How to arrange a flower bed of perennials to bloom all summer. Flowers for flower beds - blooming all summer, undersized, annuals, perennials - photo with names, scheme Planting flowers in flower beds

The popular phrase about beauty that requires sacrifice can be fully attributed to the dacha: in order to make it truly beautiful, gardeners often sacrifice their strength, time, money ... But what if there is not enough time or experience yet, but do you want beauty? It's nice to relax among elegant flower beds and flower beds - is it really possible only at the cost of titanic efforts? Not at all!

Botanical tulips are hardy flowers. A photo

Of course, it will not do without difficulty at all, but decorating your dacha with unpretentious flowers that do not require much trouble either during planting or in care is a very real task. And if you choose the right plants, taking into account their seasonal decorative effect and the characteristics of the site, you can make your dream come true and enjoy the beauty that does not require special sacrifices from early spring to late autumn.

Unpretentious flowers - beauty that does not require sacrifice. A photo

bulbous plants

Since it is before everyone else that they meet spring in the country, we will start with them. And believe me, there are many wonderful flowers here that will not cause you any worries - except that you need to protect the bulbs from the ubiquitous ones, but for this there are special planting baskets - convenient devices that, over time, will make digging out overgrown bulbs much easier.


Colchicum is born completely "at the wrong time." A photo

Bloom: from August to November (depending on the species).
Landing: July or August, to a depth of about 10 cm.
Height: 5-20 cm.
Growing conditions: sun or partial shade; permeable soil (for autumn colchicum - slightly moist, for other species dry is preferable).
Garden use: along shrubbery, on the lawn, in rock gardens, in flower beds; can be grown as a container plant.

It is not in vain that this flower got its name: it is born completely “at the wrong time” - in late autumn, when the foliage from the trees has almost flown around, and the garden has become completely empty and sad. And here, among the general withering, these flowers suddenly bloom, very reminiscent of crocuses.

Such late flowering plus exceptional unpretentiousness is done (or colchicum - lat. Colchicum) welcome guests of the garden. They are planted in July-August, choosing sunny areas or places in partial shade. And then you can forget about any troubles for a long time - Colchicums feel much better if they are not disturbed at all. Isn't it a wonderful property?

Colchicums are beautiful, but poisonous. A photo

However, it is worth knowing and considering that (regardless of the type and variety). All parts of it contain colchicine, a potent poison, so reasonable care must be taken when planting it. Although in my garden, for example, colchicum appeared long before I learned about their possible danger, and they grow to this day.

Colchicum bulbs can be found in our catalog, which includes offers from various online stores.

botanical tulips

Late botanical tulip (Tulipa tarda), photo

Bloom: from March to May (depending on the species).
Landing: autumn
Height: 10-50 cm (depending on the type)
Growing conditions: sunny areas with nutritious permeable soil; it is desirable that in summer it be dry, and in spring - moderately wet, but without stagnant water.
Garden use: group plantings in flowerbeds and in discounts; relevant in; look very good on the lawn; suitable for growing in pot culture.

They say that botanical tulips are not only blue - nature has endowed them with all other colors and shades. Then the works of breeders were added to this, and today we can admire these charming little ones, choosing the shape and color scheme to our taste.

Tulip botanical, photo

Unlike their other relatives, they do not require annual digging of bulbs. You can plant them in a flower garden or in the middle of a lawn, and year by year they will only become more spectacular, thanks to the expanding nests of bulbs and an abundance of flowers.

In our gardens more often than others are found ( Tulipa greigii), Kaufman ( Tulipa kaufmanniana), Foster ( Tulipa fosteriana), as well as late tulip ( Tulipa tarda), forest ( Tulipa sylvestris) and Turkestan ( Tulipa turkestanica).

Tulip Turkestan (Tulipa turkestanica), photo

Due to their small stature, these tulips are suitable for planting in rockeries and rock gardens; they look great on the edge of shrubbery in, on lawns, but are no less spectacular in or on. They are planted in autumn, like most bulbs, and flowering begins already in April (the earliest are Kaufman, Foster, Turkestan; Greig's tulips bloom at the end of April, forest and late ones bloom more often in May).

Iridodictiums are undemanding babies. A photo

Bloom: April, in warm regions - from the end of March.
Landing: from August until the first frost.
Height: 10-15 cm
Growing conditions: open sunny areas with light permeable soil; if the soil is heavy, sand should be added when planting. A neutral or slightly alkaline soil reaction is preferred; wetting is unacceptable, even temporary.
Garden use: excellent plants for rockeries, rocky gardens; grow well and feel good under deciduous trees with a light crown; successful planting in groups on the lawn. suitable for forcing.

We talked about these plants in more detail in the article, and indeed, his flowers in the garden appear among the first. In combination with unpretentiousness and undemanding, this is an excellent reason to settle them in your country house.

Heralds of spring - crocuses. A photo

Bloom: from March to May, depending on the type and variety; there are also species that bloom in autumn.
Landing: spring-flowering crocuses are planted in autumn (from August to the first frosts), autumn-flowering - in early spring; when planting, it is advisable to use special baskets, because crocus bulbs more often than other small-bulb ones become prey to rodents.
Height: 7-20 cm
Growing conditions: areas in the sun or in light partial shade (for example, under deciduous trees or shrubs) with permeable soil.

You will find a large assortment of crocuses in our catalog, which combines the offers of many garden online stores. .


Muscari Armenian, photo

Bloom: from April to June (depending on the type and variety)
Landing: Aug. Sept; at the beginning of summer, after the leaves have completely died off, the overgrown curtains can be divided.
Height: 10-30 cm.
Growing conditions: preferably a warm sunny place, but partial shade is also acceptable; the soil can be damp in spring (without stagnant water), but during the dormant period the bulbs should be in dry soil. The plant does not tolerate well, use for top dressing.

You will find a good selection of muscari bulbs of different varieties in our catalog, which includes offers from many online garden stores. .

Use in the garden: excellent flowers for planting under deciduous trees and shrubs, in rockeries and rocky gardens, on lawns; look great in group plantings in flower beds, in combination with other bulbs; suitable for forcing.

Daffodils are popular bulbous flowers. A photo

Bloom: from April to June (depending on the type and variety).
Landing: end of August - September.
Height: 30-60 cm
Growing conditions: areas in the sun or in partial shade, with loose, fertile, permeable soil without stagnant water.
Garden use: successfully used in the design of flower beds, mixborders and discounts; look good under deciduous trees; can be grown in container culture; suitable for forcing and cutting.

Narcissists need no introduction. A photo

This flower, probably, needs no introduction - there is hardly a gardener who does not know him. I will note only one curious and useful feature of them: rodents do not touch the bulbs of daffodils. Moreover, it is believed that they, like them, scare away these animals, therefore it is recommended to plant daffodils around the perimeter of flower beds with other bulbs.

Daffodils in a wide range are presented in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores. .

