Celebrity Options. Celebrity Diets. Riddles about fairy-tale heroes

Pro fairytale heroes, try to guess (I will add answers too):

Heals young children
Heals birds and animals
Looking through his glasses
Good Doctor...

She is beautiful and sweet
Her name comes from the word "ash".

From flour he was baked,
On sour cream was mixed.
On the window, he was chilling,
He rolled down the path.
He was cheerful, he was brave
And along the way he sang a song.
The bunny wanted to eat it
Gray wolf and brown bear.
And when the baby is in the forest
I met a red fox
I couldn't get away from her.
What is a fairy tale?

The nose is round, patchy,
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
The brothers are friendly.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale?
Nif-nif, Naf-naf and Nuf-nuf

Near the forest, on the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale?
Three Bears
"We are not afraid of the gray wolf,
Gray wolf - click teeth "
This song was sung loudly
Three fun...

The grandmother loved the girl very much,
She gave her a red hat.
The girl forgot her name.
Well, tell me her name!
red Riding Hood

Mixed with sour cream
It's cold on the window
Round side, ruddy side.

The swamp is her home.
The Waterman visits her.

The fat man lives on the roof
He flies above all.

The man is middle-aged
Here with such a beard.
Offends Pinocchio,
Artemon and Malvina,
And in general for all people
He is a notorious villain.
Does any of you know
Who is this?
Karabas Barabas

Evening would soon come
And the long-awaited hour has come,
To me in a gilded carriage
Go to a fabulous ball!
No one in the palace will know
Where am I from, what is my name,
But as soon as midnight comes,
I'll go back to my attic.

Who loved to play and sing?
Two mice - Cool and ...
Beware of any disease:
Flu, sore throat and bronchitis.
Calls you all to fight
Glorious doctor...

So quickly the maiden fled from the prince,
That she even lost her shoe.

A boy with geese flew in the sky.
What was the boy's name? Say it all together!

Father has a strange boy
Unusual, wooden,
On land and underwater
Looking for a golden key
Everywhere the nose sticks its long ...
Who is this?

She was a dwarf's friend
And, of course, you know.
Snow White

The man is middle-aged
With mustache and beard.
Loves the guys
Loves animals.
nice looking,
And it's called...

Wooden mischief
From a fairy tale into our lives penetrated.
Favorite of adults and children,
Daredevil and inventor of inventions,
A prankster, a merry fellow and a rogue.
Tell me, what's his name?
And this one was friends with Pinocchio himself,
Just call her guys...

Thumbelina groom blind
Lives all the time underground.

New Year's riddles about Santa Claus:
Girls and boys,
Your fingers are cold
Ears get cold, nose gets cold,
Seen close...
Father Frost
He is kind, he is strict,
Beard up to the eyes.
Red-nosed, red-cheeked,
Our beloved…
Father Frost

Who does Frost play hide and seek with?
In a white coat, in a white hat?
Everyone knows his daughter
And her name is...
Snow Maiden

All of it glitters in gold,
Everything sparkles in the moonlight
Decorates the Christmas tree with beads
and paints on glass.
He is such a big prankster -
Pinch on the very nose.
Came here for a holiday...
Who is he?
Father Frost

I came to you from afar
Tired of the expensive blizzard.
Warmly meet the old man
Yes, answer together!
I love girls and boys
Wolf cubs, squirrels and bunnies,
I brought you all gifts
So what's my name?
Father Frost

The man is middle-aged
With an enormous beard
Brought with you by the hand
To our granddaughter for the holiday.
Answer the question:
Who is this?
Father Frost

Who plays with snowflakes
Like a bouquet of white roses?
Who controls the blizzard?
Good Grandpa...

Here comes some grandfather
He is dressed in a warm coat.
On his shoulder is a bag
There is snow in his beard.
Father Frost
Here comes some grandfather
And in the hands of his bouquet:
Not from leaves and flowers -
From icicles and snowballs.
Father Frost

He comes on a winter evening
Light candles on the tree.
Overgrown with a gray beard,
Who is this?
Father Frost

This grandfather has many grandchildren.
Grandchildren often grumble at their grandfather.
On the street, grandfather sticks to them,
It grabs by the fingers, pulls by the ears.
But the evening comes happy in the year,
Everyone is waiting for an angry grandfather to visit.
He brings gifts, kind in appearance,
And everyone is having fun - no one grumbles!
Father Frost

Who are the guys on New Year's Eve
Do not get tired of having fun?
Who gives gifts to children?
Who to the guys in the world
Have you brought a Christmas tree from the forest?
Father Frost

Other topics from the section Riddles for children, with answers see here.

