Newspaper of school self-government "mirror". Day of self-government at school

Day of self-government at school: interesting ideas holding on Teacher's Day

The most long-awaited day in the life of every student is Self-Government Day, when teachers give their reins to students in grades 10-11. This event is most often held either on Teacher's Day or March 8, due to the fact that most teachers are still women. Whatever the student is - a loser or an excellent student - on this day he finds his subject for self-realization.

To spend Self-Government Day at school, graduates must discuss interesting ideas for organizing this day with teachers and school administration.

Do not forget that, although on a holiday a frigate called "School" is run by graduates, teachers need to keep their ears open. After all, no one is immune from unforeseen situations, and every graduate should know where to turn for help.

Preparation for Self-Government Day

Preparation for Self-Government Day usually falls on the shoulders of high school students. It depends on them how festive the Self-Government Day at school will be. Everyone can offer interesting ideas, but only the best and most original ones will be brought to life. Only the cohesive work of high school students can be the key to a successful holiday.

When you are preparing Self-Government Day at school, ideas for holding can be as follows:

    Shortened lessons and increased recess. At breaks, you can show pre-prepared art numbers.

    Organize teachers' rest by inviting them to sit back at school desks for one day.

    in the concert program dedicated to the Day teachers, include numbers with the participation of teachers. You just need to remember that they should not be offensive.

Being engaged in the organization of the holiday, it is necessary for each high school student to give his own assignment, for the implementation of which he will bear full responsibility. To complex tasks must be taken with all seriousness, it is possible that in order to solve them it will be necessary to work with the whole class team. These include, for example, organizing and conducting holiday concert.

Preparing lessons for Self-Government Day

Of course, holding the Day of Self-Government does not exclude educational process. Lessons must be held in accordance with the timetable established for that day. Most often there are no more than four of them, due to the fact that it is difficult for a high school student to prepare lessons in high quality in full labor activity replacement teacher.

In addition, if the understudy teacher fell ill that day, then the lessons are not removed from the schedule and take place in the planned order, only the real teacher will have to teach them.

Classes taught by high school students on Self-Government Day should be held in accordance with the thematic planning of the teacher. Each understudy teacher should have a summary of the lesson; the teacher's help is necessarily provided for in compiling it.

On Self-Government Day at school, interesting ideas for conducting classes should be welcome. If the subject being studied allows, then these can be all kinds of game lessons, travel lessons, research lessons ... In general, there is a place for the most daring ideas, for the implementation of which the teacher does not have enough time.

Lessons for children

Do not forget that Self-Government Day is not only a holiday for teachers and graduates, it is a holiday for all students of the school. And for this it is necessary that the lessons be as interesting as possible and leave only positive memories in the memory of children.

On Self-Government Day at school, the ideas of art lessons can be very diverse:

    Conduct outdoor activities, weather permitting.

    You can invite children to draw a teacher of the future with the help of those educational supplies (pencil, paint, ink) that are planned according to the thematic planning of the teacher.

Ideas can be completely diverse on Self-Government Day at school. The Russian language as a lesson can also be conducted outside the box, it is best to build it in the form intellectual games. Which game to choose, everyone decides. Most popular:

    "What? Where? When?";

    "Who want to be a millionaire?";

    "Clever and clever";

    "One against all".

Whatever method of conducting the lesson the graduate chooses, it must be remembered that careful preparation is needed everywhere.

School line on Self-Government Day

Traditionally, on a festive day, a solemn assembly takes place in the morning, at which newly-minted teachers and the school administration are introduced.

To make the line unforgettable on Self-Government Day at school, the director can offer interesting ideas in the form of a comic decree, where the following provisions can be written:

    Temporarily canceled penalties for being late.

    Playing on phones in silent mode is allowed.

    Lessons are 20 minutes long, the rest of the time everyone who does not want to study works for the benefit of the school.

You can also announce that today the principal will receive complaints about teachers during the day, and the school psychologist will work with them to eliminate the causes of behavior that do not suit students.

Photo and video reports

If it allows Technical equipment schools, then at breaks you can invite schoolchildren and teachers to the assembly hall. Here, with the help of an interactive whiteboard and a computer, "School News" will be held.

What other interesting ideas are there on the day of self-government at school?

    Photos from the lessons.

    Video messages from students to teachers.

    Video congratulations on the holiday, which coincides with the Day of Self-Government, from school graduates.

Of course, there is room for fantasy to roam, the only thing is that you need to prepare for this in advance and carefully think over each type of activity.

Teacher's Day - Self-Government Day

Each school, of course, has its own day for the Day of Self-Government. Can be considered different ideas celebrating Self-Government Day at the school. On Teacher's Day - the most the best option, because, in addition to the festive mood, children try themselves as a teacher. And if someone wants to change their plans for admission to pedagogical institute graduates will still have time to work on this issue.

