Initial data. Removal and storage of fertile soil layer Replacement of tired soil in agricultural areas

The boundaries in the plan, the thickness of the removal and the places of storage of soils of the fertile soil layer are determined by the project. Before removing the soil layer, it is necessary to perform a breakdown, which consists in setting out the cutting and contours of the storage shafts.

To remove and move the fertile soil layer, a special unit is organized, equipped with a bulldozer on a tractor with a traction class of 100 kN, an excavator with a bucket with a volume of 0.5-1.25 m 3, a loader with a carrying capacity of 2 tons and dump trucks with a carrying capacity of at least 7 tons. depends on the distance that the soil is moved to the place of use.

The thickness of the removed layer in the Central region of the EChS is approximately 8-12 cm in soddy areas, 15-18 cm in arable areas, 15-20 cm in forested areas, less often 25 cm. Additionally, the thickness of the removed layer is specified directly at the work site.

There are the following schemes for cutting and moving the fertile soil layer: a) shuttle with shafts of cut soil arranged in a checkerboard pattern; b) transverse with shafts on both sides of the subgrade; c) cross-sectional; d) longitudinal-transverse.

The first scheme is used for one-sided cutting of the fertile layer on a strip up to 25 m wide. The cut soil is laid in the form of longitudinal shafts at a distance from the bottom of the embankment (when it is erected from imported soils), which ensures the passage of road vehicles and trucks. Bulldozer slaughtered fertile layer from one edge of the cutting strip and move to the opposite edge, where the soil is laid in the longitudinal shafts. The speed of the bulldozer in the opposite direction is 1.5 times greater than when cutting. To increase the productivity of the bulldozer, the soil should be cut down a slope.

The length of the longitudinal shaft is calculated based on its volume and the need for soil to strengthen one half of the subgrade. Excess soil is laid on opposite side, the deficiency is compensated by imported peat or silt.

The second scheme, i.e. transverse with shafts located on both sides of the subgrade along its entire length, is applicable if the cutting width is more than 25 m. Unlike the first scheme, the fertile soil layer is cut off and moved by a bulldozer only from the axis of the street, one and then the other way.

Rice. 8.1. Cross-sectional diagram of the removal of the fertile soil layer by a bulldozer with a fixed blade during the construction of deep excavations or high embankments n is the thickness of the removed fertile soil layer; A - shafts of fertile soil on both sides of the axis of the street; m - lane for the passage of earth-moving machines and construction vehicles; L - bulldozer blade width; 1-26 - bulldozer passes

Rice. 8.2. Longitudinal-transverse scheme of removing the fertile soil layer using bulldozers with a universal and conventional blade B - a roller of cut soil; c - bulldozer with a universal blade; g - the same, with the usual; The rest of the designations are the same as in Fig. 8.1

The third, cross-sectional scheme (Fig. 8.1), is used with a cutting width of up to 40 m or a significant thickness of the cut fertile layer. The soil is cut and moved along the length of the transverse cutting strip in 3-4 steps.

The fourth, longitudinal-transverse scheme is appropriate for strips with a width of more than 44 m, a significant thickness of the fertile layer and the presence of a universal bulldozer. Longitudinal passages of a bulldozer with a blade set at an angle to the axis of the street cut off the fertile layer along the entire length of the grip; intermediate soil rollers are formed (Fig. 8.2). In the future, it is also possible to use a conventional bulldozer, which will move the soil perpendicular to the axis of the street outside the cutoff strip. If the volume of soil within the transverse lane exceeds the volume taken by the bulldozer in one pass, then the direction of its movement is changed: the soil is moved at an angle to the road axis of more than 45 °, taking it as much as the bulldozer is able to move.

The length of the capture depends on the power of the bulldozer blade, the thickness of the cut fertile layer, its moisture content and density, as well as on the daily output, which does not allow overdried soil to be laid in the shafts. The cutting area is determined by the thickness of the cut layer and the volume of soil moved by the bulldozer in one pass. With a well-turfed surface, the volume of soil taken by a heavy bulldozer reaches 4 m 3 (in a loose state). If humus soil is cut, for example rich black soil with a size of soil particles less than 25-30 mm, then the volume is reduced to 3 m 3 .

With a lack of soil for finishing and strengthening works, peat is added to the shafts and mineral fertilizers to get compost High Quality. The costs associated with its preparation are always paid off; at the same time, the layer of subgrade cladding can be successfully reduced by 20-30% compared to current standards.

The working cycle of the bulldozer is considered to be the cutting of the fertile layer across the design cleared strip to the total width of the dump and the additional width of the strip (0.5-0.6 m), on which the remaining soil is cut with simultaneous stripping and selection.

Reducing the loss of soil when moving a bulldozer and thereby increasing the Kp coefficient is achieved by using a blade with openings and a visor, as well as by performing work according to a trench scheme (see Chapter 12).

Using the calculated performance values ​​when clearing a lane for the construction of a carriageway and sidewalks, a line graph is compiled for each specific section of the street (city road).

The issue is especially typical for tired lands, clearing the site for the foundation, and horticultural areas. The latter had the property of distributing "good" officials in those territories where it makes no sense to use agricultural enterprises due to the poverty of the soil. To understand all the features, you need to consider everything in order.

Replacement of fertile soil for a lawn

Creating a beautiful and even lawn is not easy, you need to bring the foundation into perfect condition. First, the earth is cleared of all flowers, roots, weeds, flower beds. Vegetation is removed in two ways:

- herbicides, which causes severe damage to the earth;

bayonet shovel or excavator.

