How to clean sewer pipes at home: an overview of folk and professional tools to eliminate blockages. A fairy tale about a magic cable and a plunger or how to clean the sewer in a private house Effective sewer cleaning

To the benefits of civilization: electricity, water supply, heat and gas in apartments, any of their inhabitants have already developed a strong habit. Therefore, when a tap is opened or a cork is removed from the bath, no one thinks about what kind of communications this water is diverted to and where it goes later. You don’t think about it only until the moment when even a small stream from the tap suddenly does not leave the sink, but fills it to the brim, and the filled bath remains intact and, at best, comes off “an hour by a teaspoon”. In other words, when the sewer pipes become clogged, the house seems to be paralyzed: no dishes to wash, no hands, no use of the washing machine or toilet. Numerous services to provide services to the population work around the clock, you can wait for a plumber from the ZhEK, or you can take everything into your own hands. The article will discuss how to clean sewer pipes.

Defeating the blockage is real and on your own, if you understand a little about its origin, have at hand simple improvised means, household chemical industry products or a simple set of ingredients for their self-production.

Pipes for sewerage photo

Causes and consequences of clogged sewer pipes

No matter how careful the hostess or all household members are, no matter what preventive measures they use, there are two main groups of reasons that will inevitably, sooner or later, bring a single sewage system to a blockage.

The operational factors of clogged sewer pipes include:

  • body fat (in the risk zone, mainly the kitchen);
  • hair or animal hair (if a particularly furry pet is often bathed in the bathroom);
  • small pieces of fabric or small pieces of fittings from clothes (they will definitely fall into the sewer when the washing machine drains the water, settle on the pipe walls and accumulate over time);
  • poor water quality in the apartment, excessive content of lime, iron in it (they settle in the pipes first with a thin coating, then grow in size, reducing the diameter of the pipe and leading to blockage);
  • silting up communication.

Technological reasons that are the culprits of blockages are:

  • initially incorrect design of the entire drainage system. This is when incorrect calculations were used during installation and pipes of too small diameter were installed. They are simply not able to handle the total amount of water being removed or are not designed for the fact that quite large debris, such as food waste, can get into them. Another common mistake of designers or installers is not a simple and understandable drain system, but more reminiscent of the labyrinth of the Minotaur. In the abundance of turns and bends of pipes, human waste and the result of poor water purification - rust and lime deposits are easily deposited;
  • general wear and tear of communications is absolutely not a rare cause of blockage. Residents of "houses with history" are well aware of this "feature" of the sewerage system in their apartments;
  • if in order to combat a blockage that has arisen for a number of reasons related to the operational category, it is enough to destroy it (pierce, dissolve) and sometimes carry out preventive cleaning, then a large-scale alteration will have to be started to eliminate factors from the second group.

Causes of clogged sewer pipes

Before choosing any way to eliminate the misfortune, you need to think about the possible root causes, then the result will be quick and guaranteed.

  • Chemistry will cope with fat in the kitchen sewer pipes, and the blockage itself can be removed with a plunger. With the hair and fur of pets, everything is somewhat more complicated. They are not easy to dissolve. This will take time, and if it is not there, then a plumbing cable will be the best solution.

  • Oversights by designers and installers are best dealt with before problems arise. If the intricate drain system is initially frightening, it is worth consulting with professionals and simplifying it before active operation begins. And it is better to change the old cast-iron sewer pipes for more modern counterparts. Expensive? Yes, but the nerves and money spent on endless vials with "magic" chemistry will cost even more.

Sewer pipes dimensions

The attentive hostess or owner should first of all be alerted to:

  • unpleasant smell from pipes and drains;
  • extraneous sounds during the discharge of water - squelching and "champing";
  • slowly flowing water. This may be a feature of the system, but if this has not been observed before, then there is a reason to carry out prevention.

Elimination of blockages in sewer pipes

Since the causes of blockages are different, then you need to have the entire arsenal at hand to deal with them, from light weapons to serious equipment.

  • Household chemicals. Sold everywhere. They are widely advertised and promise a miraculous effect in a short period of time. At the prevention stage, they usually help quite well.
  • Plunger. The simplest device available in most apartments. An effective remedy for blockages that are not located deep in the pipe. To "activate", it must be installed above the water drain hole, pressed tightly and pumped air through the pipe several times with vigorous translational movements of the handle.
  • If necessary, the operation is repeated two or three times. Due to such actions, the blockage sets in motion, disintegrates and passes further along the pipe into the sewer. To facilitate this process, after working with the plunger, you need to make the maximum possible pressure of water (preferably hot), it will wash away the remaining debris. As a preliminary action, close the overflow opening tightly. If there is no special cover, you can build a "gag" from an ordinary rag. This measure will provide high air pressure, which will destroy the blockage.
  • Otherwise, you will have to work as a plunger for a long time, make too much effort, and the effect may not be achieved at all.

