How and how to wash a false ceiling. How to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks? Basic rules of care How to wash a matte stretch ceiling from soot

Stretch ceiling is very interesting way finishes that make it possible to realize even the most incredible idea of ​​the designer. The canvas can be different: glossy or matte, colored or white, plain or with a printed image.

Such a ceiling will not turn yellow over time, cracks will never appear on it, and it is also resistant to various deformations.

The main problem is the stains remaining after washing. Currently, there are many types of material, and each of which has its own method of effective cleaning.

The sequence of washing a glossy stretch ceiling

How to wash without streaks:

  • soft sponge without lint;
  • dry flannel;
  • warm water(no more than 40 degrees);
  • detergent.

The presence of improperly selected tools and detergents can cause the ceiling to sag and lose its original color.

Several causes of pollution of stretch ceilings

The materials from which tension structures are made must be impregnated with a special agent, the main purpose of which is to protect the surface from such adverse factors as moisture, dust and various stains.

If the installation of the ceiling was carried out in compliance with the technologies, then its attractive appearance will please the owners for a long time. However, over time flawless surface still covered with dust, which muffles the original brightness of the color.

The presence of children in the house guarantees that sooner or later the canvas will suffer from a water gun with some kind of coloring solution or from splashes of soda.

Basic rules for washing stretch ceilings

To correctly solve the question: "How to wash tension glossy ceilings without divorces and avoid a lot of problems?", you need to remember the following rules:

How to wash the ceiling?

The beauty of the stretch ceiling is emphasized by its absolutely smooth surface. That is why any kind of dirt and stains are perfectly visible on such a coating. In view of this, many housewives are concerned about the question: "How to wash glossy stretch ceilings without streaks?". The rules of care, first of all, say that the product used to clean such a coating should not contain abrasive components.

Care for a glossy ceiling must meet the following conditions:

  • undamaged surface;
  • no streaks or stains.

Moreover, damage should not be understood as a mechanical violation, such as a cut or scratch. This may be a deterioration in color, loss of elasticity or wrinkling.

The procedure for removing dust from the stretch ceiling

How to wash stretch glossy and matte ceilings without streaks, if they are just slightly covered with dust? Great option is a slightly damp cloth, the material for the manufacture of which was microfiber or soft suede.

If the nature of the pollution is serious, then you need to move on to more effective measures. So, if at the end cosmetic repairs the surface of the stretch ceiling is covered with a solid layer of dust, then you should pick up a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush. In this case, cleaning should be carried out in such a way that the nozzle practically does not come into contact with the surface. Optimal Distance from the canvas - 2-3 cm, otherwise it may sag or even be significantly damaged.

Wet ceiling cleaning

How to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks if a stain or any other severe contamination appears on the surface? It is recommended to use a sponge or cloth pre-applied with soapy water or other non-abrasive detergent.

Even if polyester material was used to make the ceiling, a soft dry brush is best option than to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks. Other types of cleaning cannot be called completely safe.

What products can be used to clean stretch ceilings?

How and how to wash glossy stretch ceilings without streaks? What substances can be used, and which ones are better to forget forever?

The very best and safe remedy to clean the surface of stretch glossy ceilings - this is an ordinary soap solution. To prepare it, you will need the following ingredients:

  • warm water;
  • soft washing powder;
  • pre-planed with small pieces of laundry soap;
  • any composition used to clean windows or dishes.

Before you start cleaning the surface of the stretch ceiling, you need to check the effect of the detergent on an inconspicuous area. If the composition has not had any effect on the surface, then they can wash the entire canvas.

About important

How to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks? A small inconspicuous area should be the place to check the product planned for use. Only after that you can start cleaning.

If available too high ceiling it is allowed to use a mop with a rag. But we must not forget that, despite the high strength, the canvas can tear in case of strong pressure, as it is in tension.

Cleaning products such as sharp brushes, detergents containing abrasive particles and solvents.

If, nevertheless, damage to the integrity of the surface has occurred, then there is no need to try to cope with the difficulties on your own. All that needs to be done before the arrival of a specialist is to glue the gap a little with adhesive tape. Only a professional can repair stretch ceiling or draw a conclusion about the need for its full or partial replacement.

without divorce?

The popularity of glossy ceilings can be envied. The main reason lies in the fact that such canvases are characterized by mirror surface capable of reflecting light and creating unique interior. To maintain the shine, such a surface must be cleaned regularly.

