Options for modern finishes of the toilet. How can I finish the walls in the toilet other than tiles? How to finish the toilet with plastic panels

The decoration of apartments and houses has long turned from a simple necessity into an offshoot of the design industry. If earlier most of the attention was paid to the rooms, now the requirements for the style and decor of the bath and bathroom are as high as, for example, for the bedroom or living room. How to finish the toilet so that it is not just a necessary corner in the apartment, but a cozy room, will be described below.


Bathrooms in modern homes can be combined or separate. A huge number of apartments have a tiny separate toilet, sometimes up to 1 sq. m area. But thanks to the abundance of modern finishing materials, the consumer expects that even in the smallest space it is possible to equip a relaxed, comfortable and stylish environment.

The interior of the toilet must have certain quality characteristics.

  • The strength and durability of materials, because they will be used by all family members.
  • Reliability and durability. Few people want to constantly redo repairs in the toilet. As a rule, finishes are chosen for many years, so it is assumed that they will not soon lose their original appearance.
  • Ease of cleaning. Bathrooms are more prone to pollution than other rooms in the apartment. Therefore, it is better to choose finishing materials that are not difficult to wash and clean using household chemicals and disinfectants.

  • Moisture resistant. The constant presence of water causes increased humidity in the room. It is necessary that the interior could withstand its effects, not deteriorate, not swell and not darken.
  • Protection against mold and mildew. High humidity also leads to the development of harmful microorganisms, so you need to think about protection against them.
  • Environmental friendliness. It is better to choose materials that do not emit harmful substances into the air and are fireproof.

Design options

Small rooms are best finished in light colors: beige, pastel. The classic finish is white. The laconic and minimalistic interior can be complemented with chrome-plated fittings, faucets and accessories. Dilution with black in a small amount (floor, stripes and wall inserts) will pull the decor towards high-tech. Bright and rich lacquer textures with an abundance of scarlet, grass, lemon, crimson will add positive, activity and joy. With a lot of white color, they will not tire the eyes and narrow the space. Blue and light green are well suited for decorating toilets of any area. These tones soothe, pacify, bring spring freshness.

If you are the owner of a spacious bathroom, the modern industry of finishing materials offers a lot of options for finishing it. Black as the predominant color will be chosen by bold and extraordinary natures. Antique accessories, a chandelier with wrought iron patterns will fit into the noir style and embody fantasies in the style of Hollywood in the 20s. The classic design with gilded handles, marble and imitation of natural stone is best left for a large toilet as well. Although light shades of marble are suitable for a minimum area.

It will be interesting to look at the mosaic on the walls in ethnic style. Oriental and African patterns will be a trendy accent in your decor. Mosaic tiles made of small squares with a glossy sheen will add glamor and chic.

Ecostyle or country style will also fit into the design of the toilet both in a private house and in an apartment. Finishing with a wooden board or its imitation is not the best solution for a small room, unless the surface is painted in a light shade. Whitewashed boards with an aged effect will give you the feeling that you are in a cozy country house in the Provence style.

A floor with imitation wood will definitely add warmth and comfort.

If there is a window in the toilet room, then it must be closed with a roller blind or blinds for convenience.


The variety of materials for finishing is so great that it can be very difficult to choose a worthy option. Qualitative characteristics and pricing suggest opportunities and ideas for finishing for every taste and budget.

Ceramic tiles, mosaic

The most common finishing option. In stores there is a huge selection of manufacturers, formats and patterns. The cost depends on the quality of the product and the promotion of the brand. Designer items can be very expensive.

Tiles have a number of undeniable advantages:

  • Durability. This material will last more than one year, or even a dozen years, while not losing its appearance.
  • Strength. Ceramic and glass-ceramic products are resistant to mechanical stress.
  • Ease of maintenance and cleaning.
  • Water resistance. That is why many people prefer tiles for flooring in bathrooms, while the rest of the rooms can be decorated, for example, with laminate. With prolonged contact with water, the laminate will swell and deform, and the tile will remain in its original state.
  • Ceramic does not absorb odors.

The negative aspects of such a finish are the need to level the walls, the laboriousness of the process and the complexity of installation without special preparation, as well as the rather high price. But the result you get will be worth the cost.

Washable wallpaper

There are many types of wallpaper materials: these are textile wallpapers, paper sheets, and various types of natural roll coatings. But for finishing the toilet, washable wallpaper will be the best option.

Most of the canvases are covered with a layer of polyvinyl chloride, which forms a durable waterproof layer that makes it easy to care for the wallpaper. A variety of washable roll materials also includes self-adhesive film - a budget option for finishing.

The advantage of this type of coating, in addition to the possibility of washing, is ease of use, durability (with proper care, high-quality canvases last up to 15 years), the possibility of gluing any type of base and ease of dismantling.

At the same time, the canvases are unstable to damage and mechanical stress, can fade in the sun and do not allow the walls to breathe.

Plastic panels

This is one of the budget types of finishes. Now there is a huge number of colors and textures, bright and pastel, glossy and matte, even imitating various natural materials. Panels are easily mounted on a frame basis. In this case, the surface does not require careful alignment. Installation is quick and does not require special skills.

The resulting coating is easy to clean, it withstands moisture and is quite durable. Plastic is durable and easy to maintain. The disadvantage of the panels is their fragility - cracks and chips can form upon impact. Also, this material can hardly be called environmentally friendly. The base of the walls must be treated with antifungal drugs, since under the influence of moisture and without the possibility of ventilation, fungi and mold can form under the panels.