  • No matter how tightly the plunger is pressed against the drain hole, and no matter how intensely it is affected, but if the blockage has formed deep in the pipe, then this device is useless.
  • Rope plumbing. It happens far from everyone, but many craftsmen quite adapt for these purposes a fairly long, moderately rigid, but flexible wire or hose with a large cross section (which, in fact, this device is). But a purchased copy often comes with various nozzles that increase cleaning efficiency, and a convenient handle for rotation.
  • A plumbing cable or a device that replaces it will allow you to get to the blockage, "sitting" deep enough in communications. Its length (several meters), flexible and durable design allow you to carry it through the entire system and break through a “plug” of any nature.
  • The cable is lowered into the sewer hole and pushed until an obstacle is encountered in its path. As soon as he rests against it, it is necessary to start rotating the device until the blockage is completely eliminated. For maximum effect, rotation is best done clockwise. This requirement is mandatory if a steel product twisted into a spring is used. If rotated in the opposite direction (counterclockwise), it can be easily damaged.

  • Parsing by hand. A somewhat dirty and unpleasant way, but affordable and effective. Water from the drain holes first passes through the siphon, which, due to its design features, creates a water seal. It prevents the unpleasant odor from the sewer from entering the apartment. Some types of siphons are particularly susceptible to dirt accumulating on their walls. For lack of a better way, you can carefully disconnect it and rinse it properly (or change it to a new, more technologically advanced version).
  • Soda. A familiar baking ingredient is the basis of many "recipes" that help to actively fight clogged pipes.

Cleaning sewer pipes with chemicals

  • Chemical methods of influencing the blockage are most effective as preventive measures. But with some types of pollution in the pipes, they fight quite adequately. Each housewife probably has a package with a life-saving remedy that was found empirically in stock. The release form of such drugs can be gel, liquid or granular (powder).

  • Regardless of this, it is worth remembering that the composition contains caustic substances that, when they get on the skin and mucous membranes, cause severe irritation and burns. Otherwise, such a tool will not be able to dissolve either fat or other organic matter. Therefore, following certain rules will protect health:
  • Keeping such preparations out of the reach of children and animals and using gloves when working with them are mandatory requirements.
  • Since the vapors of these compounds are also harmful to the respiratory system, you should not lean low over the drain during processing and be near the cleaning object all the time while the product is working.
  • It is necessary to carefully study the label on which the composition is indicated. The main active ingredients are acid or alkali. Depending on their concentration, the remedy will be more or less effective. All manufacturer's recommendations should be followed exactly. It also indicates for what types of blockages this tool can be used.
  • Do not use the drug for those pipes that are not allowed by the instructions for use. It is forbidden to leave the tool to "work" longer than the recommended period. Such a desire to enhance the effect of the application threatens to destroy the pipes.
  • After use, flush the system with plenty of water.

For those who have not yet found their ideal clog remover, the following practical tips can be given to find it:

  • a preparation that needs to be left for several minutes has a higher concentration of active substances than one that needs to be kept for half an hour;
  • prophylactic agents can only eliminate a small and non-serious blockage, even if they are used in an increased dosage;
  • far from all means are capable of breaking through clogged pipes in stagnant water. Such information must be present on the label;
  • it is believed that imported analogues differ in components that are more sparing for the sewage system. That is, they do not have such a detrimental effect on the condition of the pipes themselves. Therefore, they are recommended for cleaning plastic sewer pipes;
  • if the waiting time specified by the manufacturer has expired, and the water has not left, you can try using the plunger. The tool still softened the blockage to some extent, and it can succumb to the proven method.

Clearing blockages in sewer pipes with folk remedies

Folk methods of cleaning sewer pipes are considered very effective. The compositions are easy to manufacture, and the necessary components are always in the kitchen or in the nearest store.

  • The first thing you can try to apply is intensive washing of a clogged pipe with several liters of boiling water. This method is only suitable for dealing with accumulated fat. It is also good to use it as a preventive measure, especially after especially dirty dishes, such as a baking sheet, have been washed. Fat that has fallen into the sewer pipe from it will be washed off immediately, and will not settle on the walls.

The usual baking soda is no less effective in breaking down fats and small deposits. It is customary to combine it with other "aggressive" cleaning components stored in kitchen cabinets.

  • Soda + hot water. The above preventive method is enhanced by the action of sodium bicarbonate. First of all, a liter of boiling water is poured into the sewer hole. If after fifteen minutes the blockage cannot be eliminated with a plunger, then a glass of soda is poured into the drain. Immediately after this, you need to pour 0.6 liters. boiling water. From the first time, these actions may not help. But such a sequence, repeated twice or thrice, will not only eliminate the blockage, but will also disinfect the entire system well due to the formation of an active alkaline environment.

