Grohe and Gerebit toilet installation: types of designs and installation methods. Features of installing and repairing a suspended installation Grohe How installations differ from classic toilets

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We will not talk about the advantages of suspended plumbing, you can easily find this information on the Internet. We will try to simply and briefly give information about a particular product.

What is included in the Rapid SL installation kit? Why 4in1?

1. Directly what is commonly called installation - steel frame with flush cistern attached to it(fig.1)

2. Fasteners for mounting in front of the wall. With these fasteners, the upper corners of the frame are attached to the wall.

They are a corner and a hairpin. The hairpin is tricky, on the one hand there is an M10 thread, on the other a special notch. At one end, the stud is screwed into the corner of the installation (an M10 nut is welded in there), at the other end, the stud is fixed into the corner, which is attached to the wall with a dowel. In the corner, the stud is fixed with special clips with a notch, as on a stud, this allows you to align the frame relative to the wall very easily and quickly (Fig. 2).


The installation kit for the toilet comes with 3 types of flush buttons of your choice. Rectangular and round buttons can be installed both vertically and horizontally, the button in the form of a drop (oval) can only be placed vertically (Fig. 3,4,5)

The flush buttons are two-volume. Drain options are implemented as follows:

  • 2-volume: by pressing the large segment of the button - 6 liters are drained, by pressing the small segment of the button - 3 liters are drained (these are factory settings, the flush volume can be adjusted large - 6-9 liters, small - 3-4.5 liters, this is done by movement of the regulators on the pneumatic flush valve AV1, which is located inside the tank.The adjustment technology is demonstrated in the installation instructions.
  • start/stop: by pressing the large segment of the button you start the flush, if you see that the flush needs to be stopped (so as not to consume the entire volume of the large flush), then press the small segment of the button and the flush stops.
  • continuous: as long as the large segment of the button is held down, continuous draining occurs until the water in the tank runs out.


It consists of a foam pad that is placed between the toilet bowl and the tile and two rubber bushings that are put on the toilet bowl mounting studs (Fig. 6)

Also included in the installation kit for the Grohe Rapid Sl 4 in 1 toilet are nuts with washers and white decorative caps for fixing the toilet, a pipe for connecting the tank to the toilet, cuffs, pipes for connecting to the sewer. In general, everything that is needed for fastening and connecting the toilet.

The range of sanitary equipment on the Russian market is diverse and extensive. Grohe kitchen faucet models are among the expensive and high-quality fittings. And there are several explanations for this, related both to production and to the specifics of pricing in retail chains. And below you will learn about the features of choosing a quality sanitary ware, and how to install Grohe faucets so that they serve you for many years.

Features of the choice of plumbing fittings

In order to make an informed choice of this or that equipment, it is necessary to determine the criteria by which this process will take place.

It is worth starting with the definition of the main tasks of sanitary fittings:

  • Each mixer is a device that shuts off the water supply coming from engineering networks.
  • It mixes two streams of water with different temperatures.

It follows from this that a quality mixer should never leak if it is closed and ensure the stability of the liquid temperature. Models of German Grohe faucets for the kitchen fully comply with the requirements.

This is confirmed by the results of long-term operation and is documented. The specified fittings successfully passed all laboratory tests both in Russia and in Europe.

These products are certified and meet the most stringent requirements of international and Russian quality standards. The network offers a lot of positive reviews about the products of this company.

The mixer ensures normal mixing. At the cut of the outlet tube, you get a laminar flow of water without splashing, which prevents drops from falling onto surrounding surfaces.

We figured out the main functions, now get acquainted with the secondary ones:

  • The package contains detailed instructions for installing the device and its maintenance.
  • In addition, the kit contains everything you need to complete the installation with a detailed description of the process. This circumstance makes it possible to do without the involvement of specialists.
  • To the above, it is worth adding some more factors: far from the last role when buying a mixer is played by the convenience of its operation. Recent trends involve the use of a single-lever scheme, which allows you to simultaneously control both the temperature and the water supply.

The mixers we describe are characterized by a similar design, and a number of parts were created using unique technologies that are protected by special patents.

How to install a Grohe faucet on a sink

Grohe kitchen faucet models are manufactured with high precision and good surface quality, so there are no problems with their installation.

For installation you will need the following tool:
  • adjustable wrench in the amount of two pieces;
  • wrench on "11";
  • pliers;
  • screwdrivers with curly and flat slots.

