Production of concrete fences. Production of concrete fences Production of concrete fences at home

Recently, decorative fences made of concrete have become increasingly popular among owners of private households, cottages and "townhouses", as well as organizations that own their own buildings.

The fact is that most of these buildings are built according to more or less standard projects, so they look quite monotonous. But with the help of concrete sections of various shapes and textures, you can give them individuality and a certain style. In addition, concrete decorative fences are a good alternative, for example, to forged gratings: they are cheaper, stronger and do not need to be painted against rust.

So there is a certain demand for this product, and the demand is constantly growing - low-rise construction occupies a considerable segment in the industry in Russia. But a relatively small number of enterprises are engaged in the production of decorative concrete fences, and mainly decorative fences are made according to individual orders and as an addition to the main product - other concrete or reinforced concrete products - slabs, blocks, paving slabs, etc.

It is not known exactly why this happens - perhaps it is unprofitable for large enterprises for the production of concrete products to invest in one-time and small, by their standards, projects, and for small ones to open a new, rather little-known business by Russian standards. But in principle, the production of concrete decorative fences can become a "gold mine", especially if you competently approach not only the technical, but also the marketing issues of this line of business.

Indeed, now buyers are simply forced to pay a clearly inflated price for decorative concrete fences: this is due to the lack of manufacturers of this product on the market, and piece products, as you know, are much more expensive than mass products.

But if you arrange the production of decorative fences in a sufficiently large quantity, then, at a relatively low price and high quality (and the quality of products manufactured by a company specializing in their production will be higher than the quality of products manufactured by a third-party organization for which such production is new, even if you have all the necessary tools and all the necessary equipment), customers will come to you.

However, in the production of decorative fences, it is necessary to strike a balance between cheap mass production and a variety of designs: no matter how high the quality of decorative fences, they remain primarily decorative and are purchased mainly by representatives of the "middle class" as a kind of refinement that emphasizes the individual style of the owner of the house (organization are usually less demanding). Therefore, it is necessary to create the illusion of an individual approach and a certain elitism of the goods - this is what an active consumer appreciates.

Technology and equipment for the production of concrete decorative fences

For the manufacture of decorative fences, not only the actual molding equipment and molds are required, which will be discussed below. The pre-treatment of the cement mixture is also important - the higher quality raw materials are used, the better the finished product will be.

The production of concrete decorative fences begins with the sifting of cement and sand, the main components of concrete. It is produced in special vibrating sieves with an electric drive with a mesh size of not more than 5 mm.

One vibrating sieve (220 V; 0.55 kW) costs around 500 US dollars; an order is enough for one or two - the order execution time is calculated according to the available equipment, and if an order is received for, for example, 10 tons of products with an equipment capacity of 2 tons per day - the execution time physically cannot be less than 5 days.

The next stage of production is the mixing of the concrete mix. Manual mixing is excluded in accordance with the technology for the manufacture of concrete and reinforced concrete products, so it is produced in concrete mixers, which are often also called "concrete mixers".

Here you have a rather difficult choice: the range of mixers provided is very large. In general, it is necessary to distinguish between gravity and forced concrete mixers. The former are cheaper, the price range for them is from 370 to 2130 US dollars, depending on the power (in this case, the volume of loading of components and the yield of ready-made concrete, which is usually indicated by a fraction sign, in this case, for example, 130/100 l and 430 /380 l).

In addition, gravity mixers (except for the most powerful - from about 200-300 liters) do not require industrial (380 V) voltage and are portable. Forced concrete mixers are usually stationary (and some even require a light foundation), are more expensive (from 2340 to 17600 US dollars) and consume 380 V electricity. But the productivity also increases accordingly: from 200/150 liters to 1500/1330 liters.

In addition, many of the forced concrete mixers are equipped with a "skip" or skip hoist designed to supply (lift in height) concrete mix aggregates. The skip hoist consists of a movable hopper moved along the guides by an electric winch through a system of blocks and automates the process of loading raw materials into the mixer; gravity mixers are loaded manually, which requires a minimum of one auxiliary worker for each unit.

The third stage consists of the actual process of forming decorative panels - fence elements. This process is most important in terms of appearance and consumer properties of finished products.

Forms for the production of a decorative fence must be of good quality, without welds, and also have sufficient strength to avoid deformation.

Decorative fences (as well as forms for them) are divided into two categories - deaf and openwork, or, more simply, impenetrable and "transparent".

