Who is Khrushchev, and how to deal with him. How to deal with a garden beetle on roses and get rid of it forever. The reasons for its appearance. What is dangerous pest

Adult individuals of the May beetle harm mainly tree crops, they like to eat leaves of mountain ash, oak, linden, maple, poplar and other trees. Much more dangerous are the larvae of the beetle, which eat any plants that they meet on their way.

If there is only one larva per 1 sq.m of the site, it is already necessary to sound the alarm and start destroying the pest throughout the garden. It is better, of course, to prevent the appearance of Khrushchev in the garden with preventive measures. If you bring manure to the site, then most likely you will also bring the cockchafer along with it, since compost and manure are favorite places for the cockchafer to lay larvae. One female per season is able to lay 70-200 eggs.

May beetle larva, photo

The larvae live in the soil for 4 years, which is exactly how long it will take to develop to adults and turn into ordinary May beetles, as we are used to seeing them - shiny, large (3-4 cm), very dense, black beetles. The larva should also be familiar to you - it is a yellowish caterpillar with a black head, curled up in a ring. At all times, except for the dormant period in winter, these pests eat both above and below ground parts of plants. Especially noticeable is the harm caused by the May beetle on strawberries, potatoes, many flowers, and even on the lawn.

Signs of damage to plants by the May beetle and its larvae

Bitten leaves, buds and partially ovaries on cultivated plants are the work of an adult beetle.
Withering of plants, growth retardation, for no apparent reason, is the work of the "hands" of the larvae.

Dig up a dying plant and check the earthen food at the roots for the presence of cockchafer larvae. If a pest is found, immediately take measures to destroy these insects.

Fighting Khrushchev

As usual in pest control, you need to choose a way to solve the problem - using folk remedies and methods, or using insecticides, that is, resorting to chemicals right away.

It depends on your preferences and the amount of pest on the site. If mass death of plants from this pest has begun, then most likely folk remedies will no longer help and one should resort to chemistry.

Chemical means of combating the larvae of the May beetle


The most popular and effective insecticide for beetles. It consists of two active ingredients of a new generation - imidacloprid and bifenthrin, interacting and complementing each other. Due to its combined action, the insecticide provides reliable protection of cultivated plants not only from the beetle, but also from other pests. This drug protects against the May and Colorado potato beetles and their larvae, as well as against aphids, wireworms, ticks, thrips, whiteflies, codling moths, leafworms.

  • To protect potatoes, the plant should be sprayed before planting with a solution of 10 ml of the drug per 5-10 liters of water. This should be enough for 1 acre of land.
  • To protect cabbage and tomatoes, a solution of 10 ml is made. substances per 3 liters. water, before planting, the rhizomes are soaked in the solution for 1 hour, the remaining liquid is diluted in 10 liters. water and used for irrigation.
  • To protect fruit trees, a solution of 10 ml is prepared. antihrushcha for 5 liters. water (enough for 0.2 acres), the solution should be watered abundantly under the root. Saplings of simple trees are also processed under the root with a solution of 10 ml. substances per 3 liters. water.

Aktara from Khrushchev

Remedy for the larvae of the May beetle. The active substance is thiamethoxam. It is a contact and intestinal insecticide. It is produced in granular form, which can be applied to the soil in bulk, as well as by preparing a working solution in advance.

The result after using the drug occurs within an hour, and after a day, absolutely all pests die. Aktara is used at any time of the year and in any weather, precipitation also does not affect the insecticidal properties of the drug.

Bazudin against the Maybug

Insecticide that kills soil pests by contact, intestinal and translaminar routes. The active substance is diazinon. The drug has long-term protection of crops from insects. 30 grams of insecticide is enough to treat a 20 sq.m area.

Produced in the form of granules. To evenly apply bazudin into the soil, mix the required amount of the drug with sand in a liter jar (sand 3/4 jar).

  • Before planting potatoes, 15 g per 10 sq.m. is added to the hole.
  • To protect cabbage, the soil surface is treated at the rate of 10 g per 10 sq.m.
  • Flower crops are processed similarly to potatoes.

Nemabakt from Khrushchev

This is a nematode-based biological product that selectively destroys beetle larvae and maintains a balance in the soil for 2 years. The drug kills the larva of the beetle within 1-3 days. It is necessary to use this tool when watering, diluting in a ratio of 1:100. Nemabakt operates at an ambient temperature of +10-+26 degrees. It is absolutely harmless to humans and pets.