Let good traditions live

In order to continue from year to year a good tradition - Self-Government Day at school, interesting ideas for improving the holiday can be written down on a special stand. Indeed, not only teachers and high school students should participate in the celebration, and besides, any event requires a detailed discussion after it is held.

Happy Self-Government Day!

Beloved teachers play an important role in a person's life. On Teacher's Day, I want to congratulate them in a special way, not just with a traditional concert, flowers, postcards. Of course, all this will also happen, but it can be presented in the form of an unusual lesson.

reverse lesson

On the day of the teacher, students usually take the reins of government in the school into their own hands. The day of self-government is also the lessons held by high school students for their younger comrades. Form another one from the teachers, and let the most unusual lessons be in it.

For example, in a math lesson, you can solve fun problems. And in the beginning - a warm-up. Questions are asked about the life of the school. For example, how many windows are in the school cafeteria? A cheerful song sounds at recess.

In a Russian lesson, you can write "on the contrary." A small text is taken, dictated as usual, but the words in it must be written backwards. You will see for yourself how much fun this will cause your "students".

Homework is checked in history class. Ask teachers to share an interesting anecdote from school life. Or remember how they themselves went to first grade, their first lesson at this school... You can show photos of teachers on the big screen when they were at school and guess whose photo it is. There are a lot of options, but do not delay, there are even more interesting lessons ahead.

In literature, let them make up an oral "portrait of an ideal student" or write "My favorite student." And you can give other topics for essays: "How I spent my holidays", "I'm visiting my graduate" ... Let them fantasize. At the physical education will do aerobics. At the music lesson, everyone will sing a remade song about the school together. Technology is the recipe for success. On geography, they will show you the places where they spent the summer, or where they came from, or where they would like to visit when they are on. And you can finish with a drawing lesson, where everyone will receive a postcard with kind words addressed to him and color it himself, and then take it away as a keepsake.

How to make such a lesson?

Of course, in the classroom where the “lesson is reversed”, everything should be bright and festive. Here, both issued by each class, and flowers with balls, and leaves will be in place. At the "breaks" students perform with concert numbers, presentations with congratulations are shown, songs are heard on request (they need to be collected in advance). Lessons for teachers should be no longer than 10 minutes each, and they should end with the presentation of flowers and the traditional tea party with a birthday cake.

Lessons stories are usually built according to the problem-chronological principle, that is, various events are presented in a complex manner over a certain period of time. Every lesson stories- is a part educational process completed in the semantic, temporal and organizational process.

You will need


Every lesson has its own structure. Usually the lesson begins with a test of knowledge of the previous one, then smooth transition on the new topic, the study of new material, its consolidation and receipt. And depending on the topic and type of lesson, there is an increase or decrease in some stage of the lesson, or perhaps its absence.

When drawing up a lesson plan, it is necessary to take into account the fact that a lesson will be effective only if the content of the lesson and its methodology are interconnected. And also the teacher sets, determines its type, prepares the necessary Additional materials: didactic aids, equipment, selects highlights, and excerpts from . Lesson analysis helps to determine its effectiveness.

Also, in preparation for the lesson, tasks are set that reflect the methodology for conducting a particular lesson. Distinguish different types, such as a lesson containing all the elements of the learning process on a given topic; a lesson in learning new material; iterative-summary lesson and control lesson or by the lesson control and verification of knowledge. Therefore, depending on what tasks are set by the teacher -, he will choose the type of lesson.

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There are certain requirements for modern history lessons:
1. The construction of the lesson takes place using the latest achievements in pedagogical practice, taking into account all the laws of the educational process.
2. Implementation of various didactic rules and principles depending on the type of lessons and taking into account the differentiation of teaching.
3. Establishment of interdisciplinary connections.
4. Security necessary conditions for cognitive activity, taking into account the interests, needs and inclinations of students.
5. Motivation and activation of personal development.
6. Use of effective pedagogical teaching aids.
7. Formation of practical skills that can be useful in life.

Useful advice

Depending on the age category of students, the types of lessons may vary. In addition, there are non-standard lessons such as lessons in the form of competitions, tournaments, quizzes, games, KVN, fairy tale lessons, debates, and so on. Non-standard lessons contribute to the development of cognitive interest, bring variety to the life of the student. However, the entire educational process cannot be built only from non-traditional lessons. Such lessons are a holiday, and for the holiday you need to prepare and work for a long time.

Structure lesson literature may depend on the specifics of the subject, didactic goals and place lesson in common system, forms of conducting. Depending on this, some stages may expand or contract, merge into one, or be absent. Consider the most common type lesson literature- combined.