Both methods have their pros and cons. The optimal, but hard way, with a shovel. The thinnest layer should be removed, while capturing everything growing with roots. To turn the removed turf into, you need to leave it for three years in compost pit. The following steps: adding a new clean fertile soil, leveling, feeding.

Removal of plant soil under the foundation

Before starting any construction, it is necessary to remove the turf for the following reasons:

- save on the purchase and delivery of soil;

- use the natural fertile layer;

– to prevent the process of decay organic matter at the base and on the sides.

The boundaries and thickness of the layer to be removed are determined by the project, or rather by preliminary analysis.

1. The minimum depth is 10 cm, the maximum is 50 cm.

2. On a sandy base, plant soil lies to a depth of 5–10 cm.

3. On grassy areas - 12 cm.

4. On arable fields - 20 cm.

5. In forests up to 25 cm.

The process is carried out by heavy construction equipment: bulldozer or excavator, loader, dump truck or tractor for transportation. Infertile soil often has a yellowish color, fertile soil can be gray-brown-black. Cut layers are laid in piles of 1.5–3 meters.

Replacement of tired land in agricultural areas

The earth has a tendency to deplete. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out technical or biological reclamation. On the large areas earth up to 10 cm is not removed. Special rules establishes GOST "Requirements for the protection of the fertile soil layer in the production earthworks».

In the yard or in the garden, the owners try to constantly fertilize with organic matter, peat and minerals. If this process has not been carried out, then the soil has no fertile power. In order not to raise the site, you will have to remove a part and refresh it with new high-quality soil. In built-up spaces it is impossible to use heavy equipment, manual labor is used.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, plots for dachas and gardens were massively distributed. Most of them are in unsuitable swampy areas or with a minimal amount of fertile layer. In these cases, it is necessary to clear the territory and purchase new fertile layers. If the fertile soil was removed during construction and did not bother to return it, then again you will have to import a new one.

The fertile soil layer is removed from the entire area allocated for the construction of the road, and placed in dumps for further use. The thickness of the removed fertile soil layer is set by the project on the basis of prior agreement with land users. The thickness of the vegetation layer in soddy areas is approximately 8...12 cm, arable - 15...18 cm and forested - 15...25 cm.

There are the following schemes for removing the vegetative soil layer: a) transverse with soil rollers arranged in a checkerboard pattern with a strip width of less than 20 ... 25 m; b) transverse with rollers on both sides of the subgrade with a strip width of more than 20 ... 25 m; c) longitudinal-transverse with a cutting strip width of more than 35 m and a significant thickness of the vegetative soil layer (Fig. 3.4.1).

Rice. 3.4.1. Scheme of cutting and moving plant soil:
a - in a transverse way on a strip 20 ... 25 m wide; b - the same, on a strip with a width of more than 20 ... 25 m; c - in a longitudinal-transverse way; I - shaft of vegetable soil; 1, 2, 3...n - bulldozer passes

Bulldozers or motor graders are used to cut and move the vegetation layer of the soil. The method of performing this work is chosen depending on the width of the strip from which it is necessary to cut the soil and the thickness of the cut layer. If the strip width is less than 20 ... 25 m, which happens during the construction of a subgrade from imported soil, the vegetable soil is cut off and moved by a bulldozer immediately to the full width (Fig. 3.4.1, a). Each cycle of cutting and moving the soil is carried out with an overlap of the previous layer by 20 ... each time cutting from the axis (Fig. 3.4.1, b).

At large volume works, a longitudinal-transverse scheme of cutting and moving the soil is used: the soil is cut with longitudinal passages of the bulldozer and collected into shafts, then it is moved outside the cutting strip with transverse passages. It is rational to carry out this work by using a motor grader and a bulldozer at the same time: the first one is for cutting the soil and laying it in longitudinal shafts, the second one is for transverse movement of the vegetable soil outside the strip of vegetation layer removal. It is also possible to cut the soil with a scraper, moving it over a distance of more than 50 m. The scraper removes the vegetation layer with longitudinal passages, parallel to the axis of the road, on a cutting strip equal to the grip, but not less than 200 ... .8 m 3 is 20 ... 25 m with a chip thickness of about 10 cm, after which the scraper is transferred to the unloading position and the soil is unloaded into the transverse roller. Continuing to move, the scraper cuts the soil again until the bucket is full and unloads it again in the neighboring area. Similar operations are repeated until the end of the grip, where the scraper, having turned by 180°, continues to cut the vegetation layer during the reverse movement. Then the transverse soil rollers are moved by a bulldozer outside the cutting strip.

Bulldozer Performance P, m 3 / shift, when cutting and moving the vegetative layer of soil is


where T- shift duration, h;

Q- the volume of soil moved in one cycle, m 3;

K in- coefficient of use of time;

K i- coefficient taking into account the presence of a slope;

K p- coefficient taking into account the loss of soil during its movement;

t- time spent on one cycle, h;

K r- coefficient of soil loosening.

Plant soil is placed in temporary dumps or taken immediately to the place of use as a fertile soil layer. Temporary dumps are located along the edges of the ROW or on special sites allocated for this purpose.

Land reclamation or restoration of the fertile soil layer is carried out where it was damaged or completely destroyed during the construction process. Such places include territories occupied by temporary roads, parking lots of road cars, soil, sand or gravel pits, side reserves.




1.1. A typical technological map (hereinafter referred to as TTK) was developed for a set of works to remove soft soil (peat) at the base of the subgrade embankment highway with its replacement with draining soil in difficult soil-hydrological conditions, in areas with soils of low bearing capacity, referred to as bogs of types I and II.

