Examples of liquid wallpaper. Liquid wallpaper: photos, reviews, disadvantages, what it is, composition, pros and cons, video, views, how they look, properties, advantages. How to make liquid wallpaper at home with your own hands

Hello Dear readers blog! If you are here today, it means that you are interested in options for interior decoration using liquid wallpaper. That is why in this article we have collected 40 photos of the interiors of ordinary apartments with liquid wallpaper. Looking at the options presented, you can easily create your own unique look for any room.

In addition, we will consider options for making liquid wallpaper with our own hands, methods for applying them, the necessary tools, consumption per square meter, possible colors and much more. Let's start about everything in order.

Summary of this article:

Design of liquid wallpaper for walls in the interiors of various rooms

In ordinary apartments, you can make absolutely any design from liquid wallpaper that suits the task of a particular room. Let's consider some options:

In the kitchen

In the kitchen, it is better to use neutral colors of liquid wallpaper. This will avoid staining the surface and preserve its appearance.

For bathroom

Marine-colored liquid wallpaper looks great in the bathroom. They soothe and give comfort during water procedures.

In the room

As for the hall, here you can already safely use any uncomplicated drawing. Colors are best left neutral and not too caustic.

In the living room

In the living room, you can already use brighter colors and bolder patterns.

On the balcony

On the balcony, liquid wallpaper is exposed to more aggressive effects than indoors. When gluing, pay attention to the quality of the adhesive you use, as well as the tightness of the fit to the walls.

In the bedroom

Liquid wallpaper in blue, yellow, dark red tones look good in the bedroom. These colors soothe and give a feeling of comfort and relaxation for the whole night.

In the children's room

In the children's room, it is worth giving preference to bright shades that will give the child joy and good mood. Various funny drawings and cartoons are welcome.

in the toilet

In the toilet it is good to use black, gray, dark brown liquid wallpaper.

In the hallway/corridor

In the hallway, neutral colors are also welcome with the addition of strict lines and patterns. The overall picture can be supplemented with tile or stone elements.

Next, we suggest you watch the video, which contains slides with the most interesting options design of various rooms with liquid wallpaper, both on the walls and on the ceiling. Happy viewing!

FROM different rooms clear. Next, let's talk about the possible compositions.


Liquid wallpaper is an excellent finishing material and is slowly replacing roll-type wallpaper. What are liquid wallpapers (their types in composition):

  • Silk. The basis is silk fiber. On the market, silk wallpapers are considered one of the best among liquid wallpapers. They are used for a very long time, have good resistance to sunlight and cost a lot of money.
  • Cellulosic. A cheaper option, unlike silk wallpaper, but they have no worse performance. Wallpaper is based on paper.
  • Silk-cellulose. A fairly average version of liquid wallpaper. They are in great demand among ordinary people. They have an average price and a good service life.

Pros and cons

Of the advantages of liquid wallpaper, the following points can be distinguished:

  • Excellent appearance. The living quarters are provided with a comfortable and cozy environment.
  • Ability to create various patterns. Make the living space more original in contrast to the "standard" paper wallpaper.
  • Easy restoration of damage. Liquid wallpaper in ordinary apartments is easy to restore. This is especially useful if you have small children and pets.
  • Eco-friendly material. Liquid wallpaper is hypoallergenic and does not have specific odors.
  • Good thermal insulation. In winter, these wallpapers retain heat well inside the living space.
  • No preparation required before application. You do not need to seriously prepare the walls before applying liquid wallpaper. This saves valuable time.

Of the minuses, the following can be distinguished:

  • High price. You have to pay for good material.
  • Not a very wide range of colors. You have to choose from standard colors.
  • They do not have moisture resistance. These wallpapers, unfortunately, in most cases cannot be wetted with water. When wet, they simply wash off. To prevent them from being washed off, a colorless varnish is often used.

Application tools

You can apply liquid wallpaper, as well as evenly distribute it over the surface, using several well-known tools. Next, we will discuss what these devices are.

Putty knife

The spatula is great for applying liquid wallpaper. It is recommended to use it for the reason that it allows you to evenly distribute the wallpaper over the surface. With the help of it, there are no “gaps”, irregularities and a heterogeneous structure.


Stencils when applying liquid wallpaper are used if you need to create a beautiful pattern on your walls. Stencils are absolutely different size and form factor. With the help of them, unique drawings are created, designed to refresh the room and give it a unique uniqueness.


Liquid wallpaper can not only be varnished to improve moisture resistance, but also glued to this base. The varnish gives them good strength and durability of use.


The trowel, as well as the spatula, allows you to achieve the perfect application of wallpaper on your walls. The two tools are virtually identical and the choice depends only on your desire.

What surface can be applied to?

How can you apply liquid wallpaper sort of figured it out. It's time to think about what surfaces it is possible and recommended to do this on.

On drywall

Drywall is a good material for liquid wallpaper. Thanks to its smooth and even surface, it never causes problems in application. Also, the latter perfectly mask the seams and joints of drywall, which will definitely play into your hands.

For whitewashing

It is strictly forbidden to apply liquid wallpaper on whitewash, because. yellow spots may appear through them, which will spoil the overall appearance.

If there is whitewash in the room where you need to apply liquid wallpaper, then it must first be removed, the walls treated with a waterproof primer, and after processing, proceed to apply the wallpaper.

For paint

There are no prohibitions restricting the application of liquid wallpaper to paint. The only thing you should make sure before starting work is that the paint on the wall is applied with high quality, does not peel anywhere and does not have cracks.

There is one useful advice- if you want liquid wallpaper to sit better on a painted surface - brush it a little with a metal brush - then they will “grab” well.

On osb plates

Liquid wallpaper can be glued on OSB class E0 boards. The only thing that must be done before gluing is to seal the joints between the plates and treat the surface with a special primer.

These manipulations improve adhesion and are a guarantee that, after gluing, substances that are part of these plates will not leak through the liquid wallpaper.

Wall preparation

Proper preparation of the walls before applying liquid wallpaper is the key to success! What exactly needs to be done to achieve this success, we will describe below.


The primer is a very important part in the process of gluing liquid wallpaper. As a standard, primers are applied in 3 coats. So many layers give perfect flat surface, which should then be covered with paint on water based. This will ensure that the liquid wallpaper adheres perfectly to the wall and will avoid further problems in their operation.

As for the choice of primer itself, it should be chosen based on the ability to quickly harden. Primers have proven themselves well on acrylic base and adhesive compounds.

The right technology for applying to the walls

We have already learned a lot of useful things about liquid wallpaper. Now let's figure out how to apply them. More emphasis will be placed not on the technical, but on the visual component.

Drawings with liquid wallpaper

Drawings with liquid wallpaper are countless. We have chosen some options that will look relevant in almost any design today.

Floral arrangements made from liquid wallpaper can well enliven a bedroom or hall in your living space.

Also, it is very popular to make tropical motifs from liquid wallpaper. They will bring a bit of warmth to your home and allow you to visually relax after a hard day's work.