How to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks (rules):

  • the best way to clean such a surface is a window cleaning solution;
  • if the texture of the ceiling is lacquered, then ammonia will be enough;
  • the use of cleaning powders is prohibited;
  • cleaning a shiny surface requires only a soft sponge, otherwise scratches may remain on the coating;
  • it is necessary to polish the canvas with the utmost care and avoid pressure. It is also not recommended to use a mop and other similar devices.

How to clean the matte surface of the stretch ceiling?

Matte canvases are usually preferred by adherents of classic plastered ceilings. This type of surface allows you to create a polyurethane used as an impregnation.

The above describes in detail how to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks, types of cleaning, and how to clean a matte surface.

Washing the stretch ceiling is recommended by experts only if there is severe contamination. The dry method for cleaning the matt web is preferred. Among the wide variety of detergents, it is better to choose a spray or aerosol, the usual one is also suitable. laundry soap or powder. The latter must be well diluted with warm water until all solid particles are dissolved. Matte ceiling which contain acetone is prohibited.

The process of cleaning the matte stretch ceiling

Cleaning a matte stretch ceiling involves the sequential implementation of the following steps:

  1. You need to start by wiping the surface with a dry cloth, this will get rid of dust and cobwebs.
  2. Then you need to make a warm soapy solution.
  3. In the presence of a high ceiling, you can use a mop, or better - a stepladder.
  4. During washing, in no case should you press hard on the canvas.
  5. The cleaning agent used must be rinsed off the surface.
  6. Finally, wipe the surface with a dry soft cloth.

You can also use a vacuum cleaner or microfiber. Any tensile structure requires timely cleaning, which will preserve the original attractive appearance of the canvas on long years. Some stains (such as splatter from an unsuccessfully opened champagne) are better to wipe off immediately than to deal with them after they have dried. As you can see, the simplest activities allow you to save indoors beautiful ceiling and significantly freshen the air.

Every fourth modern renovation does not do without the installation of stretch ceilings. People decide to decorate the house with a decorative canvas and ... do not know what to do with it next. How to wash a stretch ceiling so as not to spoil it and leave no traces of dirt? So that this step does not become one of the most thoughtless actions in your life, be sure to study the issue of cleaning such a delicate surface - in general, stock up different means, time and patience!

Methods for cleaning the coating at home

With an eraser

You are lucky if your ceiling is matte, because in this case especially stubborn stains can be handled by an ordinary eraser left over from school days. Just do not overdo it, otherwise you will wipe a hole at the site of contamination.

Water + alcohol

If you do not have a special polish, just use a mild solution of warm water and a small amount of alcohol / vodka (based on 1 liter of liquid 1 tablespoon of the drug). This is an excellent tool for removing stains after wet washing of the stretch fabric, which also saves from dust. And remember that abrasive, kerosene-containing and acetone-containing preparations are completely prohibited.

Ammonia hydrate

Dish detergent

It is quite possible to save a stretch ceiling from a layer of soot after cooking: it is enough to foam 1 teaspoon. l. kitchen detergent in a small container of hot water (max. allowable temperature- 35 degrees, higher is prohibited). It is important to achieve a thick lush foam, because it is she who will go into action, and not a concentrated solution.

Be sure to remove jewelry from your hands before the procedure so as not to damage the delicate canvas. Then take a fiberglass / flannel cloth or sponge, apply a little preparation to the ceiling with it and wipe it without strong pressure. Rinse off the rest clean water using another rag. Absorb moisture with soft paper towels.

soap solution

This is the most inexpensive and simple option, which has three interpretations:

  1. adding to water liquid soap without dye;
  2. dissolving toilet soap;
  3. rubbing laundry soap into shavings and whipping the liquid to foam.

Water in all cases should be warm. The concentration of the drug depends on your needs: when there are no heavily stubborn stains, you need a regular weak solution.

washing powder

You should choose a powder or stain remover for clothes that does not contain bleaching ingredients. It needs to be dissolved in such a way that there are no small grains left that can scratch the ceiling. If you are sure that you didn’t miss a single granule, you can treat stubborn problematic dirt with this product. Of course, for a simple wipe from settled dust, this technique is too harsh - use it as a last resort.


