Interior of a children's room for a preschool boy. An interesting design of a children's room for a boy of different ages: photos, ideas. Thematic interior of a nursery for a boy

27.04.2017 Read in 9 min.

In order to raise a scientist passionate about science, a connoisseur of beauty, an artist capable of conveying the beauty of the world around him, a lover of travel and a person in love with life, one should take care of the competent upbringing of a child from childhood. Not the last role is played by the competent organization of the space that surrounds the baby. Creating a comfortable and aesthetic nursery interior is one of the first tasks that young parents have to solve.

The designers of the Fundament Group of Companies not only think over the functional layout, stylistic and color solutions of the children's room, but also take into account ergonomics, and also choose safe materials, taking care of the child's health. The portfolio of Fundament Group of Companies presents photos of the interiors of children's rooms for a girl and a boy: these ideas can become a source of inspiration and form the basis of your project. In this review, we will consider the design features of a children's room for a boy: how to equip and sports section, and sleeping, and office areas, as well as allocate enough space for the game.

In the photo: Interior of a nursery for a boy with marine motifs

Boys room design ideas. Photos of interiors

In a children's room, it is important that the interior is not only beautiful, but also contributes to the harmonious development of the child. In this case, the room should not be like " class”: nevertheless, first of all, this is a space for relaxation, but it is a personal space, so the personality of your baby must be present in it.

1. Bed in the form of a racing car

In the photo: Design of a nursery 12 sq. m with a bed in the form of a racing car

Many boys are addicted to cars, trains and motorcycles - why not make your little one happy by turning a boring bed into a racing car? A panel on the wall with your favorite cartoon characters adds color to the already bright interior of the nursery.

2. Wall - slate and magnetic board

In the photo: Design of a nursery for a boy with a Swedish wall and a bed in the form of a racing car

During the period of the kid's hobby for "rock art", many parents have to think about a new renovation in the children's room. This can be avoided by prudently organizing appropriate place for the work of a young artist. For example, turn an entire wall into a slate and magnetic board, on which the child can not only draw, but also play with the magnetic alphabet and figures.

3. Mini-observatory of a young researcher

In the photo: "Mini-observatory" of the future scientist

If a boy likes to look at the stars and asks "non-childish" questions about the structure of the universe, definitely, a telescope should be installed in his room. Today there is a huge selection of telescopes for children and teenagers, and many are as good as the "real" ones. modern appliances.

4. Tent for games in the nursery

In the photo: Children's room with a play tent

As a solution for a play area in a boy’s children’s room, a tent is perfect: with the help of it and imagination, you can organize a lot exciting games. For example, imagine yourself as the Leader of the Redskins, who plays pranks on his kidnappers, or "go" on a multi-day campaign.

5. Green carpet and starry sky above the bed

In the photo: Interior of a children's room for a boy with a wall in the form of a starry sky

The children's room is divided into play and sleeping areas with the help of colors and decorations that evoke natural associations. "Subjecting to the laws of nature" - this is how the design idea of ​​this room could be called. Starry sky in the sleeping area, and a carpet resembling a green lawn in the play area - perfect solution for visual zoning of the children's space.

Design of children's rooms for a boy with a sports corner

A sports corner is relevant in any children's room, but especially for a boy. Many parents give up on the idea of ​​organizing a corner in the room for their child due to insufficient space or because these shells do not “fit” into the interior. Using the example of apartment design projects from the portfolio of Fundament Group of Companies, we will make sure that a sports corner with competent planning will not take up extra space, and will even be able to decorate the interior of the nursery.

6. Yellow and blue children's with a sports corner for a teenage boy

In the photo: Design of a nursery for a boy 12 square meters. m in yellow and blue colors

7. Functional partition in the loft nursery

In the photo: Functional partition and sports corner in the nursery

It is convenient to divide functional areas with the help of functional partition, which is an open rack in which you can place toys and books.

8. Sports corner and slate in a small children's room

In the photo: The interior of a small nursery with a sports corner and a board

The small area of ​​​​the children's room is not a reason to deprive the interior of its functionality. The sports corner is located in a niche formed between two capacious racks, and the wall in this area has been turned into a slate and magnetic board, which will be appreciated by the inquisitive young owner of the room.

9. Multi-colored sports corner - space divider

In the photo: Design of a bright play area in a nursery with a sports corner

In the children's room for two boys, the sports corner divides the interior into two functional zones. Bedroom and game Zone separated from the office, equipped by the window, where the desk for both children.

