Assembling a mining farm for a year in detail. Creating a mining farm with your own hands. How to build a mining farm

Once upon a time, it was easy to mine cryptocurrency on a regular computer. Today, circumstances have changed, and in order to get at least some income, most miners are building a farm for mining with their own hands. In another, simpler way, it is simply impossible to make a profit from mining top cryptocurrencies. Of course, by 2018, a lot of altcoins appeared, but not only are they too cheap to make a profit, but they are not always mined. Therefore, users prefer to continue mining Ethereum or other coins from the top ten.

But mining such cryptocurrencies requires a farm. It doesn’t matter if it’s handmade or bought on special trading platforms. Only this equipment is able to provide enough power to carry out mining without the use of additional funds. Of course, even the most powerful farm is not enough for solo mining, so lone miners prefer to participate in pools. But for the extraction of less popular coins, power offers from serious farms are enough even to organize successful solo mining.

Before you start assembling a farm with your own hands, you need to buy mining equipment. And it is desirable to use the minimum cost for this. Moreover, we will need not only the main functional hardware, but also components that will help the future farm work in standard mode. In particular, the correct package will allow you to properly connect video cards, a cooling system, etc.

According to the most conservative estimates, future miners may need the following components:

All this equipment is important to install in an unheated room. You can not worry about your comfort - the equipment heats up so much that it will be warm. In addition, this solution allows you to reduce the cost of ventilation, in winter, for example. Just make sure that the air humidity is not high, otherwise it may adversely affect the equipment.

And now a couple of useful tips that will come in handy when choosing equipment for creating a farm:

Assembly algorithm - what are the nuances

Homemade farms for mining can bring no less profit than purchased ones, since they are created for a specific person, taking into account his interests and characteristics. The instruction on how to make a farm is very simple, but for a professional. For beginners, assembling equipment is not so easy.

Let's look at a simple step-by-step instruction on how to build a mining farm with your own hands:

And do not forget to focus on at least a photo of a cryptocurrency mining farm if you are creating the same one with your own hands. Better yet, at the end of the article, watch the video, which more clearly shows how to make reliable equipment for mining coins.

After that, the miner must make sure that the computer for the farm is already configured and ready. It should be running the latest version of Windows and Linux if you prefer. For professionals based on Linux, special operating systems for mining have already been created: MiningOS, EthOS and others. When everything is fine with this, install the mining program. To do this, follow the instructions on the selected pool. When everything is ready with this, start the farm and start mining digital coins. Just do not forget to create a wallet for the coin you will be mining and specify it in the settings of the miner program.

Pitfalls and risks

People who want to try their hand at mining should understand that there is no such thing as a budget farm created by yourself in 2018. Profitable equipment is expensive. In addition, one of the main pitfalls of this type of mining is to ensure the efficiency of the farm:

Of course, there are some troubles in any business, but you need to figure out how to get around these pitfalls before starting an activity. Otherwise, there is a risk of not getting any profit at all, but only wasting your time and not achieving anything in the end.

We start mining

After the miner has assembled the farm himself, it needs to be launched. But experts say that you can not rush with this until you check the operability of the supplied equipment. This can be done using the AIDA64 program. This program is a simple and effective software that provides comprehensive data on all the components that will take part in mining. When the check showed that the self-made mining farm is connected and works adequately, you can mine the cryptocurrency.

But starting a farm is not as easy as it seems at first glance. This is a sequential process that only seems simple.

In particular, we tried to divide it into several mandatory steps:

When the software is ready, we start the farm. In 2017, this mining option was in demand, and in 2018, it seems that nothing is planned to change.

Asic controllers - which is better

Asic controllers are equipment that has come to replace mining on video cards. Powerful devices that can even mine Bitcoins, although not in such large volumes as a few years ago. They were created for one purpose - to make a profit. But these Asics cost a lot. Although, if you buy a ready-made, powerful computer, the power of which is several times higher than similar installations created on the basis of video cards, then the expenses pay for themselves quite quickly.