Of particular value for the tension fabric here is the part of the preparation ammonia. That is, it makes sense to choose only those household chemicals that have ammonia on the label. Just spray it on and dry soft cloth go over the surface as you would with a normal wash window glass or mirrors. This method is great for removing stains from glossy PVC film because the surface is shiny and streak-free. But with all the convenience of the technique, do not rush to immediately test it on the entire ceiling: for starters, it is better to process an inconspicuous piece to make sure that a particular product is safe.

ammonium chloride

You will need not the alcohol itself, but its 10% solution. With the use of this substance, it is worth wiping the faded canvases so that they take on an updated look. Just a few easy movements, and the stretch ceiling shines again.

Washing method for fabric

The peculiarity of this element of the interior is that it does not tolerate a very wide range of cleaning products. For example, some of the mentioned methods cannot be applied to it, in particular washing with glass solutions that eat into the structure of the fabric, subsequently changing its color due to coloring additives. In addition, such a surface does not tolerate circular movements when wiping with a rag. The result of inaccurate handling is noticeable stains, and getting rid of them is incredibly difficult.

Experts advise using water with the addition of washing powder / ammonia / soap / dish detergent, removing heavy dirt with direct movements. By the way, such a ceiling is not afraid of abrasives, and this is its plus. And it can also be gently vacuumed, getting rid of the cobwebs, which is strictly prohibited in relation to film products.

Professional store tools


How to wash a stretch ceiling so as not to spoil its appearance? This is a modern cleaning product designed specifically for stretch fabrics. It is packaged in ergonomic bottles that have a spray nozzle, which greatly simplifies washing, because it is often necessary to wipe the surface in uncomfortable conditions from a table or stepladder. It is notable for its gentle but effective composition: it does not contain alkalis or caustic acids, it is safe for delicate materials and sensitive skin of the hands. Despite such a gentle effect, it copes with dirt perfectly.


Another popular professional aerosol product designed for ceiling coatings. Harmless and powerful, it removes soap smudges in the bathroom, and fat with settled soot, and stubborn traces of insects, and dusty stains. It is convenient to hold a bottle of a universal preparation in your hands during the cleaning process, which is also a huge plus.

Mister Muscle

It perfectly removes dirt on the tension sheets, including settled vapors due to cooking food. Washes any specific kitchen stains and leaves no unsightly marks. It is non-toxic and non-aggressive, making it suitable for all occasions.

LOC by Amway

A versatile tool that many owners love. Helps to clean quickly and easily delicate surface, and even a glossy texture, because it does not create streaks and gives the materials a special freshness and shine. Suitable for those who care about their home and do not want to unnecessary problems. Perhaps you should not overpay, but this is the price of comfortable cleaning and high-quality results.

Kare Noir

An innovative well-known product that copes with a wide range of contaminants. He can be trusted stretch fabric requiring careful and effective cleaning.

Other branded products

You can use special formulations recommended by the manufacturer specifically for your ceiling. Who, if not the manufacturer, needs to know what exactly is suitable for the surface he has created? If it is not possible to do this, choose any similar product sold in the store household chemicals. Just keep in mind the following conditions:

According to statistics from the Yandex search engine, at least two hundred Russian-speaking users monthly ask themselves the question: how to blur the ceilings? At the same time, the question is formulated correctly, they are not interested in the words “wash” and “wash”, the interest is in the word “blur”.

And this is not surprising, since there are stains that can only be removed by soaking.

Possible causes of stains on the ceiling

  • If your apartment is located on last floor, one of possible causes the appearance of spots on the ceiling - not the tightness of the roof. Water that seeps through a leaky roof collects all the dirt and rust, and, over time, appears on the ceiling of your apartment.
  • In other cases, the cause of the spots is the neighbors from above. Very often, they themselves do not suspect that they flood you. This happens gradually, after a long time of slight moisture on the floor, it seeps through the cracks and appears on your ceiling.
  • Another reason is rusted water or sewer pipes. Water penetrates into the hollow part of the concrete floor and appears on the ceiling in the most vulnerable place. This is one of the most dangerous reasons, since it is impossible to identify a leaky part of the pipe without the help of a specialist.
  • Use of building material Low quality or derogation from correct technique puttying the ceiling can also lead to the formation of stains that cannot be removed without re-finishing the ceiling. Washing off such stains will not work.
  • In the kitchen, in the absence of a hood, greasy fumes from cooking can cause stains. In other rooms, it may be smoke from cigarettes or cigars.
  • The ceiling in the bathroom is affected by the evaporation of moisture, as a result of which plaque forms on it. white color. It consists of salts and alkalis present in soda.
  • One of the reasons for the appearance of small spots can be a tomato. You put pressure on him, juice splashed out of him, and where he flew, no one saw.
  • Well, another reason - flies. Leaving the products of their vital activity, they pollute your ceiling.

