Moment crystal polyurethane. Contact adhesive "Moment Crystal" - instructions for working with the product, its composition and characteristics. Instructions for use

Universal waterproof glue "Moment Crystal" has a lot of advantages over other means. Its shape is very comfortable, the consistency is optimal. Even when bonding delicate materials, they will not be damaged, and glue spots will not appear on the front side. Due to the excellent performance characteristics, this adhesive composition is indispensable in everyday life, it allows you to connect homogeneous and dissimilar materials.

Varieties of adhesives "Moment"

The line of polyurethane adhesives "Moment" is produced by the manufacturer Henkel. According to user reviews, the demand for this series is the highest among analogues. The following types of contact adhesives of the series are on sale:

  1. "Moment No. 1 Classic" (Universal). Glue is inexpensive, while suitable for most known materials. Differs in the high level of adhesion, density, fast drying.
  2. Moment Gel. This tool has a gel structure, is a kind of superglue, is available not only in tubes, but also in canisters.
  3. "Crystal Moment". Absolutely transparent composition based on polyurethane, used in everyday life, repair, construction.
  4. "Moment Marathon". Most often purchased for shoe repair, widely used by craftsmen. Very resistant to environmental factors.
  5. "Moment 88 Extra strong." This tool guarantees the highest bonding strength, is not afraid of water, frost.
  6. "Moment of 60 seconds". Single-component adhesive characterized by fast drying. It is convenient for application on the vertical bases.

Also on sale there are specialized tools "Moment" - for rubber, plastic, boats and PVC, cork. For any material, the universal glue "Moment Gold Standard" is suitable.

The composition of the glue "Moment Crystal"

"Moment" is made up of complex chemicals, many of which are inventions of the latest generations. The basis is heterochain polymers from the polyurethane group. The composition is also represented by the following substances:

  • ethyl ester of acetic acid;
  • acetone and other saturated ketones;
  • state stabilizers of other chemicals;
  • aliphatic, naphthenic hydrocarbons;
  • antioxidant;
  • synthetic resins;
  • ethyl acetate.

The presence of acetone and other solvents explains the pungent smell of Moment. Despite the harm of these components and the need to work in protective masks, the manufacturer positions the product as complying with international environmental norms and standards. The most harmful solvent, toluene, was removed from the formulation back in 1998, but fakes containing this substance are periodically found on the market.

Working properties and performance characteristics

The tool is used for gluing a huge number of materials, has a minimum of restrictions. Applying only one side of the part with a thin layer and joining the elements provide the highest strength of the adhesive seam. This is achieved due to the excellent level of adhesion. "Moment Crystal" is transparent, which only expands the scope of its operation, because after gluing the joint will be completely invisible.

Main technical characteristics of the product:

  • the recommended temperature while working with glue is from +15 to +30 degrees (it is possible at a different temperature, although the polymerization time will change);
  • operating temperature of products after the adhesive joint has dried - from -35 to +75 degrees;
  • high cold resistance - the seam withstands several cycles of defrosting and freezing, the glue itself in the tube also quickly restores its original properties after defrosting;
  • consumption - 200-400 g / sq. m (depending on the type of surface, purpose);
  • moisture resistance, no changes in technical parameters even with direct exposure to water;
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation, the influence of dilute acids, weak alkalis;
  • the optimal density of the glue is 0.88 g / cu. cm.

When using the "Moment" care must be taken, it is highly flammable due to the presence of solvents in the composition. If you do not follow the recommendations indicated by the manufacturer for operating temperatures, the quality and performance of the adhesive joint will change, it may be deformed.

Glue has several restrictions on use. It is forbidden to use it to repair things made of Teflon, polypropylene, polyethylene. Also, glue should not be used for gluing dishes, other kitchen items and utensils that may come into contact with food. For plastic, there is not a ban, but a restriction: it is important to drop a little "Moment" on an inconspicuous area, evaluate the reaction of the material within 30 minutes. If there is no yellowing, warping of the material, you can safely use glue for work.

