How to manually remove pits from cherries. Remove pits from cherries at home. How to remove pits from cherries: how to quickly remove and clean with improvised means. The easiest way to remove a bone without tools

Cherry becomes one of the gifts of nature during the harvest season.

The berry is useful in all respects, both for adults and for children.

At the same time, she is loved by both. From this berry you can cook a large number of different desserts, drinks and just eat it. But in the case of using cherries in some dishes, it is required to carry out the process of removing the stones. Accordingly, the question arises: how to peel pitted cherries at home?

Removing bones with improvised means

Even a large amount of the crop can be processed manually, although this process will take a lot of time. He himself goes like this:

Thus, with a little getting used to, the removal will go pretty quickly.

Partly, in most cases, people are trying to simplify the whole process, while using improvised means. To help in this painstaking task will come:

  • matches;
  • paperclips;
  • pins;
  • hairpins.

When using these tools, the process of extracting pits from cherries is no different from the original manual removal procedure. And it consists of three steps:

In the case of a pin, it is used in its entirety without any manipulation or refinement, while in the case of a paperclip it will be necessary to straighten it, resulting in two loops at its ends, which helps to remove the seed of various sizes.

Using matches, two of them are taken, both are immersed through a hole in the cherry, after which, squeezing the seed, like in a tesk, they are taken out.

Pros and cons of manual removal

The main disadvantage in the process of such removal of seeds from cherries is the abundant release of juice, respectively, all hands will be dirty. You can also note the complexity of the process and its rather long passage.

The advantages are somewhat more significant:

  1. The berries remain almost intact, except that the diameter of the hole increases slightly.
  2. The bones are removed every single one, since everything is done by hand, one cherry at a time.

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Technical means for removal

Stepping aside a little from technical progress, we can note the presence of many special devices that help answer the question: how to remove pits from cherries?

The devices themselves are divided into two types:

  1. Individual. Which eliminate one or more seeds, the process itself is carried out manually.
  2. Bulk. Due to which the removal of stones from cherries can be carried out quickly and in large quantities.

Individual means: principle of operation, pros and cons

This type includes manual devices for peeling cherries from stones.

It is quite easy to remove pits from cherries using such a device, but the process is also quite painstaking, since basically everything is carried out one by one, i.e. you have to process one berry at a time.

The extraction itself goes like this:

Using this method to remove pits from cherries, the number of positive factors is slightly less than the negative ones. The pluses are the following:

  • you can clean the berries many times faster than by hand;
  • it does not take much time to "catch" the bone, since it will be removed anyway.

But there are a few more cons:

  • laying berries takes a lot of time;
  • increased level of loss of cherry juice, due to the piercing of the berry through and through;
  • hands get pretty dirty.


When using such mechanisms, everything is much faster and easier. This allows you to quickly process a large number of products. While requiring a minimum of effort.

Devices of this type are special machines, in the container or chute of which a batch of berries is immediately laid. Then they are cleaned of stones and placed in the dishes prepared for them.

Such devices have quite significant advantages:

But the disadvantages, of course, did not bypass the device:

  • in some cases, external intervention is required to move the berries after cleaning into a container;
  • cherry is subjected to a through puncture;
  • it is necessary to carefully monitor the serviceability of the device;
  • and the main disadvantage is that in most cases 15-17% of the berries remain with seeds inside, which requires further manual removal already directly during use.

Thus, it should be noted that the removal of pits from cherries is a rather painstaking process from a certain point of view, and requires quite a lot of time. But health is more important, because, firstly, when eating products with an unrefined ingredient, teeth can be damaged, and secondly, the seed core contains a toxic substance, which is not recommended to be used.

Summer is the best time of the year, because with the advent of the summer season, we can enjoy delicious and sweet cherries or cherries, and make preparations for the winter. Of course, those who do not have their own dacha, cherries and sweet cherries can be purchased on the market, because in summer they are much cheaper and healthier.

If you are one of those who are tired of getting their hands dirty and poring over every cherry to get a bone, then you are here. Three simple ways are presented to your attention, how to quickly remove a stone from a cherry, and almost not get your hands dirty.

In truth, today, there are special devices that can easily remove a hard bone from any berry. However, why spend a lot of money on something that you can do for free with your own hands and at the same time, with little effort? Therefore, be sure to use today's tips, and you will forget about this problem forever.

