Soft roof and metal roofing price comparison. Which is better, metal roofing or soft roofing? Comparison of technical characteristics, pros and cons of coatings. What is metal and bituminous tiles

Among roofing materials, there are many options that have almost the same characteristics. For example, if we take a metal tile and a bituminous tile (soft roof), then it can be noted that both options are characterized by reliability, durability and attractive appearance. In addition, the price of these materials is almost the same. All this leads private developers to a dead end when they make a choice, which is better: a metal tile or a soft roof. However, in order to solve the problem, it is necessary to make a comparative analysis of some features of metal tiles and soft roofs and conclude which characteristics are most suitable for certain construction conditions.

What is better to choose for a roof - a metal tile or a soft roof

To begin with, it is worth understanding what the compared materials are.

A metal tile is a profiled sheet with longitudinal and transverse corrugation, which creates a semblance of ceramic tiles. With visual inspection, even from a short distance, it is quite difficult to distinguish metal modules from piece tiles.

The metal tile has a complex structure, which is based on thin steel with a double-sided zinc coating with a thickness of about 20 microns. In addition, there is a passivating layer and a primer on both sides. The finishing layer on the underside is a protective paint, the upper part is covered with a layer of polymer.

Bituminous tiles are produced in the form of a narrow strip with cutouts in the shape of a rectangle, rhombus or petal. When laying these elements on the roof, a unique pattern is created, characteristic of a particular type of product.

The soft roof is a material with a multilayer structure. Fiberglass, which is the basis of the material, is coated with modified or oxidized bitumen. Stone crumb-granulate is applied to the front side, the lower part is covered with a bitumen-polymer adhesive, with which the tapes can be glued together without using mastic.

Based on this, we can say that both options are similar to natural tiles, and the multilayer structure of both materials provides strength and durability.

What result can be obtained if we compare what is better: a metal tile or a flexible tile according to the most significant characteristics.

Size and weight

Sheets of a metal tile have rather large sizes. Their length is most often 4.5 meters, and in some situations can reach 7.5 meters. The width of the sheet in most cases is 1.12-1.19 meters. Therefore, the conclusion suggests itself that the installation of the material alone is practically impossible. In addition, elongated sheets are very difficult to lift to a height and secure to the rafters.

Bituminous tiles in this regard are a more profitable option: the material is produced in the form of a tape up to 1 meter long and 33.7 cm wide. Therefore, there are no difficulties when climbing onto the roof and performing installation work, even if one person does the work.

When comparing weights, a slightly different result is obtained. The mass of 1 m 2 of metal roofing is no more than 5 kg. but a similar area of ​​soft roofing will weigh from 8 to 12 kg.

Thus, the metal tile has larger overall dimensions than bituminous tiles, but the first option weighs less, therefore, the load on the truss system will be small.

Scope of use

When choosing a metal tile or a soft roof, you should know that both compared materials are used for laying on pitched roofs, the minimum slope of which is 12-14 degrees.

Soft tiles are considered a more versatile option, as they can be used on roofs of any shape, even with domes and turrets. The insignificant weight and the sizes of material allow to cover broken and curved surfaces. In difficult places, the tape must be bent and it takes the desired shape. The advantageous point of installing a soft roof in this case is the minimum amount of waste, up to 3%.

Metal tiles can only be laid on roofs with straight slopes. The presence of kinks and additional details makes the installation of metal tiles very problematic. This is explained by a large number of undercuts, as a result of which up to 30% of waste can be formed. In addition, when cutting the material, open edges are formed, which must be painted over to prevent corrosion. This inevitably leads to an increase in the costs associated with the arrangement of the roof.

Thus, answering the question which tile is better for a roof, we can say that a soft roof is more beneficial for a roof that has a complex shape and design features.

Type of base for roofing material

Regardless of the roofing material, flexible tiles or corrugated board, the type of foundation for it is of great importance. Installation of metal tiles is carried out on a crate of boards or bars. The distance between the base elements is chosen depending on the wavelength, in most cases it is 35-40 cm.

Bituminous tiles are laid on a continuous two-layer crate. The first layer is the usual sparse base, the second is solid, plywood or oriented strand board is used for its manufacture.

Thus, bituminous tiles require a more complex base, which requires large financial costs. Metal tile in this case will be much cheaper.

The level of complexity of installation of flexible tiles and metal tiles

Covering the roof with metal tiles is not particularly difficult. Due to the large dimensions of the module, the laying process does not take much time. Simple installation without professional features allows even beginners to do the job, which in most cases show good results.

Laying a soft roof requires increased attention, since as a result of a perfect mistake, the roof may lose its performance characteristics. Therefore, the installation of soft tiles is best entrusted to professionals who have the appropriate qualifications and experience.

If we compare the labor costs, then here we can observe the following situation: a soft roof is mounted more slowly, but bulky sheets of metal tiles are laid longer and more difficult.

It is also much more difficult to lift large modules of metal tiles than flexible roofing tapes. At the very least, additional labor and special mechanisms or devices will be required in the first case. Bituminous tile strips can be lifted and laid by one person.

Installation work on laying metal tiles on a simple pitched roof does not seem difficult, but the presence of even small breaks adds to the difficulties in this process. At the same time, in some situations, labor costs can be significantly higher than in the case of soft tiles.

Thus, the installation of metal tiles will be faster and easier on single-pitched or double-pitched roofs, provided that two or more people perform the work. Complex, broken and multi-pitched roofs are best covered with soft tiles.