Zemlin against Khrushchev

This is an effective remedy for pimples. It is an insecticide of contact and intestinal damage. Protects cultivated plants from most soil pests. The active ingredient in the composition is diazinon at a dosage of 50 g / kg.

  • To protect flower plants, the drug is sprayed on the surface of the earth at a dosage of 30 grams per 20 sq.m.
  • Potatoes are processed by adding 10-15 g of the mixture to the wells at planting.

How to get rid of the larvae of the May beetle folk remedies

  • Manual collection of adult beetles. Since they feed mainly on the leaves of trees, in the early morning you can shake the beetles off the tree onto the prepared bedding, and then destroy them.
  • It is much more difficult with larvae, since they live in the soil, sometimes at a depth of up to 40 cm. As a preventive measure, autumn and spring plowing is recommended.
  • It helps planting around the beds with cultivated plants of white clover, peas, beans, beans - that is, any plants that are nitrogen fixers. Planting turnips and lupins on the site will scare away adults from the site, which means it will prevent them from laying larvae.
  • The introduction of ground eggshells into the soil will also give a certain effect.
  • It also helps to use nitrogen fertilizers when digging the soil. May beetle larvae cannot tolerate high nitrogen content in the soil and leave such places.
  • And, of course, birds. If you have chickens on the farm, then it’s a good idea to let them “graze” when digging up the garden - they will peck all the larvae turned out of the soil to the surface. Many advise installing birdhouses on the site, since any birds love to feast on beetles and their larvae. But again, many gardeners complain that these same birds are happy to eat strawberries and other berries.
  • Adding a few drops of iodine to the irrigation water will help to destroy the beetle in the soil.
  • Some gardeners make traps for the cockchafer by digging small holes in the soil and filling them with manure. And then they destroy the beetle and larvae with fire or boiling water.
  • It is possible to save currants and strawberries from Khrushchev by spraying with a solution of onion peel. For this, 100 grams of husks are infused in 10 liters of water for 5 days. Further, the tincture is diluted with water in proportions of 1: 1 and sprayed onto the affected plants and the ground under them.
  • Watering with ammonia will help get rid of the larvae of the May beetle on strawberries. For 10 liters of water is half a tablespoon of ammonia.
  • Plant green manure in the garden and plant them in the soil, this will also protect you from the invasion of the May beetle. For these purposes, mustard, or others from the cruciferous family, is best suited. After planting them in early spring, and letting them grow a little, mow them down and plow them into the soil. And then calmly plant potatoes or other cultivated plants in this place - the larvae of the cockchafer will not be there.

May Khrushchev - what does a pest look like?

May beetle belongs to the family of lamellar insects, characterized by large body sizes. Adults reach 32 mm in length. Their oval-shaped body expands in the middle, the color is dark - from reddish-brown to black. At the end of spring, the beetles have a mating season, the female lays up to 70 eggs in the ground under the roots of trees. After that, she dies, and after 1.5 months, larvae appear from the eggs. They have a pale, thick body with a yellow or brown head, six legs, and strong jaws that can handle tree roots.

Attention. Small larvae in the first year of life are not dangerous for the root system, they feed on plant remains found in the soil.

The development of carnivores from larva to beetle takes 3-5 years. Grown up individuals become a disaster in the garden, they are voracious, have no food specialization and eat the roots of any plants. Pests like loose, humus-rich soil. By the fourth year, the larva turns into a chrysalis, from which a May beetle emerges a month later.

Young beetles hibernate in the ground at a depth of more than 1 meter. With the onset of heat, they get out, continuing the breeding cycle on the trees. Throughout their life cycle, insects feed on plants, causing irreparable damage to trees, bushes and vegetable crops. How to get rid of Khrushchev in the garden - this question arises for every owner of the site. There are many ways to deal with a pest, consider the most effective.

Interesting! Young beetles (imagoes) take off on trees in May, because of this feature the name of insects appeared.

Harm from May beetles

Beetles are one of the most dangerous pests of agricultural crops and gardens. In the 1950s, their growth was stopped using pesticides. In some regions, pests have been completely eradicated. The ban on the use of hazardous substances has led to the restoration of the number of carnivores.

Why are May beetles considered malicious pests? Adult insects feed on flowers and leaves of trees. Apricot, apple, cherry, birch - pests will like it. They do not miss the bushes - lilacs, currants, raspberries. If uninvited guests can be seen on the trees, then the larvae are found according to the results of their activities. If healthy strawberry or grape bushes begin to wither and turn yellow with good watering, it means that their roots have been eaten by the Khrushchev.