Method number 1: "Bottle"

This method is the fastest and easiest, in which the hands get dirty the least. That is what we recommend to use. To do this, you will need: a few cocktail tubes or Chinese chopsticks, and a bottle of wine or cola. And then, everything is very simple.

You need to put a berry on the neck of the bottle and pierce it in the middle with a stick. Thus, the stone falls directly into the bottle, and the berry and your hands remain clean. You can see how easy it is below.

Method number 2: Tweezers

Pull out the bone with tweezers. Everything is pretty simple. The advantage of this method is that the berry remains absolutely whole.

Method number 3: Paperclip

If you do not have tweezers, then you can use a regular paper clip, and even a hairpin will do. To extract the bone, you need to use it like a spoon. This method, of course, is effective, but it can get your hands a little dirty.

A rich harvest of fruits is not only joy, but also numerous efforts for its processing. Even if you have to buy fruits in the market or in the supermarket, you can not help but take advantage of the seasonal price reduction in order to prepare fruits for the winter or prepare fruit dishes more often.

During the cherry ripening season, the topic of how to remove pits from cherries at home begins to be actively discussed among housewives. Is it necessary to do this and how to do it faster and with minimal losses.

The need to remove pits from cherries

Those who have experienced the removal of bones from their own experience know perfectly well how long and painstaking this task is.

At the same time, all the most popular cherry dishes are much tastier if you do not have to spit the bones.

Cherry pies and dumplings, jelly and jam, the popular Drunk Cherry cake and other favorite recipes are impossible without preliminary work on preparing the berries.

If the berries are frozen for the winter, then removing the seeds before freezing can significantly reduce the volume of packaging with berries and save space in the freezer.

There is also a very popular opinion about the dangers of hydrocyanic acid, which is released from the bones during their heat treatment. Despite the fact that the level of possible danger is not high, no one should risk their health.

Thus, cherries bought or brought from your own garden must be prepared for further use and freed from seeds.

How to remove pits from cherries at home using improvised means

First of all, it is necessary to make a reservation that, despite all the ways to remove the seeds, this process remains lengthy and juice loss cannot be avoided.

The easiest way is to cut the berry and remove the stone through the cut. This method leads to a significant leakage of juice and the shape of the berry is disturbed, i.e. the attractiveness of cooked dishes is significantly lost.

All other methods are associated with squeezing the pit out of the berry.

Absolutely manual way, i.e. without the use of ancillary items, this is pushing the pit with the nail of the thumb, holding the berry with three fingers. Only those who are not too concerned about the fact that the hands will be painted brown for a long time and considerable effort will be required to clean the skin can do this.

The most popular item used in cherry harvest processing is the safety pin. They hold it with a loop towards the berry, put the cherry on the pin with the side where the stalk was attached, pick up the bone and pull out the working tool. With proper skill, the hole in the cherry turns out to be small and only on one side, the berry retains its appearance and the juice does not flow out too actively. Even experienced housewives in this regard must work on dishes with high sides so that splashes do not scatter around the room. The safety pin is easy to replace with a hairpin of about the same size.

Another way is also possible, in which the hole will turn out on both sides of the cherry. In this case, use a tube for cocktails. The berry is easily pierced with it and the bone is pushed out from the opposite side. In order to squeeze out the bone from the first puncture, some training will be required.

There is a method in which eyebrow tweezers are used, which are used as tweezers to pierce the skin and capture the bone.

Automated methods for pitting cherries

If cherries are one of your favorite fruits and you have to do the pitting work annually and in large volumes, then you should purchase a mechanical pit remover, a berry “ripper” or a pit remover.

The most popular models consist of a bowl in which the berry is placed, a lever, with pressure on the berry, the stone is squeezed out.

In various models, the bowl can take the form of a small depression in which the berry must be carefully planted.

The smaller the device, the lower its performance and the greater the loss of time and cherry juice. Such a device also does not relieve hands from contamination. The disadvantages also include damage to the berry and its puncture on both sides.

More advanced machines for extracting stones from cherries are designed for the fact that a significant amount of berries is placed in the bowl at the same time. The design provides that the stone remains in a special compartment of the machine, and the berries roll down the groove into the substituted dishes. This is the most productive and relatively clean way to process cherries.

A rather high price and a one-time need during the year reduce the popularity of mechanical devices and leave superiority to inexpensive and traditional manual methods.

Successful removal of seeds from cherries at home!