Soundproof characteristics

One of the disadvantages of metal tiles is the creation of increased noise from hail strikes or raindrops. To reduce the noise level, additional sound insulation is needed. To do this, you can use heaters with a thickness of more than 15-20 cm with good soundproofing properties. It is very important to perform such actions when arranging an attic living space so that raindrops hitting the roof do not disturb the comfort and peace of the residents.

Soft roofing in this regard does not cause problems, the use of additional sound insulation for this material is not required. Bituminous tiles are great for gazebos, garages, summer attics and other premises that do not require thermal insulation.

Roof design

The roof, covered with both metal and soft tiles, has an equally attractive appearance.

The metal tile is a kind of classic ceramic tile, so it looks more natural. At the same time, there are a variety of profiles that differ in size and shape of the wave, the color scheme is represented by hundreds of options. The following profiles are very popular: Joker, Cascade, Monterrey and Super Monterrey. Therefore, a metal tile can be chosen in any shade, for any architectural ensemble and for the most refined taste.

The design possibilities of soft roofs are also diverse, with the help of this material you can revive any idea. The appearance of such a coating is determined by the shape of the cutting of the bitumen tape. It can be a rhombus, hexagon, rectangle, oval and much more.

In terms of colors, soft roofing is not inferior to its competitor: the color scheme is quite wide. Moreover, the petals of the tiles can be painted in one color, or different colors and shades can be used.

One of the advantages of a soft roof is called hidden fasteners. The tapes are fixed on the crate by means of a self-adhesive layer on the inner surface and small fasteners that are easily covered by the upper row of material. For fixing metal tiles, special self-tapping screws are used, which are painted to match the material. But even this condition does not allow you to completely hide the place of fasteners.


The duration of the operational period of the coating for the roof is affected by the degree of its wear resistance. In the case of metal tiles, this factor depends on the type of polymer coating and zinc content. The average life of a metal tile, specified by the manufacturer, ranges from 20 years to half a century.

Soft tile made of bitumen can be flawlessly operated for 30-50 years. The service life of soft tiles is affected by the quality of the coating used, its thickness and the type of base.

Thus, if we compare metal tiles and soft roofs, then both options have approximately the same service life, subject to the choice of high-quality material and the installation technology.

Material price

For many, the question seems to be essential, which is cheaper: metal or flexible tiles. When comparing prices for the material itself and the additional costs of its installation, the following situation is outlined: soft tiles, as a material, are more expensive than metal tiles. A soft roof requires a solid base, which inevitably leads to increased costs. In addition, shingles are in most cases installed by professionals, and the process itself takes a significant amount of time.

Based on this, we can say that the use of metal tiles as a roofing material is a more profitable option from the financial point of view.

Final Conclusion

Comparison of metal tiles and soft roofing shows that each material has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, the choice should be made in accordance with specific conditions.

When planning the construction of a house, you must immediately decide on the choice of basic building materials. These include roofing, since the loads on the foundation base and the overall construction costs depend on its characteristics. There is a wide selection of pitched roof coatings on the market, but most often private developers are interested in what is better - a metal tile or a soft roof. To answer this question, you should compare materials according to various criteria and determine which option is more suitable for use in specific conditions.

Metal and soft tiles

Manufacturing principles

First of all, it is worth understanding the design features of the materials under consideration. They fundamentally differ in structure, the only common thing is that both types of coating imitate tiles.

metal tile

Metal tile is a multi-layer material, the basis of which is rolled steel with a thickness of 0.4 mm to 0.7 mm. It is recommended to use roofing sheets made of steel with a thickness of at least 0.5 mm, since at smaller parameters the material is prone to deformation under loads and has a lower durability.

To protect against corrosion, rolled metal is coated on both sides with a layer of zinc (the thicker it is, the longer the roof will last), as well as a passivating layer - an oxide film, which also prevents steel from rusting.

A protective and decorative outer layer is applied to the front and back sides of the rolled metal. From the back side, it is painted with a special paint, and the front side is covered with a polymeric material - polyester, plastisol, pural, etc. The durability of the roofing and its stability depend on the characteristics and thickness of the polymer layer.:

  • to fading under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • to mechanical damage during maintenance and other work on the roof.

Completely finished rolled material is subjected to profiling on special equipment and cut into sheets. The appearance of the finished roof depends on the characteristics of the profile, but in general, the imitation of the coating from piece clay tiles is successful.

Material structure overview

Soft tiles

Bitumen shingles are a relatively flexible material compared to metal shingles. Its base is fiberglass or other similar material that is tear-resistant and resistant to decay.

Modified bitumen is applied over the base on both sides - special polymer additives allow it to remain elastic at low temperatures, so that the roofing does not crack even when used in cold climates.

The lower layer of the flexible roofing material is covered with an adhesive and covered with a protective film, which is removed before installation. On the outside, bituminous tiles are supplied with a decorative and protective layer of mineral chips mixed with pigment and polymer resin. The outer coating protects the bituminous layer from the damaging effects of ultraviolet radiation, increases the resistance of the roofing to mechanical damage.

Sheet material is produced in the form of shingles of a certain configuration. Due to the figured petals and special coloring, the finished roof looks original and attractive, but such a tile visually differs from the classical one.

Dimensions and weight

These parameters largely determine the ease of installation, the ability to carry out work on laying the coating on the roof on your own. In addition, the load on the wall structures and the foundation depends on the weight of the roofing material. In some cases, this is critical.