Application area

The instruction says that the best adhesion rates are achieved when using glue on materials such as PVC (hard, soft), porcelain and ceramics, polystyrene and plexiglass, ordinary glass. Glue is also used for gluing leather products (natural, artificial), fabric and cork, cardboard and paper, foam rubber and rubber. No less high quality will be the place of gluing when applied to wood, metal. It is thanks to this variety of purposes that glue is considered universal.

You can use "Moment Crystal" for various household, repair, restoration work. Since it is moisture resistant, it is suitable for products in contact with water and other non-aggressive liquids. You can use the tool at home, in production, in the service sector.

Advantages and disadvantages

Glue is now in great demand on the market, because it has a lot of advantages and compares favorably with analogues. Its advantages:

  • low price, availability in almost all household, construction, department stores;
  • excellent seam strength associated with the crystallization of the composition as it dries;
  • the ability to use on parts subject to vibration, mechanical stress of moderate strength due to the elasticity of the adhesive;
  • transparency, which determines the suitability for the repair of souvenirs, ceramics, decor, household appliances;
  • the possibility of gluing dissimilar materials;
  • the absence of the most toxic solvent - toluene.

You can wipe off Moment in liquid form without the help of solvents: it simply rolls off the surface, which is another plus. The disadvantages include unsuitability for a number of materials, as well as the need to exclude contact with food. Another drawback is the unpleasant odor associated with the presence of acetone.

Release form and price

The cost of Moment Crystal glue is 96-120 rubles, depending on the store. The price is indicated for the minimum package - 30 ml. There are several types of adhesives with the same output volume:

  • tube 30 ml;
  • 30 ml in show box;
  • 30 ml on a blister card;

Also on sale is "Moment Crystal" in tubes of 125 ml in a show box, cans of glue with a volume of 750 ml are sold. In specialized, branded, construction stores, at the bases there are canisters of 10 liters of glue.

Instructions for use

All tips for working with glue are indicated on the package. To obtain a high-quality adhesive seam, the base must first be prepared - cleaned of dirt, treated with fine-grained sandpaper. To remove grease stains, oil film, both surfaces to be glued must be degreased. For this purpose, it is best to wipe them with alcohol, acetone, which will also help remove remnants of paint and varnish coatings. You can also wash the products with household detergents.

  • apply glue to one of the surfaces if they are homogeneous, and to both when dissimilar materials are glued together;
  • if the bases are porous, repeat the application of glue after a couple of minutes;
  • press the products against each other from the center to the edges in order to prevent air from accumulating, fix in any convenient way;
  • if possible, it is allowed to use a special roller for rolling parts;
  • withstand 10-20 minutes;
  • before full operation, leave the product for a day (to gain strength of the adhesive seam).

You can make adjustments to the position of the parts only immediately after they are applied to each other. Separation of objects with immediate re-gluing is allowed. After 5-7 minutes it will be impossible to do this, you will have to clean the bases from the glue and repeat all the manipulations. The manufacturer does not recommend gluing in rooms with high humidity. Despite the moisture resistance of the adhesive seam, at the time of connection, it is worth excluding the action of liquid in one form or another.

Sometimes it happens that glue gets on clothes, other objects, on hands. You can remove already dried glue with acetone, gasoline. It is better to dry-clean the fabric or try to wash it with powder, detergents, wipe it with alcohol. Glue is removed from tools with gasoline, in which they are soaked for 1-2 hours.

Precautionary measures

The glue is flammable, so when working with it, the following safety precautions should be observed:

  • do not open the package near any sources of fire;
  • do not apply glue to products located near sources of high temperature;
  • do not glue heated surfaces.

All actions with the "Moment" are carried out only in a ventilated room (exhaust hoods or through ventilation are used). When working for a long time, even with forced ventilation, you must wear a respirator! Work should be in overalls, gloves. If glue gets on hands, other open skin areas, they should be washed immediately with plenty of soap and water. If the agent enters the eyes, other mucous membranes, it is important to rinse them and immediately seek medical help.

Glue storage

Store the product only in its original packaging, tightly closed. The storage place should be located out of reach of children, animals, sunlight and with the exclusion of possible heating. It is desirable that the temperature is not lower than room temperature, but freezing of the glue is also allowed (after defrosting, it will retain its properties). Temperature standards for storage - from -20 to +30 degrees, term - up to 2 years.

