How to make a small woodshed with your own hands. Woodsheds for summer cottages are beautiful and useful buildings. Making a compact wood burner for your home

On their private plots, the owners set up saunas, baths, and create cozy living rooms with a fireplace. At the dacha they use stove heating or potbelly stoves, barbecues and brick barbecues for cooking. And in order to use all this, you need firewood, and large quantities that need to be stored somewhere. Storage areas are organized specifically for firewood, which fit well into the design of the yard. Craftsmen make such firewood racks with their own hands.

Why do you need a firewood rack?

Drovnitsa is a structure for storing firewood that performs the following functions:

  • saves optimal humidity timber (15–20%) - firewood is not left outside under open air, bad weather can destroy all supplies. Storage in a shed and garage does not solve the problem, since these structures are intended for other purposes. Improper ventilation in the garage leads to rotting firewood supplies;
  • organizes the storage of heating materials - scattered pieces of wood look sloppy, stacked pieces also spoil the landscape of the site. Firewood is stored in the woodshed to maintain order in the yard;
  • decorates the yard - the original firewood shed looks interesting and gives the yard a well-groomed appearance. A unique design solution is the imaginative stacking of firewood in the storage area;
  • allows you to store firewood in direct access for heating in winter period- in order not to go outside to get firewood in cold weather, a small structure for storing it is placed indoors. Forged woodpiles with patterns, in addition to convenience, add coziness to the living room with a fireplace. Small metal firewood holders are included with the fireplace. They are performed in different styles- classic, patterned, abstract. They are safe to use.

Regardless of whether you are harvesting wood for a bathhouse or for heating your home, those logs that have been stored dry will bring the greatest efficiency.


Firewood racks vary in material, location, and shape.

A structure for storing firewood can be created from scrap materials:

  • logs;
  • boards, timber and other timber;
  • wooden pallets;
  • , foam blocks, bricks;
  • from profiles or round metal pipes;
  • fittings.

The roof of the structure is made of slate, corrugated board, plywood, metal sheets, roofing felt, linoleum.

The forms of firewood can be very different - from classic to original

Depending on the location of the firewood sheds, there are:

  • street;
  • indoor;
  • permanent;
  • portable.

In addition, firewood is stored in wooden barrels and concrete well rings. Such firewood racks are used for zoning space personal plot, making low walls out of them. If there is a bench near the barbecue, then the materials can be beautifully and compactly folded under it.

DIY metal firewood rack

Metal structures for storing timber look attractive, are durable and easy to construct.

Aluminum firewood profile pipes The owner assembles it in a few hours, it is inexpensive, and lasts for many years.

For a metal firewood rack, the owner will need:

  • aluminum profile 2.5 m long - 1 pc.;
  • aluminum bracket 2.5 m long - 2 pcs.;
  • self-tapping screws - 1 pack;
  • paint for the final coating of the structure;
  • tape measure or measuring tape;
  • Bulgarian;
  • drill and metal drill bit;
  • level.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

The version made from aluminum profiles can be assembled in 3 hours.

Basic steps to create a structure for storing firewood from metal:

  1. The profile is sawn in half.
  2. One bracket is cut into four equal parts (for vertical posts).
  3. The second bracket is cut into the following parts: 4 pieces of 30 cm each; 4 pieces of 15 cm; 4 pieces of 5 cm for legs.

    The firewood shed for this project is the most budget option

  4. Collect side racks. Vertical supports are parts of the bracket 60 cm long. The horizontal crossbars between them are segments of the bracket 30 cm long.

    The parts are fastened with self-tapping screws or bolts, having previously drilled holes

  5. Side posts connect aluminum profile 60 cm long.
  6. Attach the support legs.

    Since the design is small in size, you can work on a table

  7. Screw the support brackets (15 cm) at an angle of 45˚.

    Support brackets are needed to enhance the reliability of the structure

  8. The finished firewood box is painted and then placed on a bed of gravel. The firewood is stacked after drying.

The structure will look stylish if you cover it with matte black paint

Profile firewood racks are mobile and easy to move, having previously prepared the site.

Small metal structures are used when logs are needed to light a barbecue or fireplace and are not the only means of heating a residential building.

Do-it-yourself wood firewood

You can make a wooden stand yourself. In this case, improvised means or purchased material are used. The presented design can be assembled in 2 hours.

Required tools and materials

For the simplest wooden firewood you will need:

  • 2 long boards of 150 cm and 4 short boards of 34 cm for the lower frame;
  • 4 long bars of 150 cm each and 2 short bars of 34 cm each for the side posts;
  • 2 boards 145 cm each;
  • miter saw;
  • jigsaw;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • This basic design if necessary, can be upgraded with a roof and floor

    The back wall of the firewood can be the wall of a house, garage or barn. You just need to be sure that in this place there is no increased dampness and drains are properly organized.