Type I - swamps completely filled with peat, allowing the operation and movement of marsh equipment with a specific pressure of 0.2-0.3 kgf / cm 2 or the operation of conventional equipment using roads of the plank type, providing a decrease specific pressure on the deposit surface up to 0.2 kgf/cm.

Type II - swamps completely filled with peat, allowing the work and movement of construction equipment only on temporary technological roads (slopes), providing a decrease in the specific pressure on the surface of the deposit to 0.1 kgf / cm.

Removal of weak soil (complete excavation) is carried out on a road section with a total length of 500 meters. Swamp of type I, well decomposed peat, dense, layer thickness from 0.3 to 2.2 m. The soil of the mineral bottom of the swamp is silty sandy loam.

1.2. A typical flow chart is intended for use in the development of Work Production Projects (PPR) and other organizational and technological documentation, as well as to familiarize workers and engineering and technical workers with the rules for the production of work to remove soft soil (peat) at the base of an embankment of a subgrade of a highway replacing it with draining soil.

1.3. The purpose of creating the presented TTC is to give a recommended flow chart for the removal of soft soil (peat) at the base of the road bed embankment with its replacement with drainage soil, the composition and content of the TTC, examples of filling in the necessary tables.

1.4. On the basis of the TTK, as part of the WEP (as mandatory components of the Work Execution Project), Working Flow Charts are developed for the implementation certain types works on removal of weak soil (peat) at the base of the road bed embankment with its replacement with draining soil.

When linking a Typical flow chart to a specific facility and construction conditions, production schemes, scopes of work, labor costs, mechanization tools, materials, equipment, etc. are specified.

1.5. All working technological maps are developed according to the working drawings of the project, regulate the means of technological support and implementation rules technological processes during the production of works.

1.6. Regulatory framework for development technological maps are: SNiP, SN, SP, GESN-2001 ENiR, production norms for the consumption of materials, local progressive norms and prices, norms for labor costs, norms for the consumption of material and technical resources.

1.7. Working flow charts are reviewed and approved as part of the PPR by the head of the General Contracting Construction and Installation Organization, in agreement with the Customer's organization, the Customer's Technical Supervision and the organizations in charge of the operation of this highway.

1.8. The use of TTK helps to improve the organization of production, increase labor productivity and its scientific organization, reduce costs, improve quality and reduce the duration of construction, safe performance of work, organization of rhythmic work, rational use of labor resources and machines, as well as reducing the time required for the development of PPR and unification of technological solutions .

1.9. Load bearing capacity bog soils is very low, therefore, special bog modernization machines are used for peat removal, the pressure of which on the soil does not exceed 20-25 kPa. The technological map provides for the complete excavation of the type I bog by a complex mechanized link with an ET-16 excavator having a broadened and elongated caterpillar track as a leading mechanism.

Fig.1. Excavator ET-16

1.10. The scope of work covered by the map includes:

Preparation of a strip for the device of a dry peat trench;

The device of side lanes for the movement of the excavator;

Cutting the vegetative layer of soil at the approaches to the swamp, loading it onto dump trucks and hauling it away for storage in the roadside reserve;

Complete removal of weak soil (developing a peat trench) with development, loading, transportation and unloading to designated areas;

Cleaning the mineral bottom of the pit with a bulldozer after the work of the excavator;

Filling the trench with drainage soil, including its development in a quarry, transportation, laying in a trench, layer-by-layer leveling and compaction.

1.11. Work is carried out in winter period year from December to March inclusive. Working hours per shift are:

where is the time associated with preparing the machine for work and ETO, as well as with breaks associated with the organization and technology production process, and breaks intended for rest and personal needs of the driver, 0.85

Duration work shift and lunch break.

1.12. Draining soil from the roadside reserve is represented by - group II 10 bulk density 1.8 t/m sand, sandy loam, loam, 1.0 m/day, peat- I group 37. Soil classification corresponds to GESN-2001, Collection N 1 *.

* GESN 01 is in effect. - Database manufacturer's note.

1.13. Work should be carried out in accordance with the requirements:

SNiP 3.01.01-85*. Organization of construction production;

SNiP 3.01.03-84. Geodetic works in construction;

SNiP 3.06.03-85. Car roads;

SNiP 3.02.01-87. Earthworks, foundations and foundations;

SNiP. Labor safety in construction. Part 1. General requirements;

SNiP. Labor safety in construction. Part 2. Construction production.


2.1. In accordance with SNiP 3.01.01-85* "Organization of construction production", prior to the commencement of construction and installation (including preparatory) work at the facility, the General Contractor is obliged to obtain, in the prescribed manner, permission from the Customer to conduct construction work (work order). Performing work without the specified permission is prohibited.

2.2. The implementation of work on the replacement of weak soil at the base of the embankment is preceded by a set of organizational and technical measures and preparatory work, such as:

Obtaining a permit for logging from the forestry authorities (a logging ticket);

Appointment of a person responsible for the quality and safety of work;

Marking the boundaries of the right-of-way to be cleared;

Marking the boundaries of peat;

Provision of workplaces with machinery, mechanized tools, devices brought to a state of technical readiness, as well as means of first aid medical care, potable water, fire-fighting equipment and facilities personal protection;

Instructing team members on safety and industrial sanitation.

2.3. During preparatory work The contractor is obliged:

Accept from the Customer, no later than 10 days before the start of construction, a geodetic stakeout base in the scope of Chapter 9 of the Joint Venture .

