Start in science. Didactic material in mathematics. Number "7"

The purpose of the lesson: Introduction of the concepts “Number 7 and number 7”


  • introduce the number and number 7;
  • study the composition of the number 7;
  • improve computing skills;
  • develop speech, attention, memory, thinking.

Equipment: a sample of writing the number 7, drawings with the number 7, plates with the terms “1 term; 2 term; sum ”, students have cards for working in pairs, a digital “fan”. Computer presentation. Appendix 1 , Appendix 2 .

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

It rang, friends, a call,
The lesson starts.
Did you all wake up?
Now let's get down to business.
Math is waiting for us
Let's start counting.

II. Updating of basic knowledge

1. Numbering of numbers within 20.

  • Count from 1 to 20:

- straight - boys
– reverse – girls

  • Name the numbers from 2 to 9; 8 to 3. Slide 1. Appendix 1.
  • Name the neighbors of number 9; to the right of; on the left of; between numbers;
  • Name the previous number; the next number. slide 2
  • How to get the previous number? How to get the next number? slide 3

2. “Lost number”

  • Let's read a series of numbers; is everything okay?
  • Between what numbers is the number 7? Your correct answer helped bring the fugitive back to her place.

slide 4

III. Setting the topic of the lesson

Guess what number we will study today?

slide 5

IV. Learning new material

1. Opening a new one. Historical information.

The number 7 was surrounded in antiquity with great honor and was considered magical. In Ancient Rome there were 7 main gods, in Ancient Greece - 7 wonders of the world, Kyiv and Rome were built on 7 hills, and in India 7 elephants are given for happiness. And in our modern world, there are many objects in which the number 7 is always present. Name them. (7 days of the week, 7 notes, 7 colors of the rainbow.)

2. Statement of the problem. Lesson goals. Mystery.

Over the forests, over the river
Seven-colored bridge with an arc.
If I could stand on the bridge
I would reach for the stars. ( Rainbow.)

There are actually 7 colors in the rainbow. And who knows the magic phrase that helps to remember the order of the colors in the rainbow? (Every hunter wants to know where the pheasant sits.)

But in our rainbow, all the colors are gone. Do you like colorless rainbows? slide 6

Let's fix everything as soon as possible, if we complete all the tasks correctly and together, then the rainbow will again become colorful and bright.

3. Acquaintance with the number 7. Writing the number 7.

With what number do we write the number 7? What does the number 7 look like? (Visibility.)

Here is a seven - a poker,
She has one leg.

Seven is like a sharp scythe,
Mow, spit while dew.

(Work in the textbook - p. 62, No. 2.)

See what the number 7 looks like. Find the number 7 among the signs, tick it off. How many times did the number 7 appear? Write it down.

(Work in the textbook - p. 63, No. 4.)

We will now learn how to write the number 7.

Number 7, number 7, ( visibility)
The number is very easy.
How will I present the scythe -
The number 7 is easy to write.

Slide 7

4. Correlation of the number, quantity of objects and graphic image.

(Work on the card, in pairs.) Slide 8

(Check on the slide.)

5. Physical education "Dance of ducklings"

If you solve the problem, then its heroes will help you spend a physical minute.

A group of baby ducklings want to swim and dive,
Five sailed far, two dived deep.
How many ducklings are in the pond, I cannot count. ( Slides 9, 10)

6. The composition of the number 7.

1) Tasks in verse:

Three books at Pavlushka,
Four - at Andryushka.
How many books do the children have?
Well, count quickly.
3 + 4 = 7

Five tits sat on a branch,
Two jackdaws flew towards them.
Count quickly kids
How many birds are on the branch?
5 + 2 = 7

I have a purchase in hand:
Six knives and a meat grinder.
How many items did I bring
Tell me about it.
6 + 1 = 7

Slides 11, 12, 13

2) "Let's move into the house." Slides 14, 15

V. Consolidation of the studied material. Repetition of the past

1. Logical task. Proverb.

Arrange the numbers in ascending order and read the saying. How do you understand it? (“Measure seven times, cut once” - before embarking on an important matter, you need to think it over carefully.)

Slides 16, 17

2. Days of the week. Repetition of the composition of the number 7.

  • What kind of person is said to have “seven Fridays in a week”? (about who promises and does not keep promises)
  • But we are not like that, we promised to paint the rainbow, and soon we will complete all the tasks.
  • Do you know the days of the week in order? Name them soon, if we don’t go astray in the account, we’ll get exactly seven days.
  • Which day is first; last; today; yesterday; tomorrow?

(Work in the textbook - p. 62, No. 1)

  • Why are some days black and others red?
  • How did you get 7 days? (5 and 2)
  • The older brother loves to study, but he is also happy on Sunday. There are six training days in a week - and there is one day for rest.
  • How did you get 7 days? (6 and 1)
  • Four times a week we have a math lesson, but how many days do we not?
  • How else to get 7?