Metal roof tiles are produced in the form of sheets, the width of which varies between 1.12–1.19 m, and the length can be from 0.5 to 7.5 m. the roofing will have many joints, which worsens its functional parameters. In the standard version, the length of a metal tile sheet is 4.5 m, but the installation of such material requires the involvement of assistants to lift the sheets onto the roof. Sheets of greater length are most often made to order.

Sizes of sheets and shingles

Flexible roofing shingles have a small format (1000×337 mm), one person is enough to install the roofing.

Pay attention to the difference in the weight of the material: one element of a flexible roof weighs less than a sheet of metal, while the total weight of a bituminous tile roof is about 8–12 kg per square meter, and a metal tile roof is about 5 kg.

Specifics of use

It makes sense to choose which material is more suitable for use, flexible tiles or metal tiles, only if we are talking about a pitched roof, in which the angle of inclination of the slopes is from 12–14 °.

At the same time, due to its elasticity, bituminous material is suitable for laying on roofs of complex configuration, including cone-shaped, hemispherical or broken surfaces. The small size of soft roof shingles and fastening technology contributes to material savings - on complex roofs, the amount of waste will be no more than 4%.

Specifics of use

Metal tiles are used on roofs of a simple shape with even slopes, including multi-gable roofs. An attempt to use metal tiles for laying on curved surfaces will lead to a large number of joints, the need for anti-corrosion treatment of edges on cuts, and a high percentage of waste (up to 30%). This complicates the installation work and increases the financial cost of arranging the roof.

Type of base (battens)

Due to the rigidity of the sheets of metal tiles, it is enough to use a sparse crate made of a bar or board for laying the coating. The greater the angle of inclination of the slopes, the wider the step of installing the elements of the crate, since the snow load on the roof is reduced, and vice versa. The standard batten pitch for this material is 350–400 mm.

Comparison of battens

Bituminous tiles are mounted on a flat surface, therefore, it requires a continuous crate of sheet materials (planed boards, plywood, OSB, etc.) over a sparse one. Such a crate is noticeably more expensive and more difficult to install, since it is necessary to avoid height differences at the joints of the sheets.

Mounting Features

Let's compare the main aspects of work related to the installation of roofing:

  1. Preparatory stage. Installation of waterproofing, counter-lattices and battens for metal tiles requires less labor and time compared to fixing a solid batten and a special waterproofing underlay for bituminous material.
  2. Lifting material to the place of laying. Advantages of soft tile shingles as they are small and light. Lifting sheets of steel tiles requires the involvement of assistants, and in some cases the use of special devices (supports made of wooden beams). When lifting, care should be taken - damage to the protective layer on the metal tile leads to the appearance of a corrosion center.
  3. Mounting speed. The metal-tiled coating is mounted in a short time (on simple slopes), the work can be done independently. Laying flexible tiles requires special skills - it is difficult to dismantle glued shingles, and errors in the work technology lead to the fact that the roofing will not cope with its functions. The speed of installation of flexible tiles is approximately three times lower compared to the arrangement of a metal coating.

Nuances in the installation of metal tiles

Functionality of roofing

  • Metal tile flooring is characterized by increased windage, in areas with strong winds there is a risk of breaking the coating, especially if mistakes were made during installation. Soft tile flooring adheres securely to the subfloor, so this option is preferable in climates with strong winds.
  • Self-tapping screws are used to fasten the metal tile. Accordingly, mounting holes are made under them, each of which is potentially a source of corrosion, since the integrity of the protective coatings is violated. If the special washer on the self-tapping screw does not adhere well to the hole and does not seal it, the sheet material will quickly fail. In areas with high humidity, heavy rainfall, it is worth giving preference to bituminous roofing, the flooring of which is a one-piece multi-layer sealed “pie”, glued with special mastic and successfully resisting moisture.

Section of a roofing pie under a flexible tile

Soundproof parameters

It is not difficult to determine which roof is better in terms of soundproofing properties. Metal tile refers to "noisy" materials, which does not dampen the sound of drumming rain and wind, transmits vibration to building structures. To compensate for this shortcoming, it is recommended to use vibration-proof pads when installing the flooring, as well as heat-insulate the roof with a heater that can dampen sound waves.

The advantages of bituminous roofing include high noise insulation performance. The sound of drops on the roof, gusts of wind will not disturb the acoustic comfort in the house, even if the roof is not insulated.

architectural expressiveness

From the point of view of aesthetic characteristics, the materials are equal - the choice depends on the preferences of the developer. It is important that the roofing material is combined with the overall appearance of the building..

Manufacturers offer a wide selection of metal tiles, which differ in profile configuration and color. The market offers materials with more than 100 shades, which allows you to choose the best option for a home of any architecture.

Possible types of metal tile profiles

Bituminous tiles also please with a variety of petal shapes and color schemes. In addition to monochrome finishes, there is a rich selection of shingles available in complex colors that combine multiple shades. This adds expressiveness and originality to the mounted roofing.

Assortment of soft tiles
Please note: the fasteners of the metal profile flooring remain in sight, they are closed with caps to match the metal tile. At the same time, the installation of the bituminous coating is carried out using hidden fasteners, which increases the aesthetic appearance of the roof.

Service life and maintainability

One of the key criteria for choosing roofing is durability - the longer the roof is able to last, the more profitable it is to invest in this particular coating option. It is also important to evaluate maintainability, as external factors can affect the integrity of the deck.

Metal tile parameters

The service life of a metal tile depends on the technical characteristics of a particular material. Manufacturers define durability as 20–50 years, taking into account:

  • steel sheet thickness (recommended at least 0.5 mm);
  • galvanizing thickness (zinc consumption should be at least 275 g/m²);
  • characteristics of the polymeric protective and decorative layer.

