What are office partitions for? Office partitions are the best options for functional and beautiful auxiliary walls (65 photo ideas). Partitions for office zoning

Office partitions have entered our lives so much that it is even hard to imagine: did they really not exist once? Today, when planning the interior of an office, there is a unique opportunity to avoid long repairs using modern office partition systems. And their diversity will allow you not to limit your imagination and desires by choosing the necessary planning solution.

On the floor and on the table

By appointment, all partitions can be divided into four types: stationary, mobile, desktop, transformable.

Let's look at the first type. Stationary partitions are attached to walls, floors and ceilings and assembled on site. Their task is to divide all premises into functional zones and create separate spaces (receptions, offices, etc.).

Often such partitions are also called "frame": the fact is that the structure is based on a frame. In turn, the frame consists of a profile on which panels of various materials are attached.

Leading foreign and Russian companies are constantly working on improving the systems of office partitions they offer. For example, the design bureau of the studio of office systems and technologies "Astarta prestige" developed a stationary office partition on a frame made of aluminum profile "Triasta".

The so-called "solid" aluminum is used as a raw material for its manufacture. In composition, it is identical to the material used in the defense industry.

When developing the system of office partitions "Triasta", the specifics of Russian buildings were taken into account, associated with the inaccuracy of the geometry of the premises - the partition is assembled on site, which makes it possible to adjust the structural elements to the mounting surfaces (floor, walls, ceiling) during installation.

So, the racks of the system are capable, if necessary, of being located not directly, but with the repetition of wall irregularities. The padding also takes these features into account. In this case, its shape is not rectangular.

High strength and rigidity of the entire structure is ensured by the use of reinforced mounting angles connecting the vertical and horizontal racks. In addition, the bearing elements of the system are equipped with additional stiffening ribs.

The second type is mobile partitions. They are also designed to divide the space, but, in addition, make it possible to frequently change the interior. Mobile partitions can be attached to furniture (usually tables) or walls without attachment to the floor and ceiling. Due to this, literally in one day, without additional costs, you can create new jobs or entire premises, changing the configuration of the space.

Unlike stationary structures, which are on average 3 meters high, mobile partitions are lower: usually about 2 meters, sometimes 2.1 - 2.2 meters.

The next type of partitions - desktop. They are also called "table screens". They are mounted on desktops in order to improve the ergonomics of staff workplaces. Their average height is 50 cm. It is possible to choose the color of the desktop screens, which will match, for example, the color of the furniture.

Moreover, for example, when developing the Russian series of camera furniture "Spektr", special attention was paid to solutions for open spaces: for this, ergonomically shaped tables are complemented by desktop partitions and shelves.

Transformable structures simultaneously play the role of partitions and doors. They are retractable or foldable. Sliding office partition consists of a fixed panel and a movable part moving along a suspended guide profile. Depending on the location of the rollers, partitions are suspended (above) and supporting (below). In the latter case, the guides are made in the depth of the floor (about 5 cm deep).

You can use them, for example, in restaurants: during the day you have separate rooms, and in the evening, "pulling the walls apart", you get a large room for a banquet.

Our intentions are transparent

The second sign by which all partitions can be qualified is the way their frame is filled. Filling can be transparent, deaf or combined.

According to the management of the Meat Land meat processing company, in whose office the vast majority of office partitions are glass walls, this solution makes the office space light and airy.

In a transparent partition, glass is used as a filling. Particularly popular in recent years all-glass partitions. The division of space while maintaining visual volume and maximum natural light is a requirement of modern design. It is easiest to achieve it with the help of this type of partitions.

Of course, ordinary glass in this case cannot be used, at least for safety reasons; tempered glass is widely used in such constructions.

It is about 6 times stronger than usual, and when destroyed, it crumbles into very small fragments with blunt ends, which cannot be hurt. In addition, tempered glass is not only a beautiful light-transmitting material, but also a self-supporting element of the entire partition. In other words, such glass does not require additional framing, which means that a unique integrity and beauty of the entire structure is created.