    Do-it-yourself firewood racks are always unique in appearance. Craftsmen put their soul into the result of their work. In addition, the owner builds the structure based on his needs, so it will be useful and convenient. If the aesthetic side does not matter to the owner, the firewood rack is made in the backyard, so it does not spoil appearance plot.

– all this runs on wood. Therefore, if you like to sit in front of the fireplace on a cool evening and invite friends for a barbecue, you should take care of a sufficient supply of firewood. A structure such as a woodshed will keep the logs dry, protect them from dampness, and they will also be collected in one place and not scattered around the yard.

If the firewood shed is also decorated and finished, then it will become not just an outbuilding, but also an element of the decor of the site. How to make a beautiful and functional firewood shed at your dacha with your own hands, read further in the article.

There are two types of log storage shed:

Typically, a woodshed in a dacha is built with lattice walls or gaps between the boards. Experts advise cutting lumber at an angle. This is necessary so that during snowfall and oblique winds precipitation does not penetrate inside the structure.

The second option implies the following: on frame basis a lattice of thin slats is made. They're stuffing themselves in various ways: horizontal, vertical, oblique. The main thing is that there are many cracks for ventilation.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of whether the method of placing the slats affects the duration of drying firewood, since no comparative experiments have been carried out. Among private observations, the following is noted: a certain craftsman insists that his method of installing planks allows him to dry the supplies in one month. He nails the boards diagonally, changing the direction on each wall.

As for the cracks, their size varies from 2 to 10 cm, which is also affected by the width of the boards. In regions with heavy snowfall, gaps that are too wide will cause sediment to clog. In other cases, the boards are mounted at a large distance from each other, which saves material.

In some cases, a door is attached to the woodshed, resulting in a full-fledged woodshed. However, most often such a structure lacks not only a door, but also a front wall, which is necessary to ensure active ventilation. Basically, these elements are needed to protect the timber from thieves.

Method of arranging firewood under a canopy

In a small woodshed, the logs are arranged in one row, that is, everything is easy and accessible. If the building is large and involves loading several loads of firewood, it is recommended to divide the available space into parts. In this case, there will be no mixing and overlapping of already dried logs with newly imported, raw logs.

In a square building, consider the arrangement of the sections in such a way as to provide passage inside to dry firewood. To do this, you should leave in the center small space. There should be no more than two rows of logs between you and the wall. In a rectangular woodshed, the area is divided into sectors using partitions.

It is necessary to say a few words about the height of the outbuilding. As a rule, for a summer house used only in warm time year, about two cubes of raw materials are required, so the woodshed is made small size. If you plan to heat the house and bathhouse, you should build a more solid structure. In this case, despite the shape of the building (square or rectangular), the height should be more than two meters. This way you can fill the shed with logs right up to the ceiling, not forgetting to leave a ventilation gap at the top.

DIY design

Before constructing a structure, it is necessary to study various projects dacha woodsheds to find for your site suitable option, which will fit in size and style.

We will divide all the work on building a homemade woodshed into successive stages.

Stage 1: preparatory

1. Where to put the woodshed.

This issue needs attention special attention. After all, a shed for storing logs is an outbuilding, so it is important that it is not visible. At the same time, it should be positioned so that you don’t have to walk too far to get firewood. It is necessary to take into account a few more points: convenient access for a car bringing timber, and maximum proximity to the barn.

It would be a good idea to use a site plan to select an area for constructing a structure for firewood. Draw a diagram and, taking into account the points described above, select optimal place. Don’t forget that the woodshed at the dacha can be attached to the building or erected as a separate structure.

2. We make the drawing.

The diagram will be required if you plan to store not only firewood in the woodshed, but also tools, as well as other rarely used things.

By drawing up a drawing, you can accurately calculate the area for a certain supply of firewood, which depends on many factors. For example, to heat a house of 100 square meters. m during the cold period, more than 2 cubic meters will be required. m of dried pine raw materials or 1.7 cubic meters. m of birch.

Fuel material is considered dry if its moisture content after one year of storage in the woodshed does not exceed 20%.

Fresh firewood costs several times more. In addition, it is required to create a fuel supply for at least two seasons. The number of prepared logs is influenced by the characteristics of the stove or fireplace used, as well as the efficiency heating device. Raw materials for baths, barbecues and other things are also added here.

3. Materials and tools required for the work.

There are no special requirements for the material. Once you have decided on the type of future structure, you can start purchasing the necessary products. It is not prohibited to use beams, bricks and other materials left over from previous construction or obtained from dismantling an old structure for the construction of a firewood shed.

As for the tools, in our work we will need:

  • hacksaw;
  • hammer;
  • pliers;
  • plumb line;
  • twine;
  • ladder.

Stage 2: construction of the structure

In this section we will talk about how to build different types woodshed: stationary, wall-mounted and portable.

Stationary type design

It should be noted that this is not a permanent structure, although it is built on a columnar foundation.