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Cherry is a wonderful gift of nature. Useful in all respects, a berry loved by both adults and children. It makes delicious compotes, jelly, jams. Another great way is freezing. That's just better when the cherry is frozen - without a stone. Yes, and in traditional blanks, the bone is undesirable. And the question immediately arises: “How to remove pits from cherries?” Especially if the harvest is rich and calculated in buckets.

Cherry is a tasty and healthy berry. But when processing it, the question always arises: “How to remove the bones?”

Removing pits from cherries with improvised means

There is an opinion that it is quite possible to process even a large amount of berries simply by hand. In this case, the berry is clamped between three fingers (middle, index and thumb), then with the nail of the thumb through the hole (where the stalk was attached), the bone is hooked with the nail and pushed out. With a certain skill, the process goes quickly, the bone itself jumps out in the palm of your hand.

But more often than not people try to use various improvised means: matches, pins, hairpins, paper clips. The technology of how to remove pits from cherries is the same and similar to the first method. Through the hole from the stalk, the device is immersed in the berry, the bone is hooked and, like a spoon, is pulled out.

In this case, a pin or hairpin is used without improvements: the “tail” works. You need to take two matches and act by squeezing them tightly together. In this case, it is easier to pick up the bone. To turn an ordinary paper clip into a “cherry pit remover”, you need to unfold it. Two loops are obtained, used for berries of different diameters.

The paper clip unbends, and a fine stone separator is obtained. Bilateral - for berries of different diameters.

What are the advantages of this method?

  • The berries remain practically intact, only the hole for which the stalk was attached is slightly enlarged.
  • In addition, you will definitely remove absolutely all the bones. If by chance a few pieces fall by chance, it will be almost imperceptible.

What are the downsides?

Cherry pit separator

A device for removing bones.

A step in the direction of technical progress - a pit remover from cherries. It can be of various configurations, while maintaining a single principle of operation. Each berry is placed in the device separately, and the stone is pushed out by mechanical pressure.

  • Each berry must be placed in a separator with jewelry accuracy.
  • In addition, the berries are pierced through, which worsens their final state, increases the loss of juice and pulp.
  • As in the above case, the hands are inevitably stained with juice.

The video will help not only to understand the principle of use, but also to improve the process:

Cherry pitting machine

This device (also available in different types with the same principle of operation) is ideal for those who decide how to get the stones out of cherries in large quantities and quickly.

Mechanical devices are indispensable when it is necessary to process a large number of berries.

Its cost in different regions and stores ranges from 300 to 600 rubles, which in any case is acceptable for every consumer. Cherries are laid immediately in batches, and the processed berries go down the groove into the substituted dishes. The bones remain inside.

Video instructions for using various types of machines:

What are the advantages of this cherry pitting device?

What are the downsides?

Perhaps it is these shortcomings that are the reason that most of us prefer improvised means to various mechanical devices offered by manufacturers. After all, even if they break, they are easy to restore without spending a penny on it. And the quality of processing at the same time depends only on personal care.

Cherry blossom season is a truly beautiful sight. The whole tree is in white and pink colors, greenery is almost invisible, and what kind of aroma is spread around. The further ripening of this berry is not only a tasty harvest, but also the troubles associated with its processing.

Among the hostesses, questions are beginning to be discussed how to properly and quickly extract the seeds from cherries. This is a painstaking and long occupation, with which everyone wants to finish quickly.

All favorite dishes and drinks: compote, dumplings, casseroles or cherry pies are not prepared without pre-treatment of berries. Agree, it’s not the most pleasant sight to eat cake and spit berries from berries at the table.

Attention! Cherry pits contain a toxic substance - hydrocyanic acid. Its use in excess of the norm causes acute food poisoning.

How to remove cherry pits?

The most popular way to remove pits of cherries is by hand. Here you can call on the help of household members so that the process goes quickly and fun.

So, let's take a closer look:

  • Put your index finger in the place where the twig is attached to the berry and gently push out the bone.
  • Probably the most affordable way. Just cut the berry in half and take out the pit.

Important! All methods of manual pitting are to a certain extent combined with the loss of juice and pulp of the berry. And it’s hard to wash your hands after such work.

To make the process more aesthetic, you can use improvised means:

  • With the help of a hairpin. It is placed in the place where the twig is attached to the berry, a bone is attached to the base in a circular motion and pulled out. This method significantly speeds up the processing of fragrant berries.