In the domestic market, the Dzerzhinsky Plant of Organic Glass from Nizhny Novgorod has a leading position in the production of sheets of organic glass for partitions. Among foreign manufacturers, we note such brands as "DEGUSSA", "ROHM".

Partitions can have single or double glazing. Apply different types of glass, including tinted, mirror, textured. Partitions with both double and single glazing allow the installation of inter-frame blinds in them.

If there is a need to create glass railings that exclude direct visibility through them, blind double-glazed windows are used, in the space between the glasses of which fiberglass, kaolin wool, matte, including synthetic, films are placed.

In the previously mentioned company "Astarta prestige", citing examples from this area, they also call the technology "Magic screen glass". Using the remote control at any time, you can make the partition either completely transparent or, on the contrary, matte.

The second type of sections - "deaf". In this role, a variety of materials are used: MDF, plastics, aluminum lining, chipboard, drywall. The partition wall using "deaf" materials has the highest soundproofing characteristics, often exceeding those of the main wall.

The third type, combined, will allow you to take advantage of all the advantages of glass and opaque material. The upper part of such a partition is transparent, the lower part is made of the materials listed above. They keep the lower part of the partition from possible damage and scratches.

Partitions around us

Finally, you can try to qualify all partitions depending on the application. Obviously, so far they are mainly used in offices, hence the stable combination of "office partitions", but the matter is not limited to working premises.

Recently, a new variety has been distinguished - "trade partitions". They are designed to create or separate commercial premises and include showcases, counters, retail windows and other items for trade (consumer panels, shelves for bags, etc.) in their design.

They use the so-called "stained glass". They are characterized by a large area, allowing you to create all-glass partitions up to 3 meters high and 2 meters wide.

Stained glass options are also diverse: transparent, frosted, tinted, mirrored, corrugated, patterned.

Sanitary partitions, as their name implies, are designed to create toilet and shower cabins in common areas. Given that such partitions are subject to frequent wet cleaning, they are usually filled with laminated chipboard and MDF.

Designer from Moscow Larisa Velikanova notes that "the fashion for open space has gone further: in addition to simple partitions, the main advantages of which are mobility and instant installation, a whole direction of designer partitions has appeared. They are distinguished by unusual legs, frames covered with fabrics, combinations of expensive materials. Instead blinds can be sprayed in the form of a variety of patterns.

Designer partitions can be used in reception rooms, meeting rooms, in general, where it is required to make a proper impression on visitors.

Very close to designer partitions and designs that can be called "representative". They are used in the offices of management and top managers. A distinctive feature is a rich finish, for example, under a tree; coloring of a partition profile under bronze or gold.

Plasma screens and other elements can be installed in such partitions at the request of the customer.

Let's add that practically any doors are easily mounted in modern partitions, not only traditional office equipment, but also non-standard equipment is built in, up to aquariums.

And if your office or other premises do not yet have office partitions, we are sure that you will have them in the very near future, and you will personally see all their advantages.

Alexander Mayorov, according to the press service of the company "Astarta Prestige"

Office partitions are designs that are widely used in modern interiors. These designs are the easiest way to equip the office to your liking, to create a comfortable workplace for each employee. Statistics show that after the installation of partitions in the office, labor productivity increases significantly. The premises acquire a more attractive appearance, which has a positive effect on the image of the company as a whole.

Stationary and mobile office partitions

The most common classification into types is the division of office partitions into stationary and mobile type structures. Let us consider in more detail the main features and advantages of each type.

Stationary office partitions:

  1. An excellent alternative to building partitions and indoor walls;
  2. Excellent sound insulation performance, which can reach 40 decibels;
  3. The ability to mount stationary structures to load-bearing walls, ceilings and floors;
  4. Possibility of mounting to a suspended ceiling;
  5. The design is flexible, which allows you to change the configuration of the space at your own discretion;
  6. Installation of office partitions of this type does not take much time;
  7. At your discretion, various materials in a wide range of colors can be selected;
  8. Partitions have a stylish appearance, are a great addition to any interior.