10. Design project of a children's room with the motifs of a knight's castle

In the photo: Design project for a children's room 14 sq. m with a panel and a sports corner

If the boy is fond of adventure and knightly exploits, in his room you can reproduce the atmosphere that he will like. A chandelier from a medieval castle, a colorful panel with a romantic landscape will awaken the imagination and imagination of a child. But what kind of knight can do without good physical training? A sports corner in green colors, equipped at the entrance, will help with this.

11. Playroom with a sports corner on the loggia

In the photo: Play area with a sports corner on the loggia

If the nursery has a balcony or a loggia, then this space can be effectively used by equipping a mini-sports corner and a play area. Bright and light shades will visually expand the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe loggia, in the width of which you can put a sofa - where you can sit down to relax or read a book with your baby.

Organization of a play and office area in a children's room for a boy. Planning and zoning

In addition to the sports corner, in the children's room it is important to provide a comfortable space for games, activities (not only for a teenage student, but also for a baby), as well as a place to store toys and things.

12. The idea of ​​​​the interior of a children's room for a boy 1-4 years old

In the photo: Design of a children's room for a boy 1-4 years old with dinosaurs

In the photo: Play area in the nursery with elements of fairy-tale nature

The play area occupies most of the room, which is optimal in a room for a child 1-4 years old. Each piece of furniture not only performs its function, but is also part of the overall “landscape”: a wardrobe in the form of a fabulous house with a clock, a rack with boxes for storing toys, over which mountain hills rise, another rack - for books - is made in the form of a bright spreading palm trees.

14. Cabinet area in a room for a teenage student

In the photo: Cabinet area by the window in a room for a teenager

In a room for a teenager, on the one hand, there should be nothing superfluous so that nothing distracts from classes and homework, on the other hand, everything should correspond to his true needs. For example, if a child is fond of music, it will not be superfluous to install a synthesizer. The furnishings of the cabinet area near the window in the minimalist style contribute to concentration on study.

15. Extended window sill as a desk

In the photo: Design of a children's room 12 sq. m with office area

To save space and to increase the cabinet area, a window sill is used, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is expanded to the size of a full-fledged desk. Books for classes and notebooks are conveniently placed in a rack located near the side wall.

16. Rug in the form of a palette of colors in the playroom

In the photo: Design of a play area in a nursery with a bright rug

Interesting rug in the form of a palette of colors, undoubtedly, will decorate the interior of the nursery. Wardrobes in the form of white fairy-tale houses, on the one hand, and bright sofa with colorful sofa cushions form a play area with soft pouffes-cubes and an original rug.

Ideas for organizing a sleeping area in a modern children's room for a boy

It is known that children do not like to go to bed. To help tune the baby to a strong and healthy sleep, it is necessary to consider the design of this part of the room - most likely, the design of the sleeping area will have its own differences - in color or decorating techniques.

17. Design a room for a teenager in the style of minimalism

In the photo: Children's room for a teenager with an area of ​​​​11 square meters. m in the style of minimalism

The design of the ceiling in the form of a starry sky above the head of a child going to bed sets in a calm and meditative mood. Monochrome and minimalism in the interior of a room for a teenager helps to relax from physical activity and emotional overload.

18. Zoning a teenager's children's room

In the photo: Design of a room for a teenager with a division into functional areas

A sleeping area in a niche created by the designer - this solution allows you to separate a place to sleep not only visually. You can further emphasize the division into zones by hanging a curtain: then it will partially play the role of a canopy.

19. Decorative tree in a bright nursery for two boys

In the photo: Organization of a sleeping area in a nursery for two boys

In a common children's room for two boys, it is not necessary to install a bunk bed, as can be seen in the example of this interior. decorative tree with functional shelves will perfectly cope with the task of dividing the sleeping area into two parts and, in addition, will significantly transform the entire interior.

20. Curtain in the spirit of Japanese minimalism in a teenager's room

In the photo: Dividing a room for a teenager into two zones using curtains

A curtain in the spirit will help separate the sleeping area from the rest of the room with an office and a seating area. Japanese minimalism which can be completely removed if desired. Such Constructive decisions will appeal to teenage students.

21. Provence style in the design of a children's room

In the photo: Design of a nursery for a boy 9 square meters. m with elements of Provence style

In the photo: A loft bed in the form of a knight's castle in the nursery

For a teenage boy who is fond of stories about knightly campaigns and adventures, you will like a bed in the form of a medieval castle or fortress. It is worth noting that not only the bed, but also all interior items reflect the chosen concept: the chandelier, desk and shelves are made in the same style, which makes the interior of the room truly fabulous.