The pest is not limited to the roots of bushes, it spoils vegetable crops:

  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • beets;
  • corn;
  • cabbage.

Khrushchev can ruin not only the garden, but lawn grass. Larvae cause the greatest harm to plants, so the main control methods are aimed at their destruction.

Khrushchev larva - the main enemy of plants

Attention. Several May beetles eat all the leaves and flowers from a young tree or bush in a week.

Methods of dealing with carrion

Many methods have been developed for the destruction of pests. They differ in efficiency and environmental impact.

Mechanical and environmentally friendly methods

If you do not want to use chemicals on your site, then use the proven methods to combat the cartilage in the garden:

  1. Digging up the earth. During the autumn digging of the garden, the larvae are close to the soil surface, where they die in the cold. Before the start of the sowing season, it is worth digging up the ground again; in spring, the larvae are at a depth of 20-25 cm. They are easy to detect and collect by hand. Once on the surface, pests become prey for birds.
  2. You can protect strawberries from pests by planting under agrofiber or mulching the soil. Shredded pine bark, sawdust, straw are used as mulch. These obstacles will prevent the female beetle from getting into the soil to lay her eggs.

    Advice. For fertilizing strawberries and strawberries, humus is often used, which can be infected with cartilage. In order not to bring the pest to the beds, it is worth carefully inspecting the fertilizer before applying.

  3. Traps and mechanical picking. In the early morning, when it is still cool, the beetles on the branches become numb. Spreading a film under a tree, they are shaken off, and then collected and destroyed. Traps are used to destroy adult beetles:
    • Velcro for flies hung on a tree, an effective remedy for beetle. Flying beetles are firmly glued to the tapes.
    • Light trap from a lamp placed in a container with sticky walls. At night, the light attracts insects.
    • Plastic bottles with bait in the form of fermented kvass or jam. At the container, cut off the upper part and turn the neck inward. Beetles will fly into the formed funnel.

      Advice. When making a light trap, you can use a portable lamp or a device with a battery. It will help to collect not only May beetles, but also pest butterflies flying at night.

  4. Attraction of natural enemies. Khrushchev's natural enemies are starlings and hedgehogs. Birds are capable of destroying a huge number of beetles and larvae. To lie down, you need to build a birdhouse. The presence of hedgehogs on the site guarantees a speedy disposal of the May Khrushchev. A small dexterous predator eats insects with great pleasure. Domestic chickens are also not averse to eating the cockchafer.

    Attention. Starlings are omnivorous birds, they will peck not only insects, but also berries on trees. This fact should be taken into account before deciding on the construction of a birdhouse.

  5. Planting white clover. On the roots of a plant of the legume family, nitrogen bacteria are formed, which repel the beetles. These pests really do not like nitrogen, so nitrogen fertilizers are used to get rid of them. Perennial light-loving clover can be planted on the lawn or near the beds. In addition to clover, pests avoid mustard, turnips and lupins. These plants can be safely planted between rows.

Insecticides to kill larvae

The destruction of adult beetles will not help to completely get rid of pests, because the main threat is hidden in the ground. To protect the roots of seedlings, chemicals from the May beetle will help:

  • "Antikhrushch" - the substance damages the nervous system of insects: beetle larvae, ticks, caterpillars. It is non-toxic, therefore it is not dangerous for people and vegetable crops. The composition is diluted in water (10 ml per 5-10 l), the soil is cultivated with it before planting. To protect the trees, "Antikhrushch" is poured under the plant.
  • "Aktara" - the drug is effective against a large number of pests. The insecticide acts in the ground and on its surface. Khrushchev and Colorado beetles die a day after use. The effect of the drug lasts 2 months.
  • "Initiation" - a tool designed to destroy pests in the ground. It comes in the form of granules, which are mixed with the substrate and have a long-lasting effect. The larvae die within 24 hours after contact with the preparation.
  • "Vallar" is a chemical preparation for combating the larvae of the beetle, it is not dangerous to humans and retains its effect for a long time. Simultaneously with the larvae of the May beetle, the insecticide kills the bear, wireworms and other soil pests. Upon contact, the agent paralyzes the insect and causes its death. For the treatment of plant roots, a solution is prepared - 8 g of the drug per 1 liter of water.

