Vanilla wallpaper. Vanilla wallpaper. Organic combinations with hints of vanilla

Vanilla is a refined and noble shade, with which even the most modest interior can be given elegance and a special chic.

Vanilla wallpaper in the interior of a delicate bedroom


Vanilla is named after the plant of the same name. Vanilla flowers have a delicate yellow tint, soft and warm. Very cozy, "warming", pacifying and giving a positive mood. But, despite the pastel subtlety, the shade is not at all boring. It "revives" the interior and adds energy to it.

But including vanilla in the interior, it is necessary to take into account some nuances. This shade of yellow alone looks too faded. It requires contrasting bright combinations. Therefore, for example, when buying vanilla-colored wallpapers, give up pastel and muted colors of furniture and decor elements. Add brightness - and vanilla will produce a stunning effect.

Vanilla wallpaper with a pattern for a children's room

The most winning combinations:

  • dark chocolate;
  • olive;
  • pistachio;
  • orange;
  • blue;
  • taupe.

Furniture in wenge, oak, walnut, ripe cherry colors goes well with them. Vanilla color elements are used in the production of kitchen sets, sets for bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms. Vanilla upholstery looks luxurious on upholstered furniture in both fabric and leather versions.

Choosing wallpaper for the walls of your home is a pleasant, but at the same time responsible and difficult task. It is necessary to choose color combinations so that they are from the palette of your favorite colors and also have a positive effect on the psyche, do not press or irritate.

Luxurious interior of the room, wallpaper with monograms, many accessories

In order to be comfortable in your home, you need to pay attention to the psychological side of color. In order not to be unfounded, we give examples of the impact of certain colors on a person:

  • pastel colors create a cozy atmosphere;
  • the colors of the blue palette have a calming effect;
  • pink evokes romantic motives and inspires;
  • yellow promotes brain function, concentration;
  • red, orange, encourage action.

As you can see, each color carries its own charge, and what is the emotional motive of the vanilla color, let's find out.

Vanilla psychotype

Vanilla comes from the pastel palette and is one of the softest and most pleasing shades of yellow. In most cases, it is used to create a cozy atmosphere in the bedroom, living room, nursery, but by and large, it can be used everywhere.

With a successful combination, vanilla can easily complement another color, add some color and warmth to it.

It is believed that vanilla wallpaper pasted in a small room allows you to expand its visual boundaries. Therefore, designers are trying to use this wallpaper for a small room or bedroom. In addition, vanilla adds light to the room, this property is used in combination with dark wallpaper.

Home office with luxury furnishings

If combining isn't your thing, consider wallpapering the entire room in vanilla. Complete the interior with accessories and decor items in bright colors, so it will have a finished look.


Vanilla-colored wallpapers bring comfort and coziness, consider their use in various rooms.


Considering the use of vanilla wallpaper, a picture of a bedroom is immediately drawn in my head, and this happens on an intuitive level. Everything is right, since the vanilla color carries comfort, tenderness, peace of mind and physical, happiness, we associate it with the most secluded place in our house, the place where we want to feel comfortable and safe.

Given that this color belongs to a galaxy of natural, natural colors, it has a positive effect on a person in many ways, allowing him to relax and enjoy sleep.

In such a room it is easy to feel calm and relaxed.

Vanilla brings notes of luxury and nobility, it goes well with soft shades of various colors:

  • pistachio and turquoise, derived from green,
  • chocolate - a shade of brown,
  • carrot is obtained from red.

If you take vanilla as an additional tone, then the colors of the brown palette, from the most saturated to the lightest, will be a win-win option.

Using vanilla-colored wallpaper in addition is a well-thought-out move that is often used in bedroom interiors.

Living room

Regardless of the size of your living room, vanilla will be appropriate. It will help to slightly increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room and add some chic to it, which, with beautiful luxurious furniture and thick curtains, is easy to beat.

If you have a large, well-lit room and decide to wallpaper in dark colors, consider vanilla as an extra. It goes well with many dark colors, successfully complements them and smooths out the sharp effect of the color.

Large living room for negotiations


Vanilla can be considered as a wallpaper color for an energetic child's room as it has a calming effect. However, in order not to create a boring interior, add various decorative inserts, stick interesting stickers on the walls, divide the room into zones using a border.


You can create a classic kitchen interior with vanilla wallpaper and wood furniture in noble dark tones. In this case, the emphasis will be on the naturalness of materials, their natural beauty.

Washable vinyl wallpaper in the kitchen

In the modern practical design of the kitchen, a large number of kitchen utensils and household items are used; in this case, the wallpaper fades into the background and complements the picture. In the realities of our time, not only beauty is important, but also convenience, since our main value is time, and we don’t want to waste it on unnecessary worries.


If you want to show off vanilla, choose the second color of the tandem carefully. If you don’t want to go far, create a monochrome interior in which you use various shades of beige.

