Addition to the country house. Types of extensions to the house. Making the foundation of the extension

Such projects are used to increase living space, improvements appearance and expanding the basic functionality of the building. At the same time, it is extremely important to carefully study what a high-quality extension to a wooden house is. Projects should be designed taking into account the complexity of their implementation. To do this you will have to familiarize yourself with the features construction technologies. With this article, accept the right decision it will be much easier. Let's go!

Read in the article

Extension to the house: options, photos of successful projects, formulation of general requirements

This photo clearly explains the convention of the name. A large extension to a wooden house can significantly improve the original technical and aesthetic characteristics. The main thing is that there are enough sizes for large-scale plans. Of course, we must not forget about the financial and time components of the project.

Something to remember! It is better to complete the construction of such structures in one warm season. Otherwise, there will be additional costs for winter preservation. Accurate planning will help you save money at several stages. In particular, wholesale purchases of the necessary basic and finishing materials will be useful.

To build an extension with your own hands, you need to realistically assess your own strengths. The most complex work operations can be entrusted to specialized specialists. But even in this case, your own knowledge will be useful for carefully monitoring the performers.

For your information! It is better to hire highly qualified professionals. Slave labor was abolished due to lack of efficiency. Involvement of relatives and other dubious helpers can be complemented by unforeseen additional expense materials, time and money.

In any case, you should correctly formulate the target task in order to accurately create a set design documentation. The house extension projects discussed below will help you make the right decision. When studying in detail, pay attention to the nuances that are important to you. Remember that these examples can be used in various combinations to successfully meet individual needs.

A universal solution to various problems with the addition of a veranda to a wooden house

How to add a garage to a house: features of technical premises

It is better to place the appropriate layers on the outside. This prevents the dew point from moving towards the room and prevents moisture from penetrating into the walls. In such places it is better to use foamed polymer boards, which do not need to be additionally protected from water.

The following table provides data that will help you make the correct calculation taking into account the temperature conditions in a certain region:

Wall thickness, cm Weight 1 sq.m. structures, kg Material consumption per 1 sq. m. walls Permissible outside air temperature, °C Notes
Brick, pcs. Masonry mortar, l Piece of construction mixture, l
Clay brick (silicate and ordinary) with a volumetric mass of 1900 kg per 1 cubic meter.
25 480 102 65 25 -3
51 950 204 127 25 -20
770 1410 308 193 25 -40
42 720 152 85 50 -20
55 950 204 117 50 -33
68 1190 256 150 50 -40
Multi-hole brick (effective) with a volumetric mass of 1300 kg per 1 cubic meter.
25 350 103 50 25 -7 Solid masonry, interior plaster, external jointing
38 520 154 76 25 -21
64 860 259 128 25 -48
42 530 154 66 50 -30 Air gap, external and internal plaster
68 870 259 118 50 -55

Use this information when selecting materials. The final cost of the project depends on many factors. Sometimes it is more profitable to make a large initial investment but reduce operating costs.

Such solutions are used when high level groundwater and on weak soils, if significant loads are expected. A rigid connection to the main foundation is not made.

The video below shows how to pour the foundation for an extension to a house:

Similar materials are not difficult to find when choosing another technology.

How to make an extension roof without mistakes

In this case, the supports of the additional part of the structure perform the main load-bearing functions. This example shows a small angle of inclination of the slopes. This means that in winter time the significant weight of the snow cover will have to be taken into account. The corresponding loads must be taken into account when calculating the truss structure and when choosing materials for the surface.

Important! The above examples can be applied in practice if a rigid connection of the foundations is ensured. Otherwise, the roof of the extension to a wooden house is made independent of the main structure.

Building an extension to the house with your own hands: step-by-step instructions with important notes

, a layer of waterproofing. Mineral wool mats are inserted into wall cells and covered with film. Vinyl siding is installed on the outside. Inside there is a lining. Install window and door blocks. Finish decorative finishing performed at their own discretion.
Photo How to add an extension to a house. Main stages of work with comments

Project basis – old house With slate roof. The entrance part consisted of a “dressing room”, which had dubious aesthetic and insufficient insulating characteristics.