Flowering: April-May.
Landing: end of August - September.
Height: 10-20 cm
Growing conditions: preferably a place where in spring, during the flowering period, Pushkinia will be in the sun, and in summer they will be in light shade (for example, under the crowns of deciduous trees).
Use in the garden: group plantings under trees and shrubs, on lawns; in borders along garden paths, in flowerbeds and spring flower beds; the plant is suitable for forcing.


Chionodox - stars in the grass. A photo

Bloom: April May.
Landing: September.
Height: 15-25 cm.
Growing conditions: chionodoxes are relatively undemanding to lighting: they grow well both in the sun and in light shade; the soil is preferably fertile, well-drained; excess moisture is unacceptable.
Use in the garden: very good in rockeries and rocky gardens, because, unlike many small-bulbous ones, they do not tend to grow violently, capturing space; successful group plantings under trees and shrubs, on lawns; can be used in flower beds; suitable for forcing.

And also unpretentious and quite simple to grow, white flowers.

Beautiful flowering perennials

Perennials are remarkable in that you do not need to take care of their sowing or growing every year. At the same time, from year to year they become prettier, growing and becoming more magnificent. If such a plant, moreover, is undemanding to conditions and care, this is a real find for an inexperienced or busy gardener.

Blooming aquilegia are charming. A photo

Bloom: from May to August.
Growing conditions: in partial shade; on moist soils, aquilegia can grow in the open sun.
Garden use: flower beds and flower beds; undersized species can be used in shady rockeries; These plants look good on the shore of reservoirs.

Astilba has attractive flowers and foliage. A photo

from June to September (depending on the type and variety).
Landing: spring (April-May) or autumn (September).
Height: 20-120 cm (depending on the type and variety).
Growing conditions: penumbra; moist permeable soil with a high content of organic matter.
Use in the garden: group and single plantings in the rarefied shade of trees and shrubs, on the banks of reservoirs, in flower beds; compact forms suitable for container growing.

Astilbes in a wide range are presented in our catalog, which combines the offers of large online stores of planting material and seeds.

This amazing plant is untouched by pests, it is exceptionally resistant to diseases, and the only thing that is required for care is pruning of wilted inflorescences. In dry summers, watering may be required, but in wet soils this is not necessary either. Sometimes it is recommended to cover plants for the winter, but my astilbes, for example, wintered without shelter - however, here it is worth focusing on the characteristics of the species and climatic conditions.

Periwinkle - unpretentious ground cover perennial, photo

Bloom: April May
Height: 5-20 cm (ground cover).
Growing conditions: partial shade or shade - heat and direct sunlight are contraindicated for this plant; the soil is loose, fertile, without stagnant moisture.
Garden use: ground cover plant for shady corners of the garden.

In our gardens, the periwinkle is more common ( Vinca minor), which is found in European forests as a wild plant. On the basis of this species, numerous varieties have been developed that differ in various decorative features: some have especially large or double flowers; others have an unusual coloration (there are varieties of periwinkles with white, red and purple flowers); still others have variegated foliage. This type of periwinkle loves moisture and shade.

Various varieties of small periwinkle are presented in our catalog, which combines the offers of large garden online stores. .

Brunners grow well in partial shade. A photo

Bloom: from the beginning of May.
Landing: spring (April-May) or August-September.
Height: 30-50 cm
Growing conditions: penumbra; nutritious moist soil; Brunner grows well on clay and loamy soils.
Garden use: under trees and shrubs that give a rarefied shade; at the foot of fences and walls, along the banks of streams and reservoirs.

Delicate blue brunner flowers in the spring garden create a joyful mood, enliven its shady corners. Having planted this plant once, you can not worry about it for many years afterwards. The only thing is that it is advisable to immediately give him more space, since the brunner grows well under favorable conditions.

Breeders have bred variegated varieties - with silver or creamy white patterns, spots or borders on the leaves. Please note that such plants need protection from sunlight and strong winds - they are more demanding on conditions than the usual green leaf brunner, which can only suffer from drought.

Perennial cornflowers sometimes bear little resemblance to their field "relatives", Photo

Bloom: June to September (depending on the species).
Landing: late April - early May or August-September.
Height: 20-100 cm depending on the species and variety.
Growing conditions: most cornflowers prefer sunny places, but some (mountain and round-headed cornflower) grow well in partial shade; undemanding to soils.
Garden use: in flower beds, in combination with other herbaceous perennials.

All cornflowers are good in their own way. A photo

There are several types of perennial cornflowers, and each of them is good in its own way. Cornflower mountain ( Centaurea montana) has several varietal forms - with white, pink, dark purple and purple-lavender flowers. Cornflower large-headed ( centaurea macrocephala) is distinguished by bright large "shaggy" flowers of sunny yellow color.

Geraniums grow well in partial shade. A photo

Bloom: from May to August (depending on the type and variety).
Landing: April May.
Height: 10-100 cm (depending on the type and variety).
Growing conditions: Geraniums are very diverse, and you can choose a plant for almost any conditions, both in terms of illumination and soil types.
Use in the garden: all types of geraniums grow well along shrub plantings, in light partial shade; this is an excellent flower bed plant; undersized species are used in borders and as ground cover plants; some species are suitable for rocky gardens and rockeries.

Wild geranium can also live in the garden. A photo

Wild species have long settled in my garden, which you can read about in the article. You will find interesting information in the article. And no matter what kind of this plant you choose, geranium will not require you to pay special attention to your person, but, despite this, it will endow you with bright flowering.

Choose charming geraniums in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores. .


Derbennik loves wet areas. A photo

Bloom: July to September
Landing: April-May or August-September.
Height: 60-140 cm
Growing conditions: ideal option - a wet area in the shade in the afternoon; loosestrife can grow even on very heavy soils; tolerates short-term flooding, needs good soil moisture.
Garden use: suitable for planting in low-lying, wetlands; looks great on the banks of reservoirs; can be used in borders and mixborders, provided there is enough moisture in the soil.

Sunny flowers - doronicums. A photo

Bloom: May June.
Landing: April May.
Height: 30-80 cm (depending on the type)
Growing conditions: sun or partial shade; permeable nutrient soil
Garden use: spring flower beds and flower beds; successful placement of doronicum on the edge of shrubbery.

When doronicum blooms, other plants are still gaining strength. A photo

Sunny mood is guaranteed when doronicum blooms! These bright flowers, similar to daisies, are very effective in flower beds, because at the time of flowering doronicum, most garden plants are still gaining strength, and the bulbs are already fading.

When planting, keep in mind: at the end of flowering, most doronicums fade - they begin a dormant period. At this time, strongly growing bushes can be divided and transplanted. If you are planting doronicum in a flower bed, combine it with perennials or annuals that can hide fading foliage in early summer.

European bathing suit, photo

Bloom: from April to August - depending on the variety; more often - May.
Landing: April May
Height: 50-90 cm
Growing conditions: a site in the sun or in partial shade, with well-moistened soil; not suitable for planting hot and dry places with loose calcareous or sandy soil.
Garden use: design of the coastal zone of reservoirs, streams; moist semi-shady corners of the garden; well located bathing suits along the bushes, near the walls and fences.