Also, with their help, you can create excellent drawings in the children's room. Believe me - your child will be very pleased.

With liquid wallpaper, you can create more casual and classic motifs that will suit any room.

Step-by-step instruction

Drawing a picture with liquid wallpaper consists of a few simple steps:

  • Technical preparation of the wall surface.
  • Create a drawing with a pencil or a specialized construction marker.
  • Preparation of the liquid wallpaper itself for application.
  • Application of wallpaper on the painted pattern on the wall.

You can apply liquid wallpaper not only according to the drawn pattern, but also using pre-purchased stencils. It will be more expensive in terms of means, but it guarantees you an excellent result at the end of the application without the possibility of making mistakes in the process.

How to glue on the ceiling?

In addition to decorating the walls of residential premises with liquid wallpaper, it is also possible to glue them on the ceiling. Now we will figure out a little how to work with them on the ceiling, what is ceiling gluing, and also see a master class from experts.

Applying liquid wallpaper to the ceiling consists of several stages:

  • Ceiling preparation and surface leveling. This is necessary so that the light from the lighting fixtures does not give out possible visual defects.
  • Primer. For the ceiling, it is better to apply the primer in 2-3 layers. Before applying each layer, it should be allowed to dry for approximately 3-4 hours.
  • Preparation of liquid wallpaper. Standard procedure that does not require sharpening any attention.
  • Application of liquid wallpaper on the ceiling. For applying liquid wallpaper to the ceiling, it is recommended to use a specialized construction grater. This will avoid unevenness and achieve a uniform and beautiful surface.

Do-it-yourself making at home

Homemade liquid wallpaper is far from a sign of a lack of funds. As practice shows, this type of wallpaper can be made by hand if you study the technology in more detail. The result can be no worse than store-type liquid wallpaper.

From paper

Liquid paper wallpaper is the easiest to manufacture. You will need various waste paper and adhesive. Bustilat, which can be found in any hardware store, has proven itself well as an adhesive.

Steps for making paper liquid wallpaper:

  • Prepare a container.
  • Fill it with cut paper.
  • Fill with warm water based on the proportions of 1 to 5 (5 liters per 1 kg of paper).
  • Once the paper has softened, use a construction mixer to beat the mixture.
  • Pour the adhesive into the resulting mass and mix.
  • Apply the resulting composition to the walls or ceiling.

Alternatively, you can tint such a solution with any building dye.

From sawdust

In addition to paper, sawdust is often used. The material is readily available and environmentally friendly.

Steps for making liquid wallpaper from sawdust:

  • Mix sawdust with warm water.
  • Add glue.
  • Mix the components and leave for 12-14 hours in a closed container.
  • Add gypsum and mix the composition again.

From egg trays

Steps for making liquid wallpaper from egg trays:

  • Soak trays in warm water.
  • Add glue.
  • Stir and wait until they turn into a thick mixture.
  • Let it brew for about 12 hours while stirring the resulting liquid.
  • Add plaster.

From newspapers

The process of making liquid wallpaper from newspapers is exactly the same as from paper.

The only difference is that the newspaper composition should be better mixed to achieve a homogeneous mixture.

Consumption per 1 square meter

This item will be useful to economical people. We will talk about the consumption of one pack of liquid wallpaper, as well as how much they dry.

As practice shows, the material in 1 kilogram is enough to cover 4-5 square meters surfaces. But there are nuances that need to be remembered. Consumption depends on the method of application.

For example, with a spatula or roller - 1 kilogram is enough for 4-5 square meters, while applying with a spray gun increases the area to 6-7 square meters.

The choice of tool depends on what is more important to you - big square by reducing the thickness of the layer of liquid wallpaper (spray gun) or better thickness, but a smaller area (trowel, roller).

Drying time depending on temperature environment the average is about 24-72 hours.

Dealt with expenses. It's time to consider interesting view liquid wallpaper - silk. More on this later.


Silk liquid wallpaper is a separate type among wallpapers of this kind. This is because they are in the highest price category, have a high environmental friendliness and pleasant appearance. They are also valued for their good elasticity, fade resistance and cleanability.

The material also has hypoallergenic benefits.

Color spectrum

Many people wonder whether it is possible to paint liquid wallpaper with water-based paint. The answer to this question is yes, you can. The only thing to pay attention to is that water-based painting requires uniform application on the walls.

The question also arises - is it possible to add color. You can and even need to add color if you want to achieve a beautiful result. Now the construction market sells countless colors that are suitable for the most daring design ideas and you will no longer have the age-old question of how to paint this or that room.


Purple color is very fashionable in last years. It is used more and more often by people with excellent taste and a modern look.

with sequins

Sequins give some space, starryness to the living space. An entourage of magic and witchcraft is created.

Can it be washed?

Many people think that liquid wallpaper can be washed with water. This is a big mistake! You can wash only those liquid wallpapers that are covered with a layer of special varnish. The most common medium-thrust vacuum cleaner is best for cleaning liquid wallpaper.

If your liquid wallpaper has greasy spots, then it is possible to remove them with the help of the most ordinary clerical eraser.

But if the stains cannot be removed, then you will have to resort to water. Naturally, this method has the biggest disadvantage - the wall section will have to be soaked, removed with a spatula and glued on a new one.

However, if your liquid wallpaper is a homogeneous surface, then such a “replacement” will not be evident in any way.

How to withdraw?

Many are interested in how to quickly and painlessly remove liquid wallpaper. There are several ways to do this. You can choose according to your taste:

  • Water with added liquid soap. It softens the structure well, after which the liquid wallpaper is easily removed with a spatula.
  • Specialized wallpaper removers that you can buy at any hardware store.
  • A solution of vinegar with the addition of water.

That's all. It's time to turn around. Now you know exactly how you can make liquid wallpaper with your own hands, how to apply them correctly and with what tools. Based on the presented 40 photos of the interiors of ordinary apartments with liquid wallpaper, you have probably decided on the future look of your home. The main thing is to implement your plan as soon as possible. Great luck!

Below, leave your comments, suggestions, ask questions, express your opinion - this is very important to us!

Here you will find out what liquid wallpaper is, what pros and cons the owners will face with such a home design, how to inexpensively create liquid wallpaper with their own hands, and also get acquainted with photos of professional decoration and design of the bedroom, living room and children's room!

The choice of finishing materials is becoming more and more diverse, from decorative plaster to liquid and glass wallpaper, so it is becoming increasingly difficult to choose an alternative to paper roll classics. Let's try, without rejecting advertising, to fairly understand all the advantages and disadvantages of liquid wallpaper, how they are applied and how they design various rooms. First, let's find out what they are.

What is liquid wallpaper?

There is no clear opinion about the difference between decorative plaster and liquid wallpaper. Some believe that liquid wallpaper is a kind of finishing plaster, others, on the contrary, that liquid wallpaper is a mixture that combines the properties of plaster and paper wallpaper. One thing is clear: these concepts should not be identified - they meet different requirements, have different textures and are applied to the surface in different ways.