3. Additional physical education

One - get up, stretch.
Two - bend, unbend.
Three - in the hands of 3 claps,
Head 3 nods.
Four - arms wider.
Five - wave your hands.
Six - sit quietly at the desk.
Seven - open notebooks to everyone.

4. Solution of examples. Rule for rearrangement of terms

(Work in a notebook according to options) Slide 18

  • What is the result of your examples?
  • Compare the examples in each line, what interesting thing did you notice?
  • What rule do we know about the permutation of terms?

Slide 19

5. Comparing the sum of numbers

(Working with a fan.)

Read the written sums of numbers and put the signs “>”, “<”, “=”.

Slide 20

6. Additional task in a notebook

  • Let's draw 10 circles in a row through the cell.
  • Color the 7th circle from the left with a red pencil.
  • And what will it be on the right side?
  • How many circles need to be completed so that he is 7th from the right in a row?

slide 21

VI. Summing up the lesson

So we painted our rainbow in seven colors. Let's list all the colors in order. Who remembers the magic phrase? And in France, colors are remembered with the help of such a phrase: “How once Jacques the city bell-ringer broke a lantern.” What was the main number in today's lesson? Name the composition of the number 7.

VII. Homework

If you liked the lesson, you can play with the number 7 and draw objects in which the number 7 is hidden. Also, remember sayings and proverbs with the number 7 together with your parents.

Math game "Lucky number 7!"

- expanding the horizons of students;
- increasing the level of mathematical culture;
- education of attention, development of ingenuity, resourcefulness;
- memory training;

The development of students' skills of good behavior in society, communication skills and joint activities.

Equipment : tokens, task cards, balls, computer, multimedia projector, presentation.


4 teams of 7 people participate in the quiz.Our game has 7 stages. You have to participate in various competitions. For the correct answer, the team will receive tokens (the student who answered correctly receives a token). The team that collects the most tokens wins, the individual championship among students is determined after counting the tokens earned by each student in the game.


Our quiz is dedicated to a wonderful science - mathematics, about which Lomonosov said: "Mathematics should be taught later, that it puts the mind in order." The quiz will consist of 7 stages.

Beginning of the game

Each team comes up with a name for their team and chooses a captain.

Leading: Our program today is called The Magnificent Seven. We hope that it will give you the opportunity to have a good rest, show resourcefulness, dexterity and knowledge. And the focus today will be the number "seven". Have you noticed, friends, the extraordinary prevalence of this number?

The Magnificent Seven

The number seven is known to all,

What to say about the number seven!

There are seven huts in the village,

Seven porches, seven old women,

Seven puppies, seven smokes,

Seven pugnacious roosters

They sit on seven fences,

They don't look at each other.

Spread seven tails

Each tail is seven colors.

In the close sky on a starry night

I found seven bright dots.

I found seven burning eyes,

It's called a bucket.

And she's called Bear...

Mysterious Seven

Let us turn to the origins of our civilization. Here is Ancient Greece.

Seven heroes fought against the fairies at the dawn of history;seven cities argue for the honor of being called the birthplace of Homer;seven wise men are revered by the Hellenes. By the way, the names of the wise men changed, but the number remained. Do you know how many times on the pages of the Bible we meet the number “seven "? Over 160 times! For example: after working for six days on the ordering of the world, the Lord blesses and illuminatesseventh day - the day when "the initiative ... from all his deeds";seven couples clean animals andseven couples pure birds of the air are commanded to take Noah into the Ark, for throughseven days the great flood will begin.Seven Jesus casts out demons from Mary Magdaleneseven Christ pronounces words on the cross, etc.

Seven wonders of the world. Seven days of the week. Seven colors of the rainbow. Seven weeks of Lent. Seven deadly sins. The Frenchman takes the strongest oath: "Strong as seven." Happy feels in seventh heaven.

Names of fairy tales: "Wolf and seven kids", "Seven goat heads".

Proverbs: “Measure seven times, cut once”, “Seven troubles - one answer”, “Seven do not expect one”, “Seven Fridays in a week”.

Please note: today there are 4 teams of 7 participants in the game, between which the struggle will unfold for the main prize of the “Magnificent Seven” program. Victories in contests, auctions are valued by a certain number of tokens. The one with the most of these tokens at the end of the game wins.

Leading. "Seven" adorns with itself both fairy tales, and explanatory dictionaries, and everything you like! "Seven" does not leave our language! “Don't believe me? And now we will verify this with you. We invite participants to take part inauction "Proverbs and sayings".