Each kid has his favorite fairy tales and favorite fairy tale characters. Children are very fond of guessing riddles about fairy tales, remembering them together and guessing their favorite characters. In addition, since most of these riddles are written in verse form, children will train their memory by memorizing rhymes and develop their quick wits.

And if the baby finds it difficult to answer, then you can show him a picture or illustration and ask what fairy tale it is from. Thus, the child can easily learn to memorize information and prepare for school.

In this section you will read not only riddles about fairy tales, but also riddles about your favorite heroes of kids.

The fat man lives on the roof
He flies above all.
Answer: Carlson

Oh, you, Petya-simplicity,
Gone a little:
Didn't listen to the cat
Looked out the window...
Answer: golden cockerel

Snow sleigh Queen
She flew through the winter sky.
Touched the kid, casually.
Cold, unkind became ...
Answer: Kai

The swamp is her home.
The Waterman visits her.
Answer: kikimora

The man is middle-aged
Here with such a beard.
Offends Pinocchio,
Artemon and Malvina,
And in general for all people
He is a notorious villain.
Does any of you know
Who is this?
Answer: Karabas-Barabas

Near the forest, on the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale?
Answer: Three Bears

Jin-la-la - the titmouse sings!
This is a fairytale
Answer: Mitten
The nose is round, patchy,
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
The brothers are friendly.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale?
Answer: Nif-nif, Naf-naf and Nuf-nuf

From flour he was baked,
On sour cream was mixed.
On the window, he was chilling,
He rolled down the path.
He was cheerful, he was brave
And along the way he sang a song.
The bunny wanted to eat it
Gray wolf and brown bear.
And when the baby is in the forest
I met a red fox
I couldn't get away from her.
What is a fairy tale?
Answer: Kolobok

The red girl is sad:
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun!
Tears shed, poor thing!
Answer: Snow Maiden

Here is quite easy
Short question:
Who put it in the ink
wooden nose?
Answer: Pinocchio

She is the most important of all in a mystery,
Although she lived in the cellar:
Pull the turnip out of the garden
Helped my grandparents.
Answer: mouse

My outfit is colorful,
My cap is sharp
My jokes and laughter
They cheer everyone up.
Answer: Parsley

My question is not hard at all.
It's about the Emerald City.
Who was the glorious ruler there?
Who was the wizard there?
Answer: Goodwin

Above my simple question
You won't spend a lot of energy.
Who is the boy with the long nose
Did you make it from a log?
Answer: Papa Carlo

He was born in Italy
He was proud of his family.
He's not just an onion boy
He is a reliable, loyal friend.
Answer: Chippolino

His father was captured by Lemon,
He threw dad into the dungeon...
Radish is a boy's friend,
I didn’t leave that friend in trouble
And helped me get free
To the father of the hero from the dungeon.
And everyone knows without a doubt
The hero of these adventures.
Answer: Chippolino

I went to visit my grandmother
She brought the pies.
The Gray Wolf followed her,
Deceived and swallowed.
Answer: Red Riding Hood

Far away on the warm sea
Suddenly a boy appeared
Wooden, with a long nose,
They created a book about him.

There are many adventures in the book.
That boy experienced
golden magic key
He finally got it.

Turtle Tortilla
This key was given
And another boy met
Good loyal friends.

Although he had a hard time -
Karabas was defeated.
What was that book called?
Will you tell me now?
Answer: The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio
And a hare and a wolf -
Everyone runs to him for treatment.
Answer: Dr. Aibolit

He lived in a dugout for thirty-three years,
And went fishing in any weather.
Yes, his old wife scolded him openly
For a broken, worthless trough.
He had a conversation with the mistress of the sea,
And she fulfilled three wishes of her grandfather.
And when I got angry, I rebelled -
The blue sea turned black, agitated.
Call me with a smile!
- This is a story about...
Answer: Fisherman and fish
(A.S. Pushkin, "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".)