In addition, it is much easier and more profitable to assemble farms not from video cards, but based on such controllers. But the investment is more impressive. The price of one powerful device starts from one and a half thousand dollars. This is a lot for a novice miner, and therefore not everyone uses this particular type of equipment. It is simply not affordable for everyone, even considering the vague prospects for the rise in the price of Bitcoin in the future.

That is why there are not fewer miners with homemade farms on video cards, even considering that this mining method has not been so popular and effective for a long time. We can say that ASICs are noticeably more profitable in almost all respects, but they are suitable for only one algorithm. Video cards can be switched for mining different currencies.

If the ASIC breaks, all that remains is to throw it away, while the broken part in the farm can be replaced and continue to work.

The financial side of the issue

Since we are talking about profit, we cannot get around the financial side of the issue. As soon as you think about setting up a mining farm at home, it is important to calculate how much it will cost and when it will pay off. The easiest way to assess the financial side of the issue is with the help of special calculators. But first, let's calculate how much it will cost to assemble the farm in question.

The most expensive parts of the kit are video cards, and the cheapest corners and other parts for the rack:

In addition, before you make your own mining farm, take into account the personal costs of paying for electricity and the Internet. The Internet, by the way, may have a low speed, but for efficient mining of coins, it must be stable and work without interruption. Periodically, you will have to buy and change some failing parts.

Another important point in discussing the financial side of the work is cryptocurrencies and their profitability. It is too late to use the farm to mine Bitcoins, but there is an alternative: Nem, Ethereum, Dash, Litecoin, ZCash, etc.

High returns are offered by Ethereum (over $900) and Litecoin (over $200). For example, consider the readings for the Radeon RX 580 x 6 for March 2018:

  • Farm productivity 180 Mh/s;
  • Profit $300 per month;
  • The cost of paying bills for electricity - $ 50 per month (if we take into account that the average indicator of 4 rubles per kilowatt was used in the calculation);
  • The current price is about $4,500;
  • The payback, taking into account the cost of the farm calculated above, is 18 months, if the coin rate does not rise sharply, and the mining difficulty remains the same (which is unrealistic).

It is also necessary to take into account that the complexity of mining is regularly growing, and the assembled farm will produce less and less coins every month.

That is, when looking for answers to the question of the financial profitability of the created farm, the following components must be taken into account:

  • The hash rate used by the hardware. Simply put, power;
  • The total price of a do-it-yourself farm;
  • The current price of the cryptocurrency you are mining (we used Ethereum in the example);
  • Farm power consumption and the price of 1 W in the region where the homemade farm operates.

All these indicators must be indicated in a special calculator. Relatively accurate information is given by the following resources:

  1. WhatToMine.
  2. NiceHash.


Of course, the work of creating your own farm is not easy and will not suit everyone. Today, this equipment can be easily purchased on the Internet and not waste your time. But the original equipment takes into account all the requirements of the miner, which the equipment released for everyone cannot do.

Let's be optimistic and imagine that do-it-yourself mining farms are profitable. How to properly distribute it so as not to remain in the red. The distribution of money is as follows:

  • First of all, you need to pay for the electricity used. This is the main item of expenditure;
  • Then be sure to set aside money for the purchase of additional equipment. Given that cryptocurrency mining will become more difficult, without such reserves, you will quickly fly into the pipe;
  • The remaining money can be considered net profit and spent at your discretion.

But even following these rules, you won’t earn much. It remains only to learn how to manage the process. Not only the technical component, but also the financial one. To do this, you will need to study the issue of compiling a cryptocurrency portfolio and trading on the stock exchange.

Another tip - the complexity of mining should always be in sight. Professional miners are constantly monitoring it. But this is not enough, you still need to react sensitively and quickly. For this, new computing equipment is purchased. Judging by the data of 2017, the optimal indicator is + 5% per month to the main capacity. This is more expensive than sitting on the same capacity, but in this case, the profit can be kept consistently high. If you do not follow these rules, soon the profit on the farm will stop growing, and then fall.