Fans of natural materials will love the natural wood finish - slabs or clapboard. Thanks to staining, it is possible to achieve any color scheme. Boards are an environmentally friendly material, they are easy to finish and will last a long time with proper care. But this method has many disadvantages - firstly, the natural color of wood can make the interior of a small bathroom too gloomy and dark, visually reduce the space. Wood absorbs odors. For durability, the coating must be periodically treated with anti-mold preparations so that it does not rot over time. In its pure form, the tree will not last long. It must be painted or varnished so that the surface can be washed and it does not lose its visual appeal under the influence of various factors.


Painting the walls in the bathroom is a fairly common way to economically update the interior. The color range of paints and varnishes is huge, it is easy to apply them. The cover lasts a long time. But you should be careful when choosing paint. The composition must be environmentally friendly, not emit harmful substances into the air, and be intended for interior decoration. A good choice would be to use a moisture-resistant water-based paint. It meets the above requirements, plus the walls can be safely washed and cleaned. In the modern construction market, there are also special coloring compositions for bathrooms. The disadvantages of such coatings are their high cost if you want to achieve high quality, and time-consuming preparation of the base.

Decorative plaster

One of the more recently emerging finishing methods is reminiscent of wall plastering with dirty-colored compounds in name only. In fact, this is interior decoration using special pastes with different properties and structures. Plaster differs from paint in a variety of textures and a much richer appearance. For finishing bathrooms, it is worth choosing synthetic-based compositions, as they are more resistant to moisture.

With the help of certain skills and a special tool, you can get a smooth and embossed surface with a certain pattern or stains, a glossy sheen or a matte finish, and even an imitation of natural materials such as marble, quartz or wood. Among the shortcomings, it is worth considering the need for an even base, the high cost of the compositions and the difficulty of application. For the design of many types of drawings with decorative plaster, it is better to resort to the help of qualified craftsmen.

How to finish?

When choosing a finish for your toilet, decide on the price category of materials, room dimensions, colors and design style. To decorate different types of surfaces, you can use it as a single material, or combine different types.


Walls tend to get the most attention in any room. It all depends on your imagination and finances. Budget finishes are suitable if you plan to change the interior often and not spend a lot of money. Washable wallpaper will be the way out. A variety of drawings will help you choose the best option and when changing the decor there will be no problems with removing the canvases. For bathrooms, it is better to opt for soothing shades. Small rooms are best decorated with wallpaper with a medium-sized pattern, in pastel colors. This will visually increase the space, and the bulky ornament will not “crush”. PVC panels will also be a good alternative to wallpaper for inexpensive repairs. They are easy to install by hand. The number of colors increases every year. Some canvases successfully imitate ceramic tiles.

Tiles can be designed in various styles. The classic interior is successfully complemented by tiles in calm traditional black and white or beige colors. Fans of bright colors and unexpected combinations will like products of rich red, green, blue, golden hues with a glossy structure. The decor of individual sections (for example, the back wall) with glass-ceramic mosaics will look especially impressive.

If you have finances, you should think about finishing with artificial stone. It's beautiful and luxurious. Soothing overflows of marble or shine of onyx in natural colors will look like a king in a large bathroom, for example, in a cottage. The material is durable, resistant to various contaminants and will last for decades.

All communications are usually hidden under a fine finish, for this, special boxes are constructed using metal profiles, and then they are sheathed with drywall. It is better to take sheets that are moisture resistant, and the selected materials are already pasted on them. They can also level the walls in case of strong curvature and defects, as well as arrange arches with complex configurations if you want to achieve an original decor.

In case you are making repairs in a toilet in a log or log house, it is best to sheathe the walls with clapboard, as it is resistant to changes in humidity and temperature. This option is also suitable for outdoor toilets. Siding is suitable for finishing external walls: it will be both aesthetically pleasing and practical.


The floor in the toilet is subjected to increased stress, while it must withstand moisture and be easy to clean. Not all floor coverings can meet these criteria. The most convenient floor design material is ceramic tile or porcelain stoneware. The choice of colors is wide: there are bright shades, and classic black and white or beige colors, imitation of natural stones or concrete. Ceramics are able to conduct heat, so the arrangement of underfloor heating will provide you with additional comfort. But it is better to opt for matte and rough tiles, because the increased risk of water on the floor can lead to a slippery coating.

The toilet room, finished with tiles, looks very nice and respectable. But in order to lay it out beautifully, you need to have certain skills in working with such material, and the tile itself will cost a pretty penny. You can make high-quality repairs in the toilet at no extra cost and on your own if you use PVC panels instead of tiles.


To finish the toilet with plastic panels, you do not need to have special building skills and physical strength. This material has a whole set of other qualities that provide ease of handling both during installation work and during the operation of finishing from it.

Although plastic panels are not without drawbacks.

  • It is a lightweight material that is easy to cut and install. It can be used for both walls and ceilings. PVC panels will hide behind pipes and other communications that are present in the toilet and often do not look attractive at all, like “native” uneven walls. But it must be borne in mind that during installation on each side, such a coating “eats” about five centimeters of room space.
  • It is convenient to deal with finishing the premises with this material alone, especially since it is very difficult for two builders to turn around in the cramped space of the toilet room.
  • If the panels are installed correctly, they will last a very long time (up to twenty-five years), without requiring special care. They are resistant to chemicals, it is difficult to spoil the coating. It is enough to regularly wipe the PVC walls with a damp cloth so that the toilet does not lose its well-groomed appearance.
  • The panels are resistant to moisture and temperature extremes.
  • When making a choice in favor of decorating a toilet with such panels, it must be borne in mind that this is a material that melts under the influence of fire, releasing acrid smoke.
  • If you hit the plastic wall hard, the panel may break.