Start the lesson with organizational moment, during which voice the topic and set the upcoming goals and tasks for the students. For example, when studying the work of A.S. Pushkin in 6 considers the poem “I.I. Pushchin"; the topic can be formulated as follows: “The feeling of friendship as help in severe trials (A.S. Pushkin “I.I. Pushchin”)”, and the task for students to be voiced in this way: “In the lesson we will determine how the poet treated friends than for they were friends."

At the next stage lesson check homework or knowledge of previous learning material that is logically related to the content of the current lesson. This can also serve as a transition to the material. For example, several students can prepare about a specific stage in the life and work of a writer, creating a work, brief retellings episodes artistic text etc.

Divide the study of new material into several points. This will allow you to logically build work on the work and not delay the stage. For example, when studying a poem by M.Yu. Lermontov's "Leaflet", single out his reading and analysis as a separate item, and the next - a comparative analysis with another poem by this poet "Sail".

When consolidating the studied material, conduct a primary generalization, establish the degree of assimilation by students of the connections between facts, knowledge and skills that are necessary for independent work. For example, in a comparative analysis of poems, you can make a table, or an oral description of a character, his portrait.

Clearly formulate homework and explain its implementation, if necessary. Assignments can be written or oral, as well as creative.

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You will need

  • - workplace(easels, tables, chairs, board);
  • - drawing materials (paints, paper, pencils, brushes, erasers, palettes, chalk, felt-tip pens);
  • - items for building a still life;
  • - lighting.


Organize it right workspace. If you are going for a still life or just a single item, arrange it so that the whole group can freely view it. Consider a topic. Try to avoid random setting. Subjects must be in harmony in meaning. For example, in a still life on autumn theme can enter a vase with yellow leaves and a sprig of rowan, next to put a ripe red apple and a few spikelets of wheat. Decorate the setting with draperies.

Get the lighting right. If there is not enough natural light, connect the lamps daylight and direct the light to the side of the composition. You should not direct the light from above - in this case it will be difficult to work out the black and white side of the composition.

The educational process in elementary school has its own methodological specifics, the observance of which directly affects the success of first-graders, their attitude to learning in the future. In many ways, it depends on the teacher whether a small student will strive for knowledge, go to school with joy.

Non-state General Education Institution

School "NIKA"


lesson for teachers (12 "A" class)

for Teacher's Day.

Compiled by:

11th grade teacher

Tolstova A.V.

Moscow, September 2015

Regulations on the Day of self-government

I. Goals and objectives:

Creation of conditions for self-realization of the personality, education of independence, responsible attitude to the task assigned, development of creative activity of students. Promotion of the teaching profession. Identification of leaders.

II. General provisions:

    Self-Government Day is held at least once a year.

    Pupils of grades 1-11 take part in the Self-Government Day.

    Understudies for all positions are selected on a competitive basis from among students in grades 10-11.

    On the day of self-government, lessons are held according to a specific schedule.

    The last lesson in each class is thematic Classroom hour.

    Understudy teachers are allowed to conduct lessons after defending the lesson plan.

    Following the results of the Day of Self-Government, a teachers' council of understudy teachers is held.

III. Functional responsibilities understudies:

    Principal - is responsible for the functioning of all school services, conducts a teacher's council of understudy teachers, accepts applications from understudy teachers.

    Duty administrator - Responsible for order at the school, meets and escorts students, controls the work of the class on duty and standby teachers on duty.

    Deputy directors for SD - are responsible for the lesson schedule, distribution of classrooms, organizes the replacement of lessons (in case of illness of the understudy teacher), checks the readiness of understudy teachers for lessons (protection of lesson plans), attends the lessons of subject teachers.

    Deputy director of IVR - assists class teachers, controls appearance, keeping diaries, meals in the canteen, is responsible for organizing and conducting thematic classroom hours, attends the lessons of subject teachers and cool watch, responsible for the preparation of the final teachers' council.

    Subject teachers - prepare and conduct lessons in their subject according to the schedule, escort students of their class to the dining room.

    Class teachers are responsible for discipline, attendance and order in their class, organize meals for students, check appearance, diaries, conduct a class hour, are responsible for cleaning the classroom after class, take students to the wardrobe.

The lesson was developed jointly with students of grade 11, is a lesson for teachers on the day of student self-government, includes a variety of comic tasks for teachers.

Target: Creation of conditions for self-realization of the personality, education of independence, responsible attitude to the task assigned, development of creative activity of students.

Have fun, get a charge of good, festive mood.


1) pens and papers;

2) sweets;

3) 2 desks, 3 chairs, 3 notebooks, a gift - a set of pens;

4) drawing paper - 3 pcs, markers;

5) phonograms.