After inspecting the property, a decision was made to build an extension to a wooden house using frame technology. For this lightweight one-story structure, the load capacity of a strip foundation is sufficient.

In accordance with the plan, they dig a trench and install it from boards. In the upper part they install crossbars(1) to maintain structural integrity after pouring

Install inside (diameter 8-12 mm). To fasten the rods, you can use wire or special plastic clamps.

After pouring construction mixture protruding parts (M12) should remain on the surface. They are useful for a rigid connection with the walls of an extension to a wooden house.

After the mixture has completely hardened, the formwork is carefully removed. Exact time depends on external temperature conditions, percentage and parameters of components.

Please note that at the stage of preparation for pouring they install special pipes for subsequent laying of electrical cables, water pipes, and other utility networks. In this project, holes were made in all foundation walls for space under the wooden floor.

Not only the contour is concreted, but also separate areas for mounting supports, a fireplace, and other heavy equipment. A similar technology with reinforcement is used.

Through a layer of roofing felt on a strip foundation they install support boards. Their reliable fixation is ensured by anchors. Next, the ribs of the transverse joists are mounted.

The wall frame is installed sequentially. To maintain the vertical position of these elements, temporary supports are used.

Here the walls are installed on all sides, which creates a closed contour of a full-fledged living space.

At the next stage it is installed truss structure. The photo shows that the author delayed the implementation of the project, so the installation had to be postponed to winter period. IN in this case it's only about unfavorable conditions to perform work operations. "Wet" technological processes were completed on time, during the warm season.

Here we talk about how to make an extension to your house using frame structure. When using other technologies, appropriate instructions must be used. Don't forget to enter necessary changes with increasing loads on the foundation.

Selecting a construction team and the secrets of strict control

For better orientation in this segment of the service market, extensions to a wooden house with prices and general characteristics are given below:

Name Width x Depth, cm Main material Price, rub. Notes
600x600Beam, 150x50 mm250000- 285000 The kit includes installation of a foundation made of blocks and treatment with an antiseptic.
Terrace600x300Beam, 150x50 mm, lining140000-175000 You have to pay separately for windows, doors, and roof installation.
Two-story frame extension600x600Timber 100x50 and 150x50, lining, blockhouse.580000-620000 Replacement of window and door units, filing of the external part of the roof, up to the standards of the living space, are paid separately.

If you are offered to build an extension to your house inexpensively, check the list of materials and work carefully. To check, use your own list of mandatory activities, which can be compiled based on the materials in this article. Check the cost of delivery, installation, finishing, garbage removal. This approach will exclude unpleasant surprises. You need to study the text of the contract in advance. If you encounter any difficulties, consult with an experienced lawyer.

Successful examples of extensions to a house: verandas and terraces, photos and comments

This photo of a house extension demonstrates the benefits of glazing. Regardless of the weather, you can admire the surrounding space in comfortable conditions

A thorough overall analysis of the situation will help you make the right decision. Eliminate errors based on the incorrect statement “Money is everything!” The real benefits come to the person who makes his “little gray cells” work.

Even if there are no problems with financing, topical knowledge will be useful. They will help:

  • choose the right project;
  • formulate technical specifications;
  • find the best basic and finishing materials;
  • control work;
  • argue for the need to correct shortcomings.

The information from this article will be useful for performing individual operations or the entire project on your own. It is impossible to foresee all the problems encountered in practice within the framework of one publication. Ask additional questions in the comments. Communicate with like-minded people, experienced craftsmen and authors of implemented ideas. This will simplify the construction of a high-quality extension to a wooden house.

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An excellent way to increase space is to add an extension to a wooden house. Projects of such structures amaze with their diversity and scale. After choosing a suitable project, you need to prepare special materials. Additional extension useful when creating a kitchen area or a luxurious terrace. You can build any room yourself, but you need to choose the right type of construction.

