Do-it-yourself summer cottage ideas for a small plot. How to equip your garden? Mobile solutions - for decoration

Before you properly equip a garden plot, you need to study a number of nuances that allow you to competently cope with the task. Ennobling the territory and dividing it into functional zones will require a lot of time and effort. In order not to encounter difficulties in the course of work, it is worth developing an action plan in advance.

Functional purpose and preparation for planning

For the convenience of site operation, it is necessary to determine in advance the location of a residential building, outbuildings, a garden and a kitchen garden. If you skip the planning stages, in the process of using the territory and buildings, difficulties may arise, and the aesthetic appearance will also be violated.

When starting planning, it is advisable to have a site plan, according to which the location of communications, buildings and areas for planting is determined. Preparatory work include the study of the nature of the soil, relief, shape, the presence of reservoirs. In some cases, it may be necessary to organize drainage, remove or add topsoil, build a blind area for walls, level the surface of the territory. For a thorough study of the area, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors:

  1. The quality of the terrain: ravines, hills, flat terrain. Based on this, the scheme for laying communications is determined.
  2. Soil: clay, humus, sand. For growing horticultural crops, it is important to take care of. This indicator must be taken into account when choosing flowers, bushes and trees for the garden.
  3. Plot shape: square or rectangle. It depends on the form how to plan the correct summer cottage as conveniently as possible.
  4. The groundwater. In the presence of closely spaced ground water you need to take care of the drainage system and drainage.
  5. Climate and wind. In a ventilated place, it is necessary to provide additional protection for plants.
  6. The amount of light.

Tall trees and outbuildings should be located in the north of the garden so that they do not create shade during the day.

Having studied all the nuances, you can proceed to the choice of design, decoration and construction work.

Choice of style

Before you arrange a garden plot, you will have to think about stylistic direction. This does not mean that when designing a territory, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules, but to create a harmonious space, one of three directions can be taken as a basis.

Geometric garden style

The name of this style speaks for itself. Its distinguishing feature is the clear arrangement of all design elements. This is the optimal solution for flat suburban area. In this case fruit trees and shrubs are planted in the form of a square, rectangle, circle, or in a checkerboard pattern.

This design is perfect for a relief area on the territory of which there is a natural reservoir, hill or ravine. With the help of design techniques, you can turn the imperfections of the site into the main attraction of the garden.

mixed style

Often homeowners make a choice in favor of mixed style: a combination of geometric and pictorial directions. This looks especially advantageous in mixed terrain, when half of the site is perfectly flat, and the other is not.

When choosing a design, there are no rigid frameworks, everything is limited by the finances and taste preferences of the owners. If you encounter difficulties during the design, you can contact the designers who will help develop and bring to life any ideas.


The plan-scheme is necessary for the competent distribution of objects on the site. You can draw it yourself by hand, or make it with the help of computer program. This point cannot be neglected, even in the case when specialists are engaged in planning. Having a plan in hand will make it easier to resolve issues with employees and control the process.

A detailed scheme should include several points:

  1. Location of all construction sites.
  2. Places of greenery, including greenhouses, flower beds and types of vegetation.
  3. Form, direction and material of garden paths.
  4. Drainage system with close groundwater.
  5. Artificial reservoirs, if they are provided for by the project.
  6. Quantity, design and placement of lighting fixtures.
  7. The cost of materials and work of specialists.

How to properly equip a garden plot by zoning

The process of arranging a garden area will be much easier if you divide the site into functional zones:

  • residential area (10% of the site);
  • a place for placing a garden and a vegetable garden (about ½ part);
  • additional buildings, including showers and toilets (15%);
  • a place to stay (the remaining 25%).

The percentage of land for a vegetable garden and a garden can be adjusted in favor of a place to relax, depending on preferences.

Building a house

Taking care of how to properly arrange the buildings on the site, you should first determine the place for the construction of a residential building. It is this building that is the center of the territory and will become the determining factor for the further placement of vegetation, recreation areas and utility rooms.

The purpose of the suburban area affects the location of the house:

  1. In case when Vacation home used for recreation purposes, the building should be located according to the plan landscape solution, harmoniously inscribing it into the overall style.
  2. If plantings are planned on the garden plot, it is advisable to place the house as close as possible to the borders.

