Toilet design with bathtub 2 2. Toilet design: photo of room design with original solutions. small bathroom layout

The bathroom is one of the most popular places in the house. The atmosphere in it should contribute to relaxation, stress relief and uplifting. The bathroom should be not only attractive in appearance, but also comfortable, so its repair should be taken seriously. The task becomes more complicated if the room is small, for example, an area of ​​​​2.5 square meters. m. In such a situation, it is worth resorting to some design tricks.

The design of the bathroom is made in light colors with dark doors

For small bathrooms, it is appropriate to use showers, they take up little space.

Washing machine under the sink saves a lot of space

One of the most effective solutions to increase the area is to dismantle the partition and combine the bathroom with another room. There are two main options for redevelopment.

  1. Destroying the wall between the bathroom and the corridor and installing a new partition in another place. Thus, the area of ​​​​the bathroom increases, and the corridor decreases.
  2. The combination of a bath and a toilet by destroying the partition between them. In such a bathroom it will be possible to place a full washing machine.

Attention! Prior to any redevelopment, a permit must be obtained from government bodies. Dismantling bearing wall instead of a partition, it can weaken the structure of the whole house.

Top view of a small bathroom

Washing machine under the sink saves a lot of space

Repair procedure

To create attractive design bathroom 2 sq. m., will have to work hard. For convenience, the repair process should be divided into stages:

  1. Planning. This is the most important stage repair. To create a harmonious interior, it is necessary to carefully measure every centimeter of space, consider the location of all furniture and plumbing. At the planning stage, a bathroom design is developed, a cost estimate is drawn up and materials are purchased.
  2. Training. The premises are completely cleared. Furniture and plumbing are taken out of it, the old finish is dismantled.
  3. Replacement of communications. If the repair is not major, but cosmetic, then the pipes are left.
  4. Facing. Work begins with the finishing of walls and ceilings, then the flooring is laid.
  5. Plumbing installation and furniture installation.
  6. Interior decoration.

Washing machine can be placed under the sink

To save space, plumbing should be placed as close as possible

A corner bath will save a lot of space

Choice of wall cladding

For wall decoration in the bathroom 2.5 sq. m use the following materials.

  1. Tiles. Its advantages include moisture resistance, reliability and ease of maintenance. The main disadvantage is that it takes up a lot of space, so it is not recommended for use in small rooms.
  2. Mosaic. Unlike standard tiles, it is laid on uneven surfaces: ledges, columns and others. Small mosaic elements are securely fastened and allow you to create an original pattern. Mosaic bathroom design looks stylish and modern.
  3. Moisture resistant paint. The use of this material allows you to save money and increase the free space of the bathroom. mixing paint different colors you can get any shade and create unique design bathroom 2 by 2 meters. The main condition is that the walls must be leveled before painting, otherwise all the flaws will be visible on them.
  4. Acrylic or vinyl wallpaper. They are not afraid of moisture, easy to clean, have a large selection of colors and patterns, are used to highlight the interior. Weak side of this material - joints. Moisture between the sheets of wallpaper will damage them.

Such Decoration Materials, like drywall sheets or plastic panels, eat up a lot of space, so they should not be used in a small bathroom.

To save space in the bathroom, the washing machine can be placed under the sink

The design of the bathroom is made in a modern style.

Ceiling decoration

As facing material bathroom ceiling use the following materials and tools.

  1. Latex or water-dispersion paint. She is not afraid of temperature changes, moisture and fungus, but will not save her neighbors from flooding from above. The main advantage of painting is the preservation of the height of the ceilings. The paint is applied exclusively on a leveled surface.
  2. Moisture resistant drywall. With it, the ceiling is leveled. Drywall sheets are inexpensive and easy to install with your own hands, but in a mandatory case they require finishing.
  3. Stretch structures. Have an attractive appearance, possess wide choice colors, suitable for almost any interior, do not require special care, are able to retain water when leaking from above. The main disadvantages: a stretch ceiling is expensive and requires installation by professionals.
  4. Polystyrene boards. This is one of the cheapest solutions. The plates do not require leveling the ceiling, they hide minor flaws, they are easily glued with their own hands on universal glue or liquid nails. Before installing the tiles, the ceiling should be dust-free and covered with an agent that prevents the formation of fungus. The main drawback of the material is its cheap appearance.

When decorating the ceiling, you should choose light colors for it: white, milky, beige. To visually raise the ceilings, glossy materials should be used.

The design of the bathroom is made in white with soft walls.

Instead of a bath, you can make a shower stall, it takes less space

Finishing the floor in the bathroom 2.5 sq. m

How can you cover the floor of the bathroom?

  1. Tile. This is one of the most versatile solutions. The tile should be matte so that no one slips on it.
  2. Linoleum - a budget option finishes. The main thing is that it has a rough non-slip surface. If water gets into the joints of the material, the coating will become unusable and will need to be changed.
  3. Bulk floor. Its characteristics meet all the requirements of the bathroom. In a small space, installing a self-leveling floor will cost unreasonably expensive.

A small bathroom can be made comfortable by removing all unnecessary

Bathroom design made of ceramic granite

Color solutions

To visually expand a small bathroom area, it is recommended to use light pastel colors in its design: white, milky, sand, peach, pale pink and others. In this case, we must not forget about the color temperature, which affects the atmosphere of the room. So blue and green tones make the room cool and fresh, while yellow and orange tones make the room warm and sunny.

An interior decorated exclusively in soothing colors can look dull and featureless. You can highlight the room, add individuality to it, with the help of small elements. bright color: green, blue, blue, yellow, orange, lilac. Shelves, towels, hangers, a rug, a shower curtain, fresh flowers in pots, decorative wall stickers, and more can serve as accents.

To save space, you can make a department with shelves and a washing machine

Imitation of wood in the interior of the bathroom looks very beautiful

Even the smallest bathroom can be made comfortable

Bathroom arrangement

In the bathroom 2.5 sq. m will fit such plumbing:

  1. Bath. You will have to choose a corner or compact sitting model. One of the most popular design solutions- Installation of a corner shower.
  2. Sink. A large washbasin is convenient for the whole family, but a compact sink with a length of 32 cm and a width of 30 cm will look better in a small bathroom.
  3. Toilet. For a small bathroom, a hanging model is suitable. She has unusual design and it takes up minimal space.

