Melnikova draws attention to the fact that this is the big problem: the military registration and enlistment offices continue to fulfill the plan at any cost, enlisting young people with various ailments en masse, which turns into serious difficulties after their arrival in part.

Such young people seriously risk their health due to the inconsistency of their capabilities with the conditions of service, and commanders risk their careers because they are responsible for them. The state not only does not receive a soldier, but also spends a lot of money on his treatment.

As Valentina Melnikova told Izvestia, a month of a soldier's stay in the hospital costs the treasury 100,000 rubles. And for the money that is spent on the treatment of illegally drafted, not quite healthy young people, it was possible to support many contract soldiers.

According to Valentina Melnikova, more than 50% of recruits do not meet the requirements of their military position for health reasons, but in general, she believes that in Russia now there is not a single 18-year-old boy who would not have any ailments and would be ideally suited for health to carry military service.

social lift

Deputy Vladimir Bessonov expresses the opposite opinion: the prestige of the service has grown so much that strong and healthy young people from prosperous families began to go to the troops en masse.

We have amended the legislation, thanks to which it is impossible to hold positions in the public service if you have not served in the army without legal grounds, - says the parliamentarian. - And after that, the sons of officials rushed into the army. Often these are guys who lead a healthy lifestyle, are engaged in physical training, passed the TRP standards, and some even jumped with a parachute. And since these guys are healthy and sober, they kind of become the center of power in the army and create a good climate in the troops and subunits.

Vladislav N., a doctor at one of the Moscow military hospitals, told Izvestia that in recent years "conscripts have become distinguished by their intelligence."

They are smart, well educated, and even officers treat them differently. If a soldier is polite and well-mannered, then once again no one will yell obscenities at him. And they go to serve both because of the benefits for entering universities, and because of their future career. In any case, the "quality" of conscripts, if you can talk about people like that, has increased, - says the military doctor.

Gradually, changes are taking place in the public consciousness, - Alexander Kanshin agrees. - They used to say that only fools who did not enter the university go to the army - “if you don’t enter, you will go to the army.” And now even the creation of scientific companies suggests that the intellectual potential of the Armed Forces is gradually rising.

Indeed, following the results of the spring conscription of 2014, when 154 thousand people were sent to the troops, the Ministry of Defense stated that 30 thousand of them (19%) had higher education, and about 40 thousand (25%) had already been trained in specific military specialties in DOSAAF institutions.

Oleg Shvedkov, chairman of the All-Russian Trade Union of Military Personnel, told Izvestia that, in general, the bulk of the draft contingent still comes from small towns, workers' settlements and villages, and if anything has changed over the past decades, it is that compared to 1990- in the 2000s and 2000s, these young people are healthier.

Until recently, every second was underweight, and they had to be fattened for two weeks before starting training in the military specialty. Now there are fewer such problems. Apparently, in the villages they began to eat better compared to the 1990s, he concluded.