In addition to personal wishes, before equipping a piece of land with a house, it is necessary to take into account a number of factors:

  • the depth of groundwater (the foundation of the building depends on this);
  • the presence of nearby houses (the distance between houses is at least 6 meters);
  • layout of existing or planned communication lines;
  • tall trees that cannot be cut down (construction is prohibited within a radius of 250 cm from them);
  • placement of the house relative to other structures (to the toilet at least 15 meters, to the bath - 6 meters, outbuildings - 15 meters);
  • remoteness from access roads and streets (no closer than 5 meters).

Compliance with each item is mandatory when construction work, and some of them won't let you do the job. In the presence of uneven terrain, it is better to place a residential building on a hill so that it does not create a shadow for vegetation. For convenience, it is worth leaving free access roads for transport, including a sewage truck.

Deciding what to build on the site, you need to choose high-quality materials. Wanting to build a house short time, it is worth giving preference to a block or frame-panel version.

Construction of economic structures

The design of outbuildings is often not given due attention. This is not true, despite the fact that they will be hidden from prying eyes. The layout of the garden plot implies the location of this type of building in the depths of the territory. It is advisable to place the buildings on the north side, so that they protect the plants from the wind, while not creating a shadow.

If the layout does not allow the construction of outbuildings in the depths of the site, their external design should be in harmony with the design of the house, or decorated with tall trees, bushes or a vineyard.

Buildings for domestic needs should not be located at a low point in the garden, otherwise access to them will be difficult during rains.

Summer shower and toilet

AT summer house rarely provides for the installation of a bathroom and toilet, so you should take care of their placement within the site. In order to save space and convenience, it is better to make a toilet and a shower room in the same building. Thinking about how to properly and comfortably equip a garden plot with all the amenities, you need to take into account a few nuances:

  • due to high humidity and regular outflow of water, the building should be located away from other buildings;
  • the room should receive a sufficient amount of natural light;
  • a structure with a large area should be built on a foundation.

Don't skimp on materials low quality will lead to a short operational life and re-construction.

Relax zone

When determining a place to stay, there are no clear restrictions. It can be a free-standing gazebo in the shade garden trees, or several zones located in different parts garden:

  • with a sandbox and a slide;
  • garden room, which plays the role of a veranda, summer kitchen and a flower garden
  • patio;
  • covered barbecue with a table and chairs under a canopy;
  • beautiful benches located near the reservoir (if any).

Any option on how to properly equip a recreation area is limited only by imagination. The only rule for such buildings is one: there must be beautiful flowers and picturesque shrubs.

When designing a recreation area with friends, or secluded relaxation, due attention should be paid to lighting. In the absence of a stationary electrical line a diesel generator will come to the rescue.


To decide where to place the garden on the site, you need to choose the sunniest and open space. For getting high yield, the area with beds should not be in the shade of buildings and tall trees, although some cultures do not like the impact of direct sun rays. When choosing vegetables for planting, one must take into account their requirements for moisture, watering frequency and light. This will help you avoid mistakes and choose the most appropriate place for each plant.

At first glance, the installation of a greenhouse is a simple matter, but if placed incorrectly, the quantity and quality of seedlings can be very low. Planning a summer cottage with a greenhouse should be carried out according to the recommendations:

  1. Lighting. Plants in greenhouses need in large numbers sunlight, so the structure should not be in the shade of other buildings or trees. The less light, the worse growth cultures.
  2. Leak rate groundwater, the presence of a nearby body of water and the slope of the site at that location.
  3. Soil quality. If the soil in the greenhouse does not contribute to high yields, it is necessary to fertilize, or bring better soil for planting.
  4. Accommodation. Access and driveways to the greenhouse must be accessible. To facilitate watering should be as close as possible.

Having figured out where to place the garden on the site, and having installed a greenhouse, you can begin to ennoble the territory.

garden area

Before planning the site and landing on it flower arrangements, you should first make a sketch of future flower beds. This will help not only to choose the right plants, but also to visually see how the flower garden will look like. Plantings need regular care, so do not make them too wide. Otherwise, it will be difficult to weed the flower bed and apply fertilizer.

As for the placement, it can be adjoining territory, or free-standing flower beds, alpine slides and rockeries scattered throughout the site, along the paths or on the shore of the reservoir.

In order not to run into a lack of space in the future, even at the stage of creating a sketch, it is worth determining a place for flower beds with a margin for subsequent expansion.

Designer figurines, unusual figurines will help to add comfort, beauty and charm. fairytale heroes and animals, sculptures, fountains. These decorative elements should be located in prominent places, attracting attention.
It is important to observe the measure and choose decorations that fit the general style of the territory.