He is a robber, he is a villain
His whistle scared people.
Answer: nightingale the robber

Like Baba's Yaga
Not one leg at all
But there is a wonderful
Answer: Mortar

There once lived a merchant
respected widower.
He was fabulously rich
but he is not happy with his treasury.
He did not see any use in the treasury,
if the heart is lonely.
Traded all the same until the night
for three beautiful daughters.
Their outfits for selection -
gold embroidered pattern.
Like swans swim
the conversation is like a thread.
The older ones, though more brisk,
the younger one is dearer to the merchant.
One day the merchant was going
and went beyond the sea
for some interest:
for profit al gain.
For a long time he was across the sea,
finally came home.
He brought gifts for his daughters.
The eldest - bright stones.
Younger, hiding in a bundle,
Answer: scarlet flower
(S.T. Aksakov, "The Scarlet Flower".)
This fabulous hero
With a ponytail, mustachioed,
He has a feather in his hat
All striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots.
Answer: Puss in Boots

Sweet apple flavor
Lured that bird into the garden.
Feathers glow with fire
And light around, as in the daytime.
Answer: Firebird

Remember the story quickly
The character in it is the boy Kai,
Snow Queen
Freeze your heart
But the girl is tender
The boy was not abandoned.
She walked in the cold, blizzards,
Forgetting about food, bed.
She went to help a friend.
What is the name of his girlfriend?
Answer: Gerda

They are always together everywhere
Animals - "nerazleyvoda":
Him and his furry friend
Joker, bear Winnie the Pooh.
And if it's not a secret
Please give me an answer:
Who is this cute fat man?
Piggy mom's son...
Answer: Piglet

This hero has
There is a friend - Piglet,
He is a gift to the Donkey
Carrying an empty pot
Climbed into the hollow for honey
The bees chased the flies.
bear name,
Certainly, - ...
Answer: Winnie the Pooh

This tablecloth is famous
The one that feeds everyone to the full,
That by itself she
Full of delicious food.
Answer: Self-assembly tablecloth
Mother's daughter was born
From a beautiful flower.
Good, little one!
The little girl was about an inch tall.
If you've read a fairy tale
Do you know the daughter's name?
Answer: Thumbelina

Lives in Prostokvashino
He carries out his service there.
The post office is by the river.
The postman in it is an uncle ...
Answer: Pechkin

He loves to eat sandwiches
Not like everyone else, on the contrary,
He is in a vest, like a sailor.
Call the cat, tell me how?
Answer: Matroskin

What a fairy tale: cat, granddaughter,
Mouse, another dog Bug
Helped grandpa and grandma
Have you harvested root crops?
Answer: turnip

That fairy tale is full of miracles,
but the worst of all is one -
who slew the pestilence of all in the palace.
The royal court became immovable.
The dark forest rose like a fence,
closing the review.
And there is no passage in more often
the palace for three hundred years.
Did you read the story, perhaps?
This is...
Answer: sleeping princess
gobbling up rolls,
The guy rode on the stove.
Ride through the village
And he married a princess.
Answer: Emelya

Answer the question:
Who carried Masha in the basket,
Who sat on a stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the story, don't you?
Who was it? …
Answer: Bear

From the ballroom of the king
The girl ran home
Crystal shoe
Lost on the steps.
The carriage became a pumpkin again ...
Who, tell me, is this girl?
Answer: Cinderella

Evening would soon come
And the long-awaited hour has come,
To me in a gilded carriage
Go to a fabulous ball!
No one in the palace will know
Where am I from, what is my name,
But as soon as midnight comes,
I'll go back to my attic.
Answer: Cinderella

She was an artist
Beautiful like a star
From evil Karabas
She ran away forever.
Answer: Malvina
Harmonica in hand
On top of a cap,
And next to him is important
Cheburashka is sitting.
Friends portrait
Turned out great
On it Cheburashka,
And next to him...
Answer: Crocodile Gena

Self-confident, though clumsy,
And by nature he is a big nerd,
Come on, guess him,
Known to everyone by the name…
Answer: Dunno

Among the flowers
in the shade of the leaves
there lived a boy
over five years.
All day its long
flew on a bee.
flower nectar
he loved very much.
And under the moon
sometimes at night
he danced with Moshka
yes beat in the palms.
Who is this handsome man?
Answer: Tom Thumb

The arrow of the young man hit the swamp,
Well, where is the bride? Want to marry!
And here is the bride, eyes on top of her head.
The bride's name is...
Answer: Princess Frog