Attention. Insecticide treatment is carried out no later than a month before the crop ripens.

Folk recipes for removing Khrushchev

Gardeners know many ways how to deal with a pest, there are several effective recipes for destroying a pest:

  1. Onion peel tincture is prepared from 100 g of the product in 10 liters of warm water. The composition is covered with a lid and left for 3-5 days. The finished product is diluted with clean water in a ratio of 1: 1. The solution is poured under the root of the affected plants.
  2. A vial of iodine can be found in every first aid kit, and in the garden it will become a remedy for larvae. 15 drops of the drug in a bucket of water are enough to get a composition that causes the death of carnivores.

To increase the effectiveness of the fight against the May Khrushchev, it is worth using a whole range of measures. Parallel destruction of adult beetles and larvae will save plants from pests.

The garden beetle looks like a small cute beetle, in fact, one of the most common pests of garden and ornamental crops. This is a beetle 10–15 mm in size with a green shiny head, brown hard elytra, and hairy paws. Even if the beetle itself is not visible on the roses, traces of its stay are clearly visible - these are badly damaged buds and flower petals. This happens if there are a lot of Khrushchev.

The reasons for its appearance.What is dangerous pest

Many gardeners notice that there may be no Khrushchev for several years, if they appear, then in small numbers. And then suddenly, there are so many of them that the roses do not have time to bloom. This is due to the peculiarity of the development of the pest. The larvae of the beetle grow in the soil for 2-3 years. At this time, they feed on the roots of roses. This is one of the types of damage they cause. The development period depends on weather conditions and available food.

Magnificent book on the choice of varieties, planting in various conditions, fertilizers and dressings for roses ⇓

Preventive measures against the spread of beetles

Experienced gardeners prepare a site for planting roses in advance, providing the necessary conditions. For the full growth of roses, you need soil with the following characteristics:

In addition to soil optimization, weed control is carried out. The larvae of the garden beetle actively develop in the soil, with a large number of weeds.

One of the pest control methods is deep digging with careful removal of weeds, especially couch grass and other densely growing herbs . Lupins are densely sown instead.. Nitrogen, which is produced by nodule bacteria, on the roots of legumes is a top dressing for roses and poison for a beetle.

When caring for growing roses, the larvae are selected by hand when loosening the soil in spring and weeding in summer. This method is possible until August, then the offspring of the beetle digs deep into the ground, preparing for winter.

Adult beetles are harvested by hand, if there are few of them.

Tip #1Some are hesitant to touch garden beetles for fear that they bite. In vain, this beetle cannot harm a person. When collecting pests, it is better to use thin rubber gloves, and put the beetles in a container of soapy water.

Since ancient times, plants containing pyrethrin. Most of it is located in Dalmatian chamomile (feverfew). Its specific aroma repels beetles. Experienced gardeners grow feverfew near the rose garden. An easy way to control pests is to sprinkle powdered roses made from dried flowers and leaves.

Significantly less garden beetle where they grow:

  • Wormwood,
  • tansy ordinary,
  • Yarrow,
  • Marigold,
  • Calendula,
  • Nasturtium.

How to get rid of a malicious beetle.How to spray roses in spring and summer.Comparative characteristics of insecticides, their advantages, disadvantages, approximate cost

With a massive invasion of the garden beetle, they resort to the help of insecticides.

spring the soil under the roses is watered with a protective solution, because at this time the larvae are in the ground, but move to the surface.

End of May to August, during the flight of beetles, spray the ground part of the rose.

Tip #2. When flowering, you need to ensure that the preparations do not fall on the petals. Many protective products cause burns or leave unsightly stains. It is better to collect from the buds of beetles with your hands.

Name a brief description of

Application features

Flaws Price


Insecticide against pests living in the soil. It is used against the beetle in the spring, in April, early May.

10 g of powder (1 level teaspoon) evenly spread on

1 m 2 of soil and be sure to mix by loosening.

The term of application is limited by the development of the beetle. "Zemlin" is valid before the start of the flight and immediately after it. At other times it is useless. Sachet - 30 g -
"Initiative" Has properties similar to "Earth" 30 g - 25 rubles.
To destroy the larvae of the garden beetle, the following insecticides are used:




· "Vallar" and other analogues.


Intestinal contact remedy. It is applied both to entering into the soil, and to spraying of bushes. The beetle stops moving half an hour after contact with the treated plant. Finally dies on the second day.