Mobile office partitions:

  1. They are a structure of several modules, which are fastened together with the help of special racks;
  2. They have such an important property as mobility, they can move around without much difficulty;
  3. A simple parsing system, and then devices in a different configuration;
  4. Mounting to the ceiling and floor in this case is not required, which greatly simplifies the installation process;
  5. They have excellent decorative characteristics;
  6. Ideal for organizing space inside the office space;
  7. Allows you to maximize the usable area in the office, do not take up much space;
  8. With the help of office partitions of this type, you can fully realize the idea of ​​​​open space, which is popular when equipping non-residential premises;
  9. They are the perfect combination of quality designs at an affordable price.

Deaf and transparent office partitions

The next classification is deaf and transparent partitions. Deaf-type structures provide a higher level of sound insulation, and also hide the space from prying eyes. It is advisable to use blind office partitions to organize the work of company departments and offices of leading employees. There is the possibility of designing office partitions in a corporate style. Most often, PVC panels or wood are used as partition materials.

Transparent office partitions are made of extra strong glass. With their help, you can create bright and unusual interiors. Glass office partitions allow you to make each room private, but at the same time, strengthen the team spirit of employees. Such a solution is ideal for small spaces - glass allows you to visually expand the space, providing comfortable working conditions for each employee.

Combined solutions in the office interior

Modern technologies for the production of office partitions are constantly evolving. This allows you not to stop when choosing a partition on one type of construction, to arrange materials at your discretion. Quite often in the interior of offices you can find designs that have deaf and transparent sections. Such a solution improves the reliability and practicality of operation. The blind section is usually installed at the bottom of the office partition, as this is the area where the highest mechanical loads fall.

Office partitions can also be classified according to the material used in their production. Most often you can find partitions made of chipboard, chipboard, drywall, glass and plastic. The choice of the type of office partition directly depends on individual preferences in the arrangement of the office, as well as the functions and tasks that this design should perform.

The use of factory glass partitions in the office is relevant in any field. Designs have many advantages and are practically devoid of disadvantages if they are made according to standards and comply with GOST. There are dozens of varieties of glass products: transparent and frosted, smooth and rough, sliding and hinged. And each of these types is perfect for arranging office space.

Glass partitions are used to divide space in shopping centers, administrative buildings, offices. They are well suited for separating corridors, showrooms, meeting rooms, and in shopping centers they easily distinguish between sales departments.

Important! To create privacy, use plain or colored blinds, as well as matte or glossy films.

Installation of an office glass partition is a process that does not require coordination with individual authorities. Due to this, the redevelopment of the premises takes place without delay in time.

Designs are made of especially strong glass: reinforced, shockproof, triplex. Only such products meet the requirements for partitions. Another feature of office fences is the possibility of using different types of glass (tinted, providing a view on one side, diffuse).

When arranging office space, owners can choose from different options for decorative coatings.

Basic requirements for glass structures

Any office partitions made of glass must meet 3 parameters: safety, fire resistance, technology that keeps the canvas intact when broken. This means that when buying a product with one glass, it must be impact-resistant, tempered. Such a canvas, when broken, remains on one film, or crumbles into blunt fragments. They are incapable of hurting a person.

The second parameter is fire resistance. Products are tested by temperature, this should be reflected in the documents. Similar fittings are also used, which do not melt under the influence of fire. The product must be resistant to burning for 30 minutes. Disposal of such goods should be carried out only through special enterprises.

When using all-glass partitions in offices or shopping centers located in seismically unstable areas, they must be resistant to such action. When buying, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the structure. Any cracks and scratches are a critical defect and cannot be sold.

If you buy bulletproof glass, then they must withstand at least 3 shots without lumbago. For the test, use the weapon described in GOST.

