Block garage for 2 cars. Frame garage for two cars (walls). Light frame garage for two cars

When planning the construction of a garage for two cars, it is too naive to accept only a mathematical calculation of the size of the room. Before calculating, it is necessary to take into account additional factors for the use of the premises, as well as directly the dimensions of the existing (or planned acquisition) equipment. How to optimally calculate the size of a garage for 2 cars: the main nuances and principles of calculation, as well as much more, are presented in our information.

A garage is not just a "warehouse" for a car. It may contain additional utility rooms, as well as stored parts and combustible substances. Garages, equipped with a cellar for storing vegetables and conservation, help save space on the site, and additional equipment viewing hole will allow some types of repair work on their own.

In addition, the following factors must be considered:

  • Building material. wall thickness and possible insulation will conceal usable area. This is especially important for small plots or if it is difficult to build the required dimensions.
  • Type and quantity entrance gate. In some cases, it is more profitable to spend and purchase two products than to constantly operate wide canvas and provide excess heat loss in a heated room.
  • Optimal room dimensions. Not always in this case the example will be true: "1 + 1 = 2". It is necessary to provide extra space for placement of spare parts, necessary tool and other little things, without which it is impossible to imagine any garage for two cars.
  • Type of garage. For a detached building, more options for arranging a room for two cars will be possible than for a basement compartment of a residential building.
  • Need additional arrangement. Convenient all kinds of devices and places for parking and inspecting cars also require additional space, so this issue is thought out even at the planning stage of the site.

What is definitely not recommended when arranging a garage for two cars is rotary entrances and difficult maneuvering paths. Such savings in space will subsequently extremely interfere with the free movement of both cars, and will also create emergency situations when leaving at the same time or in bad weather and visibility.

The optimal size of the garage space

When planning a garage for two cars, it is necessary to provide for the comfortable use of every centimeter of space. Of course, you can make a room according to the principle “the more the better”, but this will not be a rational use of space.

The following dimensions must be followed:

  1. There should be enough space between the open doors of both cars for a comfortable seating of passengers. Do not park cars close to each other, because parking errors can lead to damage.
  2. The side dimensions to the nearest wall must also be within open door. Approximately this distance can be measured independently, usually it is 0.9 - 1.0 meters.
  3. There is a need to bypass the car from all sides, without leaving the building. In order for this to happen as comfortably as possible, it is necessary to deviate from the length of the car by 0.6 - 0.8 meters on each side.
  4. The size of the gate is also considered with a margin. This is 40 centimeters on each side, the top is also considered, if necessary, from the indicator of cargo placement on the roof.
  5. The floor material must be used with increased strength characteristics. This is due to the fact that the load on the walls will be uneven, and if a sufficiently wide gate entrance is planned, there is a risk of the roof collapsing if the calculation is incorrect. Bearing structures it is best to strengthen with additional racks, which will take on the load.
  6. For the convenience of using the garage space, it is necessary to add to the obtained dimensions the necessary space for placing racks and shelves with tools.

An important condition comfortable layout we can name the possibility of a gradual expansion of the fleet. If in the future you plan to purchase a truck or large-sized transport, it would be useful to put a gate bigger size, or provide a place for a canopy without compromising the maneuverability of the main car used.


Gate arrangement

It is logical to assume that to build a garage for two cars, it is best to put one large swing or. This will save materials and make it easier to perform purely from a technical point of view. However, this option is not always acceptable, because it has a lot of disadvantages.

Why two gates would be better:

  • Less heat loss in a heated room. For unheated garages, this criterion is also important, because precipitation and foreign objects get inside when large doors are opened.
  • The mechanism of opening - closing wears out less. This also applies to traditional swing gates, the loops of which also have their own margin of safety.
  • It is easier and cheaper to buy two similar products than to order a gate specifically for individual sizes. This method does not always work, but oversized sashes can lead to premature wear of such a product, as well as problems with flatness.
  • The height of the cars can be different, which is not always convenient. It is desirable to provide for the possibility of unhindered parking and freight transport as well.
  • If the second machine is used less often, there is an option to save on heating. This in no way means that the second transport can be pushed somewhere into a corner. The quick entry and exit of both vehicles is an important condition even in terms of fire safety.
  • A wide opening reduces the strength of the building, especially with a sufficiently voluminous and bulky roof. The problems can be partially solved by using modern roofing materials that maintain strength parameters even with a relatively small weight.