Step 1: reliability and durability of the firewood ensure foundation columns, for which holes are dug to a depth not less than the level of soil freezing, followed by concreting. Another option is layer-by-layer pouring of sand and crushed stone into the holes with mandatory compaction. Simply digging in posts is not recommended, as the structure may become unstable, especially in the spring.

Step 2: installation of brick columns on the foundation, fastening them with mortar. For a small woodshed, four elements will be enough, but for a larger structure, a larger number will be required.

Step 3: framing. To do this, we take a beam measuring 150x200 mm. We fix the beams together with metal corners and screws or simply with long self-tapping screws. Don't forget that everything wooden elements need pre-treatment special solutions, increasing resistance to moisture, as well as fire and insects.

Step 4: we carry out waterproofing using pieces of roofing felt folded in half.

Wall-mounted woodshed

Such a structure is best erected near the northern wall of a house or utility block. The reason for this lies in the fact that firewood does not tolerate the sun well. Good natural ventilation is recommended for drying.
When setting up a homemade wall-mounted woodshed in the country, do not forget to consider one important point: the likelihood of water flowing from the walls and roof of the building. To prevent such a situation, the structure should be moved slightly away from the side element of the building or the roof option should be chosen correctly.

A distinctive feature of such a wall-mounted woodshed is the fact that the structure is hidden behind the house. The remaining points regarding the construction process are similar to the stages of constructing a free-standing structure.

Portable woodcutter

Available in stores wide range similar sheds for storing logs. Alternatively, such a firewood rack can be purchased at finished form, order from a workshop or build it yourself. This is a labor-intensive process, but it is still accessible to everyone: just use your imagination and be patient. In addition, any available material is suitable for these purposes.

Let's consider several options for creating a homemade portable firewood burner.

1. From an old wooden barrel:

This model is suitable for installation near a fireplace.

2. From an old rabbitry.

A small firewood shed can be made from unwanted rabbit hutch. To do this, we remove the front panels, namely the doors and the mesh. We repair the roof, and that’s it: our structure for storing logs is ready for use.

If all that remains of the rabbitry is metal frame, we move it to the chosen place, we cover it with mesh or wood, we build simple roof and use it to store fuel.

3. From old pallets.

Let's define what pallets are. This is a storage container for installation and movement various goods. This stand has a wide and strong base, as well as slots between the padded boards. We stack them on top of each other, getting a cube, and remove one face. All that remains is to make the roof, for which you can take roofing felt, thick oilcloth or other material. Below is a video that shows the technology for making firewood from pallets.

Woodshed from an old car

Most country property owners, one way or another, are faced with the problem of storing firewood on their property. This publication will describe in detail how to create a convenient wood burner with your own hands, consider diagrams and materials suitable for self-construction designs.

Basic requirements for the design

Wood-burning stoves have been used by people since ancient times for cooking and heating their homes. For such equipment to operate efficiently, fuel of appropriate quality is required. A wood shed (wood shed, firewood shed, woodpile) is a simple structure in the form of a canopy that provides the ability to dry and store supplies of firewood.

Despite the simplicity of the design, a number of serious requirements are imposed on this building:

  1. Protecting fuel reserves from atmospheric precipitation. Based on this requirement, the structure must have a roof and floor that protect the fuel from moisture
  2. Free access to firewood. Before you build a woodshed with your own hands, study the projects, choose suitable place for the construction of a building.
  3. Good ventilation of the internal space for proper circulation air in the woodpile.
  4. Necessary capacity. The structure must provide the ability to store firewood reserves in quantities sufficient for seasonal use.

In addition, the woodshed in the country should have an attractive appearance, for which it is often decorated decorative finishing. The area around the building is planted with decorative grapes.

Types of woodburners and features of their design

Despite the diversity of architectural and design solutions, there are two types of woodburners:

  • free-standing;
  • attached.

The simplest free-standing woodshed is a canopy on metal support pillars without any fencing. Strapping for roofing a wooden beam serves. The floor in such structures is most often made of pallets laid directly on the ground or cinder block supports. A more serious version of the woodshed is a permanent woodshed on a foundation with wooden walls in the form of a lattice.

The attached structure can be made in the form of a canopy attached to the wall of a permanent building or a full-fledged canopy. The wall of the structure will act as a blind fence.

Without a doubt, the second option is much easier to implement, however, attaching firewood to wooden buildings not recommended for two reasons:

  1. Fire hazard. A woodshed is a structure for storing fuel. Any spark can ignite the wood, causing a fire.
  2. Insects that live in abundance in wood and can quickly destroy wooden structure, even treated with bioprotection.

If there is no other option than attaching a woodshed to a wooden wall of the house, then experts recommend insulating the surface adjacent to the structure with a steel sheet.