It is these parameters that you should pay attention to when choosing which metal tile is better.. It is important to check the evenness of the sheets, the quality of the outer coating (the absence of paint streaks, swelling, etc.), familiarize yourself with the product certificates.

Which manufacturer to choose

Damaged roof decking elements can be replaced with new ones, but only if the profile configuration exactly matches. It is also possible to install patches, but such repairs will worsen the appearance of the roof.

Shingles parameters

Service life of bituminous material is 30–50 years. The exact timing depends on the following parameters:

  • type of bitumen (oxidized is more durable than modified);
  • strength characteristics of the base;
  • thickness of the outer protective layer.

Damaged shingle roofing can be repaired by applying a patch of the same material or by replacing the shingles. If you carefully do the work and choose the perfect shade, the repaired place on the roof of the house will not catch your eye.

Cost of materials

Let's figure out what is cheaper - a metal tile or a flexible tile. If we compare the prices for the materials themselves, then on average the purchase of shingles will cost one and a half times more than the purchase of metal tiles.

Equally important is the difference in installation costs. If roofing films, bars and self-tapping screws are used to equip a roofing pie with a decking of profiled steel sheets, then for laying bituminous tiles, you need:

  • bars and sheet materials for lathing;
  • lining carpet;
  • mastic;
  • fixing nails.

It should also be noted that it is advisable to entrust the installation of a bituminous coating to professionals, while many fasten metal tiles on their own.


Which choice will become a priority, metal tile or soft roof, which have their pros and cons, everyone decides on their own.

The compared materials have many differences. Comparison in terms of affordability is won by metal tiles - this is an inexpensive option that is ideal for the roof of a house and any ancillary buildings. However, we must not forget that for a residential building, even a summer cottage, roof insulation will definitely be required so that the noise of rain and wind does not interfere with rest, and this requires additional costs.

Bituminous shingles are good in terms of increased waterproofing, wind resistance and noise-absorbing properties. A summer cottage or a house with an insulated attic floor will not require thermal insulation of the roof for acoustic comfort. But these total costs for roofing material and installation are relatively high.

Metal tiles are chosen for pitched roofs of a simple configuration, and bituminous tiles are versatile and suitable for installation on complex roofs.

Both materials are quite durable and maintainable, subject to the purchase of products from a reliable manufacturer. It is impossible to advise unambiguously what to choose. The decision is made taking into account the functional purpose of the building, the climatic features of the area, personal aesthetic preferences and financial capabilities.

Metal and flexible tiles are the most popular types of roofing today. Slate and seam roofing have long been considered obsolete, and more daring technological innovations, like plastic or arkil, are still too unusual. And why not give preference to a proven option, especially since a tiled roof always looks neat, harmonious and unpretentious in maintenance.

But then what is better: a metal tile or a flexible tile? What do you prefer: flexibility or solidity, design or simplicity? There is no single answer, but we will help you make an informed choice!

In this article, we will look at a comparison of the characteristics of both types of roofing. And it is not surprising that manufacturers are so fond of comparing their flexible tiles with metal ones, as with something opposite in quality:

Structure: what do you need to know?

Let's start with the structure of both coatings. After all, today many still prefer metal tiles only for the reason that they consider soft tiles to be something like an analogue of roofing material, although in fact, technically, it is much more complicated and reliable, and at the same time it has a much more complex structure.

So, what is a flexible tile? This is a type-setting sheet material with standard sizes and curly cutouts. Such a product has a multilayer structure, in which the basis is fiberglass (non-woven fiberglass) and a material impregnated with bitumen.

Shingles of different manufacturers differ in such important parameters as design, color palette, quality of binder bitumen, base strength, soil thickness and type of dressing. A lot here depends on the bitumen itself. It is his qualities that the great-grandfather will dictate how flexible tiles will behave on the roof.

The main advantage of such sheets is the ability to withstand longitudinal stretching. And especially high strength characteristics of bituminous tiles with double reinforcement. In addition, even at the factory, the shingles are treated with a special compound to protect against mold and lichen during operation. Today bituminous shingles are even produced with aluminum, copper and zinc-titanium plates on top.

But the metal tile has a fundamentally different structure:

The basis of the metal tile is a steel sheet coated with an aluminum or zinc layer, and on top - with an additional protective coating. Such a puff cake, and the presence or absence of each of these materials will immediately affect the durability of the material.

The topmost layer is of particular importance, see how immediately the characteristics of the sheet change in different versions:

To summarize: both metal and flexible tiles have a complex structure, and their quality depends on what kind of material was used, how many layers were used and what manufacturing technology is in question. Those. neither flexible nor metal tiles are inherently a simple analogue of a seam or roofing felt roof.

Color and design: what will please the eye more?

The second important point that affects the choice of a particular roofing is the aesthetic component. After all, there is no point in thinking over the exterior of a new house, the color of the facade, the shape of the window frames to the last detail, and so that the roof spoils the whole appearance.

And here the difference between metal tiles and shingles is huge! Metal tiles are produced with a fairly large selection of colors according to the RAL catalog, but all of them, of course, are monochrome. And in nature there are no such pure shades, which is why the metal tile always looks alien against the background of the surrounding nature, although it is stylish. And multi-colored metal tiles are not produced:

The situation is completely different with flexible tiles, which are produced today with two main types of top coating - basalt and slate chips. In addition to its decorative functions, this dressing also protects the sheets from ultraviolet rays and many other factors.