Attention! Before removing pits from cherries at home with improvised means, you should make sure that the item you have chosen has a loop at the end.

  • With a pin. The same method of extracting the bone, as with the hairpin. You can also use a paperclip. You need to use the back of the fastener part of the safety pin.
  • With the help of a tube. The place of attachment of the stalk is pressed with a cocktail tube, it pierces the berry through and through and the bone flies out. It is advisable to carry out the process over a container so that the berries and juice do not fly in all directions. A match or a wooden stick is also suitable for pushing out.

  • With a garlic press. In the recess located on the handle of the press, a cherry is placed with the stalk up. With pressure, the pin on the other handle connects and pushes the bone out. A simple model will do for this method.
  • With a vegetable peeler. The potato eye blade breaks the integrity of the cherry, but it is suitable for making jams or fillings for pastries.

Curious! Craftsmen are known, they wield eyebrow tongs to pierce the berry and remove the stone. You need to grab it with tweezers and rotate it, pull it out. As they say, all methods are good.

How to remove bones with a separator?

This device looks like a garlic press. Consists of bowl and lever. The principle of its operation is to place each cherry separately in a special chute.

Extrusion is carried out due to mechanical action.

The separator speeds up the work process, and you don’t need to catch the bones, as is the case with a pin or hairpin. They will be removed. But your hands will still get dirty with juice. And the appearance of the berries worsens due to a through puncture.

On a note! The smaller the size of the device, the worse its performance and the greater the consumption of cherries.

How to remove bones with an automated machine?

If cherries are your favorite fruit, and jam from their fruits should always be on the dinner table, then you should consider purchasing a pitting machine.

It is suitable for processing a significant amount of berries. Made from food grade plastic. Equipped with a tray for falling asleep berries and a container for the extracted seeds. The machine has a rubberized base, which allows you to firmly install it on the countertop. This is the difference from other methods, where all actions were carried out on weight.

The machine method is the most efficient and rational:

  • Clean hands;
  • A slight percentage loss of cherry juice;
  • Minimum area of ​​contamination;
  • Elementary way of working.

But the automated machine is not perfect. Cherries are still pierced through and 15% of the berries remain with the seeds.

For large industries, various restaurants, bakeries, there are industrial devices. Advanced devices can process up to 100 kg of berries in one hour.

On a note! On sale there are devices not only for removing seeds from berries, but also for large fruits - apricot, plum.

All of these methods are good in their own way. Each hostess chooses the one that she likes more.

By the way, it is believed that the bones can not be removed if the period of cherry jam or other product does not exceed six months.


If there are not many cherries, a meditative method of manually removing the stone will do. An interesting way is also the fact that you can involve the whole family in the action and spend a fun cherry family evening.

You can remove the bones with the blunt end of the hairpin, with a pin eye (not the one that unfastens, but with the reverse end), a paper clip. To do this, the berry is held with two fingers, and the blunt end of the device is inserted into the hole at the stem. The bone just pops out. If you get used to it, you won't lose much juice.

Another way is to remove the stone with a sharp stick, for which the cherry is pierced through from the side of the stem. To put it bluntly, this is the worst way. The berry crumples and loses a lot of juice.

You can still push the bone with the same stick, but into the bottle. Place a cherry on the neck of an empty bottle and poke the pit with a stick. The activity itself is original, but the cherry, again, becomes mint and loses its juice.

Semi-mechanical way

The first thing I remember is a kind of metal pistol with a spring, which pushes the bone with its sharp part. She flies into the holder with a hole. Also, by the way, a lot of juice was wasted, and at the end of the work, all hands and the nearest interior items were splashed with cherry syrup.

Modern appliances work on a similar principle, but cherries can hold more. This is a small jar with several tiers and sharp bayonets on the inside of the lid. On the first level, berries are stacked on a platform with holes, on the second level, squeezed bone and juice enter through the holes.

mechanical way

If you are preparing canned cherries on an industrial scale, it makes sense to purchase a special machine. There you just fill up the berries, and she moves them along the chute to the spring mechanism, which knocks out the seeds. They are sorted in one direction, berries in another.

There are also expensive electric machines, but this is for real berry production. Cherry, as in the previous case, is poured into the drum, and there it is fixed in a certain way, with the help of a rod it is deprived of a stone and comes out without it through a separate chute.

Well, if you don’t need to keep the whole cherry - for example, you are planning mashed potatoes or jelly - just twist the cherries in the blender drum. Ripe pulp quickly separates from the hard stone.