To store various personal hygiene items in the bathroom, you can install:

- a cabinet under the washbasin, if the washing machine is moved to another room;

- a hanging cabinet, which should be equipped with a mirrored door, a sink will be installed under it;

- a long and flat cabinet above the toilet;

- wall shelves

To save space, you can make shelves for accessories

The design of the bathroom is made in chocolate color from porcelain stoneware.

Fold rarely used items can be on the shelves installed above the door. They are not conspicuous and do not take up much space. Shelves can be purchased at the store or made independently, giving them an unusual design.

Designers do not recommend installing a washing machine in a small bathroom. This household appliance should be moved to another room, such as a kitchen. If this is not possible, then you will have to choose a small and narrow washing machine, on top of which a sink will be mounted. In this case, it is necessary to choose a model with horizontal loading.

To save space, the washing machine can be placed under the sink

Wall decoration in the bathroom is made of ceramic tiles

In a small bathroom, a washing machine can be placed between the wall and the shower

Secrets of the visual expansion of space

If you get a spectacular bathroom design of 2.5 sq. m with the help of redevelopment is impossible, then you should use professional advice on visual correction of space.

To make a small room visually more spacious, it is recommended:

  1. Lay the floor tiles diagonally and the wall tiles horizontally.
  2. Decorate the room with wall mirrors. These decorative elements perform several functions at once: firstly, you can evaluate your appearance in front of a mirror, and secondly, the reflective surface makes the room brighter and larger. If desired, one of the walls or the facing of the bath can be made mirrored.
  3. Use furniture and lamps with transparent inserts. Glass elements allow light to pass through them, so they look airy and weightless.
  4. Use interior materials small pattern. A large drawing visually clutters up the room.
  5. Do not use bulky chandeliers. It is better to place spotlights or LED strip around the entire perimeter of the bathroom.
  6. Classic swing doors take up a lot of space. They can be replaced with sliding structures.

A small bathroom needs to be equipped correctly, the sink can be placed on the bathroom

Bathroom design in chocolate color

Thus, even a cramped and uncomfortable bathroom can be turned into a functional and beautiful room. To obtain such a result, it is necessary to carefully consider every detail of the future interior, to carry out repairs in stages. If you listen to the advice of professionals and show your imagination, you can design a bathroom of 2.5 square meters. m so that it will seem stylish and more spacious.

November 2016

How to create a new, unique interior in the toilet? In fact, there are many variations on its design. Everything about the choice of design, selection of plumbing, as well as the selection of material and color design, described in this article.

What materials to choose for the bathroom?

Often, when talking about the design of the toilet (finishing work), we think about ceramic tiles. Many people like this material for finishing the bathroom, which is understandable, since the material is universal in use and allows you to solve several main consumer issues at once:

  • Its ability to not get wet and retain moisture.
  • Fairly easy to clean.
  • Very durable, and even after many years it will be just as attractive.
  • An incredibly large range of tiles is offered to decorate the design of the toilet.
  • If you lay it correctly, knowing some design "notes", you can even change the space of the bathroom.

But it is not at all necessary to limit the design of your own bathroom with tiles! After all, there is a very large selection of other materials that are both original and practical. Looking through the photos of the design of the toilets, you can be sure that using other materials, the bathrooms are designed in a rather original way.

For example, plastic panels will look absolutely no worse in the toilet room. They are practical, because they withstand moisture, and they are easy to wash, and they retain their appearance very well. long years.

But if you are designing a small toilet, then it is not advisable to use plastic panels. And all because during their installation, a crate is necessarily made, which will “eat” some space, and so small room.

If we consider beautiful and inexpensive option toilet decoration, then wallpaper will do. The main thing is that they are moisture resistant (as a rule, this is indicated on wallpaper rolls). The best ones are made of vinyl, non-woven or liquid wallpaper.

Liquid - these are the newest, and in full, have proven themselves in repair work. They are applied to the wall using a special size and shape of a roller. After covering the wall liquid wallpaper, they are covered on top special solution, with water-repellent features.

In general, it can be said about materials that the cheapest design is plastic panels. Wallpaper - an intermediate option for pricing. And the most expensive design is from tiles. Of course, only you can decide whether you will have the most cheap option toilet design, or such as you saw in the design photo toilet room.

Choice of plumbing and furniture

If you have a small toilet, but you want to make it very original and unusual, and at the same time practical, you can consider hanging toilet bowls as an option. They are ergonomic and, moreover, will visually enlarge the space.

If the square meters of the room allow, and if you wish, you can put a small sink where you can wash your hands.

As for plumbing, it must be chosen in the same color as the main background of the wall decoration. Otherwise, it will be very different and visually reduce the space.

You need to think very carefully about everything to the smallest detail. Including how you hide pipes and layers. For example, when renovating a bathroom, leave special windows for pipes small size. It is best to use drywall boards for this. After all, they are not at all difficult to install, and they will take up very little space. That is why they can be used to hide any structures that should not be visible, including counters (for example, for water).

When you are designing a small toilet, you need to maximize at least the visual space in it. Doors are best to choose light and plain, glass inserts may also be present in them. But they certainly should open - out!

As for the rug, it cannot always "fit" into the interior, besides, it will "eat" the space. Think ahead, and when you make repairs, equip the floor with underfloor heating so that you do not have to walk on a cold floor and freeze, especially on cold, frosty days. If you want a rug in any case, choose one that matches your interior according to color scheme and, preferably, without any inscriptions.

Also, in a very original way, you can expand the visual space using chrome fittings. It can be:

  • Faucet (if there is a washbasin in this room)
  • Paper holder.
  • Brush with stand.
  • Doorknobs.
  • Flush button on a toilet barrel, etc.

If you choose all the components correctly, you will get the same as you looked at in the photo - the design of the toilet room. In addition, it can be very easily visually expanded, as well as made it comfortable.

But what if the toilet room is large? For some people, this is also a problem. In this case, the right decision would be to furnish the room with a functional and practical furniture, which will definitely not be superfluous.

At the end of the design, pay attention to the selection of fittings, accessories, such as: towel holders and toilet paper, soap dish, stands, ruff and others that you need.