There is another type of woodshedder – mobile. This design is made in the form of a metal stand and is used for storing firewood indoors directly next to the stove or fireplace. A portable metal woodcutter can be decorative item interior design that fits into the overall decor of the room.

We build a woodshed with our own hands

Before building a woodshed, the developer will have to answer a number of questions:

  1. Size of the structure.
  2. Choosing a location to place the structure.
  3. The optimal type of wood burner.
  4. Design of the structure.
  5. Selection of necessary materials.

Let's consider the solution to some issues in more detail.

Dimensions and capacity

If the supply of firewood is intended to be used not for seasonal heating of the house and cooking, but only from time to time for lighting a fire or barbecue, then very little firewood will be needed. In this case, you can limit yourself to the construction of a separate shed or a small shed, which will perform two functions at once: a warehouse and a utility unit.

If full heating is planned country house, then a larger structure should be erected, located near the house.

To determine the dimensions of a future building, it is enough to know the volume of fuel consumed.

The second way to determine the dimensions of a woodshed is the availability of the material that is planned to be used for its construction.

Choosing a location on the site

The dimensions, purpose and type of future construction will be decisive when choosing the location of the structure:

  1. If you plan to use firewood exclusively for lighting the barbecue, then the best option would be to build a woodshed with your own hands with a pitched roof, located in the recreation area.
  2. As a rule, a building for storing firewood is not an architectural masterpiece, so the best option is to place it in a corner in the backyard of the site.
  3. When designing such a structure, one should take into account the possibility of a free approach and the presence of a path with high-quality coating. This will ensure access to the woodpile during rain and winter.
  4. The place for storing firewood should not be located in a low area where moisture accumulates.
  5. The building will inevitably create shadows, which may interfere with the growth of green spaces. Choose a place free of vegetation for the woodpile.

Despite the fact that a wood shed or shed is located on your own land and is not qualified by law as a permanent structure, you should not place this structure, guided only by your own preferences. If the building interferes with the normal use of the adjacent plot, the neighbors can go to court and demand that the nuisance be eliminated, including moving the building, which is associated with additional financial costs.

Selecting the type of storage and materials for its creation

When choosing a woodpile design, most developers start from the budget, comparing it with the desired result. The simplest design is attached canopy with a floor and three enclosing walls.

Attached canopy

First of all, study the legislation, and specifically GOST 21.501-93, GOST 21.204-93. After which:

  1. Draw a sketch. This will allow you to determine the dimensions of the building, the angle of the roof, and the option of joining the roof to the wall of the barn.
  2. Prepare materials to create the supporting structure and roof. An edged board or timber is optimal material to create a frame. A wooden strip is suitable for creating a side fence. Sheets of corrugated sheets, metal tiles, and polycarbonate can be used to create a roof.
  3. Count the materials. To support a roof with an area of ​​up to 5 m2, pine boards with a section of 100x50 mm can be used. If the roof area exceeds 5m2, then use timber with a section of 100x100 mm. For all cases apply wooden rafters 100x50 (on edge) with sheathing made of boards 100x25 mm.
  4. Provide a foundation, the design of which and its depth depend on the type of soil and the depth of its freezing.

Freestanding woodshed made of polycarbonate

The design can become not only a functional solution, but also a decoration for your site.

The popularity of this material is due to its low cost and good quality characteristics. To make the frame, a profiled pipe with a cross-section of 40x25 mm is used. The roof support structure is created from a steel strip or metal angle. Polycarbonate is mounted using special fasteners.

Many domestic summer residents are interested in how to make a woodshed near a bathhouse? The simplest option is to assemble a metal frame, which can be sheathed with sheets of polycarbonate or corrugated sheets.

When creating an arched roof, stiffener channels in the sheets cellular polycarbonate oriented parallel to the bend line.

Classic woodpile

In some cases, you can limit yourself to the construction of a classic cylindrical woodpile, which copes with the tasks quite well.

Right assembled structure It is durable, spacious, does not spoil the appearance of the site, and the firewood in such a woodpile dries quickly enough.

Woodshed made from pallets

One of the most budget ways construction of a storage facility for storing firewood - a firewood shed made from pallets.

It is very simple to assemble such a structure:

  1. Prepare the area.
  2. Lay out the pallets that will act as the floor.
  3. At the ends, secure them together with a solid board.
  4. To create walls, use pallets installed vertically.
  5. By using metal corners secure them to the base.
  6. Place a board on the edge in the front part of the structure, securing it between the side walls. It will support the pallets that serve as the roof.

The last step is to treat the structure with an antifungal compound.

Do-it-yourself wood firewood: stages of construction

As an example, consider the stages self-creation detached wooden structure summer cottage. The first thing you need to do is choose a place to install the structure. Best option installations - elevation on the site. This arrangement will prevent flooding of the building.

To assemble a woodshed for your summer house with your own hands, you need drawings.

