Technology of building houses from sip panels. How to assemble houses from sip panels Do-it-yourself garden house from sip panels

Panel houses are familiar to every Russian from the numerous high-rise buildings in residential areas of the city. Due to the poor quality of construction, consumers have a rather skeptical attitude towards this technology. According to the established opinion, panel technology is applicable only in multi-storey construction budget housing and does not provide the opportunity to build warm and beautiful house. We hasten to dissuade you. Panel house- This is a modern, warm and, in many cases, pre-fabricated structure with your own hands.

Competitive technologies for rapid construction of buildings

We will talk about three technologies: “sip panels”, three-layer concrete panels, KA-panels. Cost of building a box one-story house for 150 sq. meters with the choice of project will cost:

  • from vulture panels - $8.5 thousand, frame construction time - 1-3 weeks;
  • made of three-layer concrete panels - $6 thousand, construction period of the box - 10 days;
  • from KA panels (caliary load-bearing panels) – $7.5 thousand, 120-year guarantee, construction period – 10-15 days.

The listed construction technologies are offered at comparable prices for building a box house. Each has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages that are worth special attention.

Three-layer concrete panels for house construction

Concrete three-layer panels are considered by many to be more reliable design compared to others prefabricated technologies. Thanks to the insulation, the house also becomes very warm. Due to the hollow core filled with mineral filler, the design of the box does not create an increased load on the foundation, while the structure is made of concrete structures definitely stronger and more stable than a house made of sip panels.

House kits based on standard designs and with a tiled facade are offered for sale. Purchasing a ready-made kit allows you to assemble a box in 10 days, which from the inside only requires inexpensive repairs thanks to perfectly smooth walls. Reinforced concrete structure has high strength. With its help you can build tall houses.

The disadvantages of this technology include the need for installation using heavy construction equipment. At the same time, panel houses made of three-layer concrete can be built with your own hands (photo) for 20-30% cheaper than a similar structure made from vulture materials. This is a very significant plus and a factor contributing to the choice of this particular construction method.

Video review on the construction of villages using reinforced concrete panels

Do-it-yourself house made of vulture panels: advantages, disadvantages, design and installation supervision

Another construction option panel house involves the use of sip panels. We are talking about well-known special building panels made of polystyrene foam and OSB boards. There are both standard structural elements on sale that can be used to build your home, as well as ready-made house kits.

The Canadian sip panel is technologically related to multilayer sandwich panels; it was developed in Canada, so in advertising you often hear about Canadian homes. This material, despite its lightness and apparent fragility, is able to easily withstand temperatures in the range from -50C to +50C, earthquakes up to 7.5 points. In terms of its heat capacity, a plate based on polystyrene foam retains heat 6 times better than brickwork. Despite the porous structure, the insulation of the sip panel does not burn.

You can freely build a house using sip panels according to any chosen project with your own hands; this will require 1-2 assistants. Construction can take from 3 weeks to build a box up to 3 months on a turnkey basis; installation can be carried out both in winter and summer. The advantage of this type building material is the ease of construction, ease of installation and a wide variety of standard projects that can be chosen for the construction of a cottage.

There are many opinions regarding the environmental friendliness of sip technology. Buyers need to independently assess the risks and read the materials about the two components of the sip board: expanded polystyrene and OSB. Both materials are time-tested and environmentally friendly.

Buying a ready-made house kit will help you avoid mistakes in design calculations. Assembling a house according to your own sketch from standard elements will cost less. If there is a need to further reduce the cost, you can make a sip panel yourself. The panel house shown in the video instructions can be assembled with your own hands in a video within a few weeks or more short term. How to design a house, draw up a drawing and do the installation is told by an experienced architect in a video.

Video review of sip panel technology

Video instructions for designing a house from sip panels

Video instructions for making a sip panel

Video review on step-by-step assembly of a house from sip panels

House made of KA panels (Vekchel)

KA panels or caliary load-bearing panels are a rarely used panel material for the construction of low-rise buildings with a service life of up to 120 years. The technology was created in Russia and has every chance of great success, thanks to the unique qualities of the building material. The panels are produced by the Ecoterm company and are a metal-reinforced wood structure, which is very convenient for self-assembly and ideal for quickly assembling a house with your own hands.

