Wall cladding with metal siding. Finishing the facade with metal siding: photos of the exteriors of private houses. How to bypass window and door openings

A couple of years after construction wooden house question for owners exterior finish. Help comes finishing material siding.

Siding externally transforms the house, hides imperfections and reliably protects the house from frost, bad weather, and moisture. The main advantage of siding is easy installation. The owner is quite capable of sheathing their house on their own, without hiring a construction team and without spending extra money.

What is necessary:

  1. choose the type of siding for finishing;
  2. carefully study the installation instructions;
  3. make preparations and get started.

Before you start the exterior decoration, decide on the view it will be:

  • vinyl,
  • wooden,
  • metal,
  • fiber cement.

In the cladding of houses, metal siding is widely used. This is the most popular option chosen by hosts. wooden houses.

What are the pros and cons of this type of siding?

Metal siding is long panels, lightweight, 120, 300 and 550 mm wide, made of thin-sheet galvanized steel, often with a thickness of 0.35 to 1 mm. Each panel is equipped with locks with which they are fastened together.

Important: Advantages of metal siding:

  • serves for a long time
  • resistant to different temperatures and their differences,
  • mold and other bacteria do not form,
  • durable
  • not combustible
  • Availability hidden fasteners, in which the design looks neat.

metal siding covered polymeric material(polyester, plastisol, pural) or painted with a special powder. With the latter method, the color may be more varied.

Help: Disadvantages of metal siding:

  • the likelihood of corrosion during atmospheric phenomena,
  • low level of sound insulation (for example, when it rains),
  • possibility of delamination polymer coating from the galvanized layer.

We calculate the amount for facing the house

  • contacting a specialist;
  • on one's own.

When deciding to save and sheathe the house on your own, the calculation required material simple enough.

For calculations you will need the following items:

  • tape measure to measure
  • paper and pencil to sketch
  • calculator to calculate.

First, we consider how many siding panels we need. Next, we calculate Additional materials and trim elements.

Calculation steps:

  1. We calculate how much area of ​​​​the house we will sheathe.

First, we draw a sketch of the structure with a pencil, in case of a complex layout, we take this into account in the sketch, including the location of the panels. It is desirable to apply all sizes to the sketch.

Next, we calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe material according to the scheme - total area minus the area of ​​the windows and doorways. We get the original figure, we add another seven or ten percent to it for unused material. If the exterior design of the house is complex, add 10-15% to this.

  1. Divide the area obtained, taking into account the percentage of waste, by the usable area of ​​​​one strip of siding.

You can also calculate the material directly from the sketches. To calculate the panels, divide the height of the house by usable area panels.

  1. We calculate additional elements for metal siding

In addition to the material itself, quality installation You will need to purchase additional accessories.

  1. Starting and finishing rail.

The starting rail is used for fastening when the bottom row of panels is mounted, and the finishing rail is used at the final stage of sheathing. The right amount calculated in the amount of "linear meter" at the base of the house (length). If the calculation is in pieces, we divide the meters by the length of one bar.

  1. J - profile.

It is attached to the plane, or rather to its end. Needed for edging vertical (windows, doors) and diagonal cuts (pediments). Its calculation is made in running meters. We got a number and divide it by the length of the profile.

  1. Corners (inside and outside).

Count the number of angles and multiply by the length. The figure that we received is divided by the length of the profile.

  1. Connecting H-profile (T-bar).

Not always used: if the length of the siding panel exceeds the length of the wall, or if separation of colors is needed. After all, the connection of panels can be done with an overlap.

  1. Window trim (window profile).

It is also not always used when the door or window opening is deepened by more than twenty millimeters (then the width of the J-bar is suitable), but less than 180 millimeters (width of the window bar).

  1. Platband. Its function is to finish openings. Consider it pieces. Easily replaces the J-profile.
  2. F - profile (cornice board). It is mounted if a cornice or wind board is hemmed.

Required tool.

Siding and accessories calculated. Now we prepare the tools for installation:

    • scissors or saw for cutting metal. Do not use a grinder, it can damage the material,

  • perforator. Needed to drill additional holes in the fastener material,
  • punch, a tool for punching holes. He cuts the metal and makes a slight bend to one side,
  • we use a screwdriver in the case of fastening a strip of siding with a self-tapping screw,
  • hammer to nail the strip,
  • a rivet gun will be needed to secure simple outer corners with rivets,
  • with a nozzle on the drill we twist the screws with a sealant, in this process it is better not to use staples,
  • we choose a tape measure with a fabric strip, a metal strip can scratch the panel,
  • long or laser building level,
  • plumb;
  • wooden or plastic square,
  • special goggles for eye protection,
  • gloves for builders, this is cut protection, as you work with metal material.

Frame preparation

The key point in siding is the preparation of the surface of the house and the installation of the frame (). It is important to create ventilation here, since condensate accumulates under the material inside, which can lead to corrosion.

When preparing the walls:

  • remove hanging objects (plants, shutters, lanterns, etc.),
  • you notice mold, treat the surface with an antiseptic,
  • check corners, slopes, irregularities.