Among designers, a technique is popular in which decorative elements that carry a functional load are used in the photo of the layout of the design and arrangement of the garden plot: birdhouses and feeders, wicker furniture, flowerpots.

Layout of a garden plot of various shapes

The easiest way is to decide how to equip a square garden plot, but the territory does not always have this shape. Depending on this, planning options may be adjusted.

Rectangular plot

The best option for giving, which allows you to realize all your ideas. In this case, the garden area is of great importance - the smaller it is, the more compact each of the functional zones will be.

In the presence of small space can be limited small house, beds, a gazebo and compact, picturesque flower beds around the perimeter. The width of the tracks should also correspond to the available area, and not take up most of it.

elongated shape

The elongated shape forces the use of design techniques to visually correct the situation:

  1. To visually expand the site, it must be properly zoned. As a separator, low bushes, hedges, or arches entwined with plants are perfect.
  2. The color accent can also play an important role: the narrow part is used for planting tall trees and bright colors, and wide - small plants of cold shades.

If you can’t cope with this task on your own, you can turn to professionals who will tell you how to plan landings on the site.

L-shaped territory

A plot of this shape has one indisputable advantage: one of its parts is out of sight. This feature allows you to use the protruding part as a place for outbuildings or a lounge area.

These options are common for territories with any area, specific changes are made depending on the number of acres.

Arrangement of 6 acres

When planning a plot of 6 acres, it is necessary to determine the location of the house, greenhouses with beds, recreation areas and household buildings. The house is built on the northern border in such a way that in the future it does not obscure the places with plantings. For fruit trees, a site is allocated in the direction from north to south. They are placed at a distance of three meters, from each other, in a checkerboard pattern.

The layout of a summer cottage on the cardinal points implies the construction of utility blocks along the south side, where you can also install a greenhouse and set up beds.

Marking 15 acres

With 15 acres, there will be no problems with the location of buildings and the organization of all necessary zones. The vast territory allows you to freely erect buildings and plant many crops. The site design can consist of several stylistic directions.

Thinking out how to arrange everything on a plot of 15 acres, you can not adhere to clear forms, but arrange decorative elements and flower arrangements in a chaotic manner. This will not spoil the appearance of the garden, but rather make it brighter and more unusual.

Ennoblement of a summer cottage is quite interesting and creative process requiring compliance with a number of regulations and rules. If you approach this event with all the imagination and responsibility, the result will please for many years.

More and more owners garden plots shift the emphasis from the possibilities of growing vegetables and fruits to decorating their land, designing a garden plot. Money is earned in the city, and people come to the dacha to rest. Of course, fruit trees and shrubs, vegetable beds- all this may be present, but they also obey the rules landscape design. Entrusting a project to a professional is, it seems, great ... but too ordered, cold landscapes often come out of the hands of professionals. Self-decorated gardens, although not ideal, are much more comfortable and feel much better in them.

Where to start: planning

It all starts from the stove: you need to correlate your desires with realities. To do this, first sit down and write what you need on the site. Just a list of what you and your loved ones want to have. Then you take a site plan with dimensions and start placing something that you simply cannot refuse. Usually this is a playground or a carport, some kind of garden - at least a few beds, if there are children - a playground.

Put the carport closer to the gate - less space will go to the driveways, the playground in direct line of sight from the windows, and most likely from the windows of the kitchen: it’s not all the time to sit with them, but so, the children are under supervision, and you are doing your job. With the placement of the playground, you will have to be smarter: it is necessary that there is no draft, and part of it is in the shade, part in the sun. To have the best conditions.

Therefore, it is not necessary to hide it. It will still be a decoration of your site and you will be proud of it. Here for him you need a sunny piece of your site.

Now we need to find a place for technical and auxiliary premises. You will definitely need, and also compost pit. They can be taken to the backyards, but better - closer to the garden. If the house is planned for heating, you need a place to store firewood. They do this for this, and they can be attached to the barn, or they can stand separately, and some instances can also be decorative element. Somewhere in a secluded corner you will need to put a shower. It’s also a hassle with the toilet: you need to take into account the distance to neighboring areas (at least 2 m), and also the prevailing wind direction so that smells do not bother you.

Next comes the turn of what you really want. Usually it is a gazebo, or a fountain. A pond and a fountain can be combined, a gazebo can be placed nearby. Up to the point that with one of its edges it can hang over the water. On the other side, you can put a bench by placing an arch near it or by building a pergola (the same arch, but more solid). Near the gazebo, you can make a small canopy and put or - by choice. Under the reservoir, it is best to take the lowest area or where the groundwater is closest. Everything else will fall into place.