The composite basis of liquid wallpaper is cellulose fiber and glue. Depending on the decor, cotton and silk fibers, dyes, as well as all kinds of relief elements - wood chips, mica of algae and plants, sand and much more can be added to the composition.

By the way, their composition determines the first and main advantage of liquid wallpaper - a huge variety of colors, patterns, textures, so that they can be used as decoration for almost all areas of the house, office or public space.

In order to correctly weigh all the pros and cons of liquid wallpaper, we suggest referring to the comparative table and clearly see how many characteristics fell on the scales “for” and how many on the “against”.

Resistance to frost and sudden changes in t°, can be used in poorly heated rooms.They are afraid of moisture, which facilitates their dismantling, but absolutely does not allow them to be used in the bathroom.
Do not fade in the sun, unlike paper wallpaper.Only dry cleaning (vacuum cleaner or dry rag), therefore, it is undesirable to finish them with kitchen walls that quickly become dirty from grease and soot.
When applied, the surface is corrected (cracks, holes, etc.), therefore, pre-treatment of the surface with plaster is not required (of course, if we are not talking about completely uneven surfaces).Relatively high price compared to conventional wallpaper
Easy to apply on the wall and also easy to dismantle.
Isolate sound, heat.
Absolutely environmentally friendly, non-toxic, do not emit hazardous substances.
Does not accumulate dirt and dust
Walls, unlike vinyl, do not accumulate moisture, do not become damp and do not create Greenhouse effect in the apartment.
They can be used on hard-to-reach, non-standard surfaces, i.e. where paper wallpaper will have to be cut, glued, sealed decorative elements.

Obviously, the advantages of liquid wallpaper far outweigh the disadvantages, but not everything is so simple.

Let's consider the pros. When leaning towards this type of finish, think about how smooth your walls are, whether they require pre-treatment, and whether differences and irregularities in the surface composition will be noticeable. After all, liquid wallpaper can only smooth out minor flaws, but does not even out the walls, as plaster or drywall could do.

Let's turn to the cons, especially the issue of cleaning. One side, wet cleaning liquid wallpaper simply dismantles them, so it is simply impossible to remove pollution with moisture. On the other hand, if for some reason you stained a piece of the wall, you can easily dilute the wallpaper mixture and apply it to the contaminated area. It will be inconvenient only in a place where the walls are constantly dirty (for example, in the kitchen), in all other cases it is much more convenient and more aesthetic than cutting out a piece of dirty wallpaper and sticking a new one.

Along with paper and vinyl wallpaper, liquid ones have a rich assortment of colors and textures, so you can use all your design skills and combine several types of mixtures in an intricate pattern or picture, whatever you can achieve using ordinary paper wallpapers.

How to make liquid wallpaper at home with your own hands

Here is a life hack for making liquid wallpaper at home, and this method proves that the disadvantage of “high price” is very relative. If you apply a little ingenuity and creativity, you get this option:

  1. We take paper (even regular A4 will do, you can even dirty drafts). We cut it in a chaotic manner, the smaller, the better. On average, pieces are 3-4 cm.
  2. We fill it with water in a container in which our mixture will be located in the future, i.e. according to the principle “this bucket is not a pity”. Water should completely cover the paper, but not too much, so that the solution does not turn out to be too liquid. Leave it for 2-3 hours until the paper is completely wet.
  3. With a construction mixer, we grind the soaked sheets into the most homogeneous mixture.
  4. Add color, gypsum, PVA glue (proportions for 1 sheet of paper - 1 teaspoon of gypsum and 5 ml of glue), mix again. You can add decorative elements - shavings, sparkles, etc.
  5. Apply with an iron spatula on a dry prepared surface with a layer of 3-4 mm, let dry.

Such a simple master class will allow you to decorate the walls in an original way almost for free. You can also learn more about it from the video:

The technology of applying liquid wallpaper

The rules for applying liquid wallpaper are indicated on each package, so it makes no sense to dwell on the proportions and how to dilute the finished mixture. We will talk a little more about some of the subtleties that will improve the aesthetic appearance of the finish and help to avoid various “blunders” of repair.

Features of applying liquid wallpaper

  • After breeding dry ready mix(according to the instructions), she needs to let it brew for 12 hours. Stir again before application.
  • The initial and subsequent mixing is best done by hand, since the mixer can destroy the structure and the effect of the wallpaper will not be the same as in the picture.
  • The mixture should be applied with a metal spatula, while the pressure should be optimally unchanged and uniform - not excessive, so as not to disturb the texture, but not weak, so that the coating does not fall off.
  • One wall must be from one batch, otherwise there is a risk of visible transitions;
  • The total layer should not exceed 4-5 mm. Ideally - 2-3 mm for the rough layer, 2 mm for the finish.

Don't forget to leave finished wall for drying for 48-72 hours, depending on the humidity of the room.

  • Draw a rough drawing on the wall with a pencil;
  • Apply the mixture with a small rubber spatula 2-5 cm and rub it along the contour of the picture, trying not to protrude beyond the borders;
  • After drying (3-4 hours is enough), apply the next color;
  • Try to apply all colors in the same layer.

liquid wallpaper care

Remember that you can only care for liquid wallpaper with dry cleaning, no wet rags or scrubbing stains with brushes!

If you have a problem with contamination, gently wet the damaged area, remove old layer with a sharp knife or spatula and apply new layer mixtures of the same color and structure. At first, the renewed piece will differ in color, but after drying, you will not notice the difference.

Where to apply this finish

Liquid wallpaper is well suited for the walls of the bedroom, children's room, living room or corridor, it is not recommended to use them only in the bathroom (with high humidity) and the kitchen (where there is a high risk of contamination).

Living room and bedroom

Liquid wallpaper is ideal for decorating a bedroom and living room, both from an aesthetic side and in terms of tactile sensations. Pleasant to the touch and interestingly textured is the silk plaster finish - liquid wallpaper, which contains silk and cotton fibers. With them, the room will look very cozy, as if covered with textiles.

For more originality, a little sparkle or even fluorescent paint can be added to the mixture, causing a gentle shimmer in the light and glow in the dark.

You can also highlight one of the walls in an original way (- this is the wall on which the view from the sofa will rest, in the bedroom - this is the area at the head of the bed) using textured plaster or liquid wallpaper with a large non-uniform texture.

Golden looks rich and stylish classic Venetian plaster(“marble dust”). It creates a unique deep light of the walls, a cozy glow, a play of chiaroscuro along with barely visible cracks and veins. No one will remain indifferent to this design of the living room or bedroom.

Adding granules and flock will create three-dimensional images and enliven the plain surface of the walls. In addition, this design trick is used to visual expansion premises.

Children's room

How else can you be original, except with the help of liquid wallpaper. This room:

  • Safer - the walls here breathe, do not create a greenhouse effect and do not accumulate dust;
  • More interesting - unlike the paper alternative, here you yourself create any drawing you like and you can even invite your child to work. A room made with liquid wallpaper will look much more comfortable than a room painted with paint. Relive it with decorative elements, sparkles, fluorescent paint.
  • Always ready for children's experiments and "surprises". If you don’t always clean off ordinary wallpaper “ children's creativity”, then in the case of liquid wallpaper, you can always repair a wall decorated by a child.