On sale, you can easily find planting material for hybrid bathing suits, the flowers of which have various shades of yellow or orange. Less common is the Chinese bathing suit - a tall (up to 1 m) late-flowering (June-August) plant.

Kupena is an elegant plant for shady areas. A photo

Bloom: May June
Landing: April-May or September.
Height: 30-100 cm (depending on the type)
Growing conditions: this plant is for shady and semi-shady areas; tolerates sun on moist soil.
Garden use: design of shady areas, group plantings on the outskirts of tree and shrub plantations, under trees.


Meadowsweet meadowsweet (meadowsweet) is not only beautiful, but also a medicinal plant. A photo

Bloom: June-September (depending on the type)
Landing: May
Height: 30-250 cm (depending on the type and variety)
Growing conditions: the meadowsweet grows both in the sun and in partial shade, but the soil must certainly be moist; heavy clay soils with a high humus content are preferred.
Garden use: spectacular plant for the coastal zone of reservoirs and streams; meadowsweet (or meadowsweet) can grow in wetlands, and common meadowsweet is suitable for rockeries or rabatok with calcareous soil.

Choose meadowsweet in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores.


The color of lupins is very diverse. A photo

Bloom: June July; re-flowering - August-September
Landing: April May
Height: 80-100 cm
Growing conditions: sun; permeable, slightly acidic soil; lupins do not like calcareous and highly fertilized soils.

You can find perennial lupine seeds in our catalog, which combines the offers of various garden online stores. .

Small-sized puppies require virtually no maintenance. A photo

Bloom: June to September
Landing: May
Height: 20-80 cm (depending on the type and variety)
Growing conditions: the best option is open sunny areas with nutritious loose soil.
Garden use: in sunny areas.

The small-flower is remarkable for its long and abundant flowering, and caring for it consists only in installing props for tall varieties - they tend to fall apart, especially in rainy weather. Yes, and keep in mind: the small-scale hybrid, or erigeron, is a rather aggressive plant; once in favorable conditions, it actively grows and can capture vast spaces, so it is better to immediately limit its growth.

Enotera can grow very strongly. A photo

Bloom: June to September (depending on the type)
Landing: April or September
Height: 15-100 cm (depending on the type and variety)
Growing conditions: sunny areas with rather poor soil; evening primroses tolerate drought well, although with moderate moisture they bloom longer.
Garden use: evening primrose - an excellent plant for flower beds and mixed flower beds; some species are suitable for rocky and gravel gardens and rockeries.

More useful information about this plant can be found in the article.

Many gardeners are partial to flower beds with perennials. They can be understood, you only need to work on its creation once, in the future it will decorate the site for many years. These flowers require minimal maintenance.

The main advantage is that you can make flower beds with your own hands. With the right approach, this is quite simple.

Features of creating perennial flower beds

Such compositions are not created for 1 year, so care should be taken to ensure that all the smallest details are taken into account. For example, you need to immediately decide what flowers will be.

Undersized flowers are great for flower beds, while lush plantings look good, which delight the eye with scope and bright colors.

Here are some rules that should be followed when creating such compositions:

  • The flower bed should be in good harmony with the design of the site;
  • The flower garden should be made in such a way that it would be convenient to take care of it later;
  • Plants should not interfere with each other;

  • When planting, you need to ensure sufficient distance between the flowers so that they have room to grow;
  • Low flowers are best planted in groups, and larger ones vice versa;
  • Plants in the same flower bed should have similar growing conditions;
  • The flower bed should have harmonious color combinations.

After the location of the flower bed is chosen on the site and it is decided how it will look, the most difficult moment of our project comes - the selection of plants.

Perennial flowers for flower beds must be selected very carefully. They should not oppress each other and develop well together. In order not to miss anything, you can write everything down.

We will need information about the required conditions for the plant, its name, size and color. If desired, on paper, you can draw a whole scheme for placing flowers in a flower bed.

Very often in the photo of flowers for a flower bed you can find compositions in which some plants complement others and look good at certain times of the year. For example, in winter, coniferous plantations can be the decoration of a flower garden, while in warm weather they will look more faded against the background of flowering species.

Many people like it when all plants bloom at the same time. All this will need to be accurately selected and formed a list of several plants that you would like to place in your flower garden.

Before you make a flower bed, you need to consider its purpose. Perhaps it will be the central composition on the site or a small mixborder located along the fence. Depending on this, it will be necessary to select flowers that will require different care.

Simple flower bed

This option can be either a one-sided flower garden or a circular one. For its design, plants of the lower and upper tiers are used. Names of colors suitable for such a flower bed:

  • Delphinium - has a height of up to 180 cm. It can be in partial shade, blooms for 3 weeks in June.
  • Phlox paniculata - has a height of up to one and a half meters. It grows well in partial shade, blooms in mid-July.

  • Garden geranium - height up to 40 cm. Feels good in the shade and blooms all summer.
  • Cuff - height up to 50 cm. Undemanding to light, blooms all summer.

All these species feel good in loamy soil and are not very demanding on external conditions. They can be placed "slide".

The lower tier can be occupied by a cuff, then geranium, phlox, and in the middle of the flower bed there will be a delphinium.

Here are the names of flowers for flower beds that bloom throughout the season:

  • Stonecrop prominent - blooms from the beginning of September until the very cold;
  • Daylily - blooms all summer;
  • Potentilla - begins to bloom at the end of May;
  • Hydrangea - blooms in mid-July;
  • Tulips, daffodils and other bulbs will decorate the flower beds in early spring.

With such a set of flowers, you can make a flower bed very beautiful at any time of the year. It will be both lush and bright.

This will be especially true if there is not much time for plant care or if there are other plantings on the site that need attention.

Photo of flowers for a flower bed

In order for the flower bed in the garden to please the eye all summer, you can use flowers, both annual and perennial, of different colors, shapes and sizes. It is important that the flowering period of plants is long or strictly seasonal - in the second case, you will have to think about planting in such a way that the flowers bloom, replacing each other.

Find out which outdoor flowers are best to plant so that the flower bed remains beautiful and bright throughout the summer.

Many gardeners prefer to plant annual flowers - after all, in this case, every year the type of site will be different, you will never get bored. Photos of the most popular annuals below.

These plants allow you to make a beautiful blooming garden directly in the year of planting, while the flowering of many perennials occurs only the next year. There are so many species and varieties of annual plants that it will not be difficult to find suitable options for any site: sunny, shaded, waterlogged, arid, infertile, any other.

In addition, annuals are easy to grow - they are unpretentious and easy to care for. Consider the most suitable plants for continuous flowering.

This is one of the most common options for decorating flower beds in our country. Marigolds are uniquely unpretentious, and even a child can grow them. Flowering starts early and lasts a long time. You can buy plants with different colors of petals - all shades of yellow, orange, brick and brown are presented to your attention.

Marigolds can be both undersized - from 10 cm, and medium-sized, reaching half a meter. The texture of the petals, depending on the variety, can be simple or terry. It is clear that the second option is more decorative.