Advantages of KA panels:

  • complete resistance to atmospheric and internal moisture;
  • resistance to temperature changes;
  • the panels are not subject to rotting and freezing.

The company's production is located in Yekaterinburg, but the cost of delivering the house kit will be low. The advantage of KA panels is the availability and rapid construction of single- and two-story houses, cottages.

Ecoterm produces three types of panels: regular, corner, lintels with a thickness of 100, 150 and 200 m in accordance with TU 5284-001-24522523-2006. The manufacturer offers standard projects houses, for each you can purchase a ready-made house kit. On average, turnkey construction with finishing will cost from 1 million rubles (about $17 thousand) to 3 million rubles.

  • panel house “Harmony” (136 sq. m) – 490 thousand rubles, 1.53 million rubles “turnkey”;
  • panel house “Erker” (240 sq. m) – 710,800 thousand rubles, 3 million rubles “turnkey”.
  • prepare the foundation;
  • install metal guides;
  • set the angle and corner structural elements;
  • install wall panels;
  • fasten together with plates and screws;
  • make panel strapping;
  • carry out roofing work.

Based on the list of works for installing KA panels, this option panel construction more suitable for self-installation. Simple and quick assembly is undoubtedly key feature this construction technology. This is a promising building material.


Buyers today have a choice of how to build a house, cottage, or outbuildings from sip panels, KA panels or reinforced concrete sandwich panels with their own hands. Each of the described technologies is available for self-construction. The panels allow you to build a house similar to a house made of profiled timber, but the structure will cost much less.

Construction from sip panels (SIP) can be considered the fastest that currently exists in this market. It’s quite possible to build it in a week or a week and a half one-story cottage. The technology came to us from Canada. It is also extremely popular now in European countries.

Buildings made from sip panels are very warm and quite reliable. In our conditions, the material is ideal for construction country cottages And country houses. In this regard, many who want to become owners of such temporary or permanent housing are interested in how to build a house from sip panels with their own hands in record time due to technology.

What are sip panels?

Sip panel is a three-layer building material. Interior– a thick layer of polystyrene foam, which acts as an insulating and insulating material. On both sides, 2 layers of chipboard OSB are attached to it. It is made from wood chips, multi-directional and glued under pressure.

Expanded polystyrene provides excellent sound and heat insulation. OSB boards and high-quality glue produced using special technology reliably fix insulating material. During construction, sip panels are connected to each other polyurethane foam, and wooden beams give rigidity to all structural components.

Advantages of this building material:

1. Durability - 100 years or more.
2. Fast construction method of joining SIP panels.
3. Construction can be done in any season, since there are no mortars that require special conditions for hardening.
4. Very simple design roofs.
5. Thanks to the small thickness of the panels, it increases usable area inside the house.
6. A building built using this technology is very light and does not shrink.
7. Excellent thermal insulation, allowing you to save energy even during the heating season.
8. Easy installation of doorways.
9. The perfectly smooth and even surface of the panels allows you to use any finishing without preliminary leveling of the walls.
10. Expanded polystyrene and OSB boards do not rot; Rodents do not live in them.
11. The material is absolutely clean and environmentally safe.
12. Construction from it is quite simple and does not require the involvement of heavy construction equipment (cranes, etc.) in the process.
13. Low prices SIP panels make construction with them the most cost-effective option.


1. The panels do not allow water vapor to pass through, so buildings made from them need high-quality ventilation.
2. The material cannot boast of high fire resistance. In this regard, special attention must be paid to the issue of electrical wiring insulation. It is recommended to install a fire alarm.
3. The material is not resistant to moisture, so the foundation must be made wide enough to protect the structure from dampness.
4. The technology for constructing houses from sip panels does not allow for much diversification of standard projects.

Construction from sip panels (video)

You should always start with design. And although great variety there is no expectation in this matter; it is important to correctly calculate the size of the rooms, the placement of communications, etc. The complete assembly of the building is shown in the video.