We present an example of a reliable and spacious structure with a pitched roof and the possibility of installing doors to transform the woodshed into a permanent shed:

  1. To create a reliable supporting structure we will use metal pipes. To do this, you need to drill holes, as shown in the drawing. Depth – below the freezing point. A layer of crushed stone is placed at the bottom of each hole. Layer thickness – 100 mm. Pipes are installed in the prepared pits and concreted.
  2. After the concrete has hardened, it is created top harness frame. For this, use a 150x50 mm board.
  3. At a height of 100 mm from the ground, a beam with a cross-section of 100x100 mm is attached to the frame, which will be used as a lower frame and supporting structure.
  4. Logs are laid on the timber. To make them, use a 100x25 pine board laid on edge. The distance between the logs is 400 - 500 mm.
  5. They lay it on the joists floorboard. The best option— lumber with a section of 100x25 mm.
  6. The frame of the woodshed is sheathed edged board. Installation is carried out with gaps for better ventilation.
  7. To create rafter system lumber with a cross section of 100x50 mm is used. The lathing is made with a board with a section of 100x25 mm.

To ensure protection of firewood from moisture, it is necessary to provide overhangs in the roof structure. The minimum length of overhangs is 300 mm.

After erecting the building, it is necessary to treat the lumber with an antiseptic. The last question remains: how to paint the woodshed? The right paint should protect the wood from moisture, UV radiation, protect the material from insects and pathogenic microorganisms(fungi, mold). Besides this, good paint must be resistant to abrasion and provide a decorative component over a long period of time. All of the above qualities have latex paints, which, according to professionals, have virtually no disadvantages.

Woodcutter with female hands - video

Most of our country is heated by wood stoves. If not at home, then at the dacha or in the bathhouse you definitely need firewood. But firewood is bought raw and needs to be dried somewhere. To do this, they are put in woodpiles or special sheds are built - woodsheds or woodsheds (they say differently in different regions). The design is simple and making a woodshed with your own hands is not a difficult task.

What are there

If you do not pay attention to the size, there are two types of sheds for firewood - attached to the wall of a building or standing separately. It is clear that it is easier and faster to install, but this is not always possible. Or rather, not with all buildings: to be attached to wooden walls dangerous. And not only from the point of view fire safety. With the firewood comes a whole army of wood-boring beetles, which will happily take on your home. Because to wooden buildings, even with wood treated with bioprotection, it is better not to build woodsheds, but if you really want to, then nail an iron sheet to the wall. As in the photo. He must be more sizes woodcutter Then all the bugs (most of them, for sure) will remain in the firewood.

Separately standing woodshedders can be completely open - several pillars, a couple of lintels and a roof. The main thing is that the roof is large enough: it is advisable to make larger overhangs. And the rest will be completed by air and sun. They say they dry no worse than in more closed structures. In regions with heavy snowfall, to prevent snow from getting inside for the winter, sheets of plywood are attached (attached) below. They are removed in the spring.

How are walls made?

More often, woodsheds are built with lattice or slotted walls. It is better if the boards are stuffed at some angle - like blinds. Then, even with oblique winds, little precipitation gets inside. But even if the boards are filled at some intervals, everything dries well.

Boards/slats are placed on the frame mostly horizontally, sometimes vertically; they also make lattices from thin planks or place them diagonally. In any case, there should be a lot of cracks for ventilation.

Does the drying speed depend on the method of installing the planks? No comparisons have been made, so it’s difficult to say for sure. But one owner claims that if you lay the boards diagonally (he has 10 cm with a 2 cm gap), with each wall in a different direction, it dries faster and faster: in a month.

About the size of the slots: they are made from 2 cm to 10 cm. But it also depends on the width of the board. If you leave the gaps very wide, snow will sweep in a lot. If there is little snow or you are not concerned about the amount of snow, you can fill the boards less often. It's also more economical.

Not all woodsheds have doors (those with doors are also called a “woodshed”), as in the version in the photo. Often there is not even a front wall: this allows for more active ventilation. The front wall and doors are needed if stealing occurs in your area, but in general you can do without them.

Log location

Now a little about the structure of the woodshed. If it is small and everything fits in one row, then there are no special problems - everything is accessible. But if large volumes are loaded, it is better to divide the area into sectors into which batches of firewood will be loaded. Thus, previously imported and already dried out ones will not be covered by fresh ones.

If the woodshed is square, arrange the sections so that you can reach inside to remove the driest logs. To do this, a passage is left in the middle. In terms of depth, it should not be up to the wall, but it is advisable that only one, or maximum two, rows of logs separate you from the wall (and in general it depends on the volume) - this way they will all be accessible. It’s easier with rectangular ones: they are simply separated by non-sectors by a partition. For example, as in the photo.

This is such a large shed for firewood - each section fits one car - about 4 cubic meters. Rear wall not solid, if you look closely, there are holes there.