You can arrange a flower bed by planting it with marigolds of different varieties and shades, or you can use these flowers for various bright compositions, as a background plant. Note that in any case, the plants in the flowerbed look great, they bring a warm, lively touch to the landscape.

The most popular and beloved flower by gardeners. The variety of colors of petunia is simply amazing, besides, the plant is quite unpretentious and always looks great in a flower bed. It is impossible to plant a petunia in the shade - the flower loves the sun and in shady places quickly loses its attractiveness and brightness.

Breeders have bred an impressive number of various varieties of petunias - simple, terry, ampelous and others. In addition, these unique flowers can be of all shades of the rainbow, which makes it possible to use them in the design of any flower beds. A flower bed with some petunias of some beautiful shade will look spectacular, and flowers also look great in compositions.

Difficulties exist only with growing seedlings, since the seeds of petunia are very small, and the seedlings are fragile. But already if the seedlings have taken root in the garden, in the future the flower grows and blooms with little or no participation of the gardener.

This flower will delight with its magnificent view from early summer to October. The plant is distinguished by beautiful white, blue, purple flowers, has a short stature, can serve as the center of the composition, and as a background, addition.

Flowering bushes are miniature in size, growing up to 10-20 cm in height. It is better to plant lobelia in a sunny flower bed with loose soil. It is important to water the plant regularly, as lobelia cannot develop normally in drought conditions.

A very unusual, exotic-looking plant that can decorate any garden landscape. Calceolaria grows low, but its luxurious bright flowers compensate for its small size. It is necessary to grow a flower in the shade; calceolaria cannot grow in the light. When watering, it is important to aim exactly at the root, since drops of water that fall on the flowers significantly reduce the decorative effect of the latter.

This plant in most territories of Russia is grown as an annual, but in warm climates it can also be cultivated as a perennial. Carnation boasts not only red flowers, but also white, purple, pink. In addition, the flowers have a pleasant aroma.

It is not difficult to grow it, as the flower is unpretentious, resistant to cool climates, able to tolerate even return frosts in the spring.

Ground cover and undersized annuals

A very beautiful annual plant, popularly known as the "rug". Purslane received this name for its outstanding ground cover properties. Having planted that plant, you will forget for the whole season about the areas that were accidentally missed in the flower bed. Purslane flowers have different shades, besides, they can be both modest simple and more spectacular terry.

In cultivation, the flower is unpretentious, and can easily take root even on stony, infertile soil. It does not require special care, it does not need frequent watering and top dressing. However, it is desirable to plant purslane in the sun, as its decorative qualities are significantly reduced in the shade.

A plant that does well in both sun and shade. Iberis flowers are small, usually white, very fragrant. If you try, you can also find varieties with purple, red, pink-purple colors.

It blooms continuously for two months, starting in May. Iberis looks great in combination with other colors, easily tolerates any neighborhood. The combination of white delicate iberis and bright red carnation, other bright colors is very impressive.

These wonderful violets have a sweet appearance and non-capricious character. Different varieties of pansies bloom at different times - you can choose varieties in such a way that the flowering of plants will be continuous. Most varieties, however, bloom in spring-early summer.

In our difficult climate, this flower is grown in seedlings - the method helps to achieve earlier and longer flowering.

Very simple, but at the same time graceful flowers, reminiscent of small daisies. Daisies have an extensive range of colors, so they can set off the beauty of any flower bed. In the south, daisies can also be grown as a perennial, but in most regions of the country it is customary to cultivate them in an annual way. Their flowering is very long and lasts literally all summer.

Delicate plant with petals of soft, muted shades. Buds of an interesting shape - spherical and as if soft in appearance. The color scheme of ageratum is cold - all shades of blue, blue, lilac are represented.

The bush grows compact, the plant has unusual foliage - triangular-diamond-shaped with notches. In nature, it is a perennial, but in our climate it is possible to cultivate it only as an annual - the ageratum will not survive the frost.

Curly annual flowers

The popularity of annuals with curly properties does not fade. And no wonder - these flowers are distinguished by increased decorativeness along with unpretentious care. In addition, they grow very quickly. If you want to decorate a flower bed with climbing plants, pay attention to the following magnificent varieties.

An annual plant that strikes with uniquely fast growth. During the season, Ipomoea grows up to three meters, but due to the curly shoots, this length is not so striking.

Flowers can be of different shades - blue, lilac, purple, pink options are more common on sale. Interestingly, as soon as flowering begins, one or more new flowers can be observed on the plant every day. It is better to grow this plant in the light, while moisturizing regularly.

This climbing plant can serve as a wonderful backdrop for more sophisticated flowers. But the peas themselves look pretty cute, besides, they have a wonderful aroma. The color of the petals can be different, and the flowering period is very long - from July to November. During the season, sweet peas grow up to three meters, love the sun (but should be shaded from direct rays) and moist soil.

A plant that has valuable decorative characteristics: wide regular-shaped leaves, curving, curly lashes, fragrant bright flowers. Interestingly, nasturtium seeds are edible and are traditionally used in cooking in many countries.

You can eat and flowers - they are great for decorating dishes. Nasturtium blooms for an impressively long time - almost throughout the summer. You can grow it in partial shade, however, you should take care of regular watering and top dressing.

There are a lot of varieties of this plant; you can find on sale both large-sized specimens and quite miniature ones. It is remarkable that no matter how large the shoots grow, flowers usually bloom throughout their length.

Varieties with red and yellow flowers are especially loved by gardeners - such nasturtium looks especially bright and attractive. Growing a flower is easy, and seeds can be planted directly in the ground without first preparing the seedlings.


The choice of perennial flowers for a flower bed is justified in many ways: this is both constancy, and the absence of the need to fiddle with seedlings every spring, and a well-groomed garden for several seasons. In addition, if you need luxurious flower beds with large, bright, spectacular flowers, then these are mostly only perennials. Annual flowers grow much smaller, modest.

In addition, when growing perennial flowers, there is no need to spend money on buying seeds every year. And in growing these flowers are much less troublesome.

Almost always continuously flowering flower beds contain the following plants:

  • peonies;
  • phloxes;
  • roses;
  • dahlias;

And from these plants, due to their many varieties and varieties, you can form any flower bed: any height, shape and shades. Many gardeners pick up flowers in the same color scheme or contrasting ones - such flower beds look unusually picturesque.

For early spring flowering, hyacinths and tulips of suitable shades can be added to this " basic composition", and for autumn flowering - perennial asters.

To make the flower bed shine with fresh, delicate colors already in early spring, plant garden perennials on it, such as:

  • periwinkle;
  • snowdrop;
  • tulips;
  • hyacinths;
  • muscari;
  • crocuses;
  • daffodils, etc.

In the summer, flower beds decorated with:

  • dahlias;
  • delphinium;
  • lilies;
  • anemones;
  • poppies;
  • roses;
  • sage, etc.

For the end of summer and autumn, the following perennials are useful:

  • chrysanthemums;
  • sedum;
  • rudbeckia;
  • yarrow;
  • echinacea;
  • asters, etc.