Advantages and disadvantages

Office partitions made of glass have many advantages due to the characteristics of the material used:

This leaves a few downsides. The possibility of changing the space with such structures does not provide for the installation of additional elements on glass walls.

Glass partitions are fragile and expensive.

Another drawback is the impossibility of changing the size of the finished partition. When cutting, such products begin to crumble. High-quality configurations weigh a lot, they can not be installed in all rooms.

Classification and features of glass office partitions

There are several classification options for office partitions made of glass.

The first is by design:

  1. Frame. Aluminum profiles are used for installation. If the double glazing method is used, sound insulation is increased. Due to the frame, a one-piece structure is created, slightly narrowing the space, but increasing the reliability of the products.
  2. All-glass. Thick material (up to 1 cm) that has been hardened is also made. Fastened to the floor and ceiling with spot elements. Glasses are located close to each other, there is no aluminum profile.
  3. Block. They are made from small glass "bricks", bars or panels.

You can divide glass partitions according to the type of glass used. So, the most common types are distinguished - transparent and matte. The first category involves the use of tempered polished glass. Matte canvases are treated with chemicals (satinate), which gives a special structure to the canvas. Such products diffuse light and create more privacy.

Important! Textured partitions in the office look interesting: under the "sand", corrugated, ribbed.

Additional types of appearance of glass products: stemalite, that is, coloring during production, decorative stained-glass windows, applications, smart glass that changes color when exposed to light or electricity.

Tinted glass with a special film is a universal option. After all, such a sticker can be removed at any time.

Stained glass partitions look unusual - their design uses small colored or different texture details.

The division is possible according to the number of glasses used in the construction: double and single glazing. In the first case, sound insulation increases, but installation requires more care. If you make a mistake, dust may appear between the glasses. With single glazing, ease of maintenance and reduced cost are maintained.

Types of glass structures

There are 4 types of glass products that are suitable for use in office space:

  1. Transformable. They are made of independent canvases that move along special rails located in the ceiling. However, space is required at the edges, it is very difficult to install in narrow openings. Unfolded, they are used as stationary walls or sliding doors. It is impossible to install guides on the floor due to the design features.

  2. Sliding. They are made in the form of glass sections. The sliding glass partition works using a sliding mechanism that is located in the floor and on the ceiling. Sections can be presented in several forms: sliding, oar, and also suspended.

  3. Stationary. Such partitions got their name for the peculiarities of glazing: they are attached directly to the walls, ceiling and floor. Externally, they resemble ordinary walls, and also have maximum soundproofing properties. Unusual figures can be created from stationary systems: they are installed in waves, at an angle, and also in a straight line. Stationary products have maximum strength through the use of all-glass or frame canvases.

  4. Mobile partitions. Installation of products takes a minimum of time and resources, and if necessary, the canvas can be easily removed and installed in a new place. They are made from modules with clip profiles. They are carried out in the form of a floor or desktop screen, sometimes they are realized in the form of a screen. For installation, wide supports are used. Mobile structures have minimal soundproofing properties.

Any glass partition looks beautiful, and when choosing the optimal configuration, it is easy to achieve the required quality from the structure.

Glass sanitary partitions

Such canvases are used for arranging toilets and other premises (for example, kitchens).

They have a simple configuration, but retain the properties necessary for arranging premises with increased sanitary requirements:

  • good strength;
  • opaque structures can be used;
  • resistance to moisture;
  • easy to wash;
  • do not come into contact with household chemicals.

Plumbing partitions form full-fledged cubicles in the toilets. They can be combined with individual doors, provided with latches or bolts.

Material for the production of partitions

In comparison with window glass, thicker sheets (from 8 mm) are used for partitions. They have improved optical characteristics and mechanical strength. Such products are even suitable for use in schools, offices and kindergartens, clinics.

Important! In order to increase the strength, triplex glass or a reinforcing film is used.