Color design in interior design

When you look at a photo of the design of the toilet, it seems that everything is done very easily and not at all troublesome. In fact, even if repair work if you are not doing it yourself, then you will at least need to choose the design materials, color scheme and so on.

If the toilet is tiled, in this case you will be helped not only geometric shapes plates, but also their arrangement and combination.

For example, if a rectangular tile is used, its long side should be along the short wall of the bathroom. Thanks to this technique, a narrow room will expand. But if in such an environment there is a high ceiling, it is worth making a border of slabs, approximately in half (half-ceiling). Moreover, the lower part is brighter (darker).

If the ceiling is low and the width of the bathroom is not bad, make inserts, but only vertical ones! Or, choose tiles in contrasting colors or bright patterns.

If you have a considerable amount of money, when you can afford to buy on a large number of materials, use diagonal tiles on both the walls and the floor. This method will visually increase the space in any narrow room. But there will be a large number of tile scraps that will not be useful at all and will need to be thrown away.

AT modern world The choice of tiles is very large, including the shape and size. In a small room, too small size of the plates or, conversely, too large, can look completely ugly. Therefore, if there is no serious need, avoid this choice.

In general, keep in mind that with the help of bright or dark colors you can narrow the space, and you can expand it with the help of light and cold shades.

For lines, use horizontal lines if you have high ceilings, and at low - it is worth using vertical ones.

Lighting in the bathroom

No matter how beautiful and original the room of your bathroom is decorated, it is very important to choose the right lighting for it. Otherwise, the toilet will be faded, dull and completely uncomfortable.

A large sconce will look very good in every toilet, as well as spot lighting located under ceilings. The bathroom should be comfortable. And those who believe that one dim lamp is absolutely enough here are completely wrong. When designing lighting, be sure to take into account the size of the room, as well as the design and materials from which the interior is decorated.

So, in a small toilet like "Khrushchev", it should be light (and very light!). If we consider latrines in new homes, then the lighting there may already be dimmer.

Premises certain area they also have certain nuances that you should still pay attention to when designing the design of the restroom.

If the toilet is 1.5 square meters

Sometimes, with the help of the most ordinary items, you can create the most original and unique interior design. It does not require much effort or effort at all. In any case, when the toilet is very small, there is absolutely no need to “contaminate” it with various small decorative elements (souvenirs, vases, etc.). After all, even without them, you can equip the room very comfortably and practically.

For finishing work in such a small room, use ceramic, granite or marble tiles. Due to the huge variety of these materials, the room can be greatly enlarged visually.

Plumbing pick up a small one or so that it can be made suspended.

If the toilet is 2 square meters

The main thing is with maximum benefit use small space. Best to install wall hung toilet and build a drain tank into the wall. This arrangement will save a lot of space.

Here you can also install a small washbasin, modest in size. Both a corner and a hanging sink are suitable, near which there will be a small mirror and hooks for towels, which will add more volume to the bathroom.

The walls here can be decorated with tiles or liquid wallpaper. If you like the snow-white interior design, be sure to dilute it with bright accents and the design of the toilet will not be faded.

If the bathroom is large

In this case, of course, you want to decorate the beauty and maximum efficiency of the space used.

If you have a combined bathroom, then you can install a bath or shower.

Before arranging such an interior, you can view a photo of the design of the toilet with a bath. Also, you can put a built-in washing machine in such a room or place it under the sink. Various decorative elements, such as vases, photographs, and so on, will perfectly complement the interior.

In the event that you do not like a very large room, you can do dark walls- this will narrow the space. Also, for this purpose, you can equip the room with bedside tables or cabinets that will occupy all free place bathroom.

Washroom design with sink

This design is acceptable only in small bathrooms, where it is physically impossible to put a lot of different furniture. In this case, only everything that is needed will be in the room. You can make one or more small shelves.

Exclusive design toilet with bath

Of course, most people, looking at a photo of the design of a toilet with a bath, will say that such a room is more comfortable and practical. In addition, this design is one of the most common.

A toilet combined with a bath (or shower) is the most rational use of square meters, especially in small apartments or houses.

bathroom design
Small bathroom design: photo ideas
Shower cabins (150 photos)
Bathroom tiles (200 photos)

Photo gallery (84 photos)

The toilet is specific and, by the way, one of the most frequently visited rooms in an apartment or house. And cleanliness and order in the bathroom where guests are sure to drop in, often becoming a kind of “indicator” that can tell a lot about the owners of the home. Therefore, the design of the toilet is probably no less important than the choice of interior for other rooms.

And this means that it is necessary to approach the development of the design concept taking into account all the features of this room. The interior of the toilet chosen and implemented in practice depends on several nuances. To know where to start drafting a project, you need to consider each of them.

Features of drawing up a project for arranging a toilet

The design solution for decorating the toilet depends on the preferences, financial capabilities of the owner of the apartment, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, the choice of basic items plumbing equipment. Of great importance is also how neatly the risers of common house communications pass through the bathroom. Therefore, in order not to make mistakes, it is necessary to act step by step.

Designing a bathroom design

Despite the small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis room, it is still worth drawing up a preliminary graphic design for its design, as it will become more clear which materials are best suited for facing surfaces, how many of them will be needed, and what costs must be foreseen for repairs. In addition, it is better to see an approximate end result, reproduced on paper, without spending a dime on this process, than, having made repairs, to your great surprise, to find that the design does not meet expectations at all. And it's best to even think a few design options that the design will be made in different materials and in different colors.

Nowadays, many computer applications are available that allow for such a design of a room, including a toilet. But if such a “close friendship” does not develop with a computer, then there is no need to be considered an artist in order to draw a small room by hand, providing for the perspective and dimensions, and then apply the color and pattern of the future cladding to the surface.

When drawing up a project, not only the type of finishing materials is taken into account, but also the method of installation, since some of them provide for the installation of a crate, which "eats" a part of an already small area.

In addition, you must immediately decide on the choice of the design of the toilet, since it will depend on what area this device will occupy in the room.

Different types of toilet designs

These plumbing fixtures are presented in our time in the widest variety. And if the traditional material for their manufacture was previously exclusively ceramics, today on sale you can find products made of enamelled steel, cast iron, stainless steel, reinforced acrylic, and even stone or glass. The cost of a toilet bowl depends on the material of its manufacture, design, as well as design performance.