The case when it is better to make the gate double can also be provided separately. Usually this rule applies to semi-basement garage spaces. Entry into such a garage can be difficult due to the small dimensions of the entrance, so placing two wings will simply be impossible.

As for the kind garage doors, it is most convenient to use automatic lifting mechanisms. This saves time and effort, and in addition, such a system has a fairly significant service life. At the same time, swing gate options are distinguished by practicality, low cost and the ability to independently open the leaves in inclement weather or when the power supply is turned off. Which option is simpler and more reliable is up to you, the main thing is that it is convenient to use for both car owners.

Other Required Attachments

Arranging a garage for two cars is impossible to imagine without additional amenities. Usually it all depends on the preferences of the car owner, as well as free space on the site. So that you do not have to transfer an already erected structure, it would be useful to find out the basic parameters for the location of buildings on your own land plot in relation to other buildings and neighboring buildings and the fence.

What also needs to be provided for comfortable operation:

  • Lookout hole. The laying of this structure takes place at the stage of pouring the foundation. You can save a little by providing only one place, but in this case there will be some inconvenience with maneuvers.
  • Cellar or basement under the garage. It can store not only traditional winter preparations, but also given for purely technical needs, for example, to make a warehouse of fuel and lubricants. Don't forget to provide good exhaust system in both rooms.
  • Carport. This will come in handy in case of temporary parking, and will also create the most convenient conditions for guest cars or some household needs. If a garage for two cars is planned, then the place must be left “double”.
  • The internal marking of the garage space will greatly facilitate parking and avoid negative situations. This can be a marking of a parking space using colored lines, stickers, and even a paved place with colored tiles.
  • An additional household, for example, a bathhouse or a place for keeping animals, will also not interfere. This will significantly save space on the site, building materials and time. However, it is imperative to provide two separate entrances with different parts buildings, so that inside the household. the block did not get exhausts and evaporations of "automobile" substances.
  • Spacious roof - the attic may well serve separate room for storing things or other household needs. The construction of such a building element will be slightly more difficult than the standard single-sided canopy, but the costs will pay off with a useful additional area.
  • Concrete entrance to the garage. This can be used as an additional parking and repair place in warm time of the year. In addition, on such a sludge, it is possible to advantageously place the devices necessary for repair. The entrance should expand on the sides in order to be able to drive in both directions and at the same time on two cars.
  • Separate entrance for the owner. This will allow the door opening mechanism to last longer, reduce heat loss and simply use the space more comfortably.
  • A place to store seasonal tires. In the case of arranging a garage for 2 cars, this is twice the amount, and this is a real problem of free space. You can help arrange such a storage space with the right choice. possible systems storage.

The size of a garage for 2 cars varies depending on various factors, so it would be useful to find out the main parameters of a comfortable layout. To ensure that the cars do not interfere with each other, and the opening of the doors does not turn into mutual damage, it is necessary to leave enough space between the cars. Equipping with one or two gates is also practical, as are additional buildings for car maintenance. Many important criteria rational equipment of a garage for two cars are discussed in detail in our information.

Distinctive features of frame garages for two cars are the greater width of the building and the limited choice of roof design. This article will talk about technical aspects that need to be followed by those who are preparing to build a frame garage for 2 cars with their own hands. Before you start assembling a full-fledged building, it is recommended to carry out a financial calculation of the frame garage and calculate how much materials and tools will be needed.

Construction of a frame garage: foundation

The first step to construction is pouring the foundation. frame garage for two cars will have a large width, which means that the roofing material will make it heavy. To withstand any load, the frame of the future structure must have a reliable foundation. The minimum depth of the pit should be 40 cm.

If you plan to build a frame garage for 2 cars with an attic, the depth of the moat should be increased to 70 cm. Before pouring mortar into without fail it is required to build formwork and assemble reinforcing mesh. The foundation itself is made only according to the type of monolith - to give best qualities strength.

The calculation of frame garage materials for the foundation is as follows: the ratio of cement-sand-crushed stone-water should be 10-10-40-40 at an air temperature of 20 ° C (for example, to obtain a solution of 2 kg of cement, 2 kg of sand, 8 kg of crushed stone and 8 liters of water). If the temperature outside is close to zero, water should be added to the solution by 20% less.