After the design organization has completed surveys, the Contractor, in the presence of the Customer, performs field acceptance of the boundary of the land allotment strip, which has been made and fixed with geodesic signs on the ground. The acceptance and transfer of a fixed right-of-way is drawn up by an Act with the necessary statements and logs attached to it. Selective checks are subject to the marks of the picketage intended for the construction of a linear structure and remote points. All fixed and set out points are entered into the route fixing scheme.

The customer transfers the following items and signs fixed on the ground outside the work area:

The boundaries of the land allotment strip;

Planned signs of the route fixed at least every 0.5 km;

Defines the axis, start, end of the route and intermediate points.

The customer also submits the following technical documentation:

Schemes for fixing the axis of the route on straight and curved sections, executed on the scale of the general construction plan;

Vedomosti: linear measurements of the route; fixing the route; benchmarks; rotation angles; straight lines and curves.

2.4. The procedure for the production of geodetic marking works:

- to designate the boundaries of the right-of-way (clearing).

The boundaries of the right-of-way are fixed on both sides of the road with notches on trees, and in open areas with poles and stakes. Stakes 50 cm high, 7.0 x 5.0 cm, poles 180 cm high, 10x10 cm. axes of the route, picket number, distance to the axis of the route, location (left or right), mark of the benchmark;

- visually hang the axis of the route.

First, the direction of the route is given with stakes, then the stakeout is corrected and the points are fixed with stakes and callouts. Milestones with a height of 2.0-3.0 m are installed every 0.5-1.0 km on straight sections and every 5, 10 or 20 m on curves, depending on their radius;

- fix picketing.

Pickets and plus points are fixed with pegs driven flush with the ground and gatehouses 30 cm high. The distance between pegs and gatehouses is 15-20 cm;

- fix the angles of rotation.

The angles of rotation are fixed with four signs:

In the VU (place of installation of the theodolite) with a column d = 10 cm driven flush with the ground;

At a distance of 2.0 m along the bisector from the VU, an angular identification column 0.5-0.75 m high;

Two identification posts, of the same height, outside the forthcoming earthworks, on the continuation of the sides of the corner, at the same distance.

2.5. Before the production of peat, the following work must be performed:

The route of the road has been restored and fixed;

Site prepared for soil replacement;

Arranged entrances to the developed trench and departures from it (at each grip);

U-turn platforms on the embankment were arranged;

Congresses and platforms are arranged from imported soil simultaneously with the replacement of soil.

2.6. The scope of work to prepare the site for soil replacement includes:

Arrangement of temporary access roads and special areas for the location of equipment employed in soil replacement work;

Clear the right-of-way from shrubs and undergrowth;

Set the boundary of the removal of the vegetation layer;

Carry out stump removal logging residues and boulders;

Cut off the vegetation layer of the soil, load it onto dump trucks and take it out for storage in the roadside reserve;

Provision of temporary surface drainage.

Schemes of organization of work when excavating with an excavator.

Fig.2. With the movement of the excavator on the surface of the swamp

1 - development of peat with an excavator; 2 - transportation of soil by dump trucks; 3 - layer-by-layer leveling of the soil with a bulldozer; 5 - leveling peat taken out of the trench by a bulldozer

Fig.3. With the movement of the excavator along the backfilled embankment

4 - pushing the soil into the trench with a bulldozer.

Roman numerals indicate the order of development of grips

2.7. Work on the replacement of weak soil is carried out on two grips. The size of the capture is equal to half the width of the developed trench. On the first grip, the following technological operations are performed:

Removal of weak soil to full depth;

An excerpt of drainage ditches;

Replacing weak soil with draining soil.

2.8. To ensure the stability of the embankment, the removal of weak soil is carried out with a deepening of 15-20 cm into the mineral bottom of the swamp. The use of an ET-16 excavator with a digging radius of 8.2 m makes it possible to develop trenches up to 8.0 m wide along the upper section, i.e. excavate with two longitudinal trenches.

The excavator performs the first and second captures by the method “from itself” from a hard surface of a non-marsh type, while the excavator is installed no closer than 0.5 m from the edge of the excavated pit, the rest moving along the finished side strips by transverse penetrations, excavating to the full depth of the trench. During the development of the trench, the walls of the trench naturally freeze, resulting in a dry trench. Peat removal should be ahead of the backfilling of the lower part of the embankment by three replaceable grips.

Cleaning of the mineral bottom of the developed pit is carried out bulldozer B 10M. B on the grip at least 50 m, in two passes along the track, with the overlap of the previous pass by 0.5 m, thereby leveling the natural base under the embankment of the subgrade.

2.9. The developed peat is loaded into dump trucks VOLVO FMt) and removed for temporary storage in designated areas. Dump trucks, taking out peat from the first three grips, move along the side lanes. Then they can move along the bottom of the dug trench and the backfilled layer of replacement soil.

In the future, peat can be used for cladding the slopes of the subgrade embankment when they are strengthened by sowing grasses.

2.10. The replacement soil is developed in the roadside reserve by a VOLVO EC-290B excavator and delivered to the work site VOLVO FM dump trucks). The draining soil delivered from the reserve is unloaded at a distance of 5 m from the edge of the trench. The dump truck turns on the embankment and reverses to the place of unloading. After unloading the soil, dump trucks are installed at the peat loading site at an angle of 15-20 ° to the axis of the excavator passage.

Since peat is unloaded and drainage soil is loaded in one place, a circular scheme of motor transport operation is used.