  • Sodium bicarbonate + salt. This method is slow. Both components must be mixed in equal proportions in any quantity, for example, half a glass. The prepared mixture is poured into the drain and poured with hot water in a volume of one liter. You will have to wait for the result from 8 to 12 hours. Sewerage is not available during this time.
  • Sodium Bicarbonate + Vinegar. To begin with, 100 g of soda (half a glass) and the same bite are poured into the drain hole. You need to take acetic acid 70%. The drain must be plugged and left alone for a couple of hours. When these components are combined, a chemical reaction begins, which is accompanied by the release of carbon dioxide and abundant foaming, so you need to plug the hole quickly. After the time has elapsed, a liter of boiling water should be poured into the sewer.

Call of experts

If none of the above tools and chemicals are at hand, or they turned out to be ineffective, and there is no desire or time to set up a laboratory at home, professional “rescuers” will have to be called.

  • In addition to a cable and a plunger, modern plumbers can even diagnose the system using a mini-camera, the so-called pipe and sewer cleaning hose. Such an assessment of the state of the entire sewage system is also useful in that all beginning problems will become apparent.

Against particularly "stubborn" blockages will apply:

  • hydrodynamic cleaning of sewer pipes (the system will be washed with a jet of water supplied under high pressure);
  • thermochemical cleaning (special compounds and solutions are preheated to the required temperatures, and they become the most effective);
  • pipes can also be flushed with short pulses of water under high pressure.

In any case, preliminary diagnostics will tell specialists the most appropriate method.

In order not to bring the situation to such a serious and costly intervention, it is better to remember about prevention, then you will not have to experience any inconvenience from clogged sewer pipes.

Cleaning of sewer pipes from debris and grease is carried out both with improvised means: soda, enhanced with warm water, vinegar or citric acid, and liquids based on alkali and chlorine. Radical means of cleaning very durable traffic jams are a plumbing cable, a plunger and a hydrodynamic method.

The accumulation of greasy and salt deposits are prone to sewer outlets of toilet bowls and washstands. This is due to the fact that a large amount of fatty food waste is poured into them, which settle on the walls of the pipes and form a greasy coating.

Do I need to clean the sewer from grease?

Regardless of the material from which the sewer is made, fat quickly sticks to the inner walls with a continuous sticky layer.

Small household and food waste, which also fall into the sewer, stick to this film, forming fairly strong blockages. In cast iron pipes, the hole can be clogged by loose scale, which is removed only mechanically.

Fat is a favorable environment for the rapid development of various bacteria that globally violate the sanitary condition of the kitchen and smell very bad.

If an unpleasant stagnant smell appears near the washstand in the kitchen, it is necessary to clean and sanitize the sewer.

Using improvised means

Cleaning the sewer from grease is carried out without the use of professional household products, you can get by with improvised methods. In the public domain there are funds that have a destructive effect on fat accumulations, dissolving them.

Baking soda and caustic soda, reacting with citric acid or vinegar, produces a huge amount of carbon dioxide, which creates excess pressure along the entire outlet. This pressure is enough to break through a weak blockage and slightly dissolve greasy and strong soap deposits.

You can also use it by pouring it from the pack into a dry drain, and pour warm water on top.

For greater efficiency, the drain hole is clogged with a plug so that pressure acts along the pipe, pushing the blockage into the sewer. Consumption - one glass of soda per washstand. When using acids, the amount of soda is reduced to 2/3 cup.

Note! If the sewer pipes are made of metal, then using a mixture of baking soda and acids can damage their anti-corrosion coating.

Chlorine household products, for example, whiteness, cope with fatty film and adhering debris. Liquid products in their original form are poured into the sewer, and the amount should be large - up to several liters. It takes several hours to carry out the reaction, after which warm water opens in the tap, which flushes the pipe from the remnants of blockage.

The most effective means for cleaning pipes from grease

It is worth noting that the use of improvised means helps to solve the problem with simple blockages - only professional chemicals or mechanical cleaning methods can dissolve lasting pollution.

To remove deposits and adhering debris, they are used to remove dirt and grease, which contains components that dissolve grease and even food waste.

Pushing through strong blockages that appeared during prolonged accumulation of waste or a foreign object entering the sewer is carried out using mechanical means - a plunger or a sewer cable.

Use of chemicals

The most popular are products made in the form of powders or dry granules. They contain an active alkali, which reacts violently with warm water and dissolves even strong old fat.

Note! When choosing chemistry, it is recommended to purchase options that have an antiseptic effect, usually they are marked "biological product". In addition to removing the blockage, the pipe will be disinfected and the unpleasant smell will go away.

One of the most famous means - "Mole". Convenient packaging in small bags, which is enough for just one use.

The contents of the bag must be poured into the sewer pipe and do not open the water in the tap for several hours. If there is water in the sink at the time of the blockage, then it must be removed as much as possible so that the powder or granules fall directly onto the blockage. The alkali will react with the liquid that is in the pipe, and soon the greasy contaminants will be removed.