Let's take a closer look at the most popular varieties of perennials for continuous flowering flower beds.

It is no coincidence that this plant is called the “queen of flowers” ​​- in beauty, sophistication and luxurious appearance, few plants can compare with a rose. In addition to the spectacular appearance, the rose always smells very pleasant, and you can enjoy its aroma for a long time.

Many varieties of roses are quite demanding on care and climate. And in many regions of our country, this beauty can only be grown in a greenhouse or in a greenhouse. If you want an unpretentious variety, stop at the tea rose - it is a species resistant to pests and diseases, tolerates cool climates well and is not too thorough care.

A lot of gardeners plant this bright perennial on their plots. The plant is distinguished by outstanding decorativeness along with unpretentiousness. The shape of the flowers is unusual and interesting, and the colors of the petals are striking in their diversity and brightness. However, plants with petals of blue and blue shades have not yet been bred.

Snapdragon can be both undersized and quite tall. The plant feels good in partial shade, but it will please with greater brightness in a sunny flower bed.

A perennial plant, beautifully flowering and quite unpretentious. Phloxes can grow in almost any soil, they are undemanding to lighting and growing place. They winter without problems, they tolerate even severe frosts well. Outwardly, they are very decorative, which, along with unpretentiousness, makes them a real flower treasure.

A beautiful and delicate flower, associated by many with a field plant. However, now breeders have created so many different varieties of bluebells that among them you can find luxurious, even terry specimens.

The bell blooms for a long time, pleasing the eye all summer, but its flowering begins only in the second year after planting. It is better to choose shaded areas for it, but the bell does not make special demands on the soil.

Exquisite charming perennial with a pleasant aroma. The shades of lily petals can be any, the plant is good both in the flower bed and in the cut, in a bouquet. Despite the delicate beauty, the lily is not capricious in care, moreover, it is resistant to most garden pests. This plant begins to bloom in June and continues until autumn.

A very beautiful perennial, loved by many gardeners. The buds of the plant resemble tall candles, they stand out for their beauty and high growth against the background of the entire flower garden. Usually the delphinium is grown either in the center of the flower bed, or behind the flower garden, as an elegant backdrop. The combination of this plant with phlox and lilies looks very impressive.

One of the primroses is a plant with magnificent, very bright curly caps-inflorescences. Since the hyacinth has a short stature, it is usually planted along the edge of the flower bed, as a kind of border.

This is a climbing plant that can decorate not only flower beds, but also an arch, a gazebo, any support. The plant blooms exquisitely, and until late autumn. The color of clematis petals is amazingly diverse - any gardener will choose the most suitable shade for himself.

Ground cover and undersized perennials

Attractive perennial with beautiful blue flowers and ground cover properties. By planting tradescantia in a flower bed, you can forget about bald spots and ugly bald patches that form in places where flowers skip. A wonderful solid carpet is formed on the flower bed.

Tradescantia is beautiful not only for its flowers, its foliage is also attractive - bright green, lush, with interestingly shaped individual leaves. The plant is stunted, so it can serve as an excellent background for taller specimens.

A simple wild flower that can serve as a wonderful backdrop for more luxurious plants. Cornflower practically does not require care and feels great, growing literally like a weed. Breeders have bred cornflower varieties not only of the usual heavenly shade, but also white, yellow, even pink. There are also terry varieties that are particularly decorative.

This perennial wakes up in the spring and blooms all summer, without requiring care and maintenance. A wonderful option for busy gardeners who cannot afford to visit the cottage often.

This is an extremely unpretentious perennial plant, but at the same time quite decorative. It blooms for a long time - for a month and a half in summer, carnation bushes are completely strewn with pink-purple flowers. Note that the flowers themselves are quite small, but due to the large number of plantings they look magnificent and elegant.

This variety of carnation is very good as a frame, edging flower beds. It can also be used as summer borders for garden paths.

A cute herbaceous plant that is small in size: the alpine aster reaches a height of only 10-30 cm. It grows best in partial shade on loose, permeable soil. The plant blooms for a very long time - about 3 months without a break. The Rosea variety is distinguished by a special duration of the decorative period.

Very refined, delicate plant with beautiful flowers. Begonia of this species is able to please the eye throughout the summer - that is why it is so loved by gardeners. If in late autumn the begonia is transferred from the flower bed to the room, it will bloom almost all year round.

Everything is beautiful in this plant: both leaves and flowers, and the combination of leaves with flowers. You can grow begonias not only with green leaves, but also cast bronze - the appearance of such varieties is very spectacular.

The bushes themselves are low - they reach only 15-30 cm in height. One minus - the plant is demanding both in terms of growing conditions and care. The soil should be very fertile, nutritious, moderately moist, slightly acidic. It is necessary to carefully water the begonia, as its delicate roots are sensitive to moisture and can easily rot.

The plant has beautiful blue or blue flowers, reminiscent of tender bindweed buds. This ground cover plant - gentian is able to grow so that the earth in the flower bed will almost not be visible at all.

About 90 species of gentians are known, but their European varieties are especially popular in landscape design:

  • stemless;
  • alpine;
  • dove;
  • spring.

Gentians are unpretentious plants, they are content with any soil, even poor, rocky. They can also be used as medicinal plants.

A groundcover, in fact, a flower, distinguished by both impressive growth rates and very beautiful flowers. Shades of shaving - pink, blue and white, and the purest, most delicate tones.

It grows only in the sun, so be sure to consider this important nuance when planting. But the plant does not impose any requirements on the composition of the soil and grows quite safely in any soil. Bushes bloom in two stages: after the first phase, the shaving is cut off, and soon the plant pleases with lush flowering again.

The plant has an extremely unusual, attractive appearance: another, internal one looks out from one bud. There are many shades of aquilegia, it is grown without any problems, the appearance is interesting and attractive - all this makes the plant one of the favorites of gardeners and landscape designers.

How to equip a flower bed

In order for a flower bed to continuously please the eye from early spring to late autumn, it is necessary to take into account several important points when arranging it. Let's take a look at these points next.


When choosing flowers for a flower bed, consider the light preferences of the selected varieties. This is an important point, as some outdoor plants only thrive in full sun, while others only thrive in shade. Choose plants that have the same light requirements. In addition to light, it is necessary to take into account the preferences of plants for the composition of the soil, the level of humidity, and other important requirements.

Number of colors

If you still have little experience in landscaping, you should not try to immediately plant many types of plants. At first, it is better to limit yourself to two or three of your favorite varieties, and then expand the plantings.

Features of care

If you do not live in the country permanently, you should not choose flowers that require careful regular care. For busy gardeners (who are the majority), it is better to prefer unpretentious plants that will not take much time to care for.

Select species and varieties in such a way that their care is similar - one watering, top dressing, etc. Such a rational thoughtful approach will greatly facilitate cultivation.