Reception of soil at the place of unloading is carried out by a road worker of the 3rd category. The worker gives a signal for the approach and departure of the car, regulates the movement of cars along the width of the embankment so that rutting is not created and a more uniform compaction of the layer is ensured.

2.11. Backfilling of the trench with imported drainage soil is carried out bulldozer B 10M.01 method "from the head", i.e. by pushing the soil into an open trench, in layers up to 1.0 m thick from the middle to the edges, by shuttle passes with its subsequent leveling, to the level of the swamp. The bulldozer moves the soil in second gear to the edge of the pit, gradually raising the bulldozer blade, pushes the soil into the pit and, returning in reverse to the place of soil collection, levels the embankment soil with the bulldozer blade.

The leveling of the soil in the trench is carried out by the same bulldozer in four passes, with the soil moving from the heap to a distance of up to 10 m in layers of 1.0 m thick, according to the shuttle scheme from the edges to the middle for the entire width of the trench, with the previous track overlapping by 0.5 m , at operating speed in second gear.

The width of the layers of the replacement soil is equal to the width of the base for the embankment of the subgrade, erected above the level of the swamp.

2.12. The thickness of the layers of replacement (draining) soil to be poured is taken depending on the soil compactor used (see Table 1).

Maximum thickness of the compacted layer (Ku=0.95)

Table 1

Ice rink model

Total weight, t

Vibratory roller weight

module, t


frequency Hz

Layer thickness (cm)

If it is necessary to compact the soil up to Ku=0.98, reduce the thickness of the compacted layer by a third, reduce the working speed of the roller by a third and increase the number of its passes by a third (n=10-12).

When compacting the layers indicated in the table to Ku = 0.95, the number of passes of the roller with strong vibration should be within 6-8, and the first two passes should be done with weak vibration or without vibration, at a working speed of 4-5 km / h.

Each of these rollers can perform its work on compaction in three modes - static (no vibration), with weak vibration (small amplitude) and with strong vibration (large amplitude).

2.13. Simultaneously with the development of the trench, drainage ditches are developed with a width equal to the width of the excavator bucket, at a distance of 2.0-2.5 m from the bottom of the embankment.

Work on the development of the trench and its filling are carried out simultaneously within the framework of a single cycle, that is, immediately after its development, on the same shift. This should be done because the slopes of the developed trench (1:0.5) quickly swim away, filling the empty trench with water or liquid marsh mass.

2.14. On the second grip, the following technological operations are performed:

Working platform device;

Before sealing the replacement layer;

The layout of the layer of replacement soil.

2.15. In view of the large depth of peat removal and the significant thickness of the uncohesive soil being dumped, the problem of its compaction is solved by using the largest and heaviest soil-compacting machines of shock-vibration action. For this purpose, a self-propelled vibratory roller SA 602D weighing 18.6 tons, capable of working through water-saturated sand to a depth of 100 cm with 6-8 passes along the track with the obligatory maintenance of the drum vibration frequency of 25-27 Hz with overlapping of the previous track by the width of the roller drum, with the movement of the compaction strips from the edge of the layer to the axis. Each subsequent pass along the same track must be started after the previous passes cover the entire width of the replacement layer. The first and last passes of the rink should be carried out at a speed of 2.5-3.5 km/h, intermediate passes at a speed of 8-10 km/h. The drainage layer should be compacted to 1.00.

2.16. Simultaneously with backfilling of the trench, a working platform 0.5 m thick is filled and leveled to the width of the base of the embankment from the same soil. This platform will provide a normal passage construction machines along the excavated area.

During the movement of dump trucks along the backfilled platform, the lower part of the embankment is pre-compacted.

The lower part of the embankment with a height of 0.5 m above the level of the swamp, taking into account the settlement, is not compacted by soil-compacting equipment due to the fact that the embankment is poured from sandy soil, which is moistened from below and thus provides good natural compaction.

After reaching the design settlement, the replacement soil layer is additionally compacted by a vibratory roller to the required density in six passes along the track, with overlapping of the previous track by the width of the roller roller, with the movement of the compaction strips from the edge of the layer to its axis.

The compaction of the layer is carried out in one stage, since loaded vehicles moved along the backfilled soil, and its directions were regulated, therefore rolling the layer with a light roller is not required and the soil is immediately compacted to the required density with a heavy roller.

Each subsequent pass along the same track should be started after the previous passes cover the entire width of the replacement layer.

The first and last passes of the rink should be carried out at a speed of 2.5-3.5 km/h, intermediate passes - at a speed of 8-10 km/h. The replacement layer should be compacted to 0.95-0.98. The number of passes of the roller along one track is assumed to be six, but it can be specified by the manufacturer of works together with the construction laboratory based on the results of trial rolling.

layout The surface of the embankment layer is made by a motor grader after it is additionally compacted to the design degree of compaction, in four passes along the track.

The transverse slope of the layer surface should be equal to 40┐ and ensure the rapid removal of precipitation.

Backfilling of the next layer, for the construction of a subgrade, can only be done after leveling and compacting the replacement soil layer.

Fig.4. Technology system removal of weak soil at the base of the embankment

2.17. Features of the production of works in the summer:

The lower part of the embankment is made of sand and poured into the water, filling the peat trench after reaching an elevation of 0.3-0.6 m above the water level in the swamp;

When peated, the excavator moves along the laid inventory shields(see fig. 5) or lay flooring arranged along the top of the peat trench.