Stage 1 - auction “Proverbs and sayings”

Let's say someone said: "Seventh water on jelly." The host repeats “Seventh water on jelly” - time! “Seventh water on jelly” - two! And so on. Someone says, "Seven Fridays in a week." The host again repeats “Seven Fridays in the week” - one. “Seven Fridays in a week” - two, etc. If the presenter manages to repeat someone said a saying or proverb 3 times, the token is given to the one who said it. You can suggest the first part of the proverb.

Sample list of proverbs and sayings.

- Seventh water on jelly.
- Seven times measure cut once.
- One with a bipod, seven with a spoon.
- Seven do not wait for one.
- For seven miles of jelly slurp.
- Over the seven seas.
- On the seventh sky.
- On the seven winds.
- Too many cooks spoil the broth.
- Seven troubles - one answer.
- Seven feet under the keel.
- Seven spans in the forehead.
- Seven Fridays a week.
- Not a big town, but seven governors.
- Seven gates, and all in the garden.
- We ate seven times, but did not sit at the table.
- In an hour, seven sweats will come down.
- Seven miles to heaven and all the forest.

Stage 2 "Catch, fish!"

Leading: Now the participants in the game are invited to the table on which the “tickets” lie. The “tickets” are marked with numbers from 1 to 7. Please choose your “lucky ticket”. Now I ask you to return to your seats. Each ticket number corresponds to a block of three questions, each of which you must answer within 10-15 seconds. For the correct answer to one question you get one token, for 2 questions - 2 tokens. If you can answer all 3 questions, you get 4 tokens.

(During the “Catch a Fish!” contest, the host should ask questions clearly and quickly. If the participants cannot give the correct answer, the question is offered to other teams.)

Rybka 1 .

1. A unit of time calculation equal to seven days? (A week.)
2. Seven heroes of the Russian folk tale "Turnip" (turnip, grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, bug, cat, mouse).
3. 7*9? (63)

Fish 2.

1. The seventh month of the year? (July.)
2. Director of the cartoon “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”? (Walt Disney.)
3. What note comes after the seventh note of the octave? (before)

Rybka 3.

1. The seventh letter of the alphabet? (Yo)
2. A wish for a safe voyage with the mention of the number “seven”? (Seven feet under the keel.)
3. What is the name of Dmitry Shostakovich's seventh symphony? (Seventh Symphony by Dmitri Shostakovich)

Rybka 4.

1. How much is 7x8? (56)
2. What holiday is celebrated on January 7th? (Christmas.)

Rybka 5.

1. What is the name of the lighthouse in the seven wonders of the world? (faros lighthouse)
2. Name the seven colors of the rainbow quickly in order, starting with red? (Red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple.)
3. Seventh day of the week (Sunday)

Rybka 6.

1. The seventh note of an octave? (Si.)
2. The names of the seven dwarfs in the fairy tale “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”. (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.)
3. The seven wonders of the world include gardens .... what are they called? (Hanging Gardens of Babylon)

Rybka 7.

    The seventh letter in the word "electrification" (s).
    (When reading the word “electrification”, the leader should not pronounce the seventh letter very clearly, as something between “o” and “and”.)
    2. Author of the fairy tale “Flower - seven-flower”? (Valentin Kataev.)
    3. Guess the riddle of 7 brothers: equal for years, different names. (Days of the week)

Rybka 8.

    How many tentacles does a squid have (7)

    In the medieval school there were 7 subjects. They were called the "Seven Liberal Arts": grammar, rhetoric, dialectics, arithmetic, geometry, astronomy... Name the seventh subject (music).

    Name the number of weeks of "Great Lent" (7)

Rybka 9.

    7 people exchanged photos. How many photos were distributed? (6 7 = 42)

    What sign should be put between two 7 to get a number > 7, but<8. (7 , 7)

    The seven wonders of the world include the pyramids. What are their names? (Egyptian)

Stage 3. Competition of captains.

1. There are 10 fingers on two hands. How many fingers are on ten hands?

Answer: 50.

2. Hard boiled egg should be boiled for 5 minutes. How long does it take to boil 6 hard boiled eggs?

Answer: 5 minutes.

3. The Earth satellite makes one revolution in 100 minutes, and another revolution in 1 hour 40 minutes. How to explain it?

Answer: 1 hour 40 minutes. = 100 min.

4. The fish weighs 8 kg plus half its own weight. How much does a fish weigh?

Answer: 16 kg.

5. Mamed had ten sheep. All but nine died. How many sheep does Mamed have left?

Answer: 9 sheep.

6. Two people approached the river. There was a boat at the shore, which can only accommodate one, but both crossed. How could this happen?

Answer: They came to different shores.

7. Three horses ran 30 km. How far did each horse run?

Answer: 30 km.