After that, we begin to do the crate. The crate can be:

  • metal;
  • wooden.

When installing the frame, use a level and a plumb line for alignment.
The pitch of the crate is 400-600 millimeters (no more).

With walls (for more information about wall insulation from the outside, see) under the crate, the width of the material and the step of the crate are made approximately the same. We attach the insulation to the wall, cover it with a film on top that performs the function of vapor-waterproofing. Are there seams in the film? Tape them with tape to prevent moisture from getting in.

The technology of sheathing with metal siding of a wooden house

After installing the crate, we begin to mount the panels. This process sequentially consists of the following points.

  1. In the lower part of the wall 40 mm above the lower edge of the first (lower) siding panel, we install the initial bar. We fix it to the crate using rivets, nails or galvanized screws. At this stage, the strict horizontal position of the bar should be observed.
  2. When the initial bar is installed, we fix the outer and internal corners, flashings. Put them in a strict vertical position and attach them to the crate with plumb lines.
  3. Next, we continue to mount the siding from the bottom to the top. We snap the first (lower) panel to the initial bar and fasten it to the crate with self-tapping screws. First, we look: evenly and to the end, it snapped into place along the entire length.
  4. IMPORTANT! Self-tapping screws are screwed into the center of the perforation hole (not all the way).

  5. Trim metal siding panels to length so they fit freely between flashings (H-profile) and corners. We leave a clearance on each side of at least 6-9 millimeters (between the end of the panel and the vertical elements).
  6. We frame the window using a drainage system, aquilon and a slope bar. They close the window opening and protect from precipitation. We cut the siding panels to size, then fasten them to the crate, mount the ebb and other elements of the frame of the opening.

Finally, a couple of tips for dealing with metal siding.

Important: Handle the material carefully, because it can be damaged even before installation. So, unloading it, lay it on a horizontal base.

It is better that several people carry out unloading, so as not to bend it, moving it, and not to drag it.

Any independent business is the responsibility of the owner for the result. Therefore, it is better to carefully study the process by previewing the training video and analyzing several sources. It is better to do the work slowly, but with high quality, checking the process to the smallest detail.

To date, sheathing a house with metal siding has become a fairly popular method of exterior decoration of building facades. First of all, it is related to good combination price and quality of this material.

In addition, it has certain advantages that the owners of wooden buildings should pay attention to. The main thing is to carry out the installation correctly and correctly on the basis of the existing rules and expert advice.

Home decoration should always be carried out only with the help of high-quality and reliable materials. Among them, it is worth highlighting metal siding. Before sheathing a building with it, you need to figure out how positive qualities he possesses. Among them, experts highlight the following advantages of this material:

  • Simplicity and speed of installation on the facade of the building.
  • Affordable price for a wide range of buyers.
  • High level of durability.
  • Practicality of use.
  • No rusting process.
  • Non-combustible even at high temperatures.
  • Durability, expressed in the operational period of at least 50 years.
  • Possibility of use in the range from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius.

Metal siding is even used to equip ventilated hinged facades. Its installation is carried out on a specially prepared crate attached to the walls of the structure.

When finishing a house, it is very important to initially install the bottom row of siding in a horizontal position, after which the rest adjust to the position of the first plank.

Required tool

In order to sheathe a house with siding with your own hands, you must first prepare the appropriate tool. Among the devices and fixtures, it is worth highlighting the following things:

  • construction roulette;
  • homemade plumb;
  • building level (water or laser);
  • a hammer;
  • marker or pencil;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • metal scissors;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver

For sheathing a house with siding, it is also necessary to prepare self-tapping screws, through which the material is attached directly to the crate itself. Their size should depend on what the building itself is made of (wood, blocks, bricks, etc.).

It should be noted that the preliminary organization of the process of work on sheathing and finishing houses with metal siding greatly facilitates this species activities and accelerate their implementation.

Preparatory work

For proper conduct work must first prepare the surface. This implies the elimination of existing defects on the facades. These specialists, first of all, include exfoliated sections of plaster or fallen off bars and boards of a wooden house. It is also worth completely removing dust from the building. In addition, you need to dismantle various fixtures such as antennas, drain pipes, signs, etc.

When there are no obstacles left for further work on the house, it is worth approaching the beginning of the markup. To do this, it is worth understanding some terms, among which the most important is capture. It means the surface that the master is going to sheathe with one plank of metal siding. These zones should be marked on the facade with an archer or a pencil.

Additionally, it is worth noting the places where the cladding will be fastened. The brackets should be spaced 60 centimeters apart. horizontal plane and 80 centimeters - in the vertical. Once this is done, the appropriate beacons can be installed.

Installing brackets

It is necessary to install the brackets according to the previously applied grid. In order to do this, you need to drill holes in the walls for those dowels that will later be used for screws. The brackets themselves should be mounted only on the isolon gasket.

In order to properly sheathe the house, it is worth choosing the length and type of brackets in accordance with the existing conditions. If the walls of the building are very uneven, then by fixing this structural element at its lowest point, it should protrude slightly beyond the edge of the largest convex part of the façade.