Color combination

When choosing flowers for a flower bed, you must immediately imagine how the flower garden will look when the buds open. Flowers should look harmonious, and not as a random set of lurid shades. If there are problems with taste or simply there is no time, stop at one-color flowerbed options or a maximum of two-color ones.

Flowering time

This is the most important point to take into account. If you want a flower bed, the decorativeness of which does not fade from spring to autumn, you should also choose the appropriate plants - with early, medium and late flowering periods.


Learn how to mix flower textures to create an interesting, non-uniform flowerbed design. Along with low and ground cover plants, plant tall ones that grow vertically - such a flower bed will look much more interesting.

If the general background of the flower bed is calm, it does not hurt to add "zest" in the form of an unusual shape and color of the plant. For example, among simple daisies or cornflowers, plant irises, lilies, amaranths, which look extremely elegant.

So, we got acquainted with the most popular and spectacular colors that allow you to maintain the decorative look of the flower bed throughout the summer. There are a lot of species and varieties - and in the article we have considered far from all. By planting flowers from the lists above, you can make a flower bed blooming from early spring to late autumn - to the delight of yourself and others.

Many gardeners and gardeners have long ceased to concentrate all their attention exclusively on the cultivation of agricultural and vegetable crops and turned their eyes towards flowers. , created by one's own hands - this is the observance of certain principles and rules, this is painstaking work, the result of which is an ideal flower garden.

At the same time, the question naturally arises - how to properly form a flower bed so that it looks harmonious and what flowers to choose for it?

Perennial flowers - the basis for creating a flower bed

There are two major varieties of flowers. The first group is those that are planted with seeds and grow within just one season. The second group is perennials, plants that require more care, but at the same time are able to please the gardener for several years.

Perennial plants have a number of advantages that are valued among lovers of growing flowers on the site:

  • a large species diversity, which is very important when a flower bed is created;
  • long life of the plant. Only the upper part dies off, and the roots are able to exist for more than 6 years in some plants;
  • reproduction using rhizomes, shoots or seeds, which allows you to later transplant flowers into other flower beds and create additional flower beds;
  • a large number of medicinal plants among perennial species, which makes it possible to get a real "green" pharmacy in the country.

Rules for creating a flower bed

The very process of developing and creating a blooming flower bed on the site can be compared to art, since even at the design stage it is necessary to take into account how the flower garden will look at different times of the year. A properly created flower garden is when new species of plants replace the fading plant species and so it persists throughout the summer.

Planning for the creation of a flowering site is required upon completion of the general zoning of the backyard territory, when the locations of the beds, paths are distributed, shrubs and trees are planted.

When creating a flower bed, you should pay attention to:

  1. climate. When choosing plants, you should focus on species that will feel comfortable in the selected climate zone;
  2. site features. Using the terrain will help not only to correctly use the free space, but also allow you to create interesting design options;
  3. the nature of the soil. Another important parameter that will influence the choice of perennials. Fertile soil is ideal for, mallow, bluebell. Loam, sand or rocky soil will be convenient for growing flax, valerine,. Marshy soil is suitable for, nivyanik, yarrow. Too dry land - a place for cultivation, cosmea, carnations or gaillardia;
  4. site illumination. Where the sun is more than 6 hours during the day, you can grow peony, poppy, aster, phlox. If light access is limited to an interval of 4 to 6 hours, then it is best to choose plants such as astilba, iris, aquilenia, primrose. Ferns, lily of the valley, hosta are suitable for shady flower beds.
  5. planting density and flowering time. You should not unnecessarily part when planting plants, as they can simply "clog" each other.

Hostas and geyhers are an amazing option for creating a shady flower bed. You can get by with only varieties of these two crops - they are so diverse that they are enough to create a colorful canvas.

The combination of colors is an important factor when creating a flower bed

Psychologists have long established that color greatly affects the human condition and this applies to all spheres of life. That is why, when creating a flower garden from perennial plants, increased attention is paid to this parameter. A competent combination of colors will achieve aesthetics in the flower bed. When distributing color, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the general principles of creating a palette and mixing shades:

  1. the color combination largely depends on the play of light and shadow, so the presence of smooth leaves in plants will reflect light, and dull ones will absorb;
  2. when choosing the unity of the brightness of colors, it is necessary to apply only one color palette, either warm or cold;
  3. in order to visually increase the size of a small flower bed, it is necessary minimize the number of colors on it and get rid of excessive contrast;
  4. to visually increase the size of the flower garden, you can arrange blue flowers in the background, and yellow or red species in the front;
  5. the more saturated the foreground of the flower bed, the more calm the back should be;
  6. when creating not a single flower bed, but a whole flower garden, it is recommended to use desaturated shades as a background, such as white, pink or blue. Contrasting flowers should be placed in small groups that will occupy no more than a sixth of the total space;
  7. according to the rules of floristry in the territory of one garden no more than one flower bed with bright colors is allowed. You should also avoid excessive contrasts in the design;
  8. with its own saturated color of the main plant at the club, it can be diluted with more neutral shades;
  9. landing the areas of different colors should be measured. On a blue background, a small red spot will look appropriate, and an enlarged one will simply annoy;
  10. the main color of the composition is advised to choose in accordance with the purpose of the flower garden and its location, namely the climatic zone. It has also been noticed that the urban dweller is more prone to natural shades, while the rural one prefers bright colors that are almost impossible to find in nature.

A small flower bed with tall delphiniums is a rare and complex option, in this case it does not look bulky due to the surroundings (tall trees, borders, building).

Schemes of simple flower beds for beginners

Modern flower beds can have various geometric shapes, while there is a difference in two large groups - flower beds with regular and irregular compositions.

  1. Regular Composition suggests the presence of a clear geometric pattern, while all the plants in such a flower garden bloom at the same time and there are clear boundaries between them.
  2. irregular composition differs in grouping plants and inscribing a flower garden into the landscape. It is for flowerbeds with irregular compositions that perennial plants that can bloom alternately will be the most optimal, which will increase the flowering time.

Ready-made schemes will help you create the right flower bed that will please the eye and allow you to choose the best choice of plants for it. At the same time, regardless of the chosen form, there is a general pattern of planting flowers in a flower bed. In the center are the brightest and tallest specimens, the middle part is a place for plants of medium height, and at the edges there should be low-growing perennials, long-flowering or just ornamental grass.

  1. Rectangle. A flower bed that has a clear rectangular shape. At the same time, a pattern can be created inside from a combination of various plants.

  1. Oval. The next simple option is an oval flower bed. In this type of scheme, the center of the flower garden and zonal division are very clearly visible.

  1. A circle. The third simple shape that can become a form for a flower bed. Round flower beds are most often used in garden plots, since with this form access to all plants is facilitated, which simplifies care.

  1. Triangle. An unusual and not the most standard form for a flower bed, which can be used if necessary to “fit” a flower garden into a certain limited space.

In addition to the four basic geometric shapes that can be easily mastered by beginners, there are specific examples of flower garden schemes:

  1. Round flower bed "Spring Symphony". At number 1 - pink mattiola, 2 - red zinnia, 3 - white verbena. In this version, there are only three shades - red, pink and white, which in no way affects the appearance.