A building made from sip panels is very light weight and does not require a powerful foundation. Under one or two-story house you can build a strip or pile-screw. During the construction of the foundation, it is very important to properly waterproof it. To do this, you will need bitumen mastic and 2 layers of roofing material, the sheets of which must be laid overlapping.

Then you can begin laying the subfloor, which we also build from the same SIP panels (video). The photo shows how the floor is attached to the foundation. The panels are connected to each other and immediately fixed using polyurethane sealant and self-tapping screws.

Building walls (video)

You can see what the assembly of building walls from SIP panels looks like in the video.

It is assembled literally like a large construction set. First, the lower trim is installed. As is the case with many modern building materials, construction from sip panels begins from the corners of the house. TO corner panels Joint to joint, subsequent ones are fastened in both directions, up to the next corners. Placed between the panels wooden beam, fixed using sealant and self-tapping screws.

To build any building, you must use a building level. IN in this case This is also true, despite the fact that the sip panels are perfectly smooth. Using a level will help prevent walls from deviating from the ideal vertical. The ends of the walls and the upper sections are covered with sealant, after which we begin to make the upper trim.

To create floors between floors, the same sip panels are used. They have sufficient strength for this and can withstand very significant weight (furniture, the residents themselves, etc.). After installing the floors, we continue to build walls - now on the second floor. The ceilings are reinforced with wooden beams.

Door/window openings are made very simply: they can simply be cut using a regular hacksaw. The material lends itself perfectly to processing and requires almost no effort during this process. All this can be done with your own hands.

How to build a roof

The technology for constructing a roof on such a building is extremely simple. To build it, we again use the same SIP panels. The slabs are mounted according to the same principle as walls, and interfloor ceilings. It is not necessary to use rafters. How to connect roofing and wall panels, shown in diagrams 1 and 2.

Please note that a support column is installed in the center. For this you can use a 50x70 mm beam. All mount roofing elements made using self-tapping screws, sealant and connecting bars. When the roof is assembled, you can immediately begin finishing coating. The roof can be covered with almost any material (metal tiles, corrugated sheets, soft tiles etc.). The choice of material depends on the preferences and financial capabilities of the home owner.


The outside of the building can be clad plastic lining, siding and any similar material that will protect the walls from moisture. The interior decoration is even simpler. Since the walls made of sip panels are absolutely flat, there is no need to install any leveling frame.

The walls inside the building can be covered with wallpaper, plastered, even tiled or mosaiced (bathroom, kitchen, etc.). Flooring Almost any will also work. You can lay laminate, linoleum on the floor, floorboard and even parquet, if there is such a desire. Even including all the finishing touches, the construction of a 3-4-room mansion from sip panels in the worst weather can take a maximum of a month and a half.

The technology is simple and low-cost; the cost of all materials is also minimal. Everything is done simply and very quickly. If you need the most inexpensive country house with excellent thermal and sound insulation, construction from sip panels is just the thing. In the next video we posted a review from the owner of such a house. It will help to better understand what such a structure is.

Lightness and large size SIP panels make this material one of the best for construction country houses. All the main parts for construction are produced at the factory, the required quantity is brought to the site and assembled, like a construction kit. A large team is not needed for this; the task can be completed with a team of 2-3 people. In addition to the assembly readiness of the material, the simplicity of its joining is also attractive. Let's consider the key stages of the technology for assembling a house from SIP panels.

Which foundation is suitable?

In the case of SIP panels, there is no need for an expensive, powerful base. Ready house By Canadian technology weighs no more than 15 tons, so it is enough to choose an economical strip foundation. In accordance with building regulations, the foundation is laid to the depth of soil freezing, but in our case, it is enough if corner grillages are laid to this depth along the entire perimeter.

Second stage: floor coverings

You can assemble a house from SIP panels at any time of the year; construction has no wet stages. Installation begins with the installation of floor coverings. If the span is no more than six meters, standard panels are used for floor coverings. The underside of the panels is insulated with antiseptic and bitumen mastic.

The joints between the panels are fixed with self-tapping screws and sealed with polyurethane foam. To impart rigidity to the structure along the horizontal axis, strapping bars are placed in the technological grooves of the ends. Installation of floor coverings can be completed within a few hours.

