Celebrity Options. Celebrity Diets. Riddles about fairy-tale heroes


Who among us does not like to solve riddles? After all, it's so great to break your head over something interesting, show erudition and show off your knowledge. Riddles allow you to see the poetic and unexpected side in the most ordinary things. Also, thanks to riddles, you can train ingenuity, learn to think logically.
Target: teaching children to solve riddles.
Educational: clarify children's ideas about riddles, consolidate knowledge about characteristic features fairytale heroes.
Educational: to cultivate love, respect for fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, to cultivate perseverance.
Educational: form love for folk art, mother tongue, a living, figurative and precise word.
Description of the material: riddles are intended for educators, parents, speech therapists, students of pedagogical colleges.

1. Waiting for mom with milk,
And they let the wolf into the house ...
Who were these
Little children? (seven kids)
2. She was an artist
Beautiful like a star
From evil Karabas
She ran away forever. (Malvina)
3. That's quite easy,
Short question:
Who put it in the ink
wooden nose? (Pinocchio)

4. The man is not young
Here with such a beard.
Offends Pinocchio,
Artemon and Malvina,
And in general for all people
He is a notorious villain.
Does any of you know
Who is this? (Karabas)

5. A little more than a marigold.
In a walnut bed
The girl was sleeping.
And so small
She was sweet.
Have you read such a book?
What is this baby's name? (Thumbelina)

6. Thumbelina groom blind
Lives all the time underground. (Mole)

7. I went to visit my grandmother,
She brought the pies.
The Gray Wolf followed her,
Deceived and swallowed. (Little Red Riding Hood)
8 She Was A Dwarf Girlfriend
And, of course, you know. (Snow White)

9. Evening would soon come,
And the long-awaited hour has come,
To me in a gilded carriage
Go to a fabulous ball!
No one in the palace will know
Where am I from, what is my name,
But as soon as midnight comes,
I will return to my attic. (Cinderella)

10. Grandfather and woman lived together,
They blinded a daughter from a snowball,
But the campfire is hot
Turned a girl into steam.
Grandfather and grandmother are sad.
What was their daughter's name? (Snow Maiden)

11. The red girl is sad:
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun!
Tears are shed by the poor thing (Snow Maiden)

12. Near the forest, at the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

13. The nose is round, patchy,
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
Tail small crochet,
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
The brothers are friendly.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three pigs)

14. Treats young children,
Heals birds and animals
Looking through his glasses
Kind doctor ... (Aibolit)

15. This fairy-tale hero
With a ponytail, mustachioed,
He has a feather in his hat
All striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots. (Puss in Boots)

16. It turned out to be a girl
In a flower cup
And there was that girl (Thumbelina)

17. Gobbling up rolls,
The guy rode on the stove.
Ride through the village
And married the princess (Emelya)

18. The fat man lives on the roof,
He flies above all. (Carlson)

19. As a child, everyone laughed at him,
Tried to push him away.
After all, no one knew that he
Born a white swan. (Ugly duck)

20. Snow sleigh Queen
She flew through the winter sky.
Touched the kid, casually.
He became cold, unkind .. ... (Kai)

21. On the mortar of a magical old woman flies
So fast that the wind whistles after her.
She lives in a fabulous, earthly wilderness -
Hurry up to name the old woman! (Baba Yaga)

22. And this fabulous villain
Brings fear to people.
He loves to steal brides
Keep gold in cellars
He is not afraid of anyone!
Tell me, what's his name? (Koschei the Immortal)

23. The arrow of the young man landed in the swamp,
Well, where is the bride? Want to marry!
And here is the bride, eyes on top of her head.
The bride's name is ... (Frog)

24. Who carried Masha in the basket,
Who sat on a stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the story, don't you?
Who was it? …(Bear)

25. He is a robber, he is a villain,
He scared people with a whistle (The Nightingale the Robber)

26. From flour, he was baked,
On sour cream was mixed.
On the window, he was chilling,
He rolled down the path.
He was cheerful, he was brave
And along the way he sang a song.
The bunny wanted to eat it
Gray wolf and brown bear.
And when the baby is in the forest
I met a red fox
I couldn't get away from her.
What is a fairy tale? .... (Kolobok)

27. The horse is not simple,
Miracle golden mane,
He carries a boy over the mountains,
But it won't drop him.
The horse has a son
amazing horse,
Amazing skate
By nickname ... (The Hunchback)

All the animals were afraid of him.
Mustachioed and reddish giantess,
Just... (Cockroach)

Grandma beat - could not,
Grandpa knocked - it didn’t work.
Who helped the grandfather and grandmother?
And the egg immediately broke ... (Mouse)

He will heal and correct everyone,
Get back on your feet quickly!
Kind doctor... (Aibolit)