It is forbidden to throw used Moment packaging into the fire! It is disposed of together with household waste. Subject to all recommendations, the adhesive does not pose a danger to human life and health.

Moment Crystal will help to glue polyvinyl chloride, plexiglass, polyurethane, as well as cork, ceramics, wood, rubber and metal surfaces with high quality. This glue is not suitable only for dishes and any products in contact with food, polyethylene, teflon and styrofoam.

Components and Specifications

Glue "Moment Crystal" consists of acelate, acetone, polyurethane as a base and stabilizing substances, thanks to these components, the product has water resistance and excellent performance. Does not contain toluene.


  • the composition is transparent in liquid and solidified form;
  • resistant to atmospheric factors due to the polyurethane base;
  • the seam crystallizes during the hardening process, which ensures an increased degree of adhesion of the surfaces;
  • characterized by water resistance, which allows the use of a means for repairing shoes and rubber boats;
  • resistant to dilute alkalis and acids;
  • frost-resistant;
  • the formed seam tolerates temperatures from -40 to + 70 ° С;
  • the optimal temperature range for working with the agent is from +18 to +25 ° C, dry warm air accelerates the crystallization process, in the cold solvents evaporate more slowly, so polymerization is inhibited;
  • it is allowed to work with the material at a temperature not higher than +70 ° С.

The composition is combustible, therefore, work with it should be away from open flame. There must be good ventilation in the room, since inhalation of Moment Crystal glue vapors can cause hallucinations, dizziness, and in rare cases, provoke vomiting and nausea. If the substance gets into the eyes, you should immediately seek medical attention.

After thawing, the product restores its original consistency and properties, the manufacturer recommends storage in the temperature range from -20 to +30 ° C. The shelf life of the product is 24 months.

Advice! Safety will be ensured by a hermetically sealed tube; upon contact with air, the glue dries quickly, crystallizes and becomes unusable. It will not be possible to return it to its original state.

The product is packaged in tubes of 30 ml (in one corrugated box there are 35 tubes) or 125 ml, jars of 750 ml and in canisters of 10 liters.

Instructions for use

In the liquid and solidified state, Moment Crystal is transparent. Instructions for gluing materials:

  1. Clean and degrease the areas thoroughly before joining.
  2. Apply glue to both surfaces to be joined and leave in the open air for a quarter of an hour.
  3. A visible film should form on the surface of the adhesive layer, before connecting, touch it with your fingers - it should not stick to them and stretch. If the material is highly absorbent, then apply the composition again.
  4. Connect the sections by pressing them together as hard as possible in the first seven seconds. After that, their position cannot be corrected.
  5. Apply pressure from the center of the section to the edges to prevent air from trapping at the seam.
  6. The product can be used after 24 hours.

Approximate consumption when applied to both areas to be joined is from 250 to 350 g/m 2 .

Advice! According to reviews, "Moment Crystal" is practically indestructible, very durable and reliable, and the quality of the formed seam corresponds to that declared by the manufacturer.

When working, it is often necessary to remove squeezed out excesses or eliminate accidental stains. How to wipe the "Moment Crystal":

  • clean the tools from the remnants of the product immediately after use with gasoline;
  • the same solvent removes fresh stains of Moment Crystal;
  • dried glue from the fabric can only be removed by dry cleaning, from other materials - with gasoline.

In everyday life, the universal glue "Moment Crystal" is indispensable. It helps to glue a variety of materials, from ceramics to rubber. But the main advantage of this tool is that the traces of gluing are almost invisible. The composition is popular quite deservedly - it has high quality and excellent performance properties.


The adhesive has a complex chemical composition, created using the latest technologies, which determines its main properties. This is a product that allows you to form a seam of high strength, resistant to aggressive influences (including mechanical ones).

The product includes the following main components:

  • inorganic heterochain polymers of the polyurethane group obtained by high-temperature synthesis;
  • ethyl acetate (ethanoic acid ethyl ester);
  • dimethyl ketone or acetone;
  • stabilizing additives.

Thanks to the stabilizers, the adhesive is highly resistant to moisture. As the adhesive layer solidifies, it crystallizes, which increases the strength of the joined joints several times.