We mount the walls

Before installing the first wall panels, prepare a piping circuit for the walls. To do this, a longitudinal beam 10 cm thick is attached to the floor with self-tapping screws. The template will help you check that it is placed correctly. The structure is fixed to the foundation using anchor bolts, drilling holes through the panels and timber. All parts must be treated with antimicrobial and water-repellent compounds.

The panels forming the corner are installed first. The second is placed at a right angle to the first. Thanks to strong fixation corner elements the structure acquires the necessary rigidity. Next, the panels are mounted sequentially using a tongue-and-groove connection. The connection of the panels to each other is secured with self-tapping screws or large ship nails.

When all the panels forming the walls of the first floor have taken their places, their technological grooves from above are filled with polyurethane foam and closed with strapping beams. Simultaneously with the construction of the perimeter, the space of the first floor is divided into zones by partitions made of panels. Additional rigidity of the structure is provided by the ceiling that connects the walls.

The same technological cycle is repeated on the second floor. The ceiling is assembled in the same way as installing the floor; it is supported by the frame of the previous floor, and the floor slabs are attached to it with self-tapping screws.

Attic and roof: no rafters

Roof installation is one of the standard technologies for working with SIP panels. Rafters are not needed when constructing a roof; the panels’ own rigidity allows them to withstand all meteorological loads.

The lower base for the roof panels is a mauerlat fixed around the perimeter, the upper one is a ridge beam fixed between the gables. The laid panels are secured to the beam at the top and bottom with screws. The roof panels are fixed to each other in the same way as the wall elements - with self-tapping screws or ship nails.

The attic, located under a roof made of SIP panels, will always be warm. The design of the panels is such that the roof does not require vapor barrier. The roof can be made from any material known today: bitumen, ceramic or metal tiles, others.

Sealing a finished house

Having completed the assembly, the structure is sealed by coating all joints with polyurethane glue. This is very important stage, the thoroughness of its implementation guarantees long-term operation of the house.

Installation of doors and windows

Openings for doors and windows are provided by the project and prepared at the factory, this greatly simplifies installation.

Exterior and interior decoration of the house

The outside of the house can be faced with brick or siding, clapboard, timber, natural stone or its artificial imitation. The perfectly smooth inner surface of the walls is also suitable for any finishing materials: wallpaper, painting, tiling and others. The use of plasterboard will give the walls additional fire resistance.

Engineering communications

Communications are laid upon completion of the frame assembly. All of them will be easily accessible due to their external location. If necessary, they are covered with partitions made of plasterboard or suspended ceilings. Water supply and sewerage in one-story house done under the floor, for two-story building set up special mines. Distinctive feature construction using SIP - flexibility in terms of communications. All wooden elements that will come into contact with water supply and sewerage systems are additionally impregnated with waterproof compounds.

Factory production of all elements, the lightness of the panels makes possible installation in the shortest possible time.

Advantages of houses made from SIP panels compared to houses made from traditional technologies construction are obvious:

  • Strength. The sip panel can withstand up to 200 kg of load per 1 m 2 with a deflection of no more than 12 mm.
  • No shrinkage and smooth walls. To the outside and interior decoration can be added immediately after installation.
  • Increased fire resistance. Temperature range -50ºC to +50ºC
  • Lightness of design. Average weight of a house using Canadian technology
    no more than 15 tons.
  • Increased heat capacity. For heating the house SIP technologies 4-6 times less resources are needed than for heating a brick building.

Watch the house assembly process in the video:

Structural insulating panels (SIP) are used for the construction of frame low-rise residential, public and domestic buildings. Residential 2-room apartments are being built from them storey cottages with attics, garages, cottages, warehouses, cafes, small shops and office buildings. For some reason such technologies in Russia are called Canadian, although they have nothing to do with this country. The author of the idea is American engineer Frank Lloyd Wright, who developed the design in the 30s of the 20th century composite panel with honeycomb fillings. Lightweight and cheap structures immediately attracted the attention of enterprising American manufacturers of building materials, who began their mass production.

What are SIP panels for building a house?

After constant improvements, it was created optimal design, which is most widespread in Russia, America and Europe. This is a kind of sandwich of 2 OSB-3 (oriented strand boards) with PSB-25 insulation glued between them (a plate of suspension pressless self-extinguishing polystyrene foam).