By design, this plumbing accessory is divided into free-standing, monoblock toilet bowls and wall-mounted toilets that are becoming more and more popular. In addition, toilet bowls are wall-mounted and corner, which can also be taken into account when drawing up a project.

  • Free standing toilet can have a wall and corner design. The first of these can be called the most popular option, since such devices are presented in a large assortment and usually have the most affordable cost. Usually they are a set consisting of a bowl and a drain tank - a tank. These basic parts are assembled and fixed together in single structure directly when installing the toilet in place.

For some washrooms, one of the corner freestanding models is perfect - saving usable area on the face. The main difference from the usual ones is the shape of the drain tank, which has a protruding right angle at the back.

But corner models are hardly suitable for a toilet with typical layout apartments of old projects. fit well corner model in the rooms of the combined bathrooms - it is there that you can save space with the help of a specific form of the toilet bowl.

  • Monoblock designs differ from other models in that the drain tank and the toilet bowl are inseparable from each other. Due to the fact that there are no connecting nodes, the possibility of leakage is excluded. Therefore, you do not have to worry about the reliability of sealing the connection between the tank and the bowl.

Monobloc models can be made of ceramic or reinforced acrylic. The second option is less massive and easier to install, but ceramics are highly reliable and durable.

Monoblocks may have different forms and sizes, and acrylic models are also produced in a wide variety of colors, which allows you to choose a product that will harmoniously fit into the style of the room.

  • Hinged or wall-mounted toilets - this is construction with an installation that fixed to the wall and closed decorative trim. Installation in this case is called a metal frame on which the toilet is held, as well as a hidden drain tank. In the toilet room, in addition to the toilet bowl, there is only a button that controls the flush.

Thanks to a special metal frame and a tank of small thickness, the design takes up much less space in the room than a toilet with a traditional drain tank. True, there will be much more fuss with its installation and subsequent wall decoration.

A new trend in the arrangement of bathrooms - hanging toilets

Some apartment owners are not even aware of the existence of such plumbing fixtures. Meanwhile, they have already proven their practicality and convenience. How to approach k - read in a special publication of our portal.

Some doubt the strength of this design, especially people who are overweight. However, if the installation is fixed and the bowl is suspended correctly, then the wall-hung toilet is able to withstand a load of up to 350-400 kg.

Toilet models

  • wall construction;
  • seat included;
  • body made of sanitary ware;
  • modern design;
  • easy to install;
  • acceptable price.
  • vulnerable to leaks.

Toilet bowl with a tank floor Laguraty 2160A with horizontal release

Toilet bowl hanging Laguraty 0010 with horizontal outlet

  • wall construction;
  • without tank, concealed installation;
  • seat included;
  • body material made of sanitary ware;
  • mechanical drain, with microlift and anti-splash;
  • comfortable in using;
  • Beautiful design;
  • bidet, anti-splash;
  • compact dimensions.
  • tank and installation are not included.

Toilet bowl hanging Laguraty 0010

  • wall construction;
  • seat included;
  • body material sanitary ware;
  • interesting design;
  • inexpensive.
  • uncomfortable standard mounts;
  • there is no gasket between the bowl and the wall;
  • rust is formed.

Roca Dama Senso 893104090 wall-mounted toilet bowl with horizontal outlet

Toilet bowl with hanging installation Grohe Solido Perfect 39192000

  • wall construction;
  • tank complete with hidden installation;
  • seat included;
  • body material: sanitary ware;
  • dual flush;
  • height adjustment.
  • small bowl.

Toilet bowl with installation hanging Grohe Solido Perfect 39192000 with horizontal outlet

Toilet bowl with a tank floor Cersanit Parva Clean On KO-PA011-3/6-COn-DL

  • wall construction;
  • cistern complete with installation on the toilet;
  • seat included;
  • body material made of sanitary ware;
  • mechanical drain, with microlift;
  • suitable for small bathroom.
  • inconvenient instructions;
  • casting errors.

Cersanit Parva Clean On floor standing cistern KO-PA011-3/6-COn-DL with horizontal outlet

Rating of toilet models

A photo Name Rating Price
#1 Laguraty 2160A ⭐ 90 / 100
#2 Laguraty 0010 ⭐ 100 / 100
#3 Roca Dama Senso 893104090 ⭐ 80 / 100
#4 Grohe Solido Perfect 39192000 ⭐ 95 / 100
#5 Cersanit Parva Clean ⭐ 85 / 100

Decoration Materials

We roughly figured out the designs of toilet bowls. Now you need to decide on the material with which the surfaces of the room will be lined. It is important to choose a finish for the walls of the floor and ceiling, which will be well combined in shades and patterns.

Due to the fact that there is no daylight in the toilet room of the apartment, it is better to give preference to light colors that enhance artificial lighting. Moreover, it is no secret that many people use the toilet room as a “reading room” and even equip shelves for books and magazines with crossword puzzles on one of the walls.

Bathroom lighting

Toilet ceiling materials

The ceiling surface of the toilet room can be lined with different materials. And their choice will depend on the height of the ceiling and its evenness, and, of course, on the desire of homeowners.

  • Plastic panels. The most popular cladding for both the bathroom and the toilet today are plastic panels, which are affordable and easy to install. In addition, spotlights can be mounted in them, as well as elements of the ventilation system.

Suspended ceiling from plastic panels will help to hide all the flaws of the floor slab. But it should be borne in mind that it will lower the horizontal surface by at least 50 mm, and if you plan to build spotlights into it or tear off engineering communications (for example, ventilation ducts), then even more. Therefore, this circumstance must be taken into account if the ceiling in the room is already low. However, in the vast majority of cases, it is not critical for the toilet.

The panels are produced in different colors, as well as various patterns or imitation of natural textures of wood or natural wood can be applied to them. ornamental stone. This greatly expands the possibilities when choosing finishes.

  • AT recent times gaining more and more popularity slatted ceilings . Panels made of thin metal are very light, they can have a different external design, unlike plastic, they are not subject to “aging”, that is, yellowing and deformation, they are not afraid high humidity, are easy to care for. Between the panels-rails, inserts-layouts contrasting in color can be placed, which gives an additional decorative effect. Moreover, such an emphatically linear form allows you to visually expand a cramped room. And any home craftsman should cope with the installation of a rack ceiling.