Pond and gazebo nearby - a good combination

It seems that these are all the main objects. If you managed to fit them all into the site plan - great: you can plan. You need to manage and make the minimum number of tracks, but they must connect all the main buildings. Paths can lead to auxiliary facilities. It's even more romantic that way. And along the way, look for places for flower beds, flower beds, rock gardens, decorative slides. You can even specifically bend the paths to block out a place for a flower garden. This, by the way, is one of the favorite tricks of professionals. They don't use straight lines at all. Only on elongated sections to visually bring the far edge closer.

Do not forget about trees and shrubs. By the way, they can serve as a screen for an unsightly fence. And you will have it around the perimeter. Partially it can be decorated with hanging flower beds, partly covered with shrub trees. While the trees are growing, you can put a grate in front of the fence, along which you can put climbing roses, clematis, any other similar plant.

Garden plot design: choose a style

In most cases, the style of garden design is very difficult to determine. Most often it can be described as "modern". Interesting solutions of different “nationality” and different styles are used, and sometimes these combinations are very, very successful and interesting. That and self-design is good, that intuitively you can create beautiful landscapes. But to arrange a plot in certain style in a sense, it's simpler: you know exactly whether this idea will work or not. Let's look at some design options for a garden plot in a particular style. The easiest way to work with ethnic areas.


Chinese and Japanese culture have significant differences, but regarding the design of a garden plot, it is difficult for a non-specialist, it is almost impossible to distinguish between these two directions. For ease of perception, let's combine them into one style: oriental.

Japanese-style decoration - an abundance of stones, interesting combinations deciduous and coniferous species

For these cultures, achieving maximum harmony is inherent. What is good about the design of a garden plot in Japanese or chinese style is because they use a lot of rubble and pebbles. If you get a pebble in the right amount difficult or expensive, then there are much fewer problems with crushed stone. Maybe you are lucky, and you can even agree on a color - the meticulous Japanese use pebbles of the same size and the same color in the backfill, or form different shapes from them.

A great idea for decorating the yard near the garden house: crushed stone and pebbles, slabs as a path - dirt will not rush into the house

Large stones, near which boxwood bushes are planted, a small fountain of traditional form. A very interesting idea with a painted gravel border. Only if you do something like this, make sure that the water that drains from has somewhere to go: under the pebbles and rubble there should be dense soil with a slope towards plantings or an exit to drainage system- this is how water drainage is organized.

A small fence is extremely easy to make. Bamboo is also good because it does not rot

To make the design of the Japanese-style garden plot really traditional, you can use bamboo. A small fence and a gate are made extremely simply. A couple of stakes are driven into the ground, bamboo crossbars are tied to them, and thin bamboo is tied to the crossbars. It turns out such a bamboo picket fence.

Paths are very characteristic - rounded stones at a step distance from each other, slabs of stone, or even concrete plates, but they are not square, as we are used to, but long. Please note that the gaps between the stones / slabs are overgrown with grass, moss, or covered with pebbles.

Often in Japanese gardens there are fountains. But these are not pompous structures with sculptures and jets hitting upwards, but combinations of bamboo and stone, over which a small amount of water flows. It is easy to make them even on your own, but how, read here.

Several photos of Japanese-style garden design are collected in the photo gallery. There is interesting ideas, which are easy to implement with your own hands. And the costs are minimal.

Proper selection of plants is half the success Japanese maple - how to get past Slabs, stones, gravel, plants - all this against the backdrop of a lawn

Country style (rural or country)

The more urbanized our cities become, the more we want something simple, natural, without clear lines and edges, which are already boring in the city. Therefore, many houses began to be built from logs: they exude comfort. If your country house is built from a log house, the natural continuation of the idea will be the design of the site in a rural or rustic style. In this case, the characteristic features are the use of various kinds of old utensils and its elements in the decoration of flower beds and flower beds, wattle fences, plain, often deliberately coarse, made of logs.

Decorating a rustic garden is easy to recognize by the presence of cartwheels, baskets, pottery, old barrels, logs and flowering stumps.

On a rural plot, by no means can everything be too even and orderly. Paths - overgrown with grass, with stones laid for convenience, abandoned boardwalks. And so that the “boards” always look like new, you can use decking - this is a wood-composite material that looks and feels very similar to wood, but does not rot, does not darken, retains its original appearance over the years.