The usual wallpaper has been replaced by a new type of wall covering, which is rapidly gaining popularity among users. This coating is called liquid wallpaper. Anyone can try to finish the walls with liquid wallpaper in their home, but it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the types of products, the selection rules and techniques for applying products to the wall before buying them.

Only taking into account all the features, advantages and disadvantages of this technology, you will create the perfect wall decoration in your apartment.

What it is?

Liquid wallpaper is a coating, which includes components such as glue and cellulose. Often, with a specific decor of products, fibers of various fabrics are used, as well as special dyes of various shades.

Liquid wallpaper looks like dry mix in bags that resembles material for children's crafts. Often the characteristics of plaster are attributed to products and they say that liquid wallpaper is a mixture classic wallpaper and plasters. The difference is that the composition of the latter includes sand, but it is not among the components of liquid wallpaper.

Beyond buying finished products, you can easily do the coating yourself. For this you need to use:

  • Sheets of A4 paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Liquid container (bucket or deep basin);
  • PVA glue;

  • Cool water;
  • Construction mixer;
  • Gypsum;
  • Decorative and colored elements.

Sheets of paper should be cut into pieces ranging in size from 20 to 50 mm, then put in a container and filled with water so that the paper is slightly above the water surface. After letting the mixture soak for a couple of hours, mix the water with paper with a mixer until smooth. Beat the mixture again after adding color, decor, glue and plaster.

An alternative to plain paper is thick newspaper paper. You can create a relief yourself from sawdust and other improvised materials. By creating liquid wallpaper yourself, you can show your taste and personality in the design of the apartment.


Despite the fact that liquid wallpaper and plaster have a number of common properties, wallpaper is more variety coatings. The difference in types is determined mainly by the composition and relief of products, as well as the features of the surface on which they can be placed.

The composition of the mixture may include silk fibers, cotton elements, particles of linen or even wool. Silk wallpaper is a very beautiful and durable material. They are high quality and impact resistant. sun rays. Cellulose-based coating is less wear-resistant, but has a reasonable price compared to its silk counterpart.

The most popular types of coating, consisting of a mixture of cellulose and silk. But they do not differ much in quality from ordinary cellulose materials. Cotton products are also very popular. Cotton makes up almost 100 percent of the composition. Another component of the wallpaper is mica. Often, plant fibers, mineral components and synthetic elements are added to the composition of the wallpaper.

Wallpapers are different according to the method of application:

  • A simple option involves diluting the finished mixture in water. Even those who do not have experience in applying a liquid composition to walls can easily cope with the use of this technology themselves.
  • A more complex option involves a white mixture in combination with special dyes. A suitable dye must be selected separately.

According to the location of the product are divided into:

  • Wall mounted;
  • Ceiling.

In order for the wallpaper to have an unusual texture, various decorative components are used:

  • Marble chips;
  • wood shavings;
  • particles of quartz.

It is also worth paying attention to the types and features of varnish, which can be used to additionally cover liquid wallpaper. The most suitable would be acrylic lacquer water based. Additionally, it is better to cover the walls only in rooms where there are wet marks on the walls due to moisture. For dry rooms, additional wall covering is not recommended.

You can choose between two types of varnish: matte or glossy. But remember that applying an additional layer can change the color of the wallpaper, making it more saturated or darker.

Pros and cons

Liquid wallpaper is characterized by both advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other types of coatings. It is important to consider both positive and negative sides when choosing products, so as not to encounter difficulties during operation and coating.

The main advantages of liquid wallpaper are:

  • Compared to ordinary wallpaper, liquid coatings do not leave any seams. They make the surface even, without forming joints and borders between the stripes.

  • The composition of the wallpaper adhesive contains natural ingredients, so it is harmless, does not cause allergic reactions and can be safely used even for children's rooms. During use, no substances harmful to health are released from the surface of the wallpaper.
  • Since products can consist of many different components, they are distinguished by a huge variety of colors and textures of models.
  • Liquid coatings are not affected by temperatures. These wallpapers are ideal for rooms that are not equipped with a large number of heating devices.
  • These coatings do not fade in the sun. When exposed ultraviolet rays they do not lose color saturation.

  • The technology of applying liquid wallpaper is simple, they can also be easily removed. During the removal process, there will not be as much debris as is usually the case when removing ordinary wallpaper.
  • Before applying the wallpaper, there is no need to plaster over small errors in the wall surface with plaster. Liquid wallpaper perfectly masks minor irregularities without the use of additional funds.
  • Due to their dense texture, these products create a soundproofing layer. The porous structure transmits less sound into the room.

  • In addition to saving from noise, these wallpapers also retain heat. In rooms with liquid wallpaper, the air temperature is higher than in rooms with other coatings on the walls.
  • The surface of the wallpaper does not accumulate dust. Even bright areas will not become darker after some time after the start of operation.
  • In the structure of such coatings, harmful microorganisms do not multiply.
  • When applied to the wall, these wallpapers do not need to be adjusted to the parameters of the room and cut out separate pieces for hard-to-reach sections of the wall, which significantly saves repair time.
  • For products, the material from which the walls are made is not important. Pre-coating, which is a special primer, is applied only in case of particularly problematic surfaces, so that the wallpaper subsequently lays down evenly.
  • When applied, you can independently create patterns on the surface.

  • Subject to all operating conditions, liquid wallpaper may have long term services.
  • The surface, finished with liquid wallpaper, is very pleasant to the touch due to its unusual relief and delivers not only aesthetic, but also tactile pleasure.
  • If the wallpaper is damaged, then the damaged area can always be removed and a new mixture applied to this place.
  • Coatings of this type open space for experiments with the appearance of the walls. Using this technology, you can realize your imagination and create an exclusive design in the room.
  • Due to the fact that the surface of liquid wallpaper allows air to pass through, a musty smell or mold will never form in the room. Also given property coatings will help to avoid the greenhouse effect.

The negative characteristics include the following:

  • Liquid wallpaper is not suitable for indoor use. increased level humidity. They are not very moisture resistant, and upon contact with water, they can even be removed from the surface of the wall or ceiling.
  • Cleaning the surface of products is not very easy. They cannot be washed with plain water or soapy water. The use of dry cleaning methods is preferable. These include the use special nozzles vacuum cleaner or just a dry cloth.
  • Compared to traditional coatings, liquid products are more expensive, and for large rooms, this option can become quite expensive.

Colors and design

When choosing liquid wallpaper, it is important to think about what colors, prints and accessories can be tolerated by these products. The palette of shades of liquid wallpaper is very wide, there are various combinations of colors.

Rarely embossed wallpaper characterized by absolute uniformity, usually they combine shades close to each other, but sometimes there are also contrasting combinations.

