What materials are used for the construction of prefabricated houses. Prefabricated turnkey houses. The company "Dachny Sezon" offers services for the construction of prefabricated houses using Canadian technology on a turnkey basis, which include all stages from the design

For the Russian market, prefabricated cottages and country houses made of steel structures are a new concept. Steel, out of habit, belongs to the industrial group of materials not used in housing construction. All the advantages of such structures have long been appreciated by residents of Europe, Japan and the United States. Offers from ARS-PROM enable domestic consumers to do the same.


The construction of cottages and houses from a steel profile reduces the cost of arranging the foundation due to the lightness of the materials used. The metal frame is prepared for assembly at the factory, which guarantees the accuracy of assembly at the construction site. For the construction of the building, you only need a drawing and fasteners. The ideal geometry of the structures eliminates the need for subsequent internal finishing work.

  • Fully ready for assembly
  • Savings on the construction of the foundation
  • No need for finishing work


Prefabricated steel cottages are assembled by hand using self-tapping screws and bolts. The finished structure is resistant to wind and seismic loads, can be installed in places with cold and hot climates. Residential buildings made of metal frame are safe to use.

  • The use of non-combustible materials for construction
  • Moisture resistance
  • Pest and mold resistance

Attractive look

The steel frame provides the opportunity to assemble a house of any shape and style. The choice of the customer is offered various options for planning and external design - panoramic windows, high ceilings, wide interior space.

  • Wide choice of architectural forms.
  • Organization of spacious interiors.
  • High ceilings and panoramic windows.

Creating warm and comfortable spaces

Cottages and houses made of metal structures have a significant advantage in terms of thermal insulation. Assembling walls using mineral insulation using the ventilation facade technology will help keep the heat inside the room without harming the rest of the building. For the owners of such houses, real savings on heating are obtained.

  • Ability to keep warm inside for 2-3 days
  • High level of heat and sound insulation
  • The use of natural insulation

Due to the lengthy and costly construction process, many people give up the prospect of having their own home. In addition, the presence of bureaucratic difficulties, unplanned expenses and the reality of moving in in a few years also create a not very rosy picture for the future homeowner.

The emergence of new technologies for frame construction of houses helps to get rid of a number of problems and speed up this task. Due to this, in recent years, the popularity of investments in suburban real estate has grown significantly.

Features of prefabricated houses

In European countries, more than 70% of new houses are built using frame technology. It was originally developed in Canada. The application of the new approach was associated with the need to protect forests from mass felling into log cabins. An alternative in the form of prefabricated cottages quickly became popular among residents of the northernmost regions of the country, because the construction used creates the necessary comfort and retains heat no worse than an ordinary wooden house.

The essence of fast construction technology is the installation of walls and interior partitions on a finished frame made of wood or metal. Due to the absence of heavy floors, the foundation does not have to be made high and monolithic. Thanks to a well-thought-out technology, the box itself is assembled in 2 weeks, and the installation of ceilings with finishing work takes no more than 2 months.

In frame construction, everything is thought out to the smallest detail. Therefore, the buildings are reliable, durable and strong. Masters can work with any layouts and design solutions.

What are the types

Prefabricated houses can be built from different materials:

  • ready-made modules;
  • gas and foam blocks;
  • sandwich panels;
  • wooden, metal frames;
  • natural wood, etc.

The project of a prefabricated house is developed based on the individual preferences of the customer and fully complies with all building codes. Therefore, after the construction, there are no problems associated with the legalization of the building.

The high speed of construction of cottages is achieved due to the availability of standard structural elements, spare parts, a large selection (accumulated over decades of using this technology), installation readiness and the use of high-quality insulation for the house.

Technologies for the rapid construction of private houses

Today, in practice, the Finnish, Canadian and German system of building cottages is most often used. All of them are united by a common idea - the presence of factory structural elements that are mounted in a certain sequence on the building frame.

Consider some of the features of each technology:

1. Canadian technology

Home builders in Canada mainly use hardwood floors and install chipboard panels or alternative insulated boards instead of walls.