  1. concentric flower bed, consisting of regular concentric circles that are easy to draw on your own. In this variant, the following flowers are present: 1 - dark-leaved cannes, 2 - fluffy gnafalium, 3 - perilla nankinensis.

  1. Contrasting flowerbed "White and pink". A simple square flower bed, which will be dominated by white and red shades. Among the flowers there will be the following representatives of perennials: 1 - leucanthemum, 2 -, 3 - white delphinium, 4 - physostegia, 5 - phlox, 6 - arabis, 7 - clematis, 8 - armeria, 9 - daylily, 10 - irises, 11 - lupine , 12 - obrietta.

  1. Shade-loving flowerbed "Colors of summer". A feature of this flower garden is the predominance of shade-loving plants. To design a flower bed you will need: 1 - common primrose, 2 - Arends' astilbe, 3 - periwinkle, 4 - bell, 5 - badan, 6 - large-leaved brunner, 7 - toothed buzulnik, 8 - purple foxglove.

Recently, high flower beds have become widespread, which are created in specially made boxes just below a meter high. Such a flower bed is easy to care for, fewer weeds grow on it, but at the same time the process of its creation is more complex and troublesome.

Sometimes there is a need to create a flower bed in low light conditions, for example, in the shade of a fence or along the wall of a house. In this case, you should select plants that can grow with a small amount of natural color. You can create flower beds in accordance with the following schemes:

  1. shady flowerbed. It includes: 1 - badan; 2 - thimble, 3 -, 4 - soft cuff; 5 - variegated, 6 -.

  1. flower garden located along the north side of the house. The following plants will be present on such a flower bed: 1, 2, 3 - hosta of different varieties, 4.5 - western thuja, 6 -, 7 -, 8 -, 9 - hosta, 10 - badan, 11 - black spruce, 12 - citrine .

Types of perennials for a small garden

Among the most acceptable perennials for planting in small flower beds are:

  • . The plant is popularly known as a wrestler. Blooms in July to August;
  • Geranium Endress. An unpretentious plant that tolerates the absence of moisture well. Flowering time June-August;
  • scarlet. One of the primroses in the flower bed, the first buds appear in May. May re-bloom in September;
  • . A plant that is widespread in the middle lane. It blooms from June to July, while in the case of pruning at a small distance from the ground it is able to re-color;
  • . Also a popular perennial that blooms from April to May;
  • doronicum plantain. A plant ideal for damp and shady places. Also applies to primroses;
  • the bell is crowded. A flower that also grows well in the shade. Color appears in June;
  • meconopsis. A plant that requires a minimum of care, consisting in the removal of fading buds. Blooms from May to June;
  • hellebore. A flower that feels best in conditions of fertile soil and shade;
  • musky mallow. A perennial that is not susceptible to growing conditions and feels good even in the shade. Blooms from early summer to September;
  • . Ground cover plant of the succulent family. Flowering period from July to September;
  • function. A decorative leafy plant that can be used in a flower bed as a green mass;
  • . A plant known to many, capable of gaining color again when pruned. Blooms from June to late August

Shady flowerbed-border with meconopsis, primrose, hostas.

The selection of a plant in the space of one flower bed will allow you to get a flower garden that will delight with a riot of colors throughout the summer season.

Labor-intensive perennial flowers for growing in a flower bed

Labor-intensive crops include those that will require regular care, the creation of special conditions for growth. Also, plants in this category often get sick, are unstable to changes in climatic conditions, and are prone to disease. This group includes most representatives of bulbous plants, lilies, roses, gladiolus, dahlias, hyacinth, kaempfera, evening primrose, begonia.

Mixed rose garden - a variant of the perfect combination of roses and perennials

The term "" is commonly understood as a flower bed where only roses are grown. But in central Russia, where summer does not differ in length, it is customary to create mixed rose gardens, where various perennial plants find their place in the flower garden, which allows you to structure the flower bed. There are several simple design schemes for a mixed rose garden:

  1. rose garden in cold colors. The whole flower bed is made in cold pink and lilac tones, which evokes a feeling of freshness and coolness. The following flowers are present on the diagram: 1 - chistets, 2 - gerhera, 3 -, 4 - William Shakespeare rose, 5 - Queen of Sweden rose, 6 - clematis, 7 - Gertrude Jekyll rose, 8 - Mary Rose rose.

  1. contrasting rosary. A flower bed built on the use of red and white with a background of a shrub that blooms throughout the summer. When decorating, the following plants are used: 1 - hosta, 2 - rose Gartnerfreunde , 3 - verbascum, 4 - Aspirin Rose rose, 5 - Hansaland rose, 6 - panicled hydrangea, 7 - Amadeus rose, 8 - Schneewittchen rose, 9 - horizontal, 10 - dwarf spruce.

Flowerbed for the lazy - what is it

For those who wish to enjoy passive recreation on their personal plot, but at the same time receive aesthetic pleasure, there is a concept - “a flower bed for the lazy”. In such a flower garden, plants are collected that practically do not require care and are not demanding on watering or top dressing. In this case, the duration of flowering can last from early spring to autumn.

Most often, online stores selling flowers are ready to offer customers who do not have time to get acquainted with the nuances of growing plants, ready-made options, including flower bed layouts with flower descriptions.

A specific option could be an oval-shaped flower garden, in which they will be located: in the center - peonies, astilba in front of them, stonecrop on the right edge, geraniums on the left, and all this will be bordered by hosta or badan. You can also plant an aster or phlox on this flower bed, which will only add color brightness.

The cost of such a project will cost about 600-700 rubles, while the most expensive will be peonies, which are best purchased in the form of seedlings.

A feature of the variant is the continuous flowering of a particular plant species. At the same time, the flowerbed itself will not differ in particular brightness, but the stability of the appearance of flowering plants will be observed.

Plants that are also suitable for a lazy flower bed include irises, daffodils, phloxes, daylilies, clematis, lupins, or leucanthemums. At the same time, in this case, it is not required to create a variety of planted varieties or species, since the greater the number of flowers, the more care will be required.

The photo below shows an example of a corner flower bed with.

video consultation

The layout scheme and the desired image are well thought out. Now it is important to choose the plants correctly, having previously familiarized yourself with their care requirements. The video below is an overview of the most spectacular and unpretentious perennials, with recommendations for their successful cultivation.

Only 2-4 weeks per season lasts for lush flowering in a typical country flower bed. The rest of the time the flower garden is either growing or has already faded. Learn how to create flower beds that bloom all summer, pick flowers for them and take care of plants without spending a lot of time, even novice gardeners can do.