The colors themselves are so beautiful and varied that it is not difficult to achieve the desired fashionable style of architecture. And every year the leading manufacturers release something new, actively competing with each other.

And, of course, such a roofing looks harmonious both in urban latitudes and against the backdrop of a natural landscape:

Possibilities for implementing projects: from simple to complex

Due to the large amount of waste, the lack of high-quality bending and the integrity of the sheets, metal tiles are well suited for simple projects, like roofs with two straight slopes and no frills. Aerobatics for metal tiles - hip and hipped roofs, and then you will have to tinker with sealing and arranging their ridges.

The fact is that metal tiles, for all their texture, require even slopes, and any bend or complex element turns into a number of problems. Sometimes, on unusual architectural objects, the consumption of metal tiles exceeds more than 50%, while even on ordinary roofs it is never less than 15%.

But for flexible tiles there are no barriers at all (with the exception of a flat surface). Thanks to this, beautiful roofs and a simple, complex configuration are obtained from it - even bulbous and domed ones. And all thanks to the fact that flexible tiles are piece material, and the integrity of the coating is never violated due to one problem area.

When it comes to complex roofing, you can’t make beautiful corner elements from metal tiles. And even with the special talent and resourcefulness of the roofer, it is still quite difficult to provide waterproofing for such elements. But with a flexible tile, everything is completely different!

Here is a very interesting video on the subject:

Practicality: which tile will show itself better?

If the aesthetic side is satisfied, consider the practicality of both types of roofing.

Noise isolation: will there be a roar?

And now we have moved on to the main difference, which is so often talked about - soundproofing. So, if you want to convert the attic of the house into an attic, it is recommended to allegedly forget about the metal tile. After all, high-quality insulation only reduces the roar from rain by a small percentage. But the flexible tile is a completely silent material.

On the other hand, if you choose a heater with high soundproofing properties, and do not spare self-tapping screws (metal sheets still often rumble from the wind), i.e. approach the issue correctly, then such an attic will turn out to be quite comfortable. For example, for this purpose, experienced roofers are advised not to purchase screws for metal tiles in the market, where they sell "everything for everything." It is better to order a set of these in a specialized store, with a rubber-based rubber gasket.

Well, if the attic is cold, and we are not talking about insulation, then it will not matter to you at all whether it is noisy under the roof in the downpour, because the sound will not reach the living quarters.

Snow retention: snow avalanche

The next step is snow retention. It is very important that snow on a residential building, especially abundant in the Russian climate, does not fall like an avalanche. After all, such a “hat” can not only corrupt the drainage systems, break the growing ones, break the expensive bushes growing nearby, damage the car, but also beat the dog passing below.

Therefore, it will be necessary to install snow retainers on the metal tile. At the same time, flexible tiles do not need them, because the probability of such a snowfall is minimal, and all thanks to the rough surface of stone chips. The only thing is that snow, especially wet and with pieces of ice, will scratch bituminous tiles from time to time and peel off the powder from it, and it is necessary as protection from sunlight.

Sustainability Issues: Dispelling the Myths

As for the quality of bituminous tiles, they often worry that this material is not very environmentally friendly. And that in the sun in the heat, bitumen will release toxic substances into the air, thereby poisoning the surrounding nature and people. But in fact, this can only happen with fake low-quality tiles.

Indeed, for the manufacture of roofing, modern manufacturers use only high-quality bitumen - natural, which is popularly called "earth tar". Published by them, they coated housing for full waterproofing.

Such bitumen differs from chemical bitumen in that it is saturated with oxygen and in fact is still a natural material, and this is not at all the same material with which roofing material is glued to slopes.

Budget: consider the pitfalls

And now about the most sensitive issue - the price. Even with a limited budget, buyers still want to purchase quality material and not lose in terms of the appearance of the house. Flexible tiles, of course, are more expensive than metal ones, but not so much as to abandon the planned design.

Second moment. Prices for metal tiles are more or less transparent and understandable: high-quality has its own price, and handicraft and super-thin, which is sold directly on the market, will cost less. But with flexible tiles, everything is a little more complicated: in fact, on the domestic market, it is quite possible to purchase tiles twice as expensive, and at the same time two times worse than its counterparts.

For example, at one time on salea fairly strong and durable American bituminous tile appeared, which in many respects surpasses the European one, but at the same time was more affordable.

And, finally, in the light of the current policy of import substitution, Russian factories have seriously taken up quality and use modern manufacturing technologies, while abroad, nothing has often changed in terms of production in the last 20-30 years. So it turns out that today some domestic tiles have the same quality as foreign ones, but differ significantly in cost.

Also, due to the absence of a monopoly in the market, the prices for shingles are quite acceptable, because manufacturers compete with each other due to new collections and improved quality of shingles. And in the case of metal tiles, Grand Line and MetalProfile hold the main prices, and only handicrafts compete with them, with a few exceptions.

And, finally, if we talk about the price, then consider the possible overrun of the material. Although in total prices for metal tiles are at least 40% lower than for flexible ones, everything is compensated by trimmings.

Durability and ease of care

In total, the guarantee for a metal tile is designed for a period of 10 to 20 years, although in practice it may well last half a century if it has neither a scratch nor a chance of corrosion and all fasteners are made perfectly.

True, no one has checked such a long period, because metal tiles are relatively new for the Russian market. But for flexible tiles, the guarantee is given from 10 to 50 years, although in reality it lasts from 15 to 70 years. Again, this has not been tested either.