Style and design

Thanks to such a wide choice, you can design a sanitary room in any style. With the help of panels of different colors, colorful or patterned, a certain visual effect is achieved. So, if you use light panels, it will visually expand the space of the bathroom.

The use of panels with photo printing opens up unlimited scope for design. Entering the toilet, finished with such material, you can find yourself in the atmosphere of a paradise island, among waterfalls, mountains and in any environment that will contribute to peaceful loneliness. To create a complete picture, not only the walls, but also the floor and ceiling must be done in a single theme and color scheme. This rule works equally well both in the design of a separate toilet and a combined bathroom.

Although no one will forbid limiting yourself to the fact that the panel covers the wall only up to half or only a quarter, and the other part of the wall is decorated with washable wallpaper or painted with water-based paint of a suitable color.


Having made a choice in favor of plastic panels, you need to take into account that there is no single standard for the forms of their release. On sale you can find panels with a width of ten to thirty centimeters. Their length can be from two to six meters. The thickness is also different - from eight to twelve millimeters. If the choice is made in favor of sheet panels, then it should be borne in mind that their width is eighty centimeters and reaches two meters. Length from 105 to 405 centimeters.

When calculating the required amount of material, keep in mind that some of it will go to trim. Therefore, it is better to immediately purchase panels with a margin of fifteen percent.

Preparatory work

Before you get to the installation of the panels themselves, you will have to take measurements of the room and buy everything you need for repairs: not only panels, but also profiles for decorating external and internal corners, places where plastic adjoins the ceiling and floor, for decorating cabinets and doors provided your plan. You will need material to create a crate for future panels. You can choose wooden or metal slats. It should be borne in mind that how much the toilet area will decrease after all the work will depend on their parameters. The number of rails depends on the height and width of the walls, as well as the distance between the elements of the crate themselves. If a riser, pipes and a ceiling frame are hidden under the PVC panels, you need to lay the material consumption for this when calculating its total amount.

And you may also need dowels and screws. If they are not on the farm, you need to resolve the issue with their presence in advance. The plastic cladding technology also allows the panels to be glued directly to the walls, if they are absolutely even. With this approach to finishing, you will need "liquid nails". If a crate made of wood acts as a support for plastic, you need to purchase a tool for treating a wooden structure from decay. Using a primer for walls and ceilings will prevent mold from appearing under the panels. Insects under it also will not divorce.

To properly repair the toilet, you need to carefully prepare its walls for future decorative trim. Remove wallpaper and paint from them. To work, you need a metal spatula. Wallpaper that does not lag behind the wall can be soaked by rolling over it with a wet roller several times. Do not be too lazy to remove the old wallpaper to the end, so that later you do not have to dismantle the plastic panels and carry out repairs again if a fungus starts there.

As for the paint, it is enough to remove only what is already peeling off the wall. The required number of elements of the wooden frame is cut, they are treated with an antiseptic, including the places of cuts. Then they must be allowed to dry. In an apartment building, a balcony is suitable for this. You can also take the blanks to the stairwell. Until the drying process is completed, you can process the walls and ceiling in the toilet itself.

The primer is applied with a long pile roller. A wide brush will also work. In uncomfortable areas - narrow. It makes sense to apply a couple of layers of soil, especially since it dries quickly. If you decide to repair the toilet in full - with the replacement of the toilet - it is better to remove the old one before you start the crate. If pipes and old electrical wiring require replacement, this issue should also be taken care of a little earlier than it comes to the external design of the room.


To make a frame for panel cladding yourself, you need to decide in advance how the PVC panels will be placed relative to the wall - vertically or horizontally. Placing the panels vertically will make the room appear taller, while placing it horizontally will visually expand it. In this case, the "vertical option" involves the horizontal placement of the bars of the crate and vice versa. When installing rails, you need to focus on the readings of the building level. To fasten the bars to the walls, use self-tapping screws or dowels. Using self-tapping screws, you need to drill holes in the walls and insert plastic chopsticks into them.

By the time of work, the bars should dry well, otherwise they will lead later, which can ruin the whole thing. They are attached at a distance of about half a meter from each other. In places where cabinets and shelves will be placed, the crate elements must be placed “more often” so that the fastening is more reliable. The most common option for finishing the toilet is the vertical method of attaching the panels. To make a frame for such a finish, you first need to install its side racks. To do this, the rails are fixed with self-tapping screws in the corners of the room. The vertical strips should not come into contact with the surface of the floor and ceiling.

Then the crate is done. The first bar is fixed at a distance of two centimeters from the floor. A rack line is created around the entire perimeter of the room. The same is mounted under the ceiling. In order for the crate to be uniform, after installing the upper and lower strips of slats, the distance between them is measured with a tape measure and divided in half. In the middle, another bar is strengthened. Each of the resulting sections is also divided into two and the bars are again strengthened at a measured distance. This continues until the distance between the elements of the crate is reduced to half a meter.

To build communication boxes for paneling, use the same materials as to create a frame on the walls. The boxes are attached to the floor and walls. You can connect the bars with self-tapping screws. In the process of work, it is necessary to provide places for technological openings that will provide access to hidden communications when solving household issues. As for the frame itself, not only wooden, but also metal guides can be used for its construction.

If it is supposed to finish the ceiling of the toilet with plastic, the frame on it is created in the same way as on the walls, only the bars are located more closely to each other.