Thumbelina groom blind
Lives all the time underground.
Answer: Mole

Bought a samovar
And the mosquito saved her.
Answer: Fly Tsokotukha

She was a dwarf's friend
And, of course, you know.
Answer: Snow White

As a child, everyone laughed at him,
Tried to push him away.
After all, no one knew that he
Born a white swan.
Answer: ugly duck

Waiting for mom with milk
And they let the wolf into the house ...
Who were these
Small children?
Answer: seven kids


Who among us does not like to solve riddles? After all, it's so great to break your head over something interesting, show erudition and show off your knowledge. Riddles allow you to see the poetic and unexpected side in the most ordinary things. Also, thanks to riddles, you can train ingenuity, learn to think logically.
Target: teaching children to solve riddles.
Educational: clarify children's ideas about riddles, consolidate knowledge about the characteristic features of fairy-tale characters.
Educational: to cultivate love, respect for fairy tales and fairy tale characters, cultivate perseverance.
Educational: form love for folk art, mother tongue, a living, figurative and precise word.
Description of the material: riddles are intended for educators, parents, speech therapists, students of pedagogical colleges.

1. Waiting for mom with milk,
And they let the wolf into the house ...
Who were these
Little children? (seven kids)
2. She was an artist
Beautiful like a star
From evil Karabas
She ran away forever. (Malvina)
3. That's quite easy,
Short question:
Who put it in the ink
wooden nose? (Pinocchio)

4. The man is not young
Here with such a beard.
Offends Pinocchio,
Artemon and Malvina,
And in general for all people
He is a notorious villain.
Does any of you know
Who is this? (Karabas)

5. A little more than a marigold.
In a walnut bed
The girl was sleeping.
And so small
She was sweet.
Have you read such a book?
What is this baby's name? (Thumbelina)

6. Thumbelina groom blind
Lives all the time underground. (Mole)

7. I went to visit my grandmother,
She brought the pies.
The Gray Wolf followed her,
Deceived and swallowed. (Little Red Riding Hood)
8 She Was A Dwarf Girlfriend
And, of course, you know. (Snow White)

9. Evening would soon come,
And the long-awaited hour has come,
To me in a gilded carriage
Go to a fabulous ball!
No one in the palace will know
Where am I from, what is my name,
But as soon as midnight comes,
I will return to my attic. (Cinderella)

10. Grandfather and woman lived together,
They blinded a daughter from a snowball,
But the campfire is hot
Turned a girl into steam.
Grandfather and grandmother are sad.
What was their daughter's name? (Snow Maiden)

11. The red girl is sad:
She doesn't like spring
It's hard for her in the sun!
Tears are shed by the poor thing (Snow Maiden)

12. Near the forest, at the edge,
Three of them live in a hut.
There are three chairs and three mugs,
Three beds, three pillows.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three Bears)

13. The nose is round, patchy,
It is convenient for them to dig in the ground,
Small crochet tail
Instead of shoes - hooves.
Three of them - and to what
The brothers are friendly.
Guess without a clue
Who are the heroes of this tale? (Three pigs)

14. Treats young children,
Heals birds and animals
Looking through his glasses
Kind doctor ... (Aibolit)

15. This fairy-tale hero
With a ponytail, mustachioed,
He has a feather in his hat
All striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots. (Puss in Boots)

16. It turned out to be a girl
In a flower cup
And there was that girl (Thumbelina)

17. Gobbling up rolls,
The guy rode on the stove.
Ride through the village
And married the princess (Emelya)

18. The fat man lives on the roof,
He flies above all. (Carlson)

19. As a child, everyone laughed at him,
Tried to push him away.
After all, no one knew that he
Born a white swan. (Ugly duck)

20. Snow sleigh Queen
She flew through the winter sky.
Touched the kid, casually.
He became cold, unkind .. ... (Kai)

21. On the mortar of a magical old woman flies
So fast that the wind whistles after her.
She lives in a fabulous, earthly wilderness -
Hurry up to name the old woman! (Baba Yaga)

22. And this fabulous villain
Brings fear to people.
He loves to steal brides
Keep gold in cellars
He is not afraid of anyone!
Tell me, what's his name? (Koschei the Immortal)

23. The arrow of the young man landed in the swamp,
Well, where is the bride? Want to marry!
And here is the bride, eyes on top of her head.
The bride's name is ... (Frog)