For example, if the structure has depressions of about 10 centimeters, then the length of the brackets should be at least 12 centimeters in the deepest vertical plane place. Thus, the cladding of the building with metal siding will be carried out as correctly and correctly as possible.

Thermal insulation layer

An equally important element of all work is the process of building insulation. It is very important to place the slabs of the respective material right next to each other. There should be no gaps between them. through which he can winter period time to pass cold air. For installation, you can use special dish-shaped nails.

Dish-type fasteners are distinguished by the presence of a large plastic cap, which allows you to hold the plates well, preventing them from deforming. It is worth using 6-7 nails per one square meter insulation. In this case, a wooden rural hut can become more comfortable and cozy in the winter, when the frost reaches -40 degrees Celsius.

Installation of profiles and other elements

When all work on the insulation of the building is completed, it is worth starting the installation of guides for metal siding. They must be installed on brackets, using self-tapping screws measuring 4.8x28 millimeters for connection. Instead, special rivets can also be used.

Once the guides are installed, it is worth adjusting the length of the brackets to align the structure in the vertical plane. When this is done, you can start installing drain fixtures, corner joints, etc. Do not forget about the slope strips for the window sill.

Facing should begin with a basement drain and a metal siding guide bar. Attach these elements to a wooden or brick house stands with self-tapping screws 4.2x16 millimeters. Installation of this kind is carried out along the lower edge of the vertical profiles.

In order for the sheathed house to look beautiful, it is necessary to check the installation of each element with building level. If at least one plank is attached incorrectly, the end result will be unsatisfactory, which will require the work to be done again.

Siding fixing

Sheathing a house with metal siding strips should be carried out in a certain order:

  • It is worth attaching the first row of siding to the starting bar.
  • The upper edge of the first row of planks should be attached with self-tapping screws to the installed guide profiles.
  • The next rows should be mounted in the same way. In this case, it is imperative to check their horizontal level.
  • At the final stage, it is worth making the last row adjoin the roof with the help of shaped elements and special strips.

Metal siding is strictly contraindicated to be closely installed to vertical elements. This is due to the fact that this material is able to change its dimensions depending on temperature regime on the street. Tree on conditions environment also reacts, but it does not deform very much, changing its dimensions in comparison with the metal.


Before you start sheathing a house using metal siding strips, you need to learn how to properly implement this work so as not to make mistakes. In this case, you can get really good results on long years. It is possible to finish in this way not only brick and block, but also wooden structures, which is a huge advantage for this material.

Sheathing with metal siding at home today is one of the most popular ways to finish the facade. It has an undeniable advantage over others. facade materials cost, for example.

When purchasing it for finishing a building, consumers often do not know how to sheathe a house with metal siding with their own hands.

Basic material parameters

Metal siding is facing material made from galvanized iron sheets. These are lightweight steel panels coated with a polymer film. different colors and shades. Used metal siding for house cladding.

Note! Sheets of material are equipped with special grooves for joining when laying panels vertically on top of each other. Therefore, the screw heads are well closed from the outside and make the facade aesthetically attractive.

Do-it-yourself sheathing of a house with metal siding is considered great way insulate the facade and improve its design

Available in the following sizes:

  • The slats have a total width of 211 mm, and a usable width of 188 mm.
  • The manufacturer offers strips with a length of 0.5-6 meters.

Material Quantity Calculation

Instructions for sheathing a house with metal siding include ways to calculate the amount of material depending on the complexity of the structure:

  • Siding has certain geometric dimensions, it can be calculated with an accuracy of 1 m² (see Calculation of siding for a house: how to do it right).
  • It is more convenient to make a schematic drawing of the house and apply all dimensions to it (height, width of walls, window, door openings).
  • Before sheathing the walls with metal siding, it is necessary to determine the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building that is planned to be sheathed with panels.

As a rule, calculations are performed according to the formula:

  • S total \u003d S walls - S openings.
  • It is good to draw up a diagram, which will indicate the exact location of the strips of material on each wall of the house.

Advice. Using such sketches allows you to perform the calculation more accurately, as well as get the installation diagram.

  • It is convenient to use it when cladding a house with metal siding with your own hands.

According to the sketch of the house with the location of the panels, you can calculate the number of panels \u003d H / S of one panel (H is the height of the building).

Calculation of the number of components

Exist different variants house cladding with metal siding, different amount accessories:

Varieties of material

A fairly extensive range of colors and textures of metal siding is offered for sale:

  • There is a material that makes it possible to finish the facade "under the tree", to perform imitation under the rounded timber.
  • Can be considered various options sheathing of houses with metal siding. For example, when finishing, use a material with a protective and decorative coating under a log.
  • This siding is distinguished by a layer that imitates wood texture and color. Thus, the sheathed house becomes like a log house.

Note! Important in this case is the moment that when finishing natural wood foundation needs to be reinforced.

Siding stylized as wood or stone with all fasteners weighs so little that the load of the sheathing itself can be ignored. In addition to weight, this material has a number of other advantages.