Extension option

Extension to a wooden house: designs of structures made from various materials

Some time after construction work, there may be a need to increase the usable area. A wonderful solution could be to create an extension to a wooden house. Projects of various structures can be seen in the photo.

Choosing architectural form designs, do not forget about creating a single ensemble in style. For such a structure, special documentation and permission are required. Before construction work, it is necessary to study technological features and design options.

It is worth considering the following extension options:

  • Simple designs include a dining area. It is used for protection from bad weather and sunlight. Under the canopy you can have picnics and receive guests. A strong foundation is not required for its construction. Pillars are installed as supporting supports, to which the frame and planned wall surfaces are attached.

Such structures are often built from logs, beams, foam blocks, and also bricks. Frame technologies are often used.

Expert's point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

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“The option under a common roof is considered more convenient and profitable. When using superstructures, it is worth calculating the strength of the base.”

Related article:

Extension to a frame house: design and installation features

When making an extension to a house from a frame, no significant costs will be required. This budget option. The construction is made on a frame base, which consists of beams or slats made of metal. After installing the frame structure, the walls are faced on both sides. In this case, OSB or chipboard boards are used. Thermal insulating material is laid between the plates. This could be polystyrene foam or mineral wool.

By thermal insulation properties frame structures are not inferior to more solid stone or brick buildings.

Construction work is carried out in several stages:

Expert's point of view

Dmitry Kholodok

Technical director of the repair and construction company "ILASSTROY"

Ask a question

“For a frame structure, a foundation is required. You can use a tape structure with waterproofing.”

Extension to a house made of foam blocks: photos of interesting projects

You can build an extension to the house from foam blocks.

This design is in demand due to the following features:

  • The material has an affordable price.
  • To install the structure, it is not necessary to install a complex and expensive foundation.
  • The elements retain heat well. This is possible due to the porous structure and not high rate density.
  • Foam blocks are produced overall dimensions, which affects the speed of construction.

Foam block structures require a special foundation. It may be tape or monolithic base. Mandatory high-quality waterproofing. Construction work begins from one selected corner. After installing two rows. This is necessary to ensure better adhesion of the elements.

Extension to a wooden house made of timber: installation nuances and style features

A beautiful and high-quality extension to a wooden house can be made from timber. Individual projects and photos can be found on the Internet.

The material has the following features:

  • The production of timber is carried out using factory technologies.
  • The surface is treated with a special compound that protects against fungi and rotting processes.
  • Naturalness and high environmental friendliness are considered important advantages of the material.

The extension must be connected to an existing structure. Usually the same foundation is made for the building as for the main building.

A separate foundation should be created for the living space and special wall. The emptiness and gaps between two walls are blown out polyurethane foam. This will prevent damage to the wall of the building when the new extension settles.

A more economical foundation option is a pile foundation. The walls are erected from profiled timber. After installing the first row, the surface of the wood is treated with antiseptic compounds. Then logs are mounted on it. Voids and cracks are filled with special heat-insulating material.

Each row is secured with wooden dowels. Special attention requires installation corner zones. For this, logs with a protrusion and groove are used for a stronger grip.

For your information! Reinforcement is used to connect the two foundations.

Before starting construction, you should take into account some of the nuances of installing an additional structure to the main structure. The length of the new structure should be in harmony with the length of the main wall construction site. The width of the additional structure can be any.

The extension does not have to be adjacent to the wall where the entrance to the house is located. The exit to the spacious veranda or kitchen area can be from the living room. If a bathroom is planned in the additional structure, then the exit can be from or. A suitable location for the structure is the front or end part of the house. The choice and amount of material depends on the type of future structure.


Sometimes there is a need to modify your home. The goals are different - to expand the kitchen, add a veranda, equip a technical room or an additional living room. Then the question arises for the home owner. What to do? A common option for expanding the area is to add an extension to the house yourself. It's cheaper than building a whole house. Allows you to avoid credit loans for years, which not everyone can afford. In general, it may not be very expensive. This refers only to the construction itself. A house equipped with properly executed extensions becomes more comfortable and beautiful.