Enjoy your meal!

How to remove pits from cherries - 8 easy ways with photos

Everyone loves pitted cherries - a juicy tasty berry just melts in your mouth. It makes the perfect cherry jam. But above all, pitted cherries are essential for baking an airy chocolate cake. Cherry jellied pie or.

And you can also freeze for the winter in bags, and you can bake delicious pastries with cherries all year round. I usually do that. I buy 5-7 kg of cherries in the season, remove the seeds and send them to the freezer.

The process of removing seeds from berries is only at first glance long and dreary, it all depends on the method of removal, you can do it at home manually or with the help of special tools bought in a store or made by yourself. I’ll tell you about everyone today, and you already choose which one you like best.

Removing pits from cherries with a paper clip - photo

In my opinion, this is the easiest manual way. Everyone has paper clips at home, but if you suddenly don’t have them, take 1 piece at work, I think no one will mind or ask your neighbors. I use a simple metal paperclip, you need to unbend it first. Here is a simple way

Now you can work with either side of the paperclip.

It is best to work with gloves, as cherry juice stains your hands badly and is difficult to wash off. Hands after that look very untidy. Any new thin, clean gloves - medical, polypropylene or polyethylene (which come with hair dye) will do. Wear gloves and wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water. Wipe with a clean towel. Can be paper.

Wash the cherries and let the water drain.

Then take a cherry berry and insert a paper clip with one end into the hole left from the stem. You feel for the bone, cling to it and pull it out.

Everything is done by touch, very quickly. The skill develops instantly. Then you will do everything on the machine - you send the bone to one plate, the cherry without it to another. Then you can get the bone not only through the hole, but also from any edge.

Be very careful not to confuse the plates with pits and berries during the pitting process. Make sure that the separated stone is sent to the stone plate, and does not hang on the pulp of the cherry. The main thing is that the bones do not accidentally end up in the cherry. Otherwise, you risk breaking a tooth while carelessly eating a delicious treat, whether it be pies, muffins, or pitted cherry jam.

For those who are afraid to work with a metal clip because of its oxidation. Take a paper clip covered with plastic, they are usually colored. Then all your fears about metal oxidation will dissolve.

How to remove pits from cherries with a hairpin or pin

For women, it is easiest to find a hairpin at home. She must have someone from the female half. Mom, grandmother or daughter.

We take the hairpin with the bent side, insert it into the hole from the stem and take out the bone.

Everything is simple!

The same can be done with a regular pin

We do this with all the berries. Fold separately the bones and cherries without them.

You can not only freeze it, but cook cherry compote and jam from it and melt in your mouth oven

How to quickly remove pits from cherries at home without splashing

One affordable way to remove cherry pits will require garlic press. If you have such a home, then you are very lucky not to look for hairpins, pins and other tricky home appliances.

The garlic press has a handle hole at the end on one side and a long pin on the other.

We put the cherry in the recess and close the garlic press, the pin evenly enters the berry from one side and squeezes the stone evenly into the hole.

All pitted cherries! Can be eaten or frozen.

How to pull the pits out of cherries with a straw

If there is nothing iron and industrial device at home, you can use a cocktail tube to pull out a cherry pit. There is one condition - the tube should not be soft, otherwise it will bend pretty quickly. It should be made of thick polypropylene.

We drive the tube into the hole of the cherry and squeeze the stone to the other side. That's the whole process!

If you don't have a straw, use a ballpoint pen. Wash well with soap and use the blunt end to squeeze out the bone

How to quickly remove pits from cherries without splashing - video

Everyone who has such an industrial pitting machine at home is very lucky. It removes pits from berries very quickly and with little to no splashing.

The video demonstrates this perfectly.

How to remove pits from cherries with a sushi stick or skewer

Sushi lovers, rejoice, the wooden sushi sticks you stocked up will come in very handy right now. You will not need to look for hairpins, pins, paper clips and all sorts of industrial devices for extracting pits from cherries.

It will be enough for you to take one chopstick for sushi. Insert it with a sharp end through the hole and squeeze the stone to the opposite side of the berry.

Fans of homemade kebabs in the oven can also rejoice - you definitely have wooden skewers for kebabs that can be used to remove bones in the same way. Since they are quite long, for ease of use, break the skewer in half and use one half.

Remove the bones with a teaspoon

If there is absolutely none of the above at home, then the easiest way is to use an ordinary teaspoon to remove cherry pits from berries.