Consumption rate:

For spraying - 8 g per 10 liters of water

For tillage -

1 g per 10 liters of water.

The protective effect when spraying persists for one month. When applied to the ground, it acts for about

50 - 60 days.

- 4 g - 110 rubles.


Biological insecticide that successfully replaces chemical agents.

Solution dosage:

- 4 ml per 1 liter of water.

The effect of the drug improves with increasing temperature. At + 28 0, the dosage of the solution is halved.

Do not apply in cool weather. Works better in the heat. 2 ml - 18 rubles.
Aktofit replaces Bi-58, Aktara, Konfidor, Max, etc.

Folk methods of dealing with garden beetles

If there are few Khrushchev, they can be collected by hand. To prevent the beetles from reappearing, roses are treated with infusions and decoctions.

One of the popular means wood ash infusion. Recipe:

  • Wood ash - 1 kg,
  • Water - 3 liters.

Boil the mixture for 15 minutes with the lid closed. Leave for two days. Before use, filter and add 40 g of laundry soap and add water to 10 liters.

Infusion of poplar leaves:

  • ½ bucket of chopped raw materials,
  • 10 liters of water.

Cook for 15 minutes and keep for 4-5 days.

Decoction of hot pepper- 100 g, per 10 liters of water. When it cools down, add 40 g of dry soap or 80-100 g of liquid soap (better than household soap).

Features of the fight against the garden beetle on roses, independing on their type and variety

Methods for protecting all roses from pests are the same. But, it is worth paying attention that insects damage plants, and they are quickly affected by infectious diseases. That's when the roses are in real danger of destruction. That's why, one way to protect roses is to choose disease-resistant varieties, for example:

Phyllopertha horticola) - a species of lamellar beetles from the subfamily of bread beetles and beetles.


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  • Key to insects in the European part of the USSR. T. II. Coleoptera and fanoptera. / under total ed. corresponding member G. Ya. Bei-Bienko. - M.-L. : "Science", 1965. - 668 p. - (Determinants for the fauna of the USSR, published; issue 89.). - 5700 copies.

An excerpt characterizing the garden beetle

Almost every time a new carriage drove up, a whisper ran through the crowd and hats were taken off.
- Sovereign? ... No, minister ... prince ... envoy ... Can't you see the feathers? ... - said from the crowd. One of the crowd, dressed better than the others, seemed to know everyone, and called by name the noblest nobles of that time.
One-third of the guests had already arrived at this ball, and the Rostovs, who were supposed to be at this ball, were still hastily preparing to dress.
There were many rumors and preparations for this ball in the Rostov family, many fears that the invitation would not be received, the dress would not be ready, and everything would not work out as it should.
Together with the Rostovs, Marya Ignatievna Peronskaya, a friend and relative of the countess, a thin and yellow maid of honor of the old court, who led the provincial Rostovs in the highest St. Petersburg society, went to the ball.
At 10 pm, the Rostovs were supposed to call for the maid of honor to the Tauride Garden; and meanwhile it was already five minutes to ten, and the young ladies were still not dressed.
Natasha was going to the first big ball in her life. She got up that day at 8 o'clock in the morning and was in feverish anxiety and activity all day long. All her strength, from the very morning, was focused on ensuring that they all: she, mother, Sonya were dressed in the best possible way. Sonya and the countess vouched for her completely. The countess was supposed to be wearing a masaka velvet dress, they were wearing two white smoky dresses on pink, silk covers with roses in the corsage. The hair had to be combed a la grecque [Greek].
Everything essential had already been done: the legs, arms, neck, ears were already especially carefully, according to the ballroom, washed, perfumed and powdered; shod already were silk, fishnet stockings and white satin shoes with bows; the hair was almost finished. Sonya finished dressing, the countess too; but Natasha, who worked for everyone, fell behind. She was still sitting in front of the mirror in a peignoir draped over her thin shoulders. Sonya, already dressed, stood in the middle of the room and, pressing painfully with her little finger, pinned the last ribbon that squealed under the pin.

There are a large number of insects that, one way or another, harm ornamental and garden plants. Among them there are pests of leaves and needles that can not only gnaw them, but also suck out the juices of plants. There are insects that damage the trunks and branches of trees and shrubs. The activity of many of them leads to the loss of decorativeness of plants, inhibits their growth and in some cases even leads to their death, but the most dangerous among them are insects that live in the soil and damage plant roots.