In 2017, even people who do not have access to the Internet know about what Bitcoin is. And active network users have information not only about the features and the rapidly growing rate of bitcoin, but also about the specifics of the issue of this cryptocurrency, namely, the ability to mine it on their own. Therefore, it is natural that in stores selling powerful video cards, from time to time there is a shortage of hardware - people are buying up cards to create their own bitcoin farms and mine cryptocurrency on them. But in order to profit from the mining of digital coins, acquiring a card with a high hash rate and installing it on your PC will not be enough. You also need to understand how a bitcoin farm works, how to assemble it yourself and how to start mining. Let's try to answer these questions in simple words, and also tell you how to build a bitcoin farm for 50,000 rubles. And separately we will figure out whether it is possible to earn bitcoins by playing virtual games with the withdrawal of money.

Bitcoin farm: what is it in simple words and how it works and mines cryptocurrency

The custom of calling computers used to mine cryptocurrency farms came from the United States, because it was American miners who, in communication with each other, jokingly began to call their PCs equipped with several video cards that way. Now the term bitcoin farm is used all over the world, and in any country this phrase is understood as computers connected to one network with powerful equipment connected to them, on which digital coins are mined.

Theoretically, processors, video cards, and specialized equipment - ASIC miners - can theoretically be used as "hardware" for bitcoin mining. But in practice, the power of the processor and even the gaming video card today is no longer enough to extract the most expensive and popular cryptocurrency. Therefore, bitcoin farms that bring consistently high profits operate on the capacities of ASICs of the latest models.

If you answer the question, bitcoin farm - what is it in simple words and how does it work, then we can say this: it is one or more powerful machines connected together that mine bitcoin. Of course, a bitcoin farm is always connected to the Internet without fail, because all operations to create new coins are carried out online. And due to the fact that in the Bitcoin system one new block, which today brings 12.5 coins, is mined in an average of 10 minutes, computers must work around the clock. The reason for this is simple - 24/7 mining maximizes the chances of cracking each new block before other miners do.

Software Tasks Performed by a Bitcoin Farm

The task of a bitcoin farm is only one - to solve a new block before other miners and thereby earn a reward for its owner. That is why the characteristics of the processor, motherboard, RAM and hard drive of the computer on which mining is performed do not play any role. But the performance of video cards or ASICs, on the basis of which cryptocurrency is mined, are key. The fact is that both the complexity of bitcoin mining and the number of bitcoin farms are increasing every day, and in order to successfully compete with other "diggers" of electronic coins, you need to have very powerful equipment with a high hash rate.

Mining itself, from the point of view of the software tasks to be solved, is the following sequence of actions:

  1. The Bitcoin system provides all miners with the hash function of the new block, and some of the signs for hashing were taken from the previous, newly created block, and the other part were arbitrary.
  2. The software installed on mining farms around the world, using the brute force method, solves a new block in parts - that is, selects such characters that would fit the given hash function (for reference, each block contains tens of thousands of characters, and the hash function is a string of several dozen characters).
  3. When a mining farm manages to solve a block, it will immediately be entered into the blockchain, and the system will give the miners a new hash function that must be solved to get a new block.
  4. For the solved block, the miner who mined it receives a reward - 12.5 btc. Those who have not coped with the task simply begin to unravel the new block.

According to the principle described above, new blocks are created not only in bitcoin, but also in other cryptocurrency systems. Only hashing algorithms differ: BTC uses SHA-256, Ethereum uses Ethash, Litecoin, Dogecoin and Digitalcoin use Scrypt, etc.

On video cards, you can mine cryptocurrency with almost any hashing algorithm, the main thing is to install the appropriate software on your computer. But ASIC miners are initially "sharpened" for a specific algorithm, so each model is suitable for mining a limited number of electronic currencies.

Bitcoin farm - how to start mining digital coins

Considering cryptocurrency mining as a way to make money on the network, novice miners first of all ask themselves how a bitcoin farm is going and how to start mining bitcoins on it. In fact, there is nothing complicated in assembling a mining farm for bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency, and any user who knows how to connect other equipment to the motherboard will be able to complete the farm in less than an hour.

Assembling a small bitcoin farm consists in removing the case from the computer system unit and installing it on a rack made in the form of a frame, and then connecting it to the motherboard using video card risers and placing them on the rack at a distance of at least 10-15 cm from each other. Since powerful video cards require additional power, they come with special wires through which the cards installed on the motherboard are connected to the power supply.