We need not a spoon, but its handle. Insert the tip of the pen into the berry,

and press on the bone or rake it up through the hole.

The easiest way to remove a bone without tools

Everyone knows this method - you can take out the bones with your hands, i.e. just fingers. It's best to wear gloves, of course.

Just press on the cherry, and the stone is squeezed out without problems!

This method is the simplest, but it deforms the berry the most and, no matter what, a lot of juice flows out of the cherry.

What to do with cherry pits? Don't throw it away!

When you're done with your job of removing pits from cherries, don't rush to throw them away.

There is a little pulp of berries on the bones and juice at the bottom of the plate. Of course, you can drink the juice right away, or you can add its cherry jam.

I don’t throw out the bones right away, but put them in a saucepan and pour water over them.

Then I put it on fire

and boil for 5-6 minutes, stirring.

Then I throw it into a colander to strain the compote. Just put the colander on the pan, because our goal is liquid, not the contents of the colander, so that it doesn’t turn out like in a well-known joke.

Now we put the strained compote on the fire, pour the juice from the cherries into it (if you haven’t drunk it and poured it into jam), add sugar to taste.

We are waiting for it to dissolve, we try. Add more sugar or water to taste, if the compote is concentrated to your taste.

Let the compote boil for 3-4 minutes and turn it off.

Fragrant and delicious cherry pip compote ready. It has a subtle almond flavor, although not everyone feels it, but you will definitely feel that it is cherry and very tasty!

Delicious cherry recipes

That's all for today! Cook with pleasure and share your impressions in the comments. Subscribe to new recipes to always be up to date with the news of the site Delicious food

If at least once in your life you went through harvesting cherries with cherries for the future or using berries for making desserts, pies, then the question probably arose of how easy it is to peel cherries from stones so that save time, energy and get the desired result. After all, I want the berry to lose less juice and not be too deformed.

Why are pits removed from cherries and cherries

The stone from the cherry is removed for various reasons. Firstly, in order to fully enjoy a delicious pie or cherry jam. Just imagine how uncomfortable and unaesthetic it would be if we began to take out the bones while eating (spit them out or removed them with our hands).

Secondly, the drupe of the berry contains very harmful hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous. Toxic substances can cause food poisoning if ingested in sufficient quantities.

Thirdly, compote or jam preparation made from peeled cherries is stored longer. The longer the shelf life, the more toxins will be released from the drupes. Rolling with a bone can be stored for no more than a year, without it - two to three years.

On a note

If your baby accidentally swallowed a couple of cherry pits, you can not be afraid of poisoning. Amygdalin, contained in the nucleolus, is not transformed into hydrocyanic acid so quickly, it takes a certain time, so the bones leave the intestines earlier in a natural way. In addition, only a large number of bones can cause a poisoning reaction.

Methods for peeling cherries from stones

To achieve the goal, all means are good, both improvised and special devices, machines offered by various manufacturers. We list the most popular of them.

  1. Manual removal with fingers. They take the berry in their hands, open it with their thumbs from the side of the growth of the petiole and take out the stone from the cherry. This method is the most primitive. Its plus is that it does not require special skills, the purchase of special tools for removing pits from cherries, even children can help in the work. However, there are also enough minuses: the process is slow, the berries are very deformed and lose a lot of useful juice. Juice stains hands, and they are difficult to wash.

    Therefore, we have to look for a more rational and convenient way.

  2. Using a sewing pin or hairpin. With the help of these simple devices that can be found in every home, you can get rid of cherry pits quite effectively, quickly and with minimal loss of juicy pulp. A pin or hairpin inserted into the berry at the place where the petiole grows, picks up the pit and pulls it out like a hook.

    The hairpin is inserted with the side where the arc is located, the pin is inserted with the end opposite from the place of the fastener.

    If you don’t have a pin or hairpin, you can take a piece of thin but stiff wire (approximately 0.5 mm thick), bend it in half with an arc and twist the bend so that at its end you get something like a loop 5 mm wide. A ready-made tool for removing pits from cherries and cherries should be used in the same way as a pin.

    You can use a paper clip in the same way.

    The above method attracts with its simplicity, accessibility, while the juice does not splash, however, it will not be possible to avoid abundant contamination of the hands, and the efficiency is rather low. If you need to clean not 1 kg of drupes, but a bucket or more, you need to look for devices more seriously.