Fig.5. Scheme for developing a trench with an excavator from a sleigh

With insufficient stability of the excavator on the surface of the swamp, under the tracks, shields are laid roundwood with a diameter of 16-22 cm. The area of ​​the shield that ensures the stability of the excavator on the surface of the swamp can be determined by the formula:

where is the mass of the excavator, kg;

Bearing capacity of marsh soil (14-18 kPa);

The lower part of the embankment with a height of 0.5 m above the level of the swamp, taking into account the settlement, is not compacted by soil-compacting equipment due to the fact that the embankment is poured from sandy soils that are moistened from below and thus good natural compaction is ensured;

Work on the development of the trench and its filling are carried out simultaneously within the framework of a single cycle, that is, immediately after its development, on the same shift. This should be done because the slopes of the developed trench (1: 0.5) quickly swim away, filling the empty trench with water or liquid swamp mass;

Simultaneously with the development of the trench, drainage ditches are developed with a width equal to the width of the excavator bucket, at a distance of 2.0-2.5 m from the bottom of the embankment;

At the same time, a working platform 0.5-1.0 m thick is poured from sand to the width of the base of the embankment, which provides the passage of cars and layer-by-layer backfilling of the upper part of the embankment to the design height.


3.1. Control and assessment of the quality of work on the development of peat is carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents:

SNiP 3.02.01-87. Earthworks, foundations and foundations;

SNiP 3.01.01-85*. Organization of construction production;

SNiP 3.06.03-85. Car roads.

3.2. Quality control of the work performed should be carried out by specialists or special services equipped with technical means, providing the necessary reliability and completeness of control and is assigned to the head of the production unit that performs peat removal.

3.3. Drainage soils entering the site must meet the requirements of the relevant standards and working drawings.

Prior to the start of work on soil replacement, materials received at the facility must be subjected to incoming control. Input control is carried out in order to identify deviations from these requirements.

Input control of incoming sand is carried out by taking less than 10 point samples (with a supply volume of up to 350 m3), from which a combined sample is formed, characterizing the controlled batch and laboratory verification of such parameters as:

Grain composition of sand;

The content of dust and clay particles;

The content of clay in lumps;

Class, particle size module, total residue on the sieve N 063;

Filtration coefficient.

Arrived at the facility inert materials must have an accompanying document (passport), which indicates the name of the material, the batch number and quantity of the material, the content of harmful components and impurities, the date of manufacture.

The results of the input control are drawn up by the Act and entered in the Logbook of the input control of materials and structures.

3.4. In the process of excavation and replacement of soil, it is necessary to carry out operational quality control of work. This will allow timely detection of defects and take measures to eliminate and prevent them. Control is carried out under the guidance of a foreman (foreman), in accordance with the Scheme operational control quality.

During operational (technological) control, it is necessary to check the compliance of the implementation of the main production operations with the requirements established by building codes and regulations, the working draft and regulatory documents. Instrumental control of peat removal and soil replacement should be carried out systematically from the beginning to its full completion. In doing so, the following should be checked:

Depth and width of peat;

Samples of the mineral base of the swamp;

Cross slopes and evenness of the surface of the replacement layer;

The thickness of the replacement layer at the rate of one measurement per 2000 m, but not less than five measurements in any area;

The degree of soil compaction of the replacement layer;

Dimensions and transverse profiles of drainage ditches.

When dumping the replacement layer, it is not allowed:

Sand contamination during leveling and compaction;

Snow falling into sand.

The results of operational control must be recorded in the General work log.

3.5. Operational control is carried out during the performance of production operations in order to ensure the timely detection of defects and the adoption of measures to eliminate and prevent them. Control is carried out under the guidance of a master, foreman.

3.6. The quality of work is ensured by the fulfillment of the requirements for compliance with the necessary technological sequence when performing related work and technical control for the progress of work set out in the Construction Organization Project and the Work Execution Project, as well as in the Operational Quality Control Scheme.

3.7. An example of filling out the Operational Quality Control Scheme is shown in Table 2.

table 2

Name of operations subject to control

Composition and scope of control


Time spending

Who controls

Peat removal device, dumping of replacement draining soil

Peat depth

Bottom axis offset in plan ±20 cm

Distance from the axis to the edge of the pit ± 10 cm

Altitude marks along the axis ±50 mm

Cross slopes ±0.010┐;

Width at the bottom and top ± 15 cm;

Degree of bottom compaction 0.98


tape measure, level, density meter

At least every 100 m at 3 points on the diameter

Foreman Surveyor

3.8. The acceptance of the road section where the soft soil at the base of the embankment has been replaced is documented by the Intermediate Acceptance Certificate of Critical Structures, in accordance with Appendix 7, SNiP 3.01.01-85*.

3.9. At the construction site, it is necessary to keep a General Journal of Works, a Journal of Geodetic Control and a Journal of Author's Supervision of the design organization.


7.2. Responsibility for the implementation of safety, labor protection, industrial sanitation, fire and environmental safety measures rests with the work managers appointed by order.

The responsible person carries out organizational management of the work directly or through the foreman. The orders and instructions of the person in charge are binding on all those working on soil replacement.

7.3. The labor protection of workers should be ensured by the issuance by the administration of the necessary personal protective equipment (special clothing, footwear, etc.), the implementation of measures for the collective protection of workers (fences, lighting, ventilation, protective and safety devices and fixtures, etc.), sanitary facilities and devices in accordance with applicable standards and the nature of the work performed. Workers must be created the necessary conditions work, food and rest. Works are performed in special footwear and overalls.

7.4. Terms of work, their sequence, the need for workforce is established taking into account the provision of safe work and the time to comply with measures that ensure the safe performance of work, so that any of the operations performed is not a source of industrial danger for simultaneously performed or subsequent work.