Beige colors are usually used as base. They are often diluted with patterns that are more saturated in tone. Sometimes this color can be seen if the wall is made in a combined design. Light stone and other textures look great in combination with a similar relief.

Close color combinations include yellow and green, peach and red, purple and pink. An example of contrasting liquid coatings would be red-black combinations. Often, white blotches are included in the composition of such products.

Dark elements are present as an additional decoration of the base color. They are shapes or patterns. popular design is a strip that does not necessarily have lines of the same shape.

picturesque paintings different type are created in rooms thanks to drawings on liquid wallpaper. With the help of relief products, you can decorate the wall with elements such as cityscapes. Full-wall panorama of the city will make your room truly original. Sequins are a necessary decorative attribute in decorating many designs.

For drawing a picture, stencils are often used, which are three-dimensional, multi-color, one-color or anti-stencils. In liquid coating, gradient technology is sometimes used. Part of the room can be covered with wallpaper in a rich shade, but it smoothly turns into pastel color on the opposite wall.

How to apply?

There is nothing complicated in the procedure for applying liquid wallpaper to the wall. Repairs can be easily done on your own at home. You just need to follow a certain algorithm of actions:

  • Preliminary work - cleaning the walls from the remnants of old coatings and cleaning their surface from contamination.
  • It is necessary to dilute the mixture in the manner indicated in the instructions or on the package. It is necessary to calculate the amount of material so that it is enough for the entire surface of the wall.

  • After that, you should give the composition 12 hours of time to infuse. In some cases, so that lumps do not form in the composition, it is recommended to stir it after the first 6 hours.
  • Stir the mixture thoroughly with your hands before coating. To preserve the structure of the wallpaper, it is not recommended to use construction tools.

  • Make sure the room temperature is at least 15 degrees.
  • With uniform movements, the mixture is covered with a wall using a metal spatula. It is important not to press on the surface during the laying process.

  • The layer should have a thickness of no more than 0.5 cm. To avoid differences in color, use one mixture on one wall. Sometimes the composition is applied in two thin layers.
  • If you want to apply a drawing, then in advance draw the outlines of the image on the wall with a pencil and carefully apply the mixture without going beyond the outlines. The wallpaper of the applied shade usually dries for 3-4 hours, then another color is applied. The consumption and distribution of the material will be optimal if the sections of all colors have the same thickness.

  • After applying the coating, the wall will dry completely for about three days.
  • To increase the resistance of the walls to moisture, after drying, the wallpaper is covered with a special acrylic varnish.

An important point in the application is the material of the walls. Some surfaces still require additional processing. Such materials include hardboard, which greatly changes shape upon contact with water.

It needs to be treated with several coats of a water-resistant primer before applying wallpaper and using an antiseptic to treat the surface.

Where are they used?

Despite the fact that such custom wallpaper are gaining immense popularity in many houses and apartments, they can not be used in all rooms. Liquid wallpaper is best suited for rooms such as bedroom, nursery, hallway and living room. They usually have moderate humidity.

The air in the kitchen is also periodically quite humid. During the cooking process, various pairs are released, which can affect the state of the wallpaper. You can allow the presence of liquid coatings in this area only if the kitchen is quite large. With such wallpaper, you can finish the wall, which will not be in direct contact with steam and moisture.

Some place liquid wallpaper on the balcony. But in this case a number of conditions must be met. It is best to decorate the loggia with similar wallpaper if you live in an area with a dry climate. If this is not the case, then do not keep the windows of the balcony open all the time so that weather conditions do not have a strong effect on the condition of the walls.

How to choose?

The main criteria for choosing liquid wallpaper are material consumption and design features of the room.

The first criterion is very important, because if it is not taken into account, the application mixture may end at the most inopportune moment, and this will significantly delay the repair process. Consumption must also be taken into account in order to calculate in advance the amount that will cost the decoration of walls or ceilings.

  • Measure the area of ​​the entire surface on which the wallpaper will be applied. To do this, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe walls is measured, subtracting from it the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdoor and window openings.
  • Pay attention to the condition of the walls. Uneven surfaces may incur costs more material.
  • Refer to the consumption charts included with each package of formula.
  • Be sure to stir the material very thoroughly, because lumps are more difficult to spread over the surface.
  • A less economical factor is the loss of elasticity by the mixture. It occurs as a result of overexposure of the composition.
  • Don't go overboard with adding water. If there is excess moisture in the mixture, the material will begin to slide off, and this will affect consumption.

Considering all the factors, you can choose the desired wallpaper, while saving money, time and effort.

Liquid wallpaper is great suitable for any direction of the interior. But the question arises, which wall design is right to choose so as not to violate the style in which the room is decorated.

Liquid wallpaper is usually applied to the ceiling light colors. If the surface of the ceiling is embossed, then sometimes more bright colors echoing the color of the walls. Such an accent is typical of the Provence style. On the walls there should be light wallpaper with pastel blotches - green, pink, blue or lilac. The concept should be light and airy.

natural colors for embossed wallpaper, such as beige or green, will fit perfectly into the idea ecological style. Classic style with embossed walls and recesses will look great with cream tones of liquid wallpaper, "diluting" the recessed wall compartment.

For styles country and loft you can choose wallpaper that imitates brickwork. They will brightly reflect the concept and complement the interior in an original way. For the Art Nouveau style, geometric relief and bright solid colors are often chosen.

The hall is the most appropriate place to create a panel on the wall. An interesting element created with liquid wallpaper will always catch the eye of your guests.

The offer of finishing materials for walls in today's market is simply huge. They can differ significantly from each other in terms of the raw materials used in the production, installation methods, purpose in finishing and by technical features. In any case, each of these materials has both a number of advantages and certain disadvantages.

In today's article, we decided to pay attention to liquid wallpaper for the bedroom. This innovative material incorporates many similarities from traditional paper wallpapers, paint and decorative plaster.

How best to choose - characteristics and composition

To begin with, I would like to give an accurate description of what. This material looks very much like a powder, which is diluted with water, after which it receives the consistency of the mixture. Thanks to the use of special colors, it is possible to give this mixture almost any color. As for what color is better to choose for the bedroom.

It all depends on the interior design of your apartment. Therefore, colors should be chosen based on the style of rooms and premises after renovation.

Attention! In any case, soft furnishings are traditionally considered more suitable for the bedroom. pastel shades. In terms of hardness, the finished surface feels rough to the touch, but at the same time, not hard.

How to choose liquid wallpaper? Learn expert advice and reviews

Varieties and main advantages

As a rule, the classification of liquid wallpaper is made according to the composition of the raw materials used in their production:

  • cellulose;
  • silk;
  • mixed (pulp-silk).

As for the advantages and disadvantages, we will list only the main ones:

  • and intermediate joints;
  • enough simple implementation finishing problem areas with complex configuration, which can not be said about traditional wallpaper;
  • the possibility of hiding imperfections and irregularities of walls or partitions;
  • improvement of the existing sound insulation of partitions;
  • additional thermal insulation for areas of the room with bearing walls facing the street.