Slatted ceiling - can it be hung on its own?

Yes, it is quite possible to cope with such a task with your own hands, without resorting to calling the masters. To verify this, read the information posted in a special article on our portal.

  • Dropped ceilings cassette type. They represent metal structure, which specifies cells of the correct form, in which the slab or panel is placed on top. These panels can be made from different materials - gypsum fiber, glass, plastic, metal, etc.

A suspended cassette ceiling is somewhat more difficult to arrange, but it is also feasible to deal with it on your own. And it looks pretty impressive. This is especially true for glass frosted ceilings with top lighting. Some panel options additionally have decorative ornaments made in the form of drawings or ornaments. When choosing such a ceiling, it is necessary to provide for its harmonious combination with the decoration of the walls and floor of the room.

  • Plasterboard false ceiling. This option is also quite popular due to its availability. self-assembly and low cost of materials. Drywall sheets allow you to level the surface and hide the unsightly appearance of ceilings and communications, as well as install spotlights or strip lighting. When choosing this material for leveling a horizontal surface, it should also be ensured that the ceiling drops by at least 50 mm.

Drywall sheets are fixed on a metal frame structure assembled from special galvanized metal profiles.

The plasterboard ceiling consists of almost continuous advantages, with the exception that in case of emergency, accompanied by leaks from above, drywall sheets will have to be replaced completely - they are not “friendly” with water. While plastic panels can be temporarily, before the floor slab dries, dismantled and then returned to their place.

  • . This version of the ceilings is not so often used to design toilet rooms, as it has quite high cost and requires special equipment to install it. In addition, in a very cramped room, the process of stretching the web is extremely difficult, but with a strong desire, this project can also be implemented.

This type of ceiling has a number of qualities that can compensate for the costs and complexity of its installation - this is elasticity, strength and water resistance. Thanks to them, the stretch ceiling will be able to protect the room and its decoration in case of leaks from the upper floors, as the material is able to withstand weight up to 100 kg per 1 m².

In the event of a "cataclysm", when leaking from above, the water will not fall on the walls and floors of the room, but will collect in the ceiling membrane, which will stretch and form a kind of "capacity". When the accident is eliminated, the collected water can be removed through a small hole on its own, or you can invite a master to carry out this process. The main thing is that the main decoration of the premises will be saved.

Another advantage of stretch ceilings is a very wide variety of colors. One of them is sure to go well with the color scheme of the main design of the toilet.


For flooring in the toilet room, several materials are suitable that have necessary characteristics- this is a traditional ceramic tile, cork, linoleum, one of the types of wood flooring, as well as

All materials are easily cleaned from dust and dirt and have an aesthetically attractive appearance. But each of them has its own characteristics.

  • Ceramic tile . Most often, ceramics are chosen to cover the floor in the bathroom and toilet, as it has optimal suitable characteristics. The main one is ease of cleaning, which is very important for maintaining cleanliness in the bathroom.

Ceramic tiles are durable and durable material. Having laid it once, you can forget about repairing the floor for decades. Even in emergency situations, properly laid tiles will not suffer and will not move away from the surface.

A variety of design solutions for tile design allows you to choose this material by color and pattern for any style of interior space. Indeed, one must choose floor tiles- replacing it with a wall-mounted one, even if it is a very attractive design, is not welcome. The material must be durable, able to withstand considerable loads, and have a surface with anti-slip qualities.

The disadvantage of ceramic coating can be considered its traditionally cold surface, so often under this floor material the "warm floor" system is laid down. Some of the difficulties of high-quality tile laying can also be attributed to conditional disadvantages. But even with this you can cope on your own, especially since the area is small.

  • Wooden flooring. This group of materials includes solid or parquet boards, parquet, as well as non-standard solutions use of wood.

For example, a coating made of wooden saw cuts looks very advantageous, which is no less aesthetically pleasing than ceramics. Of course, the manufacture and installation of such a floor is a rather complicated and time-consuming process, but if it is carried out with high quality, then the material will last for many years and will only please homeowners.

Any wooden coating is distinguished by natural warmth and a beautiful textured pattern, strength and durability. However, if the premises are flooded with water, then the coating that is poorly protected from moisture will have to be changed - the material swells and deforms from waterlogging.

  • Bulk This way of decorating floors has not yet become as popular as, for example, ceramic tiles. But in terms of its operational and aesthetic qualities, it significantly surpasses all other types of finishes.

Self-leveling floors are able to imitate any surface, both natural and artificial origin- it can be sea waves, sand, stone, flower meadow, grass, etc. At the same time, the craftsmen give such coatings a spatial volume that strikes with the naturalness of the elements that form the image.

Self-leveling floors have a perfectly smooth surface, are easy to clean, are not as cold as ceramic tiles, and can be used until they get tired of their appearance. This type of coating, in fact, is also the most reliable waterproofing for the floor, so it is not afraid of any leaks.

  • Linoleum. This flooring option remains quite popular, as it has an affordable cost and is produced in various design designs. Linoleum can imitate ceramic tiles, wood flooring, or have a geometric or vegetable drawing, which suggests that you can pick it up for different tastes, colors and styles.

The material does not absorb dirt and dust - they are easily removed from the surface with wet cleaning. Linoleum is pleasant for barefoot or slippery feet, has enough warm surface. Will last quality material a lot, unless an emergency occurs in which the material will have to be dismantled. If an insulated version of linoleum is used for flooring, then, alas, it will have to be thrown away. Non-insulated material must be washed and dried well, and then it can be returned to its place. Do not forget that for laying linoleum it is necessary to create a perfectly flat floor surface.

  • Cork is a unique material that is produced in different options decoration and glued on a leveled base. The cork is suitable for any style of toilet design, as it has a warm wood color. different shades, which will not be superfluous in any color combination.

The cork does not attract or hold dirt and dust, it is easy to clean, resistant to abrasion, durable, does not absorb moisture. Small leaks to a well-laid coating are not terrible. In addition, the cork has excellent heat and sound insulation qualities, it is pleasant for the feet, as it always has a warm, slightly shock-absorbing surface. Therefore, having laid such a coating in the toilet room, there is no need to use a rug, which anyway quickly clogs with dust and absorbs unpleasant odors.