Training: selection of songs, phonograms; creating a presentation; shooting a video; selection of material; the hosts prepare a physical minute in advance.

During the classes:

Teacher 1: Orlova Alesia

Teacher 2: Marchenko Yan

I .Organizational beginning.

Teacher 2: Hello guys! I am your new teacher. My name is Yan Aleksandrovich. But today I will not be teaching alone.

Teacher 1: Hello, students of 12 "A" class. You can contact me Alesia Mikhailovna.

II . Message about the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Teacher 2: Using modern super-innovative technologies, we have developed a multi-integrated lesson using the Russian language, mathematics, geography and fine arts. The topic of our lesson is "School day in reverse."

Teacher 1: What do you think we'll talk about today?(ANSWERS)

SLIDE #1 (Lesson topic)

III . The main part of the lesson.

Teacher 1: Well, how amazing! Each of you comes to class with different goals and objectives.

Teacher 2: The main goal of our lesson is to get good mood and a charge of vivacity for the whole academic year. And for this we need:

At 1:- fantasy bucket,

At 2:- skill bowl,

At 1:- skillful hands,

At 2:- trained mind.

Together: Is everyone ready?

At 1: Who is not ready - a diary on the table!

Teacher 2: Today's lesson is different! Today we will talk about how the teacher spends time at school and how he manages to do all the planned things.

3.1. Proficiency test. SLIDE #2. (questions)

Teacher 1: So that you immediately tune in to work, we will conduct a test,

Let's see how developed your horizons are.Each correct answer is 6 points.

Teacher 2: So, mini-test:

( Hand out papers and pens to teachers

1. Cats care more about the cleanliness of their bodies than dogs. They wash themselves, diligently lick their fur. Why? Because they want...

a) look better

b) do not give yourself away by smell;

c) going on a date;

d) to harm the dogs?

2. Who treats unfortunate animals for ten nights in a row:

a) Kashpirovsky;

b) Doctor Watson;

c) Aibolit;

d) Chumak?

3. Parts of the world are in front of you. Which one is the smallest in area?

a) Africa (29.9);

b) Europe (10.2);

c) Asia (44.4);

d) America (42.1).

4. The saying "From the pot two inches" is known to everyone. How many centimeters are included in 2 inches:

a) 9 cm;

b) 6 cm;

c) 12 cm;

d) 4 cm?

5. What percentage of body weight is blood:

a) 15%;

6) 7%;

at 6%;

d) 20%?

6. Finish the quote: - I go out alone ...

a) on the road

b) to work

c) a bear

d) in the field

7. There is a formula...

a) Isaeva-Stirlitz

b) Newton-Leibniz

c) Mendeleev-Barinov

d) What's the difference

Scoring: SLIDE №3 (table)

The correct answer is 6 points, and the wrong one is -0.

1 - B 4 - A 7 - B

2 - B 5 - B

3 - B 6 - A

Teacher 1: If you scored 38-42 points, then you are just a genius and you have a place in the Academy of Sciences. If you have 34-37 points, then you are an excellent teacher, you have good students. If you have less than 37 points - you are a real teacher! You are ours! We love you!

Teacher 2: Well done!

3.2. The words are the opposite.

Teacher 1: You are all professionals who received diplomas from your favorite universities.

Teacher 2: Throughout your life, you have solved many tasks that not every representative of another profession is able to cope with.

Teacher 1: Now you will have another task, but not one.

Teacher 2: You will need to decipher the words that will appear on the board. Raise your hand when you're ready.








Teacher 2: Just wonderful! You have mastered all the words. And very fast!

Teacher 1: Presumably! These are the professionals.

3.3. GAME "I believe-not-believe"

Teacher 2: I think it's time to play!

Teacher 1: The game is that you must either agree with the statement or refute it.

Teacher 2: But not just to answer “I believe” or “I don’t believe”, but to explain why it is so ...

We raise our hands and answer.

1. Do you believe that school means "leisure" in Greek?

Yes. But the Greeks understood by leisure not idleness, but free conversations with sages-philosophers about various sciences during leisure hours.

2. Do you believe that there are higher educational institutions whose names in Latin mean "universe", "world", "whole world"?

Yes, these are universities, derived from the Latin word "universum".

3. Do you believe in Ancient Greece Those who taught were called teachers?

No, a teacher was a slave who took the child to school and monitored his behavior.

4. Do you believe that in the old days a student was called a dunce who read a given lesson with hesitation?

Yes. In the old gymnasiums, a student who did not prepare a lesson and read a book haltingly was derisively called a stutterer. In Latin, a stutterer is a balbus, hence the Russified version of the word “stupid” came from.