8. The doctor prescribed three injections. Half an hour later for an injection. In how many hours will all injections be given?

Answer: after 1 hour.

9. Two fathers and two sons bought three oranges. Each of them got an orange. How could this happen?

Answer: grandfather-father-son.

10. There are 7 brothers in the family, each has one sister. How many children are in the family?

Answer: 8 children.

11. The stick was sawn into 12 pieces. How many cuts were made?

Answer: 11.

12. The bird catcher caught 5 tits in a cage, met 5 students on the way. Each gave a titmouse, one bird remained in the cage. How could this happen?

Answer: I gave away the last tit together with the cage.

13. There are four corners in the room. There is a cat in every corner. Opposite each cat are three cats. Each cat has one cat on its tail. How many cats are in the room?

Answer: 4 cats.

14. The professor goes to bed at eight o'clock in the evening. The alarm clock goes off at nine. How long does the professor sleep?

Answer: 1 hour.

15. An angle of 100 ° is viewed through a magnifying glass 4 times. What size will the angle appear?

Answer: 100°.

16. You are an airplane pilot. The plane flies to London via Paris. The flight altitude is 8 thousand meters, the temperature overboard is minus 40 degrees, the average speed is 900 km/h. How old is the pilot?

Answer: As much as the captain.

17. Three drivers had a brother Semyon, and Semyon had no brothers. How could it be? (chauffeurs were women)

18. The bird catcher caught 7 tits in the forest, met 7 students on the way. Each gave a titmouse and only one bird remained in the cage. How could it be? (I gave one bird with a cage)

Stage 4. Warm up

for example: Your head cooks well: five plus one turns out ... (not two, but six)

    The bunny went out for a walk, the hare's paws are exactly ... (not five, but four)

    There is such a rumor among the people: six minus three turns out ... (not two, but three)

    The teacher told Ira that two is more than ... (one, not four)

    Less than ten times than a meter, everyone knows ... (decimeter)

    Look at the bird: the bird’s paws are exactly ... (two, not three)

    I have a dog, she already has tails ... (one, not six)

    At the board, you say that the ends of the stick ... (two, not three)

    The excellent student is proud of his notebook: below, under the dictation, stands ... (not one, but five)

    You will sleep in the lessons, you will get an answer ... (two, not five)

    Here are five berries in the grass. Ate one, left - ... (not two, but four)

    The mouse counts the holes in the cheese: three plus two - total ... (five, not four).

Stage 5 . "Entertaining Tasks"

Exercise 1: place action signs, parentheses.

For each correct answer, 1 point.

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=6

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=8

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=10

7 7 7 7 7 7 7=49






Task 2. Mathematics in verse.

1. Two sons and two fathers

Ate two eggs.

How many eggs did each one eat?

(one by one)

2. What figure are we talking about?

The top serves as my head.

What do you think of as legs?

Everyone is called parties.


3. What figure are we talking about?

I am invisible! This is my essence.

Though I can't be measured

I am so insignificant and small.


4. Two went - 3 nails were found.

Four will follow - how many nails will they find?

(probably won't find anything)

5. Mill 12 measures of oats

Crush in an hour and a half.

Now tell me when

16 measures to fulfill her lesson?

(2 hours)

Stage 6. Thinking logically.

1. The father of one citizen is called Nikolai Petrovich, and the son of this citizen is Alexei Vladimirovich. What is the citizen's name?

(Vladimir Nikolayevich)

2. If it rains at 12 o'clock at night, is it possible to expect the sun in 72 hours?

(no, because it will be night)

3. A tailor has a piece of cloth 16 meters long, from which he cuts 2 meters daily. After how many days will he cut off the last piece?

(7 days)

4. Yesterday my friend got caught in the rain. He didn't take a hat or an umbrella with him. There was nowhere to hide from the rain. When he got home, the water poured from him in streams, but not a single hair on his head got wet. Why?

(he was bald)

5. How can one sack of wheat be ground to fill two sacks that are as large as the sack containing the wheat?

(You need to put one empty bag into another one, and then pour ground wheat into it.)

6. Find an extra word: meter, decimeter, kilogram, centimeter, millimeter


7. Lilies grew on the lake. Every day their number doubled, and on the 20th day the whole lake was overgrown. On what day was half of the lake overgrown?

(on day 19)

8. What sign should be put between two 7 to get a number > 7, but<8. (7 , 7)

Physical education:

called"Bunch" will require from you certain physical data, dexterity and, of course, the desire to win.

Everyone gets 3 balloons. Your task is to inflate and tie them into a “bunch”. Whoever completes the fastest will receive 2 tokens.

Everyone is ready! Started!

Stage 7. "Mathematical relay race" (if there is little time left, then the number of questions can be reduced)

Teams are asked one question at a time. Thinking time - 30 seconds.