On a note! As evidenced by numerous customer reviews, one of the most significant advantages of liquid wallpaper is simplified installation, which is carried out using a conventional roller or a special spray gun.

Regarding safety for health, we can safely say that liquid wallpaper in this component is at its best. In addition, this material interior decoration famous for the complete absence of joints, as well as a fairly simple possibility of repairing or restoring damaged surface areas.

Use and production

Now, with regard to the use of this finishing material in homes various types. If in modern houses with smooth walls and partitions without any problems, then in residential buildings of older series, such as stalinka, Khrushchev or Brezhnevka, the inner surface of walls or interior partitions is far from always ideal. And if small chips or scratches are not a significant obstacle to the application of liquid wallpaper, which forms a special layer about 2 mm thick, then more significant damage to the wall surface must be corrected.

The list of manufacturers of this material today is very wide.

There are enough manufacturers of this type of finish today. On the shelves of construction supermarkets or on the windows of online stores, you can find products from manufacturers from:

  • Russia;
  • Ukraine;
  • Germany;
  • France;
  • Turkey and other countries.

Application on the wall

It should be noted right away that the method by which liquid wallpaper is applied to the wall surface is completely different from that in rolls. Therefore, contrary to the opinion of some inhabitants, it is impossible to "glue" liquid wallpaper. It would be correct to call this process application, not gluing.

The closest process to applying liquid wallpaper is the puttying of various problematic surfaces. In the photo you can see examples of how the walls look with liquid wallpaper in the bedroom.

Applying liquid wallpaper is fundamentally different from sticking traditional rolls

Let's briefly dwell on the main stages of work:

  • So, the first step is to prepare the surface of the bedroom wall. It must be leveled and thoroughly cleaned. It is necessary to remove all foreign elements, as well as paint over metal parts(pipes, etc.) using enamel. Then on to her. The optimal solution is a quartz primer.
  • After preparatory work you need to prepare the mixture. The mixing of dry matter with water occurs gradually, to the state of puree, or thick sour cream. It is forbidden to apply mechanical devices for mixing, since this process must be done manually.
  • Then a thin (usually 1.5-2.5 mm) layer of liquid wallpaper is applied using a spatula. Do not press too hard on the spatula. The application process is carried out from one side of the bedroom wall to the other.

Remember that you must ensure good ventilation in the bedroom, as liquid wallpaper usually takes 2 days to dry. For visual information about applying the material, you can study the instructions that are offered in the video tutorial:

Liquid wallpaper in the interior is not as rare as you might think. Of course, today the range of wallpapers is so large that it is difficult to choose even the type: vinyl, paper, bamboo, liquid wallpaper, photo wallpaper, glass wallpaper, Linkrust. To properly manage the opportunity wide choice, it is best to understand the functionality, structure, quality, and price of each type. What is suitable for uneven walls?

More recently, everything was much simpler, they bought the usual wallpaper in rolls. Pasted more evenly and everything was and happy. Advances in technology are constantly expanding the range of finishing materials. Manufacturers, followed by designers, began to advertise and useliquid wallpaper in the apartment: in the kitchen, in the bathroom, on the balcony and even on the ceiling.

Gradually, liquid wallpaper gained its share of popularity. The practicality and durability of the material allow the finished surface to be used for a long time without visible loss of appearance. Even in problem areas of a corridor or hallway, liquid wallpaper can be safely used as a decoration material.

Main advantages: easy application of liquid wallpaper, environmental safety, suitability for repair, and a nice bonus - all the work is easy to do with your own hands. Liquid wallpaper is very plastic, using this quality application is possible on complex geometric areas: arches, columns, etc.

Liquid wallpaper is a novelty in construction, it is an unusual choice. They are used both in the repair of living rooms and medical institutions with strict hygiene rules, in offices, catering. Liquid wallpaper is sometimes mistakenly called decorative plaster, but these are completely different things. The confusion arises from the fact that the application technique is incredibly similar. The essential difference lies only in the structure of the paste used.

It is based on sand mix bonded with lime and cement mortar. The composition of liquid wallpaper consists of cotton, sometimes silk, more often from cellulose fibrous inclusions, where the link is the adhesive composition.

Liquid wallpaper: structure and composition

This cover contains dyed fibers made up of polyester, cellulose and cotton. The original effect of the fabric coating is given by colored fibers. The coating contains decorative elements (marble chips, glitter and mother-of-pearl), which will give any room new style and unusual colors.

liquid wallpaper may include components (mica, wood chips, dry algae, threads)

Acrylic, latex paints help to give the color scheme to the composition. To achieve interesting and intricate effects, decorative “glitters” are added to the composition. Usually these are mother-of-pearl sequins of various sizes, pieces of mica, colored threads, and other components of natural and artificial materials.

In fact, liquid wallpaper, it is impossible to buy ready-made. In the same Leroy Merlin or MaxiDom, liquid wallpaper is sold in a completely dry state. According to the instructions for use in the dry composition, you just need to add water. Semi-liquid wallpaper resembles a thick viscous curd mass, which is what is applied to the walls or ceiling.

The wallpaper is made from cellulose and cotton fibers. It is better to bring the dry mixture to a liquid form with the help of water in a special pan. The appearance of liquid wallpaper after drying resembles a cross between traditional wallpaper and decorative plaster. It takes 24 hours to dry completely. The coating is environmentally friendly with good heat and sound insulation.

The decorated surface acquires a single, seamless coating. Plasticity and the ability to use application techniques with different thicknesses help to correct small flaws in surface preparation. Defects such as gouges or small cracks- completely disappear. In addition, the same plasticity serves as a tool in creating the formation of a bas-relief pattern.

Liquid wallpaper packaging

Mixes are sold in transparent sealed bags. Dry wallpaper can look like sawdust. They contain a special viscous wallpaper material, which is pre-impregnated with a special adhesive solution.

The mixture must be diluted warm water and evenly apply to the wall surface. Wallpaper tinting is required with special paints. You will get a monolithic surface without seams.

Various types of liquid wallpaper imitate silk, embossed paper or dense foam due to the small fibers in the mixture.

Types of liquid wallpaper

It will depend on the application technique how liquid wallpaper will “lie down” on the wall. The drawing, as a rule, turns out to be individual, it looks different and it is difficult to repeat it. Repetition is complicated by various additives in an indefinite consistency. For example, silk-based liquid wallpaper acquires a pronounced sheen character.

A variation of such a finish is called by the master as “liquid silk”. The use of cellulose and cotton fibers gives the surface a soft, matte velvet structure. Because of this, with the same additives various decor the wall looks different.

There are mixed, formed in various models with various methods of application and achieving the best artistic and plastic effect - cellulose-silk and cotton-silk compositions. They also have a component of brilliance, but not pronounced. In a word, it is difficult to describe in words what liquid wallpaper on the wall looks like. There is an opinion that fans of wall decoration with decorative plaster, the “liquid wallpaper” option, always like it.