Among the consumables, you will need a FUM tape (fluoroplastic) or plumbing tow and sealant.

Dismantling the old mixer

There is a certain sequence of actions, the observance of which can ensure the safe replacement of the faucet in the kitchen. Getting Started:

  • First of all, it is necessary to shut off the water supply, and then close the taps on the cold and hot water pipelines.
  • Drain the water from the system, opening both taps at the same time.
  • Unscrew the threaded connections on the supply pipelines, for which two adjustable wrenches are used. One needs to fix the fixed nut, and with the help of the other, release the connection.
  • Unscrew the fixing pins with nuts using a screwdriver. There may be one or two of these fasteners. This operation is performed from below, and for convenience, you can use an LED headlamp.
  • Pry the clamping screwdriver with a plate, then release the mixer. Then just pull it up.

Attention! When pulling out a plumbing device, union nuts often do not pass through a special hole. In this case, the solution is simple - if the hoses are worn out, you can cut them off. If they are in good condition, then you will have to unscrew the fitting from the tap.

  • Having freed up the seat, be sure to clean it with detergents, and in case of large deposits of water stone, use sanding or sandpaper.

The installation preparation for the Grohe faucet is complete, and you can start installing your new faucet by following our step-by-step instructions.

How to install Grohe faucets - basic steps

We open the box with all the accessories, remove the main assembly and flexible hoses. All other operations must be carried out in the following sequence:

  • Place a rubber sealing ring on top of the seat and pass it through the pipeline niche.
  • Screw fittings of flexible hoses into the kitchen faucet, following the markings: red stripe for hot water, blue stripe for cold. Moreover, one of the fittings must be screwed in immediately, and the second only when you pass the tubes through the installation hole. Try on an open end wrench on "11".
  • Next, we expose the Grohe mixer into the hole and place a special lining under it so that it has uniform protrusions along the edges of the body.
  • We put on the bottom gasket on the supply hoses, after which we mount the fastener in place. Using a screwdriver, we screw the pins with nuts into the holes, but in no case do not tighten them to the end.
  • We expose the mixer in the center and fix it in this position. Now you need to tighten the mounting pins until they stop.
  • With the help of wrenches, we connect the mixers to the pipelines. The flare nuts may need to be sealed with FUM tape. When connecting, you should adhere to the labeling of the supply of hot and cold water.
  • Now you can open the taps on the pipelines and the faucet to release water and air. We carry out a check of all connections to exclude the leakage of liquid.

Attention! When installing a plumbing device, the installation sites of the sealing rings must be pre-treated using silicone sealant. This prevents water from getting under the gasket.

As a rule, this is done on those sinks that have already been in use and they have defects and surface damage.

Grohe faucets are fairly easy to install. As mentioned above, all threaded connections are of high quality. This circumstance allows you to tighten the pins by hand almost to the stop. The use of a tool will only be needed for the final tightening of the fastener with the necessary force.

A step-by-step guide will allow you to carry out all the activities even for those who do not have the equipment. If you preview photos and videos illustrating the process, then the work will be done much faster. Visual demonstration gives more than verbose explanations.

The faucet has been installed and tested, and now the household can use it for its intended purpose. But in addition to purely physical phenomena that are associated with the passage of liquid through products, certain chemical processes also occur in them. A quite logical question arises: how safe for health are the compounds formed during these processes.

Manufacture of sanitary devices: basic requirements for materials

Water is a universal solvent and in contact with almost any object, impurities are formed. First of all, it concerns a liquid having a high temperature. It's no secret that this increases the intensity of chemical reactions.

For this reason, even at the stage of manufacturing the product, the use of high-quality materials is provided. The creation of special alloys is carried out in strict accordance with regulatory documents.

In Germany, the DIN 50930-6 standard was created, which implements the EDWD (European Drinking Water Directive) regulation. This document sets out the basic requirements for metals that are used in the manufacture of Grohe kitchen faucets and other fittings. For the production of products in contact with drinking water, brass and bronze are used in production.

In order to reduce the content of heavy metal impurities, the requirements for alloys in terms of the content of lead and nickel were tightened. If we talk about non-metallic materials in contact with liquid, then their performance is regulated by no less serious requirements of the relevant standards.

In addition to raw materials, certification of production processes at the company's enterprises is also used.

Grohe Technologies

During the production of sanitary kitchen fittings, German engineers created many interesting solutions. For example, the Grohe Eurosmart faucet, in addition to the original appearance, is endowed with the proprietary StarLight® coating.