2. German technology

Frame construction using German technology can be seen in the example of the famous half-timbered houses. They use a similar wooden frame, and the arrangement of the interior is carried out through modular structures or wooden floors, which are delivered ready-made directly from factories.

3. Finnish technology

Finnish cottages are assembled directly on the site, like a designer. At the same time, materials can be selected depending on climatic conditions and dimensions of the building. The cost of construction depends directly on the area, layout and selected floor.

The fastest of all methods, of course, is the German one. They try to think through all the nuances and lay communications directly into the walls, completing the work with finishing the walls not only outside, but also inside.

In general, construction methods in different countries are practically the same. The only difference is the choice of a specific insulation.

We recommend ordering the construction of a prefabricated cottage from a profile company that has sufficient experience and is engaged exclusively in the construction of such objects, since working with this technology requires accurate calculations, care and responsibility on the part of the employees of the contractor.

Construction time

There are hundreds of offers from developers on the market, almost identical in cost. Therefore, the main issue of interest to the customer is the exact timing of the commissioning of the facility.

It is impossible to name the speed of project implementation with 100% accuracy, here much depends on its scale and on the professionalism of the selected team. Practice shows that more time is spent on various kinds of coordination and bureaucratic procedures.

The construction of the house itself can take 1-2 months. There are examples when the developer coped with his task in just 2 weeks. Of course, the haste in this matter may affect the quality of the house. However, such terms seriously benefit against the background of two to three years, which usually take to build a full-fledged concrete or stone house.

Today, the leaders in the speed of construction are modular prefabricated buildings. These are designs that are 80% assembled in the factory. Communications have already been laid inside the modules, there are recesses for doors and windows, and interior decoration has also been carried out.

After delivery to the construction site, the craftsmen only need to connect the “puzzle” in the correct sequence to get the finished house.

Advantages of prefabricated cottages

Based on European or Canadian technology, you can get a modern and reliable home of your own in the shortest possible time. And this is by no means a seasonal solution that can be used as a summer cottage. Many cottages in upscale suburban villages are built according to the frame scheme. The reason for this is the presence of a number of advantages of such objects:

1. Clear terms and prices

When ordering a project, the customer clearly understands the terms of settlement and readiness of his house. At the same time, the cost of building materials used does not change, and the price of a house remains stable, which is especially important in times of crisis.

2. Availability of ready-made solutions

The customer receives a turnkey project implementation, including a package of necessary documents. All he needs is to think over a design solution and equip the interior of his house.

3. Minimum preparatory work

Due to the lightness of frame or modular construction, the homeowner does not need to spend time and extra money on building a monolithic foundation. Such cottages are not subject to shrinkage.

When choosing a foundation, inexpensive, easy-to-build options are also suitable:

  • columnar;
  • tape;
  • pile foundation with a small recess.

4. Good heat and sound insulation performance

For the manufacture of the frame and finished panels, the most modern ceilings are used, which guarantee the high energy efficiency of the building and the comfort of its residents.

5. No pollution and waste on site

All work is carried out with the utmost precision and care. Ready-made forms are delivered to the site, requiring only the correct docking.

6. Savings

The user spends 2-3 times less money on the construction of a prefabricated cottage than on the construction according to the standard scheme. At the same time, he gets a good result in a short time.

7. Fast warm-up

A frame house is easier to heat in winter, because warm walls and floors quickly absorb heat and keep it inside without weathering due to the building materials used in the ceilings inside and outside the building.

8. Mobility

An interesting fact that may not be required in practice, but is an additional advantage of a prefabricated house, is the possibility of dismantling and installation on another site. This feature is taken into account by builders who create change houses, warehouses and offices using this technology.

Not surprisingly, construction companies are increasingly opting for this system, because such houses are affordable for almost everyone, and not just for people with a high level of income. In addition, this technology allows you to implement new, interesting design solutions.

Disadvantages of prefabricated houses

In addition to the advantages, customers may face the downside of rapid construction. Most of these disadvantages are due to the inattention or conscious choice of the buyer himself. Consider the nuances indicated by us when ordering a turnkey object:

1. Dangerous overlaps

In pursuit of cheapness, customers may not notice the use of slabs containing evaporating formaldehydes as a floor. To get away from unsafe material, look for floors with zero and first class formaldehyde emissions.