As mentioned above, liquid wallpapers differ in the composition of natural fibers. Let's clarify which fibers are more common than others:

1. Silk. As part of these wallpapers, silk fiber, this is the coating of the High Quality. These wallpapers have a long service life, they do not fade in the sun, the price is more expensive.
2. Cellulose coatings are attractive at a low price, but outwardly they do not look as impressive as silk ones, the quality is much lower.
3. Silk-cellulose mixtures of different fibers, average in quality, price and beauty.

Wallpaper Categories

Among the variety of options for decorative wall decoration, it is worth highlighting liquid wallpaper separately. This option is unique because it is the only wallpaper that does not have a canvas. This allows them to be used on curved surfaces and in cases where it is necessary for design purposes to maintain the unevenness of the wall.

In fact, decorative wallpaper is rather a special type of plaster sold in dry form and needs to be pre-diluted with water, which greatly expands the range of their application.

Based on the application, the wallpaper is divided into 2 categories:

1) Ready to use, they must be diluted in a bucket of water. Without skills, anyone can do it on their own.

2) White wallpaper for painting. You will have to turn to specialists to give the walls a different tone, you need paint and decorative elements.

Features and benefits of liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper has gained its popularity in the market precisely due to a number of its advantages, the main of which should be considered:

– Liquid wallpaper is made from environmentally friendly clean materials. Moreover, when applying it, no glue is used, there is no construction dust, so the residents of the house do not have to be taken out of it for the period of work.

– Liquid wallpaper applied to the wall can significantly increase the degree of sound insulation and heat retention in the room. These characteristics directly depend on the composition, so you should familiarize yourself with this aspect in advance.

- This type of decorative finish is well suited for uneven or figured surfaces, columns, arches. It is also worth noting that when correct application liquid wallpaper will mask the defects of the wall surface.

- Liquid wallpaper has high elasticity, which allows you to safely apply them in new buildings. Ordinary wallpaper can be damaged due to the natural shrinkage process of the building.

– Relative durability. This type of finishing materials is much more resistant to negative influences. external environment than ordinary wallpaper. This ensures a high service life.

- After applying the composition to the surface of the wall and its hardening, there are no joints and seams. This is an important advantage of liquid wallpaper.

Types of liquid wallpaper

There are 3 main types of liquid wallpaper, the criterion for the difference of which is the composition of the material:

  • - Silk. As the name implies, the composition of such wallpapers includes silk fibers.
  • - Cotton liquid wallpaper, which is based on cotton fibers, with the addition of a binder.
  • - Cellulose liquid wallpaper. This option contains wood fibers and is the cheapest.

Pros of liquid wallpaper

Of course, liquid wallpaper in the interior causes a lot of controversy and leaves a different impression, however, in any case, they have undeniable advantages:

  • Excellent appearance - like traditional wallpaper.
  • Lack of joints - like decorative plaster.
  • Easy to apply, any beginner can handle repair work. It is convenient to form a coating in curved sections.
  • The ability to give the walls bizarre patterns.
  • Easy to fix damaged areas. It won't be a hassle to restore. It is relevant when small children in the house like to draw on the walls or have pets. Remove scratches or apply a “patch” - a matter of 5 minutes.
  • Environmentally friendly products have no odors.
  • Normal humidity is ensured in the room, since liquid wallpaper is vapor-permeable, they do not retain excess moisture in the room.

  • Excellent thermal insulation qualities. Even during cold periods, the walls remain warm.
  • Surfaces do not need scrupulous preparation. All defects will be filled with a mixture. The reverse side - the consumption of material increases.
  • Resistant to temperature changes, these wallpapers are popular for decorating country houses.
  • Dust repellent and antistatic properties.
  • Wallpaper does not ignite, does not emit toxic substances in case of fire.
  • Odors are not absorbed into the coating, so it can be used in the kitchen and bathrooms.
  • Possibility to apply repeatedly, for this the coating must be removed with a spatula. Then lower into a large container, re-fill with warm water. The prepared mass is applied to desired area again.

Disadvantages of liquid wallpaper

  • Great cost.
  • Limited color palette.
  • Like an ordinary paper base, liquid wallpaper can fade on the sunny side of the room. The disadvantage is easy to avoid by deciding on the cardinal points.
  • Average moisture resistance. It is better to cover the finished surface with a waterproof clear varnish to protect it from dirt and moisture.
  • It can quickly wear off from constant contact with animals and people.
  • You can not wash, you can only clean liquid wallpaper with a dry method.
  • Stubborn dirt or grease stains will no longer work. Removal is carried out in a radical way, by restoration.
  • A qualitative result can only be achieved on a previously prepared surface. You will have to level and be sure to prime the wall a couple of times and only then apply liquid wallpaper.
  • Do-it-yourself organization of work requires a significant amount of labor.

Serious flaws are not observed, and those that are are similar to ordinary wallpaper. The main disadvantage is the lack of wet cleaning. This point should be guided by when making decorating decisions in the hallway or in the kitchen, where wet cleaning is most relevant .. Some craftsmen suggest leveling the flaw by covering the wall with varnish. Thus, it can subsequently be washed, but the possibility of restoration will disappear.

The reverse side of the varnish coating will be a complete blockage of vapor permeability. Acquiring water-repellent characteristics, the room will accumulate moisture inside, most likely additional ventilation will be required. Liquid wallpaper is very practical, despite the shortcomings listed. If you take into account the advice of professionals, a durable beautiful coating will delight you for up to 15 years.

Surface preparation for liquid wallpaper

Initially, you should clean the wall from the previous decorative layer. We will have to remove all layers of old paint and wallpaper, we need a clean base of the wall. Large potholes, flaws are aligned with plaster mixture rotband type. To improve the quality of the coating better wall make it even. Prime and paint with water-dispersion special paint.

All metal elements are nails, we unequivocally remove bolts. The same applies to protruding fittings. In extreme cases, if it is impossible to remove, we paint over all the fragments with water-repellent paint. The substance of liquid wallpaper, when applied, abundantly wets the metal, causing corrosion processes. Rust will definitely appear in all its glory and “come out” yellow spots. It is impossible to fix this, and you will have to redo the work, returning to the point of painting the metal.

The leveled surface of the wall must be passed with a primer, preferably twice. The primer will increase adhesion and reduce the absorbency of the wall, it will become much easier to apply liquid wallpaper with your own hands after treatment with a primer. The easiest and most inexpensive way to prepare a primer for liquid wallpaper on your own is to take a cheap one. white water-based paint (70% of the required volume) and mix with PVA glue (30% glue).

Liquid wallpaper needs good adhesion to a rough wall. To improve the quality of the wallpaper, experts recommend professional paint / primer for outdoor use, it is of course more expensive, but better, it also needs to be applied twice. After a thorough primer, you will have a rough surface, we leave the work for 24 hours, we need to dry the walls well.

It should be remembered that liquid wallpaper will not be able to hide the bright spots of old paint, the wallpaper will shine through after application and the stain may show itself. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to paint over all the prominent spots in advance. An ideally uniform color scheme is not needed at all, it is enough to avoid sharp transitions.