Plates can be made from various materials: steel, aluminum, asbestos cement. But the term SIP implies the use of external cladding panels made from sheets of wood products in the production of SIP:

  • oriented strand board made from large-sized shavings (most often pine) bonded together under high temperatures and pressure with waterproof resins. The arrangement of chips in the outer layers is longitudinal, and in the inner layers it is transverse. The number of layers is 3, less often - 4. OSB 3 is manufactured for use in conditions high humidity under high mechanical loads, therefore more expensive than other varieties;
  • fiberboard boards containing wood fibers and Portland cement M500 in a ratio of 60 to 40;
  • moisture-resistant plywood;
  • gypsum fiber sheets;
  • drywall.

The following materials are used as insulation in the manufacture of SIP panels:

  • expanded polystyrene foam;
  • polyurethane foam;
  • basalt mineral wool;
  • fiberglass.

Combination into a monolithic structure is carried out using cold gluing polyurethane adhesives using a press that creates pressure up to 18 tons.

Reliable waterproofing is ensured by waterproof treatment of sheets in the factory.

After gluing, the products are placed on special tables, where they are cut to the required dimensions. Then, along the perimeter of the part, grooves are selected for laying connecting bars or boards. The distances from the edges of the OSB are taken from 25 to 100 mm, depending on the cross-section of the elements that will be placed in the grooves to fix the structure during the construction of the building.

SIP panel sizes

The dimensions of the products are determined by their purpose - for walls, ceilings, floors, roofs. The designs used for the device are considered basic vertical structures buildings.

Standard products are available in the following sizes in mm:

  • length - 2500...2800;
  • width - 625...1250;
  • thickness - 124, 174 and 224.

Main advantages and existing disadvantages

Any construction technology has its own disadvantages and advantages. Buildings constructed using SIP are characterized by the following advantages:

  1. Durability ≥ 60 years, due to the strength of the material with long-term geometric stability.
  2. Mechanical strength, can withstand longitudinal loads up to 10 tons per m2 and transverse loads up to 2 tons.
  3. High seismic resistance, tested in laboratory conditions for earthquakes of destructive force.
  4. Light weight, average sq. m weighs 15...20 kg. Therefore, there is no need to build expensive, powerful foundations. They are easy to transport and unload.
  5. Installation of SIP panels is characterized by ease of work that does not require special equipment, heavy lifting equipment and high qualifications of the performer.
  6. The houses practically do not shrink, which makes it possible to complete finishing immediately after completion of installation work.
  7. Environmental friendliness and safety of buildings for human health. Formaldehyde resins, which are part of the adhesive components, emit harmful volatile compounds in small quantities. But their concentration is not dangerous, which is confirmed by relevant sanitary standards(sanitary safety corresponds to class E1).
  8. Good heat and sound insulation properties.
  9. Resistance to aggressive external influences, including biological ones (fungus or mold damage).
  10. High factory readiness and ease of assembly with the absence of wet processes allow you to build a house from SIP panels at any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions, in the shortest possible time.
  11. Fire resistance ensured high-quality processing fire retardants in factory conditions. Foamed polystyrene foam is a self-extinguishing material, so the spread of fire to nearby structures does not occur even in open fire conditions.
  12. Affordable price.

Available disadvantages:

You can often come across an opinion about the danger of small rodents entering the house. This is based on the existing attractiveness of foam plastics for rodents to build their burrows in. But we must take into account that the insulation is reliably protected on all sides by OSB sheets, and interpanel seams covered with antiseptic boards or bars.

There is also an opinion about environmental hazards and flammability. One can only agree with this when purchasing low-quality counterfeit products. Therefore, you should buy products only from trusted manufacturers who have earned authority in the building materials market, and with mandatory quality certificates. It is recommended to order products directly from factories or dealers with a good reputation. Stable high quality The products of the Egger and Glunz concerns differ. You can also note the quality of products from the following companies:

  • house-building plant "Bauen House";
  • construction company "EcoEuroDom";
  • plant panel houses"Hotwell";
  • enterprises "Building Together";
  • company "SIP Atelier".