In order to make the walls of the room with PVC panels with your own hands, you will first have to install racks on which the decorative strips will be held. When the installation of the frame is completed, you can proceed to the next step, which involves the installation of racks that need to be nailed to the crate. The slats need to be cut at an angle of forty-five degrees. They can be attached to the crate with nails or a special stapler at a distance of thirty centimeters from each other.

Plastic panels have grooves and ridges, connecting them together, you can step by step finish the walls, giving them elegance. Decorative plastic elements in the corners and around the doorway will help close and hide the joints of the panels. It is better not to neglect the installation of such design components, otherwise the repair will look unfinished.

After installing the panels along the walls, you need to decorate the box around the vertical pipe that runs in the toilet with a decorative layer. To hide communications from the eyes, the panels will need to be cut to length, and in order to close the uncomfortable place aesthetically, in the end, install decorative corners where necessary. To panel the ceiling of the bathroom, proceed in the same way as in the case of walls. But in the process of work, it will be necessary to make holes for future lamps and bring the electrical wires out.

In such an important place for an apartment as a toilet, it is not enough to carefully sheathe the walls and bypass all the ledges with decorative panels, giving the room an elegant and well-groomed look. It is necessary to place hooks, niches and shelves in predetermined places so that the toilet is convenient to use. It is better to mark the places where all this will be attached along the course of the sheathing - then you won’t have to guess where the crate bars are placed.

Options for using panels to create hidden niches and shelves can be very different. It will not be difficult for a person who is able to dispose of furniture fittings to cover up something that should not be visible with a removable panel. It is possible, for example, to provide a window in the decorative casing, under which the water meter is located, with the ability to close it with a plastic door and easily open it only when required.

Finishing the bathroom with plastic panels usually takes no more than two days, and the results will please you for a long time.

Economy class repair with plastic decoration of the toilet room is good to use in Khrushchev. This is the easiest way to hide an old unattractive riser from view, to make the interior of a small room quite modern and cozy thanks to a competent choice of panels: with a pattern or plain. For example, red walls in the bathroom may seem too extravagant to some people. A green or blue tone in the company of a pattern, for example, in a marine style, will certainly make the decoration comfortable and relaxing.

When repairing a combined bathroom, especially in an old panel house, you need to carefully consider the issue of ventilation, ensuring free air flow between the cladding and the wall, as well as the cladding and ceiling. The ventilation grille also needs to be mounted from plastic, providing it with a decent design. When installing the floor in the toilet, you can make a cement screed and lay out a tile floor. It is important that it does not contradict the overall color scheme of the updated interior. Even if you want to keep within the minimum amount of costs during repairs, you should carefully consider the choice of the decorative coating itself.

The risk of running into low-quality goods today is very high.

  • To finish the bathroom, it is better to use panels with additives that increase their flexibility. Material without appropriate additives will be too brittle. It is not difficult to determine how high-quality a panel is in your hands. Good quality plastic can be bent into a ring.
  • Press the edge of the product with two fingers. Stiffening ribs located inside a high-quality panel cannot be deformed, and there are no dents on the outside.
  • The joining strip of the lock on the edge should return to its original position when it is released after being bent. In a poor-quality product, this plastic strip may break.
  • Through the top layer of the panel, its "insides" should not shine through.
  • When choosing a material, use your sense of smell. If the panels are made from low-quality components, they will emit a chemical aroma that will only become stronger in the confined space of the bathroom. This is not only unpleasant, but also harmful to health.

  • PVC panels of decent quality should contain additives that prevent the material from catching fire. To verify this, ask for a product certificate from a specialist on the trading floor. If you are not provided with documents for the goods, it is better to go to another store.
  • You should not stop your choice on panels of large width. When it comes to repairs in such a small room as a toilet, this is not profitable, since during installation there are too many scraps that you just have to throw away.
  • Take the time to inspect each panel you purchase. It is not uncommon for sellers to put defective copies in a pack of goods. Exchanging them after purchase for a quality product can cost a lot of nerves. You will also have to prove that the panels were not damaged during transportation from the store to the house.

The "extra" time spent in the building materials store will be successfully compensated by the easy and quick installation of panels in the toilet, as well as the pleasure with which you will be able to visit this secluded place for many years.

Beautiful examples

A variety of colors of plastic panels opens up great opportunities for realizing the most interesting design ideas when creating a bathroom interior in accordance with the taste preferences of apartment owners.

Someone considers it worthy to decorate the walls of the toilet room under a stone, someone prefers certain wood patterns, and someone prefers abstract patterns that create a feeling of airiness and lightness, or floral ornaments present on the panels.

  • The combination of beige walls with an unusual pattern and a floor decorated in a red "outfit" will make the toilet room visually very warm. In the eyes of people who especially value warmth, this design will give the bathroom an additional appeal. Like the "neighborhood" of animals and trees on the walls.
  • Connoisseurs of spring and summer will feel comfortable surrounded by walls with a pattern of branches and leaves. Even on a gloomy winter day, such an environment will return spring joy. A light green background helps to tune in to peace and never gets bored.
  • The choice of flashy tones in the design of the toilet is a rather rare phenomenon, but there is no doubt that such a design can make an indelible impression on all visitors to a secluded room. No one will disregard the combination of red and black in a room "with a special purpose". Elements in the form of red prints on black walls will only enhance the effect, as will the boring lighting of the ceiling, echoing the design of the floor with white tiles.