The mixer surface itself is characterized not only by its high resistance to detergents and moisture, but also by almost no deposits. The crane retains its original appearance for a long time.

The product uses a unique cartridge made of ceramics. The material has a high degree of chemical intensity in terms of water. The technology was created by the company's specialists and was patented by them with the following name SilkMove®.

Noteworthy is another product of the company, labeled Grohe Euroeco 32752000. Such a mixer has many useful properties. High spout is able to unfold in a circle.

The cartridge provides the ability to perform smooth adjustment of temperature and water flow by acting on a single lever. The relatively low cost makes the price of the product quite affordable.

All products of this German company supplied to our country are manufactured in strict accordance with European quality standards. They are designed for continuous operation without major changes in consumer properties.

The delivery set includes everything you need for installation, which you can do yourself without involving the housing and communal services staff.

As practice shows, everyone will be able to perform such a procedure no worse than hired specialists. Quality faucets are recommended for their intended use.

The installation itself is simple, and subsequent operation is able to satisfy every consumer with its practicality and simplicity.

Modern bathroom design requires complete insulation of toilet cisterns and sewer pipes. Plumbing without a subsea system protrudes straight out of the walls and floats above the floor. Installations help to hold plumbing fixtures and hide all engineering moments - these are metal frames with mounting accessories. They can be closed with glass panels, sewn up with drywall, laid with ceramics, giving the interior an impeccable look. The German company Grohe is recognized as one of the largest suppliers of installations to the markets.


There are only two types of Grohe installations: block and frame. Frame structures are more expensive and complex.

For the installation of a block structure, a main wall is required. Previously, a niche is created in it, in which the installation is installed. The block kit is quite simple: a tank made of durable plastic is mounted on fittings using special fasteners. The block structure has a meter height, a width of 60 cm, it enters the wall to a depth of 10–15 cm. Then the module is insulated and covered with a finishing material. The toilet itself, mounted on a block structure, protrudes from the wall and hangs over the floor.

Rapid SL frame systems are more complex and have their own variations. Some of them are mounted on the main walls, others are installed at plasterboard partitions. A frame installation is a solid structure on which a toilet, bidet or sink is mounted. It hides the tank, sewerage and water supply. The mounting height of the installation is 112 cm, the width is 50 cm, the volume of the cistern is 9 liters, it can withstand a load of 400 kg. Frame structures are able to adjust the height in the takeoff up to 20 cm, thanks to this, plumbing can be fixed at the required level.

The Grohe module can be installed on a solid wall using four brackets. The top part is mounted to the wall, and the legs - to the floor. For a lightweight plasterboard partition, models are produced with a massive lower part, due to which the entire structure is held. Creating a similar false wall, use a steel profile. An installation is mounted in it, covered with plasterboard and finished with ceramic tiles. Plumbing can be attached to such a wall from different sides.

To install plumbing in the corner of the room, corner installations are produced. Special fasteners mount the structure at an angle of 45 degrees. From the presented modules, it is necessary to choose the right design for the planned plumbing. It is impossible to mount an installation intended for a load-bearing wall on a plasterboard partition.

Selection rules

The Russian plumbing market is represented by a large selection of European and American products. The most popular companies include Grohe, TESE, Viega (Germany), Ideal Standard (USA) and Geberit (Switzerland). The advantages of their products lies in the strength, longevity of the models, ease of installation and virtually no breakdowns. It is worth stopping at the German company Grohe, which is the leader in sales of sanitary equipment.

Having decided on the brand, the choice of installation is just beginning. It is influenced by many factors, in order not to make a mistake, you should gradually deal with each of them.

Location selection

If you plan to mount the installation on a main wall, you can choose a standard block type of construction. In terms of strength and reliability, the module is not inferior to the frame type, but it costs less. If the toilet needs to be installed against a thin partition or without a wall at all, this can be done using a standard frame installation that is fixed to the floor.

There are non-standard models for special cases. In the corner reserved for the toilet, a corner module is mounted. There is also a shortened block if you plan to install the installation under a window sill or hanging furniture. Its height does not exceed 82 cm. A two-sided installation system is required to install plumbing fixtures on both sides of the wall.

flush button

This element of plumbing has several varieties, knowing the functional features of each, you can make a choice according to taste. Simpler and easier to maintain are the dual-mode buttons as well as the flush-stop option. They do not require electricity, they are too easy to break. The contactless button with the help of a sensor reacts to the presence of a person, and flushing occurs without his participation. Such a flush system is more expensive, more difficult to install and repairs are more sensitive, but its maintenance includes comfort and hygiene.