Building a house from SIP panels with your own hands

Composition and sequence of operations:

  1. Construction of the foundation. Most often, pile-grillage, columnar-tape, slab or shallow strip structures are chosen. The work is carried out using traditional methods.
  2. Construction of the bottom trim and floor. On top of the foundation structure horizontal waterproofing from 2 layers of waterproofing glued using bitumen-containing mastics. The timber is laid along the perimeter of the building under future walls and load-bearing partitions. Fastening to the foundation is carried out with anchor bolts into holes pre-drilled in the tree, two anchors are placed in the corners, intermediate ones - in increments of 1.5...2 m. dense wood. The strapping will also be the basis for the location of the floor joists, on which a regular wooden floor is laid. Laying guide boards on the beam, the cross-section is selected depending on the size of the panels. The boards are fastened at intervals of about 40 cm with self-tapping screws.
  3. Assembly of SIP panels. Installation begins at the installation in the first corner of the 2 panels. It is important that an even vertical angle be ensured; the evenness of the laying of all other elements will directly depend on this. Before installation on the guide board, the lower grooves are foamed, fastening to the board is done with self-tapping screws in increments of 15 cm. The joint of wall products is made “tongue-and-groove” on racks made of timber, factory-made from lumber chamber drying. Before connecting the panels to each other, the vertical grooves are also foamed, fixed with self-tapping screws every 50 cm. The vertical installation of the parts is controlled building level. All other panels are installed in the same way.
  4. Installation of the top strapping beam. Foaming the upper grooves and fixing the trim with self-tapping screws.
  5. Tenderloin window openings, the operation can be done in advance, which will be more convenient. The holes made are reinforced along the contour with bars.
  6. Installation of floor beams with laying of sip panels.
  7. Roof installation. If a conventional rafter roof made of sip panels, then the grooves will serve as support for the rafters. Attaching the sheathing to the rafters and laying it down roofing material. If necessary, the attic is insulated.
  8. Layout of engineering communications.
  9. Finishing work. The evenness of the walls greatly simplifies finishing, and sip slabs securely hold any fastening of finishing materials (lining, siding, blockhouse, plasterboard, porcelain tiles, wallpaper or natural stone).

The cost of factory-made SIP from high-quality raw materials is high, for example, a 224 mm thick panel measuring 2.5 by 1.25 m from 12 mm OSB costs ≥ 3,500 rubles. The production technology is not complicated, so you can make sip panels with your own hands at home. To carry out the work, you will need a small enclosed space (a garage for a car, a shed or a utility room).

Selection and purchase of necessary materials

The following materials will be required:

  1. 12 mm OSB-3 sheets. Each product will require two sheets. It is important to have a hygiene certificate indicating the formaldehyde emission class E1.
  2. Quality polystyrene foam boards PSB-S-25 (35) in dimensions according to the dimensions of SIP with a thickness for external wall panels of 15...20 cm.
  3. Non-toxic one-component polyurethane adhesive, approximately 0.2 kg per square meter required. m of surface. The glue must be environmentally friendly, without releasing harmful components during polymerization, and be able to withstand temperature changes possible in your environment. climatic zone. The characteristics of the adhesive and the conditions for its use are indicated on the packaging; you can consult with a sales consultant, explaining to him what the adhesive composition will be used for. TOP-UR 15 have proven themselves well; Macroplast UR 7229, Kleiberit 502.8.
  4. Fire retardants and antiseptics for additional processing of finished panels.

You cannot save on purchasing cheap materials, as this will directly affect the durability and quality of the finished products.

Equipment and tools

Bonding of SIPs must be carried out under pressure; in industrial conditions this value is 18 tons. You can make a simple press yourself.

Scope of work:

  • making a solid base from rolled profiles or profile pipes a size slightly larger than the dimensions of the panels;
  • consolidation vertical racks from a 50 mm profile pipe along the perimeter of the sides of the base in increments of 0.5..1 m. The height of the racks should allow for laying 4...5 panels under the press, pressing them down top frame and installation of jacks. The top of the outer posts is equipped with fastening steel clamps into which crossbars made of 50 mm profile pipes can be placed;
  • assembly of the upper frame from profile pipes, hinged at the top to the racks located on one of the sides. To uniformly transfer pressure to the plates, the frame is welded from longitudinal and transverse elements in increments of 50 cm. A small hand winch is used to easily lift and lower the frame;
  • Two small hydraulic car jacks with a lifting capacity of ≥ 2 tons will be required.