A mining farm in 2019 is an upgrade of a conventional computer with connected equipment, thanks to which the computed power is returned in favor of cryptocurrency mining.

Cryptocurrency, in particular, aroused high interest among users. Many users are looking for information on independent bitcoin mining (mining), and whether it is possible to create a farm for mining at home.

An installation for mining bitcoin coins can be assembled even by an inexperienced PC user. All microcircuits and components are created according to a modular algorithm, detailed instructions for use and connection are also attached to them, so there will be no connection problems.

Operating principle

All calculation is done with the help of a powerful video card. The main problem of mining is the constant overheating of the computer, and especially video cards, some can operate at temperatures above 100 Cº.

The process of mining cryptocurrency must be continuous, that is, the computer is constantly on, and the calculation process requires a lot of power.

In order for the working modules not to melt and catch fire, it is necessary to make high-quality cooling. To reduce the stagnation of hot air between video cards, you have to install additional coolers.

Good cooling of the truss will increase its service life and efficiency. Semiconductors on memory boards quickly degrade without cooling. Otherwise, the farm can turn into a pile of chips and wires.

How to build and run a mining farm (video instruction)

A cryptocurrency mining farm is an advanced computer with a central processor, RAM, a hard drive and coolers on racks and inside the system unit, plus a frame with video cards and other mining peripherals placed on it.

Purchase of equipment and components

Assembling the frame (rack) for video cards and the farm itself

First you need to assemble a frame for the farm according to the drawing - a rack for a video card.

Cooling coolers are mounted on all sides of the installation.

Setting up equipment and programs, preparing for mining

The primary problem of mining is the high cost of electricity.

How much electricity does a mining farm consume

Running graphics cards consume a lot of electricity. Keep in mind that you will have to pay gigantic electricity bills.

The minimum energy consumption in the weakest farms is at least 50 watts per hour. The most advanced farms consume about 100 watts per hour, with six video cards running, 600 watts per hour are spent!

In addition, the remaining components of the computer consume energy, approximately 400 watts per hour. 24 kilowatts of electricity are consumed per day.

Farm of ASIC controllers

This is a simple replacement for video cards, it is a mechanism created solely for the purpose of mining cryptocurrency. So doing a do-it-yourself installation for mining using video cards is a bygone day.

It's easier to buy ready-made, computing power, which is three times higher than in a similar installation created on the basis of video cards.

Building farms based on controllers is much easier than those based on summed video cards. But nevertheless, the cost of a powerful high-quality farm costs about one and a half thousand dollars, and sometimes more, for this reason, not everyone can afford such a luxury, and given the very vague prospects for the bitcoin rate in the future, it is unreasonable to make such expenses.

For this reason, most miners still use homemade farms on video cards.

What does the ASIC of a microcircuit (Miner) look like for calculating hash sums - mining.

What is better mining farm from video cards or ASIC controllers

Below is a comparison of the performance of a farm based on video cards and a farm based on controllers (miner) using the example of the Radeon RX 550 and Antminer S9 - the most relevant solutions:

Farm for 6 video cards, power supply: electricity consumption - 0.5 kilowatts per hour (without a computer), Calculation power - 210 Mhash / s., Cost - $ 900.

Miner: electricity consumption - 1.5 kilowatts per hour (without a system unit), calculation power - 13000-14000 Mhash / s., Cost - $ 1900.

So the savings with the purchase of an expensive farm, operating on the basis of special controllers, is comparable to "savings on matches."

As a result, Miner has 70 times more processing power than a farm on video cards. Therefore, the payback and profitability of such a farm is much higher.

To date, the most profitable ASIC controller for Bitcoin mining, in terms of price-quality-payback ratio, is .

Farm for mining relevance and payback in 2019

An unsolvable dilemma arose before bitcoin miners, whether it makes sense to invest in the purchase of “iron” for the production of cryptocurrency or purchase it on the exchange. Huge financial companies use equipment for mining BTC.