Fences inside the site can be made from dead wood chopped in the forest. Fences made of birch or otkhi with its light green bark look very decorative.

Wicker fences are traditional for this style. They can be made for beds, flower beds, fence off areas within the site, and even as the main fence that separates the garden from neighbors and from the street.

In the same vein, you can arrange a reservoir - a small mill or a bridge next to a long pond will not hurt. And if there is a height difference on the site, you can make a cascade of watering cans-buckets - a very original idea.

Waterfall on the steps, only in an unusual design: a fountain of watering cans and buckets

Even the toilet can be made in the same style. Of course, it is unlikely that anyone will bring it to the fore, even in a stylish design, but you won’t have to take too much care that the building is not visible.

Such a toilet is a hut that can not be particularly hidden

Rustic garden design is not demanding on geometry or selection of plants. It is important that you feel comfortable and cozy, the plants feel good. Then even the simplest compositions will delight the eye and heart. See the photo gallery for a few design ideas for different zones.

An unusual flower bed - a flower stream Carts and wooden wheels - traditional elements of a country-style garden Arbor covered with reeds and sculptures from ceramic pots - interesting design finds in the design of the garden Wattle - a good fence, and the style supports the design of the well

Garden plot in a modern style or modern

The design of the garden plot in Art Nouveau style is international. It contains elements different cultures. The main rule is a harmonious combination of shapes and shades. Most often, straight lines and rounded shapes are combined.

Is it difficult to create such a corner in your own garden. Tiles can be replaced with concrete or stone slabs or wooden deck, the main thing is that the geometry is preserved. flowerbeds unusual shape- smooth edges both at ground level and high. Seats are installed between two high flower beds, and to make it really convenient and comfortable, you can make the curb higher and nail the back board. All this cubism is breaking round ceramic pot with a plant. Instead of a pot, you can make a small fountain in the form of a stone ball, along which water flows.

This fountain is easy to make. The main thing is to find a suitable stone and drill a hole in it.

As you can see, the fountain is close in style to Japanese style. Slightly modified, it fits perfectly into modern design garden. And it's not the only stylized element. For example, wicker furniture is often used. But it has a different shape - either cubic or with curved surfaces, but only in one plane. Looking at the photo below, you will understand what I mean.

And again, pay attention, hard straight lines are broken by rounded ones: in the lower photo these are pyramidal thujas, in the upper one there is a round flowerbed table (an extraordinary solution, by the way) and curved lines of chairs.

That's where the expanse for lovers high beds, so this is precisely when designing in this vein: it is more convenient to set straight lines with the help of high boxes. They are made of wood, stone, concrete. The material should be combined with the main finish or be an addition.

Approximately in the same traditions, the adjacent territory and areas near the reservoir are made out. To make flooring from boards, planken or decking, put up characteristic furniture - part of the garden is framed.

By the way, you can make a gazebo in an unconventional manner.

There are a lot of ideas, and all of them are interesting in their own way. Check out some photos in the gallery below. Might be useful for your garden.

Practical design of the pond - you can even sunbathe on the deck Smooth paths are a sign of style, but the execution is unusual

Ideas for decorating the fence and walls

Like it or not, there is always a fence. And far from always it is a decoration of the garden. More often than not, the opposite is true: headache owner: how to disguise it or give it a more acceptable look. There are actually quite a few solutions, and for different tastes.

If you can draw, and the fence is at least relatively even, paint it with some scenes. It is clear that choosing a suitable plot is not easy, but you can rely on the general style of the design of the site.

Boring fence and site design style is easy to guess))

You can use the fence as a time for a vertical flower bed or vegetable garden. It's beautiful and useful. This idea will especially please the owners of small plots. That's the only way to use it only if the summer in your region is cool. In all other cases, plants burn on it.

Approximately the same idea is useful for decorating the wall of the house. Only here flowers are planted more often, and mostly ampelous ones, but nothing can stop you from planting, say, aromatic herbs or just beautiful flowers in such baskets or boxes in the lower tier, and let there be hanging ampelous lashes at the top.

Wall decor option metal baskets lined with jute fiber, inside - soil

Very often, uncomplicated decorations or some unusual elements distract attention from the not very attractive surface, which is a fence. It can be homemade flowers made of colored plastic or a whole cascade of different boxes in which you can either plant flowers or put them in pots.