  • The design of the walls of the toilet under the stone would already look quite decent. However, in combination with a rich dark gray pattern at the bottom of the panels, this room looks especially presentable and rich.
  • The use of black tones in the decoration of the bathroom only at first glance seems like a risky move. The combination of black walls with white fixtures creates a stylish contrast, making the interior impressive and modern. Energetic and strong-willed people will clearly appreciate such a neighborhood.

  • Gray panels for large tiles give the room a detached neutrality and decent simplicity. Horizontally arranged narrow and light panels behind the toilet visually expand the cramped space. It no longer puts pressure psychologically on the person who is in it.
  • Green plastic panels of a soft shade with a thin, graceful pattern line along the perimeter of the toilet room look modest, but with dignity. Harmonious design in the room is created without original techniques, but nevertheless makes a great impression.

  • If you use panels with vertical stripes in blue-pink tones on some walls of the bathroom, you can achieve a cozy effect, since such a pattern resembles the texture of a fabric. In this environment, you can feel like “under a flannel shirt”, or like “under a warm blanket”. If the same pattern is present on the floor, the effect will be even stronger.
  • In fawn or beige shades of panels, the toilet space looks calm and lively at the same time, especially with the addition of a small floral pattern. Such colors and ornaments are chosen by balanced people who look at the world seriously and practically. If the walls, decorated with beige panels, are dirty, it will be noticeable, but it will not hurt the eyes. In addition, this surface is easy to clean.

Starting repairs in the apartment, the main emphasis is on the main rooms in the house, like the living room or bedroom. Repair of the toilet is often left for later, because a large number of requirements are not put forward to it. The environment here is not as aggressive as, for example, in the bathroom or kitchen. But there is one significant difficulty, namely a small space.

Most wall finishing materials significantly reduce space, and if, for example, this is acceptable in the case of a living room, then every centimeter counts in a cramped toilet. That is why the decoration of bathrooms and toilets with pvc panels is the most common option.

The video shows how a simple pvc paneling can transform a washroom.


  • PVC panels can be fixed at a minimum distance from the wall. In total, after finishing the walls, the room will lose only 3-5 cm.
  • Plastic is not afraid of wet cleaning and detergents.
  • Plastic panels are much cheaper than most finishing materials.
  • Huge variety of colors and patterns.
  • Finishing the toilet with your own hands, even in the absence of special skills, will take only a few hours.
  • To work with panels, it is not necessary to align the walls. They will hide all the bumps and mistakes of the builders.

Unfortunately, like any other material, PVC panels have a number of disadvantages that you also need to pay attention to when choosing a finish for a toilet.


  • Unlike wallpaper and painting, pvc panels will still take a few centimeters from the room.
  • Although vinyl has a low flammability rate, it releases acrid toxic fumes when melted.
  • PVC is poor quality, easily damaged. And they need to be replaced.

As you can see, there are still fewer shortcomings. And positive qualities clearly win. But in order for the new repair not to bring disappointment, you should know a few rules that should be followed when choosing pvc panels.

Selection guide

At first glance, pvc panels differ only in pattern, but this is a misconception, the quality of plastic can vary significantly depending on the manufacturer.

It is best to ask your friends who have encountered this issue, since it is quite difficult to visually determine the quality. But there are some tips:

  1. PVC panel should be soft. High-quality plastic can bend to an angle of more than 90 degrees. You can slightly bend the panel until tension is felt, the larger the angle, the better.
  2. The mounting groove should bend freely without kinks, and return to its original position when it is released.
  3. Panels should not emit obvious odors. A noticeable smell of plastic is a sign of poor-quality production.

The next nuance to consider is the width of the panel. It can be from 12 to 35 cm, the wider the segment, the more carefully it will be necessary to align the crate. The best option for walls is considered to be less than 25 cm wide.

Advice ! Panels with a width of more than 25 cm can be used on the ceiling. There, a slight distortion will not be so noticeable.

When these two factors are taken into account, you can proceed to the choice of color and pattern. It all depends on personal preferences and the style of the overall interior of the apartment.

Preparing for panel installation

Finishing the toilet with pvc panels will not take much time, a more complex and responsible process is the manufacture of a crate, on which the panels will be attached.

If the walls are perfectly even, or they were plastered, then the panels can simply be glued to the wall without crates. This method will save space, but the surface will first have to be treated with a primer.

Any do-it-yourself repair must begin with the preparation of the tool, this will avoid unnecessary fuss, and save a lot of time. The list of everything you need is not so big, and there is nothing specific in it:

  • Roulette.
  • Building level.
  • Pencil.
  • Hacksaws for wood and plastic (suitable for metal, with a fine tooth).
  • Perforator or drill with impact mode.
  • A hammer.
  • Construction stapler.

For the manufacture of crates, it is best to use a wooden beam 1.5-2 cm thick, for pvc panels this is quite enough and it will not steal much space. Before you begin to fasten the timber, it must be treated with impregnations that will protect it from the formation of mold and fungus.

First of all, with the help of a puncher and dowels, the upper and lower strips are fixed. The lower one should be parallel to the floor and at a minimum distance from the floor covering. The upper one is under the ceiling, but taking into account the future ceiling finish.

The remaining bars are also fastened horizontally at a distance of about 30 cm from each other.

Advice ! The smaller the distance between the planks of the crate, the stronger the panels will hold.

When all the bars of the crate are ready, you need to take care of the places where various accessories will be attached:

  • Mirror.
  • Hangers.
  • Paper holders.

In these places, you need to install small bars, so that later, when drilling holes in the plastic, do not damage it.

When the wood work is completed, a decorative corner is installed in the left corner of the room, the installation of panels will begin from it. To install the corner, it is best to use a construction stapler, but if it is not available, furniture nails will do. They are similar in size to shoe boots, but have a wider presser cap.