Building walls for a frame garage for 2 cars

To solidify the finished foundation, you need to wait a day, after which you can proceed to the choice of material for the frame and its installation. The support structure can be assembled using 2 materials:

  • Bar. Lumber has excellent strength qualities, and easy processing of the material allows without extra effort make adjustments at the attachment points of the rails.
  • Profile tube. This metal product has super-strength and will cope with any supporting and wind loads. However, with these products, the work on assembling the frame will require much more time and costs (welding, mounting complexity). Garage by Canadian technology using screw piles is assembled for short term, however, requires a large set of professional power tools (hammer drill, welding machine).

Before assembling the frame, it is better to take a calculator and calculate the frame garage, or rather supporting structure, roofing and wall cladding material. Regardless of the type of material chosen for the frame, it is recommended to place the support posts at an equal interval, not exceeding 1.5-1.6 meters. If the frame garage is on screw piles can be built on the soil of your site, then be sure to observe the interval between piles in the region of 70-100 cm.

Frame garage with attic - roof layout

For a wide garage, it is recommended to lay only symmetrical gable roof(frame garage with shed roof will experience a greater load in winter from ice and sleet). truss structure assembled from boards with equal spacing within 80 cm, and should include at least three bursting beams for each rafter slope. The width of each slope will be more than 3 meters, so reinforced fastening of the rafters at the top with bolts will be required. The crate should be carried out taking into account the threshold between the bursting beams.

For laying the roof, it is better to use modern brands roofing material. Of the most preferred options - metal and profile sheet. The second material will be more practical, because. provides a smooth slope of precipitation and will not create difficulties when cleaning snow.

2 car garage door

The choice of this element of the frame garage is completely in the hands of the owners and has no restrictions on the material or design. You can hang both home-made soldered gates, and order automatic roller shutters. According to experts, if you are building a frame garage for a car with your own hands, then you can spend money on buying roller shutters. They are easy to use and will serve you for more than 10 years without any problems.

Finishing inside the garage box

Choice finishing material for internal walls should be done based on the selected frame design. The tree has high class fire and require additional treatment with a septic tank. Building a frame garage, how to insulate the walls wooden frame worth considering now. as an inexpensive and a simple remedy can be used stone wool. With a metal frame, the situation is simpler, and the owner has an unlimited choice of finishes - it can be used as cheap option from chipboard, and modern materials PVC. We recommend to take a closer look at euro lining or sandwich panels. Multi-layer materials include a heater, and the front side is galvanized.

These materials are a ready-made finishing agent, with which there is no question of wall insulation and interior design of the garage. And how to sheathe a frame garage from the outside inexpensively depends not only on market prices, but also on your ideas. If there is a welding machine, it is best to sheathe it with a sheet profile. To give the garage aesthetics, siding or a block house will look good. Below, watch the video of the construction of a frame garage for 2 cars with your own hands.

Individual garage - optimal solution, which protects the car from thieves and solves problems with parking. Building a garage for two cars has its own characteristics, and first you need to carefully consider its plan.

Garage dimensions

When determining the size of the garage, certain norms must be taken into account.

  1. A parking space for one car for convenience and freedom of movement must be at least 2.3 meters wide and more than 5.5 meters long.
  2. There must be a gap of at least 50 cm between walls and machines.
  3. Vehicle sizes vary greatly. On average, the length of the machine is 4.5 m and the width is 1.7 m.
  4. For two cars, these figures need to be increased by about 2 times, taking into account the gap between them and the walls.

In this way, minimum width garage for two cars can not be less than 5 meters.

In order to feel comfortable, it is advisable to leave 0.5 m of free space above your head. Adding 50 cm to the height of the car owner, we get the calculated value of the height of the garage. Typically, projects for garages are designed for a ceiling height of 2.2-2.5 m.

As a rule, garage owners plan to operate for a long time. They are often used to house equipment. It is worth considering how shelves and racks will be placed. Many motorists store things in garages that take up a lot of space in the apartment. When planning a garage, it is necessary to take into account the increase in its size, taking into account these factors.

Place for construction

Before you build a garage for two cars, be sure to study the characteristics of the soil and the depth at which ground water, you also need to find out if communications are located nearby.


The foundations for the garage can be 2 options:

  • tape,
  • columnar.

Tape are used in the construction of capital buildings. For lighter structures, a columnar foundation is enough.