And a little about height. You don’t need a large woodcutter for a (seasonal) dacha. All you need is one or two cubes for heating in the fall/spring, and even then only for the weekend. But if you have to heat a house, and even a bathhouse, you will have to build something solid. Then, regardless of the layout - long or square, the height is about 2 meters. With average height, you can load it almost to the ceiling. but there should be a ventilation gap at the top.

We build a woodshed with our own hands

In this section we will describe how the woodshed was built near the house. The construction and painting took three days “without stress.” Built according to type.


Internal dimensions are 1.8 * 3.7 m, the height of the front pillars is 2.45 m, the rear pillars are 2.2 m. The total volume is 13 cubic meters, but a maximum of two cars are loaded - no more than 10 cubic meters. Moreover, they leave paths inside - to make it easier to take, they don’t load it to the top - not everyone in the family is tall. If the load is full, it is advisable to install additional jibs: so that the weight of the firewood does not squeeze out the sheathing boards.

The frame is made of timber - racks, the lower and upper trim are made of 100*100 mm timber. The timber is pre-impregnated with used machine oil. Everything was assembled end-to-end, with nails, and reinforced with corners on screws. For the supports, standard small foundation blocks 200*200*600 mm were purchased in the amount of 6 pieces.

Construction step by step

The beginning of the construction of the firewood shed is standard - leveling the site and aligning the blocks. If the soils are viscous (clay loams, black soil), it is better to do sand and gravel cushion. Dig small pits 20-25 cm deep, pour and compact crushed stone, and place blocks on top.

Leveling the site is the first step in building a woodshed

Two layers of roofing material are laid on the blocks, timber is laid on top. The harness does not connect with the support in any way. If you wish, you can drill holes and hammer in the studs.

First, we laid out the beams of the lower frame and fastened them with nails (80*3 mm). Then screws were screwed into the corners. The next step is installing the racks. They are placed in the corners and above intermediate support. The rear pillars are shorter than the front ones - so that there is a roof slope. They, too, were first placed vertically (checked with a plumb line), and hammered in obliquely with nails - two on each side. Then they secured them with corners on screws - two per rack. If there are concerns, you can also screw/nail the plates to each rack from the outside.

The entrance to the woodshed is located in the center. Because of this, the racks are offset and not installed above the support block. As a result, there is a slight deflection. To eliminate it, place four blocks in the first row, taking into account that the middle will be occupied by the entrance. Especially if there are doors: they place a significant load on the racks, so they need support.

Once the posts are in place, it's time to assemble the roof. First I nailed the side boards at the top. They are installed on the same level with the upper trim of the rear, shorter part (seen in the photo below). They and the rafters are made of 50*100 mm boards, the lathing is made of 30*100 mm boards.

As roofing material I used a corrugated sheet and laid the boards flat underneath it. The roof overhangs are about 35 cm, the side projections are about the same. The size of the roof was selected so that there were no scraps: exactly four sheets were used.

Roofing felt is laid under the corrugated sheet to prevent condensation from dripping onto the firewood: the costs are small, but there are benefits. Ruberoid began to be laid from below, laid along the overhang. The next one goes in 10 cm. It turns out that the drop that fell at the top simply flows down without getting inside.

This is what a woodshed with a finished roof looks like

The next step is to lay the floor. It was made from a 100*40 mm board. They were laid with gaps of 2-3 cm. Next, the wall sheathing was nailed. It was decided to make a gap equal to the width of the board (100 mm). The boards were nailed down, two on each edge. The structure turned out to be well ventilated, however, with a side wind it gets heavily clogged with snow.

Do-it-yourself woodcutter is almost ready

The last stage is painting. Here, take any composition for wood with bio-protective properties: so that the bugs eat less. In this version it is painted with BioTex, rosewood color.

That's it, the woodshed is built. You can repeat this: nothing complicated. Carpentry work Difficulty: at student level high school. The most complex components are the roof, but it is made very simply.

See the video for another construction option.

Homemade woodsheds: photo

There are many more similar buildings. The differences are small, the principle is the same: the frame is covered with boards with different gaps. There are several examples that were built by the owners of dachas or private houses themselves.

Woodshed attached to a barn at the dacha

To build it, only two pipes were needed, which were dug into the ground and concreted. Two beams were then attached to them. Similar beams were installed on the wall of the barn. Boards were stuffed between them and the roof was secured (cuts of corrugated sheets). To prevent the firewood from lying on the ground, they placed bricks and a sheet on them old plywood. To make such a canopy, you can use leftovers from construction or buy pallets and disassemble them. Just the right size.

The second canopy was made of the same type. It is further divided into sectors in which firewood of different sizes is stored. The foundation for this structure was also not made, it was removed fertile layer, covered with sand, compacted. They put paving slabs. There are bars on it that serve as supports for the crossbars on which the firewood of the lower compartment lies. It turned out neat.