Uncomplicated decorations, but they fulfill their task - they distract attention from an unsightly surface

Ideas in photo format

* * * * * *

From Soviet times it happened that for many of us the best and, most importantly, free vacation spot is a summer cottage outside the city, where vegetables are necessarily and traditionally grown, berry bushes and fruit trees.

At the dacha, the owners tried to organize a secluded place where one could rest after the labors of the righteous. But the size of the plot in those days for most gardeners did not exceed the notorious six acres, and finding a place for a gazebo, and even more so for a lawn, was not an easy task.

Modern gardens are significantly different from their "communist ancestors". The garden was no longer just a place where berries and vegetables were grown. Its current purpose is to be a place of rest, which combines beauty and comfort, but let's not forget about the benefits.

known different styles Gardens: English, Oriental, Mediterranean, Rustic, Alpine, Natural. This is not the whole list, but only the main areas of landscape design, which are taken as ideas when creating projects. Often, gardeners and designers use elements of several styles on the site, so it is almost impossible to determine the specific style of any garden.

Garden in oriental style

garden in natural style
However, there are elements that are found in almost all gardens, regardless of the style decision: flower beds, garden furniture, paths. Other elements are less common on sites: ponds, fountains and bridges, streams, arches and pergolas.

In any case, no matter what direction you choose to create your garden and no matter what elements it includes, there are general rules which should be followed when arranging your site.

Firstly, in the garden, horizontal and vertical elements . Vertical strokes make the garden more harmonious and prevent it from “flattening”. Therefore, feel free to use hedges, screens, lattices, arches in the design.

Secondly, the more natural finishing materials in the garden, the more natural the look of the garden will be. metal, brick, decorative tiles look very beautiful, but they will never let you feel real unity with nature, because on their face artificial origin and man-made garden, and this should be taken into account by lovers of gardens in a natural style. Use stones, driftwood, wooden materials- and your garden will look like a corner of untouched nature.

Thirdly, if the garden area is sufficient, it is better to divide it into functional zones: resting place, garden, flower garden, children's corner, economic zone, etc. Such a division is necessary in order to streamline the structure of the garden, that is, to make each zone look independent. To delimit zones, you can plant low shrubs, put up low graceful fences, lay paths, and install a pergola.

garden zones

The location of these areas must be carefully considered. Agree, the beds will look ridiculous in the most prominent place. With a caveat, if this is not an ornamental garden. Beautiful design elements - flower beds, artificial ponds, are brought to the fore. Various buildings, sheds, economic zone are usually located on the periphery, away from the eyes.

garden paths

Not even the most ideal garden can change its appearance if the owners find the time and money to design paths in it. Garden paths can also be made from improvised materials - it is much more beautiful than just trodden paths: both cleaner and neater. And then, it organizes the space wonderfully, dividing the garden into zones and separating them from each other.

How we will pave the tracks depends on the thickness of your wallet. You can stop the choice on a special tile or paving stones, on a fun step-by-step path. These tiles are durable, strong, frost-resistant. When laying paving stones, the main thing is to create right base: the path should consist of successively laid layers (crushed stone, sand, a laying layer of a dry mix with cement, only then the tile itself).

You can save on walking paths by laying the slabs in a free order, and filling the space between them lawn grass or bulk materials like gravel, pebbles or crumbs.

To create country paths use the same a natural stone, gravel, cast concrete paths.

If a paved path seems expensive, place various wooden coverings- for example, saw cuts of trees. For strength, they are treated with used oil or hot bitumen. Rounds are laid in a certain order or arbitrarily, leaving gaps between them. Over time, they will be overgrown with grass, another option is to fill gravel between the cuts.

Grass sodding will also give a good result, especially since "wild" paths are in fashion today. But such a path needs careful care, well-chosen grass mixture, regular mowing.

sawdust path
An excellent material for paths is also crushed tree bark or overgrown large sawdust. They are good at preventing the growth of weeds, and in the shade they do not allow the soil to become covered with moss.

An excellent choice for those who appreciate beauty and reliability will be wood-like paving slabs, which will add nobility and sophistication to your site.

And How finishing touch- planting paths undersized perennials. If your site is small and you manage any piece of land in a businesslike manner, plant paths with curly parsley, strawberries, and red-leafed lettuce.

Fence for giving

Not all horticultural associations are made to fence off from neighbors, but if you decide to retire and put a fence around the garden plot, you have a difficult choice. Materials on modern market a large selection, you can choose one that will be in harmony with both the style of the house and the style of the garden.