5. Do you believe that the teacher's requirement to "know by heart" goes back to the days when they demanded that the text be so perfectly hardened that it would fly off the teeth?

No, this saying arose from the custom of checking the authenticity of gold coins and other precious metal products by tooth. To know by heart literally meant to receive necessary knowledge with your own tooth.

6. Do you believe that when in ancient times people used the expression: “hack on the nose” in addressing each other, they had a cruel old custom, in especially important cases, to make a mark on a person’s nose?

No. The nose here does not mean the organ of smell, but a commemorative plaque, a tag for notes. In ancient times, illiterate people always carried with them such tablets with notches made for memorization. They are called the nose.


Teacher 1: There is a feeling that the students are a little overstayed?!

Teacher 2: I suggest stretching.

Teacher 1: We stand near our chairs. To whom it is inconvenient .... we go out into a free space.

Teacher 2: Hands on the belt. And we repeat after us.

(perform exercises)

We kick top top,

We clap-clap with our hands,

And then jump

And one more time.

And then squatting

And then squatting

And then squatting

And again - in order.

We will run along the path

One two Three!

And clap your hands

One two Three!

And turn our heads

One two Three!

Everybody dance with us

One two Three!

Teacher 1: Well done! We take our seats.

3.5. View video.

Teacher 2: So that you can catch your breath...

Teacher 1: We invite you to watch the video.

(watch video)

3.6. "Word Sketch"

Teacher 1: We continue our work! Teachers and students are so different. Last year, in class, you drew a bully!

Teacher 2: What is the ideal student like? What qualities does he have? Let's think about these questions and complete the following task ... - for each letter of the alphabet, we need to indicate the quality of the student.

Examples: A - accuracy; B - thrift; B - endurance; G - hospitality, humanity; D - friendliness; E - naturalness; Zh - cheerfulness; Z - shyness; And - sincerity; K - beauty; L - curiosity, love; M - mercy; N - immediacy; O - optimism; P - obedience; R - joy; C - willpower; T - tact; U - diligence, mind; F - fanaticism; X - good specialist(student); C - purposefulness; H - philanthropy; Ш - playfulness; Щ - generosity; E - energy; Yu - humor; I am brightness.

Teacher 2: You are absolutely right, students are all so different! Let's now try to draw our ideal student on paper! Fantasy is welcome. You will need to defend your work in front of the class.

You have 5 minutes to complete! - (protection)

Teacher 1: Now we need to conditionally divide into three teams. Each row is 1 team. Each Team has a drawing paper and markers, you can get to work.

(performance of work, protection).

3.7. Exercise "Checking notebooks"

Teacher 1: Every teacher knows what checking notebooks is!

Teacher 2: Yeah, it's hard work.

Teacher 1: Experience comes with age. Now we will check who has gained this experience.

Teacher 2: We ask teams to choose representatives.

In self-government is always very fun and interesting. The fact is that on this holiday, students can leave their usual places at their desks and try themselves as mentors. Only spending a day allows students to feel like very important people, to try on the role of a director or head teacher. However, this opportunity is given only to the best students, since not everyone can be entrusted with control over the organization of the educational process.

When is Self-Government Day held?

There are no strict limits on this. You can arrange such events at any time. For example, an interesting self-government day at school can be organized on the eve of some significant holiday. It can also coincide with the founding date educational institution.

However, most often this day falls on the professional holiday of teachers, namely, the last school day (Friday or Saturday, depending on the organization of the educational process) in the first week of October. Then teachers, who daily spend all their energy on teaching and raising children, want to relax a little and feel like full-fledged heroes of the occasion. That is why schoolchildren take upon themselves the organization of the educational process on the day of self-government at school. How to conduct a lesson, they decide for themselves. Thanks to this, teachers have the opportunity to forget about endless lessons at least for a while.

How to get kids interested?

Self-Government Day provides for the complete independence of adolescents. Despite this, they need help to solve organizational issues in order for the holiday to take place on highest level. Indeed, it is on the day of self-government in the school that the ideas of teachers regarding this event should be implemented as much as possible.

Even before the holiday, teenagers need to be told about what a big role they have in the planned event. You should convince them that it is on how well they prepare for this holiday that depends on how interesting and fun this day will be. It can be hinted that the best gift for teachers on their professional holiday there will be an unusual way of conducting lessons.

Help teachers in the celebration

Each of the teachers needs to think in advance about which of the students he will entrust with the execution of his work, so that later on the day of self-government there will be no resentment from the children and hitches when different students decide to conduct lessons instead of a certain teacher. Although this is a holiday, the learning process must be taken seriously. Therefore, high school students should know in advance what topics they will consider with the kids on a particular subject. You can also help them prepare. didactic material, agree on the criteria for evaluating kids: for real or in a playful way. Do not forget about the teachers: you can delicately but cheerfully joke about them, play a kindly act on them. On the day of self-government at the school, the scenario of the event should be drawn up in such a way that not only class teachers are noted, but also other teachers who work no less hard, but do not have their own classes.