The corner is attached in 5-6 places at an equal distance, this is quite enough. If during the installation process, a slight curvature appears, then you should not pay attention to this, subsequently it will be straightened by the panel.

The most difficult stage of finishing the toilet with pvc panels is behind.

Panel mounting

Begin installation from the left side, inserting the panel with a comb into the corner. The first segment must be set according to the building level, then it will not be needed.

As soon as the panel is exposed, a stapler bracket or nail is driven into the groove petal. Fastenings are made in each bar along the entire height.

To clearly understand how the frame is made and the panels are installed, you can watch the video. For clarity, the master demonstrates the process on a simple wall, and every nuance is clearly visible.

Important ! When reaching the places where the bars for attaching accessories are located, they must be marked with a pencil so that later you do not look for this place through the installed panels.

Thus, fastening is carried out to the next corner. The edge panel is cut along the entire length and a corner is put on it before installation. It will be fixed to the next wall, from where the next segments will go.

Finishing in places of communications

The most difficult places for finishing work are communications. In order to close the pipes with pvc panels, you will have to make a wooden box, on which the panels will be attached. Sometimes such structures are intentionally made larger than required, then the decorative frame can also serve as an additional shelf.

Fastening the panels to the box is no different from wall decoration, the only difference is that the fasteners are not made in a special groove, but in the body of the panel itself, as close to the edge as possible, subsequently this place will be closed with decorative fittings.

Advice ! for finishing boxes, it is better to use external corners that are not put on the panel, but are attached to it with glue.

An important point when finishing communications is to remember the valves and meters that can be located in the toilet room. Access to such places should not be restricted, so you will either have to make small doors, which is not so easy, or leave these places open.

Ceiling finish

After the work with the walls is finished, you can move on to the ceiling. The principle here is the same, with the only difference that it is not necessary to install corners, their role will subsequently be performed by ceiling skirting boards.

Advice ! In order for the room to look symmetrical, you can calculate the distance so that the joint of the panels runs exactly in the middle. In this case, you will have to cut not one, but two extreme panels.

Finishing the ceiling, it is important to remember the lighting fixtures. Holes in the required places are best drilled on the floor, before the panel is fixed. And during installation, the wires are brought out into the holes.

All stages of work can be seen in the video


When the ceiling and walls are completely finished, it remains to make the final touches, namely to fix the baseboards. In stores you can find special plinths for pvc panels, they have a groove that is fixed on top of the panels, but to work with them, you will have to carefully calculate the height of each segment.

Therefore, ordinary plastic skirting boards are more often used, which are simply planted on building glue. Working with them is much easier and does not require complex calculations and measurements of each panel.

Lastly, lighting fixtures are connected and on this the repair of the toilet can be considered complete.

As you can see, the modern decoration of the toilet with pvc panels is a completely simple process that anyone can handle. To do this, you do not need to have building skills or experience, just buy everything you need and follow the instructions.

Any room where people are for some time should look neat and clean. At the same time, not only living rooms, but also a bathroom with a toilet can be comfortable. If the repair of the bathroom does not raise questions, and they always try to do everything neatly and beautifully, then the toilet is often left in the end. You can make a bathroom comfortable and enjoyable using various methods: some of them are time-consuming and expensive, and some, such as the use of plastic panels, allow you to quickly, inexpensively and without any problems achieve the desired result.

Features and Benefits

PVC panels are a modern material that is convenient to use for various rooms, but it has shown itself especially well in the bathroom and toilet. You can use them not only for walls, there are special varieties for the ceiling, and even for the floor.

With a limited budget, the use of such material will allow you to get a soundly finished room at minimal cost.

PVC panels have the following varieties:

  • wall version with a decorative frieze as a decoration;
  • leaf variety;
  • with imitation wood;
  • photopanels;
  • with a pattern that is applied using a laser;
  • with thermal printing.

Finishing the toilet with such plastic panels can help create a certain color in this room, an atmosphere, a pleasant environment in which any visitor will feel at home.

If there is no clear confidence that PVC panels are exactly what you need for a good and inexpensive repair, then listing all the advantages of the material should leave no doubt.

We list the positive features of this facing material.

  • Convenience and ease of installation, which even a beginner who does not have any experience in this matter can easily handle.
  • Significant savings on the budget for the entire repair. In comparison with the same tile, the finish will be several times cheaper.
  • It is possible to put the bathroom in order without additional measures to level the walls and so on, which will save effort, time and money.
  • The panels have good waterproofing, so you should not be afraid of moisture getting on them. To completely protect yourself from problems with dampness on the walls, you only need to use waterproofing.
  • Caring for walls that are finished with this material is very simple - a simple washcloth is enough.
  • Long service life, so the repairs made will last quite a long time.

The panels are not afraid of household chemicals, so they can be washed well from time to time to maintain the complete cleanliness of the bathroom.

Positive qualities speak for themselves, but do not forget about a number of shortcomings that you need to familiarize yourself with before the repair process starts.

So, the cons include:

  • combustibility of plastic panels, which emit harmful compounds during combustion;
  • for repair work, it is important to choose the right model of the facing material and be able to apply it correctly in relation to a particular room;
  • the size of the room after the repair becomes smaller by a few centimeters, which must be taken into account if there is a need to hang shelves or install appliances.

The use of PVC panels in the repair of a bathroom and toilet is very convenient, since the result is very good with little spending on materials, and the process itself can be carried out independently without calling specialists, which will also affect the final cost.