Toilet wall cladding

The material for lining the walls of a narrow toilet room must meet several criteria - this is compactness, that is, a small layer thickness, strength, that is, resistance to abrasion, decorativeness, hygiene and moisture resistance. Several types of finishes have these qualities, and, as a rule, ceramic tiles take the first place among them, therefore it is the most popular finish for the walls of bathrooms.

In recent years, more and more homeowners are choosing more affordable material - which have their own merits.

In addition, it is quite acceptable to finish with washable or cork wallpaper, sheathing wooden clapboard or painting.

In some cases, a combination of several facings will be very appropriate. For example, for the panel part of the wall, a more durable material is used, and for the top - less resistant to abrasion, but having a pronounced decorative look.

  • ceramic wall tiles has the same qualities as the floor, but differs from the latter in a smaller thickness and more a wide range colors and patterns.

Walls tiled with high-quality ceramic tiles have a very aesthetic appearance, and such a finish will last for a long time. Having applied tiles for facing, you can forget about repairs for many years. However, if suddenly there is a desire to update the interior of the bathroom room, then this process will be very expensive, since dismantling the tiles and putting the walls in order for subsequent finishing is a process pretty dirty and labor intensive.

  • Plastic panels. If the choice fell on this finishing material, then you need to know that you can find on sale not only quality panels, which are easy to install and operate for a long time, but also those what deformed even with a small mechanical impact.

Experts working with this material are advised to purchase Bachetto panels, which have proven their reliability and durability. This manufacturer produces cladding in various colors and patterns, but it is well combined with each other. Therefore, if it is decided to use materials of different design for the walls, then you do not have to worry that the panel locks will not match.

Plastic panels can be mounted in two ways - on the crate, fixed on the surface of the walls, or directly on the surface. For very narrow spaces only the second option may be suitable, but sticking the panels will only work on a very flat surface. If you mount the panels on the frame crate, then it will reduce the room on each side by 30 ÷ 50 mm. Therefore, before purchasing this material, you should first calculate all the parameters on the spot.

Plastic panels fixed to the crate are also convenient because, if desired, they can be easily replaced with a cladding that has a different design. In addition, very often, with such a finish, they immediately perform the “masking” of all communications passing through the toilet room.

  • Wall painting. In the event that it is not possible to purchase ceramic tiles, install plastic panels, or if the owners simply plan to create an interior in a classic style, then the walls can be carefully leveled and painted.

Naturally, in order for them to end up looking spectacular, it is necessary to prepare with special care. Alignment can be done using moisture-resistant drywall by gluing it to the walls. To hide communication pipes that can ruin any interior, a metal frame is built around them, sheathed with plasterboard sheets. Then the sheathing is puttied, sanded, and only after that the selected paint is applied. For painting plasterboard surfaces, compositions are used on water based.

It is not an easy task to qualitatively prepare the walls for painting.

It will be a mistake to believe that painting the walls is the easiest and fastest solution. To make the finish look really high quality, you will have to spend a lot of effort to prepare the surfaces. is described in detail in a special article of our portal.

If the walls in the room are relatively even, then you can do without drywall by pasting the surfaces with wallpaper for painting.

Painted walls harmonize well with wide ceiling borders and skirting boards in a contrasting color to the main shade. If they are not supposed to be rolled with a special roller, then plain surfaces are decorated with various decorative accessories - mirrors in beautiful frames or paintings that match the style.

  • Wallpaper on the walls of the toilet. The most affordable in both price and self-fulfillment decoration can be considered wallpaper, the lack of choice of which today is not. Some of the species have a very respectable appearance and rich pattern. Wallpapers are made from different materials, each of which has its own advantages. For finishing the walls of the toilet, it is best to choose canvases that are designed for wet cleaning.

Wallpapers can be combined with each other, making interesting compositions that visually expand the space of a small room. But the surface of the walls for wallpapering, as well as for painting (maybe with slightly lower quality requirements), must be prepared - drywall or leveling and puttying the walls in a “wet” way is also used for this. If this process is not done correctly, then any, even the most expensive wallpaper, will not look properly.

Another good option wall decorations are cork wallpapers.

This material has qualities that make it suitable for use as decoration for absolutely any room in an apartment or house. It has a warm surface, soundproofs the room well, does not attract dirt, is not afraid of moisture, and also has natural antiseptic properties. In addition, cork wallpapers and boards are produced in different colors and can have bright inclusions that dilute the monotony of the interior.

Toilet design options

This section of the article will present several interior options that can be "try on" on the premises requiring reconstruction. And perhaps one of them will solve the problem of the toilet design project.

Modern design

This toilet design option is suitable for adherents of modern styles who prefer the presence of a minimum number of decorative elements in the interior.

In this case, the toilet room has a medium-sized area, so it was possible to place in it another sink and a shower system that replaces the bidet.

The fullness and volume of the interior is given by ceramic tiles laid in the form of puzzles and having a pattern familiar to the urban landscape of wall painting using the “graffiti” technique.

The back wall and the floor of the room are decorated with tiles, so that the transition from the vertical to the horizontal plane is almost imperceptible. Thanks to this design technique, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room visually seems more voluminous. side walls, lined with white tiles, give the room neatness and maintain the lighting that should be quite intense due to the lack of natural light in the room.

The colored tiles are done in blue-gray tones interspersed with white and black shades, which are perfectly combined with red, used as bright accents, giving expression to the interior.

Toilet interior with wallpaper on the walls

This type of design is suitable for those who like to sit in solitude with a book or a crossword puzzle. In order for everything necessary for the "beloved pastime» was at hand, the design of the toilet room provided space for a bookshelf. Visually expands the space quite large a framed mirror mounted above the washbasin, which, thanks to its compact dimensions, also fits well into the interior of the room.

Interestingly, the designer approached the use of a communication pipe in the interior of the room. It is not hidden, as usual, in a box that "eats" already small space, but, on the contrary, is highlighted in white, which adds light to the room. Thanks to this technique, the seemingly unsightly pipe is turned into a decorative element of the composition.

The walls of the room are covered with wallpaper in restrained soothing colors and have big enough a vegetal stylized pattern reminiscent of the style of tapestry previously used to decorate walls. A well-chosen color scheme, as it were, masks large drawing on the cladding, and it does not narrow the space of the room and does not protrude forward, but is an impeccable backdrop for the main interior accessories.