Key Benefits

  • Quick and easy do-it-yourself installation technology.
  • High strength and practicality (does not fade, does not burn, does not rust).
  • Durability (will last at least 50 years).
  • Wide temperature range of operation (in the range -50°С ... +50°С).
  • Many are attracted by the price of the material, but its application has other positive points. For example, it is convenient for them to decorate houses with complex geometry.
  • Metal siding is used for arranging ventilated facades. Insulation is placed under the material and additional heat and sound insulation is created.

Facade cladding with metal siding can be carried out on newly erected walls, and work can be carried out in any season of the year.

Installation guide

On the external walls mount the frame - the basis of the future facade. More often used metallic profile, sometimes - wooden beam.

  • The crate is vertically leveled in increments of about 500 mm.
  • Sheathing with metal siding of the house begins with the fastening of the lower horizontal row of planks and continues with the installation of subsequent rows.
  • Metal siding is attached to the crate using self-tapping screws screwed into the center of a special mounting hole.

Advice. It is necessary to leave a gap of about 1 mm between the bar and fasteners, then a change in the temperature regime will not lead to deformation of the material.

The whole process can be conditionally divided into stages:

  • Surface preparation.
  • Applying markup.
  • Installation of brackets.
  • Thermal insulation.
  • Installation of profiles and other elements.
  • Siding attachment.


Operations must be performed in this order.

Advice. On the preparatory stage everything that can interfere with the cladding process (antennas, plums, etc.) must be removed from the facade of the building. Retracted old finish facade and any surface defects are corrected.

  • The façade is marked. It is necessary to outline the areas of the sheathed surface, taking into account the sequence of work. You also need to specify the position of the fasteners with the installation of beacons.
  • Next, it is necessary to mark the attachment points of the brackets in increments of 0.5 m (horizontally) and 0.8 m (vertically).

Before the house is sheathed with metal siding, brackets are installed according to the finished markings. Why drill holes with a diameter under which dowels or anchor nails will be used.

Working with brackets

Brackets are attached to the isolon gasket. AT different conditions used different length brackets and fasteners.

At uneven surface at home (by level) the brackets are selected as follows:

  • When attaching the brackets at the lowest level, they must protrude beyond. For example, there is a significant depression on the surface. Then a bracket is installed, the size of which is 2-3 cm larger.
  • Before sheathing the house with metal-plastic, insulation is fastened tightly end-to-end. When choosing a material thickness, take into account climatic conditions terrain. Plate-shaped nails are used for mounting the plates, which ensure reliable fixation of the insulation.

They are made of 2 parts:

  • Plastic dowel with a wide cap.
  • Metal rod.

The number of fasteners is taken at 6-7 pcs / m² of insulation, to protect which a vapor-permeable membrane is used. It is fixed with an overlap of 10 cm.

Mounting guides

They are fixed to the brackets with 4.8x28 mm self-tapping screws or rivets.

Advice. After that, the finishing plane is necessarily adjusted by changing the length of the brackets within 3 cm (the corresponding instruction is used).

The rest of the design elements are installed in the same way:

  • Drain fixtures.
  • Guide rails and slats.
  • Corner connections.
  • The basement drain with a guide rail is attached to the vertical profiles with self-tapping screws 4.2x16 mm. The horizontal position of the siding must be checked by a level.
  • Sheathing with metal siding of the house begins with the laying of the first row of planks, installed to the initial plank. The upper edge of the material is attached to the guide profiles with self-tapping screws.
  • Subsequent rows are fixed in the same way: they are laid one on top of the other.
  • When working, it is necessary to regularly check the levelness of the planks with a level. Recommendations on how to properly sheathe a house with metal-plastic pay attention to the fact that the planks cannot be fastened too tightly to the frame.
  • When temperatures fluctuate, the dimensions of the plates change, which can lead to serious deformation of the entire system.

At the end, the last row is attached, adjacent to the roof, using shaped elements with special strips. You can compare the result with a photo of warm and beautiful facades.

House cladding with metal siding

To date, sheathing a house with metal siding has become a fairly popular method of exterior decoration of building facades. First of all, this is due to a good combination of price and quality of this material.

In addition, it has certain advantages that the owners of wooden buildings should pay attention to. The main thing is to carry out the installation correctly and correctly on the basis of the existing rules and expert advice.

Material Advantages

Home decoration should always be carried out only with the help of high-quality and reliable materials. Among them, it is worth highlighting metal siding. Before sheathing a building with it, you need to figure out what positive qualities it has. Among them, experts highlight the following advantages of this material:

  • Simplicity and speed of installation on the facade of the building.
  • Affordable price for a wide range of buyers.
  • High level of durability.
  • Practicality of use.
  • No rusting process.
  • Non-combustible even at high temperatures.
  • Durability, expressed in the operational period of at least 50 years.
  • Possibility of use in the range from -50 to +50 degrees Celsius.

Metal siding is even used to equip ventilated curtain walls. Its installation is carried out on a specially prepared crate attached to the walls of the structure.