Openwork panel molds are slightly more expensive, around $375 a piece versus $345 for a blank panel mold. Accordingly, forms are perhaps the biggest cost when starting your own business: after all, for a normal assortment, you will need to purchase at least 60-65 (of both types), and for a normal production volume per cycle, 5-10 pieces each, so as not to produce , for example, a 50-meter fence, one section per tab. And this is not counting the molds for pole holders, which cost, depending on the type, from 175 to 515 US dollars per piece and which also need to be purchased in an amount corresponding to the number of molds for panels, that is, twice as much - 2 poles hold one panel. right and left.

As with other high-quality concrete products (for example, paving slabs), concrete shrinkage requires a vibrating molding table - a special machine that produces forced concrete settling using frequency oscillations (vibration). The increase in the density of concrete occurs due to the removal of air bubbles from the mixture.

Vibrating tables are of two types - on belts and on springs. The former are somewhat cheaper (about $605) but wear out faster due to abrasion and stretching of the belts; the second ones are a little more expensive (from 950 to 1240 US dollars), but they are operated longer. In principle, the choice of the type of table depends on the volume of production - if it is small, then you can safely take a molding table on belts.

Although the production of concrete decorative fences uses special plasticizers and modifiers that are put into the solution to make it plastic, prevent microcracks, including easy removal of the hardened product from the mold, it is recommended, although not necessary, to also use a vibrating table that costs $550. .

Sometimes the same forming table is used to knock out finished products from the molds, equipped with a special nozzle costing only $ 25, however, with a continuous process or large volumes of production, this method is not practical: the forming vibrating table is equipped with more powerful electric motors than the forming table, so every time , using the molding table for demoulding, it should be reconfigured or one of the motors should be turned off (if a paired electrical circuit is used).

Business development prospects for the production of concrete decorative fences

The main direction of development, apart from, of course, increasing sales markets, is the direction of providing design and decoration services (not counting, of course, the obvious - the installation of decorative fences): for a fee, the designer will select an individual pattern for the fence, its color and type, corresponding to the design of the house or lawn.

This direction is the most promising, as it opens up wide opportunities for expanding production: in addition to simple (unpainted) decorative concrete panels, it is possible to produce colored ones by adding special pigments (dyes) to the initial solution.

In addition, if your designer also decorates the front lawn or courtyard, you can also offer the customer additional design elements in accordance with the design of the fence: for example, flowerpots, flower girls, herbalists, benches, urns, decorative figurines (the so-called "garden gnomes" and other creatures), fountains, balusters, borders, barbecues, etc.

Concrete fences are designed for arranging fences for residential buildings, enterprises, social and cultural facilities. The shape, height, presence or absence of a design solution is determined by the type of development, location, operation, technical and economic indicators, etc. Fences in private areas are the first stage of arrangement for your comfort and a source of pride for the owner.

For the manufacture of fences, the injection method is used, it is most effective in the production of products of small thickness (including roofing tiles, paving and facing tiles, fixed formwork, MAFs, etc.).

For the manufacture of concrete fences are used:

  • Portland cement M500D0 (without additives);
  • sand with a fineness modulus of more than Mcr 2.0 (ideally - a fraction of 2.5), the content of clay particles in the sand is not more than 3%;
  • crushed granite grade over 800, fraction 5-10 mm;
  • plasticizing additives;
  • water;
  • fittings: for the frame - Vr-1 steel, diameter from 4mm, for pillars: 0.5m - V-1 4mm, 1m - Vr-1 4mm, 1.5m - 6mm, 2.0m - 8mm, 2.5m - A3 10mm.

For the production of concrete fence panels, this mortar formulation is also used.

The concrete mixture should be prepared in a special mixer, then it will have high mobility, non-separation, excellent casting qualities, and, as a result, the products themselves will be durable, frost-resistant and have a long service life.

Manufacturing technology of concrete fences

The loading of the ingredients of the solution must be carried out in the sequence: sand - cement - water.

Pillars. Rinse the gravel in a concrete mixer, drain the water. Add sand, after cement. Knead everything dry until smooth. Pour water in portions, the humidity level is checked visually (squeeze the mixture in the palm of your hand).

Attention! The mixture on the pillars, is made drier than on the plates, visually should be lumpy. If, during vibration, the solution in the molds begins to “boil”, it means that there is excess moisture, which will lead to the “sagging” of the products, which is not desirable for the pillars (when setting, the inside sags).

Add half of the calculated amount of crushed stone, a plasticizer solution and about half of the total amount of water to the mixer, mix for a minute. Next, fill in the calculated amount of cement (see table) and repeat the action for another 1 minute. After adding the rest of all components (crushed stone, sand). The total time of the whole process is 10-20 minutes depending on the volume.

Plates. The solution can be made in a forced mixer, provided that it is unloaded from a height of no more than half a meter.

How to determine the quality of concrete?

There should be no dry inclusions in the mixture, delamination during vibration. It is easy to roll a ball from it (it has the consistency of a soft dough).