Having made a choice, you should carefully check the components. The installation consists of a supporting frame, tank, fasteners, noise insulation.

Wall hung toilet

Today, many prefer wall-hung toilets, and decide to install them on their own. Having studied the diagram and description, you can understand how the module works.

Suspended installation diagram example

The basis of a design is the strong steel frame with adjustment of height. It is mounted on a wall or floor, contains all engineering elements, communications supply, suspended plumbing is mounted on it. On top of the metal frame, a flat drain tank made of plastic is fixed, insulated with a special material against condensate - styrofoam. The push-button device is attached through a special cutout on the facade of the tank. Subsequently, using this hole, it will be possible to carry out repairs to equipment.

The flush system is designed so that water enters the toilet in a volume of three or six liters, depending on the desire of the consumer. This makes it possible to conserve water resources. Whisper's technological innovation makes the drain noiseless with a split support tube method that helps prevent vibration throughout the entire structure. The valve on the tank serves to shut off access to water. The drain is connected through a hole on the side of the tank. The design has a dosing system that protects against water overflow. The installation will be hidden in the wall, only hanging plumbing fixtures will remain visible.


It is not so difficult to assemble, install the installation with your own hands and connect it to the water supply if you follow the instructions and perform the installation step by step.

You need to start installing the module by choosing a location. If the design project does not allocate a special area for the toilet, then the ideal place for installing the installation will be a traditional niche with ready-made sewer and water supply systems. The niche itself needs to be expanded taking into account the dimensions of the built-in module, metal pipes should be replaced with plastic ones.

Installation of a block installation includes several stages.

  • The installation of the structure begins with the calculation and marking of the allotted area. If there is enough space in the room, the module is installed above the sewer connection. In a small room, a calculation is made for a minimum loss of space, with the help of plastic pipes, utility supplies are connected to the installation.
  • Further, the marking of the frame in height is corrected, the places where the dowels enter are marked. Dimensions must be checked with the instructions. Dowels are placed at an equal distance from the center of the structure.

  • The next step is to install the drain tank. The coincidence of the drain with the sewer inlets is checked, the presence of all gaskets, and only then the tank is connected to the water supply.
  • Then the pins for the toilet bowl are mounted, and the drain hose is installed.

Installation of a frame installation includes several steps.

  • At the first stage, a metal frame is assembled, on which a drain tank is mounted. Brackets and screws set the position of the frame. With proper assembly, the dimensions of the structure in height will be 130–140 cm, and the width will correspond to the toilet model.
  • When installing the tank, it should be borne in mind that the drain button should be at a distance of one meter from the floor, the toilet bowl - 40-45 cm, the sewer supply - 20-25 cm.
  • The frame is attached to the wall and floor using four fasteners. Using a plumb line and level, the geometry of the exposed structure is checked.
  • At the next stage, the drain tank is connected to the water supply from the side or top, for this plastic pipes are used.

  • Next, you need to connect the toilet to the riser. If this cannot be done directly, corrugation is used. Carefully check the tightness of the connections.
  • To create a false wall, you need shifts that hold the toilet. They need to be screwed to the frame, and put plugs on all the holes to prevent debris from entering them.
  • Then a partition is created using a metal profile and moisture-resistant drywall. A maintenance hole is cut into the structure. The finished wall is covered with a finish according to the design of the room. If it is a tile, the wall is left to dry for 10 days, and then the toilet can be mounted.

Cause of failure

Problems with the toilet must be solved promptly, most often the system can be configured independently. To do this, you should have an elementary idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe device. The installation consists of a frame, a tank, a connection of sewer pipes and suspended plumbing fixtures. The breakdown can concern any of these elements.

When buying an installation and a toilet, you should not save, in the future, excessive frugality may affect the need for repairs. A good frame is made of stainless steel, can withstand a load of 700-800 kg, and a high-quality toilet bowl - up to 400 kg. Frames made of weak materials can bend under a weight of 80 kg, and cheap toilet bowls can hold a weight of no more than 100 kg.