How to avoid failures in the floral design of the suburban area

It is not an easy task to ensure that the flower bed blooms throughout the summer season. When embarking on this exciting creative work, it is important to know a few rules that will get rid of common mistakes:

  1. Planting planning in a flower garden should begin with drawing up a flowering schedule for the plants scheduled for planting. In each period of time, at least three names of flowers should bloom in the flower bed.
  2. It is necessary to draw a plan and allocate a place on it for plants that will serve as a constructive basis for a flower bed and a spectacular frame for flowering neighbors: coniferous and deciduous shrubs, perennials with beautiful foliage. In the intervals between spring-flowering plants, place blooming ones in summer, and determine the place of autumn soloists.
  3. It is necessary to group the plants on the plan according to size and color. Take the big ones in the background, place the small ones in front. If the flower bed is overlooked from all sides, tall plants are grouped in the center. Broad-leaved alternate with narrow-leaved and cereals. Different shades of green are selected and distributed over the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe flower garden.
  4. Everyone has their own color preferences, but the rules for combining colors are common - either addition or contrast. For example, yellow contrasts with purple, but is complemented by red, orange. Blue is combined with cold pink, lilac, blue. White color is used to dilute too bright color spots, blur borders, soften contrasts.
  5. An approximate calculation of the number of each plant species should be made. It is impossible to plant flowers in separate specimens; homogeneous “spots” are required for a decorative effect. Coniferous and large decorative leafy plants (hosta, rogersia, etc.) can be single.

1 - sunflower; 2 - carnation Grenoble; 3 - common backache; 4 - subulate phlox; 5 - edelweiss of Soulia; 6 - coreopsis grandiflora; 7 - gaillardia; eight - meadowsweet yarrow; 9 - oriental poppy; 10 - panicled phlox; 11 - chrysanthemum; 12 - larkspur; 13 - delphinium blue

Plants for continuous flowering flower beds

Interchangeable compositions from annuals

A less complex, but no less excellent option for a flower bed of continuous flowering is a flower garden of annuals. If you plan to grow seedlings with your own hands, work on its creation begins in winter. Most annuals come from the tropics and subtropics and take time to develop before flowering. For example, petunias begin to be sown for seedlings in February. Since March, asters, viola, annual chrysanthemums and dahlias, levkoy, verbena, cornflowers, alissum, lobelia, snapdragons and others have been sown. In April, the turn of seeds of marigolds, cosmea, nasturtium.

The main secret of a flower bed of annuals is not that they select special flowers that are characteristic of autumn, summer or spring. By creating a conveyor from constantly growing seedlings, you can supply a flower bed with any flowers, regardless of the season. For example, viola or petunia from seedlings can bloom at the end of May and at the end of September.

There are, of course, seasonal annuals. Autumn flower beds are decorated with fireworks from ornamental cabbage, elegant multi-colored asters.

Flowerpots with planted annuals make continuous flowering also mobile. If desired, they can be moved around the site - in the recreation area, at the gazebo, porch, pond, entrance, creating different images and moods. An important rule for the design of flowerpots: planting seedlings is made thicker than in a flower garden for a quick acquisition of a decorative look.

Particular attention should be paid to tuberous begonias. Their long flowering incredibly decorates flower beds. Luxurious inflorescences of modern varieties compete with roses, reminiscent of azaleas and camellias. The tubers that overwintered at home are divided and cut in the spring. For reliable flowering, it is better to purchase new plants annually.

Flowerbeds with perennials blooming from snow to snow

The choice of perennials, which make up the compositions that give the first flowers in the snowy thawed patches, delight with colors all summer and leave blooming under the snow, is practically inexhaustible. Here are just a few of the most common and proven perennials that even a novice gardener can handle.

Spring: primroses, crocuses, blueberries, anemones, muscari, daffodils, tulips, oriental poppy, dicentra, doronicum, lilies of the valley.

Summer: irises, daylilies, lilies, bluebells, delphiniums, phloxes, astilbes.

Autumn: perennial asters (New England and New Belgian varieties and hybrids), gelenium, stonecrop, rudbeckia, chrysanthemum, colchicum, sedges, miscanthus, rod millet.

Plant selection, placement scheme and other secrets of permanent flowering

Coniferous and decorative deciduous plants are the skeleton of a flower bed, on which flowering elements are then built up. Needles, patterned, carved, smooth, pubescent leaves of different shades of green create a picturesque background. Having laid such a basis for the composition, it remains only to fill it with flowering perennials and annuals.

Spherical, pillow-shaped:

  • mountain pine Pug, Dwarf;
  • thuja western Danica, Golden Globe;
  • pillow spruce Nidiformis, Echiniformis.


  • juniper Repanda, Green Carpet, Blue Carpet.


  • juniper Tamariscifolia, Mint julep;
  • mountain pine Pumilio;
  • cedar dwarf.

No need to fill the flower bed with a large number of conifers. Enough 3-4 copies of different shapes and shades. To support them, you can add 2-3 ornamental shrubs - dwarf forms of barberry, medium-sized spireas.

Of the decorative deciduous perennials with spectacular foliage, first of all, hosts should be called - dozens of varieties are now offered. No less beautiful are buzulnik, rogersia, bergenia, saber-shaped leaves of irises. Daylilies are versatile - a luxurious fountain of linear green leaves combined with elegant inflorescences of different shades.

A difficult task - a monochrome composition that blooms all summer

Every gardener wants to learn how to manage the rainbow of colors that flowers create in their summer cottage. As in the choice of clothes, the interior of any person has color preferences. Someone is closer to a cold palette, someone loves warm flaming tones. Based on color preferences, you can also choose plants for a flower bed that blooms all summer.

The yellow-orange flowerbed creates the feeling of a sunny day even in cloudy weather:

  • spring: yellow varieties of crocuses, daffodils, yellow and orange tulips;
  • summer: evening primrose (primrose), calendula (marigold), yellow and orange lilies;
  • autumn: gelenium, marigolds, nasturtiums, rudbeckia, ocher-red sedges.

Pink-purple-blue flower bed - brings freshness, romance into the mood of the garden:

  • spring: muscari, brunner, pink and purple tulips, liverworts, kandyk, crocuses, junos;
  • summer: lilies (pink tones, such as Triumphant, Enestecia), delphinium, blue cyanosis, monarda, cornflower, lavatera, ageratum, lobelia;
  • autumn: echinacea purpurea, stonecrop prominent, autumn asters, phlox paniculata.

White flower bed - tenderness and conciseness:

  • spring: blueberry, daffodils, poultry, lilies of the valley, arabis (rezuha);
  • summer: white lilies, leucanthemum, navel, anafalis (pearl oyster), white varieties of delphinium, bluebell, mallow, lobelia, lavatery;
  • autumn: autumn aster, white echinacea, phlox.

White flowers will effectively complement silver wormwood, seaside cineraria, white-edged hostas, sedges, periwinkle.

Care of flowering plants

Timely weeding, watering, fertilizing and loosening are the elementary truths of country floriculture. A flowerbed of continuous flowering, in addition to well-known care operations, requires the use of some additional techniques:

  • removal of faded inflorescences to prolong flowering;
  • pinching the top for the growth of side shoots with flowers;
  • replanting annuals in the bald spots formed after the death of the leaves, decorating voids with portable flowerpots;
  • timely thinning, division and pruning so that strong competitors do not crowd out weak ones.