For a correct answer - 1 point.

1. What is a third of a day? (8 ocloc'k)

    What is one sixth of a day? (4 hours)

    Burned 5 candles. Two of them were extinguished. How many candles are left? (2 candles, those that were extinguished, the rest burned out)

    A flock of ducks flew. Only 5. One was killed. How much is left? (one, the rest flew away)

    What number cannot be divided by? (on 0)

    What are the numbers that add up called? (terms)

    What are the numbers that multiply called? (multipliers)

    How many months in a year have 30 days? (11 except February)

    How many months in a year have 31 days? (seven)

    A figure with 3 sides, 3 vertices. (triangle)

    Rectangle with equal sides. (square)

    What is the name of a figure that has 3 or more corners? (polygon)

    What is the sum of the lengths of all sides of a polygon called? (perimeter)

    What number is divisible by all numbers without a remainder? (0)

    What is the product of all digits? (0)

    A pair of horses ran 30 km. How many kilometers did each horse run? (thirty)

    The two played checkers for four hours. How many hours did each of them play? (4)

    There are two fathers and two sons in the family. How many men are in the family? (3)

    The parents have five sons. Everyone has one sister. How many children are in the family? (6)

    The smallest natural number? (one)

    The largest natural number? (does not exist)

    Unit of speed at sea? (node)

    What is 1 pood equal to? (16 kg)

    The perimeter of a square is 20 cm. What is its area? (25)

    What are we looking for when solving an equation? (root)

    The result of the subtraction. (difference)

    division result? (private)

    How many centners are in a ton? (ten)

    How many numbers exist? (ten)

    What are the third digits called? (hundreds)

    Smallest three digit number? (100)

    How many vertices does a cube have? (eight)

    What is the name of the number that is being subtracted from? (Minuend)

    Limited part of the line? (line segment)

    division result? (Private)

    What is a tenth of a centimeter? (millimeter)

    The wheel has 10 spokes. How many spaces between the spokes? (ten)

    Hares are sawing logs. They made 10 cuts. How many chumps turned out? (eleven)

    A brick weighs 2kg and another half a brick. How much does a brick weigh? ()

    Five years ago, brother and sister were 8 years old together. How old will they be together in 5 years? (8 + 2 5 = 18 years old)

    It's 6 pm now. What part of the day has passed? () ,¾

    How many corners are in a square room? (eight)

    The magnifier gives 4x magnification. What will be the angle at 25viewed through this magnifying glass? (25)

    Increase the number 666 by 1.5 times without performing any arithmetic operations on this number. (flip, 999)

    Divide 188 in half so that the result is 1. (188)

    At the seller in the kiosk, the envelopes are folded in a pack of 100 pieces. How can he count 75 envelopes faster (count 25)

    The book costs a ruble and another half a book. How much does it cost? (2 rubles)

    What is a hundredth of a ruble called? (penny)

    Where on earth is the longest day? (nowhere, they are the same everywhere)

    One and a half thirds of a kilometer is how much? (1.5), half km

    7 candles burned, 2 went out. How many candles are left? (2, the rest burned out)

    What time does the clock show when it strikes 13 times? (wrong)

    Name the 5 days of the week, without naming any numbers or the names of these days of the week. (the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

The final stage of the "7 Wonders of the World" (for all teams)

Whoever names all 7 wonders of the world earns a token.

These are the creations of the great masters. Amazed contemporaries appreciated these creations of human hands. Unfortunately, almost all of them have disappeared from the face of the earth.

    Egyptian pyramids

    Hanging Gardens of Babylon

    Statue of Zeus

    mausoleum in Halicarnassus

    Temple of Artemis

    faros lighthouse

    The Colossus of Rhodes

Outcome of the game : counting tokens, determining the winning team and winning participants.


Here the game is over

It's time to know the result.

Who worked the best

And did you excel in the game?

Marina Sergeevna Gaponenko
Open lesson on FEMP on the topic "Number 7. Number 7" for a group preparatory to school

FEMP lesson

in preparatory school group

on the topic« Number 7. Number 7

Target: activate mental activity, form intellectual abilities (memory, logical thinking,

Fix the ordinal and quantitative score within 7,

Composition knowledge number 7,

Strengthen the ability to name the next and the previous number digit 7, designate it figure,

Ability to compare numbers between each other;

Build naming skills numbers are out of order.

Cultivate interest in mathematics classes, friendly relations between children.

Priority Education region: "Knowledge"

Integration of educational regions: "Knowledge", "Communication", "Socialization", "Health", "Work".

Activities: cognitive, motor, game, communicative, labor.