The depth of the trench under the foundation, taking into account the freezing point of the soil, is taken equal to 1 m. Having prepared the trench, we install reinforcement around the entire perimeter. Next, pour the concrete.


As a masonry material for raising walls, preference should be given to brick. Optimal Thickness masonry - 1 brick. This wall construction material has good strength, in addition, it does not burn. The only drawback of a brick is a high coefficient of thermal conductivity. Therefore, the walls inside must be insulated with polyurethane foam (styrofoam) and plastered. foam boards attached to brickwork special glue. A layer of plaster is applied to the pre-glued foam construction grid otherwise the plaster may crack.


After the foundation hardens, proceed to pour the floor. In order for the floor to turn out to be even, the screed is poured onto a layer of sand. Water must not enter the garage. Therefore, be sure to keep a slight bias towards the exit. After the concrete has hardened, after about 3 weeks, the floor can be covered with concrete paint or clinker tiles.

The entrance to the garage can be equipped with concrete slabs. Quality coating It is also obtained by asphalting or laying special figured tiles for paving sidewalks.


The main purpose of a garage roof is to retain heat and protect against moisture. It is preferable to choose a roof with a slope, since on flat roof precipitation and melt water will inevitably accumulate, and this can lead to leaks and dampness.

The construction of the roof begins with the installation of rafters. We make the frame from wooden beams. We nail the boards on them with an overlap so that there are no gaps left. From above we lay roofing material, profiled sheet, slate or tile. It all depends on your preferences, now the industry offers wide selection various roofing materials


To maintain the necessary microclimate in the garage, it must be equipped supply and exhaust ventilation. Exhaust gases harmful to humans constantly accumulate in the garage, which must be removed in time. Besides, effective ventilation create normal air exchange. This will help dry the car quickly. There are three types of ventilation:

  • natural,
  • forced or mechanical
  • combined.

The most widely used natural type of ventilation, because it is the simplest and cheapest. In the lower part of the gate, supply grilles are installed, through which the already exhausted air is forced out - it is less dense. cross section supply system should be 2 times the exhaust cross section, only in this case moist air will not stagnate in the garage.

The natural method of ventilation has disadvantages - its effectiveness is highly dependent on wind speed, pressure and temperature changes. By installing a fan in the garage, you can significantly increase the ventilation efficiency. Such a system is called a combined system.

Mechanical ventilation is devoid of these shortcomings. Once in the system, the air is filtered and heated. Then it passes through the air distributor and enters the room. The exhaust air is removed by an exhaust fan.


Existing heating systems can be divided into 2 types:

  • common with the house
  • autonomous.

It is good if the garage is being built at the same time as the house. In this case, the same type of heating is installed in it. It is enough just to lay the pipeline and install the radiators.

Separately standing garage motorists often heat with autonomous equipment running on electricity or gas. For example, heat guns possess big power and quickly create comfortable conditions in the garage.

Building a double garage actual question when building a cottage: many families now have a couple of cars. We have collected in the catalog finished projects garages for 2 cars with a photo and description: brick, frame, wooden and aerated concrete, with and without a canopy, hozblok. Such a garage is also relevant for those who have one car - free place can be used for any needs, from a warehouse to a workshop.

Benefits of a double garage

When choosing between building such premises as one double garage or two separate ones, consider the advantages of the first option:

  1. construction savings,
  2. Simplified communication,
  3. Rational use plot area.

Garage for two cars: what to look for?


When choosing a project, look at the drawings and select the most suitable for the footage. Dimensions are indicated on the plans and in the specifications on the project page.

The dimensions are standard, but you need to additionally check them taking into account the dimensions of the car:

  • add 2 meters to the width of each car - a meter of clearance will remain on each side, which will ensure freedom of maneuver upon arrival;
  • you need to add one and a half meters to the length - so much extra space is required to access the trunk and open the gate freely;
  • height is calculated based on the height of the wearer - add at least half a meter. If the body is taller than you, add 0.5 m to its height with the trunk open.

If you are looking for a project in which the garage, in addition to storing two Vehicle, will perform other functions, for example, a workshop, then additional space will be needed - pay attention to this when viewing the layouts.

Gate parameters

When building a garage, the question often arises: to equip the gate with one leaf or two. The width of the opening for the arrival of 2 cars will be about 5 m, while the structure must withstand increased loads and have a reinforced base.