Material selection

In order for the renovation of the bathroom to be successful, it is important to choose the right materials for it. Whatever panels you need: for the ceiling, for walls or for the floor, it is important to know the basic selection criteria that will help you find exactly what you need. The variety of such materials is very large, manufacturers are actively replenishing the lineup, releasing options with prints, drawings, photographs and pictures that any consumer will like.

Any products must have the appropriate level of quality, be it high-quality expensive samples or economy-class materials.

When choosing PVC panels, you should pay attention to several nuances.

  • The composition should contain additives that improve the elasticity of products. Poor-quality options lose their shape when pressed and can be deformed, or even completely broken. If you press the panel on both sides with your fingers, then the material should not bend or sag.
  • When the panel lock is bent in high-quality products, this part will return to its place without any changes, and in low-quality ones it will bend or break off.

  • The surface layer of quality panels should be perfectly smooth, no stiffeners or any other irregularities should be visible through it. If they are, then the material is of poor quality.
  • Picking up a PVC panel, you should pay attention to the smell that comes from it. If there are clear signs of chemical and unpleasant compounds, then the product is cheap. The presence of such an odor may indicate that unsuitable raw materials were used in the production of materials, which may threaten human health.

  • Manufacturers have taken care of the variety of product options, including in width. If you have to finish a small toilet, then it is not advisable to use the widest panels, since there are a lot of scraps left from them, but if the dimensions fit exactly one of the sizes of the finishing material, then you can safely purchase it.
  • If the repair is planned in good faith, then when buying products, you should ask for quality certificates for all options of interest in order to make sure that the manufacturer is honest and protect yourself from the risk of poisoning or unplanned repairs in the near future.

Wall panels for the toilet can be of any color, width, have a pattern or be a solid color, only the design of the room changes from this.

The most important thing is to find high-quality materials with the right dimensions in order to quickly make repairs and use the updated bathroom with pleasure.

Decor options

Having decided on the material with which the toilet will be finished, it is important to find not only high-quality panels, but also those that will match the design of the entire room. The bathroom should be a logical continuation of the general idea, not stand out and not contrast with it. In order to always feel comfortable and beautiful in the toilet during any repair work in the living rooms, it is important to choose neutral design solutions.

First of all, it is worth deciding whether there will be panels with a pattern, or whether their color will be solid. Each owner decides this issue for himself, taking into account personal preferences, the size of the bathroom and the general concept of repair. The next step will be the choice of the color scheme of the finishing coating, which is also selected taking into account various factors. For those who do not set themselves the task of creating something especially beautiful and intricate in the toilet, it is best to choose plain light panels that will always look good decorating the room. Most often, white is used for those rooms that are small in size, or they contain interesting objects of plumbing or household appliances that you want to emphasize without distracting attention from the main goal.

If the bathroom is combined, or simply has large dimensions, then light colors can be replaced by dark or contrasting shades that will not visually reduce the space, but will give it an interesting look. If you want to add something interesting to the design of the room, then the presence of a pattern on the panels will be the very highlight. Most often, abstractions or geometric shapes are used in toilets, and unobtrusive flowers also look good.

A combined bathroom is best decorated with panels depicting the sea, beach, shells and any other marine theme.

If there is a desire to make the room look elegant and stylish, then it is best to use material with imitation of wood, marble or other stone. It is important that the drawing is applied clearly and efficiently, otherwise the whole effect will be lost. You can use PVC panels both around the entire perimeter of the room, and in some areas, combining with tiles, painted walls or wallpaper. If you need to close communications in the toilet, then plumbing shutters are perfect for this, which look aesthetically pleasing and provide free access to all pipes.

As for the color of the panels, in addition to white, beige and yellowish shades, darker options can also be successfully used: blue, light blue, salad, green, red, purple. In order for the room not to seem oversaturated with colors, it is best to dilute the saturated shades with lighter and calmer ones. This technique will help make the design of the toilet interesting and attractive, besides, it will always fit into the overall concept of the entire apartment.

Current design trends

Plastic panels are cheaper than all bathroom and toilet finishing materials, which is why many consider them not a suitable option for creating a beautiful, strong and cozy room. If you choose the right PVC coating, you can achieve results not only no worse, but in many ways even better than when using tiles or other finishing methods. The advantage of this material is the ability to try and experiment in search of the perfect color scheme or design idea, because installing and dismantling the coating is very simple, unlike other options.

To make the interior beautiful and interesting, you can alternate colors in the toilet or even use a whole color range, the so-called ombre technique, where one shade goes from the lightest to the darkest, from stripe to stripe, which looks very impressive. If it is not possible to make the bathroom cozy, wood grain panels will do the job best.

If you need to give the room lightness and spaciousness, then the texture of marble or other stone is the best way to do this.

Current trends require new and fresh solutions, one of which is the combination of two different panel options at the bottom of the room and on the rest of it. Most often, such zoning is carried out at the level of one meter from the floor level, highlighting it with a different color, which is usually darker than the main one. The combination of not only colors, but also the pattern looks fresh and original. It can be small polka dots and large flowers, abstraction and plain panels, a bright pattern on one wall and plain materials on others.

For a small toilet, it would be appropriate to use white panels with lettuce leaves or delicate small flowers, which visually expands the space, making it light and picturesque. To create a unique design, you can highlight one wall for PVC materials, and paint the others in white. It is important that the panels have a bright, accent color and alternate with white ones. This technique will help to expand the room, while using a color spot. Any choice of design should be selected taking into account current trends, the wishes of the owners and the size of the toilet.