23. Functionality of furniture in the nursery

In the photo: Interior of a nursery for a boy with functional furniture

Many parents lament that their child scatters toys everywhere, and it is sometimes difficult to enter his room because of a large mountain of cars and parts. railway. If you teach a child to order from childhood, he will soon be happy to arrange his toys and writing materials in boxes. Beautiful and functional furniture in the nursery with many shelves and drawers will help to teach the child to put things in their places.

24. Bright interior of a nursery with a car bed

In the photo: Car bed in the nursery for a boy

Your favorite red car can expand to the size of a real bed, which will delight your little one. A rug in the form of a road and other interior details fit into the "thematic" design of the room in the same style.

25. Yellow and green shades in the nursery

In the photo: Children's room 10 sq. m for a boy in yellow and green shades

Drawing depicting the "urban landscape" with blue sky on the ceiling, allows you to feel like a part of a single macrocosm, and eco-motives in the children's room in green and yellow shades- not only a fashionable accent and interior decoration, but the ability to teach a child to care for plants.

Specialists of the Fundament Group of Companies will not only develop the design of a children's room for a boy, but will also perform high-quality turnkey apartment repairs in strict accordance with the project. When developing a design project and carrying out repairs, the wishes and preferences for the stylistic and functional solution of the interior are taken into account, while our customers will be able to take advantage of advice and recommendations. professional designers with many years of experience.

Text: Natalia Savushkina

Creating a children's room design is a series of endless dilemmas and solutions to difficult issues - it is necessary to correlate the possibilities of the room (its size and shape, layout) with the age of the child, his needs and interests, choose safe and environmentally friendly materials and furnishings, but take into account that new renovation not far off, because your child's addictions are changing. How, in this case, not only to stay within the financial budget for a small reconstruction or a global repair, but also to please the wishes of the child, not to go against his opinion and requests? In this publication, we will try to find answers to all these questions in relation to the boy's room. We hope that 100 the best photos design projects of children's rooms for boys of different ages will help you be inspired by your own accomplishments and create a dream interior.

Criteria for choosing a nursery design for a boy

Of course, the main factor influencing the design of the children's room is the age and height of the baby. Obviously, the age of the child determines not only the composition of interior items, but also the very concept of design. Of course, there are things that every child needs, regardless of age, for example, sleeping place corresponding to his height. But otherwise, the decor of the children's room can vary greatly.

In addition to age, the concept of designing a nursery is influenced by such important factors how:

  • room dimensions - small room difficult to place even minimum set interior items, and in a spacious nursery, you can literally organize a center for development, sports and creativity;
  • the location of the room relative to other rooms of the dwelling, the number of door and window openings- weight these factors affect the layout of the interior;
  • the location of the nursery relative to the cardinal points, the level of natural light - affect the choice of color palette and the number of lighting fixtures;
  • the temperament of the child, the level of development, hobbies and interests - affect the color schemes, the set of furniture, sports equipment (if there is room for them) and additional elements interior;
  • financial possibilities of parents - assortment finishing materials, furniture and decor in modern stores is presented in an incredibly wide range of prices, it is obvious that it is important for every family to find best option repair costs and at the same time comply with the requirements of safety and environmental friendliness, aesthetics of the end result.

Design of a room for a boy from birth to 2-3 years old

Most of the design projects for newborn rooms that we see on foreign (and Russian) sites are most often presented in pastel colors. Delicate light shades literally envelop all surfaces - from wall decoration to textile design of a bed. And there are many reasons for that. At first, it does not matter to the child what material the carpet is made of, what quality the walls are covered with wallpaper, or whether it is possible to break the chandelier by throwing a ball at it. The main thing for the baby is a favorable atmosphere in the room where he is - sufficient temperature, humidity and light. Parents do the first repair mostly for themselves.

Growing up, the child begins to explore the world outside the crib and hands of parents. And in this case, it is already necessary to ensure that the furniture does not have sharp corners, shelving was bolted to the walls, and interior elements had no decor that a child could tear off and try to swallow. The main requirements for the interior at the age when the child begins to move independently can be safely called safety factors. The best storage systems to use open shelving. The fewer door fronts on the lockers, the less reason for the child to get injured. Of course, it is not recommended to use storage systems with glass inserts in the doors. If the storage system model contains drawers, then it is necessary to equip them with limiters.