When finishing a house, it is very important to initially install the bottom row of siding in a horizontal position, after which the rest adjust to the position of the first plank.

Required tool

In order to sheathe a house with siding with your own hands, you must first prepare the appropriate tool. Among the devices and fixtures, it is worth highlighting the following things:

  • construction roulette;
  • homemade plumb;
  • building level (water or laser);
  • a hammer;
  • marker or pencil;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • metal scissors;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver

For sheathing a house with siding, it is also necessary to prepare self-tapping screws, through which the material is attached directly to the crate itself. Their size should depend on what the building itself is made of (wood, blocks, bricks, etc.).

It should be noted that the preliminary organization of the process of sheathing and finishing houses with metal siding greatly facilitates this type of activity and speeds up its implementation.

Preparatory work

For proper work, you must first prepare the surface. This implies the elimination of existing defects on the facades. These specialists, first of all, include exfoliated sections of plaster or fallen off bars and boards of a wooden house. It is also worth completely removing dust from the building. In addition, various devices, such as antennas, drain pipes, signs, etc., must be dismantled.

When there are no obstacles left for further work on the house, it is worth approaching the beginning of the markup. To do this, it is worth understanding some terms, among which the most important is capture. It means the surface that the master is going to sheathe with one plank of metal siding. These zones should be marked on the facade with an archer or a pencil.

Additionally, it is worth noting the places where the cladding will be fastened. The brackets should be spaced 60 centimeters horizontally and 80 centimeters vertically. Once this is done, the appropriate beacons can be installed.

Installing brackets

It is necessary to install the brackets according to the previously applied grid. In order to do this, you need to drill holes in the walls for those dowels that will later be used for screws. The brackets themselves should be mounted only on the isolon gasket.

In order to properly sheathe the house, it is worth choosing the length and type of brackets in accordance with the existing conditions. If the walls of the building are very uneven, then, having fixed this structural element in the lowest place, it should protrude slightly beyond the edge of the largest convex part of the facade.

For example, if the structure has depressions of about 10 centimeters, then the length of the brackets must be at least 12 centimeters in the deepest place in the vertical plane. Thus, the cladding of the building with metal siding will be carried out as correctly and correctly as possible.

Thermal insulation layer

An equally important element of all work is the process of building insulation. It is very important to place the slabs of the respective material right next to each other. There should be no gaps between them. Through which cold air can pass in the winter. For installation, you can use special dish-shaped nails.

Dish-type fasteners are distinguished by the presence of a large plastic cap, which allows you to hold the plates well, preventing them from deforming. It is worth using 6-7 nails per square meter of insulation. In this case, a wooden rural hut can become more comfortable and cozy in the winter, when the frost reaches -40 degrees Celsius.

Installation of profiles and other elements

When all work on the insulation of the building is completed, it is worth starting the installation of guides for metal siding. They must be installed on brackets, using self-tapping screws measuring 4.8x28 millimeters for connection. Instead, special rivets can also be used.

Once the guides are installed, it is worth adjusting the length of the brackets to align the structure in the vertical plane. When this is done, you can start installing drain fixtures, corner joints, etc. Do not forget about the slope strips for the window sill.

Facing should begin with a basement drain and a metal siding guide bar. It is worth attaching these elements to a wooden or brick house using self-tapping screws 4.2x16 millimeters. Installation of this kind is carried out along the lower edge of the vertical profiles.

In order for the sheathed house to look beautiful, it is necessary to check the installation of each element using the building level. If at least one plank is attached incorrectly, the end result will be unsatisfactory, which will require the work to be done again.

Siding fixing

Sheathing a house with metal siding strips should be carried out in a certain order:

  • It is worth attaching the first row of siding to the starting bar.
  • The upper edge of the first row of planks should be attached with self-tapping screws to the installed guide profiles.
  • The next rows should be mounted in the same way. In this case, it is imperative to check their horizontal level.
  • At the final stage, it is worth making the last row adjoin the roof with the help of shaped elements and special strips.

Metal siding is strictly contraindicated to be closely installed to vertical elements. This is due to the fact that this material is able to change its dimensions depending on the temperature regime on the street. Wood also reacts to environmental conditions, but it does not deform very much, changing its dimensions in comparison with metal.


Before you start sheathing a house using metal siding strips, you need to learn how to properly carry out this work so as not to make mistakes. In this case, you can get really good results for many years. It is possible to finish in this way not only brick and block, but also wooden structures, which is a huge advantage for this material.

Sheathing a house with metal siding: how to properly clad a house with metal siding?

How to sheathe a house with metal siding. material advantages and essential tool. Preparatory work and installation of brackets. Siding attachment.

Sheathing a wooden house with do-it-yourself siding - the technology of work and the types of materials used

Sheathing wooden houses with siding is the easiest option for transforming a structure without significant costs and overhaul. That is why this solution is so popular among developers and is used so often. Consider what types of material are and how to properly organize the workflow in order to achieve the best result.