There is even such a thing as a "overworked" ceiling.

clean ceiling

Dropped ceilings

If you have never encountered the problem of cleaning a false ceiling and have no idea how to do it, you should pay attention to a fairly simple and effective way. For this you will need the most simple sponge or a flannel cloth, soapy water and clean water.

When creating a soap solution, you can use any detergents that are in your home. However, these products must be free of abrasives, as this may damage the stretch ceiling or scratch the PVC panels.

First, the ceiling must be moistened with a damp sponge or cloth. After that, it can be washed with soapy water. Without waiting until the washed ceiling dries, wash off the soapy solution with a rag soaked in clean water. And in conclusion, the ceiling must be wiped dry, this can be done with a dry cloth or rag.

You may have to use several pieces to avoid streaks.

There are times when some fires occurred in the apartment, after which black spots formed on the ceiling. What to do to clean the ceiling from soot without causing any damage to it? Of course, you can resort to detergents with abrasive particles, but this threatens to damage the top layer. PVC surfaces. To prevent this, you should resort to everyday tricks - ammonia or a solution soda ash will become the best option when cleaning such a ceiling.

And what to do if, at the end of the repair, you find glue left after installation on the ceiling? Unfortunately, it is not possible to wash it, as this will lead to “washing out” of the stretch ceiling or suspended ceiling. PVC ceiling.

To fix this problem, you will need a small spatula that can be used as a scraper. Of course, you have to spend quite a lot of time, but this is the only viable option.

To clean the false ceiling, sometimes it is enough to use a vacuum cleaner or a soft brush, of course, this is only if the ceiling is not in a deplorable state. And if you carry out this procedure at least once a month, then washing may not be needed, at least in the near future.

Putty ceilings

Pollution with dirt and soot is prone not only to suspended ceiling, the same problem is inherent in the putty polished ceiling. How to deal with this problem? First, do not wait until such spots form on the putty ceiling. After all, any putty and paint applied to concrete floor and on drywall, are bred in water, therefore, they are afraid of water.

To avoid such interference, preventive work with a soft brush, or in more severe cases, sandpaper, which will help wipe a difficult stain. Well, if the case is extremely difficult, of course, you can carry out wet cleaning.

For this, the same principle is suitable as for washing a false ceiling, with the only difference being that the soap solution should be removed immediately, first using a damp cloth and then a dry cloth. This procedure will give the desired result only if the stains have not penetrated deep into the putty.

Recommendation. There are too severe cases when the stain cannot be washed off or wiped off. In this case, the following will help: first, the stain must be scraped off, then the resulting hole should be covered with satengypsum, and then select the desired shade of paint and cover the area to be treated with it.

Manufacturers offer consumers big choice finishing materials High Quality on affordable price. This approach cannot but please a person, since for an affordable price you can purchase a high-quality finish that will last for many years. These include the stretch ceiling - a unique material that combines practicality and sophistication. But at the same time, it must be remembered that sooner or later it will have to be cleaned. In the article we will tell you how to wash it in the kitchen from soot, soot, fat, nicotine and much more.

Basic rules for care

Before you start cleaning the surface, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules and advice from experts. This knowledge and recommendations will help to avoid deformation, and will also allow for high-quality cleaning of the ceiling from any type of pollution, even from soot.

First of all, select necessary tools and materials that will be needed in the purification process:

  • ladder;
  • soft cloth rags or foam rubber washcloths (sponges);
  • vacuum cleaner with a special brush head, which is made of soft bristles;
  • detergents.

The best material that is suitable for washing the film is microfiber - a novelty that will delicately and efficiently cope with the task.

If ladders or comfortable stairs no, you can use a simple mop, which should be wrapped in a cloth. Carefully and with special care it is worth choosing detergents for cleaning the ceiling in the kitchen. The use of abrasive powders is unacceptable, as solid particles will easily damage the film and leave scratches on the surface.

Consider only mild detergents that are neutral:

Alcohol-containing formulations, for example, mirror and window cleaners, are considered ideal. Using them, you can not only remove dirt, but also maintain the shine of the surface.

The leader among the aggressors for PVC film is a solvent, such as acetone. It will quickly corrode the material and a hole will appear in the ceiling, so its use is unacceptable.