A small firewood shed for a summer house, divided into sectors


The slope of the roof is organized in an unusual way: the front pillars are made higher, there is nothing unusual about this. But there are grooves cut into them that hold the rafters pitched roof. That is, the roof does not rest on the top frame, as usual, but on the side pillars. With small snow load This design is quite viable; in case of heavy snow, the roof is unlikely to survive.

And this is what happened. The first serious construction is a woodshed with your own hands, and already it’s so good!

You might be interested in reading. It can be built in the same style as the woodshed, so everything looks cohesive.

How to fold a round woodpile

You have probably seen firewood stacked in cylindrical woodpiles (or photo). They look good, and, more importantly, the wood dries quickly in them.

Everything is very simple, but without knowing the secret it’s impossible to do it well. Below is a photo report that shows step by step how to fold a round log from chopped firewood.

First, dig in and securely fasten a pole about 2 meters high. Place small diameter logs around. The distance to the center is twice the length of the firewood (if the firewood is 40 cm, the distance to the center is about 80 cm).

The first step of laying a round woodpile

Next you post chopped firewood. One end of them rests on the laid out logs, the other lies on the ground. Lay it so that everything lies almost end to end along the inner edge (with small gaps). There will be gaps on the outside. It's not scary - the second row will fit in them.

Place the second row on top of the first. Trying to fill in the gaps as much as possible. We begin to stack the firewood tightly around the pole while standing.

As soon as you noticed that outer edge the firewood begins to slope down, lay out a row in a circle that will lift it up. Then you continue to stack the firewood in the same way: in a circle until half the height of the firewood (20 cm), then fill the middle. The second row in the middle is not just placed, but stuck into the cracks. Try to insert the pieces of wood tightly.

The same process can be repeated with a large number firewood Lay two or even three rows in a circle. The sizes of such firewood loggers can be enormous. The photo gallery shows an example of how to fold a large woodpile.

Building a woodshed with your own hands is not difficult. The structure is useful and necessary and can look different.

To store firewood for a stove, fireplace, barbecue, bathhouse, etc., you need a suitable place. Moreover, firewood must be stored following certain rules. Of course, you can use a regular shed or allocate a place for firewood in the utility block (in this case there should be natural ventilation), but you can also set up a woodshed yourself.

As for the concept itself, in some Russian regions a woodcutter is also called a drovnik. The name drovnitsa is often used. But there are some differences between them. A wood shed is an ordinary shed that stands on a foundation separate from the house and has a door. The woodcutter is a more simplified version. It is a shed for firewood. In the old days, the same concept was used to describe people who carried firewood around the yards and traded it. A firewood rack is understood as a stand for the firewood that will be consumed in the near future.

Preparatory work

So, how to build a woodshed with your own hands with optimal expenditure of money and time?

First you need to choose a place where the woodshed will be located on the site. Only rational options need to be considered. The design should not be too remarkable and immediately catch the eye. It should not be located too far from the house so that you do not have to carry firewood over long distances. It is necessary to install it so that the car with firewood can get as close to it as possible, otherwise you will have to carry it yourself. If there is no stove heating or a fireplace, it is best to place a wood burner near the bathhouse or place where barbecue and barbecue are usually made. It is recommended to draw a diagram of the yard and select a location for the woodshed, taking all these factors into account. The structure may be located near the wall of the house or outbuilding or it can be free-standing.

Before you make a woodshed, you need to think about its type. First you need to figure out the budget. This will curb fantasies. Most cheap option- this is a tree. If desired, the structure can be sheathed along the frame with boards.

It is necessary to make a firewood shed for the dacha so that the new building looks organically on the site. It is best to build it near the main building. In this case, there will be less work and you won’t have to think through the design.

In any case, the structure should be located in a dry place. It is best to choose the shadow side. In order for firewood to dry properly, it needs ventilation. But direct rays of the sun are prohibited. If the woodshed is located near a building, then it is best to choose its northern side.

For wall cladding, you can use slate, corrugated sheeting and polycarbonate. If these materials are chosen for wall cladding, then it is necessary to make gaps so that there is natural ventilation in the woodshed. If you carefully paint the structure or cover it with colored polyurethane varnish (this only applies to the processing of wooden elements), then the new building will look more elegant. You can plant several trees and shrubs nearby. Thanks to this, the place will look more comfortable and beautiful. If the walls of the woodshed are made of tree cuts, and grass grows on the roof, then such a building will resemble a hobbit’s house.

What to consider?

When the appearance of the future woodshed is fully thought out, it is necessary to prepare its drawing, select materials and tools. As for the construction scheme, a more detailed option will be needed if in this room it is planned to store not only firewood, but also other necessary items (for example, various instruments). In this case, the woodshed will already be combined with the barn.