2. Fire safety

If the frame of the building is not made of metal and is poorly protected from external factors, you should worry about the fire safety of the cottage. Flammable substances in building materials are not the best solution for safety.

3. Thermal insulation properties

When building a house, it is important to take into account the climatic and weather features of the area. To survive the harsh winter, take care of the required thickness of insulating materials and insulation. Contact construction specialists - they will carry out all the calculations on their own and provide the best option.

4. Poor build quality

If you turn to amateurs or firms that build everything, there is a risk of facing irresponsible execution of the task. Carefully check the joints and build quality, be always on the alert, ask questions.

Uses glued laminated timber and frame technology

Frame houses do not shrink, and the shrinkage of glued laminated timber houses is extremely insignificant, so there is no need to wait until the house stands up. Glued laminated timber is a material that does not require finishing, and a frame house can be finished immediately, during the construction process. This saves a lot of time.

Always have building materials available

Glulam and all sawn timber are produced at the company's own factories. Moreover, they are produced from wood, which is harvested only in winter and for the whole year. A powerful production base, including workshops with an area of ​​28,000 m2 and giant warehouses, the total area of ​​​​which is more than 20,000 m2, allow processing up to 180,000 cubic meters of wood annually and storing lumber in the required conditions without loss of quality. Purchased products, such as soft roofing, siding, etc. are ordered only from reliable suppliers who have proven themselves over many years of successful cooperation with the "Architect".

The annual analysis of macro- and microeconomic indicators helps to form a forecast and plan the company's work for the short and long term, so that all production is always provided with everything necessary for uninterrupted operation.

"Architect" is profitable to build houses just in time!

"Architect" builds houses without prepayment. The customer pays for the work only after the completion of each stage of construction. Therefore, it is unprofitable for the company to violate the deadlines, especially since after signing an agreement with the customer, where the date of delivery of the object is strictly fixed, the "Architect" officially bears legal responsibility for the obligations undertaken and the timely completion of all work.

Experienced builders on site

80% of builders who are involved in the construction of prefabricated houses have been working in the "Architect" for more than a year. But despite this, they still pass the annual recertification. Beginners are sent to the site only after training and start working in the company under the guidance of experienced craftsmen.

All this applies not only to prefabricated large cottages, but also to inexpensive country houses of an economy class. You can see pre-fabricated houses from Zodchey, find out their cost and buy the one you like at an attractive price at the company's exhibition sites.

Most of all I want it to arise "by magic". The duration and complexity of the construction process scares many people and makes them give up the dream of their own home in favor of buying a ready-made home.

But not everyone has the money to buy a finished apartment or cottage. What to do in such a situation? In this case, you can consider building a prefabricated house.

There are several options for building a prefabricated house, each of which has its pros and cons:

  • frame house;
  • a house made of foam or gas blocks;
  • using fixed formwork made of expanded polystyrene;
  • modular house.

Wooden frame can be made of logs or timber. The material is prepared at the factory for about 3 weeks. At this time, you need to have time to fill the foundation and let it get stronger. The assembly of the walls of the house and the installation of the roof will take approximately 3 to 4 weeks. In total, the "draft" version of the house will be ready in about 7 - 8 weeks.

Then you have to deal with finishing and laying communications. It must be remembered that they are mainly produced after the shrinkage of the log house - that is, it must stand for at least one winter.

The construction of a log house can not be called cheap. The cost of 1 sq. m of such a log house will be about 350 - 400 dollars.

Frame house - among the pre-fabricated options, panel-frame or, which are assembled from prefabricated panels or prefabricated panels, can be noted.

The production of components for such a house will take 2-3 weeks. About a month should be spent on pouring the foundation, which begins after ordering a house. Assembly of the house will take at least 1 - 2 weeks.

You will also have to spend time on finishing work and laying communications. Finishing can be done immediately after assembling the house -.

The cost of 1 sq. m frame house will be approximately 220 - 250 dollars.