The plastic container of the tank can be broken if not installed correctly: a small chip or skew will subsequently crack. Sealant will not help, you should change the tank. Wear of plastic, silicone or rubber parts and gaskets inside the tank can be easily replaced. The cause of the breakdown may be steel leaks in the places of sewer connections or clogging of the filter, which stands at the water supply. The toilet itself can also fail, an ordinary chip will lead to leakage. Violations may be in the system for draining fluid into the sewer or adjusting the flush.

Metal construction with special fixtures, designed for fixing plumbing fixtures, is called installation. It is used for mounting bidets, sinks, and toilets. Plumbing attached to the wall helps save space and create a feeling of lightness. In addition, installation installation helps hide all communications and pipes, which are located in the wall, allowing you to achieve an attractive appearance of the room and hygiene.

Types of installations for the toilet

To date, there are 2 types of installations that have their own design features.

    Block structures mounted only on the main walls and consist of a plastic tank with fittings. A set of fasteners is additionally attached to the toilet bowl. This type of installation for toilets is installed in a pre-prepared niche and is completely hidden in the wall. The main advantage of this design is accessibility, but if there are no main walls in the bathroom, then installation is impossible.

    Frame installations they are a reliable steel frame with studs to which the toilet bowl, drain system, tank or other equipment is attached. According to the standard, a distance of 18 or 23 cm should be maintained between the studs.

This type of installation can be attached in different ways. :

    on the main wall at 4 points;

    on the wall and floor, at 2 points that are located in each of the surfaces.

Installation for toilet bowls of this type may be angled , which allows you to mount it at the joints of walls or partitions. This design is more expensive than the block version and gives a wide scope for design ideas.

Installation applied to the wall-hung toilet, has standard sizes :

  • The width of the bowl is 300 - 400 mm;
  • The height is 300 - 400 mm;
  • The length of the bowl from the front edge to the wall is 500 - 600 mm.

Block structures are located in the wall at a depth of 100 - 150 mm, their width does not exceed 600 mm, and their height is 1000 mm.

As for frame installations, their depth is 1050 - 300 mm, the width does not exceed 600 mm, and the height is 1400 mm. When mounted on a sloping wall surface or in an attic, the height can be reduced to 800 mm.

The convenience and quality of operation of plumbing equipment will depend on the correct choice of a suitable installation, fittings and barrel.

Do not forget that the structure is located in the wall, which is then sealed. To replace the installation, it will be necessary to break the wall, and this entails unnecessary material costs and inconvenience.

Advantages and disadvantages of toilet bowls and installations. What's better?

Hanging toilet bowls and installations have their advantages and disadvantages, let's consider them in more detail.

The benefits include:

  • Compact dimensions . The product takes up very little space, allows you to visually expand the space;
  • No noise from draining water due to the fact that the wall closes the barrel;
  • Convenient care . It will be much easier for the hostess to keep the bathroom clean, so cleaning will take less time and will not cause unnecessary trouble;
  • Water saving provided by a separate drain system. If necessary, you can use a strong or weak flow;
  • Reliability and durability of the design . The installation is able to withstand heavy loads;
  • Ease of decorating a bathroom . The hanging toilet does not interfere with the installation of the underfloor heating system or the laying of tiles.

Concerning disadvantages of installation installation , it can be noted here:

  • Lack of free access to pipes and various modifications, since they are all hidden in the wall;
  • To eliminate tank breakdowns, additional labor and financial costs will be required. Although malfunctions in the operation of the structure are quite rare;
  • Installing a toilet installation may require whole bathroom renovation ;
  • Classic toilets can be located near any walls, and block installations require high-quality support for installation , that is, the main wall.

What is a classic toilet?

Classic toilet- this is a structure, behind which there is a drain barrel, it is attached to the floor. Thanks to the traditional shape, this model can be mounted anywhere in the bathroom. In height, the standard product will be about 50 cm higher than the suspended one.

The design of modern toilet bowls, like colors, can be varied. But in the presence of any stylistic decision, the drain tank will always be monolithic with the toilet and located outside.

What is the difference between installations and classic toilets?