With a song he loves to walk,
Walk around for guests.
On the honey a special scent
It's just... (Winnie the Pooh)

One frosty day
He lowered his tail into the hole.
He did not catch fish
And left without a tail. (Wolf)

A man in full bloom
Flying over rooftops
Likes jam and cake.
Scared the ghost. (Carlson)

Walks in a red hat
Carries pies to grandmother. (Red Riding Hood)

Round pie - rosy side,
Sings songs.
I ran away from my grandfather and my grandmother.
And he left the bunny, and he rolled away from the wolf.
But the fox ate it. (Kolobok)

This vegetable is the main one in a fairy tale.
Everyone is dragging him by the tail in order.
But, without a small mouse it does not work. (Turnip)

This goat was sitting idle
She didn't drink or eat!
And how grandfather went to graze,
So he understood where to attack. (Goat - dereza)

Granddaughter of Santa Claus loves: cold, snow.
And when spring comes, it will immediately melt. (Snow Maiden)

Cheburashka has a friend
Walks with an accordion.
Good green crocodile... (Gena)

He comes to all the guys.
To obedient children: a multi-colored umbrella opens,
And to bullies - black shows.
Who is it? (Ole - Lukoil)

Thumbelina was wooed by the groom:
Blind, lives all the time underground. (Mole)

On a cold winter evening,
Wandering angry and hungry. (Grey Wolf)

Baba Yaga is alone in the forest,
There is a wart on the nose.
He conjures there both day and night,
She has an attractive
Ingenious flight apparatus... (Stupa)

This girl is the best.
Modestly worked: from morning to sunset.
I saw only: dirt and ashes.
Therefore, they called her ... (Cinderella)

Riding on the oven
I ate delicious rolls.
Suppressed all the people.
I wanted "By pike command,
Marry a princess." (Emelya)

In all fairy tales
That beauty, very cunning - ... (Fox)

Boy - Lukovka,
This is ... (Cipolino)

Came to her name day:
Fleas - brought her boots,
Bee - brought honey ... (Fly - Tsokotuha)

He wears boots
Sword in sheath.
Hat with a feather ... (Puss in Boots)

That cat is friends with Uncle Fedor,
Eating a sausage down sandwich.
Got the cow Murka.
Runs housekeeping.
What's his name? (Cat Matroskin)

Three merry little pigs are building a house for themselves.
But, one of them is smarter than all -
The house was built from stones. (naf - naf)

An old woman lives in a hut in the middle of the forest,
She does not give peace to anyone.
It flies across the sky, grumbles and conjures,
He cooks decoctions, steals children.

Dreams of eating them, frying them in the oven,
He knocks with his bone foot.
Violent, evil and scary in appearance,
Answer quickly, so who is she?
(Baba Yaga)

There are wonderful stories
Their heroes are not simple,
Magicians, princes, kings,
From an unknown land.

And beautiful girls
Clever and skilled.
There are birds and animals there,
The ones you don't believe in.

Fairies, knights, dragons,
There is a bottomless well
And in the end - a celebration;
In general, there is a lot of everything.

Answer without prompting
What is it? (Fairy tales).

He is a straw boy
From a famous children's book
Together with him goes wearily,
The one made of metal.

Next to the beast with a luxurious mane,
He's just very cowardly.
With them a girl, at their feet
The puppy is spinning around.

They all go for a miracle
Together in the city of emerald.
Well, you're just a little
Names remain.
(Scarecrow, Tin Woodman, Cowardly Lion, Ellie, Totoshka,)

The sly one ran away from home
On an unfamiliar path
I met a bunny and a wolf,
I met a bear near the Christmas tree,
I treated myself to a strawberry;
I met a fox in the forest...
He is ruddy and chubby,
Who is this? (Kolobok)

What is the height and weight of the singer Nina Shatskaya?

We did not find any information about the height and weight of the singer Nina Shatskaya, so we will find out approximate data by comparing photos with people whose height and weight we know.

In the photo on the right, Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9cm heels and next to her stands Andrey Derzhavin with a height of 179cm and shoes adding 2cm. In total, it turns out that Nina Shatskaya, shod in 9 cm heels, is about 2-3cm higher than 181cm. Accordingly, we subtract 9cm from 184cm and we get the approximate height of Nina Shatskaya at 175 cm. Outwardly, the weight of Nina Shatskaya looks at 70-75 kg

Height Nina Shatskaya 175cm

Weight Nina Shatskaya 70-75kg

How tall and weight is Irina Nizina?

Irina Nizina is a well-known Russian theater and film actress, winner of the Chaika and Moscow Debuts awards. The most famous actress brought such works in cinema as New life detective Gurov and Advocate. On the Internet, the actress is credited with a height of 174cm and a weight of 65kg.