7.5. When developing methods and sequence of work, it is necessary to take into account the hazardous zones that arise in the course of work. If it is necessary to perform work in hazardous areas ah, measures should be taken to protect workers.

At the boundaries of hazardous areas, safety protective and signal fences, warning signs that are clearly visible at any time of the day should be installed.

7.6. Sanitary facilities, motorways and pedestrian roads should be located outside the danger zones. A first-aid kit with medicines, a stretcher, fixing splints and other first aid equipment should be kept and constantly replenished in the workers' rest trailer. All workers on the construction site must be provided with drinking water.

7.7. The person responsible for the safe performance of work is obliged to:

Familiarize workers with the technological map for signature;

Monitor the good condition of tools, mechanisms and devices;

Explain to employees their duties and sequence of operations;

Stop work when the wind strength is more than 11.0 m/s during heavy snow, heavy rain, fog or thunderstorms with visibility less than 50 m.

7.8. Persons aged at least 18 years who have passed:

Medical examination and found fit for work in construction;

Training and testing of knowledge on safe methods and methods of work, fire safety, first aid and having a special certificate about this;

Introductory briefing on safety, industrial sanitation and briefing directly at the workplace.

Refresher training is carried out at least once every three months. The briefing is recorded in a special journal.

7.9. Technical condition machines (reliability of attachment of nodes, serviceability of connections and working platforms) must be checked before the start of each shift.

Each machine must be equipped with an audible alarm. An audible signal must be given before it is put into operation.

7.10. Before starting the machine, it is necessary to make sure that they are in good condition, that they have protective devices on them, that there are no unauthorized persons in the working area.

7.11. When working with several machines following each other, it is necessary to keep a distance of at least 10 m between them.

7.12. Drivers are prohibited from:

Work on faulty mechanisms;

On the go, during operation, troubleshoot;

Leave the mechanism with the engine running;

Allow unauthorized persons into the mechanism cabin;

Stand in front of the disc with locking ring when inflating tires;

Perform work in the area of ​​​​action of cranes and power lines of any voltage.

7.13. When operating a bulldozer, the following rules must be observed:

When moving the soil with a bulldozer on the rise, it is necessary to ensure that the blade does not crash into the ground;

It is forbidden to move the soil uphill or downhill more than 30°;

It is forbidden to push the bulldozer blade over the edge of the slope when dumping the soil down the slope;

It is forbidden to work in clay soils in rainy weather;

It is forbidden to stay between the tractor and the blade or under the tractor until the engine stops;

During accidental stops of the bulldozer, the blade must be lowered to the ground.

7.14. When operating an excavator, the following rules must be observed:

It is forbidden to carry out any work and keep unauthorized persons within the radius, equal to the length arrows plus 5 m;

Alignment of the site for the parking of the excavator is allowed only during its stop;

When the excavator is moving, the boom should be installed strictly along the axis of movement, and the bucket should be lowered to a height of no more than 0.5-0.7 m from the ground and pulled up to the boom;

The movement of the excavator with a filled bucket is prohibited;

It is forbidden to hold (leave) the bucket on weight;

During the stoppage of work, the excavator boom must be moved towards the face, and the bucket lowered to the ground;

The excavator driver is obliged to monitor the state of the face and prevent the overhang of the soil layer (visor);

During non-working hours, the excavator must be delivered to safe place, the cab is closed, the engine is off, the undercarriage and swivel parts are braked.

7.15. When operating the motor grader, the following requirements must be observed:

When turning the motor grader at the end of the profiled section, as well as on sharp turns, the movement should be carried out at a minimum speed;

It is necessary to level the soil on freshly filled embankments with a height of more than 1.5 m under the supervision of a responsible person;

The distance between the edge of the subgrade and the outer (along the way) wheels of the motor grader must be at least 1.0 m;

The installation of the slope and extension, the removal of the knife to the side for cutting the slopes must be carried out by two workers in canvas gloves.

7.16. When working on soil-compacting equipment, the following requirements must be observed:

The skating rink must be equipped with sound and signal devices, for the serviceability of which the driver must monitor;

On a freshly poured embankment, the wheels of the rink should be no closer than 0.5 m from the edge of the slope;

The operator of the rink must wear overalls, to protect the eyes from dust, goggles should be worn.

7.17. The minimum horizontal distance from the base of the slope of the developed trench to the nearest supports of the machine should be 4.0 m.

7.18. Reverse delivery of a dump truck to the place of unloading of draining soil must be carried out by the driver only at the command of the road worker who accepts the soil.


8.1. The numerical and professional composition of the integrated brigade is - 22 people including:

Excavator driver

Excavator driver

Bulldozer driver

Motor grader driver

Ice rink driver

dump truck driver

Road worker

8.2. Labor costs for peat excavation are:

Labor costs of workers - 1578.60 man-hours.

Machine time on - 1240.83 machine-hours

8.3. Output per worker on peat - 65m/shift.


9.1. When developing a Typical technological map, the following were used:

9.1.1. Technology and mechanization of building production.

9.1.2. Help Guide to SNiP "Development of projects for the organization of construction and projects for the production of works for industrial construction".