The main technical characteristics of standard toilet bowls and installations were described above, now let's see how these models differ.
  1. Installation installation can be carried out anywhere in the monolithic wall . The design is very stable, withstands impressive loads, so there is no doubt about its reliability;
  2. The installation does an excellent job of saving space, facilitating the cleaning process. . The leg, which the classic toilet has, is absent in this case, which helps to avoid the accumulation of dirt and bacteria;
  3. The structure is mounted on a rigid steel frame with rods that can be pulled out . This helps to choose the most appropriate height of the installation system for the toilet;
  4. Tanks for installation are installed in niches made of Styrofoam, which prevents condensation. In front of the tank has a hole designed for the drain button through a special panel;
  5. The installation is connected to the plumbing system through holes located in the side of the tank . As a rule, manufacturing companies make several holes that correspond to different pipe sizes;
  6. Inside the installation tank there is a special valve that shuts off the water , as well as protection against water overflow and a drain control system. These qualities allow you to regulate or stop the water supply if necessary.

How to do the installation yourself?

If you decide to install the installation yourself, you must remember that the quality of the work performed and the serviceability of the entire structure will depend on the accuracy and correct sequence of all actions. Of the tools you will need :

  • Building level;
  • Marker;
  • Perforator;
  • Roulette;
  • Drill for concrete with dimensions that correspond to the parameters of the fasteners;
  • Ring spanners.

Step-by-step instructions for installing a wall-hung toilet

  1. Taking measurements and marking

From the very beginning, the central axis of the device is revealed, which is indicated by a line. Further, the distance from the wall to the installation structure is noted, which should not be less than 13.5 mm. After that, it is worth finding out at what height the drain tank will be located. Usually its height does not exceed 1 m. On the surfaces of the floor and walls, places are marked where holes will subsequently be made for mounting fasteners.

  1. Preparing the Fastener System

With a puncher, it is necessary to drill holes that completely coincide with the marks made earlier. Dowels should be inserted into the holes, and then fixing anchors.

  1. Installation installation

The installation design is mounted in a pre-prepared place. It is fixed using special nuts and screws. The case is exposed simultaneously both on the vertical and horizontal levels, and then this position is fixed with the help of plugs.

  1. Pipe laying

To connect the toilet to the plumbing system, you must use plastic clamps that fix the pipes from the sewer and from the tank. After carrying out these works, you should check how well they were carried out.

  1. Installing the toilet bowl

When performing the installation, carefully adjust the pipes that connect the toilet bowl and the installation. In total there are 2 branch pipes: one for clean water, and the second for sewage. Such connecting parts are original, therefore they are always included with the product.

Before installation, a special cushion is installed for shock absorption, and couplings made from PVC are put on the studs. After that, the toilet is installed on the studs and fixed.

For a more accurate idea of ​​the necessary work, you can watch a video with the installation of the installation.

Cost and equipment of the main models of installations

  1. Included with hanging toilet Geberit includes installation, set of fasteners, flush key, toilet bowl, lid, gasket for soundproofing. The cost of such a product will be slightly higher than 15,000 rubles.
  2. Toilet Normus sold in a set with a frame for mounting, a toilet bowl, a cover-seat, a flush panel. The price is slightly higher than 8,000 rubles.
  3. Toilet bowl Parva complete with installation, seat, drain button and bowl, costs a little less than 9,000 rubles.


Grohe toilet installation - advantages and disadvantages

Grohe is a German brand of sanitary ware , which is in high demand among our compatriots.

The Grohe Rapid toilet installation system is characterized by reliability and ease of installation, which is why they are increasingly used in the formation of modern interiors. Most people dream of seeing their home not only functional, comfortable, but also aesthetically attractive. The latest design trends are aimed at creating an open space where everything is compact and comfortable. The Grohe installation fully complies with these requirements, and also makes it easier to clean the room.

Installation versatility for Grohe toilets gives users complete freedom in designing and decorating the interior of the bathroom. Anything that can limit your activity is fantasy.

The Grohe installation has many positive characteristics, including practically silent water drain. This advantage is not available for classic toilet models. The flush panels in Groy's installation can have one or two buttons. If you choose the latter option, you can save water by using minimal flushing when needed.

the only disadvantage structures can be considered high cost, which varies depending on the model from 2,500 to 10,000 rubles.

Features of installation installation Groe

Installation of the Grohe installation is carried out quickly, since the number of fasteners is minimal. When carrying out work, some nuances should be taken into account:

  1. Completion of the installation is carried out 10 days after the finishing work;
  2. Installation of pipes is carried out after measurements. Their fitting must be carried out very carefully, since these elements are not sold separately;
  3. Installation of couplings and a special shock-absorbing pad is mandatory. Only after that you can install the toilet bowl;
  4. The drain button is mounted exactly according to the attached instructions;
  5. If all the work was carried out correctly, then there will be no leaks, and the drain button will be pressed easily.