Organizational aspects

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Veranda with glazing

During any construction, they begin with preparatory work. The site is thoroughly cleared of debris and everything necessary for construction is prepared.

A drainage system is required under the structure. To do this, the earth is compacted and a slope is made in this place to allow water to drain.


The foundation for the construction of a structure can be strip or columnar. Everyone has their own qualities. To choose the most suitable one, you must first study each one.

Strip foundation

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Strip foundation

This basis is performed in the following order:

  • Markings are made with a rope and the construction site is traced. It is pulled and fixed. Using this marking, a trench is dug to the depth of the base of the main building and 10-15 cm wider than the wall
  • The bottom of the trench is covered with a 10-12 cm layer of sand. All this is thoroughly compacted. Next comes crushed stone, which also needs to be compacted. Broken bricks may be used
  • The next step is to lay a waterproofing film along the trench. It extends 40-50 cm above the ground. It covers the foundation from the inside and the formwork above the ground. Then the reinforcement is fixed. Its design in shape should be a repetition of the foundation at full height
  • The concrete solution should consist of cement with gravel. It fills 1/3 of the trench height. This layer must harden completely. Next comes another layer of concrete. It will fill half of the remaining height
  • Having installed the formwork, a base is formed. The waterproofing remains in the formwork, spread along its walls and secured on top. The film should not slide into the concrete. The formwork is completely filled with concrete. The solution must be pierced with a shovel so that there are no air cavities inside. The formwork is also lightly tapped so that the resulting vibration compacts the concrete solution well.
  • Upon completion of pouring, the concrete is leveled and left to dry completely. It is sprayed with water every day. This makes it more durable. When it hardens, the formwork is removed
  • It is recommended to additionally cover the foundation with waterproofing compounds or materials in rolls. This liquid rubber, tar, bitumen mastic and roofing felt. After this they begin to build walls
  • The internal space of this foundation is equipped various options. For example, using concrete screed or flooring made of floor beams and joists, with subsequent installation of a wooden floor

Columnar foundation

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Columnar foundation

This type of foundation is built from brick or concrete. Possibly from both materials. This base is used for the construction of verandas and living rooms, with plans to install boardwalks in the future.

The foundation is carried out in the following order:

  • First, markings of the selected site for construction are also applied.
  • The pillars should be placed 1.5 m from each other. For them, pits measuring 50x50 cm and a depth of 50-60 cm are dug. The dimensions of the pit at the top expand by approximately 10 cm on each side
  • Next, the bottom of the pits is strengthened with sand and gravel. Waterproofing is being laid
  • A layer of cement mortar is poured under the brick supports. It should freeze completely. After this, brickwork is done
  • For concrete pillars reinforcement and formwork are installed in the pit to the height of the future pillar. Waterproofing film laid inside the formwork and secured on top
  • The formwork is being filled concrete mortar layers, each of which is allowed to dry
  • The top of the column is leveled and sprinkled with water every day until the concrete has completely hardened.
  • After this, the formwork is removed. Using warm bitumen mastic, the pillars are covered with roofing felt.
  • The void around the pillars is filled with earth and crushed stone. Every 10-15 cm it must be compacted
  • Roofing material is laid on the pillars in several layers. This will act as a waterproofing protection for the wooden blocks. They will be installed on top

Floor Basics

Floors made of wood and concrete are laid on a strip foundation. The tree is also laid for columnar foundation without jumpers.