An open garage with a common opening loses heat faster - this is especially important if an attic is provided in the 2-car garage project. Therefore, a design with two separate flaps is often more convenient.
In our catalog you can find best option tailored to your needs.

It's hard to say whether it's good or bad to have two cars instead of one. It seems good, prestigious somehow. On the other hand, extra costs for repairs and refueling. But the fact remains - if there are two vehicles, then for each of them you need to build a separate garage or make one double. In this case, both cars will be side by side, and there is only one room. After all, if you rent parking spaces in the city, it is not always possible to find two adjacent ones in one cooperative.

Before you build a garage for two cars, we recommend that you read this article.

Creating a project (plan)

Before you start building, you need to know the dimensions of your car.

Let's start with their length. The length of the garage should take into account the dimensions of a larger car. For example, if it is planned to drive a car there for cargo transportation and a car, it is clear that in terms of volume the carrier (for example, a Gazelle or the same Ford) will be both longer and higher than a foreign car of a passenger type.

What do you need to know when creating a two-vehicle garage plan? On the plan, it is necessary to mark the locations of windows, doors, gates, in addition, the place for their opening (outward) should be taken into account. The length of the building should not be exactly equal to the car, because you still need to go to the gate and close it (if it is hinged). And to do this, if the hood of the car is practically near them, is not convenient.

Garage for two cars can be of the following type:

  • single section;
  • into two sections.

The first option is convenient only if there is where to turn around. AT this case the building will look like this: four walls, one gate (at the edge or in the center), several windows at the request of the customer and a door (into the courtyard or right at the gate). At the same time, this is not very convenient if the room is small - in order to drive out the car at the end, you will have to go to the one that is on the edge. Then you need to put this machine in place. The inconvenience is overwhelming!

A garage would look much better, in which there are two gates for the arrival of each car. Moreover, between them you can put a partition with a doorway. Besides, if dimensions cars are different, garages for each of them can have a common roof, but different sizes, or even vary in height.

Construction begins with the construction of the foundation. You can dig trenches under it, in which they will be placed foundation blocks or flooded concrete mix, pre-reinforced. If you plan to make a repair pit or basement, then it is worth digging a foundation pit, also using concrete blocks.

The load on the foundation is calculated based on the following data:

  • the thickness of the walls and the material from which they are made;
  • floor weight ( wooden trusses, concrete plates or something else);
  • the presence (if provided) of a crane beam.

The walls are built from materials such as brick, shell stone, cement blocks, foam blocks and similar material. You can immediately leave holes in them for ventilation, exhausts and, if any, sewerage and water supply (if you plan to make repairs in the garage, you will need to wash your hands there or rinse the parts from sand).

It would be nice to make an armored belt along the top of the walls. This is a special design that will give them strength. It is made by pouring concrete into the formwork installed on top, with laying reinforced frame. If wooden trusses are provided as a roof, you can pre-install embedded parts for them in the armored belt.

As a roof, as mentioned, floor slabs are suitable, they can be ordered or made by yourself, as well as wooden trusses, on which a coating (slate, corrugated board, metal tile) will be laid on the crate. If it is decided to lay slabs, then they must either be tarred (grease with bitumen or something like that) or covered with trusses. It has now become popular to use metal trusses. With proper anti-corrosion treatment, they become more durable than wood, which is susceptible to rot and termites.


After the electrical work you can do some decorating. The ceiling can be whitewashed (painted), closed with pressed wooden sheets, installed suspended ceiling. The main thing is that it does not deteriorate from dampness, which to a certain extent will still be present in the garage. The walls are plastered and covered with a thin layer of putty. Then stained water-based paint or stick to them ceramic tile. Floor - a cement-sand screed is made to level it. You can also put a stable tile on it that will not crack under the weight of the car (but by no means slippery).

Gates, if they are made by hand, are best insulated and sewn up, and the metal is primed and painted over. If they are automatic, then nothing is needed. You can insulate the walls (foam sheets, 50mm thick), then apply a reinforcing mesh and exterior finish(bark beetle, plaster or something else). As a result, we get a convenient and warm garage in which it will be convenient to put two of your cars.

And how did you build a garage for two cars? What materials were used for the walls and finishes, what foundation was laid? Share your experience with our readers by leaving comments.