The most dangerous pests of the roots should, of course, be attributed to the beetles, among which the eastern and western May beetles are in the lead; to a lesser extent, a bear (let the owners of vegetable gardens not be offended by me, where it often rages) and some other pests, such as wireworms that harm root crops and bulbs, gnaw scoops, root aphids, root bark beetles, etc.

Getting rid of these insects is very difficult due to the fact that, firstly, it is difficult to detect and determine their number until the soil is dug up or dead plants with gnawed roots appear. Secondly, drugs that remain in the soil for a long time, like hexachlorane or DDT, are not allowed for use in personal and agricultural use, which, of course, makes it difficult to destroy these pests, but protects our health. And thirdly, there are still a large number of abandoned fields and gardens, where nothing prevents the mass reproduction and further resettlement of pests.


In Ukraine, plant roots are significantly harmed by 8-11 species of beetles, of which, as we have already mentioned, the larvae of May beetles are the most harmful. There are also numerous species such as hairy beetle, field beetle, April beetle, Kuzka beetle, June beetle, and in more southern regions large marble beetle and other species can multiply strongly. Let us consider in more detail what types of cartilage are most often found on our land plots.

May Khrushchi

These are the western (Melalonta melalonta L.) and eastern (Melalonta hippocastani F.) May beetles, which are widespread in Ukraine. The eastern border of the distribution of the western Khrushchev is the Kharkov region.
May beetles are well known to everyone, they have brown elytra and reach up to 21-25 mm in length. In late April-early May, their active years take place. Adult beetles feed on tree leaves, especially oak and birch, but also do not disdain apple and other fruit trees. After mating, the female burrows into the ground and lays 50-70 eggs, from which very polyphagous larvae hatch in 30-40 days. At first, young larvae feed on humus, but as they grow, especially after wintering, they begin to feed not only on thin roots of flowers and garden crops, but also eat lawn roots with appetite, do not disdain coniferous and deciduous shrubs and trees.

The larva feeds for three years, in the middle of summer of the last year of development, the larva pupates at a depth of up to 60 cm, after a month and a half a beetle emerges, which hibernates in the soil, and flies out in the spring of the 4th year. Thus, based on the biology of the pest, mass years occur every four years, and the most dangerous for plants is the last year of feeding of larvae, when they reach their maximum size and voracity. However, due to some circumstances, a clear and explicit designation of flight years has not occurred recently. Almost every year there are years of beetles in large numbers.

The most dangerous for plants is the last year of feeding of larvae, when they reach their maximum size and voracity.

Externally, the types of May Khrushchev differ only in the shape of the end of the abdomen - the pygidia. In the eastern May beetle, it is tapering and pumped up by a thin process with a thickening at the end, while in the western beetle, the pygidium is long, gradually tapering to the top, without a button-like expansion.

The species also differ somewhat in terms of habitat requirements. Thus, the western beetle more often settles on loose, slightly shaded lands, more often than the eastern one it is found in the fields, and the eastern beetle does not settle so intensively on cultivated soils.

Together with the May Khrushchev in the soil, the following species are most often found:

June Khrushchev (Amphimallon solstitialis L.)

Beetle 14-18 mm, brown with light yellow elytra. The years of beetles are long, from the end of June to August. Females lay 20-30 eggs in the ground. The larvae grow up to 40 mm in length, and throughout the summer they are in the surface layers of the soil, feeding on the roots of plants. The generation is one year old.

April beetle (Rhizotrogus aequinoctialis Hrbst.)

Beetle 12-8 mm, reddish-brown. They fly in April - mid-May. Eggs up to 30 pcs. they are laid to a depth of up to 30 cm. The larvae overwinter in the soil twice, by the end of development they grow to 35 mm and pupate in August. Young beetles hatch in September but overwinter in the soil and emerge the following spring.

hairy beetle (Anoxia pilosa F.)

Beetle 21-24 mm, brownish with lighter elytra with gray, fine hairs. The flight of beetles takes place in June-early July. Beetles don't eat. In Ukraine, usually a three-year generation.

Field beetle (Anomala dubia Scop.)

Beetle 12.5-16.5 mm, dark green with a metallic sheen. The beetles emerge from mid-June and fly until mid-August. The female lays up to 30-40 eggs in the upper layers of the soil. They prefer to settle on light soils. The larvae grow up to 40 mm in length, overwinter once and pupate in May-July of the next year.