Although these small studies and tests of both types of coverage will be interesting for you to see:

Also, in the future, maintenance of a bituminous roof will be much cheaper, because. it is considered the most repairable. Let's compare: if a leak appears in some place, it is enough to create a couple of shingles with the help of one nail puller and replace them with new ones, and at the same time, a metal tile will either have to squeeze out several tubes of expensive sealant to the base, or even remove and replace entire sheets. In addition, one problematic shingle does not affect the entire slope, and just one scratch on the metal tile causes corrosion throughout the entire slope.

Complexity of installation: what will you have to face?

The next difference between a metal tile and a flexible one is the design of the roof itself. Both types require completely different bases:

The need for a solid foundation

If we talk about the need for a foundation, then depending on the thickness of the metal and the surface coating, the metal tile usually weighs from 4.5 to 6 kg per square meter, and flexible - from 7.5 to 15 kg. This suggests that both materials are quite light and for them the power of the truss system is about the same. If we talk about the insulated roof under which the attic is arranged, the roofing cake here will no longer differ too much in the number of layers:

A cold roof does not need to be insulated, but keep in mind that in the case of a metal tile, when temperatures drop, condensation will form from the inside. With a flexible tile such problems do not arise.

Working conditions and preparation

Both coatings also differ in installation conditions. So, you can work with metal tiles in almost any weather, except for rain. But bituminous shingles are recommended to be nailed only at a temperature not lower than 5 ° C, but not in the heat, and only in dry weather. All due to the fact that in the cold the flexible tile becomes brittle and breaks right during the laying process. An exception is sbs-modified bitumen, although there are certain recommendations for it.

If you still have to work at a temperature close to 0 ° C, then the shingles are prepared in advance and stored in a well-heated room. After that, they are served in small batches and quickly fixed, helping the building dryer to bend the shingles. It is also difficult to work with shingles in extreme heat: the bitumen softens slightly, and granules are easily swept away from it.

As we have already said, when working with shingles, the consumption is minimal, and even those sheets that need to be cut can be cut with ordinary scissors. But it is difficult to cut a metal tile exactly to size, and not only because of the elaborate profile. The fact is that such sheets cannot be cut with a grinder, and the jigsaw also scratches the coating, and the scissors bend the profile. Therefore, roofers have to pick up a grinder, and then tint the cut line.

Features of laying on slopes

The next point is the complexity of laying both types of roofing. With metal tiles, everything is usually simple: sheets of the same size perfectly match in color and profile. If the slopes are even, it remains only to raise them to the roof and securely fix them there with special roofing screws.

But with flexible tiles, you most often have to mess around. Firstly, not all series (especially budget ones) make it easy to lay row after row on the slope, and you have to think through a certain pattern on your own according to the chosen scheme.

Those who have experienced this at least once know how difficult it is. And it turns out that if a new batch (purchased) lay out some part of the roof, then this place will stand out strongly against the general background. Therefore, experienced roofers know to first unpack all packs and mix them thoroughly. But even this does not guarantee a perfect result. Of course, the fact that each shingle will have to be driven by hand will add to its difficulties (it is better to rent a nail gun for this).

But if you accidentally tear, cut or scratch one of the shingles, then replace it with another without any problems. If you scratch the metal tile, then it will at least have to be repaired. And because of this, she will already lose all her attractive appearance. If nothing is done, after the autumn rains, corrosion will immediately begin. And scratching is easy enough: unsuccessfully stepping on or dropping the tool. The fact is that they carefully handle the sheets and comply with all technologies at their best - that is another task. Indeed, for installers it is much more important not to fall from a height.

And, finally, the most important difference between both types of tiles is fire safety. Both are considered conditionally safe, but if, over time, stone chips crumble in places on soft tiles and “bald” places appear, just one spark falling on them can cause a fire. And therefore, if, with all the arguments, you still haven’t decided what kind of roof you want, do it easier: if you have a chimney or chimney, then install a safer metal tile, if not, please yourself with an exquisite design of flexible tiles!

How to choose a soft roof for the roof and not regret it? To do this, you need to learn more about what a flexible roof is, what are its main properties and parameters.

Types of soft roof

What types of flexible roofing exist? It is produced in two main types:


Soft roofing is supplied in rolls 10-20 m long and 90-110 cm wide. It is designed to cover long slopes, flat or with a minimal slope. The roll is rolled out on the roof into a sheet and glued to the prepared base using bituminous mastic.


  • low price;
  • high assembly performance.


  • ineffective on roofs of small size and complex shape;
  • unaesthetic appearance;
  • low resistance to mechanical damage.

Rolled roofing is laid on top of a cement screed coated with a primer to improve adhesion. Before gluing, the cut strips must lie down for at least a day for straightening.

Such materials are most often used for industrial or warehouse buildings of medium and large sizes. This is a good choice for a budget private house with a gable roof.

bituminous tiles

Such material is also called segmented soft roofing. In the production of their bituminous sheet, segments are cut. During installation, they are glued to the base using mastic applied at the factory and fixed with roofing nails.

The segments are laid with overlap in such a way that the nail locations of the bottom row are covered by the next row. At each point of the roof there are from 4 to 6 layers of roofing material.


  • high reliability of the roof;
  • excellent sound insulation;
  • low percentage of waste when cutting on roofs of small area and complex shape;
  • applicable to conical roofs.


  • high price;
  • high labor intensity of laying;
  • Extreme care is required during installation.