In the photo: sheathing an old wooden house with siding allows you to give it modern look in just a couple of days

Product types

First of all, let's figure out which siding to choose for cladding a wooden house. Most often, one of the following options is used:

To finish the foundation, a special basement siding is used on vinyl backing, it is distinguished by increased strength indicators and has various options for textures that mimic brickwork, a natural stone and much more.

The plinth must be covered with a special facing material

Let's find out if it is possible to sheathe wooden house siding without harm to the structure? Everything is simple here: if the technology is followed and proper preparation, then no problems will arise in the future, because the design is breathable and well ventilated.

Description of the workflow

If you do the work yourself, then you will have to deal not only with installation, but also preparatory activities and the acquisition of everything required, so we will begin our consideration with these nuances.


First of all, you need to purchase everything you need:

  • The main material is calculated as follows - the building plan is taken, the area of ​​\u200b\u200ball walls is calculated, openings are subtracted from this figure wooden windows and doors. It is best to consider not only the total volume, but also plan the position of the panels, so you can determine in advance where to use the trimmings and whether you can save money due to the competent layout of the elements.
  • It is also necessary to purchase components that are quite diverse - from platbands and near-window panels to initial, finishing, connecting strips and other elements. All these details are calculated in linear meters so as not to overpay and not to purchase unnecessary materials, the photo below shows what the main components look like.

Dimensions may vary depending on the manufacturer, but the purpose remains the same.

  • To preserve wood, the surface should be covered with a waterproof vapor-permeable membrane, it will significantly extend the life of the structure by maintaining optimal humidity in the material. A special film also spreads over the insulation, it protects the mineral wool from wind and moisture from the outside, but is vapor-permeable from the inside.

A special membrane will protect the structure from moisture

  • For the frame you will need either wooden bars, or metal galvanized profile. The second option is much stronger, but its cost is much higher, so the choice depends only on your preferences and capabilities.

How to carry out work

The technology of sheathing a wooden house with siding is quite simple, so even those who never carry out such work can handle it, the sequence of operations is as follows:

  • First, the surface is cleaned of contaminants and treated with a fire-retardant composition so that the material becomes resistant to fire and is not subject to decay and damage by pests. If there are areas affected by mold, then you should definitely get rid of them, do not leave the fungus inside.
  • Next, the base is closed with a vapor-permeable membrane, this is done before the device wooden crate. The easiest way to get the job done is to use construction stapler, it is easy to use and allows you to fix the material much faster than any other method.

Do not neglect this stage, because it allows you to create an additional dampness barrier in the cold season.

  • Next, you need to make a solid frame, for this you use either a bar with a section of 50x50 or more, or a metal profile, usually the height of the crate should be equal to the thickness of the insulation. The most important thing at this stage is to create an even base, so control the position of each element with the help of a building level, you can stretch the cord between the extreme posts to create an additional guideline.

In order to adjust the position of the frame, it is easiest to use hangers for fastening, they are pre-screwed to the base along the line of the bar, then they are bent and fix the position of the element exactly as needed.

Metal frame - expensive, but very high quality solution

  • Further, a heater is laid between the crate, it is best to use mineral wool with a thickness of 50 mm or more. The step of the frame should be equal to the width of the sheets for thermal insulation, usually this figure is 50-60 cm. If insulation is not required, then this and the next step is not necessary.
  • After insulation, the surface is closed waterproofing material and a counter-lattice is made on the surface of the frame; for this, a bar 20 mm thick is suitable. This is necessary to create ventilation under exterior finish and prevent condensation.
  • After carrying out all the above measures, you can proceed with the installation of the siding, first the starting bar is attached and the first sheet is inserted into it, everything is quite simple and fast. The elements are fixed either with galvanized nails 3x30 with an enlarged head, or with the help of self-tapping screws with a press washer measuring 4.2x25 mm or 4.2x19 mm.

Mounting siding is a simple and fairly quick process.

Do not press the strips too hard so as not to deform them, they should simply be fixed, this will compensate for the change in the dimensions of the material during temperature changes.

  • The last stage is the fastening of all additional elements that were not installed initially, at this point the work can be considered completed.

Sheathing a wooden house with metal siding is carried out according to the same scheme, as you can see, the skillfully applied pattern is very similar to real wood

If you need to quickly and inexpensively transform the facade of a wooden house, then siding will be an excellent solution.

Do-it-yourself sheathing of a wooden house with siding: video installation instructions, features of metal siding, which one to choose, whether it is possible to sheathe, technology, price, photo

Do-it-yourself sheathing of a wooden house with siding: video installation instructions, features of metal siding finishing, which one to choose, whether it is possible to sheathe,

Do-it-yourself metal siding at home

Metal siding - a common cladding for wooden houses seasonal residence or other buildings. It is notable for its low cost, ease and speed of installation, as it has big sizes, more than other types protects private buildings from external factors. However, it has its own nuances, so finishing a wooden house with metal siding should be carried out strictly according to the instructions.