How reliable and accurate about the height and weight of Irina Nizina, no one knows for sure.

Irina Nizina's height is 174cm

Weight of Irina Nizina 65kg

How tall and weight is Nadezhda Obolentseva?

Nadezhda Obolentseva was born in Moscow on July 24, 1983 and is best known as a socialite.

There is no information about the height and weight of Nadezhda Obolentseva, so we will roughly estimate the parameters of a celebrity.

In the photo, Nadezhda Obolentseva and Svetlana Bondarchuk are 177 cm tall. Based on the photo, it follows that Nadezhda Obolentseva's height is about 174-175 cm, and her weight is 59 kg

Height Nadezhda Obolentseva 174-175cm

Weight Nadezhda Obolentseva 59kg

How tall and weight is Tatyana Denisova?

Tatyana Denisova was born on February 11, 1981 in Kaliningrad region RSFSR. She is best known as a Ukrainian choreographer, founder and leader of the JB ballet dance group in Germany; one of the permanent members of the jury and choreographer of the Ukrainian TV project "Everybody Dance!" , as well as a mentor and choreographer of the Russian show project "Dancing".

On the Internet, the famous choreographer is credited with a height of 166 cm and a weight of 58 kg. No one knows in reality whether these declared parameters correspond to real data

Tatyana Denisova's height is 166cm

Tatyana Denisova's weight is 58kg

How tall and weight is Anton Makarsky?

Anton Makarsky was born on November 26, 1975 in the city of Penza. The actor gained the greatest popularity and fame thanks to his roles in such films as Smersh, Poor Nastya, as well as numerous roles in theater and cinema.

On the Internet, the famous actor is credited with a height of 177-178 cm, and a weight of 79 kg. No one knows how reliable and accurate the stated data is

Height of Anton Makarsky 177-178cm

Weight of Anton Makarsky 79kg

How tall and weight is Sergey Kucherov?

Sergey Kucherov was born on August 22, 1989 in the city of Magnitogorsk. He achieved the greatest fame thanks to his sports success in the field of bodybuilding and the TV project Dom2

On the Internet, Sergey Kucherov is credited with a height of 178-179 cm, and a weight of 88 kg. Whether these declared parameters correspond to reality and reality, no one knows for sure

Sergey Kucherov's height is 178-179cm

Sergey Kucherov's weight is 88-90kg

Riddles about fairy tales and fairy tale characters for older children preschool age

Kryuchkova Svetlana Nikolaevna, music director of MDOU Kindergarten No. 127 "Northern Tale", Petrozavodsk

Purpose: The material may be of interest to music directors, educators, parents.

Target: reinforcing children's knowledge about their favorite fairy-tale characters

- develop attention, imagination, thinking abilities
- learn to solve riddles
- develop interest in solving riddles
Children are very fond of fairy tales and with great pleasure guess riddles about fairy tales and fairy tale characters. I bring to your attention riddles of my own composition, which can be used in entertainment dedicated to fairy tales; as a connecting moment for an appearance at the entertainment fairy tale character; how Organizing time before a dance composition, a game.

As a surprise moment, you can use a fairy tale book.
I have a book like this new year gift. Children really like it, and they already know that many fairy tales "live" in it.

There is a hero in every fairy tale
The hero dreams of making friends with me,
And the magic key from the door in the wall
Bring Pinocchio to me.
More and more family books read,
I have more and more good friends!
During summer holidays and school days
They are with me everywhere!
Let's open familiar books
And again, let's go from page to page:
It's always nice to be with your favorite character.
Meet again, make friends.
It does not matter that we have known the book for a long time.
Even if you are well acquainted with the hero,
And how it will end there is also known
Good books are always interesting.

1. Little girl
He walks through the forest.
Grandma in a basket
Carries pies,
Hiding behind the bushes
very scary animal
Who is this girl?
Answer now!
(Red Riding Hood)

2. On sour cream it is mixed.
On the window, he is cold.
He left his grandmother
He left his grandfather.
Fled from forest animals
The fox got to dinner.


3. girl in a basket
Sitting behind the back
Pies from a basket
Not allowed to eat.
(Masha and the Bear)

4. Nose round snout,
The tail is small crochet.
Those brothers were friendly
The bad wolf was defeated.
You answer me guys
These brothers...

5. Old man in the blue sea
He will cast his net.
will catch someone
And ask for something.
Greed old woman
Drives you crazy
With a broken trough
She stayed.
(The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish)

6. They planted her deep in the ground,
It turned out to be very difficult to pull out.
Oh, stuck tight
In a good story...