If manufacturing is difficult (fastening elements by welding) or the number of planned products is small, then you can use vacuum pressing.

Structure composition:

  • a durable table or workbench (sizes like for a press) with side racks for fixing the position of the sheets (2 racks on each side are enough);
  • durable cover made of awning fabrics, hermetically glued with Cosmofen SA-12 glue. The dimensions of the cover should allow covering a stack of panels with its tight fixation around the perimeter;
  • vacuum pump;
  • supply hoses.

After pumping out the air, a pressure of ≥ 1000 kg per m2 can be created.

The tools you will need are a spray bottle or a notched trowel to apply the glue evenly.

Sequence of work

  1. Laying on an OSB sheet base.
  2. Marking the position of expanded polystyrene, taking into account the necessary grooves for laying bars or frame boards during the construction of a building. The vertical gap from the edge of the sheets is from 2.5 to 5 cm, 25 mm is enough at the top and bottom. Because adhesive compositions dry very quickly (≤ 10 minutes), it is recommended to mark about 10 sheets at once. The lines are drawn with a marker or a simple pencil.
  3. Cutting the foam to the required size.
  4. Applying glue to the OSB, thoroughly covering the entire area.
  5. Installation of foam with light pressing for a tight fit.
  6. Applying glue to polystyrene foam.
  7. Top overlay OSB sheet. The work must be done carefully, but quickly, so that the glue does not have time to set.
  8. The process is then repeated until a stack of 5 panels is ready.
  9. Pressing of products. If used homemade press the design described above, then the upper frame is lowered onto the stack. Then cross members are placed in the rack clamps and, with jacks installed between the frame and cross members, a required pressure. The piston output of the jacks should be the same. If a vacuum method is used, then pressure is created by pumping air out of a well and hermetically sealed case. The holding time of products under pressure is about an hour.
  10. Removing jacks, lifting the upper frame or removing the shelter from the cover. Panels are transferred to flat surface with stacking. They are kept in this position for at least a day to strengthen the adhesive joint.
  11. The following stacks of products are made in the same way.

As you can see, the manufacturing process is quite simple, and the products will cost at least 2 times cheaper than factory designs. Careful adherence to technology and application quality materials guaranteed to provide good quality.

- not only material with very high performance heat preservation, durable, strong, but also high-quality, convenient building structure, which allows you to literally complete the creation of a structure within a few days on a prepared foundation. At the same time, the assembly of houses can be carried out without the use of special equipment, manually, with the help of just a few people.

To build houses from SIP panels, a foundation must be equipped. Since the design is quite lightweight, the following are most often used:

  • columnar foundation;
  • strip structure made of reinforced concrete;
  • pile screw foundation.

The latter option is the most profitable, since it is ideal for building houses on any soil and guarantees the absence of problems with soil heaving when freezing. Pile foundation it is created very quickly using special equipment, but can also be assembled manually.

House construction techniques

We will assume that the assembly of houses from SIP panels is carried out according to a pre-developed construction project, supplied with instructions. The structures are supplied in finished form, required sizes, with door and window openings. This is the most common option chosen by thrifty owners. In this case, there are no time delays, the pairing of SIP wall elements with each other is guaranteed.

If the owner of the future house made from SIP panels prefers to act completely independently, preparations are made according to the project documentation necessary elements. “Live” assembly, when after installing one element the preparation of the next one just begins, practically does not occur.

Start of construction

The beginning of the construction of houses from SIP constructs is the assembly of the base located on the foundation. Usually it is a structure made of timber. Assembly is carried out in several stages:

  • the perimeter of the future house is formed;
  • intermediate crossbars are installed and secured (in longitudinal direction), which rest on racks or foundation pillars.