Bituminous tiles are used to cover the roofs of private houses and public buildings with a slope of at least 12 o. The variety of drawings allows you to choose the right model for any style decision and size of the building.

What is the best soft roof? Each has its own scope.

The structure of the soft roof

A sheet of modern flexible roofing is a complex multilayer system.

bituminous base

The supporting structure is a sheet of bitumen-impregnated thick cardboard or a sheet of fiberglass. It provides strength to the roofing material. Bitumen for impregnation is used acidic or alkaline.


A layer of mineral chips with the addition of a coloring pigment protects the soft cardboard from mechanical damage. Coarse-grained dressing retains snow and complicates its natural removal from the slope.

The best manufacturers of soft tiles use basalt chips without impurities; in budget lines, cheaper additives can be added to basalt.

Base: fiberglass or cardboard? What's better?

Initially, cardboard was used as the basis for soft tiles. It is affordable but has limited durability. In modern models of flexible tiles, fiberglass is increasingly used.

This material is better in quality and several times more durable than cardboard. In addition, it has an almost significantly lower specific gravity with equal strength. This reduces the load on the truss system.

Fiberglass is not subject to corrosion and age-related changes in the structure, the extended service life fully justifies the high price of the material.

Advantages of a soft roof

Soft roofing has a number of obvious advantages over other types of roofing materials, such as metal tiles, seam roofing, ondulin or ceramics. These include:

  1. A wide choice of shapes and shades, aesthetic appearance.
  2. Affordable price.
  3. Long service life. The material is not subject to rust and decay.
  4. High tightness.
  5. Elasticity allows the use on roofs of complex shapes, including curved, conical and domed. No other material is suitable for this.
  6. Low percentage of waste when cutting;
  7. Resistance to ultraviolet radiation, changes in temperature and humidity.
  8. Excellent sound and thermal insulation properties. For a private house, the roof becomes an additional layer of insulation. The sound of rain is almost inaudible even in gazebos and open verandas.
  9. Installation is quite simple and can be carried out independently

The material also has a number of disadvantages:

  1. Not applicable on slopes with a slope of less than 12 o.
  2. Required continuous crate.
  3. Necessarily ventilation device to protect the truss system from high humidity.
  4. High surface roughness. This leads to the accumulation of dust, small debris. Moss growth is possible in shady areas. In winter, the roughness prevents the natural snowmelt.
  5. High requirements for installation accuracy. Only correct and accurate installation will ensure high quality coating and aesthetic appearance.

The advantages of a flexible roof far outweigh its disadvantages. More and more homeowners are choosing an inexpensive and easy-to-handle material.

Features of flexible tiles

When choosing a roofing material, the following features of flexible tiles should be considered:

  1. Base material. Affects the strength and durability of the coating. If funds permit, it is better to stay on fiberglass canvas.
  2. Type of bituminous impregnation. Modified SBS bitumen is by far the best impregnating material.
  3. Type of sprinkling. Basalt crumb creates the strongest and most durable backfill layer. It does not glare in the sun, creating a “cheap roof effect”.
  4. Bituminous mastic applied to the underside of the segments, loses its adhesive properties over time and worse joins the base. Therefore, it is better to install soft tiles no later than six months from the date of production.

Mounting Features

The installation of flexible tiles does not require special qualifications of workers and the use of expensive equipment. For installation, it is better to choose a hot sunny day. High air temperature will additionally soften the mastic and improve its adhesion to the base, especially on roofs of complex shape.

For a soft roof, a continuous crate is required. If necessary, the surface is leveled with OSB or plywood sheets. Next, a lining carpet is laid, it is fixed with roofing nails, and the joints are glued with mastic.

The laying of the segments begins with the cornice elements. The lower part is glued to a layer of mastic applied on the reverse side, and the upper part is nailed. Each subsequent layer of segments is shifted sideways by half the element. Ridge elements, junctions with other slopes, walls, pipes, etc. smeared with bituminous mastic.

Manufacturer comparison

How to choose the right manufacturer?

Foreign brands are traditionally famous for their high quality and a wide choice of shapes and colors. High and the price. It is justified by the long service life of the coating and the absence of the need for work to replace it.

Which companies are the most popular? The leaders of the ratings are often:

  1. FinnishKatepal. Traditional Finnish quality and excellent soundproofing properties.
  2. germanDoske. The budget line has a guarantee of 20 years. The premium line offers a 50-year warranty.
  3. ItalianTegola. The widest selection of shapes, patterns and palettes. Production is localized in Russia.

Of the local manufacturers, the Shinglas trademark of the TechnoNIKOL company can be noted. It produces a wide range of roofing materials based on fiberglass. Single-layer models are quite affordable in price, and even top-end two-layer ones continue to be affordable.

Comparison of manufacturers' pricing policy

What should be the price of tiles? Most manufacturers pursue a flexible pricing policy. They produce budget lines with a cost per square meter of 250-350 rubles.

For consumers with higher needs for the reliability and durability of the roof, premium product lines are offered in the range of 700-1300 rubles / m2. The most expensive models can reach 3500 rubles / m 2.

Often both lines have a similar set of shapes and range of shades. This allows you to cover the main building on the site with high-quality flexible tiles, and auxiliary buildings and gazebos with simpler material, while maintaining a single stylistic solution.

Thus, manufacturers are trying to expand their market coverage.

Conclusions: which flexible tile to choose

How to choose a flexible tile? When choosing a soft tile for the roof of a house, one must proceed from the purpose of the building.