9.1.3. TsNIIOMTP. M., 1987. Guidelines on the development of standard technological maps in construction.

9.1.4. SNiP " Engineering survey for construction. Fundamentals".

9.1.5. SNiP 3.01.03-84 "Geodetic works in construction".

9.1.6. SNiP 3.01.01-85* "Organization of construction production".

Electronic text of the document

prepared by CJSC "Kodeks" and verified according to materials,

When conducting any construction, a need necessarily arises. At the same time, the price of soil development has a significant impact on general level developer's costs. In this regard, it is very important to properly organize and carry out these types of work, which may include preparation for laying communications, digging wells, etc. The soil in the process of work finds a new use or is disposed of.

The cost of excavation work depends on a number of factors. Including its size is influenced by the amount of work performed, the complexity of the relief. Also, the price of soil development with slopes largely depends on the technology of work.

Prices for the development of soil for 1m3 in a mechanized way

Soil development mechanized way


Breakdown and layout of the base, m2

Mechanized excavation with an excavator into a dump, m3

Cutting the vegetation layer (up to 250 mm thick) with a bulldozer, m3

Mechanized excavation, m3

Removal of developed soil by mechanized means with loading onto vehicles, m3

Removal of developed soil by road

Soil compaction, m3

Mechanized excavation by excavator with loading into dump trucks, m3


Backfilling of soil by mechanized means, m3

Backfilling of soil in the sinuses of trenches and pits with thrombation and watering, m3

Soil excavation by mechanized method to design marks with loading and removal of soil up to 1 km.

from 110 rub.

Excavation of a pit in a mechanized way to design marks with loading and removal of soil up to 1 km. and dump content

from 200 rub.

Development of a pit by a mechanized method to design marks with loading and removal of soil up to 20 km.

from 350 rub.

Development of a pit in a mechanized way to design marks with loading and removal with confirmation of INTUS (coupons) of soil up to 20 km.

from 400 rubles

Departure of a specialist for budgeting and consultation

Is free

Development of a master plan for earthworks

From 70000 rub.

Development of a Production Plan (PPR) for earthworks


Cleaning of the territory, preparation of the territory for construction, m2

From 45000 rub.

From 130 rub.

Backfilling of soil with layer-by-layer compaction, m3

From 300 rub.

Sand bedding (cushion 100-150 mm), m3

From 700 rub.

Movement of soil in a mechanized way, m3

From 750 rub.

Cleaning the bottom and walls of trenches and pits manually, m2

From 180 rub.

Immersion of supports, pipes, sheet piles up to 20 m, linear meter

From 750 rub.

From 270 rub.

Soil development - we will choose the best method

The choice of technology depends on the individual characteristics of the soil on the site and other features. Also, the method used is selected based on considerations of economic feasibility, since the cost of developing 1 m3 of soil is different for each of the methods.

There are the following main ways of working in construction and road construction:

  • - using earthmoving equipment. Most often used for this purpose different kinds excavators.
  • hydromechanical method. Provides for the development of soil with a jet of water with its transformation into pulp. Used in device artificial reservoirs, installation of hydraulic structures, construction of road and other embankments and excavations.
  • explosive method. The development is carried out by performing drilling and blasting of the soil. It is used when it is necessary to work on rocks or frozen ground. The prices for the development of soil by this method are quite high.
  • Drilling - development using special drilling machines.
  • Combined method. Provides for the joint use of two or more of the listed methods. The most common work is carried out jointly by explosive and mechanical methods.

Prices for soil development for 1m3 manually

Cutting of vegetable soil to a depth of 300 mm. manually, m3

Manual digging of a pit and trenches into a dump

Digging frozen soil by hand

Backfilling of trenches and bosoms of pits manually with compaction

Backfilling trenches and bosoms of pits manually

Manual excavation, m3

Manual territory planning, m3

Cleaning the bottom and walls of pits and trenches manually, m3

Manual loading of developed soil onto a dump truck, m3

Backfilling the trench with soil manually, m3

Device for crushed stone preparation manually, m3

Digging land for a garden / vegetable garden, 100 m2 (weave)

Manual soil transfer up to 20 meters

Manual soil transfer up to 40 meters

Manual soil transfer up to 60 meters

Manual soil transfer up to 80 meters

Manual soil transfer up to 100 meters

Manual arrangement of sand and gravel foundations, m3

Moving soil manually across the territory with leveling and compaction, t

From 130 rub.

The most common is . It is used in more than 80% of cases. This method is generic. It is well suited for various types soil, can be used with enough difficult terrain area, including in rather cramped conditions.

It allows you to excavate the soil with its simultaneous loading into the body vehicle. Also, the excavator can form a dump or embankment. If necessary, the development of trenches of considerable length is carried out with the involvement of chain (depth up to 3.5 meters) or rotary excavators (depth up to 1.5 meters).

Also, when performing earthworks, graders and are often used, with the help of which the site is leveled, and the previously removed soil is moved a certain distance. The composition of the special equipment used and its functionality affect how much the development of soil costs for the owners of the facility.

Favorable cost of soil development per 1 cubic meter. from professionals

Earth-moving machines are expensive special equipment, the purchase and maintenance of which is impractical for private developers and small construction companies.

With a one-time or episodic performance of work, the cost using our own equipment will be unreasonably high. That's why optimal solution in such cases, there will be a rental of special equipment under the control of qualified operators. This will ensure high-quality performance of work with an acceptable price for the development of m3 of soil.

Our company also offers other special equipment for earthworks of any level of complexity. We have favorable prices– soil development in Moscow is available to individuals and organizations. At the same time, an extensive fleet of vehicles allows us to ensure high efficiency in the execution of each order.

In addition, we can provide our own vehicles with the necessary approvals. Thus, complete solution tasks to prepare the site for construction or installation work. The price of soil development with loading and removal is optimal for our customers.