Packing of products is carried out in tubes of 125 ml and 30 ml. You can also purchase glue in jars of 750 ml and cans of 10 liters. The latter option is especially convenient if large volumes of repair work are planned.


Polyurethane adhesive is able to glue hard and soft materials from polystyrene, polyvinyl chloride and other types of synthetic polymer products. It can also be used for bonding wood materials, natural vegetable cork, acrylic resin organic glass, metal, ceramic and porcelain products, rubber, paper and cardboard.

The main technical and operational characteristics of the product:

  • the product is a transparent gel that remains colorless even after curing;
  • suitable for gluing various combinations of materials;
  • it is a waterproof composition, therefore it can be used for products made of natural and synthetic rubber (rubber);
  • not subject to aggressive alkaline and acidic effects;
  • has the ability to crystallize during solidification, provides perfect adhesion to surfaces;
  • has high strength properties, after processing it does not leave dirty marks and stains;
  • processed seams are not affected by high and low temperatures (from -40 to +70 degrees);
  • to remove excess adhesive, you do not need to use solvents - they can be removed mechanically or rolled up with your fingers.

A feature of the glue is the restoration of its necessary properties after freezing. It is able to acquire its original consistency at room temperature.

The Moment Crystal universal gel can dry out, crystallize prematurely and become unusable only if the packaging is not sealed. Product storage provides for an average temperature of -20 to +30 degrees for 24 months.

There are two main limitations to using glue:

  • it cannot be used for gluing dishes used for food;
  • it is not suitable for repairing polypropylene, polyethylene and teflon products.

Instructions for use

The adhesive, having maximum adhesion, seizes instantly, because the composition is recognized as the highest quality and durable among analogues. However, before use, as stated in the product description, it is necessary to prepare the surfaces to be joined. If it is metal, it should be cleaned of scale, rust, dust and dirt. After that, it is desirable to grind the coating with any abrasive and wipe it clean of small particles. Then you can degrease the material with acetone or gasoline.

The composition is applied in an even layer only on dry, clean surfaces and left until a thin but noticeable film forms on them (for 20-25 minutes). With a high porosity of the processed products, the adhesive can be well absorbed, so it will have to be applied again.

Before joining the coatings, it is necessary to make sure that the transparent film is in the right consistency. If it does not stick to your hands, then you can connect the sections. This must be done quickly, with strong pressure - the strength of the seam depends on this. The closure must be uniform over the entire surface area so that air bubbles do not form.

For maximum strength, it is not the duration of the pressure that is important, but its strength, so gluing should be done as carefully as possible. Press the surface for 5-7 seconds. After that, it will no longer be possible to make adjustments. To create optimally uniform pressure when gluing, professional craftsmen recommend using an ordinary rolling pin or a bottle. You can use the product after repair after a day, when the polymerization of the adhesive composition is completely completed.

Usually the glue does not leave stains, but sometimes it is necessary to remove its residues. accidentally dropped to the surface. This must be done quickly. Fresh dirt can be removed with a clean finger. Dried stains are removed with gasoline or acetone (with the exception of fabrics that will have to be taken to dry cleaning).

Security measures

When using the product, do not forget that the product is flammable, so all gluing work must not be carried out near sources of fire. It is also desirable to provide maximum ventilation in the room.

Adhesive fumes in some cases can cause an allergic reaction, dizziness, nausea and vomiting in people with hypersensitivity. It is unacceptable that the product gets on the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes.

In case of accidental contact of the substance with open parts of the body, immediately rinse them with plenty of warm running water.

Brand range

In addition to universal glue, the Moment line of products is also represented by other popular compositions.

  • "Moment Gel" designed for vertical bonding at home.
  • "Super Moment" provides instant bonding.
  • "Super Moment Gel" designed for vertical coatings characterized by increased porosity.
  • Series "Moment Montage"– a range of assembly products suitable for all working surfaces.

To date, judging by the reviews, the universal waterproof Moment glue from the manufacturer Henkel is in the greatest demand. With proper storage, it can be used for several years. However, he does not lose his valuable qualities. The product has a low cost, glues almost everything (including natural and artificial leather). The glue has only one drawback - a pungent odor, which is explained by the presence of acetone and other active components in the composition, so it is advisable to work with the product with the windows open.