The combination of all indicators and will give the desired result.

Planning Orientation

The layout of the bathroom is different for everyone, in a panel house it will differ from a brick house in size, height and even the thickness of the walls. There are apartments in which it is not possible to make two separate rooms, this requires the construction of a combined bathroom. Repairing a large or small room in an apartment is always a laborious and costly task, but if you choose the right materials, the procedure can be accelerated and made as inexpensive as possible.

The use of PVC panels in the toilet is convenient for many reasons, and therefore the demand for them is constantly growing. In order to update the interior of the room, you need to find high-quality materials and install them correctly. The correctness of the installation process is to, based on the layout, choose the most logical option. In the event that the room has low ceilings, it is better to mount the strips vertically, which visually makes the toilet taller, but if the room is very small, then it is worth installing the parts horizontally to stretch the walls in length.

In addition to changing the amount of materials on the walls, it is worth calculating the cost of the frame, which for each case will line up differently. When laying panels vertically, the frame is mounted horizontally and vice versa. An important step will be the installation of the crate, which must be clearly calibrated in terms of level. The evenness of the walls, the correctness of the corners and joints will depend on this process. The layout of each toilet is unique in its own way, therefore it is important to focus on the measurements of the room, to carry out everything clearly according to them, and not according to other people's recommendations.

The technical compartment in the room can also be in different places, go beyond the walls or be organically included in them, which, in turn, requires the construction of a frame or a special door or roller shutter for easy access. In addition, the key to the convenience of using the renovated toilet is that it has niches and shelves where all the things necessary for this room will be located. This must be foreseen even at the frame assembly stage, so that you can immediately mount a shelf, ledge, where there will be a locker or another option for storing hygiene items.

Almost every toilet is now equipped with a water meter, which should also not be forgotten, because it will either need to be left in sight or neatly hidden with easy access. If this item remains on display, then appropriate holes are cut out in the panels that fit the diameter of the water pipes, but if it turns out to make a box, then it is most convenient to equip it with a special door that opens and closes easily.

All elements can now be easily found in hardware stores, the main thing is to know how and what to use.

Combined bathrooms often contain, in addition to the toilet and bath, also a washbasin, household appliances, there may be a ventilation window and the ventilation itself. When calculating the amount of materials, it is important to choose the right width of the panels, on which the ease of installation and the presence of waste largely depend. You can select products of different widths for each of the walls, if they have significant differences and features. The main thing is to purchase panels of the same color or pattern, or think of some original idea that will be dictated by the need to adhere to the layout, but will help in creating a unique look for the bathroom.

Do-it-yourself sheathing: a step-by-step guide

To sheathe the toilet with your own hands using PVC panels, you need to properly build the workflow, not forgetting all the important points. The first step is to correctly measure the room, accurately recording all measurements. This will help to buy the required amount of materials, having previously calculated their width. Proper preparation for the repair is the key to its successful implementation, so you should take care of the availability of all the tools that will be needed during the work.

When planning a trip to a hardware store for materials, it is worth remembering the fittings, without which it is unlikely that it will be possible to make a high-quality and beautiful repair.

The fitting profile in the finish is needed:

  • for use in external and internal corners;
  • to mask the joint between the panel and the floor or ceiling;
  • for accurate mounting of cabinets, doors, windows that were thought out in advance.

There are quite a lot of such finishing elements, these are connecting molding, ceiling molding, end molding, for the inner corner, for the outer corner and the starting one, as well as many other necessary details. Therefore, you need to accurately determine the repair plan in order to choose the right option. As for the panels themselves, they are taken with a margin of at least 15%, taking into account trimming or unforeseen circumstances. Next comes the purchase of material for the crate: it can be a metal profile or a wooden beam. It is important to choose the thinnest options, for example, a section of 20 by 50 mm, in order to minimize the volume of the room.

If any additional structures are planned, you need to purchase a profile taking into account these buildings.

The crate is fixed on the wall with dowels, which must securely hold the entire structure, which means that it must enter the wall by at least 5-6 cm. For a wooden beam, you can use a construction stapler with special brackets. If the room was finished earlier, and the walls in it are even, you can install the panels directly on them without a frame, planting the material with glue or liquid nails, which are important to purchase in the right amount.

When constructing a wooden crate in a bathroom, especially a general one, you should take care of applying the composition to it, which will protect the tree from moisture, microorganisms and decay processes. In addition to such a tool, it is important to purchase a primer for treating the walls on which the PVC panel will be placed.

Any repair is not complete without tools that should always be at hand.

If we are talking about installing plastic panels, then you need to prepare:

  • screwdriver and bits to it;
  • puncher or drill that can perform the same functions;
  • drills that can work both on concrete and on wood;
  • jigsaw, electric or manual;

  • in the case of using a metal profile, metal shears are needed;
  • ordinary hammer;
  • stationery knife;

  • tape measure, level and corner;
  • pencil or marker for marking;
  • roller or brush.

As additional tools, you may need: spatulas, a building hair dryer, if you need to work with walls.

Before finishing the walls with new material, you need to remove the wallpaper from them, if any, and the paint that has peeled off. After that, you need to mark up the room, this will give information about the amount of material for the crate. The length and height will vary depending on whether the panels are installed vertically or horizontally.

If the crate is made of wood, then after cutting it, you need to process each part with a special tool and leave it to dry completely. While the boards are drying, you can start preparing the walls and ceiling, namely: priming. It is best to apply two layers of this composition at once for a better result.

The drying of each of them will be no more than two hours, this will be enough before the crate can be mounted.