Disadvantages of profiled sheets and individual slats

The advantages have already been said - low price, home protection. However, they should not mislead the owners regarding the ideality of the material - the disadvantages of such a cladding are significant. More:

  1. Susceptibility to corrosion. metal and moisture best neighbors. Siding from it is sold treated with mastics or other compounds to prevent rust stains. However, during installation, you will need to cut it into the right dimensions and the edge will be bare. Owners should keep in mind that cutting the cut yourself is extremely important.
  2. Cold lining. Finishing a wooden house with metal siding is necessarily accompanied by insulation, since the material itself is not able to retain heat. In addition, there must be a layer between the wood and iron, otherwise the temperature difference will necessarily lead to the formation of condensate, and then the house runs the risk of starting to rot.
  3. Bad soundproofing. Even if modern mattresses are laid under the lining, then the cannonade at night from weather phenomena- secured.

Instructions for sheathing a wooden house with metal siding

To do quality work, you should start with the right choice of products and the subsequent preparation of surfaces. So:

  • The choice of a quality product depends on the integrity of the manufacturer and his time in the construction market. If you have to buy goods in an unfamiliar network, then you should pay attention to the color of the raw materials - metal siding for finishing a wooden house should be without visible streaks and a fine grid of cracks. Their presence indicates a poor-quality coating, which will peel off from the profiled sheet over time.

To work on the entire surface of the house, not only sheets or planks are purchased, but also start profile, corners - external and external, platbands, connections. It is also worth checking each element for the functioning of the lock mates - they should easily snap into place.

  • Next, prepare the walls. This means cleaning from the surface from protruding parts - trim, thresholds, window sills. Dirt, rubbish is also swept out, caulking is changing.

AT advanced cases whole whips change. Otherwise, finishing a wooden house with metal siding will be a waste of time - damage in the form of wet rot and mold will pass to the sheet, and then corrosion is within easy reach.

  • The next step is the preparation of the crate. For all types of siding - from wooden lining to fiber cement panels, one rule works - they install profiles for attaching planks strictly perpendicular to the sheathing itself. That is, if it is decided to lay the siding horizontally, then the crate has only vertical guides and vice versa.

The metal profile or wooden beam for the crate should be wide. The calculation is simple - the thickness of the insulation + 1.5 cm of free space. The fastening step is 50-60 cm, that is, the standard styrene plate will enter the crate sector tightly and without gaps.

  • The choice of insulation. Finishing houses outside with metal siding is not complete without insulation. Firstly, an old log, not to mention a beam, does not hold heat well.

  • After the slabs or mats are laid, proceed to attach the waterproofing. In this capacity, rolled rubber, polymer film or other materials that can even trap vapors are good. Waterproofing is fixed with a furniture stapler.
  • Now you can start lining. Horizontal or vertical finishing with metal siding of houses begins with the installation of the starting bar. The position of the entire canvas depends on it, which means that you should act strictly according to the level.

Fastening the bar, in fact, like all siding, should not be tightly, keeping in mind that compensation gaps are needed. Without bringing the screws to the end by 1-2 mm, you can complete this task.

The bar is fixed with a groove down, this will save the siding from accidental raindrops and stagnation there. Further, the work will go on knurled: the next sheet is inserted into the bar and fastened in a similar way.

  • The corners, especially if the house is chopped into a bowl, that is, with the remainder, are lined in the same way as other surfaces, you just have to pay special attention to their insulation. You can’t leave them outside, they already take on the cold of the Russian winter.

There is a special corner siding on sale, it will neatly close the protrusions from the common box. After complete installation slopes, ebbs and other fittings are attached.

  • Beautiful decoration of the facade of the house with metal siding is achieved by selecting contrasting elements. If you make slopes, ebbs, window sills of a different color than the general background, then the object will not look gray and dull, but with a claim to presentability. By the way, the general background should be light - this is taken into account when purchasing - Sun rays will affect the color and over time it will begin to fade.

Objects with imitations of timber, stone, brick and other decorations will also look unusual. Finishing a house with metal siding under a log is the most popular.

Finishing a wooden house with metal siding outside: step-by-step instruction

Do-it-yourself vertical finishing of house facades with metal siding: shortcomings of profiled sheets and individual planks, step-by-step instructions for self-plating, expert advice, log imitation

Facing facades with metal siding is perhaps the most common finishing option. Facing the house with metal siding will perfectly protect the surface from external influences.
You just need to do the job right. In this article, we will figure out how to properly clad a house with metal siding. There will also be instructions for correct execution this work.

To insulate the protection of the premises created a large number of various materials. Facing the facade with metal siding is one of them. To do right choice, you need to take an interest in the properties of the design, determine the advantages and disadvantages of its varieties.