For a residential building, it is better not to save money and purchase high-quality and wear-resistant tiles from the best manufacturers with a long service life. This will ultimately save on the dismantling of the roof that has fallen into disrepair and the installation of a new one.

For sheds, gazebos and auxiliary unheated buildings, you can choose a flexible roof of the same manufacturer from the budget line, similar in color and pattern.

The service life and design features of the truss system and battens depend on the choice of roofing material. What is better soft roofing or metal roofing? To answer this question, it is necessary to consider the characteristics of each material: its cost, installation time and service life.

Soft roof and metal tiles: main characteristics

The concept of a soft roof includes a large number of building materials:

  • Ondulin
  • bituminous tiles
  • Ruberoid
  • Linocrom, etc.

Each of them has its own performance characteristics. The most popular shingles and ondulin.

Metal tile - is made from sheet metal by rolling. The difference between the species mainly lies in the color of the material, as well as in the quality of the protective layer.

Cost of materials

Of course, there are a huge number of manufacturers producing both soft roofing and metal tiles, but if you conduct a comparative analysis of materials of approximately the same quality, you can establish the most advantageous material for installation.

  • Metal tile. From 330 to 360 rubles. per m 2
  • Bituminous tiles from 420 to 540 rubles. per m 2
  • Ondulin within 210-240 rubles. per m 2

Of course, it seems that the most profitable is the acquisition and installation of ondulin. But if we take into account the service life and appearance of the product, as well as the need to purchase additional roofing materials: wind strips, QSB slabs (for bituminous tiles), the preponderance towards metal tiles becomes obvious. The price of the product is also affected by the thickness of the sheet metal used in production, but in general, the golden mean in the price-quality position remains the material of 0.5 mm.

The cost of installation work

Another aspect that significantly affects the choice of roofing material is the cost of installation work.

If we compare a soft bituminous roof and a metal tile, the advantage of the latter becomes obvious. So installation work on average will cost 30-40% cheaper.

Of course, the complexity of the roof itself affects the total price that you have to pay for laying roofing material. So the cost for the installation of metal tiles can increase if you have to cover a sloping roof, and in this case, the cost of materials also increases. Where bituminous tiles can be simply bent, the metal sheet has to be cut and joined together, closing this place with a special profile.

Therefore, when calculating the total cost, the following must be taken into account:

  • The cost of the material, taking into account connecting, ridge and wind strips
  • Price for work, taking into account the features of the roof

How does sheet thickness affect cost?

The difference in soft roofing mainly lies in the different technological processes for the production of materials. Metal tiles may also differ in sheet thickness and the percentage of zinc in this material. These two criteria can significantly affect the cost and performance and strength characteristics. What to look for when choosing a metal tile:

  • Coating. High-quality material is coated with a special varnish protective agent. The budget and most common versions are coated with polyester (PE), more expensive materials (PUR), which significantly affects their durability. Matte protective layers have also appeared (MatPUR, Purex, MatPE) products with this index are not only reliably protected, but also look more aristocratic
  • The content of zinc. This coefficient is a decisive factor influencing the service life. The best ratio is 275 g of zinc per square meter. Such a product will last at least half a century.
  • Thickness. It affects the resulting damage during transportation and installation work, as well as the duration of operation. The ideal thickness is about 0.5 mm

Layers of metal tiles

How to decide on the choice and taking into account the terms of operation

The type of soft roof can affect its lifespan. So, for example, ondulin will last about 7-10 years. If the intensity of solar radiation is low, this period can last up to 15. Bituminous tiles, according to the characteristics declared by the manufacturers, can last a maximum of 25 years, but only if we are talking about expensive types of soft roofing. A metal tile with a high zinc content and a thickness of about 0.5 - 0.7 mm will normally last about 40-50 years.

Appearance matters

To make a choice, it is not superfluous to pay attention to the appearance of the product. And not only how bituminous or metal tiles look at the very beginning of operation, but how it will look a few years after installation. Or shingles?

  • Ondulin. Loses color saturation. With strong solar radiation, it can largely lose its original attractiveness
  • Metal tile. After a period of approximately 10 years, the paint will begin to fade and the roof will need to be repainted to restore its original appearance. So, at least, indicate the manufacturers. In practice, it can be seen that if the color fades a little, then not enough to repaint the roof
  • Bituminous tiles. Appearance remains original even after decades during the entire service life

When calculating the total cost of the product, it is necessary to take into account not only the cost of acquiring the material itself and components, but also its maintenance.

Installation work, which is cheaper?

If it is necessary to cover a flat roof unambiguously the cost of laying a metal tile will be cheaper than a soft roof. This is due to the fact that the installation of bituminous tiles has to be carried out almost piece by piece, in small fragments, which significantly affects the speed of installation. If a broken roof is covered, the cost will be almost the same.

Before you start laying, you need to know. Not every tool is suitable for this task. It is strictly forbidden to cut a metal tile with a grinder! This will shorten the life of the material.

Having acquired the necessary tools, you can proceed with the installation of the roof. The basis for laying the metal tile is the crate. Read about how to make a crate for a metal tile. The article contains installation instructions, as well as expert advice.

  • The calculation of a rigid broken roof must be made according to the formula 1 * 1.5. The resulting area must be multiplied by this coefficient
  • The most optimal thickness of the metal tile is 0.5 mm. By choosing such material, you can avoid unnecessary costs and overpayments.
  • When mounting a bituminous metal tile, it is imperative to fix each fragment with special nails

Video about soft roofing and metal tiles

Comparison of a soft roof and a metal tile. A roofing specialist can help you figure out which roof to choose.