Gerebit installation - advantages and disadvantages

Gerebit is a product made in Switzerland . The brand has long been known for its high quality around the world.

Gerebit installation for the toilet allows you to shape the space of the bathroom at your discretion, while saving space is obvious. Ease of installation and operation is another advantage of the user-friendly design.

The Gerebit installation is able to reduce water consumption due to the technological structure of the drain panel with two buttons. Drainage of water is almost silent, which brings the owners a feeling of comfort and coziness. The Gerebit installation for the toilet provides a single connection between the pipe and the tank, which protects the entire system from leaks.

Another important positive feature of the Gerebit installation is the reliable frame design, which is made of steel coated with an anti-corrosion compound. The cost of the structure can be considered the only drawback, since it is 15,200 rubles.

Mounting features Gerebit installation

The installation of the installation for the Gerebit wall-mounted toilet bowl is carried out according to the principle described above. The manufacturer produces universal models suitable for installation almost anywhere in the room, including under the window.

Another nuance is the existence of Delta models, which are mounted not only on load-bearing walls, but also on less durable surfaces. Such an installation of Giberit has a reinforced lower support, so its reliability and stability will be at the highest level.

Having understood the types of designs, you can decide which installation to choose for your own home.

The German company Grohe is considered one of the most reliable and largest manufacturers of sanitary equipment. Its products have gained popularity among Russian consumers due to their high quality and durability. The company's products are also distinguished by their magnificent appearance. Toilets and installations for them are in high demand. Next, let's take a closer look at the Groe systems.

general information

Grohe toilet installations are lightweight. This, in turn, greatly facilitates their installation. In addition, the products are reliable and durable. It is also worth noting that the Grohe toilet installation is also suitable for sanitary ware from other manufacturers. Products are ideal for installation not only in domestic bathrooms, but also in public buildings. Products are characterized by high wear resistance, practicality and durability. The Grohe installation can be mounted anywhere in the bathroom. This is of particular importance in the process of interior design. Installation for Grohe meets all existing quality standards.

Main advantages and disadvantages

Among the advantages that the Grohe installation has, it should be noted:

During operation, the systems do not require maintenance for a long period. Thanks to the EcoJoy technology, it saves a lot on flushing. The Whisper system allows you to reduce the volume of noise during operation. There is a product, however, and a significant drawback. It consists in the high price of products. A high-quality Grohe installation costs between 2.5-10 thousand rubles (depending on the model). However, the quality and reliability of products fully justifies its cost.

Design features

Installation: general information

The installation is equipped with the QuickFix system. The innovative technology that was used in the development of the fasteners of the product allows for quick installation. Fixation is carried out using the minimum number of elements. Thanks to the built-in centering mechanism, a high quality installation is guaranteed.

Mounting Features

Installation is carried out no earlier than 10 days after the completion of all rough finishing work in the bathroom. If tiles were previously laid on the walls, the composition for its fixation should gain the necessary strength and dry well. Otherwise, the material may not withstand the load. Before installation, all measurements should be carefully taken and the connecting pipes of the drain sewer should be adjusted to the required parameters. This must be done carefully, without making mistakes, since these elements are supplied exclusively with the system and it is problematic to find them on the free market.

Installation progress

Couplings should be put on the studs, then lay the damping pad. After that, the bowl and nozzles are fastened. Fixing must be done by alternately tightening the nuts until the toilet is in place. After installation, a control drain is performed. If there are no leaks, proceed to install the button. Before doing this, you should carefully read the recommendations in the instructions. Pusher hoses are cut exactly to the size shown on the drawing. It is best to position the drain button along the seam of the tile or in the center. With a quality installation, the elements of the system should not leak. The drain button, when properly installed, should be smooth and easy to press. Bowl deflection under load is not allowed. Due to the fact that the installation of the installation system is carried out before the fine finishing, before installation, all openings in the pipes and the drain tank should be closed with plugs to prevent debris from entering.


Various models of installation systems are equipped with additional elements. Due to their presence, the quality and convenience of both the installation itself and the subsequent operation of the product are significantly improved. The installation system allows you to mask all communications that have an unaesthetic appearance and spoil the interior of the bathroom. As a result, the design of the room only wins. Thanks to a wide variety of product range, each consumer can choose the most suitable version of the installation system for himself, both in terms of cost and modification. Installed products have a fairly long service life. Grohe has received numerous awards for the quality and perfection of its products.