Required set of tools

- trowel;
- two spatulas: narrow and wide (preferably made of plastic);
- atomizer;
- basin (bucket);
- paint roller.

Mixture preparation

The pun is that liquid wallpaper is not liquid at all, it is a dry mix that is sold in bags. The dry mixture is mixed with water before being applied to the ceiling or wall. The required volume of water is prescribed in the instructions and depends on the mass and type of composition in the bag. Excess water will interfere with work, the wallpaper will roll, it is better to be guided by the standards on the package and not exceed the value.

Mixing is more convenient to produce in a plastic construction bucket - 10-15 liters. The contents of the dry material are poured into the basin and water is poured. To obtain a homogeneous “minced meat”, the mass is constantly stirred for about 5-10 minutes.

The absence of harmful chemical additives allows you to abandon the additional tool and mix the product simply with your hands, after putting on rubber gloves. The mixed mass must be kept until fully prepared for 5 to 10 hours. To do this, it is poured from the pelvis into prepared plastic bags, tied and insisted in order to obtain a uniform swelling. After application, liquid wallpaper acquires a lighter shade as it dries.

1. First you need to decide on the scope of work. For 5 sq. m surface requires approximately 1 kg of dry mix. But still it is necessary to take into account the quality of the walls and the way of working. Applying the material with a spray will increase the consumption of the mixture.
2. Shake the mixture well to remove lumps.
3. In warm water(+30°C) add, stirring, the dry mixture until a homogeneous mass without lumps is obtained.
4. If you need to mix 2 packs (or 2 colors), then you can mix only dry mixes, and then add water.
5. It is impossible to divide the package into several parts. The whole mixture must be kneaded for a uniform layer, then all particles will be distributed evenly. Then it is guaranteed to be an even layer with the selected shade.

It is better to prepare the mixture immediately for the whole room with a margin of 10%. Decorating with parts can lead to noticeable layer boundaries. This is especially noticeable in sunlight. The stock will save you from the risk of being left without a mixture at the final stage Builders Council

Rules for working with liquid wallpaper

For beginners, it is more advisable to start with areas that will be covered by furniture. Calculate 1 batch to match the desired area. If the mass does not fit well on the wall, you need to add a little water.

Quality work will require new tool. Tracking errors in the passage of the site will become easier with a transparent trowel made of plastic. A special transparent trowel is the key to guaranteed success in achieving professional skills.

ATTENTION! Lighting from the side (portable cartridge, lamp) will help you in your work, stains will be immediately visible. Builders Council

Applying liquid wallpaper with a trowel

Liquid wallpaper is applied in 2 ways: with a spatula or spray.
Spraying is more difficult, practice first to get an even coat.
A spatula is easier but takes longer, so prepare 2 tools.
It is convenient to distribute the wallpaper along the wall with wide ones, and it is convenient for narrow ones to apply a small portion of the composition to a wide spatula.
The spatula is best kept at a slight angle. It is not necessary to press hard on the spatula to make the layer more embossed, but the consumption of the mixture does not increase.
There are no rules for getting started, it's not essential.

It is necessary to apply a new layer from a clean area to the finished one.
The layer, if it is thin, the wall will be translucent.
It is better to apply the mixture immediately to the entire wall. If you need to postpone work, then sprinkle a little warm water on the dried edge so that the joints are not noticeable.
When the wall is completely covered with wallpaper, sprinkle water well over the entire surface, and then walk with a spatula.
Allow the surface to dry overnight.
It is easy and simple to work with liquid wallpaper, where you do not have to be afraid of marriage, drafts. You can correct the mistake if you scrape off the area and cover it again.

Applying liquid wallpaper with a roller

Consider how to apply liquid wallpaper in an original way using a conventional roller. In the process of applying liquid wallpaper with a trowel, we get perfectly flat planes, spending a lot of time and effort. It will take much less skills, and most importantly, time costs, if you speed up the process and try to carefully apply liquid wallpaper with a roller.

To accomplish the plan, you will need a special roller with a hard short pile. The collected pile in chaotic groups will add variety to the pattern on the wall. The width of the roller should be chosen no more than 15 cm. In Leroy Merlin or in any construction market, there are a lot of such rollers, in extreme cases, you can use a foam or fur version. Amazing prints are obtained by resorting to the impression of a rubber roller.

Preliminary work corresponds to the above: we breed liquid wallpaper according to passport characteristics, we prepare the wall. The best distribution of mass along the wall, most likely, can be achieved by adding to the structure more water. The main thing is not to overfill, as excessive moisture will lead to the effect of “creeping”. In general, the application technique is simpler and does not exceed three recommendations:

  1. The advantage of the method is that it allows you not to worry about the applied thickness of the mass layer on the wall. With a spatula or trowel, liquid wallpaper is applied in small portions of “blobs” to the entire surface to be treated.
  2. Next, the entire portion is rolled out with a roller to a uniform state of thickness.
  3. We continue the cycle until the work is completed.
    The smoother the prepared surface, the easier it is to implement efforts to create a uniform thickness with a roller while maintaining a high finishing speed.

As you might guess, applying liquid wallpaper with a roller creates a textured “fur coat” on the wall surface that is rougher to the touch than when smoothing with a trowel. Each interior has its own zest, but if you suddenly need to remove the rough effect, just slightly wet the fresh mass with a spray gun and polish the surface with a trowel

How to make a drawing with liquid wallpaper

Exquisite patterns and complex inlays are very difficult to depict for a novice master on the wall the first time. Trying to implement simple applications is a completely feasible task. The simplest geometric figures of a two-color palette can be depicted with your own hands.

To do this, you need to make a stencil pattern. You can find an interesting image on the Internet. Carefully transfer the contours of the application to the wall. Artistic skills will help you avoid such hassle and apply the drawing simply “by hand”. More will follow painstaking work by variable filling of areas with multi-colored liquid wallpaper. The work ahead is dreary with careful adjustment of the mosaic pieces, akin to jewelry precision, so as not to stain the finished parts.

In geometric applications burdened with complexity, sections can be divided among themselves with a plastic ruler, creating hard barrier. Sometimes construction beacons can be used, which are used to apply plaster. Alternately fenced off areas are filled with liquid wallpaper of the same color. Next, you need to let the pieces dry. Carefully remove the partitions and, without climbing onto the dry sections of the wallpaper, apply the mass to the empty pieces in a different color.

How to care for liquid wallpaper?

Care is quite simple, periodically clean the entire surface with a vacuum cleaner. If the wallpaper is covered with a protective waterproof varnish, then it is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth. Wallpaper cannot be washed without varnish. If dirt (grease stain) appears, remove the defective area with a spatula and apply a new one. The seams will not be visible.

Knowing some rules and recommendations of professionals, anyone can easily use liquid wallpaper in repairs. They are easy to apply to concrete, drywall, wood or plaster. Do not be afraid to experiment, create individual style your house.