Self-government day plan at school

Any such event should begin with because it is primarily their holiday. At the same time, you can show all your imagination and give an unforgettable gift to your favorite teacher. It doesn't have to be material. The main thing is that this gift should be made with love. For example, the teacher will be very pleased if the children dedicate a song or verse to him.

After all the informal congratulations, you can continue to implement the plan for the day of self-government at the school. Now it's time to move on to the solemn part of the holiday - the ruler. Then teachers have every right to retire in order to celebrate their holiday, and instead of them, all functions will be performed by children.

Immediately after the line, scheduled lessons begin, at which students can realize their feelings of being mentors for kids. In the middle of the day, the lessons are interrupted for a festive concert, which is fully prepared by the representatives. Then the remaining lessons can be held and sport games for middle school students. All this is necessary to fully implement the plan for the day of self-government in the school.

Features of the line

As already mentioned, it should be arranged after informal congratulations at the very beginning of the working day. On the day of self-government at school, the ruler should be unusual and memorable. Ideally, the director should immediately take the floor to congratulate the entire teaching staff on their professional holiday. Then he must announce that on that day the school is handed over to the students. And, confirming his words, give the new "director" a symbolic key to the educational institution. At the same time, it is necessary to warn children against disruptions in the educational process, manifestations of a frivolous attitude towards their classmates-teachers.

Then the floor is taken by the student, who on this day will serve as the director. After the traditional greeting, he may read his first order, written in a joking manner. On the day of self-government at school, the ideas and rules of the new boss should be taken with humor, while not violating them. After all, in order to avoid chaos, you need to play by the rules. However, in general, it is worth mentioning that this day is canceled school uniform, severe punishments for being late, calls from the lesson and much more. It all depends on the imagination of the organizers.

What can be mentioned in the decree?

We are talking about a document that the new little boss reads out on the ruler. The order can regulate the relationship between teachers and students. It is worth noting that on this day all teachers are suspended from classes. You can give children comic tasks aimed at the benefit of the school, which they must complete during the break. For example, teenagers can clean up the teacher's room, organize the chemicals in the chemistry room, dust off the skeleton. The main thing is not to overdo it and do no harm.

For greater seriousness, a copy of the decree must be hung in the corridor. It can also be posted on the official website of the school, to which all students have access.

The specifics of the lessons

Communicate well to children educational material- teenagers chosen for the role of teachers should think about this if the calendar is a day of self-government. At school, they can afford the most daring fantasies. On this day you can try unusual shapes conducting lessons, for the implementation of which the teacher often does not have enough time.

For example, it is allowed to hold a business game, arrange a conference on one of the topics that are being studied, conduct a tour of the building, and much more. When conducting lessons, it is important to use visual materials. Senior students should be confident in their abilities on the day of self-government at school. How to conduct a lesson, they think ahead, carefully prepare for it, showing creativity and imagination. The main thing is that the lesson leaves a mark in the hearts of young students, stimulates them to try on the role of a teacher in the future.

Holding a concert

It is very important to congratulate the heroes of this celebration. You can do this with a concert. On the day of self-government at school, the script must be thought out in advance in order to plan everything to the smallest detail. You can give each class the opportunity to prepare a concert number in order to congratulate their class teacher. When preparing speeches, you need to show all your creative potential and talent. The more extravagant the number is, the more likely it will be remembered by teachers for a long time. On the day of self-government at the school, the ideas of the students must be fully implemented.

Is the event worth it?

Some teachers consider it inappropriate to hold a self-government day at school. In their opinion, this holiday leads to a decrease in the activity of students during lessons, to a waste of time. But this approach is unfair. First, it's only one day a year. Secondly, teachers deserve a short, but such a pleasant rest. Thirdly, students should be given the opportunity to take the place of a teacher on the day of self-government at school. The ideas of the holiday, which consist in transforming into the role of a teacher, will allow children to feel the seriousness of the profession and be more attentive to their mentors. For some, this will even be the first experience of social activity.

As part of the day of self-government, students can express themselves with better side, demonstrate your creativity. After all, everything will be on their shoulders that day: conducting lessons, preparing a festive concert, organizing leisure activities, controlling the educational process, observing the rules of conduct during changes. Days of self-government at school are necessary not only for children, but also for teachers. This will allow not yet fully formed personalities to express themselves and demonstrate their own talents.