Tasks of integrable educational areas


to develop in children free communication, speech, memory, attention, thinking

activate children's vocabulary.


educate children in curiosity, mutual assistance, self-esteem skills.

Physical Culture

continue to develop the motor activity of children in a dynamic pause.

clean the workplace, keep it in order

Methodical methods.

1. surprise moment;

2. artistic word;

3. questions to children, answers; guessing riddles, interpreting proverbs;

4. independent work on cards;

5. individual and choral responses;

6. account aloud;

7. work with benefits,

8. encouraging and praising children

9. showing visual aids in the presentation.

Development environment, material:

Presentation to occupation, illustrations depicting proverbs, wonders of the world, handouts (counting sets, numbers, three-line cards, beans, peas, pebbles, counting sticks, etc.

1. Educator:

Came to visit us today number. (slides with various images numbers 7) .

There is a flag on the roof. See everything!

After all, he looks like number seven(A Thin, D Stogova)

Number seven! Number seven!

The number is very easy!

I will bring the scythe

And I'll draw that braid.

Seven is like a sharp scythe.

Kosi spit is still sharp. (G. Vieru)

So tell me what it looks like number seven(children's answers).

2. Educator:

Do you want to go on a trip? The path is not easy and on the way you will find many interesting tasks. In order for you and me to go on a journey today to search for the Queen of the Seven, we need to name literary works, films, cartoons, in the title of which there is number 7. The team that names the most wins.


"The Tale of the Sleeping Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs",

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs",

"Seven Simeons",

"Seven brave",

"The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad",

"The wolf and the seven Young goats".

How many colors are in the rainbow

Days in the week for whales.

Gnomes at Snow White,

Twin brothers at the pawn

Notes that even children know

And all the wonders in the world

deal with it all

will help us number(seven)

3. Educator:

We continue our journey! Let's play a game to continue our journey.

A game "Week, build!" Children receive signs numbers from 1 to 7.

On command: "Week, build!", the children stand in a row in the order of the days of the week. Checking the construction is checked according to the poem by M. Pogarsky, which the child tells.

Here's a week. It has seven days

Get to know her quickly.

First day of all weeks

It's called Monday.

Tuesday is the second day

He stands in front of the environment.

Middle - Wednesday -

There was always a third day.

Thursday is the fourth day

He wears his hat on one side.

Fifth - Friday - sister -

A very fashionable girl.

And on Saturday - the sixth day -

We rest with the whole crowd.

And the last one is Sunday

We appoint a day of fun ...

You guys know the days of the week very well!

4. Educator:

The next task on the way to the Queen of Seven. You need to solve the riddle.

A beautiful yoke hung over the river. (Slide - Rainbow)

How many colors does the rainbow have? (7) Name them. Let's lay out the circles in the shape of a flower.

What is the name of this flower? (Flower - seven-flower).

5. Educator:

Our next task is way: show how to get number 7(add 1 to 6 (one, subtract 1 from 8 (one).

Name the neighbors numbers 7(6 and 8) (work with cards and counting material).

Show number 7. Various on the table numbers, try to find figure 7 of the pictures are on the table.

What do you know about number 7?

6. Slides depicting the Wonders of the World.

caregiver: And now we are waiting for rest and an interesting story.

7 (seven) considered magical number. This is also due to the fact that a person perceives the world around him through 7 "holes" in my head.

Let's count? (2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils and 1 mouth).

7 considered sacred number. And on our planet at one time there were 7 wonders of the world. Unfortunately, for various reasons, they disappeared from the face of the earth. There are no beautiful hanging gardens of Queen Semiramis, the Temple of Artemis in the city of Ephesus burned down, the sculpture of Zeus, the tomb of King Mausolus, the Colossus of Rados and the lighthouse on the island of Pharos disappeared.

Only one of the miracles has survived to this day, over which, they say, time has no power. These are pyramids that are tombs

Egyptian kings. (the story is accompanied by a slide show of photos).

7 was considered magical number.

It was used in fairy tales and myths of the ancient world. For example, the seven wonders of the world, the seven labors of Hercules.

7. Physical Minute. (the teacher shows cards with the required number of items, the children perform movements, counting them out loud)

How many Christmas trees do we have

We'll jump so many times.

How many colored circles are there

Let's make so many claps.

If we see seven squares

We will make so many moves.

8. Educator:

We often meet number and number 7 and in sayings and proverbs.

In them, seven is used in the meaning "all", that is, the limit number.

In order to get closer to our goal, we perform the following task. Consider the proverbs in the pictures, explain how you understand them? (work in pairs).

1. Measure seven times, cut once.

2. Seven troubles - one answer.

3. Behind seven seals.

4. Seven do not wait for one.

5. Seventh water on jelly.

6. Seven on the benches.

9. Educator:

And now we have different puzzles on the way. Let's get them unravel:

7th (family, 7,I (seed, in O 7 (eight). We are getting even closer to our goal.