Quality Options:

  1. Density - 2200 kg\cubic meters. (GOST 26633-91 "Concrete heavy and fine-grained").
  2. Compressive strength class - not less than M200 (GOST 18105-86 "Rules for strength control").
  3. Frost resistance - not less than F50 (GOST 100060.1-95 "Concrete - the basic method for determining strength").

Technology for the production of concrete fences and poles for them

Subject to the spatial separation of the agitator and vibrating tables, the mixture is unloaded into hand carts. Otherwise, the best option is a tin sheet under the stirrer.

Fences. Start the manufacturing process like this: place the molds on a vibrating table, apply the release agent manually, with a special tool using a brush or spray (the second method is more economical). If excess grease is formed, drain it.

Fill the matrices with semi-dry concrete mixture to a third of the capacity. Turn on the vibrating table for about 30 seconds to compact. Lay the reinforcement, restart the vibrations. After the reinforcing wires are completely immersed, rub the surface to a smooth state.

Pillars. Place the mold on the vibrating table, insert the side inserts and secure with bolts. Lubricate. Pour a third of the concrete, turn on the table for 30 seconds, install 2 reinforcing rods, add the second third of the mixture and 2 more rods, pour the remaining solution. Between all actions, start the vibrating table. After complete filling, the inner insert is laid. The end is deepened with a board across the form. Vibrating table included. Smooth the surface around the groove with a trowel, holding the board in line with the shape. Vibrations are turned off, the shape is finally smoothed out.

In the manufacture of pillars, during the final filling of the form, it is necessary to install the upper groove former.

    The demoulding process takes place by tipping the form onto wooden pallets. Then slowly raise first one, then the other side until the product is completely separated, remove the matrix, visually check the quality.

    After all the work, the matrices are cleaned of adhering pieces with brushes, in extreme cases with Barracuda or a weak solution of hydrochloric acid.

    Hardening occurs due to the heat of cement hydration. All products are installed on pallets, the latter are stacked no more than 10 pieces on top of each other. At room temperature below 5°C, cover with foil. Do not give in piece heat treatment!

    Transportation can be carried out with a set of at least 70% strength. Panels should be stored vertically, posts should be stored horizontally.

    Paint with facade paint.

    Compositions of concrete mix
    (rates of consumption of raw materials and materials, per 1 m 3 of concrete mix)

    Optimum concrete compositions are offered for specific operating conditions, ensuring maximum durability of products. The recommended compositions of the concrete mixture are presented in the table.

    Name of raw materials, materials heavy concrete
    (pavement coverings)
    Fine-grained concrete
    (pavement coverings)
    Lightweight concrete
    (front coverings)

    Consumption rates
    per 1 cubic meter
    Consumption rates
    for batch
    V-0.5 m.cub.
    Consumption rates
    per 1 cubic meter
    Consumption rates
    for batch
    V-0.5 m.cub.
    Consumption rates
    per 1 cubic meter
    Consumption rates
    for batch
    V-0.5 m.cub.
    Cement, kg 485 16 580 20 500 16
    Sand, kg 930-890 24 1480-1435 40 640-600 16
    Crushed stone (expanded clay), kg 850 24 - - 450 32
    Plasticizing additive consumption depending on the additive used
    Water, l 160 5,5 195 6,5 170 5,5

    For any questions, please contact our consultants. We will advise, we will help, we will advise!

Investments: from 2,000,000 rubles

Payback: from 24 months

Owners of their own houses, companies owning their own buildings, always enclose a private area. It's about calmness and a sense of security from prying eyes. One of the best fencing options is decorative concrete fences.

business concept

A huge part of the buildings is being built according to template projects, so they look the same. Concrete fences are a way to stand out, to give the object its own style and personality. In addition, this is a good alternative to forged gratings: concrete is cheaper and does not need additional painting from plaque and rust.

It is clear that there is a demand for the product and, moreover, it is constantly growing. But the "players" involved in the production of concrete fences can be counted on the fingers. More often, fences are made according to an individual sketch as an addition to another product (plates, blocks, etc.).

Large companies, it is not known why (perhaps they are not attracted to work on a small project), almost do not engage in this type of activity. Buyers have to overpay for concrete fences due to the small number of offers.

With the release of a large number of products, with a relatively low price and good quality, customers will come to you.

Earnings are based on the manufacture of products to order or the implementation of standard designs. Clients are owners of houses with land plots, companies and other persons.

What is required for implementation

First you need to rent or buy equipment:

  • vibrating table with 2 electric motors for molding concrete products;
  • concrete mixer;
  • vibrating sieve to sift components (sand, cement);
  • a set of forms;
  • trays for drying poured products.