The work of a teacher is a noble work. Everyone heard this statement, including children. And as you know, the best way to verify the validity of a statement is to check it on own experience. This is precisely the main educational task of the day of self-government at school.

The essence of the event

Self-Government Day is liked by both high school students and their wards - junior and middle school students

Usually, a day like Self-Government Holiday is timed to coincide with a solemn date, but most often they choose Teacher's Day for this, which takes place on the last working day of the first week of October. In honor of the holiday, high school students take on the functions of a teacher - they conduct lessons, give grades and perform the duties of the educational service of the school. This work allows the teaching staff to realize a number of psychological and pedagogical tasks.

If we talk about the goals that self-government helps the teacher to solve, then these are:

  • the opportunity to do “paper” work, for which there is always no time (fill out a journal, correct the personal files of students, check notebooks, etc.);
  • to see your students in a different role, to clarify for yourself some aspects of their character (the event helps to reveal the leadership qualities of children, as well as their moral and ethical principles);
  • take a break from your usual routine.

This day is no less important for schoolchildren. Usually self-government is trusted to high school students who are only determined with future profession. And the opportunity to try on the social mask of a teacher can really help them:

  • to understand whether a profession that involves working with people suits their character;
  • is it possible to look at perspective pedagogical activity in future;
  • identify their qualities as a leader, manager who is responsible for organizing the work of a group of people;
  • make contact with others.


Understudy teachers must be dressed in accordance with the dress code of the educational institution

Any event that is held at the school requires considerable efforts aimed at organizing its implementation. And this process is further complicated by the fact that children are involved in it, both as organizers and as the target audience. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to correct the work of both groups of participants. And you need to start with those who will study under the supervision of high school students on this day. Naturally, babies are more "accommodating": they like to be led by those who are only slightly older than themselves. They try on this image for themselves in the future. But problems can arise with middle-level students: youthful maximalism and rejection of authorities leads to a denial of the very possibility of being under the supervision of those who are only 1–2 years older than themselves. Therefore, the teacher should have a conversation with the children and emphasize that in a couple of years they themselves will have to become the same “teachers”, therefore it is important to gain experience and learn from the mistakes of others. But, of course, it is very important to prepare high school teachers themselves:

  • Talk to each child and find out what subject is closer to him, what administrative role he could play. To do this, it is important to take into account the personal qualities of the student. So, if a boy or girl has a calm disposition, then, most likely, the role of the head teacher for educational work for a teenager with such a character is not suitable. But for an active, active student, such a task will be just within his power.
  • Help to understand the intricacies of drawing up a lesson plan, that is, to orient in scheduling, study the topic of the previous lesson and work out a new one so as to be able to present it to the children in the class. And also draw up a summary of the lesson according to the rules (with goals, objectives, the course of the lesson and the obligatory indication of the time for completing each stage).

The outline of the lesson of the understudy teacher can be drawn up according to the plan combined type classes, that is, include the following steps:

  1. Communication of the topic of the training session and its goals;
  2. Frontal check of the home building (not one student answers, but several comment on a certain element of the work at once);
  3. Presentation of new material; work on fixing the topic;
  4. Discussion of the results of the lesson, grading;
  5. Explanation of homework for the next lesson.

The new teacher can choose the form of the lesson at his discretion: a debate game (discussion from different positions of one or another problematic issue, for example, the act of Raskolnikov or Taras Bulba), a lesson-journey into the world of the unknown (for example, versions of the origin of Stonehenge), lesson- quest by interesting facts(especially when it comes to history and geography lessons, the guys are invited to consistently answer questions, complete assignments and earn points for the final grade). The option is chosen taking into account the interests of high school students and their students.

The class magazine on this day is still filled in by the teacher.

Celebration of Self-Government Day

The headmaster must pass the symbolic symbol of school management to his understudy

If you want the holiday to be a success, it must be carefully prepared in advance. Then all stages of the event will go smoothly, and no chaos will arise. Traditionally, the day of self-government includes several stages.

Meeting of participants

At this meeting there are substitute teachers, the head teacher for educational work, the principal of the school and subject teachers (optional). Administration representatives:

  • talk about the rights and obligations of students and teachers;
  • explain the task to new teachers (clearly state new material in the lesson, work it out in practice, consolidate it with exercises and evaluate the work of students);
  • express wishes for conducting lessons in a particular class (perhaps there are classes with a selection of very active children, in this case it is appropriate to hold a small independent work or complete a group task, and in a team where there are many underachieving students, it is better to give preference to the game form of organizing a lesson).

It is very important to create a friendly and collaborative atmosphere so that children are not afraid to ask questions and openly discuss their concerns about the new role. Such work makes the group of students even more united.