The most affordable and environmentally friendly pure material - wood. From it you can make both a simple picket fence and intricate shapes. And in combination with other materials - metal, for example, such cheap fence for giving can fit into any style of the site. Main disadvantage wooden fence- this is a weak resistance to decay, so it requires regular care. If you painted the fence, then you will have to periodically paint it further. Perhaps the best choice for processing a wooden fence would be a comprehensive tool for bio- and fire protection "Pinotex".

Looks impressive in the country - concrete fence , which is a construction of pillars and decorative sections of various colors and textures. They can imitate brickwork, natural stone, can be smooth or carved. It is also possible to combine concrete with other materials - forging, for example.

metal fences- the most durable, and if you are not afraid of prying eyes, you can install a metal fence, supplementing it with elements artistic forging. Such a fence is durable and beautiful, but not cheap.

AT recent times popular material for fences has become corrugated board. It is painted galvanized steel sheets. Its advantages: low cost, variety of forms, ease of installation of the fence and lack of maintenance. But such a fence does not fit well into the design of the garden, does not lend itself to decoration, creates a shadow.

Chain link fence- most a budget option for fencing a summer cottage in a gardening partnership. Such fences are popular due to their low cost, durability, ease of installation and ability to pass sunlight. Appearance such a fence is rustic, but it is easy to decorate it with climbing plants.

dropped off at mesh fence girlish grapes in a few years can completely close it and it will be difficult to guess what material is under it. As an option for such a fence - plastic mesh for fences, which is also easily decorated with vines.

Another type of fence for giving, which is new to Russia - PVC fences. They are not affected by the environment, do not deform, do not burn, the service life is 50 years. plastic fences have a variety of shapes and colors, are easy to clean with water (this is all care), do not rot, are not subject to corrosion, and their cost is quite acceptable.

Summer is a wonderful time when people tend to escape from the urban jungle and go to the country. It is in the country that you can relax from the bustle of the city and from the noise of the metropolis. And of course, you want the house where you are going to spend the whole summer to be comfortable. We have collected for our readers the most original ideas for arranging a summer house.

1. Support for climbing plants

The original support will allow you to turn grapes or other climbing plants into an exotic tree.

2. Pergola

A creative wooden pergola will undoubtedly become a highlight of the garden, making it elegant and stylish.

3. Landscape lighting

A fence adorned with small glass candle jars will turn your backyard into a magical place filled with magic and mystery.

4. Garden path

A simple, budgetary, but no less stylish and original design idea for a garden path.

5. Flowerbed

Take your time to uproot the old stumps on your site, turn them into charming flower beds.

6. Vertical garden

You won’t surprise anyone with simple, neat beds. Now the trend is gaining more and more popularity. vertical cultivation various plants. So why not decorate your summer cottage decorative wall from useful plants?

7. Rain barrel

A rain barrel will significantly reduce water consumption, which means significant savings on garden maintenance. Most often, a barrel for collecting and storing rainwater is installed at the end of a downpipe.

8. Table

Original garden table with a mobile tabletop and a compartment for storing drinks.

9. Summer booth

Resting in the country, you should take care of your pet. Make a small open booth (like a gazebo) so that your beloved dog does not overheat in the sun.

10. Fountain

An elegant stone garden fountain that you can make yourself.

11. Terrace

If the cottage is equipped with a balcony, you should definitely use the area under it to arrange a comfortable terrace.

12. Pond

If the territory and financial possibilities allow, then feel free to equip the backyard with a large pond with a recreation area, dense vegetation and other accessories.

Decorate an old nondescript fence will help wooden shelves with flower pots.

14. Garden furniture

Update old garden furniture with lush moss.

15. Gazebo

The original project of a simple and beautiful garden gazebo made of wooden beams.

16. Fireplace

The sight of a flame calms and creates a romantic atmosphere, and an open fire warms not only the body, but also the soul. There are many ideas and instructions for creating an open hearth that can be set up even in a tiny area.

17. Music of the wind

Create your own original design made of metal and wire, which will fill the yard with wonderful sounds, decorate the yard and fill the territory with positive energy

A garden is a place where the soul rests and the eye rejoices. Dear summer residents and owners of estates, you are very lucky, because you have room for self-expression. you can arrange your own garden, where you can walk, sit and dream, think.

Yard landscaping scheme: 1 - Ipomoea tricolor, 2 - Jasmine nightshade, 3 - Passiflora, 4 - Cardiospermum, 5 - Gregory's Thunbergia, 6 - Foreign nasturtium, 7 - Cherry climbing rhodochiton, 8 - Farbitis flower.