9. Educator:

how figure 7 can be spelled differently?

And let's make girlfriends for the Queen of the Seven?

Creative task: "Lay out figure»

Spread from different materials number 7 on a piece of cardboard(beans, peas, pebbles, counting sticks, etc.)


Here we come to the Seven. Look how beautiful she is! She is very happy that she now has so many friends. She thanks you for your work! Thank you for being so diligent, attentive and hardworking!

Guys, let's remember what you learned today and what you liked about our journey.

Getting to know the number number "7", we use various didactic material for acquaintance .

Didactic material in mathematics.

Number "7"

Merry Poems

The number seven - a crane - She looked to visit us. She took seven flowers with her,

Light a rainbow in the sky.

Seven nights and days a week.

Seven things in our portfolio:

Blotter and notebook.

A pen to write to

And a rubber band to stain

Cleaned up neatly

And a pencil case, and a pencil,

And the primer is our friend.

I can easily take

From seven and three and five.

But take away from Sanka

I can't sled.

V. Lanzetti

Over the forests, over the river The seven-colored bridge is an arc. If I could stand on the bridge,

I would reach for the stars.

There are seven huts in the village,

Seven porches, seven old women,

Seven puppies, seven smokes,

Seven pugnacious roosters

They sit on seven fences,

They don't look at each other.

Released seven tails.

Each tail is seven colors.

A. Stroilo

Seven is like a sharp scythe,

Mow, spit, while dew.

G. Vieru

She has one leg

Yes, and without boots!


They don’t drive with a whip, They don’t feed oats; When it plows -

Pulls seven plows.


What kind of birds fly by, seven in each flock?

They don't turn back.

(Days of the week.)

We are a flock, seven rams, Protects from snowstorms.

(Fur coat.)

The sun ordered: "Stop,

The seven-colored bridge is cool!


Seven guys on the ladder

They played songs.


There are exactly seven of these brothers. You know them all. Every week around

The brothers follow each other.

Say goodbye to the last -

The front appears.

(Days of the week.)

funny puzzles

The ants live together and do not scurry around. Two carry a blade of grass,

Two carry a blade of grass

Three carry needles.

How many are under the tree?

Five crows sat on the roof

Two more flew in.

Answer quickly, boldly,

How many of them flew in?

One evening to the bear

The neighbors came to the pie:

Hedgehog, badger, raccoon, oblique,

A wolf with a cheat-fox.

But the bear couldn't

Share the pie.

Help him quickly

Count all the animals.

Elephant, elephant, two baby elephants Were crowded to the watering hole. And towards the three tiger cubs

From the watering hole they went home.

Count quickly

How many friends did you meet?

Uncle hedgehog went into the garden

Found ten ripe pears.

Three of them he gave to the hedgehogs,

The rest are rabbits.

(How many pears did he give to the rabbits?)

On the edge of a spring day

Under the curly leaves

To Snow White on her birthday

The people of the forest gathered:

Dwarf Quiet, Beardless,

Wise, Red and Grumpy,

Bully and Silent.

How many people were there?

V. Usacheva

  Our Masha got up early, she counted all the dolls:

Two nesting dolls on the window,

Two Arinka on a featherbed,

Two Tanyas on a pillow,

A parsley in a cap

On an oak chest.

(How many?)

Squirrel, hedgehog and raccoon,

Wolf, fox, baby mole

There were friendly neighbors.

They came to the bear for a pie.

You guys do not yawn:

How many animals, count

   Squirrel mom for kids Collected a dozen cones.

I didn't give it all away

She gave just one.

Elder - spruce,

Medium - pine,

The younger one - cedar.

(How many bumps does the squirrel have left?)

To the teddy bear on his birthday

The people of the forest gathered:

Hedgehog, wolf, raccoon, badger,

Hare, elk, fox - a friend.

Count quickly

How many guests were there?

  Grandma Mila loved animals,

Every morning caressed, fed:

Cat, cow, sheep, pig,

How many pets does grandma have

in a family?

Fishermen are sitting, guarding the floats.

Fisherman Roots caught three perches.

Rybak Yevsey - four crucians.

How many fish are fishermen

Dragged from the river?

  Grandma Nadia lives in the village, has animals, but does not keep count.

I will call them guys

Cow, calf, two gray geese,

Sheep, piglet and cat Katusya.

(How many animals does Grandma have?)

V. Drozdova

A flock of grouse flew

She sat down on a grove;

Two perched on a tree -

One tree is missing.

One by one they will sit down -

One black grouse extra.

(Answer: 4 black grouse and 3 trees.)