House of foam or gas blocks. Here, speed is achieved mainly due to the large size and lightness of lightweight concrete blocks. For the construction of a box of a house with an area of ​​​​100 square meters. m it will take 7-8 weeks. Next, you need to perform finishing work.

The cost of a box of a house with a roof will be approximately 250 - 300 dollars per 1 sq. m.

The strength of light blocks is lower than that of ordinary concrete or brick. In addition, the material is hygroscopic, so the constructed building must be finished on the outside as soon as possible.

But the cost of heating such a building is 3-4 times less than a brick one.

Thermohouse It is mounted quickly due to the unified sizes of polystyrene foam blocks and their filling with concrete.

The whole complex of works, including the installation of the foundation, the erection of walls and roofs, will take approximately 7-8 weeks. The cost of 1 sq. m box at home will be about 300 - 350 dollars.

The advantage of this option is the rapid construction of walls without the involvement of highly qualified specialists. The house turns out to be warm - heating costs are on average 2-3 times lower than heating the same area.

Modular house. Volumetric modules are brought to the site with a prepared foundation, completely ready for installation. Each individual module has a base, ceiling and walls and is completely ready for operation. All engineering structures and communications have already been laid inside the walls. The module is equipped with prefabricated windows and doors, the interior finishing is also made in the factory.

All construction consists in installing modules on a finished foundation and connecting them together.

The dimensions of the modules depend on the equipment available from the manufacturer. Among the unified modules, the following sizes are more common:

  • 3*8m;
  • 3*12m;
  • 4.5 * 12 m.

If necessary, elements of other sizes can be ordered. But it will cost more.

The basis of the module design can be wooden beams or a steel profile. The outer skin can also be different - OSB board or profiled flooring with a polymer coating.

The production of modules and the foundation will take approximately 2-3 weeks. can be very light - screw or reinforced concrete piles. You can make tape or slab.

The building, depending on the area, may consist of one or more modules. Most of these houses have 1 or 2 floors. Installation of such a house will take from 1 to 7 days.

The cost of 1 sq. m modular home leaves about 220 dollars.

The only drawback of this technology is the presence of access roads for large equipment, which is used for the delivery and installation of modules.

Modular buildings in Russia

Many people may doubt that modular houses can be operated in Russian conditions with cold winters. But this is not true. Modern thermal insulation materials make it possible to manufacture modules with high energy efficiency, in which it will not be cold even on the most frosty days.

The purposes for which modular buildings are used are quite diverse:

  • Trailers for builders and crews who come to work on a rotational basis. They are designed for storage of materials and work clothes, for accommodation during shifts, for recreation and many other purposes.
  • - may consist of one or more modules, equipped with solid doors and barred windows. Interior decoration of such buildings is minimal.
  • Buildings for sanitary purposes - bathrooms, baths, first-aid posts, showers, saunas. They are equipped with a heating system and can be used all year round.
  • Office buildings - equipped with everything necessary for the normal work of staff - electricity, ventilation, bathrooms, heating.
  • Residential modular houses. Designed mainly for use as country houses. They can be used in those places where it is impossible or undesirable to carry out capital construction as temporary housing. Equipped with all necessary communications.

Private residential modular buildings are still quite rare in our country, but this technology is gaining momentum very quickly. Depending on the region, the thickness of the module wall insulation can be from 50 to 200 mm.

The assembly of such a house can be done in one of the following ways:

  • from ready-made modules produced according to an individual project;
  • from ready-made standard modules, by dismantling extra walls.

It can be either very simple or custom-made. The cost of 1 sq. m of a modular home in the simplest version is about $ 150.

Great skepticism is usually caused by the high speed of installation of such buildings. But modules made from unified elements are precisely and quickly joined together without any gaps. Therefore, fears that the building will be "cold" and "fragile" are completely unfounded.