Preschool room

The main requirement for a preschooler's room is the maximum provision of a child's leisure. Depending on the boy's temperament and his hobbies, these can be sports activities, creativity in various directions, or just active games. Obviously, for this it is necessary to free up as much free space as possible. Built-in furniture models of loft beds come to the rescue, allowing you to save the useful area of ​​​​the room. If the size of the nursery allows it, be sure to equip it with sports equipment - a wall bars, a small horizontal bar, a punching bag or a whole sports and gaming complex will be of great help in physical development boy.

It is in the rooms for preschool boys or students primary school the most commonly used thematic design options. Hobbies for any characters of cartoons, fairy tales, comics or just one of the topics allows parents to show their design skills and not be easy to decorate a standard children's room, but to create a truly unique small world as part of a room for sleeping, relaxing, doing creative work, sports and acquiring new skills.

For example, the marine theme and the motives of adventure romance, the spirit of travel, are close to many boys. For parents, the convenience also lies in the fact that you can use the entire palette of your favorite shades. of blue color

Children's room for a schoolboy

Your boy already has a full-fledged workplace (a written and, most likely, a 2 in 1 computer desk) even at the stage of preparation for school. But this does not mean that toys will completely leave his life, and therefore from the children's room. In storage systems, it is still necessary to take into account the presence of toys, books, stationery, sports items and, of course, clothes and shoes.

Experts recommend using height-adjustable furniture to create an uncomfortably comfortable and practical, but ergonomic workplace. There are many tables on sale, the height of which is adjustable. Chairs or chairs are equipped with similar systems. computer chairs. It is important that the back of the child has the right support - the modern child has to spend a lot of time doing homework.

A schoolboy can already not easily express his opinion when drawing up the design of his room, but also take an active part in the choice of all interior components. Maybe your child will not be very interested in a finishing materials store, but he will probably want to express his preferences in choosing a color palette, interior themes, choosing furniture, textiles for decorating greasy places and windows, choosing carpeting.

Teenage Boy Room Design

Decorating a teenage boy's room is a joint project between the parents and the child. It is important to take into account the wishes of the son in the choice of color schemes, the overall design concept, furniture and decor elements. After all, it is the children's room that most often becomes a haven of calm, rest and relaxation for a teenager with a difficult rhythm of life. Of course, the possibilities of the room itself (its size and layout) and financial budget families to repair the nursery will largely determine its appearance, but it is important to try to find a compromise between the wishes of the son and the resources of the parents.

During adolescence, growth spurts often occur with boys, when literally in one summer the child grows several sizes of clothes. In this regard, experts recommend purchasing furniture, which is called for growth. Full-length bed, desk, chair or armchair with maximum height adjustment, easy-to-use storage systems.

Actual design ideas for a boy's room in 2018

The design of the children's room, of course, has its own specifics. Withstand what is called the "purity" of many stylistic trends quite difficult. And some interior styles are not at all suitable for the design of a children's room. For example, it is difficult to imagine a room for a boy in the style of minimalism, because the children's desire to surround themselves with many interesting objects and the very concept of this style are not compatible. But many design trends living spaces still can be used when creating design projects for children's rooms.

The modern style of interior design strives for the maximum possible use of environmentally friendly clean materials. The use of safe for humans and environment materials has always been relevant, but in recent times becomes truly pervasive. For the design of a children's room, this trend is as relevant as for any other, because no parent would voluntarily use toxic, harmful materials for finishing surfaces or as a raw material for the production of furniture in the premises of their child.

The use of safe, environmentally friendly materials often acts as the basis of the concept of the entire design of the room, often leaving behind issues of aesthetics, practicality and even cost. For example, cork floors or wall panels do not look luxurious, but they are an excellent heat and sound insulating coating for surfaces with the highest level environmental friendliness.

Application natural materials inevitably associated with an increase in the cost of the project for a global renovation or a small alteration of the children's room. But in most cases, you can find a worthy compromise on interior design with any budget size. For example, the use of natural fabrics to decorate a bed and drape window openings is available to almost everyone.

Another recurring trend in the world of interior design has been the use of Scandinavian motifs. The use of sustainable materials, the abundance of white, wooden surfaces and the use of contrasts to create a certain visual impulse - all these design techniques can be successfully used in creating the interior of a boy's children's room. The design turns out to be light, but at the same time cozy, practical, but attractive in appearance, expensive, but safe and environmentally friendly.