Proverbs and sayings

  • Seven troubles - one answer.
  • Seven do not wait for one.
  • Seven times measure cut once.
  • One with a bipod, seven with a spoon.
  • Seven Fridays in a week.
  • Too many cooks spoil the broth.
  • Bow from seven ailments.

Tongue Twisters

  • They sat and whistled seven waxwings.
  • In seven sledges, seven in a sleigh sat themselves.
  • Stepan has sour cream, yogurt and cottage cheese, seven kopecks - tuesok.

Physical education minute

How many green trees

So many bows (7).

How many circles do we have here

So many jumps (7).

How many knitted balls.

We will make so many claps (7).

Graphics tasks

Task 1. Separate the ducklings.

The seven ducklings in the pond fight all the time. How to separate them with three lines to stop quarrels?

Task 2. Find the circles.

Find 7 circles in each figure.

Task 3. Help Snow White find her way.

Snow White decided to treat the seven dwarfs who worked in the forest. How to get to the gnomes without going to each one twice?



Additional materials
Dear users, do not forget to leave your comments, feedback, suggestions! All materials are checked by an antivirus program.

Teaching aids and simulators in the online store "Integral" for grade 1
Manual for Moro M.I. Benefit by Peterson L.G.,

Getting to know the number and number 7

Hear! The bell is ringing!
This is the beginning of the lesson.
We are going on a journey today
In the country that "Mathematics" is called.
Numbers and mathematical signs live there.
They can tell us a lot.
The main thing is to listen carefully and remember.

The Clever Gnome and the Little Fox cub go with us to the country of Mathematics.
"I so want to learn," said the Little Fox Cub to the Clever Dwarf, "I just don't know if I can."
Guys, can you help Foxy? So we're off. Is everyone ready to go? Pens, pencils, notebooks, textbooks nobody forgot?

Practice counting up to 7

Look at the picture and tell me what will be the blue square, green square, red square, red circle, yellow circle, red circle?

Look at the picture and count how many squares, circles, triangles are shown in it? Compose and write inequalities.

Look at this picture and write down the number of kittens you see.

Could you write down the number of kittens in the last picture? No problem. Today we are going to visit the figure and the number

Let's remember all the numbers we know.

Look at the picture and tell me which numbers are in the wrong house?

Have you noticed that one house is empty? And this is because its resident is waiting for us to visit and meets us at the doorstep. What's his name?

That's right, this is the number SEVEN.

I'm a lucky seven.
Among the numbers is mischievous.
It's impossible without me.
Look around
You will see that I am right.

See where the number 7 is on the number line?

All numbers to the left of the number 7 are less than, and to the right of the number 7 are greater.

Think where we will find the seven?

The braid looks like a SEVEN.
when the mower goes to the meadow,
He takes her with him.

Look at the poker.
Her grandmother stirs coals in the oven.
If it stands upside down
That SEVEN will be with us.

There are exactly seven of these brothers.
The years are equal, but the names are different.
They are known to everyone.
Around every week
The brothers follow each other.
As soon as the last brother says goodbye,
Then the first brother reappears.

The sun ordered:
The seven-colored bridge is an arc!"
I will walk on you
And I'll reach the stars with my hand.

Seven guys on the ladder

They played songs.
After all, it is impossible without them:
Not to listen to a melody
Or play a symphony.

Seven thought and said:
I want to fly into the sky like a bird.
I thought and became a boomerang.
What more could she want?

starry night,
Look at the sky on a dark night.
You will see seven beautiful bright stars.
They call them a bucket
or "Big Bear".

Proverbs and sayings about the number seven:

  • Seven troubles one answer.
  • Seven do not wait for one.
  • Seven times measure cut once.
  • One with a bipod, seven with a spoon.
  • Seven Fridays in a week.

Let's try to solve the examples that the smart Dwarf asked the Little Fox.

Put the desired sign. What entry is superfluous here?

Mathematicians who come to the country necessarily solve problems. Are you up to the decision? Help Fox.

On the lawn in the yard
Six puppies are playing hide and seek.
Mom-like is looking for them.
You try to count:
How many dogs are in the yard?

Ants live together.
And they do not scurry about without work.
Two - carry a blade of grass.
Two - carry a blade of grass.
Three - carry needles.
How many are under the tree?

To Fox for his birthday
All the forest people came to visit:
Hedgehog, Bear cub, little Raccoon,
Hare, Squirrel and Badger.
And the last Tiger is a friend.
Count quickly:
How many guests were there?

Well done, I knew that you would quickly cope with the tasks. Now let's remember what we learned in the lesson today?
We met the number SEVEN.
They remembered inequalities, solved complex problems and examples.

Here is the lesson.
Hear! the bell rings for change.
We'll get some rest
And again we will begin the path to the land of Knowledge.