  • The result of performing insulation and cladding with siding will definitely be warm and cozy in a room treated in this way. For this finish, even large temperature differences and high humidity absolutely not terrible. The main thing is to do all the work correctly.
  • The thickness of the insulation layer can be set at your discretion, since the cladding of the house with siding is attached to the frame.
  • Facing the outer walls with metal siding will serve for a long time. After all, it perfectly tolerates temperature extremes and high humidity.
  • A house with metal siding cladding can be made in several colors, although the color range is not large, but it is enough to match desired color and create an incredible and unique look.
  • Facing a wooden house with metal siding will not require high costs maintenance and appearance. Care of the finished surface is very simple: dirt is removed with a damp cloth. So this question won't be a hassle and won't take much time.
  • The preparatory stage is quite fast and does not require special expenses.
  • The cost of the material is relatively low, which makes it affordable for a large number wishing to perform just such a facade decoration.
  • Facing facades with metal siding is perfectly done with your own hands and therefore you can save a lot of money and the price of the entire structure will be much lower.
  • The disadvantage of this finish is that the frame has its own thickness (at least 5 cm, if insulation is not used), and this affects the dimensions of the room.

Finishing events for the home

To clad the facade with siding with insulation, you must follow technological requirements to complete the work and go through all the stages in correct sequence. Then the design will turn out to be of high quality.

We prepare the surface

Facing houses with metal siding begins precisely with the preparation of the base plane. Work should be done diligently, only in this way it will be possible to ensure desired effect expected from wall cladding results.

When decorating houses, recent times, metal siding has become very popular. This finishing material is made of stamped galvanized sheets, which are coated with a polymer. Next, we will take a closer look at the features of this material and the technology by which the house is finished with metal siding.

Features of metal siding

So, the use of this material is an excellent way to insulate a building and improve its design. The coating is used in the arrangement of ventilated facade systems. Installation is carried out on a prepared crate installed on the walls strictly according to the level ().

The advantages of metal siding include the following points:

  • The possibility of finishing the house with your own hands, due to the ease of installation;
  • High coating strength;
  • Durability that reaches 50 years;
  • fire resistance;
  • Resistance to temperature extremes;
  • Frost resistance;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Resistance to corrosion and exposure to microorganisms;
  • Low expansion ratio;
  • Has an attractive appearance, can imitate wood and other materials.

These advantages are quite enough to make your choice in favor of metal siding, however, you should also familiarize yourself with some of its disadvantages:

  • Relatively high price when compared with other types of siding;
  • Large weight, which increases the load on the foundation, especially if this material is covered big square walls.
  • Not recoverable after mechanical damage such as scratches and deformation.

Installation of metal siding

Finishing a house with metal siding is carried out in several stages:

  • Preparatory work.
  • Application to the marking surface.
  • Mounting brackets.
  • Installation of thermal insulation material.
  • Installation of profiles, as well as all kinds of shaped and additional elements.
  • Installing the siding.

When performing all these operations, it is necessary to strictly observe this sequence. Without proper organization process, it is impossible to obtain a high-quality result, in addition, this will avoid unnecessary financial costs.

Note! When cladding the facade, personal protective equipment such as gloves and goggles should be used.

Required tool

For self-assembly metal siding, you will need the following tools:

  • Square;
  • Roulette;
  • Plumb;
  • A hammer;
  • Marker;
  • Building level;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Perforator;
  • Scissors and hacksaw.

In the photo - installation of insulation

Preparatory work and marking

First of all, it is necessary to remove all elements from the surface of the facade that may interfere with construction work ().

Typically, these elements include:

  • Plums;
  • Antennas;
  • Visors;
  • All kinds of boards, etc.

In addition, it is necessary to eliminate existing defects, such as peeling plaster, deformed pieces of beams, etc.

After the surface has been prepared for further work, you need to apply markup, which will simplify the work in the future.

In particular, it should be noted:

  • Position of fasteners;
  • Locations of lighthouses;
  • The installation locations of the brackets, given that they should be located in horizontal increments of 60 cm and vertically - 80 cm.

thermal insulation

An important stage of work is the installation of insulation. The plates must be installed close to each other so that there are no gaps between them. To fix the insulation, you should use dowels with a wide hat, which are called "umbrellas".

After finishing the surface of the building with insulation, it must be protected with a vapor-permeable membrane. It must be fixed with an overlap with a width of about 10 centimeters.

Frame installation

The frame is assembled in the following order:

  • Work must begin with the installation of brackets.
  • Then guide profiles are installed, which are attached to the brackets with self-tapping screws or rivets.
  • After installing the profiles, the plane should be corrected, which is carried out by changing the length of the brackets.
  • Next, you need to install fasteners for draining, corner connections, guide rails and other structural elements. In addition, you must not forget to install the slope strips on the windowsill.

Note! The starting bar is attached along the lower edge of the metal profiles.

Siding installation

Now you can proceed directly to the installation of siding.

The installation instructions are as follows:

  • Installation begins with the first row, which is attached to the starting bar.
  • The upper edge of the panel is fixed with self-tapping screws to the guide profiles.
  • Subsequent rows are mounted on a one-by-one basis. At the same time, in the process of work, it is necessary to check the horizontalness of the installation using a level.
  • At the final stage, you need to fix the last row of metal siding adjacent to the roof with special strips and shaped elements.

Note! Self-tapping screws must be installed strictly in the center of the hole in the siding. In addition, they need not be twisted one turn, which will allow the material to move freely during thermal expansion. Otherwise, the entire facade system may be deformed.