Basic cleaning methods

As you know, stretch ceilings are of two types: PVC film and fabric. Depending on the material in question, there are several methods of purification. If it's about simple types dirt, they can be dealt with with a simple damp cloth, such as suede. In this way, you can clean the ceiling from stains and dust. With a thick layer of dust after repair and construction work, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a nozzle that will protect the coating from deformation.

If necessary, eliminate traces of the primer, which also got on the ceiling during the repair, a soap solution should be prepared. Liquid or laundry soap is diluted in warm water and remove dirt with a sponge. It is necessary to wash with soft and circular movements, avoiding pressure and pressure, in order to prevent stretching of the PVC film. Also, soap solutions can help get rid of fat if desired, or you can use dish detergent.

When it comes to suede polyester fabric, you should use a dry brush. As in the previous case, it is necessary to cleanse with gentle movements that follow from left to right.

After any cleaning, the ceiling surface must be thoroughly dried with a dry and clean, lint-free cloth.

A few secrets

  1. Cleaning the surface from soot should be done very carefully and carefully, as the film can be damaged in the process. Choose the right detergent. Surfaces should be barely touched.
  2. When cleaning, pay attention to the presence of seams and joints. In this case, it is necessary to wash only along the seam, and not across.
  3. To return the characteristic shine to the ceiling, after cleaning it is necessary to wipe the film with a solution of alcohol or ammonia. It is also allowed to use vodka, which is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10.
  4. For heavier soiling, such as paint marks, do not rely on own forces especially if you are not sure about them. In this case, it is better to trust professionals and seek help from a special cleaning company.

To avoid the appearance of new and abundant contamination, several precautions should be taken:

  • hang a horizontal curtain in the bathroom so that splashes of water do not scatter;
  • above hob in the kitchen it is necessary to install a powerful hood;
  • champagne marks often remain in the living room, so be careful when opening bottles.

Unlike PVC film, the fabric base is more vulnerable, so you should be careful about cleaning it. All actions must be thoughtful, balanced and effortless. The canvas is also malleable to cleansing and washing, but rubbing in one place for a long time is not recommended.

If we are talking about pollution, and not about simple dust, then it is best to use special means for washing canvases. They were designed exactly for this purpose. Please check with the seller before making a purchase. If it is necessary to remove dirt from the glue, then it is best to wait for it to dry completely and carefully remove the film by prying it with a sharp object.

The use of glass cleaners in the case of textiles is prohibited, as the composition contains substances that can destroy the structure or affect the color.

In conclusion, we can say that when cleaning stretch ceilings, it is necessary to choose the right detergents. Everything will depend on the degree and type of pollution, as well as on the material of the ceiling.


See how to clean the ceiling with a mop:

If a stain has formed:

House cleaning is an integral part of the life of any person. During the general cleaning the hostess strives to clean up the whole house, paying attention to even the smallest things, but not always during such global operations, we raise our eyes to the ceiling to wash it too. Of course, the ceiling needs to be looked after, because dust and dirt also accumulate on it, albeit not so noticeable to the naked eye. The ceiling in the kitchen is especially affected by pollution due to the soot deposited on it from cooking. Let's analyze the main types of ceilings in modern homes and how to care for them.

Prepare convenient access for work:

  • A stepladder or table is perfect, from which it will be easy to get to the surface to be cleaned.
  • It is advisable not to use mops, brushes with hard bristles and brooms - they can easily scratch the surface of the ceiling. For preliminary cleaning of visible dirt, a brush with short soft bristles or a vacuum cleaner with a special nozzle is suitable.
  • For wet cleaning, use a sponge, flannel or any other soft cloth.

  • Small spots are easily removed with a simple school eraser. After this procedure, treat the cleaned area with a dry cloth to remove the streaks.
  • You will also need a basin or bucket.
  • When cleaning the ceiling from dirt, splashing of detergents and possible drops from above are inevitable - it is advisable to protect yourself by wearing safety glasses.
  • Prepare rubber gloves to protect your hands.
  • Treat with a cleaning agent before starting work small plot canvases in a less visible place - for example, above the door. This is necessary to make sure that it is safe for the color and texture of the surface.

painted ceiling

From ancient times in Russia, ceilings were whitewashed with ordinary chalk and bast bast, there was no talk of washing such a ceiling, so whitewashing was updated at intervals of about once a year. In the event that the bleached surface began to crumble, the ceiling was simply washed and whitewashed again.

Currently, the ceiling is often painted with latex-based compounds., acrylic or oil paint. And although the latter is considered to be not very environmentally friendly, since the coating clogs the ceiling pores and prevents sufficient ventilation, such a coating allows wet cleaning of the painted surface without hindrance.