As mentioned above, another trend in the design of children's rooms is the use of the so-called "growing furniture". After all, the furniture in the children's room is subject not only to the requirements of practicality, environmental friendliness and ease of operation, but also to ergonomics. It is important that the child's sleeping and working place (a desk, a computer desk or a corner for creativity) correspond to the age and height of the child.

Color trends for a boy's room

If we talk about the most popular colors for decorating a boy's room, then they are neutral colors. White color and all its shades are perfect for finishing small spaces. A light and fresh image can be created even without experience in the field of interior design, in a small room and with minimal skills in combinatorics, because White color easy to match with any color solutions. But in the weather, for a clean, weightless way, it is important not to get carried away with white, diluting it with bright accents and warm tones, otherwise the room runs the risk of becoming like a hospital room.

Gray color in the trend is not the first season. Its neutrality and versatility attract designers and their clients from all over the world. Only at first glance, shades of gray may seem boring to use when designing a children's room. For example, a boy's room can achieve very beautiful combinations gray color with shades:

  • blue and cyan (turquoise);
  • mint;
  • pistachio;
  • olive (mustard);
  • yellow;
  • orange.

Blue color is very often associated with the design of a boy's room. Many shades of this color can create interesting images of the premises - from light, bright and cool to contrasting, dynamic and energetically charged. A rich range of shades of blue gives us the opportunity to choose combinations to create the optimal picture of the interior, depending on the desired end result (the child's temperament, his character, activity level).

Children's room for two boys

Organize several full-fledged functional areas within one small room It's not easy for two boys at once. But given the fact that the problem of organizing sleeping and working places, sectors for leisure and creativity within small spaces for many years, designers have accumulated a certain baggage of techniques and methods for optimizing usable area most different sizes. The use of bunk structures is one of the most common ways to save space. However, it is not always about the organization of two beds. In some cases (usually when boys live in the same room with big difference aged) it is more expedient to “raise” one of the beds to the upper tier, and organize a workplace under it or capacious system storage.

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe children's room allows you to install two beds parallel to each other - this perfect option for organizing sleeping places, because they will be accessible from almost all sides. AT narrow room beds can be installed parallel along the walls and limited to one cabinet or chest of drawers between them. In a room that is square or close to it, you can set the beds perpendicularly, taking one of the corners.

In addition to the difficulty in organizing sleeping places for two boys within a medium and small room, problems also arise when installing jobs - desks or computer desks. Depending on the difference in the age of the children, you may need either two full-fledged workplaces or one desk for the older child and a small corner for creativity and activities for the younger. The smallest amount of free space will require a simple console that can be attached to the wall or lean on one support.

Boy's room - design 2019

When designing a children's room for a boy, it is worth considering the age of the child. If a baby up to 3 years old can be safely placed in the parent's bedroom and not attach much importance to design, then an older child already has his own interests, passions, has a character, personality. It is necessary to take into account these nuances when planning the design of a children's room for a boy.

The children's room is distinguished by its versatility. The interior design of the nursery should take into account the solution of several tasks at once: providing the child with a comfortable sleeping place, a well-thought-out working area, a place for games, recreation, and hobbies. Only an integrated approach to solving multitasking can satisfy the needs of the child.

Ideal interior for a boy

In an effort to create an ideal space for a future man, it is worth instilling in him a love of dynamics from childhood, high technology. It's better to give up classic interiors, modern trends are concise, restrained, will appeal to a boy of any age.

For creating perfect interior the following factors should be taken into account:

  • The size of the available space. Depending on the available area, choose possible options finishes, furniture. The optimal color scheme, lighting and much more are selected;
  • Number of children accommodated, their age. If the interior is thought out for two or more kids, then rational use space will help a comfortable stay. Competent calculation will help to get a comfortable, beautiful space;
  • Possible budget. Repair, filling the room is entirely dependent on financial capabilities.

The ideal children's room for a boy includes several mandatory areas: bedroom, work, play, sports. Depending on the available space, some of them can be combined, combined.

Age features of a nursery for a boy

When choosing a room design for a boy, the first thing to do is to take care of age compliance. The kid is offered a bright, colorfully decorated room equipped with all kinds of pictures. A teenager will not appreciate similar delights. An adult child should choose an ultra-modern design, concise, discreet. The absence of unnecessary decorative elements will only be a plus.

Boy's room up to 3 years

The decision to place the baby separately from birth is rare. This option confuses parents with the need to constantly visit another room for frequent feedings, caring for a newborn. Sooner or later, such a picture is replaced by the relocation of parents / baby to a common territory.