There are names that define the type of material used. Float - thermopolished glass, smooth and transparent, which has earned the maximum popularity among office space owners.

Curved glass is tempered and has a curved texture. But optiwhite is one of the most expensive materials, as it has high strength and maximum transparency along with a large thickness. It is used most often in all-glass partitions.

Glass products also include partitions made of substitutes for organic material:

Glass partitions for office space are relevant when you need to save maximum space and preserve the integrity of the room. At the same time, you do not have to sacrifice privacy: blinds and colored films can solve the problem, while maintaining the advantages of glass structures. However, you should be prepared for the fact that such products are expensive.

Which partitions are more practical - the choice of partitions in the office

To date, an excellent solution for planning office space are office partitions. They are quickly installed without unnecessary noise and dust. On the modern market there is a solid range of partitions for offices with different characteristics in a wide price range, aimed at a variety of customers.

To select the optimal type of partitions, it is necessary to clearly define the planned number of zones and their purpose. It may be worth using different types of partitions for the most efficient distribution of space.

Types of office partitions - which office partitions to choose?

Depending on the characteristics and purpose, office partitions are divided into three main types:

And now let's talk in more detail about each type and reveal the advantages and disadvantages.

This type of partitions is an excellent alternative to walls. They are fastened with screws and dowels to the floor, walls and ceiling. Partitions cannot be moved, so they are used when planning separate rooms on the territory of the office. They have excellent soundproofing characteristics.

In turn, stationary partitions are divided into two subspecies: assembled once or collapsible systems. One-time assembled partitions are puttied and painted after installation, so they cannot be reused after dismantling. Collapsible systems are mounted quickly without additional "wet" work, so they can be reused at a new location.

Advantages of stationary partitions:

  • fast installation,
  • strength and stability of structures,
  • an alternative to walls that does not require approval from the BTI,
  • good soundproofing,
  • modern fashion design,
  • glass partitions perfectly let in daylight, which helps to save energy,
  • the ability to hide communications in an aluminum profile,
  • the possibility of using blinds,
  • the ability to install switches and sockets,
  • the possibility of mounting doors with an electromechanical lock,
  • the possibility of decoration.

Disadvantages of stationary partitions:

  • impossibility of reuse after dismantling,
  • the need for additional finishing work,
  • massiveness of structures, coupled with additional load on the floors.

With the help of stationary office partitions, one large office can be easily divided into different zones: reception, lobby, mini offices, director's office, and so on.

Mobile partitions can be easily moved in space, since they are not attached to the floor, walls and ceiling. Some of them are even equipped with wheels for convenience. They are great for visual separation of the work area. As a rule, in height they are not higher than human height, but not lower than a person in a sitting position. Mobile partitions are represented by three types: screens, panels, screens. Screens are installed directly on the table.

Advantages of mobile partitions:

  • simplicity and ease of changing the layout,
  • a wide choice of materials allows you to create an ensemble with office furniture,
  • fast installation,
  • the possibility of installing blinds (with double glazing),
  • light weight,
  • the possibility of mounting doors,
  • affordable price.

Disadvantages of mobile partitions:

  • poor sound insulation
  • stability is lower than that of stationary partitions.

With the help of mobile office partitions, it is impossible to fence off departments or the director's office. They are suitable for visually highlighting the working area of ​​ordinary employees.

Sliding partitions allow you to transform the space in a matter of seconds. For example, with their help from a large conference room, if necessary, you can make a small meeting room, separating part of the room. To the guide rail, mounted in the space behind the ceiling, the required number of panels is suspended in the height of the room.

The use of office partitions in administrative and commercial buildings helps to correctly zone the premises in order to provide each office manager with a workplace. Today we are studying office partitions, their classification and materials of manufacture.

Naturally, in the rhythm of office life, there is not a single extra hour to spend on redesigning the office or some improvements. Therefore, the creation of additional or delimitation of existing workplaces in the premises must be completed on time. This applies to large offices, call centers, administrative departments, where hundreds of people work. Of course, it is impossible to allocate a separate office for everyone, and therefore, for middle-level workers - operators, managers, clerks and other employees, special jobs are organized, of which there can be several dozen in one room. Each such place is strictly zoned with a special partition, the production of which we will talk about today.

Office partitions are, most often, far from capital structures, and not even those drywall partitions that we are used to erecting in residential buildings or commercial premises in order to qualitatively divide the territory into several zones or departments. These are stationary or removable, collapsible partitions between the workplaces of employees.

The production of office partitions can be factory-made, or it can be done on site, it all depends on the order and the project, the requirements and budget of the customer. Factory office partitions are easy to assemble and dismantle if the office needs to move and form a similar room in another building, but the partitions that are made on site are often fixed to the floor or walls, and therefore it is almost impossible to dismantle them with high quality.

Classification and types of office partitions

Office partition systems can be made from a wide variety of materials, it all depends on the requirements of the customer, the budget and the time frame for the construction of partitions.

Aluminum office partitions

Standard office partitions made on an aluminum frame. Often, office partitions made of aluminum are collapsible, mobile, mobile, that is, they can be freely mounted on site, and if necessary, moved to another room.

Sliding office partitions made of aluminum profiles are the most popular, since with their help it is quite easy to form workplaces of any value.

Glass office partitions

More expensive and presentable office partitions, which can often be found not only in commercial organizations, but also in administrative buildings. They are very practical, but only if they are made of durable and high-quality materials.

Office partitions made of frosted glass are considered popular, which partially limit visual access to the employee.

Plastic office partitions

Economy class office partitions, as plastic is considered the most inexpensive material. Naturally, in practicality they are slightly inferior to other partitions. But, it is quite realistic to find designer office partitions made of plastic, which will cost a lot and will not be inferior to partitions made of glass or typesetting panels.

Polycarbonate office partitions

Polycarbonate has taken a strong place in construction and repair, this material has also reached office buildings, where it becomes a practical and really high-quality material for creating partitions for zoning rooms. Polycarbonate partitions are installed quite quickly, which is in great demand in the offices of large companies, where a new division of premises is constantly taking place, the recruitment or dismissal of employees, the formation and reconstruction of jobs.

Stationary and mobile office partitions

These types of partitions differ only in one point, which is revealed by their name. What partitions are more convenient to install in an office space?

Stationary office partitions

This type is most suitable for stable companies that work in their own premises and organize jobs once and for many years. Stationary office partitions are stronger and more durable, they do not lose their original qualities due to constant installation / dismantling and transportation, they can be installed at the customer's premises from factory elements or produced on site. Stationary partitions are made of wood, chipboard, PVC elements, glass, polycarbonate, they can be installed on a metal profile for office partitions, aluminum or PVC profile.

Mobile office partitions

These partitions are convenient because they can be moved from one office to another at any time. This fact is of interest to companies that are engaged in promotions, financial campaigns, coaching, conferences. In this case, partitions are more necessary not for the organization of workplaces, but for the formation of individual seats in training centers.

Naturally, mobility slightly spoils the quality of the partitions, since after a few moves they can lose their stability, stiffness of the fasteners, and so on. But it all depends on the original quality and attitude to such furniture.

When choosing office partitions, present them with a number of requirements, strictly for their own reasons of practicality and reliability of this furniture. Office partitions that will score higher on a personal scoring system, say 2/3, and will be the best assistant for zoning your office.

When purchasing or ordering office partitions, be sure to pay attention to the quality of materials and the production of these elements, but do not forget that the installation of office partitions will also play an equally important role in the final quality of the structures.

Video about what modern office partitions are

Today we did a brief study of office partitions and looked at what materials they can be made from. But, since our project is dedicated to drywall and drywall work, we will soon introduce you to the material in which we will tell you in detail about how to arrange drywall office partitions, study the process in stages and help with the details.