The floor of the toilet, decorated in black and white, arranged in a checkerboard pattern, creates the effect of an expanded space, and in combination with the color of sanitary accessories enhances the lighting of the room. The flooring is in perfect harmony with the wide white skirting boards, which give the interior a complete and neat appearance.

Toilet design in the "English style"

Some homeowners prefer to make a “work of design art” even from a small toilet, decorating it in a certain style that matches overall design apartments or houses.

The photo shows a vivid example of such a solution, which is made in a version close to the English style using modern plumbing accessories and finishing materials. Found in the interior organic combination ceramic tiles of dark chocolate color, which decorate the panels of the room, and light wallpaper with a stylized floral pattern corresponding to the style direction.

Communication channels are hidden behind a false wall, but wooden doors are provided for their maintenance, decorated with wallpaper and framed with small ceramic tiles.

The interior uses modern plumbing fixtures and accessories, but made in general style design.

To visually expand the space of the room, a mirror enclosed in a gray frame and an illuminated niche located opposite the reflective surface were used. An open chandelier with small glass elements mounted on a metal decorative frame with a gold finish illuminates the bluish ceiling surface that reflects light into the room. AT design decoration there are areas for placing decorative elements that can create accents that enliven the interior with bright colors.

Wooden finish toilet

The surfaces of the toilet room can be decorated well-crafted and having beautiful shade and textured wood grain. For this purpose, a quality lining is suitable, which can be fixed vertically or horizontally, depending on the desired effect. Horizontal installation is able to visually expand the room, and vertical - "raise" the height of the ceiling. To give "weightiness" to this design, the floors can be made darker than the walls. If it is necessary to let more light into the room, then all surfaces are decorated in light colors.

Wood is warm even in color, natural material, which can be coated with water-based varnish to preserve the textured pattern. And over time, if you want to change the design, paint with a high-quality composition in the selected shade.

In this interior, the designer used the space of a small room as rationally as possible, providing original shelves for storage of consumables and hygiene items necessary for use in a given room. Shelves do not load the interior and do not interfere with the operation of the bathroom.

The sink, so necessary for the toilet, but for which there is often no place in a small area, in this case is installed above the toilet. This, by the way, also gives the effect of considerable water savings - it goes from the sink to replenish the tank.

When choosing lining for wall decoration, it must be borne in mind that its installation is carried out on a crate. In this regard, the room will decrease by at least 30 mm on each side, which, I must say, is significant for a small area. Therefore, the thickness of the crate and facing material must be calculated in advance.

This design is most suitable for those who prefer the rationality and comfort of using the premises to elaborate decorations.

Toilet lined with plastic panels

This is what a toilet room located in an apartment with a standard “Soviet” layout will look like if its walls are lined with plastic panels.

This design decision uses two finishing materials: light-colored ceramic tiles for flooring and PVC panels with an unobtrusive floral pattern for wall cladding. The panels in this version are fixed to the frame of the crate, so the room has significantly decreased, especially due to the camouflage box arranged around the communication pipes. However, the master doing the finishing work also provided a place for placing an electric one, which fit well into the niche above the toilet.

The area of ​​the toilets of the standard layout does not allow the installation of a sink in the room, however, in this case, you can use the idea of ​​placing it above the toilet bowl, as shown in the previous design.

Using the presented projects and adding your own ideas to them, it is quite possible to create an exclusive design option for even such a small room as a toilet. Not only should the walls of the room have an aesthetic appearance - it would be best to use every centimeter of its area rationally to the maximum.

At the end of the publication, we invite the reader to look at an interesting selection of design solutions for the design of a small apartment toilet. Perhaps something will be just to your taste and will be taken as a basis when drawing up your own project.

Video - An interesting selection of toilet design options in a standard city apartment

Economical interior of a small toilet 2 sq m in a modern style

The basic requirements for a toilet room in a modern apartment are convenience, stylish design and a sense of solitude. Is it possible to combine these requirements in a limited space, when the layout of the apartment assumes a toilet area of ​​​​only 2 sq.m? Designers in this case use the idea of ​​economical use of space, the basic principles of the modern style of minimalism and the possibility of a variety of lighting.

Photo of a small toilet 2 sq m

Principles of finishing the toilet

Planning the interior of a small toilet of 2 sq.m starts with finishing. For small room choose finishing materials in a single color scheme of calm warm or cold shades. The materials that are best suited sanitization- ceramic tiles or PVC panels. Choosing neutral tiles for the floor and walls gray color, you visually enlarge the room. Spot lighting on the ceiling and local lighting will help enhance this effect. pendant lamp in the closet. Economical use of space allows you to equip the washbasin with a cabinet with a built-in mirror and comfortable shelves.

Modern toilet interior 2 sq. m with suspended plumbing

It is difficult to accommodate furniture, toiletries in a small bathroom in a panel house, and at the same time create interesting interior. In order not to overload a small area with unnecessary details and objects, use only the most necessary: ​​plumbing, a minimum of decor and hygiene appliances.

Do you need soundproofing in the room?

A competent interior of a toilet of 2 sq.m in a panel house involves equipping the walls with soundproofing plates, allowing you to retire from sounds from a neighboring apartment. Having fixed on the side wall a relief wood panel, fill the empty space between it and concrete base fiberglass. The back wall is upholstered with felt plates, which perfectly absorb the sound of merging water. Plumbing is better to choose a suspended type with the function of silent water supply.

The project of a modern toilet without a bath

It is quite difficult to make the interior of a toilet of 2 sq.m in a panel house unique. The reason lies in the limited area. To fit stylish plumbing, shelves, hygiene items into it, use the principles of ergonomics. And a two-tone color scheme for the toilet will help to complete the task of uniqueness.

The interior of a small toilet 2 sq. M. Photo

The main equipment of the room falls on the back wall. Therefore, for her and the floor, a tile of the same chocolate color with a dark stripe is selected. The remaining walls and ceiling are tiled from the same collection of light (almost white) shades. For creating beautiful decor, the back wall is decorated with patterned tiles of light color. The design that hides communications will serve as a convenient shelf for air freshener and toilet paper. Since the walls in the room are white, they reflect light well. Therefore, one will be enough for lighting spotlight on the ceiling.