Production begins with the sifting of materials: bases for cement and sand. To do this, they buy a vibrating sieve in advance - the amount depends on the expected amount of work. In mass production, the minimum number of units is 4. To work on an order, 2 pieces are enough.

The next step is concrete mixing. To do this, buy special concrete mixers. Fortunately, the market offers a huge selection of equipment in different price categories.

Next - the last stage - the formation of fence elements, panels. They should be of the highest quality, durable and not deformed with light impact. Deaf forms are cheaper than openwork ones. Buying the latter is a costly business, especially when starting production.

Launch instruction

  1. Search and lease of a territory with a total area of ​​at least 300 sq. m - for production, the minimum size of premises - 50 sq. m. It also requires the presence of warehouses, procurement sites. All areas, except for the warehouse, must be heated.
  2. Personnel selection. It will take at least 4 people, 2 per shift. Productivity - 100-150 sq. m of fences per shift.
  3. Purchase of raw materials: cement grade 500-D0, sand, reinforcing wire and various plasticizers for accelerated hardening of concrete. Also, during installation, you can use facade paint to give color.
  4. Direct production (streams or to order).
  5. Implementation.

Financial calculations

Approximately (in rubles):

  • purchase of materials - 1.7 million;
  • monthly rent and wages - 40,000 for the premises, 600-650 0000 - for hired workers;
  • equipment - 300,000;
  • advertising and promotion - from 50,000.

In total - from 2.5 to 3 million.

You will also need to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur and take care of the availability of an auxiliary financial fund, which, in case of force majeure, can be spent on paying expenses.

To ensure better earnings, you need to establish distribution channels for goods, prepare an effective advertising campaign in advance and conclude several contracts, not only with companies, but also with private traders.

With average volumes of production and sales, the payback of the project is 3 years. Earnings - from 150 to 300 thousand rubles a month.

Business risks and cons

As with all types of production, especially when it comes to working to order, the risk of manufacturing concrete fences is the lack of customers. There is little competition in the market, and such an outcome is unlikely.

In general, this is a good opportunity for your own business. You don't have to be limited to a single line. Today, other concrete products are also gaining popularity - benches, paving stones, etc. A diverse selection of products will ensure a greater influx of customers.

Prices for fences made of concrete sections

What determines the price of concrete fences? First of all, it depends on the overall dimensions of the structure, the finishing options chosen by the client, the types of support and foundation, the complexity of installation, and the area of ​​the protected area. If it is important for you to purchase a product cheaper, then you can choose a model of modest decorative properties, without complex design elements. It is worth mentioning that concrete fences cannot be too cheap, since the process of their creation is very labor-intensive, as well as installation work. In our catalog you can see photos of completed projects, as well as reviews of our customers, which will help you make the right choice.

Decorative concrete fences

Especially popular is the production of decorative concrete fences, in the design of which a variety of stylizations are used (under natural stone of various textures and colors, under brick, etc.), spectacular decorations - lattice inserts, concrete ornaments, columns and much more. Such an abundance of technical capabilities opens up prospects for the successful implementation of the most complex projects that reflect the aesthetic preferences of our clients.

The advantages of decorative type fences include their lower weight, which facilitates the process of transportation and installation. This does not affect the strength characteristics, so the service life of concrete structures will be more than a dozen years. We have a range of affordable and stylish fencing options available.

Sections of decorative concrete fences

Production of fences from concrete panels

We offer reliable sectional fences, the manufacture of which is based on the use of modern technologies and high quality materials. Our company carries out the production of reinforced concrete products and typesetting panels. Reinforced concrete structures are the most durable and massive, their installation is in demand in industrial areas, warehouses and construction sites. The scheme of work used by our company involves the creation of sections of the monolith of the required dimensions, which are then transported to the installation site. For high-quality installation, specialists need to build a foundation that can withstand a significant weight of structures.

Decorative concrete fences are less massive, their construction is carried out on the spot, by attaching individual elements between the pillars of the support. We create original type-setting panels, the surface of which imitates natural wood, stone,

Our company sells reliable structures made of high-quality concrete of our own production. The catalog presents a variety of fences, both industrial and decorative - for a house or a cottage. This allows our customers to select the optimal products that meet the practical requirements of the customer. Also, we are always ready to create for you a custom-made design that has suitable overall dimensions and appearance. An individual approach allows our clients to be directly involved in the selection of the configuration of each fence, which affects the cost of the finished structure.

You can order an inexpensive or elite fence from us, which will not only protect your home, but also create a harmonious atmosphere, decorate the territory, and complement the architectural ensemble of the building. The prices for the products of our company include measurement, design, delivery, as well as such a service as installation.