The design of a children's room for a baby boy differs little from a similar girl's. The design of the room is restrained, used pastel shades, eco-friendly materials, a lot of cozy textiles. The complete absence of flashy colors, variegation, an abundance of elements. Particular attention is paid to safety. Furniture is used only the most necessary according to age. The baby is trying to provide maximum freedom of movement.

Growing up, the baby dilutes the environment with bright toys. Learned to move independently little man still difficult to keep the boundaries of the children's room. The child is inquisitive, omnipresent. caring parents they try to contribute to the full development, so the study of the world around them is provided by the framework of the apartment.

Boy's room 3-7 years old

The child is growing up, if possible, it is better to transfer him to a separate territory. This state of affairs will be convenient for adults, the child will also adequately appreciate the new option.

After 3 years, there comes a period when it is possible to fully enjoy the creation of a room design for a boy. It's time to pamper your child with a riot of colors, create a thematic orientation of the interior, add variety with the help of various elements, pictures of cartoon characters.

A boy of this age will appreciate a bed stylized as a typewriter, cute pictures on the walls depicting trains, a bean bag chair that repeats a soccer ball, and much more. The choice of decor is limited only by your imagination. Parents are pleased to plunge into childhood, inventing a room design project with the baby.

In the nursery for a boy of this age there should not be boring, gloomy colors. Furniture is welcome comfortable, but safe. It is worth taking care of the opportunity to do what you love, but littering the space will still be superfluous. The child becomes mobile, although sometimes clumsy.

Boy's room of school age up to 12-14 years

With the entry into school, a new stage in the development of the child begins. The boy becomes more serious, there is a need to equip a workplace, a sports corner.

The child still shows interest in cartoon characters, but the interior of the children's room is best done without obvious accents on the characters. Thematic focus is key. The nature of the children's room is preferable consonant with the interests of the boy. Sports, technology, nature, travel are possible. Dreams, daydreams of a young researcher of the surrounding reality help to design the interior of a personal space.

A boy of school age is interested in loft bed options. It becomes possible to compactly place a desk, wardrobe, bed. It frees up a lot of space around, which is important. Especially considering the option of a limited area.

If there is a place for a sports corner, be sure to equip it. The child will join the sport, which will have a beneficial effect on the overall physical development.

Children's room of a teenager

Adolescence is the most difficult stage in a child's life. The boy is already striving to be like adults. It is desirable to dismantle cartoon pictures, thematic decor. Come to the fore cutting edge designs boy's room. A teenager will appreciate the stylish, concise design, restrained manner of performance. The most preferred styles are:

  • Minimalism;
  • High tech;
  • Modern;
  • Loft.

Such a design will set you in a serious mood, emphasize gender, set off masculinity. It is best to design a teenager's children's room with him. The participation of the child will support his tastes, emphasize the significance of the boy. Inner world a teenager is very contradictory, so the possibility of a slight deformation of space will provide an invaluable service. A serious assistant will be transformable furniture, universal finish.

Features of thematic design of a child's boy

The age of the child, the direction of hobbies will help to decide on the topic. The choice of themes is great, modern technologies help to realize any, even the craziest idea. The following thematic interiors of boyish children's rooms are most popular:

  1. Cars, other equipment. Many men with early childhood gravitate towards everything that buzzes, roars, moves. The kid will be delighted with the nursery in the style of Formula 1: a car bed, interior stickers of the appropriate orientation, checkered curtains. The older boy is impressed by the space direction: shuttles, designs of the future, futuristic compositions.
  2. Sport. Many boys are keen on watching various competitions, go in for sports on their own. The interior of the children's room, associated with training, symbols, famous athletes, is recognized as stimulating the will to win, team spirit. Color spectrum thematic group: bright, strong-willed colors that repeat famous sports symbols.
  3. Travels. The craving for tourism, pioneering, knowledge of the unknown, the discovery of new horizons give out the future avid traveler. Pirates, treasures, the sea attract the adventurous. Topics are characteristic marine motifs, globes, maps. The decor is typical, repeating real objects associated with travel: a compass, a steering wheel, ropes, chests. Registration is made using blue, blue, white, yellow.
  4. Nature. Young naturalists are drawn to all living things. They love family trips to nature, the cottage. Well cared for indoor plants. Have a variety of pets. Thematic picture of the nursery will be made up of photo wallpapers depicting a forest glade, exotic animals. Characteristic interior colors: green, yellow, white. The presence of a living corner will complement the interior.