Carefully! When using any chemicals to clean the sewers, it is mandatory to use personal protective equipment - goggles, gloves and a chemical respirator.

Use of mechanical means

To clean the sewer pipes from grease and strong mechanical blockages, a plunger or a cable is used.

The scheme for working with a plunger is very simple - it must be applied directly to the drain so that the rubber circle sticks tightly to the bottom of the washstand. Up and down translational movements create pressure in the sewer pipe, which is enough to destroy even the most dense blockages.

Usually 5-6 strokes are enough to push the blockage deep and wash it off with water.

A plumbing cable is the most radical way to remove grease. It is a metal cable with a length of 10 to 50 meters or more, consisting of interlaced high-strength wires.

A handle is attached to one end of the cable, which allows you to make rotational movements. The other end looks like a metal brush with very sharp ends that literally dig into the blockage and destroy it under the action of rotational movements.

The cable must be pushed into the pipe in a circular motion until it rests on the cork, after which some effort will have to be applied. The remaining dirt is washed off with warm water.

Important! During mechanical cleaning of sewers, pipes are not disinfected. Therefore, it is advisable to additionally use it after removing the cork.

Hydrodynamic cleaning

Professional cleaning using special equipment.

It is a durable elastic hose with a special tip through which ordinary water is supplied into the pipe under enormous pressure.

The special structure of the tip allows the hose to clear its way deep into the sewer pipe and at the same time thoroughly clean the pipe walls from any contaminants. One of the leading manufacturers of such equipment is Karcher.

Typically, this method is used for pipes of large diameter and long lengths, as well as for very strong and persistent blockages that are not even amenable to a plumbing cable.

Cleaning of plastic and cast iron pipes

When selecting chemical cleaners, it is necessary to pay attention to their description. Most often, the manufacturer indicates for which types of pipes the product is suitable or not suitable. The poured powder can be so active that it will damage plastic pipes, but will not touch the metal. The opposite situation may also occur, when the plastic remains intact, and the anti-corrosion coating on the cast iron will be irretrievably lost.

Prevention of fat accumulation in the sewer

It is much easier to clean regularly than it is to deal with a permanent blockage one day.

It is enough to get into the habit of pouring a bag of chemical agent down the drain every time a general cleaning is carried out in the kitchen.

This can also be done at night - there is enough time for the substance to work as it should. The regularity depends on the amount of household waste that is discharged into the sewer. It is recommended to carry out prophylaxis at least once every 1-3 months.

In addition, it does not hurt to install .

Below is a video that shows a variety of ways to clean sewer pipes from blockages and grease.

Larisa, March 22, 2018.

The sewerage system is a serious “mechanism” that requires very careful monitoring and timely preventive measures to prevent blockages. But what if the sewer suddenly clogged, and the water does not go away? Call a plumber right away or try to fix the blockage yourself? Are all pipe cleaners equally safe for them, what to choose: an ordinary plunger, household chemicals or folk remedies. First of all, it is worth understanding the causes of blockage.

Causes of clogged pipes

Over time, organic and inorganic deposits form on the walls of sewer pipes. Due to the appearance of such waste, its diameter can decrease even by 2 cm. This leads to a deterioration in the operation of the sewerage system.

Clogged pipe

Blockages are divided into two types:

  1. Mechanical. It occurs as a result of falling into the sewers of a random object. For example, feminine hygiene products, woven napkins and other garbage.
  2. Technical. This type includes the accumulation of deposits in horizontal sections of pipes. It appears due to non-compliance with the technical requirements for the installation of sewer pipes, which have a smaller diameter than all the others.

If you do not clean the pipes regularly, you will soon have to change them.

The immediate causes of blockages include:

  • high content of body fat;
  • silting of pipes;
  • tissue entering the sewerage system;
  • too small pipe diameter;
  • rust formation in pipes;
  • a large number of turns in the pipes;
  • pipe wear.

Removing blockage with a plunger and plumbing cable

The easiest way to remove clogs is to use a plunger. This device consists of a rubber cap and a wooden or plastic handle.

Most blockages can be removed with a plunger.

Any housewife will cope with it, because the procedure for using it is very simple:

  1. Install the rubber part of the cap on the drain hole in the bathtub or sink, and close or plug the overflow hole with a rag for better efficiency.
  2. Open a hot water faucet.
  3. When the water completely hides the lower part of the plunger, it is necessary to vigorously push it several times. This procedure eliminates the blockage with the help of pressure drops, which pushes the accumulated debris.

Attention! A plunger may not be able to handle a blockage that is too deep. For this, other methods must be used.

When the plunger cannot cope with the task of cleaning the sewer pipes, a special cable comes to the rescue. Its length is about 2.5–3 meters, the thickness varies. On one side of the cable there is a handle, with which it is convenient to rotate the cable, and on the other - a spiral wire with a tip in the form of a drill. Modern models of cables have a large number of nozzles to eliminate blockages.

Working with plumbing cable

The principle of its operation, like the plunger, is not particularly difficult, and does not require special skills.

  1. The cable is inserted into the drain and in a circular motion is moved further to the blockage.
  2. It must be screwed in clockwise, otherwise the cable springs may be damaged.
  3. In the expected place of blockage, the cable must be moved back and forth several times to push through the stagnation of debris. After that, it should be washed very thoroughly, and if necessary, repeat the procedure again.
  4. Spill pipes with plenty of hot water.
  5. Rinse the cable, dry it and put it away until the next time.

Removing clogs with chemicals

A huge number of household chemicals are designed to combat blockages. They are liquid, gel-like, consist of granules or powder. Suitable for: gentle on plastic and does not oxidize metal.

Read the instructions for use carefully before using the product.

They are not recommended for use in case of severe blockages, because when water stagnates, not all of them can get to the center of waste accumulation, but it will not be difficult to spoil the enamel or the lining of the drain hole of household chemicals. Therefore, before using them, carefully read the instructions on the package. In general, chemicals are very effective and remove up to 95% of blockages in all cases.

The sequence of removing blockage with household chemicals

  • pour the decontaminant into the drain hole of the bathtub or sink and leave for the amount of time specified by the manufacturer;

Attention! Be sure to read the instructions. Each product has its own active substances that require more or less time.

  • spill sewer pipes with hot water under strong pressure;
  • if the blockage has not passed, then the use of a plunger is recommended. Under the action of chemicals, the blockage will become less resistant, and the plunger will help to knock it out more easily;
  • if necessary, repeat the procedure several times.

To enhance the effect of chemicals, combine with the work of a plunger

In addition to household chemicals, you can use other means that, as a rule, any hostess has.

  • Pour the blockage with boiling water from the kettle. A very efficient way. Not suitable for deep blockages, but is an excellent preventive method.

Advice. So, every time after washing the dishes, pouring boiling water into the drain, you can avoid the accumulation of debris in the sewer pipes for a long time.

  • Using boiling water and soda. The method is similar to the previous one. First, boiling water is poured into the drain. After 15–20 minutes, they try to break through the blockage with a plunger. And then pour a glass of soda into the drain and pour more boiling water. As a result of this procedure, an alkaline reaction is formed in the sewer pipe, which will remove any stagnation. You need to repeat it several times.

To prevent blockages, you can use ordinary boiling water.

  • Use of baking soda and vinegar. A true chemistry experience. Pour 100 g of soda into the drain and pour the same amount of vinegar. Then the hole must be closed with a stopper. Wait a couple of hours and pour one liter of boiling water.

Attention! The interaction of soda and vinegar releases a lot of foam and carbon dioxide.

  • Use of baking soda and salt. The method is very simple. Salt and soda are poured into the pipe in equal proportions, then poured with a liter of boiling water. For best results, leave the salt and baking soda in the sewer all night. It is advisable not to turn on the water during cleaning. Wash off in the morning with hot water under strong pressure.

Assistance from skilled workers

Unfortunately, not all blockages can be dealt with on your own. When the scale of the "disaster" is serious, then the help of qualified workers will be required. In their arsenal, not only all the necessary tools, but also various technologies for cleaning accumulated deposits. As a rule, it will not be difficult for such specialists to quickly diagnose a blockage, identify the cause of its appearance and, accordingly, remove it. What would take more than an hour for an ordinary owner, they will do in a matter of minutes.

In case of serious blockages, contact specialists

Among their methods:

  1. Cleaning sewer pipes with a high-pressure water jet.
  2. Cleaning with special means that heat up to high temperatures.
  3. Pneumopulse cleaning. Pneumopulse equipment will cope with blockage even in cases where other methods have not given a positive result. The method is based on the use of a second pulse, which is fed into the sewer pipe.

Sewer cleaning with special techniques

Clogged sewer pipes are a storm for many housewives. Without paying attention, we throw garbage into the sink, pour out the fat, do not remove hair residues after hygiene procedures and throw objects that are not intended for its operation into the toilet. The result of all this is the accumulation of various deposits and waste, which sometimes lead to very persistent blockages. With the simplest of them, you can cope on your own with the help of household chemicals or improvised means. In other cases, highly qualified specialists will come to the rescue, who are not afraid of any blockage. They will fix the problem in a short time thanks to modern equipment and their experience.

How to fix sewer blockage: video

Blockage removal: photo

No one is immune from unpleasant surprises in the house. A clogged sewer occurs unexpectedly, along with unpleasant surprises in the form of smell and dirty water. The complexity of the situation depends on the type of pipes, location, cause and degree of blockage.

It is not necessary to call a plumber to clean the sewer; in mild cases, you can handle it on your own using household chemicals and improvised means.

The main sign of sewer clogging is familiar to everyone - it's bad water going down the drain and an unpleasant smell. In severe cases, there is a constant stagnation of fluid.

The place of formation of blockage can be:

  • sink;
  • toilet;
  • bathroom;
  • shower cabin.

Most often, problem areas are clogged: corner joints of the system, bending of the siphon in the kitchen and bathrooms.

The causes of blockages can be divided into 3 groups:

  1. Mechanical.

Clogged pipes with large food debris, fruit bones, pieces of rags, sponges and other foreign objects that have got inside.

  1. Operational blockages.

They are formed over a long period of time due to the accumulation of fat deposits, solid suspension of water, small particles of food, sand, hair and pet hair on the walls of the pipes. Over time, such plaque hardens, turns into stone.

  1. Technical blockages.

They arise due to errors during the installation of the sewer system (for example, the absence of a slight slope of the pipe, which slows down the outflow of water), pipe deformation with heavy objects, subsidence of the soil.

The blockage can be partial or complete. In the first case, the water slowly but leaves. With a complete blockage, the liquid can stand either in one sewer drain, or in the entire dwelling (if the riser is clogged).

To determine the location of the blockage, it is not necessary to disassemble the sewer system or use a professional cable with a camera. Plumbers can determine the location of the problem by the speed at which signs of blockage appear:

  • water stops going down the drain after a few seconds - the siphon is clogged;
  • fluid begins to accumulate after a longer time - the congestion is further.

Experienced plumbers determine the place on this basis by eye.

How to clear blockages in the kitchen and bathroom

Sewer cleaning methods can be divided into 3 large groups:

  • mechanical;
  • hydrodynamic;
  • chemical;
  • specific or popular.

The ways in which blockage can be eliminated depend on its degree, the place of formation and the material from which the pipes are made.

Mechanical elimination

In most cases, the most effective method of cleaning the sewer is to mechanically act on the cause of the blockage using a plunger or a plumbing cable.

Plunger - a device in the form of a rubber bowl with a wooden or plastic handle.

Using the plunger is very simple:

  • fill the blockage with water by 10-15 cm to ensure a snug fit of the rubber bowl;
  • place the plunger in the center of the drain hole;
  • forcefully press the handle several times;
  • remove the plunger.

Such an action creates a vacuum inside the pipe, when the bowl is raised, the liquid and the blockage move up, and then, under great pressure, it goes down. Manipulations are repeated until the water begins to flow freely into the drain. With the help of a plunger, you can remove the blockage in a few minutes.

If a bathroom or sink with an overflow is being cleaned, this hole must be plugged to ensure vacuum and pressure.

Instead of a plunger, you can use a vacuum cleaner: insert the hose into the drain and turn on the device for blowing.

If the plunger did not help clear the blockage, more aggressive action will be required. In this case, it is necessary to use a plumbing cable - a long, thick steel wire with a drill tip. At the other end of the device is a handle that allows you to rotate it.

Technique for using a plumbing cable:

  • remove the siphon, which will facilitate access to sewer pipes;
  • lower the cable with the tip inward;
  • move it forward while turning the handle;
  • remove the cable, remove pollution;
  • repeat the manipulations several times until the water begins to freely go inside.

The tip of the cable loosens the blockage, and the spiral shape allows you to remove it from the sewer to prevent blockages in other areas.

You need to complete the cleaning process by washing with plenty of water, preferably very hot, in order to melt the fat on the walls of the pipes.

For self-cleaning, manual cables are used, professional plumbers use electrical appliances with a long drill-like cable, it rotates at high speed and will allow you to remove even serious mechanical obstacles in the way.

Hydrodynamic method

This method is used only by professionals, since it is problematic and impractical to keep a hydrodynamic machine at home.

The device is a unit that supplies water under high pressure to the sewer. The machine is equipped with nozzles designed for pipes with a diameter of 5 to 30 centimeters.

The decontamination process is as follows:

  • remove the siphon;
  • insert the hose into the pipe;
  • turn on the hydrodynamic machine.

The flow of water under high pressure separates even old deposits from the pipe walls and pushes them further into the sewer. The hose independently moves inward for several meters.

Chemicals for removing blockages

Modern industry can offer liquid and bulk sewer cleaning products. The principle of their action is to dissolve the cause of the blockage.

All funds are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Alkaline.

Preparations are designed to eliminate blockages formed from fatty deposits. Such tools are most often used in the kitchen.

  1. acid preparations.

Dissolve organic residues (hair) and detergent components. More suitable for bathrooms and toilets.

Most Popular:

  1. Mole.

The alkaline drug is available in liquid and powder form. Designed for cleaning metal-plastic and metal pipes, plastic can dissolve.

  1. Mister Muscle.

Universal remedy for the prevention and cleaning of pollution. Dissolves organic deposits and grease in half an hour. All preparations of this brand contain antiseptic additives.

  1. Tiret.

Gel that allows you to quickly eliminate plaque. Due to its thick consistency, it does not dissolve in water and will dissolve even deep-seated blockages. Suitable for both plastic and metal structures.

The method of application of chemicals is the same:

  • the product is poured or poured into the drain, the powder is diluted with a small amount of water;
  • keep the allotted time;
  • washed with plenty of water.

All chemicals are very aggressive, can cause burns to the skin and mucous membranes, therefore, when using them, you need to wear rubber gloves, goggles and a respirator (gauze bandage), open the window.

If a chemical reaction occurs, splashes and steam can come out of the drain hole, so it is better to close it with a stopper.

Before use, it is imperative to study the manufacturer's recommendations on the package, some products have a limited scope and can not only dissolve the blockage, but also damage the sewer.

Please note that in no case should you use alkaline and acidic preparations at the same time.

In general, chemicals are quite effective in removing blockages of light and moderate severity and are gentle on sewers and plumbing if the instructions are followed.

Traditional chemicals are not suitable for removing blockages in private homes equipped with a septic tank (cesspool). Waste in such conditions is processed by bacteria that die in an aggressive environment. The result is an unpleasant odor and a quick filling of the septic tank. After the use of alkaline or acidic products, it will take several weeks to restore the dead bacteria.

For cleaning sewers in private homes, bioactive compounds have been developed that contain bacteria that can quickly process fat and organic residues:

  • Sanox;
  • Bio Clever;
  • W.C.Activ.

Biopreparations are produced in the form of powder, tablets or capsules. To clean the sewer, the recommended amount is placed in the drain hole for a day. During this time, the sewer cannot be used.

Folk remedies

It is possible to eliminate blockages without chemicals and mechanical impact. Some products and substances at hand will help solve the problem:

  1. Boiling water.

Several liters of very hot water are poured into the drain hole, which will dissolve the layer of fatty deposits. The method can be used for preventive purposes, as the main method for minor blockages and as an auxiliary before other means.

  1. Soda is an alkali common in everyday life, with a very wide range of applications.

To clean the sewer, a package of powder is poured into the sewer pipe (the siphon and corrugation are previously removed) and poured with the same amount of table vinegar. The hole is covered and left for several hours. You can use boiling water instead of vinegar.

  1. Soda and salt, mixed in a ratio of 1 to 2, are dissolved in warm water and poured into the drain. After half an hour, the pipes are pierced with a plunger and washed with running water for 5 minutes.
  1. Alka-Seltzer.

Works similarly to soda. 2-3 effervescent tablets are crushed, poured into the drain hole and poured with 300 ml of vinegar. After 20 minutes, just rinse the pipes with water. Hangover pills will not only remove congestion, but also an unpleasant smell.

Folk remedies are used mainly for prevention and to eliminate minor congestion in the kitchen. It is almost impossible to get rid of foreign objects, stones with their help.

For tips on how to clean blockages with soda ash, see the video.

Recommendations for different materials: what is the difference between plastic and cast iron pipes?

Today, in almost all homes, the sewer system consists of plastic pipes, which have undeniable advantages over traditional cast iron:

  • light weight;
  • aesthetic appearance;
  • easy installation.

The surface of plastic pipes is smooth, so particles of food and fat practically do not cling to it. Clogging of plastic sewerage is quite rare, mainly corner joints. To clean them, they often use chemicals, a plunger or a hydrodynamic machine.

Plumbing cables and other mechanical devices can damage the surface and cause leakage.

Cast iron sewerage is durable, but the metal surface is quickly overgrown with organic deposits and grease. To eliminate blockages in cast iron pipes, mechanical action is more often used, since some chemicals can corrode cast iron.

The effectiveness of certain means depends on what the blockage is formed from:

  • fat deposits can be removed with alkali, boiling water;
  • acid will easily dissolve hair;
  • solid particles (sand, construction debris, stones) must only be removed mechanically or washed out with water under pressure.

Mechanical cleaning with a plunger and a cable is a universal method for clearing any blockages.

How to clean the sewer in an apartment and a private house

A blockage can appear anywhere in the sewer in an apartment and a private house. Before choosing a way to eliminate it, you should determine its location, further actions will depend on this.

If a blockage has formed in the kitchen, first of all you need to unscrew the siphon, corrugation and rinse them. These sewer elements have many bends to protect against unpleasant odors, but grease, soft and hard particles accumulate in them. If water drainage has not been restored after this, any suitable method can be used.

In the bathroom, the most common cause of blockage is hair and solid particles, you can use a plunger to clear the pipes. If the blockage is not eliminated, remove the siphon and use a plumbing cable of maximum length and rotate it in all directions.