The drawing also helps to figure out the area of ​​the room, since the supply of firewood in each family is different. According to calculations, to heat a house of 100 sq.m. in autumn and winter approximately 2.1 cubic meters are required. m. of dry firewood per month. This only applies to pine trees. If you use birch trees, you will need approximately 1.7 cubic meters. Dry firewood refers to those whose moisture content is no more than 20%. This is achieved after a year of storage in the woodshed. But you will need much more fresh firewood, since their heat transfer is 2 times worse. In addition, a reserve must be made for at least a couple of seasons. Of course, each furnace has its own productivity, coefficient useful action. For example, modern models have very high rate- more than 80%. One load of fuel in them will be enough for 10 hours of warm-up. But such calculations are only suitable for conventional ovens. It is also necessary to take into account fuel for the bathhouse and barbecue.

As for the tools, you need to prepare a drill in advance if you plan to install a woodshed with 4 pillars that are dug into the ground. This is a traditional village option. In addition, you will need a hammer, a hacksaw, a plumb bob, a stepladder, pliers and twine. As for the materials, they are chosen so that they suit the interior of the yard. Most simple design can be supplied from leftover materials after the construction of other buildings or after dismantling old structures.

Stationary woodshed

It’s actually not difficult to build a stationary firewood shed for your dacha with your own hands. This option is called stationary, since the structure is installed on a columnar foundation. This structure is not considered capital. The woodshed will be reliable, strong and durable if pits are dug under its pillars to the depth of the soil freezing level. Also, such pillars must be filled concrete mortar. You can only get by by filling the hole with gravel and sand (but each layer must be compacted).

It is not worth placing pillars directly on the ground, as the structure will be shaky, especially in spring time when the soil begins to swell. If the structure is planned to be small, then it will be enough to make 4 pillars. If you plan to make a more spacious room or equip a utility block that is combined with a woodshed, then you will need more poles.

Next we install the frame. A timber size of 15x15 cm is used. All wooden structural elements must be treated with impregnation with fire-retardant properties beforehand. Don't forget about waterproofing. To do this, it will be enough to fold the roofing material into 2 layers.

Now you need to install the vertical frame using the corners. First, you should install the racks that are located at the rear, then those in the middle, and finally the front ones. It is necessary to tie everything at the top and nail the rafters to the roof. It is best to make your work easier by fixing the beams on the vertical frame with temporary braces.

Next, you need to sheathe the horizontal frame with flooring boards. There is no need to precisely adjust the boards. On the contrary, there should be gaps to allow natural ventilation in the room. But at the same time, the gaps should not be too wide, so as not to damage your limbs. Water and debris will flow into small cracks. In addition, it also provides additional bottom ventilation.

It is recommended to make the roof from single-pitch corrugated sheeting. Depending on your preferences, you can choose gable material. As for roofing material, any will do, but you need to rely on your budget. It is recommended to make a canopy near the entrance to the building to prevent water from getting onto the logs. To make a visor, you can use an end-type board. This option is the cheapest and simplest, but you can use others depending on the taste and wishes of the residents.

Now, if necessary, you need to cover the walls with boards. The boards are supposed to be nailed down, making small gaps. This will provide the necessary ventilation in the room. All wooden elements must be treated with antiseptic and fire-fighting agents. After this, apply paint or polyurethane type varnish. This way the design will not only become more beautiful, but will also last longer.

Wall-mounted and portable option

If you need to build a wall-mounted woodshed in your country house, then you need to choose the north side of the house or other building. Firewood should not be left in the sun. To ensure proper drying, use high-quality ventilation natural type. During the construction of such a firewood shed, it is necessary to take into account that water can flow from the walls of the main building directly onto the firewood itself. This cannot be allowed. It is necessary to move the firewood shed slightly away from the wall of the main building or install a roof of a suitable shape.

As for the rest, the wall-mounted shed for firewood repeats all the steps for building a firewood shed separately standing type and is practically no different in installation work. A wall-mounted shed for firewood has the following feature: the structure extends slightly behind the house or other main building. This option seems very simple, but if you show your imagination, you can make the structure interesting.

You can also make a portable shed for firewood. There are many ready-made varieties of such portable structures that can be purchased at a specialized store. You can also order various forged models in workshops. They look very nice. Or you can build structures yourself to suit your taste. A forged metal woodshed cannot be made at home, but you can show your imagination and make a canopy using available materials. Everyone can realize their ideas. The main thing is to think through all the nuances.

For example, an old barrel can be used as a basis for creating an unusual firewood burner. First, you need to mark everything on its body. The hoop must be moved with a hammer to the central part, where it will be needed later. Then fix it in this position using self-tapping screws. You can choose beautiful bolts. Then you need to cut out the selected shape using the markings. The cutting areas must be treated with plaster. You also need to use a jigsaw to cut out the shaped legs from the board. Insert the sanded old cutting into the holes that were drilled and secure it. Paint the metal elements. Wooden parts treat with colored polyurethane varnish or stain. Such a log burner will look beautiful near the fireplace.