Increasing the labor intensity of the mining process contributes to a decrease in the efficiency of iron. The profitability of mining is the amount of received bitcoins for a certain time, minus the costs of operation and acquisition, adding the cost of iron, at which it can be sold after it stops mining cryptocurrency.

All these parameters determine the market value of a cryptocurrency unit, but the main factor is the current USD/BTC rate.

The dynamics in its change will sharply affect the profitability of an enterprise for growing crypto coins. With an increase in the USD / BTC rate, the profitability of production increases, and when it falls, it decreases.

The payback of cryptocurrency mining with large financial investments is practically non-existent. Even a homemade farm for 6 video cards will not bring much income due to poor forecasts for 2018-2019.

In principle, you can slowly grow bitcoin coins on your computer, but the profit in comparison with investments will be much lower.

Today, the DASH (Darcoin) cryptocurrency is more promising. She has positive growth trends, and the higher her rate grows, the faster the miner will be able to recoup their investments and make a profit.

Bitcoin price 2019

In order to realistically assess whether it is worth starting mining and building a farm, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the change at the current time and over the years.

Cryptocurrency mining is one of the most attractive areas for investment with a relatively low entry threshold. You will learn how to choose components and assemble an efficient computer for cryptocurrency mining at home by reading this article. Home mining will allow you to quickly recoup investments in the purchase of video cards and receive income that will grow along with the price of Ethereum and other crypto coins. It will not work to mine bitcoins on your computer, however, there are many other cryptocurrencies on the market, the extraction of which using a PC with video cards remains a very profitable business.

How to build a home mining farm

A cryptocurrency mining farm may consist of one or many computers connected to the Internet. Given the small amount of investment, one or two system units are used at home with 4-6 powerful video cards (GPU) connected to each of them. This solution has a better price-to-performance ratio than the "one system unit - one video card" scheme.

The efficiency of cryptocurrency mining is affected only by the speed and memory of the video card. The amount of RAM and hard disk, as well as the performance of the computer's processor, are not important.

Modern video cards have much higher energy efficiency and processing power than central processing units. Accordingly, the extraction of crypto coins with their help is hundreds of times faster. Therefore, the more video cards connected to the PC motherboard, the higher the profitability.

However, despite the fact that existing motherboards allow you to connect up to 12 video cards, you should not chase the maximum number either. A "motherboard" with a large number of PCI-E slots is characterized by a high price, and in the event of software failures or hardware breakdowns, all cards connected to one system unit will be idle at once. The potential cost of downtime far outweighs the extra cost of buying a separate system unit for multiple cards. According to the experience of miners, their optimal number should not exceed 6 pieces.

Self-assembly of a computer for mining is available to those who know how to connect the components of the system unit and know how to equip efficient and reliable cooling and power systems for PC components. To mine coins, you will need the skills to install and configure software.

What computer is needed for mining

Before assembling a computer for cryptocurrency mining, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate hardware and components for its power and cooling. The list of parts needed to build a good home computer for a mining farm includes:

  • powerful power supply (or several units);
  • gaming or specialized mining video cards (4-6 pieces);
  • a pair of 6-pin cables for connecting power to each video card;
  • motherboard with the number of slots corresponding to the number of video cards;
  • at least 4 gigabytes of RAM;
  • any serviceable hard drive with a capacity of 120 gigabytes;
  • processor that matches the motherboard (CPU performance does not affect mining profitability);
  • frame for mounting video cards (you can make it yourself);
  • extension cords (risers) that allow you to remove video cards from the system unit to ensure efficient cooling;
  • additional cooling fans.

It should be noted that the mining farm is a very noisy equipment. When placing it in a residential area, you will have to put up with constant noise. Therefore, it is better to organize a farm in the garage or in the basement (if the latter is not damp). In addition, the low temperature in such rooms will help solve the problem of equipment cooling.

Computer configuration

The choice of configuration largely depends on financial capabilities. Further income depends on how much it costs to assemble a PC. The best mining computer costs several thousand dollars and is configured to mine all cryptocurrencies, excluding bitcoins. The complexity of mining the latter makes it unprofitable to use PCs and video cards. It is profitable to mine bitcoins only with specialized integrated circuits (ASICs) designed exclusively for this occupation. Top computer includes:

  • motherboard with 6 PCI-E slots;
  • Intel Core I7 processor;
  • at least 8 gigabytes of RAM;
  • 6 AMD Radeon X480 (or RX580) cards (the energy efficiency of the chips of these cards is half that of the closest analogues, which allows minimizing energy costs);
  • 850 watt power supply (Cooler Master or similar).