You can remove a serious blockage in the initial section of the sewer in the bathroom with a brush manually or by attaching it to a drill.

When pipes are clogged in a private house, you can use any of the above remedies only if it is connected to a central sewer. In the presence of a cesspool, only bioactive preparations can be used.

The most difficult thing is to clean long sewer systems, especially if the section at the end is clogged. The plunger will not be able to create the necessary pressure, chemicals are designed to dissolve plugs near the drain, and it is problematic to break through it with a cable.

In such cases, you need to use professional devices to remove blockages: a hydraulic or cleaning machine, a Karcher car wash.

Prevention of blockages

Clearing a blocked drain is not as easy as it might seem. In some cases, a clogged sewer system forces you to make repairs, often not only in your home.

It is much easier to prevent such a nuisance than to look for a solution later:

  • install grilles on all drain holes that trap hair and food particles;
  • in the kitchen, you can additionally put a grease trap;
  • before washing dishes, remove food debris from it;
  • wash your feet before taking a bath or shower;
  • do not wash shoes in the sink;
  • after washing the floors, pour water into the toilet;
  • use means that eliminate blockages (Mole, Tiret, soda) or spill plums with boiling water once a month.

You can get rid of sewer blockages on your own. The speed and method of fixing the problem depends on the degree of contamination of the pipes. Minor blockages can be removed with folk remedies, only special equipment can handle complex ones.

Pipes usually clog at the most inopportune moment, usually in the morning when you are late for work or even worse, when you need to take a bath or go to the toilet, and the bathroom or kitchen is clogged. In this article, we will analyze the main effective ways to quickly clean sewer pipes without much effort.

How to find out what exactly is clogged in the sewer pipe

It is our main task to identify the problem in time and take quick measures, which is why we will begin to act quickly, so we will transgress, first determine whether water is draining in other sewer units, whether it is a toilet, sink, bath or shower. If the water does not drain in any of them, then we have big problems because in multi-storey buildings, especially on the first floors, the riser itself sometimes becomes clogged and the water not only does not drain, but even in rare cases rises to the top from the toilet bowl or from the bath, then rather dial the number of a plumber or housing office and call them.

It is very easy to find out the ZHEK number, go out into the entrance and read the telephone number on the electrical panel.

Types of blockages and their differences

Operational blockage.

This is a blockage that owes its appearance to fat. Yes, grease sticks to the pipes inside, and hair and other waste that accidentally enters the sink through the drain hole begin to stick to it.

Mechanical blockage.

Mechanical blockage occurs mainly due to the fault of the tenant of the apartment - a common example of mechanical blockage is toilet paper, which is thrown into the toilet almost every day. Sometimes the paper is not corroded by water and a clog is formed, which can only be removed with special means that corrode the paper and accumulated debris.

Obstruction in the siphon.

A siphon is a device that you can see below in the picture; it serves as a barrier that protects us from unpleasant odors - it is a kind of filter from direct smell from the sewer. But over time, fat gets into the siphon, which in turn accumulates the rest of the deposits inside itself.

Cleaning the siphon can be very simple - unscrew it and rinse with hot water with the addition of FARRY or other dishwashing liquids - this will remove dirt from the inside.

Picture - sewer siphon

Technological blockage.

You have a new apartment, and blockages appear from time to time, you don’t know how to deal with it? The answer is simple - this is the worst option of all the above. It is man-made blockage that cannot be eliminated with improvised means, because it occurs due to an error in the design of sewer systems, unfortunately this is not uncommon.

How to clear the resulting blockage?

You can clean the sewer in various ways. The effectiveness of these methods depends on the severity of the blockage. Let's consider these methods.

Means for clearing blockages in the pipe

Picture - means for clearing blockages in the pipe

Improvised means - cleaning pipes with soda.

If you do not have special tools that, with the help of their caustic composition, will help you cope with cleaning sewer pipes, then use improvised measures. So: Boil several kettles of hot water and add a pack of baking soda to the hot water - this will decompose the fat in the pipe and get rid of the blockage.


Chemicals are drugs that, with the help of their caustic composition, will eliminate the blockage. Such drugs include drugs:

  • Mole.
  • Tiret.
  • Steril and others.

How to clean a pipe with a plunger.

A plunger is a device that you can see in the picture below, our grandfathers used this device. In order to clean the pipe with a plunger, simply attach it to the hole in the sink and actively press on it - this will slightly move the resulting blockage and organize the movement of water in the pipe.

Steel plumbing cable - an assistant against blockage.

Did the remedies above help? Don't despair, there is one last piece of advice - use a steel plumbing cable with which plumbers usually clear a blockage in a toilet or bathroom - just push it to the blockage and scroll a little - this will eliminate the blockage in 90% of cases.

Video - how to quickly clean a sewer pipe