Small children's room

Modern furniture plus little design tricks will help make even the most limited space modern, comfortable, functional for a boy of any age.

All children want to have their own corner, girls dream of a pink kingdom, and boys dream of their “pirate ship”. What should be the difference between a children's room for a boy or a girl - read below. We will tell you the most interesting options designing a children's room for two kids, as well as a separate space for boys and girls.

Organization of children's space

Interior of a nursery for a boy and a girl

When distributing the space of a children's room for two kids of different sexes, you need to zone the area so that the first and second child have their own small corner.

Sleeping places can be located in different parts of the room, but the play area can be shared.

The idea of ​​​​decorating in contrasting colors is especially popular: blue and pink, red and blue. Color palette a children's room for a boy and a girl can also be neutral.

For two brothers

The children's room for a boy and his brother should be quite spacious, especially for toddlers.

A good solution is a sports corner or a Swedish wall, it is also worth allocating space for a play area.

If the children are already attending school, then it is worth equipping separate workplaces for them. When choosing the design of a children's room for boys, it is important to keep safety in mind.

small square

For a small children's room, it is necessary to observe minimalism, do not clutter it with furniture, let it contain only the most necessary things. Popular ideas for a small children's room include a pull-out bed or workspace, a bunk bed, and a loft bed.

Set up by age


There are many ideas for a baby's nursery, but separate room he doesn't really need it. It is important for him that his mother was there around the clock.

But if you still decide to equip a separate room, then during the repair, use environmentally friendly materials, the room should be functional, bright and easily ventilated.

In the newborn room, it is important to maintain optimum temperature and air humidity. What it should be - read in.


For a nursery for a preschooler, the most important thing is a comfortable bed and a spacious play area.

It is worth paying special attention to the safety of furniture, it must be securely installed, and the edges are rounded so that the baby is not injured.


When designing a children's room for a boy and a schoolgirl, special attention should be paid to the arrangement of the workplace.

Children of this age spend a lot of time studying, which means you should think about a comfortable chair and proper lighting.


The interior of the room for a teenager should match his hobbies.

Design ideas for a boy's nursery should take into account the fact that children of this age often invite their peers to visit and love to watch movies. Therefore, the room should not only have a bed, but also a guest sofa.

And an adult child can do the decor with his own hands.

Pirate theme

Children's room design ideas for a boy in a pirate or maritime theme very popular. You can implement this style with a designer bed like pirate ship, or headboard in characteristic style. Can be displayed on the walls seascape or decorate them decorative elements ship - mast or side. Instead of paintings on the walls, hang sabers or pieces of maritime network, and store toys in a treasure chest.

Ideas for a children's room for a boy like a pirate ship also imply the presence of a plank floor in the room in the form of a deck.

scientific style

If your son is a real intellectual, then science-style kids room ideas for a boy are suitable for him.

If a child is passionate about chemistry, then you can create a laboratory room by decorating the walls with a poster with the periodic table, and as decorative items use test tubes and beakers. Jungle-style baby room ideas for a boy are popular, they are suitable for children who are fond of biology.

space theme

The ideas of a children's room for a boy in the style of space are very simple to implement. You can simply decorate one of the walls with a large poster of the appropriate theme.

In this case, decorative stars are often attached to the ceiling, which glow when the lights are off.

Machine theme

The most popular baby room ideas for a boy are car themes. The easiest way to implement such a theme is with a car bed or colorful photos of cars on the walls.

Sports in the interior

If the child is active, then the room can be decorated in the style sports games. In this case, it is worth thinking about installing a sports corner.

Zoning Ideas

You can zone the space for games, as well as rest and work in the following ways:

  • Cabinets and racks.
  • Decorative screen or partition.
  • Color zoning.
  • Sleeping place in the attic, playroom or work zone- at the bottom.
  • Ceiling or floor with different levels.
  • Curtains or light curtains.

Now you know how to arrange a room for children of different sexes and ages. Remember that no matter the design, the nursery must be functional and safe.

The child's personal space is a comfortable play environment, a place to sleep and an environment conducive to harmonious development. A children's room for a boy can have a themed design. But parents also face a number of other tasks - optimization, zoning and visual extension space. Recommendations of specialists with photos give only general idea about the arrangement of children's rooms. Parents prefer to choose the most interesting ideas.

Design of a children's room for a boy

Children's room for a boy

Baby room.