It is better to make a case for the system unit of such a PC on your own in order to improve the cooling of parts. Video cards should be moved away from other components and connected to the motherboard with extension cables.

Despite the high cost of such a computer, its power will allow you to return the investment in 4-6 months. Such payback periods are not typical for any other type of passive investment.

Important: To ensure the operability and high productivity of the farm, it must work in a cool room. If natural ventilation is insufficient, an air conditioner must be installed. Otherwise, frequent interruptions or even equipment breakdowns will make mining unprofitable.

A budget mining computer can be obtained by supplementing a regular PC with video cards and a powerful power supply. However, to solve the cooling problem, you will also have to make a case and a rig for video cards. If you want to start mining coins from scratch and are on a budget, you should look into an inexpensive build that includes:

  • Intel Celeron processor;
  • inexpensive motherboard for 4-6 video cards (Biostar H81S2 is suitable);
  • 8 gigabytes of RAM (less memory will cost a little less, but will reduce system performance);
  • a workable hard drive with a capacity of 120G or more (it is only needed to install the OS and software for mining and does not affect the performance of the farm);
  • 4-6 pieces of video cards R9290MSI (these are the most budgetary cards with sufficient hash rates);
  • two Enhance power supplies for 1000 watts (so much is needed, given the high power consumption of budget video cards).

If you are poorly versed in assembling computer hardware, you can buy a finished device. On sale there are special computers for mining, the design and power of which allows you to effectively extract the "crypto".

Do not forget that at least at the stage of setting up the farm, you will need a monitor. Its size and quality do not matter. You can take at least an old device with a 14 ”screen and a cathode ray tube.

Step-by-step instructions for assembling a computer for mining

Before you begin installing and connecting components, you must place the graphics card rack and chassis according to the truss component layout plan.

The farm is assembled as follows:

  • install a processor and RAM on the motherboard;
  • fix the motherboard in the case;
  • connect a hard drive;
  • install and secure video cards in the rack;
  • connect the slots on the motherboard with video cards using raisers (extension cables);
  • install the power supply unit(s) and connect them to the motherboard and video cards using 6-pin cables;
  • mount and connect to the power source the cooling system around the rack of video cards;
  • connect the motherboard to the Internet;
  • connect the power supply unit(s) to the mains.

After assembling the farm, you need to install the OS with drivers to check the health of the equipment. It is best to use the AIDA software test for this, which is able to provide comprehensive information about the operation of PC components.

Setting up the miner program

You should start mining by choosing a suitable cryptocurrency, installing a wallet program and registering an account. After that, you will have an address to which the earned coins will be transferred.

Mining on one computer has long been inefficient, so mining is done through a pool. This is a site that unites the efforts of miners to select a hash. The pool distributes calculations between users and after finding the hash and crediting the reward, it divides it among the participants in the process in proportion to their contribution to the calculation process. The miner program that will be used in the work depends on the selected pool. It can be downloaded from the link on the pool website.

During the registration process in the personal account of the pool, you can get a login and password for a "worker" - a computer involved in mining. Even if the site allows you to work with several PCs under one login, it is better to make a separate account for each. This will make it easier to control the mining process and identify possible failures in the operation of each computer.

Setting up the mining program comes down to specifying the address of the pool, login and password of the worker in the appropriate fields of the settings window or in the launch command line.

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Consider how to build a budget farm for mining. Today there is a “cryptocurrency boom”, so issues related to the extraction of coins are gaining popularity. But how easy is it to do? How to purchase and configure equipment in such a way as to make a decent profit. Let's take a closer look at how to assemble a farm for mining and what you have to consider when assembling.