How to make sure that the glue does not flow out of the tube uncontrollably, see the next video.

Gluing polymer products can be a real challenge, as they are quite difficult to this type of processing. It is much easier to bolt or solder them, but in some cases this type of connection is unacceptable and you have to look for alternatives. Clay "Moment Crystal" is currently one of the leaders in this matter.

It contains special substances that improve adhesive properties and allow even the most slippery materials to stick to each other. This adhesive will not work for polyethylene and polypropylene, but otherwise it will work well for any composite polymers.

Glue composition

Each substance receives its properties from the interaction of its constituent components. Each glue is a mixture of a large number of polyatomic chemical compounds that are processed in a certain way to make a finished product.

Transparent glue "Moment Crystal" consists of:

  • - heterochain polymers of the polyurethane group;
  • - ethyl ester of acetic acid;
  • - saturated ketones, in particular acetone;
  • - special additives for stabilization of chemical properties.

The structure of the substance is very complex, and the method of preparation requires careful creation of the conditions necessary for interaction. So it is not possible to make such glue at home on your own. The glue got its name for its crystallizing properties after solidification. It forms a very strong adhesive seam, which is not subject to the influence of most destructive factors. Often it will be much easier to break the product in another place than to do it along the seam.

Application area

Moment Crystal universal glue can be purchased at a building materials store and in many supermarkets. It is easy to find on the gray packaging. The material will cost a little more than the standard model, because it has additional properties. But it can also be used to join cardboard, rubber, ceramics, metal, wood, glass, paper, cork, foam rubber.

The substance is not suitable only for products in direct contact with food. You also need to take precautions when working with it. If part of the glue gets on the skin, you should immediately wash it off with plenty of warm water.

At hit of substance in eyes - at once to address to the doctor. Inhalation of glue vapors causes hallucinations, dizziness, and sometimes nausea and vomiting. And the ingress of a substance into the digestive system can lead to death. Therefore, you need to store the glue out of the reach of children and pets.

Main characteristics

Before buying, you should make sure that the glue is really suitable for the operation intended for it. The properties of a substance can be read below as a detailed list with a description:

  • 1. It has a transparent color, both in a liquid and in a frozen state.
  • 2. The polyurethane basis adds to it additional resistance to the destructive influence of atmospheric factors. Therefore, glue can be used, among other things, for products oriented to outdoor use.
  • 3. Provides a high degree of adhesion of parts due to the crystallization of the seam.
  • 4. It is characterized by water resistance, so it can be used to glue, for example, a rubber boat or boots, to repair shoes and other products that, due to their service life, have to periodically come into direct contact with water.
  • 5. Can be stored for two years at temperatures from -20 to +30 degrees Celsius. The main condition for preservation is the tightness of the original packaging. Otherwise, the glue dries quickly and becomes unusable. You can bring it back to life after freezing by ordinary defrosting, but after it crystallizes, it remains only to throw it in the trash.
  • 6. It burns well, so work should be carried out only away from open sources of fire. Can be used at temperatures up to 70 degrees.

Release form and price

The Moment Crystal glue is packed in 30 and 125 milliliter tubes. At the same time, options for completing a show box or a blister card are possible. This does not affect the safety in any way, so it is worth choosing only based on the convenience of work. Both types of packaging are equally found in stores, so you won’t have to search for a long time. The type of packaging has little or no effect on the price.

Instructions for using Moment Crystal glue are given directly on the package. The most important thing to know: before starting work, both surfaces must be cleaned and degreased. Glue is applied on both sides, after which it must be infused for 15 minutes in the open air. The first 5-7 seconds after connecting the parts, they must be compressed with maximum effort. The repaired item is ready for use in a day.

According to reviews of Moment Crystal glue, the life cycle of items repaired with it will be less than that of the substance itself. It is virtually indestructible, incredibly reliable and durable. The quality is fully consistent with the declared manufacturer. In each house, it is worth keeping a few tubes of glue just in case, so that if necessary, you can quickly fix a broken item.

The price of Moment Crystal glue is 60 and 240 rubles, respectively, for a large and small package. Slight fluctuations around the specified value are possible.