We divide the backyard territory into 4 levels:

  • lawn;
  • flowers;
  • shrubs;
  • trees.

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Lawn, flowers and flower beds

The basis of the garden is a green juicy and well-groomed lawn. No matter how hard you try to embellish your garden, but if the lawn is not at the highest level, know that your backyard will not have a marketable appearance. Start "building" from the foundation - from the lawn. There are several main ones. Watering is carried out 2 times a day. Watch the water temperature, it should not be very cold, the water flow should be uniform, and the soil should be saturated at a depth of 15-20 cm. Surface watering leads to weed growth and lawn diseases. Cut the grass when the soil is dry and only sharp knives. When mowing, one row should be parallel to the previous one so that the lawn looks neat. And to make it thicker, you should alternate the direction of the haircut: once cut from north to south, and the other - from east to west.

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Scheme of a fragrant flower garden: 1 - Chubushnik, 2 - Panicled Phlox, 3 - Hybrid Peony, 4 - Tiger Lily, 5 - Mexican Ageratum, 6 - Sea Lobularia, 7 - Turkish Carnation.

The next level is flowers. The range is large, in the choice of colors everyone is guided by purely personal criteria. Each flower has its own characteristics and requires special care. Improper design of flower beds can spoil the whole look of the garden plot. Before planting, it is necessary to cultivate the soil, this procedure will keep the flowers alive throughout the season. The earth must be good quality: loose, uniform, without lumps, stones and weeds. Use mineral and organic fertilizers for irrigation.

Flowers can be planted at any time of the year except winter. The recommended landing time is morning or evening.

Each type of flower needs its own volume of water for full development, so when planting, you need to take into account the level of water consumption.

Plant plants with the same levels side by side.

The soil should always be loose, and do not water with very cold water.

To make the backyard look organic and sophisticated, do not overdo it with the choice of color. Most bright flowers place in those places where you want to emphasize, leave more neutral ones for other places. It is also not recommended to combine everything in a row, that is, do not plant red roses with daisies nearby, and tulips with carnations.

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Shrubs and trees, hedges

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Shrubs will help you. There are 2 types of shrubs: evergreen and deciduous. With their help, you can create a hedge: it is not only very convenient, but also beautiful. With the help of bushes, you can divide the entire backyard into zones, focus on the paths and fence yourself off from prying eyes. Many shrubs have a long flowering period, they are unpretentious and not susceptible to disease. Because of their versatility, beauty and because shrubs do not require heightened attention, they are so fond of summer residents. In addition to all the above advantages, some shrubs during the flowering period will endow your garden with a charming aroma.

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We climbed to the top high level- to the trees. Trees are very multifunctional: in the summer they save from the heat, in the winter - from the wind, protect your land plot, in autumn they decorate the garden plot with golden leaves, and fruit trees in summer and autumn enrich you with vitamins.

When you choose a tree, keep in mind that you are signing up for a long-term partnership. Think about what the tree will be like in 10, 20, 30 years. Plant trees further apart so that their crowns do not intertwine in the future and do not go beyond personal plot. The choice of trees should depend on the size of the available area. For smaller areas, a pyramidal crown is suitable, and for large areas, a sprawling one.

Do not ignore and forget about coniferous trees. They have a noble and refined appearance, purify the air well and have a fresh coniferous smell.

Cherry, apricot, sweet cherry and peach trees will decorate your garden in spring, during the flowering period they have a fabulous look and aroma.

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We decorate the garden with our own hands

In addition to plants, you can additional decor. The market offers a huge range of garden decorations. If you do not want to spend money and love to create, then you can do it yourself. It will take time, but for that the garden will delight you all year round.

Colored ice balls

This decor is suitable for cold winter with snow. You will need:

  • balloons;
  • food coloring;
  • water.

Pour water into the balloon to measure the capacity. Then pour into a measuring bowl, now you know how much water will be needed for each ball. We dilute food coloring in water, choose the color to your taste, you can mix it. The resulting solution is poured into balls. It is better to do the whole procedure on the street or in the bathroom, because if the ball bursts, then you will spend a lot of time with a mop.

We tie a ball of water well and take it out into the street. We put the tail down and leave it overnight so that the water freezes. In the morning, carefully remove the shell of your decor. Now you have original ice balls. On white snow, they will look very impressive and original.