What to buy

Choosing the right equipment is half the battle. For work, buy the following components:

  • Motherboard. The basis of the entire system. How many video cards can be installed depends on her choice. The most budget ASRock FM2A88M board costs $63. But use the more powerful option. For example, ASRock FM2A88X board. 6 video cards are installed on it. This is the best option. The cost of the board is $110;
  • Frame. To save money, assemble the frame yourself. Use aluminum corners or wooden bars for this. If you do everything yourself, you will invest in $ 14;
  • RAM. You need at least 4 GB to run the OS. You can buy two boards of 2 gigabytes each, this will be the most economical option. The cost of one board will cost $17;
  • Medium processor. It must fit the motherboard. An economical option is an A-4 category processor, it costs $48;
  • Power Supply. Its main characteristic is power. The block must match the parameters of the system. Choose a block such that it provides a power reserve within twenty percent;
  • Hard drive 60 gigabytes. With a minimum investment, it will cost $ 40;
  • The video card itself. At least 2 gigabytes of memory;
  • Adapters and switch button;
  • Cooling elements, cooler, thermal paste.

How much does a video card cost

Since we are considering budget video cards for mining, we will focus on the Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 Ti models and the more expensive Radeon RX 470 Sapphire.

The first model will cost you $130, and Radeon products $300. Why are we considering Radeon video cards if their price is so much higher? They are the best devices for mining. Now video cards are more optimized for games, rather than mining, so it is difficult to find specialized models. In the market, only buy devices from Nvidia or Radeon.

How to buy cheaper

If we consider specialized stores, then everything is simple in them. No need to wait for delivery. But their cost is high. For example, a GeForce 1050 TI mining card costs $230, and you can buy it on Amazon for $130.

Therefore, if you buy components abroad, you will spend 20 percent less money than if you buy them in stores. If you are ready to wait 20 days, then buy them in the west. Ebay and Amazon will help you with this.

How is the assembly

Consider step by step what and why is going:

  1. Assembling the frame. It resembles a server rack. This is where the equipment will be installed;
  2. Components are assembled like an ordinary PC. We put the motherboard in the frame. We install it in the lower shelf, but on a dais so that it does not touch the surface;
  3. We install the cooler and the processor on the motherboard;
  4. Attach the power supply unit with self-tapping screws to the corner. Fasten it securely. This is the basis of security. Otherwise, there will be a risk of a spark in contact;
  5. We install indicators with the power button;
  6. We connect the hard drive;
  7. Through the raisers we connect the video card. Use Molex.

The budget farm for mining is almost ready. Next, install the operating system. Use Windows 10. Next, download special software for mining.


Work with functional software. To mine coins, use the programs:

  • Ethminer;
  • sgminer-gm-windows.

Their convenience lies in their simplicity. Easy to install and set up. Use these programs to mine Ethereum. If you have not decided which coins you will mine, use Sia and Ethereum Claymore's Dual

Mining profitability

The main question of a person who collects a farm with his own hands is profitability. If we proceed from the fact that our farm is budgetary, then it will not work to mine bitcoin. The system has gained a large number of participants. To find the hash and get a reward for this, you will have to use high power and expensive equipment. The best option is mining:

  • Ripple
  • Ethereum;
  • dash;
  • Litecoin.

The most profitable option is Ethereum mining.

Build a budget farm for Ethereum mining. Specific example

  1. Motherboard GA-Z97X-Gaming 3. It has three PCI Express slots that house Radeon RX 480 video cards. Its hash rate is 30 Mhash / s. On the Internet project, look at video cards filtered by cost and characteristics;
  2. To connect video cards, you will need risers. They can be purchased at;
  3. 120 GB SSDNow V300 hard drive;
  4. RAM Kingston 4 gigabytes;
  5. Seasonic 1200W power supply.

Software choice

Install OS. As noted above, Windows 10 will do, but since we are considering a budget option, install the free Ubuntu. It is specially designed for Ethereum mining.


A budget farm for mining in 2018 can bring a yield of one hundred percent per annum. The cost of its assembly will cost 2 - 2.7 thousand dollars for one farm. Mining bitcoin is not profitable, but there are other promising currencies, the extraction of which will bring good earnings even using a budget farm. Do not rush to think it over well, and you will receive a stable income.

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