Advantages and disadvantages of modular buildings

The benefits of modular construction come from the technology itself:

  • Building elements manufactured at the factory meet all requirements and standards and are tested even when leaving production.
  • Short terms of manufacturing modules and their quick installation on the site allow you to become the owner of a house suitable for living within 1.5 - 2 months after placing an order.
  • The building is not subject to shrinkage, you can immediately live in it.
  • If necessary, the house can be easily dismantled and transported to another site.
  • It is possible to buy modules with interior decoration and even furniture - this speeds up the process of moving to a new home.
  • Installation of the house can be carried out at any time of the year and in any weather without restrictions.
  • For the assembly of modules, only proven safe materials are used.
  • Since the module nodes experience heavy loads during transportation, they are made as strong as possible, which has a positive effect on the strength of the whole house.
  • As the family grows, additional modules can be added to the house, increasing the area and comfort of the house.

Disadvantages of modular buildings:

Ordered from a reliable company and assembled in accordance with all the rules, a modular building will last 25-30 years, and even more with proper operation. If the housing issue is very acute, then this is one of the cheapest and fastest options to become the owner of your own home.

If you need to quickly put it in, then one module is enough, which can later be finished according to your own taste, both outside and inside.

But in order to fully enjoy the positive properties of such buildings, it is necessary to entrust the complex work to our professionals. After all, we have been working in the field of manufacturing and construction of turnkey modular houses since 2004. For a long period of activity of our organization, we have successfully implemented more than 3,000 projects of varying degrees of complexity. We managed to accumulate rich experience and gain well-deserved popularity among our customers. Therefore, they trust us and advise us to their friends, colleagues and relatives.


The technology of modular housing construction is widely developed both in private construction (small country, country and garden houses) and in the commercial sector (shopping pavilions, warehouses). The base of the frame is made of metal or wood, and the walls are sheathed with a block house, siding, pseudo-beam, OSB or chipboard panels. The thickness of the walls depends on the climate zone. In regions with severe frosts, the depth should exceed 400 mm. In regions with a mild, warm climate, 100 mm will be enough. A ready-made modular house is installed on a strip, block or column foundation. If the building is planned to be two-story, then the construction is facilitated, and the first floor is made capital, and the second is already using the attic technology.

Benefits of modular housing

Recently, the demand for the construction of modular homes has skyrocketed and there are good reasons for this:
light weight buildings;
construction speed;
aesthetic appearance;
durability of operation;
good sound and heat insulation qualities.

The choice in favor of our construction company is obvious

We are professionals in the field of fabrication of structures and the construction of prefabricated houses, because we employ only experienced and well-equipped craftsmen, for whom there are no impossible tasks. They successfully implement innovative developments in their activities, applying them in practice. And the use of efficient tools and equipment, reliable and environmentally friendly materials can significantly improve the quality of work and reduce the assembly time of modular houses.

We provide the best prices for modular houses. All this is due to the clear optimization of all work and cost processes: our own production of the main sections, full compliance with manufacturing and assembly technologies, the purchase of everything you need at wholesale prices from trusted suppliers, and more.

Our modular home construction services include:

planning on the site, arrangement of the foundation;
installation of the base of the frame and sections of the structure;
installation of a roof, drainage system;
laying of communication routes;
fixing insulation, vapor barrier;
laying logs, flooring, ceiling installation;
installation of windows and doors;
interior and exterior decoration and more.

We competently distribute the entire sequence of processes:

1. we accept an application for the manufacture and assembly of a modular house and agree on some nuances (the amount of work performed, the number of storeys of the building, the materials used and other special preferences of the customer);
2. we carry out measurements and study the soil of the site, draw up and approve the estimate and project documentation, sign a bilateral agreement;
3. we purchase all the necessary materials, manufacture modular sections and deliver them to the facility;
4. we carry out the installation of a turnkey modular house, starting with planning on the site, arranging the foundation and ending with the assembly of structures, interior and exterior decoration;
5. we hand over the finished housing to the customer with the signing of the acceptance certificate, the issuance of technical documentation with the specified warranty periods.

Our professionals are waiting for your applications!

Want to calculate the cost of a modular home, find out about the terms of production and assembly, order a service? With us, everything is extremely simple! You just need to contact the manager on the indicated ones, he will promptly conduct a detailed consultation, answer all your questions and accept the order. And our highly qualified specialists will qualitatively assemble a modular structure of any complexity, both according to a standard and according to an individual project, in the shortest possible time.