Close will be brown and its shades, such as chocolate, it will also be a great companion. Dark furniture looks advantageous next to vanilla wallpaper, and this is also worth remembering.

Recently, the tandem of vanilla with pistachio has been gaining popularity, this is a simple, but at the same time very mysterious and original solution. Although green does not go well with our color, pistachio, on the contrary, works well.

A successful combination of soft colors in the interior of the living room

Climbing into the jungle of flowers, we completely forgot about the most important color - white. Of course, with vanilla, it forms an excellent union, but it is even better if the white turns into milky. These two soft and delicate colors together will create an airy and cozy atmosphere, seasoned with refined tenderness.

Of great importance in the room is the color of the flooring, the following colors are in harmony with vanilla:

  • dark - black and brown;
  • light - white, beige;
  • bright - light yellow, orange.

If you decide to use vanilla-colored wallpaper in the interior of your room, then with a greater degree of probability you will get an excellent, comfortable interior for living. We advise in this case to add more interior items, fabric products, so as not to create the illusion of dullness in the design.

Before choosing wallpaper for the interior of an apartment or house, you need to decide on their color, since each of them has its own psycho-emotional impact on all those who are regularly in the room. Blue is preferred by those who lack a calm atmosphere, green is associated with freshness, and red, for example, excites the imagination. Well, what kind of psycho-emotional background can be achieved if you use vanilla-colored wallpaper in the interior?

Features of visual perception

Vanilla belongs to pastel shades, has a soft tone. Since this color is very calm, it can be successfully used in all, without exception, rooms, adding all kinds of design accents.

Vanilla-colored wallpapers visually expand the space and make it lighter. Perhaps that is why this color scheme is so popular when decorating small spaces: a kitchen, an office, a bedroom, etc.

It will open up in a very advantageous way, resort to the additional use of decorative details, and also complement it with rich bright accessories.

Vanilla color in the bedroom

Classic luxury bedroom - a sample of style

Using vanilla wallpaper in the bedroom is a great solution as this base color balances beautifully and creates an aura of calm and boundless happiness. Well, since this shade is natural, then sleep and rest in its environment will take place only on a positive wave.

In the bedroom, such a luxurious background can be successfully combined with apricot, brown, orange, pistachio or turquoise. A very effective combination is obtained if, on a vanilla background, dark chocolate is used as a secondary shade.

In some cases, our "hero" can be given not only the main, but also a secondary role in the interior design of the room.

Honorable place in the kitchen

The design of the kitchen space is possible not only in a classic, but also in a modern style, and in this case, the main emphasis is on all kinds of details, accessories, as well as finishing materials.

Neutral vanilla color can be successfully combined with most dark tones of brown, with blue, pistachio and other shades.

Combinations in the interior

In order to successfully teach all its advantages, you need to choose the right companion color for it. Often, designers stop at a classic and win-win tandem, where vanilla is next to dark chocolate color. In addition, dark furniture looks good against its background.

You can demonstrate your impeccable taste in cases where you decide to use vanilla and pistachio colors in the same interior. All other shades of green in tandem with vanilla are not allowed.

Remember! It can also be used in a trio of different colors. Most often, its combination with chocolate is supplemented with some white. The classic combination with black, in this case, will not be appropriate.

You can also emphasize the color of vanilla in the interior of zebrano, where a rich bright contrast is expected. Most often, this interior is applicable in the living room and in the kitchen, where you need to get a beautiful and unusual variety. In the interior of the living room, you can also use flooring inserts in the tone of this exotic wood. And it is worth giving preference to more contrasting colors of the flooring, such as:

  • black;
  • white;
  • cream;
  • ginger;
  • black and others.

When decorating a bedroom and other rooms intended for relaxation, orange or pale olive can be used in combination with vanilla. Gold lovers can also add accessories and minor items of their favorite shade to the interior.

Vanilla is a soft shade of sophistication and nobility. With its help, even the most modest interior of the room acquires expressiveness and elegance. Vanilla flowers are characterized by the most delicate shade of yellow, warm and unobtrusive. This color scheme brings coziness and comfort to the room, it is ideal for rooms facing the north side, as it “warms” their space.

Vanilla wallpaper in the interior of a luxurious dining room in a classic style

Design using discreet tones pacifies, relieves stress, and uplifts the mood. This is far from a boring color, although pastel subtlety is inherent in it. On the contrary, it enlivens the atmosphere of any room - dining room, kitchen, hallway, hall, bedroom, nursery, corridor. And all this thanks to the sunny notes present in the considered color scheme.

Vanilla wallpapers, even in monochrome variations, create a delightful effect, and in combination with golden or mother-of-pearl ornaments, they take on a chic look. However, alone, they may seem overly faded, inexpressive. Therefore, it is better to use vanilla wallpapers with bright models, as you can see when viewing photos of rooms decorated with the help of such combinations.