For washing these ceilings fit regular soap solution: whip up soap suds and stir it in warm water, a dishwashing detergent solution is also great. After the procedure, wipe the surface dry and let it dry.

Kitchen ceilings are often covered with a water-based emulsion - such a composition is afraid of water, since stains and streaks are possible. To clean such a canvas, use special napkins.


Assumes only dry cleaning with a brush or vacuum cleaner. You can remove dust with a slightly damp cloth or sponge, but you should not get carried away in this way in order to avoid damage to the wallpaper. The same recommendations apply to plasterboard ceilings.

Plastic tiles

This type ceilings are loved for their resistance to pollution, relatively low cost and ease of maintenance.

Soap solution is perfect for cleaning such a ceiling. But note: laundry soap is 72% alkaline, which can adversely affect the appearance ceiling surface.

Vinegar and vodka do a good job of removing dirt, but it is not recommended to use them for plastic with a pattern - there is a possibility of damage to the image.

Bleach will help to update the color of yellowed tiles - 2-3 tablespoons of the product per 2 liters of water. Try to wash the panels in one direction to avoid streaks.

Wide application in the fight for cleanliness plastic panels finds the use of a melamine sponge, but it makes sense to test it in an inconspicuous place first, as a negative reaction of the plastic is possible.


Such a coating is often used in living rooms and children's rooms.

The problem is the accumulation of dust by textiles, therefore, to care for such a ceiling, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • regular vacuuming;
  • timely removal of emerging spots;
  • it is better to clean the pollution from the edges of the stain to the center;
  • do not get carried away with excessive use of liquid - fabric surfaces do not tolerate excess moisture and may react with the appearance of unwanted streaks;
  • avoid using chlorine-based cleaners;
  • after cleaning, wipe the surface with a paper towel.


It is somewhat easier for owners of stretch ceilings, because such coatings almost do not accumulate dirt, and, as a result, they are great for a kitchen where fat is always adjacent to temperature changes.

The stretch ceiling should be washed carefully, avoiding excessive pressure on the surface. A soapy solution and a piece of soft cloth or a sponge are also suitable for cleaning such a ceiling.

Do not use aggressive detergents containing acetone, kerosene or acids. Be careful with sharp objects - if there is a stain on the ceiling from water-based paint, pre-soften it with warm water, and then remove it with a rubber spatula.

You should also refrain from using abrasive and soda-containing powders.

Glossy ceiling can be cleaned with alcohol-based products for cleaning glass and mirrors. Also suitable aerosol for any glass surfaces or a solution of ammonia, popularly known as ammonia. They will also help get rid of traces of pens and markers on the ceiling surface. To add shine, you can simply wipe the canvas with an alcohol solution, then rinse with water and wipe dry.

There are currently many special means for the care of stretch ceilings, which are available in the form of a spray.

After work, it is necessary to ventilate the room to allow the ceiling film to dry completely.


Ceilings of this variety are now widely used due to their ease of use, in particular moisture resistance. The only difficulty in caring for the foam coating is the porous surface of the tile, as well as the presence of textured elements on it. To wash out dirt from the recesses, it is better to use a sponge made of soft foam rubber and a solution of sodium orthophosphate with water. With this tool, you should gently rinse the surface until the ceiling surface is completely cleaned of dust and stubborn yellowness. For subsequent removal of the smell, the tiles can be washed with a solution of vinegar - the smell will disappear within a short period of time.


When choosing a cleaner for false ceilings, you should give preference to chemicals without acetone, a dishwashing detergent without granules and abrasives is quite suitable. There are also options for washing liquids containing alcohol or ammonia. When washing the ceiling, pay attention to the skirting boards, then rinse them with clean water and dry with a soft cloth or paper towel.

Suspended ceilings can also be washed with a vacuum cleaner, but before starting work, make sure that the structure is securely fastened to avoid any damage to the plates.


Slatted ceilings are not uncommon today. When caring for models of this design, do not use powders or any cleaners containing abrasives, as they will damage the smooth chrome surface and ruin the appearance of the metal. When choosing a sponge, it's best to use something lint-free or nonwoven fabric. Glass cleaner sprays will quickly add shine to such a ceiling.

After the fire

In this scenario, the surface is covered with soot and soot, if you try to wash it with a brush, small particles will clog into the pores of the surface, and it will be impossible to remove them from there.