Kuzka beetle (Anisoplia austriaca Hrbst.)

Beetle 13-16 mm, with dark or red-brown elytra, at the base of which there is a characteristic quadrangular black spot. Years of beetles during the day from June to August. The female lays 30-50 eggs in the soil to a depth of 8-10 cm. The larva feeds on small roots, grows up to 35 mm, winters twice and pupates in late May - early June. After 15-20 days, the beetle comes out and is found in mass on cereals.

Marble Khrushch (Polyphylla fullo L.)

The beetle is large, 35-38 mm, with brown elytra, on which there is a marble pattern of numerous white spots. The flight of beetles is from late June to August, during which they feed mainly on pine needles. The female lays up to 40 eggs one at a time to a depth of 15-30 cm. The larvae feed on the roots of tree species, primarily pine, and grassy vegetation. The larvae are yellowish, hibernate three times and at the end of development reach 6.5 cm in length and pupate in June. After 3 weeks, a beetle hatches from the pupa and emerges from the ground. It settles mainly on sandy soils, often in clearings of a pine forest, and is very harmful to young pine plantations.

Thus, realizing that the pests are serious and numerous, we approach the question - how to deal with them ?. First of all, we must fight the May Khrushchev, since more than 95% of the harm caused is due to them.

It is very important, even at the initial stage of laying a garden or before organizing plantings in a new place, to pay attention to the number of larvae of the grubs in the soil. If there are a lot of them, more than 3-5 pieces per 1 m², then you should carry out a complete cultivation of the land on the site with chemicals, otherwise the roots of the plants will be eaten, and your plantings will be ineffective. If the site is already in operation, and the number of carnivores has increased, then it is also worth adding chemicals, the name and dosage of which I will give below.

Ecological methods of dealing with beetles

A simple but expensive way to prevent the appearance of May beetles is to cover especially valuable plantings with a sufficiently dense net during the summer of beetles, which will prevent female beetles from penetrating into the soil, thereby depriving them of the opportunity to lay eggs. The shelter area should be at least a hundred square meters, since the larvae move in the soil. After the flight, the mesh is removed.

Of the environmental methods, it occupies the first place. Planting strawberries on agrofibre significantly reduces the infestation with beetles (the main thing is that the pests are not under the film before planting). The mulching of the soil with a large pine bark with a layer of about 5 cm proved to be excellent. In rose gardens, with such mulch, the beetles practically do not start.

I do not believe that the treatment of trees and shrubs on the site with pyrethroid or other chemical preparations during the summer period of the beetles can significantly reduce the population of the soil on the site. Beetles fly long distances, and processing your 6, 10 or even 30 acres will not play a significant role in reducing the number of beetles in the vicinity of the site, they will fly in from neighboring areas. Only the cultivation of large areas can actually reduce the number of flying beetles.

The same insignificant effect is observed when using light traps, in which 30-50 beetles can really die, but, unfortunately, this method does not allow to destroy all existing pests.

Of the economic methods, the method of placing heaps of humus on a site that is warmer and under which not only the larvae of the grubs, but also the bears crawl for the winter works quite well. The main thing is to stir up these heaps in time and destroy the pests.

agrofibre from the summer of the Khrushchev

Chemical protection methods

Of the preparations for combating larvae, preparations based on diazinon work best. The optimal time for applying the drug to the soil is the end of May - June, when the larvae are in the upper soil layer. You can apply the drug into the furrows during cultivation. It is recommended to apply 10-20 g per 1 m² of bazudine or 5-9 g per 1 m² of 10% diazinon. You can scatter the preparations along the rows of plants, followed by incorporation into the soil.

Protection of the roots of seedlings can be carried out by soaking in a peat-humus mixture with the addition of an insecticide. For example, when soaking pine seedlings before planting, about 500 g of bazudine is consumed per 1000 seedlings.

Protection of the roots of seedlings can be carried out by soaking in a peat-humus mixture with the addition of an insecticide.

A good effect is obtained by the use of Marshall granular preparation with a prolonged action (up to 17 months) at a consumption rate of 8-12 g per 1 m².

In home gardens, Prestige is used to soak seedlings, which allows you to protect plants for 60 days.

By recognizing a pest in your garden in time and taking certain protective measures, you are more likely to keep your plants healthy and get a good harvest. Unfortunately, beetles are not the only insects that live in the soil and can damage plant roots. There are a number of other pests from this group, which we will talk about in the next article.