7. Lived in a closet
With dad Carlo
Knew about life
Very little.
Nose sticking everywhere
It is long...
Who is this?

8. Somewhere in the field he stands,
Smoke is flying from the chimney.
Hare, mouse, fox, frog,
Wolf and bear
Friendly, fun live,
They sing songs in chorus.
Answer quickly, my friend
This is a fairytale…

9. Managed to love him
Behind him is a propeller.
Can fly to Mars.
Who is it, children?

10. He heals elephants and rats,
Hippos, hares, foxes.
Will bandage the wound
On the paw of a monkey.
And anyone will confirm you ...
It …
(Dr. Aibolit)

11. Did you fall into the swamp
Dashing arrow.
And in this swamp
She sat.
But at the end of a familiar tale
She became beautiful.
(Princess Frog)

12. Here comes the evening
There is a noisy ball in the kingdom.
The fairy will give her an outfit,
So that no one knows her.
I ran away from the ball at midnight,
Lost her shoe.

13. Their mother went to the market,
Well, I punished the children
Don't open to anyone
Don't answer anyone...
And when she came back -
There were no children in the house.
They were deceived by a terrible beast,
We need to save them now.
(The wolf and the seven Young goats)

14. He rode on the stove
I ate rolls.
He caught a miracle pike
And made a wish.

Thank you for your attention!

Riddles with pictures for children based on Russian folk tales

Klyuka Natalia Alexandrovna, teacher additional education children of MBOU DOD "Ecological and Biological Center", Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region.

I propose a selection of riddles based on Russian folk tales for preschool children. This material can be useful to parents, educators, teachers of additional education of children.

Target: activation of children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.

Educational. To teach children to concentrate attention, to mobilize mental activity to find the answer to the question posed.
Developing. Develop ingenuity, the ability to understand allegorical language.
Educational. Raise interest in oral folk art, in reading fairy tales.

Preliminary work: Design in the group of the book exhibition "Russian folk tales", reading Russian folk tales to children, discussing the content, finding out what this or that fairy tale teaches, looking at illustrations for fairy tales, watching cartoons based on fairy tales.

"In a faraway kingdom, in a faraway state ...". Probably, each of us in childhood fell asleep to the quiet voice of our parents, who read or told fairy tales about beautiful princesses, brave princes and evil monsters. And in the same way, each of us will read such fairy tales to our children. What is a fairy tale, and why is it needed?

First of all, a fairy tale is a genre of literary creativity with an orientation towards fiction. Main Feature fairy tale is that it is always a fictional story with a happy ending, where good triumphs over evil. Fairy tales are authorial (composed by a specific author) and folk (composed by many people).
There is also a well-known classification of fairy tales according to their content:
Fairy tales are magical. They reveal the best human qualities, the characters are romantic. In such a fairy tale, there is necessarily a central positive hero, his helpers and magic items. Heroes fairy tales fight evil and injustice in the name of goodness and love. Examples include Russian folk tales about Ivan the Fool.
Tales about animals. Here the main characters are animals (fox, wolf, bear, hare, etc.). Animals interact, each of them personifies one or another human quality, for example, a cat is smart, a fox is cunning, a bear is strong. Examples: "Teremok", "Turnip", "Kolobok".
Social fairy tales- illustrate real life, the characters are shown from the point of view of their social status ridiculed negative human qualities. best qualities in such tales people from the people possess, who, as a rule, turn out to be smarter and more cunning than representatives of high social status(gentlemen, priests). These tales are satirical, full of humor and puns. Examples of social and everyday fairy tales: "Porridge from an ax", "The master and the carpenter", "The peasant and the priest".

He left his grandmother
And left my grandfather
Songs sang under the blue sky,
For the fox, it became dinner.

Angry in temper, gray in color,
He ate seven goats.
(The wolf and the seven Young goats)

grandma for grandpa
Grabbed tight:
“Oh, there’s no way to pull it out,
Help, kids!
Good helpers
Soon they'll run
Will win the stubborn
General, friendly work.
The guy is sitting on the stove
Gobbles up rolls,
Ride through the village
And he married a princess.
(By magic)

Alyonushka has sisters
They took away the brother of the bird,
She played with her friends
Brother Vanya blinked.
(Swan geese)

Misha is walking through the forest
The box on the back carries -
Pies for grandma and grandpa
Granddaughter Masha baked
intractable Misha
Wrapped around your finger!
(Masha and the Bear)
What kind of guest came to the house
To three forest bears?
I ate and drank there
Slept in three beds
And the owners are back
Barely took her legs!
(Three Bears)

Brother didn't listen
big sister
And drank from the puddle
Muddy water.
Brought a lot of grief
They have unclean water.
(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

All wives are like wives,
He has a frog
But in the end you will be happy
This Vanyusha.
(Princess Frog)

Play puzzles with your kids!