24. Who carried Masha in the basket,
Who sat on a stump
And wanted to eat a pie?
You know the story, don't you?
Who was it? …(Bear)

25. He is a robber, he is a villain,
He scared people with a whistle (The Nightingale the Robber)

26. From flour, he was baked,
On sour cream was mixed.
On the window, he was chilling,
He rolled down the path.
He was cheerful, he was brave
And along the way he sang a song.
The bunny wanted to eat it
Gray wolf and brown bear.
And when the baby is in the forest
I met a red fox
I couldn't get away from her.
What is a fairy tale? .... (Kolobok)

27. The horse is not simple,
Miracle golden mane,
He carries a boy over the mountains,
But it won't drop him.
The horse has a son
amazing horse,
Amazing skate
By nickname ... (The Hunchback)

Riddles with pictures for children based on Russian folk tales

Klyuka Natalia Alexandrovna, teacher additional education children of MBOU DOD "Ecological and Biological Center", Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod Region.

I propose a selection of riddles based on Russian folk tales for children preschool age. This material can be useful to parents, educators, teachers of additional education of children.

Target: activation of children's knowledge about Russian folk tales.

Educational. To teach children to concentrate attention, to mobilize mental activity to find the answer to the question posed.
Developing. Develop ingenuity, the ability to understand allegorical language.
Educational. Raise interest in oral folk art, in reading fairy tales.

Preliminary work: Design in the group of the book exhibition "Russian folk tales", reading Russian folk tales to children, discussing the content, finding out what this or that fairy tale teaches, looking at illustrations for fairy tales, watching cartoons based on fairy tales.

"In a faraway kingdom, in a faraway state ...". Probably, each of us in childhood fell asleep to the quiet voice of our parents, who read or told fairy tales about beautiful princesses, brave princes and evil monsters. And in the same way, each of us will read such fairy tales to our children. What is a fairy tale, and why is it needed?

First of all, a fairy tale is a genre of literary creativity with an orientation towards fiction. Main Feature fairy tale is that it is always a fictional story with a happy ending, where good triumphs over evil. Fairy tales are authorial (composed by a specific author) and folk (composed by many people).
There is also a well-known classification of fairy tales according to their content:
Fairy tales are magical. They reveal the best human qualities, the characters are romantic. In such a fairy tale, there is necessarily a central positive hero, his helpers and magic items. Heroes fairy tales fight evil and injustice in the name of goodness and love. Examples include Russian folk tales about Ivan the Fool.
Tales about animals. Here the main characters are animals (fox, wolf, bear, hare, etc.). Animals interact, each of them personifies one or another human quality, for example, a cat is smart, a fox is cunning, a bear is strong. Examples: "Teremok", "Turnip", "Kolobok".
Social fairy tales- illustrate real life, the characters are shown from the point of view of their social status ridiculed negative human qualities. best qualities in such tales people from the people possess, who, as a rule, turn out to be smarter and more cunning than representatives of high social status(gentlemen, priests). These tales are satirical, full of humor and puns. Examples of social fairy tales: "Porridge from an ax", "The Master and the Carpenter", "The Man and the Pope".

He left his grandmother
And left my grandfather
Songs sang under the blue sky,
For the fox, it became dinner.

Angry in temper, gray in color,
He ate seven goats.
(The wolf and the seven Young goats)

grandma for grandpa
Grabbed tight:
“Oh, there’s no way to pull it out,
Help, kids!
Good helpers
Soon they'll run
Will win the stubborn
General, friendly work.
The guy is sitting on the stove
Gobbles up rolls,
Ride through the village
And he married a princess.
(By magic)

Alyonushka has sisters
They took away the brother of the bird,
She played with her friends
Brother Vanya blinked.
(Swan geese)

Misha is walking through the forest
The box on the back carries -
Pies for grandma and grandpa
Granddaughter Masha baked
intractable Misha
Wrapped around your finger!
(Masha and the Bear)
What kind of guest came to the house
To three forest bears?
I ate and drank there
Slept in three beds
And the owners are back
Barely took her legs!
(Three Bears)

Brother didn't listen
big sister
And drank from the puddle
Muddy water.
Brought a lot of grief
They have unclean water.
(Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

All wives are like wives,
He has a frog
But in the end you will be happy
This Vanyusha.
(Princess Frog)

Play puzzles with your kids!