We will assume that the construction technology involves assembling the floor of the first floor from SIP panels. This not only speeds up the work, but also avoids overuse of timber. This approach has its drawbacks, but is used quite often.

First floor flooring

Instructions for assembling the first floor floor from SIP panels are as follows:

  • The first SIP panel is laid in the transverse direction, along the short dimension of the foundation. The size of the element is selected in such a way that when placed at the end of the strapping board, the overall dimensions correspond to the foundation;
  • You can connect the panels to each other using the tongue and groove system. Today it is possible to assemble a floor up to 6 meters along the length of the panel, however, there are also solutions with increased strength that allow a size of 15 meters;
  • if the assembly must guarantee maximum strength, it is worth laying an intermediate connecting beam or board between the SIP panels;
  • After laying the surface, a binding board is installed around the perimeter of the finished floor, which increases strength.

All connections are foamed during assembly. The panels are connected to each other with self-tapping screws, the lower surface of the floor of houses made of SIP structures is waterproofed using bitumen mastic. If intermediate boards or timber were used, they are also attached with self-tapping screws to the strapping board. It’s very simple; in practice, all the work is done in a few hours.

Assembling the walls of the first floor

The main thing where the instructions for installing SIP panels on the first floor of houses begins is the installation of a guide, a 100 mm beam. It is screwed to the foundation, with anchor bolts, directly through the floor structures where the walls will be placed.

This work must be carried out with the utmost care to ensure that even if there are errors in cutting wall elements, general direction SIP of panels will be respected. The correct installation of the timber is checked according to the instructions for the project and using templates.

Assembly is carried out in the following order:

  • The corner of the first floor is being assembled. First, one SIP panel is installed. Securely fixed to the guide bar. The installation accuracy is constantly checked;
  • a second SIP panel is mounted at a right angle. The connection with the first one is thoroughly foamed. The accuracy of the angle must be ideal - it will set the direction and be responsible for the accuracy of the placement of the remaining SIP structures;
  • assembly of house walls - installation of subsequent SIP panels - is carried out using a tongue-and-groove system. The elements are attached to the guide beam and connected to each other with self-tapping screws.

The technology for assembling the first floor from SIP panels is also simple. Will be required more control and attentiveness, but the work is not difficult. When connecting SIP elements of a house wall at indirect angles, either the instructions for the project or the laid guide beam will help determine the direction and actual dimensions of each structure.

The assembly of the first floor is completed by foaming the perimeter along the top and installing the trim board panels into the technological groove. It gives additional strength to the entire structure of SIP elements and will work as a place for attaching the upper structures.

Second and subsequent floors

The technology for assembling the second floor is no different from the first. The floor is laid, and the SIP structures are attached with long self-tapping screws to the strapping board located at the end of the walls of the first floor. If you follow these instructions, the ceiling will work as a means of ensuring the strength of the entire structure, connecting all the walls together.


If the roof is assembled from SIP panels, it will not need rafters and other structural elements that are designed to provide strength. In practice, a support beam is laid - a mauerlat, located along the perimeter of the future roof. It is screwed to the top floor trim board.

The installation technology also does not involve any special difficulties:

  • The gables are being assembled. The process is similar to installing the first SIP panel on the first floor - everything needs to be done carefully, the element is attached to the power plate;
  • a supporting ridge beam is installed between the two gables at the top;
  • SIP panels are laid on the mauerlat and ridge beam and bolted to them.

The technology for assembling the roof surface is similar to creating the floor of the first floor. Although SIP panels have sufficient strength, it is recommended to use a connecting board when creating a roof to ensure good rigidity and high resistance to wind gusts.


It was not possible to find anything complicated in the technology of assembling a house from SIP constructs. The technique is simple and requires only accuracy and attentiveness. All connections must be foamed; after assembly, all gaps between SIP panels larger than 3 mm are coated with waterproof polymer glue, which guarantees high performance of the structure.

Assembly internal partitions from SIP panels of smaller thickness is also not difficult and is produced according to the instructions for walls - using a guide beam, controlling the installation under exact angle, and also - carefully foaming all connections. The instructions do not provide for the use of a connecting board between individual SIP elements. The strength of the tongue-and-groove system is more than enough for interior partitions.