Universal glue Moment Crystal has become simply indispensable in everyday life. It allows you to quickly glue different materials - from ceramics to rubber. Its main advantage is the almost complete invisibility of traces from the connection of parts. The composition of the adhesive is of high quality, it has excellent characteristics.

Moment - universal glue, transparent, its composition is waterproof. With it, you can reliably and permanently glue different materials.

The crystal qualitatively connects wood, metal, porcelain, rubber and other surfaces. The joint is provided with high strength. Glue can also be used for fabrics, because it does not leave marks and stains, does not deform the processed material.

Glue is available in a metal tube with a volume of 30 ml or 125 ml.

The crystal does not change its parameters even under the influence of high humidity or temperature changes. Due to this, it is in great demand, has a large number of positive reviews from experienced builders and from those who prefer to do all the work on their own.

The glue has a complex chemical composition, the latest technologies are used to create it. The main components are:

  • polymers from the group of polyurethanes;
  • ethyl acetate;
  • acetone;
  • stabilizers.

Stabilizers increase resistance to moisture. As it solidifies, it crystallizes, due to which the joints have high strength.


The line of contact adhesives Moment includes the following types:

  • Moment 1 is universal - suitable for most materials;
  • Moment Crystal - colorless polyurethane composition for different materials;
  • Moment Marathon - used in most cases in the shoe industry;
  • Moment Gel - glue with a gel texture;
  • Rubber moment - suitable for connecting any hard or foam rubber;
  • Moment 88 - characterized by increased strength.

Each species is sold in tubes of 30 ml and 125 ml. These compounds help to make a truly reliable connection of various materials.


The moment is characterized by the following properties:

  • transparency in liquid form and after solidification;
  • resistance to environmental factors due to the basis of polyurethane;
  • during the crystallization of the seam, the degree of adhesion of the two surfaces improves;
  • water resistance - can be used for rubber shoes and boats;
  • resistance to dilute acids and alkalis;
  • frost resistance - withstands temperatures up to minus 40 degrees;
  • good tolerance to high temperatures up to 70 degrees;
  • the temperature range for work is 18 - 25 degrees;
  • warm, dry air accelerates crystallization, and cold solvents evaporate slowly.

There are 2 main limitations to the application:

  • it is forbidden to use it for dishes;
  • it is forbidden to use for the repair of polypropylene, polyethylene and teflon products.

Instructions for use

The instructions for working with Moment are as follows:

  • To connect the surfaces, they are first thoroughly dried and cleaned with fine-grained sandpaper.
  • After stripping, the surface is degreased with gasoline or acetone, then applied in an even layer.
  • The composition covers both surfaces. Leave them outdoors for 15 minutes. A film should appear on the surface. Before connecting, you need to touch it with your fingers - if it does not stretch and does not stick, then you can connect. If the materials absorb well, then the composition must be applied a second time.
  • Firmly press the parts and hold for a few seconds. The effectiveness of the operation depends on the applied efforts. After 7 seconds, the position cannot be corrected.
  • It is important to press from the center to the edges so that air cannot accumulate in the central part, worsening grip.

Use of adhesive
  • You can use the repaired product after a day.
  • As a result, with the help of the Crystal, a high-strength compound is obtained that is resistant to wear, the negative effects of high temperature, solutions of acids and alkalis, and moisture.

According to reviews, the Crystal is reliable and durable. The quality of the resulting seam corresponds to that declared by the manufacturer.

During operation, it is important to remember that it is highly flammable. All operations with it are carried out away from sources of fire, only in a room with good ventilation.

It is also recommended to carry out work in overalls to comply with safety precautions. If the Crystal has got on the open surface of the skin, it provokes burning, irritation, local allergic reaction.

During operation, it is necessary to remove excess, random stains. You can wipe them off in the following ways:

  • you can clean the tools with gasoline;
  • gasoline also helps to remove fresh stains on clothes;
  • from fabrics, dried glue is removed only in dry cleaning, from other materials - with the help of gasoline.

The quality of the Moment Crystal corresponds to what the manufacturer claims. Each home should have such glue in order to use it in case of unforeseen circumstances and fix the thing.

In contact with