  3. Using a garlic press). In the model we need, on one side handle there should be an extension with a hole, and on the other handle in the opposite place there should be a pin, which, when the device is squeezed, enters the hole. Your task is to insert the berry (with the stalk attachment point up) into the hole on the handle and pressing on the other handle, squeeze the bone with a pin.

    Quite convenient, safe and effective.

  4. A bottle with a thin neck and a stick. This method is suitable for large specimens of cherries and sweet cherries, as you need to pick up a bottle with a neck smaller than the size of the berries.

    Use a stick 4-5 mm thick. For example, a sushi stick, a bamboo barbecue stick.

    Place the cherry on top of the neck of the bottle with the stem attachment point up.

    Press the stick on the hole and squeeze out the bone, which will fall into the bottle.

  5. Straw for cocktails and a container with a hole. Take a plastic bucket of mayonnaise, close it with a lid. Or take an ordinary glass jar, cover it with a plastic lid. Make a hole in the lid with a diameter of 8-10 mm (so that the cherry does not fall through). This is easy to do with a hot nail. The berry is placed on the hole up the place of attachment of the stalk. With the help of a tube for cocktails, they press on the berry in the center, remove the bone, which falls down into the jar (bucket). It is important that the tube is rigid, does not bend when pressed.

  6. Eyebrow forceps or tweezers. With the help of them, the berry is easily pierced, the bone is captured and removed.

  7. Mechanical pitting of cherries. They look different, depending on the model, but the principle of operation is identical. A berry is inserted into the hole with a hole located on one side of the pit separator from cherries.

    On the other side there is a pin with a spring, when pressed on which the pin lowers and squeezes out the bone.

    The work is progressing well, no special skill is needed, little juice flows out, hands almost do not get dirty, and the bone does not slip anywhere.

    But for large volumes of products, this method is not suitable. In addition, you need to constantly ensure that the berry is installed without fail upwards at the place of attachment of the stalk.

  8. Cherry pitting machine. Suitable for processing a large number of products in a short time at home. There are various models of such cherry peelers, they are all made of food-grade plastic.

    Berries are poured into the container immediately in batches, which, after cleaning, are sent along the groove to the prepared container.

    The bones remain in a specially designated container of the apparatus.

    Depending on the model, one or several berries can be peeled with a single press of the piston handle.

    The use of machines significantly saves time, reduces the loss of juice at times. A bucket of berries can be processed in 30-35 minutes.

    Hands and surrounding objects are almost not contaminated with juice.

    However, the use of such machines has several disadvantages. Firstly, you need to get used to pressing the piston of the unit so that it clearly hits the central part of the berry. Secondly, some berries you need to manually help to affect the groove. Thirdly, the berry is pierced through, outlet has 2 holes, and when using a pin - with only one. Fourth - about 10% of the berries remain unpeeled(due to the fact that the pin pierced the berry from the side, and not strictly in the center).

    Although, using such improvised means as a pin, we can also skip a few bones by inattention. And, finally, when using a mechanical machine, you need to make sure that the silicone gaskets located in the hole for the berries do not slip or get lost. Without them, the device does not work.

    Conclusion: fast, but with loss of quality.

  9. Automatic berry processing machines. Used in large enterprises, designed for processing up to 90 kg of cherries in 1 hour. But such machines are not cheap, they have a lot of weight and volume, so they are not used in domestic conditions.
  10. Most housewives will surely agree with us that pitting cherries is rather painstaking and unpleasant process. However, using various simple devices and mechanical devices, it is possible to minimize both time losses and associated difficulties.

    A bone missed during processing can turn into a broken tooth for an eater of delicious cherry treats.

    The choice is yours as to which device you prefer.

    Craftsmen learned how to independently make mechanical devices for removing pits from cherries. They work on the principle of a ballpoint pen with a spring. To make the device, you need to take a rigid metal (or plastic) tube with a diameter of 22 mm, a length of about 7 cm. It is desirable that the metal does not oxidize, so try to find an aluminum tube or stainless steel. The tube should have a hole for placing berries, with a diameter of 10 mm, as well as a pusher (for example, a nail) with a good spring that can push well and rise to the top position. When the pusher spring is pressed, the bone is removed, and the spring returns to its original position.

    The devices listed above can also be used for cleaning cherries.

    Useful video

    Here is another fun do-it-yourself bone extractor. Look, everyone can do it.

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