The great teacher A.S. Makarenko said: “Every, even a small joy, standing in front of the team in front, makes it stronger, more cheerful, friendly ...”

Ideas for organizing the educational process

All stages of the lesson should be carefully thought out by high school teachers.

Self-Government Day is distinguished by a non-standard organization of educational work, which implies the inclusion of additional moments in the usual routine along with the usual lessons.

Festive ruler

The well-known saying: “As you call a ship, so it will sail” can quite rightly be paraphrased for the ruler on Self-Government Day . It should be organized, interesting and fast so that the audience does not get bored. As a rule, the director of the school takes the floor on the ruler, who passes the symbolic key to the educational institution to his counterpart, then new leader says congratulatory words to the teachers and reads out his first decree. This document usually tells about all the activities on the holiday and gives a list of assignments for students (for example, water the flowers in the teacher's room during the break, clean the school grounds at the labor lesson, etc.). Also on the line gifts are given to teachers. By the way, it does not have to be something material. A song or KVN number will be a wonderful surprise for teachers.


Then all students disperse for lessons, and teachers can relax. By the way, some classes can go on a study tour to the museum or to a performance in the theater at school hours. The main thing is that it should not be just a lesson outside the walls of the classroom, but a useful pastime, that is, the theme of the presentation or exposition should correspond to the curriculum of a particular school subject. Also, for a physical education lesson, you can plan a trip to the skating rink or to the water park. Such forms of organization of the educational process require consistent compliance with the following steps:

  • compiling a list of students going on an excursion, to the theater or to the skating rink;
  • explanation of the rules of behavior on the street and during the performance;
  • building children;
  • organized exit from school;
  • acquaintance with the layout of the building of the museum, theater (show where the toilet, buffet);
  • the presentation itself;
  • return to school;
  • discussion of what they saw.

Please note that children must still be accompanied by a responsible person, for example, a representative of the parent committee of the school or a teacher who is not indifferent to beauty and is ready to sacrifice communication with colleagues for the sake of an exhibition or theater performance.

Preparation and implementation of the concert

The concert is prepared by children, but it would still be better if the organizing teachers help in conducting rehearsals

The festive part is a concert that students prepare for teachers. However, before talking about the scenario of the event, let's dwell on the design of school corridors, classrooms and the assembly hall.

How to decorate a room

It is no secret that the atmosphere of the holiday begins with the design of the room, so it is important to choose original and stylish decor elements. It can be:

  • wall newspapers in recreation (for example, made in the form of a collage with photos of teachers, or like a comic book with comic comments - the main thing is that they do not contain unacceptable liberties and rudeness);
  • paper garlands or balloons (such voluminous decorations you can decorate cabinets);
  • exhibitions of postcards and children's drawings (teachers will be happy to consider the work of their wards in the teacher's room, especially if they did not know about the upcoming exhibition in advance);
  • fresh flowers in the assembly hall will give an incredible sense of celebration;
  • exposition of hand-made products with a fair (by the way, this part of the holiday can be done in the form of a charity event to raise funds to buy food for homeless animals, for example).

Decorating the premises of the school can be done in a very diverse way. But it is important that the overall style is traced in the design.

Holiday script

Some numbers can be recorded in advance and shown on a holiday on a big screen in the school lobby

The script for the holiday concert should be prepared in advance. Then all the numbers will be well worked out and there will be no hitches in the event itself. The concert may include:

  • poetic congratulations to teachers (it is desirable that the words are prepared by the students themselves, and not taken from the Internet);
  • songs and dance numbers (maybe it makes sense to think about how to combine these types of creativity into a single number);
  • comic skits (such inserts can be prepared by children of primary and secondary level);
  • humorous numbers (high school students can prepare performances in the spirit of KVN teams, beating their own characters and funny situations that arise in the classroom).

And one more thing that needs to be addressed separately is the entertainer. The hosts of the concert should not only look good on stage, but also have the ability to improvise and fast response for the interruptions that have arisen.


On the line of debriefing, it is necessary to thank the high school students for organizing the holiday

Any event should have a logical ending, including summing up. Self-Government Day can be summed up in the form of a ruler. At this general meeting, the understudy director:

  • voices what successes / failures were in his work and the work of high school teachers;
  • notes the special successes of individual class groups or students;
  • provides a photo report of the past day.

It is very important that the director and teachers take the floor on the line for summing up. In his speech, the leader:

  • thanks the children for their work;
  • briefly analyzes the work of the administration and individual teachers;
  • notes the level of preparation of the festive concert.

Higher philological education, 11 years of experience in teaching English and Russian, love for children and an objective look at the present are the key lines of my 31-year-old life. Strengths: responsibility, desire to learn new things and self-improve.