The crib is often placed in the bedroom for the convenience of feeding at night. Nearby you need a changing table or chest of drawers with a clean blanket. The baby does not perceive the design of the room, but a sufficient amount of light is important, while the crib is not placed by the window. While the baby is growing up, his room is being renovated with cladding made of eco-friendly materials that do not cause allergies.

Opposite the crib, you can put a chair or compact sofa for ease of feeding. But soon you will have to change the playpen bed for a sofa, choosing how to decorate a children's room for a boy, you can use examples of design projects.

In children under 3 years of age, gender identity is not expressed, it is not necessary to focus on the “boyish” theme, it is better to choose a theme from fairy tales, books or cartoons. The baby's room should be bright and safe, because he pulls everything into his mouth and touches it with his hands. The task of parents is to arrange a safe children's space. Not needed bright colors in the interior, except for soft toys and pictures. If the room faces north, the walls are yellow or peach color compensate for the lack of sun.

Children's room for a boy
Interior of a children's room for a boy
Design of a children's room for a boy

Decorating a child's room for a preschooler

From 3 to 7 years there is an active development, so it is worth paying more attention to the interior. Children do not yet have persistent interests, which means that it makes no sense to tie the design of the room to a specific topic. At this time, gender identity is being formed, it's time to design the nursery as the boy's personal space.

Advice. At this age, the game is a way of knowing the world. Preschoolers enthusiastically play, run, fall. The nursery should not have sharp corners and hard surfaces. It is better to put cabinet furniture a little, but with drawers and shelves for toys, which will be easy to clean in place for order.

Interior of a children's room for a boy
Blue children's room for a boy

Parents should observe their son's inclinations in order to choose the right theme for the room. For an airplane lover, make a blue ceiling and decorative clouds - you get the effect of "open sky". Appropriate rack with open shelves, seats for your favorite planes. For "cabin boys" they choose a bed in the form of a yacht or a boat, developing this topic in design.

Upholstered furniture should be compact, but “for growth”, so as not to change it often, for example, a sofa with a layout in length. For a future car enthusiast, buy a car bed, a folding chair or an upholstered couch. On the floor small room in 12 sq. m. lay a rug with the image of the road.

Interior of a children's room for a boy
Children's room for a boy
Bright children's room for a boy

Junior student's room

By this time, the interests of children are more stable. Passion should be widely reflected in the design of the boy's room. School time is a time of study and multifaceted development. It's time to change the continuous play space to functional zoning which should include:

  • a place to sleep and rest;
  • working (written or computer) table with drawers for educational supplies;
  • a sports corner with a Swedish wall or simple simulators;
  • place for games, hobbies and hobbies.

By this time, more cabinet furniture appears in the nursery, which occupies more space. The task of parents is to choose compact version with thematic design. This will help complete the decor of the room. Suitable for small space corner option cabinet and computer desk. Middle - free passage area with a soft rug original design or bulk invoice.

bright room for boy
Bright room for boy

Teen bedroom

Parents should help arrange the personal space of the growing son, taking into account his hobbies. Give the boy some interesting ideas. Decor elements are best done with your own hands, involving a teenager in the process.

By this age, it is time to replace children's furniture with full-size furniture. The son should not slouch at a table that is not tall, and his legs hang down from the sofa or rest against the back of the bed. Parents make their own adjustments to the design of a room for a teenage boy, but the choice of theme is up to the owner of the room. The emphasis on style is already appropriate, taking into account the texture of surfaces, lighting and decor.

Children's room for a boy
Children's room for a boy

Interior design should reflect the temperament and tastes of a teenager. Classics or art deco are suitable for a balanced boy with creative hobbies, urbanism is chosen for an urban “rebel”, a young naturalist likes eco-style.

The design of the floors should be subordinated to the general idea, but in the first place the environmental friendliness of materials and warmth. Use surfaces with interesting decor:

The following materials are suitable for finishing the room:

  • linoleum with insulation;
  • Self-leveling floors;
  • carpet;
  • laminate;
  • parquet board;
  • underfloor heating system.

Beautiful children's room for a boy
Children's room for a boy

Techniques for visual expansion of a small room

Design of a children's room with an area of ​​​​12 square meters. m. suggests a visual expansion of space. Experts recommend the following rules for the design of the premises.

Green children's room for a boy
Children's room for a boy

Whatever tricks the parents decide to use, it is important that the children like it. All decor elements should work for the overall design and style of design. Space, marine and automotive themes are most often chosen for the design of a children's room for a boy.

Video: Design of a children's room for a boy

50 photos of baby room design ideas for a boy: