Summary of the lesson on the topic “Unstressed vowels at the root of the word. Abstract of the lesson in Russian "unstressed vowels at the root of the word"

Grade : 5

Subject: "Unstressed vowels in the root of the word."

Goals: Personal:

  • Awareness of the algorithm of a successful educational action.
  • Awareness of the practical importance of this rule.
  • Value attitude to the ability to identify the problem, determine the purpose of the lesson, choose actions to achieve the goal, control and evaluate their work and the result they have learned.


  • The ability to accept and maintain the educational goal and objectives, to plan one's own activities in accordance with the educational task.


  • Know the types of spelling unstressed vowel at the root of the word (checked by stress and unchecked), be able to use this rule in practice.

Lesson type: a lesson in learning new knowledge

Equipment: computer, projector, screen, audio recording.

During the classes

1.Org. moment

Creating a situation for psychological mood.

Imagine that we are in an autumn forest. Inhale deeply, exhale. What did you feel? ( Fresh air) Turn your face to the sun, smile at him, smile at each other, at me.

Guys, pay attention to the board

Teacher: We are convinced that the role of language in the life of society is enormous and being literate is very important for people to communicate. You will see this by reading the short story "Letters"

So, read the story.
Vanya lived in the country in the summer, and his older sister Masha is in the city. Once Vanya wrote a letter to his sister:
“Hello, Masha!
The village is good. Here I will flutter, sunbathe and stab myself in the sun, turning from tank to tank. Misha and I were fishing early in the morning. It is good to turn gray on the shore with a fishing rod. I already offended the fox.

In response, he received the following letter from Masha:
"Vanya, hello!
I am sending you your letter back. Read it carefully and answer a few questions for me. How will you fly, because you are not a flag? You must have been joking when you wrote that you'd be addicted? Where are the tanks on the river? Why are you turning from tank to tank? Why is your hair turning gray already? Also, what fox did you offend? Have you caught a fox? See how many questions I have for you. This is because I did not understand anything from your letter, although I will study already in the tenth grade and I know the Russian language. But do you know him?”
Vanya read his sister's letter, but did not understand anything.

Help Vanya figure out what his mistakes are. What spelling was wrong?

(Answer: spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of the word.)

What do you need to know to spell this word correctly?

Remember what spelling is.

See what part of the word is missing a letter?

Why can't we hear this sound clearly? What is this vowel position called?

What do you think we will talk about in our lesson? Prove the correctness of your opinion.

What is our goal?

What types of unstressed vowels do you know?(Verifiable and unverifiable.)

Where can we find out how to write unstressed vowels at the root of a word? (work with the textbook, seek help from the Internet).

The teacher invites everyone to decide for themselves where they will find the information they need.

2. Studying new material

The teacher organizes the repetition of the basic concepts of unstressed vowels at the root of the word (with the help of a textbook). Interacts with students, creates conditions for optimal assimilation of the material.

1. Linguistic task"Snow Tale" (expressively read and find the same root words)

Snow fairy tale.

Danced through the snow


Bullfinches for snowmen

The song was whistled.

By the snowy river

In the snow lane

The snowballs are rolling,

Snowmen cut the snow.

Bullfinch - in the dictionary

2. Case method.Exercise. Determine what types of orthograms are given words in this exercise. Write down the phrases by inserting the missing letters.

Sp ... shu in the movies, sp ... shu exercise, s ... nest, s ...

school, rubber balls, steel balls.

When performing these exercises, it turns out how students understand the meaning of the root.

  1. "The Fourth Extra":
    Change, change, replace, mine.
    Waves, wavy, ox, worry.
    Hut, spoil, hut, hut.
    Crush, crush, long ago, crush.
    Shedding, shedding, lazy, shedding. Modeling, sculpt, stick, blind.
    Physical education minute.

Exercises to relieve eye fatigue.

1. Rub your palm against your palm. Close your eyes and put your palms on them.

2. Cross your arms in front of you, clench your hands into a fist, thumb up. Close eyes and hold 3 times thumb left hand on the right side, and right hand- on the left side of the superciliary arches from the bridge of the nose to the end of the eyebrows.

  1. Choose the correct test word. Define the spelling.
    Amazing .. amazing (marvelous, maiden), m .. take (mine, replacement), l .. drink (sticky, modeling), calculate .. spare (honor, clean), l .. nivey (laziness, molting), skr .. puffy (paperclip, creak), m .. erase (master, bridge).

Guess which letters to put in the words. Get them checked out.
Pos .. affairs on the bench - pos .. deeds from old age.
Next .. hall of cream - next .. hall from a tree. nest - spot.
Sex .. search for underwear - gender .. search for a puppy.
Zach..lyu with a pin - Zach..lyu health.
Note .. ryat dress - prim .. ryat friends.
Sharp m..chi - football m..chi.

3. Consolidation of the studied material

If unstressed vowels are in the root:

a) are checked by stress, pick up single-root words or word forms;

b) unchecked, check the spelling of a word in a dictionary;

c) alternating, find the conditions for choosing a vowel in the root.

4.Summary of the lesson

Continue the sentence.

I learned…

I would like to…

It turns out that…

5. Evaluation


Basic: exercise 63 (point 1)

Increased: exercise 63 (point 1,2,3)

Russian language lesson in 3rd grade.

(Textbook: T. G. Ramzaeva)

Subject: Unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

Lesson type: combined
Lesson Objectives:
mastering the features of test and verifiable words, mastering the methods of verification;
formation of the ability to select test words, recognize words that need to be checked;
development of spelling vigilance.
expansion of creative activity of students;
formation of an objective self-assessment.
formation of personal universal educational activities;
development of attention, thinking, interest in language.

informational: textbook by T. G. Ramzaeva "Russian language" for grade 3;
demo:cards for independent work according to options, cards (for differentiated work), support (an algorithm for checking an unstressed vowel in the root), quatrains cut into lines (for working in pairs), an image of a kolobok (for each student), blanks for crafts " Gingerbread Man"
interactive content:author's presentation. The lesson was prepared using Power Point.

Forms of organization:frontal, differentiated, creative, independent according to options, in pairs.

Lesson plan:

I. Organizational moment. (2 minutes)

  • Psychological attitude to work.

II. Calligraphy. (3 min)

III. Repetition of the material covered in the lessons. (13 min)

  • vocabulary work

IV. Work on new topic lesson. (10 minutes)

  • Statement of the problem of the lesson
  • Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson

PHYSMINUTKA (for the eyes, for warming up the body)

V. Fixing a new topic. (14 min)

  • Textbook work
  • Screen operation
  • Creative work (work in pairs)

VI. Summary of the lesson. (1 min)

VII. House. ass (1 min)

VII. Reflection. (1 min)

During the classes:
slide 1
I. Organizational moment. (2 minutes)
slide 2
The cheerful bell rang
We are ready to start the lesson.
Let's listen, discuss
And help each other.

Psychological attitude to work:
- Today we have many guests, as hospitable hosts, we will first show them attention.
Students say in unison:
We are glad to welcome you to our class,
Perhaps there are classes and better and more beautiful.
But let it be light in our class.
Let it be comfortable and very easy.

And now the one whose name begins with vowels will sit down. Then those whose name begins with a consonant will sit down. solid sound, then with a consonant soft sound.

We opened all notebooks,
Don't forget to sit down straight.

We sign the number in notebooks, class work slide 3 ... November.

II. Calligraphy. (3 min)
First task
We have calligraphy.
- Guess the riddle about the fairy-tale hero.
"I did not tremble before the wolf,
Run away from the bear
And the fox on the tooth
Well, I got caught ... (Kolobok) "

That's right, it's Kolobok. And we will write at the minute of calligraphy the letter with which this name begins, which means the letter K - capital and k lowercase, as well as compounds with these letters.
slide 4, 5, 6 (learners write 1 line)
On the connection board:
ka (lower and upper) ke (middle) ku (upper) yak (upper) kl (lower) Kolobok (-Why did you write with a capital letter?) (Learners explain the types of connections)

Today we will make a journey through the Magical Forest of the "Russian Language" together with Kolobok. Recall what we have already studied and learn something new and interesting.
slide 7

III. Repetition of the material covered in the lessons.(13 min)

Independent work by options. slide 8, 9

The gingerbread man met several objects on its way. Were they animate and inanimate objects? Here are their names:
1c. Forester, nightingale, flowers, oak.
2c. Sunshine, hedgehog, fox, aspen.

- Name inanimate objects.
Exercise: help Kolobok to parse these words by composition. (2 students at the blackboard)

Well done guys, you did a great job!
- Kolobok rolled on. slide 10 And now, having guessed the riddle, you will find out what he met on the way. (mystery choice)

Under the pine along the path
Who is standing among the grass?
There is a leg, but no boot,
There is a hat - there is no head.

That's right, it's a mushroom.
- And what is the rule for writing this word?
- Let's remember how to check a double consonant?
Rule: ...
slide 11
Differentiated work (on cards) slide 12
1 group

Rasska. - ______________, hawk. - ____________, take it. - _______________, key. - ____________, gr. - _______________, moro. - ______________ , dream. - __________, shka. - ______________.

2 group
Match the words with the correct word and fill in the missing letter.
Me. cue - _____________, update. ka - ____________, sharp. ki - ____________, cre. cue - ______________, books. ka - _____________, ro. cue - _____________, ska. ka - __________________, re. cue - _________________.

3 group
Underline the consonants that need to be checked before writing. Write test words.)
Hit the night hard frost. He forged ice puddles on the forest paths. A sharp wind blew through the forest. It became chilly for oaks and birches. The cold drove the animals into the minks.

vocabulary work
- Guys, I know that you like to jump, run, play.
- What do you like delicious?
- And now you will find out what Kolobok loves, but for this you must solve riddles.

(Peas, cabbage, carrots, cucumber, vegetables.) (I call 1 student to the board who write down the words)

Dried up in the hot sun
And breaks out of the pods ... ( Peas) slide 13

The lady sat down in the garden,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We are preparing tubs for her
And half a bag of coarse salt. (to apusta) slide 14
Red nose stuck to the ground

And the green tail is outside.
We don't need a green tail
All you need is a red tail. (m
orc) slide 15
I am long and green, I am delicious salty,
Delicious and raw. Who am I? (
cucumber) slide 16
- How to call all these riddles in one word? ( vegetables ) record sl. words vegetables slide 17
Guys, we don't have simple words, and some special ones that have a common name. Who understood what words we wrote? (dictionary)
slide 18
-Let's put an accent in these dictionary words and underline the letter that needs to be remembered, in turn I call the students to the board)
- And our Kolobok did not get bored, and also performed this task together with you. Let's check if he spelled it right.
slide 19
- It turns out that Kolobok likes to eat vegetables. And not only vegetables, but also fruits.
- Look at the slide.
slide 20
Vegetables and fruits are healthy foods.
- Read the sentence. What did you read, what is the name? (proverb)
Why do you think vegetables and fruits are considered useful products. (conclusions of the student)
Write down the saying, put an accent mark over the words.

IV. Working on a new lesson topic. (10 minutes)
Repetition of material about single-root words.
- From each line write out the single-root words. Select the root, put an accent mark.
slide 21
Forester, copse, stairs.
Morse, sea, sailor.
water, driver, underwater
- Why are these words that you wrote the same root?
- Let's remember what words are called single-root?
- What rule do you know about the spelling of roots in single-root words?
(In words with the same root, the root is spelled the same)

Statement of the problem of the lesson
(Prepare children to learn new material by posing a problem situation.)
- On the way, Kolobok met a butterfly, who gave him a note from a hedgehog. And the note was this:
Come with a sword, let's play» slide 22, 23
- Then Kolobok took the sword and went to the hedgehog. I saw the hedgehog Kolobok with a sword in his hands and got upset.

- What do you guys think, why was the hedgehog upset? Or maybe the hedgehog wanted to see some other object at Kolobok, what do you think? (ball)
- What do you think, who was to blame for this story: Kolobok or a hedgehog? (Hedgehog.)
What mistake did the hedgehog make? (it was necessary to write with the ball) Why did the hedgehog write "
with a sword "
What rule did the hedgehog not know?
- What do you think, what should be done to write the word correctly? (students draw their own conclusions)

Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson(children independently make a conclusion about the topic and objectives of the lesson) slide 24

Today in the lesson we will practice the procedure for checking a vowel at the root of the word.

1. For eyes slide 25, 26
2. To warm up the body.
slide 27
Jump, jump, jump, jump.
Gingerbread man rolled
Round and ruddy, right on the clearing.
Having rolled over a stump, he lay down to rest in the shade.

Look at the screen slide 28

P. chnik
_________- sl. forever
________ - d. lekiy
________- t. toast
________- May Ave.

Try to match the words with a test word and insert the correct letter.
- What letters did you put in? ( e, i, o, and, a )
Conclusion: Unstressed vowels
a, o, e, i, and fundamentally needs to be checked.
- How to check an unstressed vowel?
- What do I need to do? (Children's conclusions)
(an algorithm for checking an unstressed vowel at the root of a word appears on the board:

And let's read that rule in the textbook. slide 29
Rule: s. 100 and s. 101

V. Fixing a new topic.(14 min)
Textbook work
with. 101 ex. 233 (commenting from the spot)

Screen operation
slide 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38(butterflies)
Conclusion: - How to check an unstressed vowel? slide 39

Proposal work. Cacografia (error correction).
- Read the sentence on the screen.
slide 40
Forests with woodsmen chew in the bunks.

Read the offer. Which rule is wrong?
Write the sentence in your notebook. Correct the mistakes in the sentence. (mutual check)

creative work(work in pairs)

Each has quatrains on their desks, cut into lines.
The students have to put together the quatrains.
Task: in some words, an unstressed vowel is highlighted. Try to find test words.

Kolobochka has a birthday.
There will be dancing and entertainment.
On the porch, at the door
He welcomes all guests.

Is the path far
Kolobok is running
Through the forests, through the meadows,
You can see it here and there.

On the edge, on the forest
A painted house is visible.
He is not a wild animal
This is Kolobok's house.

I'm scraped in a box,
By the bottom of the barrel I'm metyon,
I have a rosy side.
I'm a funny bun!

VI. Summary of the lesson. (1 min)
- What did you learn at the lesson today? (children's answers)

The student reads the following poem by heart:
"Unstressed tricky vowel,
we hear it perfectly.
What is the letter in the letter?
Science will help us here:
The vowel became stressed
To dispel all doubts!

VII. House. ass . (1 min)
with. 101 ex. 234, right. from 101
slide 41

VII. Reflection. (1 min)
slide 42
- And now you have to revive Kolobok. Depict the mood that you had today in the lesson.
(such a Gingerbread man is on the desk for everyone)

Look guys, my Kolobok is boring ( slide ). Why do you think?
- It's true, he doesn't want to part with you, and, therefore, we will meet with him at the technology lesson. (I distribute to students sheets with the image of Kolobok (blanks for crafts).

1. Kuroyedova Galina Vasilievna

3. 8-953-313-65-18

4. Municipal government educational institution"Average comprehensive school No. 2"

5. primary school teacher

6. Competition "Modern educational technologies in the work of a primary school teacher"

7. Lesson in primary school(Russian language)

MBOU secondary school them. A.I. Krushanova s. Mikhailovka Primorsky Krai

Primary school teacher: Vakulina Olga Yurievna

Synopsis of the Russian language lesson in grade 2

using critical thinking technology.

Lesson topic. An unstressed vowel at the root of a word.

Lesson type : Lesson familiarization with new material.

Planned results:

Subject: use of new knowledge in practical activities.


Personal : the formation of self-esteem on the basis of a positive attitude to learning, the manifestation of independence, personal responsibility.

cognitive : be able to find an unstressed vowel at the root of a word, use various methods of work to identify spelling, establish causal relationships.

Communicative : cooperation with the teacher and students, be able to express and prove their judgment.

Regulatory: determine and formulate the purpose of the activity in the lesson, be able to apply the rule in writing, control their own activities.

Equipment: interactive board, cards for work in pairs, groups, textbook "Russian language", author. S.V. Ivanov, A.O. Evdokimova, workbook "We write competently", presentation for the lesson.

During the classes

    Challenge stage.

1.1 Motivation for learning activities.

So, the lesson of the Russian language. Tell me, please, why do we need to study such a subject? (We are Russian people and should know our language well).

Look at the presentation. Hare Stepashka brought us some encrypted envelope. Let's click the mouse and find out what is there? (On the screen, an illustration of a birch tree and a task)

What tree is shown?

What is the second sound in this word. (sound –and-)

Let me remind you how to spell this letter correctly.

Write in connectionii half line.

What is the fourth sound in the word (sound -o-). See how I write these letters in conjunction. Add a line.

And now logical task. The combinations of these letters are written on the screen. You must establish a pattern and continue the series.


Conclusion: why do we spend minutes of calligraphy? Why do you need to write neatly and correctly connect letters?

      Creating a problem. (Vocabulary)

- The words are on the slide. Write out vocabulary words, insert the missing letter.

M. ..rose, city...d,, k...r...ndash, s..stra, s...rock, p...lto.

Why didn't they write out the word "sister"? (It does not apply to dictionary words, but there is a dangerous place).

So what letter should we write? And how to prove it?

1.3. Statement of the educational task.

Each of you has a table “Know-I want to know-I learned” on the tables. Write everything you know about vowels on your own. Discuss your notes in pairs. (vowels are stressed and unstressed, at the root of the word and not at the root, checked and unchecked).

Write in the second column what you want to know. Discuss in pairs. (What is the name of the dangerous place, where is it located and how to check this letter?)

2. Stage of understanding.

2.1. Work with the exercise in the textbook. (p. 87. exercise 1).

- Read the assignment carefully. Tell me step by step what needs to be done. Before doing the exercise, what rules should we repeat? (what are related words, how to highlight the root).

- Write down the first line, find a problematic place that does not correspond to the task (in a group of words there was a word in the root of which the vowel is under stress.)

- What do you think this word is for in the group? (it is a test).

- Complete the exercise to the end. Underline the test word yourself.

- Draw a conclusion: how to check an unstressed vowel in the root of a word?

- Read the rule in the textbook. Relate it to your findings.

2.2 . Fizminutka.

2.3 .Primary fastening. (Reception“marks in the margins” - “+-correct, “- incorrect, “?-difficult).

You have all been given cards. Now you will work in groups of 4 people (2 work options).

Read the assignment. Do you understand everything? Do it in groups, use the "marginal notes" technique.

Card 1. Card 2.

Exercise. Find words in the text with an unstressed vowel at the root of the word. Correct mistakes.

The little squirrel was happy with the vine. Everything around was green. And when the first red forest appeared, the little squirrel was very scared that it was a fire.

Do you know what kind of discounts vada turns into? They fall from the sky, so crumbly, delicate, like tiny flowers.

Checking the job. Evidence of judgment.

2.4 . Independent work ( Workbook "We write competently" p. 9. Exercise 1. (Test words are given, you need to write a word in which the stressed vowel will become a spelling).

Self-control according to the model (on the screen the completed task).

2.5. Summing up the lesson.

- Fill in the last column in the Know-Want to Know-Learn table.

Read what you learned in class.

3. Reflection.

What was the topic of the lesson?

What difficulties did you face?

How did you find a way out of a difficult situation?

Who used what kind of help?

3.1 Homework.




    formation of the ability to recognize checked and unchecked vowels in a weak position;

    clarification of students' knowledge about the features of test words and methods of verification;

    implementation of interdisciplinary communications;

    activation of cognitive activity of students;

    development of spelling vigilance;

    development of operations of thinking, memory, attention, imagination, speech;

    creating a positive emotional mood and interest in mastering the skills of literate writing;

    education of accuracy, diligence, a sense of collectivism.


1. Organizational moment. Setting goals and objectives of the lesson


Today at the lesson we will play the game “What? Where? When?"

What are the names of the players in this game?


- Connoisseurs.


To receive such a high title, you need to know a lot, be very attentive, friendly and diligent. I will play the role of leader. Assignments have been sent to you. fairy tale characters. (A manual appears with the image of Thumbelina, Puss in Boots, Aibolit, Pinocchio, Cheburashka, Little Red Riding Hood.)

Let's remember what fairy tales these heroes are from and who the author is.

CHILDREN respond.

2. Statement of the problem


So, dear Connoisseurs, now you have to determine the theme of our game. The first task from Cheburashka.

Dima wrote a note to his friend Kolya: "Come tonight with a sword, let's play." Kolya read the note and promised to come.

The guys gathered in the evening.

“– There will be a ball,” Dima said to his comrades. “Kolka will bring.”

Kolya came, and in his hands instead of a ball was a long wooden sword.

The guys were upset that they would not be able to play football.

Why did it happen?


Dima made a mistake in his note.


What rule did Dima not know?


Rule for the spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

(The rule about the spelling of unstressed vowels, checked by stress, is repeated. The teacher draws the attention of the children to the poster.)


Help Dima correct his mistake.


It is necessary to choose such a test word where the unstressed vowel will be in a strong position, i.e. under stress: with the ball - ball, ball.


Do all vowels in weak position need to be tested?


Only 5 vowels: a, o, i, e, i.


You passed the test with dignity. 1-0 in your favor! (The score is set on the scoreboard.)

3. Updating knowledge

Envelopes with tasks are laid out on the table. A student who chooses any envelope is invited.


Round 2. Task from Pinocchio.

Compliance should be established. 1 participant from the expert team is invited.

page and

m-sta e

p-smo a

w-blah i



We check. Prove that the task was completed correctly.

(COMMENTED LETTER. Children name test words for data, write them down in notebooks, highlight the root in words.)


Well done! The score is 2–0 in favor of the Connoisseurs.

(1 student chooses the next envelope.)


Round 3. This letter was sent to you by Little Red Riding Hood. Words given: (writing on the board)

st-face, st-horn, r-bot, t-trad, s-dovnik, sn-govik

Task: identify the pattern and write the words in 2 columns.

(2 students complete the task on individual boards.)



In the 1st column, we wrote out words with an unstressed vowel, checked by stress (prove).

In the 2nd column of the words whose spelling must be remembered, the unstressed vowel cannot be put in a strong position.

Additional task: come up with and write down a sentence with any word from the 2nd column.


The score is 3-0 in favor of the Connoisseurs!

4. Physical education


You deserve a musical break for such hard work.

(The audio recording starts. The children dance to the music.)

5. Exercise in the selection of a test word through a series of related words


Select the next letter. It's from Aibolit.

ATTENTION! Black box!

They don't get angry, but they roll their mustaches,

They are not silent, but the words will not be said,

They go, but they won't budge.


- This is a clock.


Let's check. (Takes out a watch from a drawer.) What kind of watch is this?


– Mechanical.


What other watches are there?


Electronic, sand…


4–0 in favor of the Connoisseurs!

What is the spelling of the word "clock"?


Unstressed vowel, checked by stress.


Write down the guessed word and a number of related words.

CHILDREN write down: clock, hour, watchmaker, hour.


Underline the word that will be a test for everyone else?


An hour, because vowel in strong position.


Why didn't you write down the word "hour"?


It cannot be written down in a number of related words, because it is a form of the same word.


Round 5

(Envelope selection.)


This is a message from Puss in Boots.

(Cards with text are prepared on the desks.)

What needs to be done to complete the task?


We need to fix the mistakes.

6. Independent work. (by options)

(2 students make up sentence schemes for checking s / r.)

Option 1: Aspen has come. The stairways grew old on the trees. There are often cold showers.

Option 2: Woodpecker - fox doctor. He treats ballroom direvya. There are many harmful insects under punishment.

Mutual verification.

On the desk:

1 option:

Option 2:


The score is 5–0 in favor of the Connoisseurs.

Last round.

(Envelope selection.)


Thumbelina wants to test your attention. Prepared signal cards.

I name the words, you show a card with a vowel that needs to be checked. Lake, sailor, hospital, rows, jam, mushroom pickers, bell, flower garden, butcher.

7. Lesson summary


Well done! Our game has come to an end. The Znatokov team won with a score of 6–0!

Knowing which rule helped you win?


Rules for the spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word.


How do you spell the vowel at the root of related words?


- Equally.


Let's remember a funny rhyme about an unstressed vowel.

CHILDREN (in chorus):

If the word unstressed raised doubts,

You put her under stress immediately!


But we cannot always stress the vowel, there are many words in Russian with an unchecked unstressed vowel, the spelling of such words must be remembered.

All our students are awarded medals with the image of a wise Owl.

The most active team members receive 5 points in the magazine.

8. Homework

§ 1 Vowels that require and do not require verification

In this lesson, let's talk about the spelling, which is associated with most of the errors in control work students. Of course, this is the spelling of unstressed vowels in the roots of words.

It is customary to say about sounds that they stand in a strong or weak position.

In a strong position, the sound is heard clearly, clearly.

Vowels are in a strong position when they are stressed.

But unstressed vowels are in a weak position, so they are not heard clearly.

And therefore, in writing it is difficult to understand which letter to choose to designate a vowel sound: A or O? E, I or I?

The letters Yo, E, Yu, U, S do not require verification. The letter Yo is always in the stressed syllable, and you can't make a mistake in choosing the rest of the vowels, even if their sounds are in an unstressed position: screen, mashed potatoes, bushes, fisherman.

Now read how unstressed vowels sound in the following words:

gr_za, p_stukh.

Here one and the same unstressed vowel sound is heard, and the letters are written differently:

thunderstorm, shepherd.

Ch_inka, r_bina, leb_d.

In these words, an unstressed vowel sound is also heard the same way, and the letters are written differently:

tea leaf, mountain ash, swan, acid.

So, we can conclude that the vowels A, O, I, E, Z require verification.

When checking vowels, stress comes to our aid, because it puts the vowel in a strong position.

To check the letters of unstressed vowels in the root, you need to change the word or pick up a single-root word so that the unstressed sound becomes stressed.

To change a word means to change the form of a word: there was one object - there are many, and vice versa.

For example, gr_za - thunderstorms, d_ma - house.

§ 2 Ways to check unstressed vowels at the root of a word

Now let's look at ways to select single-root words to check unstressed vowels in the root.

We have a series of single-root words:

mushroom, fungus, mushroom, mushroom picker.

The root in cognate words is spelled the same, regardless of where the stress falls. Having picked up a few single-root words, we will find a word in which the stressed vowel will be in the root.

One of the methods for selecting test words is “say the word affectionately”:

tr_va - grass

horse_d - horse

The second technique is to replace the word of one part of speech with the word of another part of speech. Words-actions or words-signs can be replaced by words denoting the names of objects, and vice versa:

b_gu - run

b_lizna - white

movement - moves

For polysyllabic words, you need to try to pick up monosyllabic words:

d_mashny - house

gr_barrel - mushroom

It is not difficult to choose a test word by thinking about the meaning of a word with an unstressed vowel:

builder - one who builds

b_gun - one who runs

sp_rtsman - one who goes in for sports

in m_slyonka - oil

in s_lonke - salt

in the refrigerator - cold

There can be two unstressed vowels in the root: z_l_toy, b_r_da, m_l_tok, z_l_net. The test rule for these words does not change - you need to pick up words with the same root so that unstressed vowels become stressed. Only two test words are needed: for each vowel - its own:

z_l_toy - gold, gilding

b_r_da - beards, beard

m_l_tok - hammer, threshes

z_l_net - green, green

When choosing single-root words, one must take into account their lexical meaning:

sp_shu (to school) - test word haste

sp_shu (text) - the test word writes

floor_skat (linen) - the test word rinses

sex_skat (child) - test word weasel

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to check an unstressed vowel. We have to remember a large number of words with unchecked unstressed vowels. We call these words dictionary. You can also check the spelling of such words by looking at the spelling dictionary.

§ 3 Summary of the lesson

Let's summarize the lesson:

1. Unstressed vowels in the root of the word need to be checked.

2. To check the letters of unstressed vowels in the root, you need to change the word or choose a single-root word so that the unstressed sound becomes stressed.

3. Two test words should be selected for words with two unstressed vowels in the root.

4. When choosing single-root words, one must take into account their lexical meaning.

5. Words with unchecked unstressed vowels can be checked in a spelling dictionary.

List of used literature:

  1. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V. Russian language. Textbook for grade 3. - M.: Balass, 2012.
  2. Buneeva E.V., Yakovleva M.A. Guidelines to the textbook "Russian language", grade 3. - M.: Balass, 2014. - 208s.
  3. Rosenthal D.E., Telenkova M.A. Dictionary-reference linguistic terms. - M.: Enlightenment, 1985. - 400 p.
  4. Isaeva N.E. Russian language workbook for grade 3.- M.: Balass, 2012.-78p.