Toilet interior in ecological style. A photo

Beautiful interior modern toilet 2 sq.m in an ecological style is made with patterned tiles and decorative panels with a mirror image of bamboo shoots.

The area of ​​​​the room allows you to use a wall-mounted toilet against the back wall and a narrow sink along the side. The interior of the toilet is 2 sq.m without a bathroom, it involves the use of conventional plumbing white color. This color scheme goes well with white. stretch ceiling and decorative panels with bamboo pattern. Plant motifs continue throughout the decoration of the room. Ceramic tile beige colour with the image of green bamboo branches perfectly refreshes the interior, making it cozy. A door with horizontal glass inserts white frosted glass. It is in harmony with the two-tone floor carpet in brown tones.

The interior of a bathroom in a panel house. A photo

The pleasant interior of the toilet 2 sq.m without a bathroom is based on harmonious combination beige, light brown and mint tiles in addition to bright white.

The interior is based on a rectangular tile shape. It decorates the walls of the bathroom, and is laid out in several ways:

  • the bottom of three walls is decorated with plain beige tiles;
  • the upper part is represented by a multi-colored ensemble of colors and textures.

Small toilet 2 square meters. A photo

The sink has a strict rectangular shape, as well as the mirror above it, the doors and the wall cabinet. This approach completes stylish interior modern toilet 2 sq.m. Due to the fact that the floor and ceiling are designed in white colors, the room does not seem like a small box. Contributes to the expansion of space large mirror, illuminated by a horizontal lamp.

Exquisite decoration of the bathroom with ceramic mosaics

Delicate toilet interior 2.5 sq.m. in mint tones refreshes the room and creates a feeling of comfort. The successful arrangement of furniture and plumbing made the most of the space:

  • a functional white glossy toilet took center stage on the far wall;
  • a spacious wall cabinet with glossy white doors is located above it;
  • a small sink with a bedside table was placed in the side niche, and above it - a rectangular mirror without a frame.

Exquisite large tiles with a smooth surface were used to decorate the walls. mint color. It is beautifully complemented by a horizontal pattern with small mosaic elements. For the floor, a matte gray tile was chosen to match one of the colors of the mosaic. Fittings and decorative elements are selected in a modern style - they all have a chrome surface.

Black and white toilet interior

Light toilet interior 2 sq.m. A photo

Scientists say that we spend a third of our lives in the bedroom. These beginner marmots are either resting or getting ready to fall asleep. Then, I will take the liberty of asserting that we spend another significant part of life (well, if not a third, then a lot of time) in the toilet. Let's not shake our heads negatively, make surprised eyes and shout “Who, me? Never!” Then let's count together.

As a rule, in most apartments, the bathroom is combined, so we add the time spent in the bathroom to the time spent in the toilet. And this is neither more nor less than thirty minutes in the morning, an hour in the evening. Five minutes throughout the day. And if you are a man, then your five-minute sessions drag on longer (you have an interesting newspaper, then you can’t tear yourself away from the book).

It goes without saying that the renovation and design of the room where we spend so much time needs special attention.

In this article, we will consider, using the example of a photo, how to make the interior of the toilet not only comfortable, but also practical.

Toilet bowl and nothing else

If your bathroom is not combined with a toilet, then you should pay attention to the minimalist style. In such a room, as a rule, there is only room for a toilet, sink, and sometimes a bidet. Water meter, wires, pipes, it is most logical to “hide in the wall”. At the same time, you should not completely “sew up” them, because if some kind of breakdown occurs, you will have to disassemble the entire wall.

How to choose the right design for a separate toilet so that it does not look too “cold and uncomfortable”? When we talk about the minimalist style, you should not draw a cold floor, uncomfortable walls and metallic light in your head. Minimalism, just a minimum of things. At the same time, no one forbids you to do decorative plaster, or hang a panel of dried flowers over the toilet.

A fluffy rug, matched to match the walls, an interesting tile, maybe an original lamp - all this will favorably emphasize the interior of a small toilet room.

Also, when designing a separate toilet, think about how it completes the bathroom interior. To do this, you can paste over these rooms with the same wallpaper, or put identical little things here and there. For example, holders for towels and toilet paper, the same rugs.

Here are examples of the design of a standard, separate toilet.

As you can see, the design of such a toilet can be both standard and creatively original, it all depends on your wishes and preferences.

Well, a very small bathroom!

Whatever you say, not everyone can boast of a toilet room with dimensions of 8-9 meters. Most have to be content with small toilet rooms. Now let's talk about how to properly design a toilet of 1 sq. M.

So, the main trick is the visual expansion of space. Of course, mirrors are not suitable here (few people like to contemplate themselves in the pose of the Thinker). Therefore, we will manage the walls in light colors. We will put the door that opens outward, and remove all kinds of paper holders and newspaper stands - they take the extra 20 cm.

And wow, your little room looks a little bigger. As they say, a trifle, but nice!

Toilet design 2 sq. m.

If you are a happy owner of a toilet room a little larger than the one described above. Here are some design tips for you.

Here you can already roam fantasies - use hanging furniture or plumbing. You can add textiles to the interior - for example, hide sewer pipes behind a pretty curtain. In order not to be unfounded, we recommend that you look at a selection of photos on how to equip a toilet with an area of ​​​​2 square meters. m.

This is a set of mini-furniture for a small toilet room. Here is an example of suspended plumbing and furniture.

Toilet design 3 sq. m.

It is clear that not all happy owners of a toilet room of such a footage, but still, if the area of ​​\u200b\u200byour toilet room is from 3 square meters, then here are our tips for its design:

  • avoid large furniture with sharp edges, give preference to furniture with smooth, rounded shapes.
  • when choosing a tile - stop at a small one. A very large tile will look rough.
  • a great solution for such a toilet - glossy ceiling. It is both durable and visually makes the room larger.

Photo - 40 Interior of a combined bathroom in an apartment of 3 square meters

In general, when making repairs in the toilet, do it the way you want, because you spend time there. Finally, I would like to give advice on the interior of the toilet. It doesn’t matter if you are making the interior of a toilet of 2 sq.m., or are arranging a nine-square room - use auxiliary little things: towel and toilet paper holders, brushes, shelves, rugs, and more. They will create a cosiness, and will harmoniously fit into your interior.