Concrete base

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Concrete base

For reliability and warmth of the floor screed on strip foundation work is carried out in stages using a specific technology:

  • First, the soil is removed from the foundation. It is loosened and removed. The depth of the pit should be approximately 25-35 cm
  • The bottom is filled with 10 cm of sand. It compacts well. Next, crushed stone or expanded clay is laid at a depth of 15-20 cm. The second material makes the screed warm
  • Everything is well leveled and the reinforcing grid is laid. A beacon system is installed on it horizontal level. Some rooms require a surface slope. For example, in the bathroom or on open terrace, water from the floor should flow without obstacles to the drainage system
  • The next step is to pour cement and level it. After a day it is recommended to cover it plastic film. This will make it more uniform, durable
  • When the structure is ready, it can be laid on a concrete base. flooring or wooden floor

Wooden beam base

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Wooden beam base

  • To ensure durable floors, choose high-quality crossbars.
  • Wooden blocks, 15x10 cm thick in cross-section, are placed on the foundation, on a roofing felt backing.
  • They are attached to concrete using through connections or corners.
  • The beams are also fastened to each other with powerful corners. All this will hold securely.

Wall materials

Any materials can be used for the construction of an additional extension. The walls are built of brick, frame, or foam blocks. The main thing is that all this has a good combination with the main house.

Repeat external finishing It won't be a big deal at home. Wood, for example, goes well with all materials and looks good without additional processing.

Frame walls

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The construction of a frame structure is a good option:

  • construction is fast, in a matter of months
  • due to the ease of construction, no capital foundation is required
  • you can do it yourself
  • inexpensive in price

The basics of the house and self-construction are done on the same level. The connection should not be capital, because The extension will sag after some time. An expansion joint is made. Frame structures do not shrink vertically, which makes them very attractive.

The frame for the walls is made of timber and attached to pre-assembled crown beams. The beams can be fastened separately. But it will be easier to put all the pieces together special fastenings, and then install them together.

To connect the frame to the main building, vertical markings are made. Precision is required here. After installation, to make the frame stronger, it is immediately upholstered.

The upper beam along the house is attached to the main wall with anchor bolts. The walls are insulated after the roof is installed.

Brick walls

For brick walls perfect one required flat surface foundation. Everything is checked. If there are any irregularities, they need to be corrected. Otherwise, this will lead to cracking between the bricks when the structure shrinks.

For the most part brick structures attached to a house made of the same material. They tie him up metal frame, which is placed in the prepared holes. They are made in the main wall at 2/3 depth. Repeat every 2-3 rows. The reinforcement should protrude from the wall by at least half a meter and be in the joints of the masonry. It is important to take thin rods. Otherwise, the seams in this place will be very wide. Or you will have to make a recess in the bricks for the reinforcement.

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The brick extension is also attached to the tree with a frame. It is placed in through-drilled holes. Transverse stops are made on the reinforcement. They will keep them in the wall.

To follow the rows horizontally, you need to pull a cord along the future wall. A plumb line is used to check vertically.

The thickness of the wall will depend on the functionality of the attached structure. For a living room, bricks are laid in 1-2 layers. For a terrace or outbuilding, a layer of half a brick will be enough.

Upon completion brick walls the top is surrounded by concrete. To do this, establish a form in which the reinforcement is placed. All this is concreted. When the solution has hardened, the mold is removed and the roofing begins to be installed.

Laying brick walls is not as easy as it might seem. This requires experience. The best option will entrust the work to a professional. Or make walls from a different material.

Extension made of foam blocks

Foam concrete has its own distinctive qualities among building materials:

  • The work does not require any special skills. Construction is possible on difficult soil
  • Due to the fact that the blocks are large and lightweight, assembly takes less time and effort compared to laying brick or timber
  • The material is durable, environmentally friendly, non-flammable and meets all standards fire safety. It also has low thermal conductivity and “breathes” well, which creates an optimal indoor climate
  • Inexpensive, easy to assemble and easy to drill
  • An extension made of foam blocks practically does not shrink and has a fairly long service life.
  • Additional protection is required because... the material is soon lost thermal insulation due to its high hygroscopicity
  • Almost finished extension from concrete blocks

    Construction of foam concrete requires a strict sequence of stages:

    • It is necessary to start laying from the corner points
    • The blocks are moistened from below to increase adhesion. The initial row is covered with several layers of protection against capillary moisture
    • The quality of the assembly is affected by the horizontal and vertical position of the first row. Therefore, strict adherence to all rules is required. Horizontal irregularities are corrected using a solution
    • Used between clutches adhesive composition. The connections are no more than 1 mm, which minimizes their space, in other words, “cold bridges”
    • The composition is prepared strictly following the rules. It is applied on top and sides of the blocks. Each brick is aligned horizontally and vertically
    • Using a sanding float, the horizontality of each row is leveled. The debris that is generated must be thoroughly swept away
    • The corners and every 5 rows are reinforced with rods that will bind the structure and prevent cracking. Why use a circular saw to make cuts 3 cm wide and 5 cm deep. Then the recesses are knocked out with a hammer and chisel. They need to be cleaned. Welded rods are laid in the middle of the recesses and filled with adhesive

    For window and doorways install jumpers no more than 1.75 m wide. They are made using formwork - removable or permanent. The strength of foam concrete is not designed for large openings. It’s better then to choose a cinder block or sand-lime brick. This is a more reliable basis. The height of the lintel will depend on the thickness of the future floor.

    For removable mold, weld first metal structures the right size. On the sides of the opening, bars are nailed for support, and a form is installed on them. Shields are attached to the sides. Foam blocks are cut into narrow blocks. They arrange the form from the inside. The end result will be something like a trough.

    The reinforcement frame is placed so that the side with the a large number twigs All this is secured with spacers. Then the blocks are moistened, filled with concrete solution around the perimeter of the walls and compacted. The poured concrete is leveled to the level of the blocks in the formwork and smoothed well.

    For non-removable form useU-shaped blocks. Installation of the form itself is not required. Less time is spent on work.

    To lay such blocks you need:

    • Place the block with the support cut out on the sides of the opening. Next, check the horizontality of the supports using the hose level. All irregularities are corrected with a sanding float.
    • The U-block is installed on the glue with the hole facing up. Afterwards, a structure of reinforcement is placed so that there is a large number twigs It is secured with spacers
    • The block is moistened. Concrete layers are laid on top. They are carefully compacted with a trowel

    It is very important to install a reinforced belt on the building. This will make it resistant to different types deformation, wind loads, will increase the load-bearing capacity. The reinforced belt is insanely heavy. They do it right on the walls.

    Ceiling and roofing

    When the walls are already erected, they begin to work on the ceiling. Crossbars are used for this. They are installed on the walls 60-70 cm from each other. They are fastened with special corners.

    When installing crossbars on brick extension, they are embedded in a concrete belt. The sides of the crossbars are wrapped in roofing felt. Then all this is hemmed with boards or thick plywood. Insulation material is laid between the sheathing and the crossbars.

In order to insulate an extension to your house, you will need good thermal insulation material. Optimal solution for internal and external insulation – mineral wool slabs. They are excellent for insulating walls and floorboards, have good thermal conductivity, are moisture resistant, durable and inexpensive. For interior work you need insulation with a thickness of 50-70 mm.

List of required materials:

  1. Waterproofing film to protect insulation from moisture.
  2. Fasteners and metal profiles for frame construction and plasterboard cladding.
  3. Wooden slats with a section of 5 x 2 cm.
  4. Plasterboard sheets for final wall cladding with a thickness of 9.5 to 12 mm.
  5. Putty for processing seams between plasterboard sheets.

Warming stages:

  • Creation of lathing for attaching thermal insulation. On the surfaces to be insulated, we fill prepared slats or boards with a distance slightly less than the width of the insulating panels.
  • Installation of insulation. We place mineral wool between the bars. So are the walls.
  • Waterproofing. We cover the entire insulated surface with a vapor barrier membrane, overlapping the edges. We fix the film with staples on the sheathing bars.
  • Frame for plasterboard sheets. We fasten vertical and horizontal metal profiles, creating a frame for the final cladding.
  • GKL covering. We install drywall on the walls and ceiling.
  • Note. In principle, instead of plasterboard, you can use other material for sheathing. It could be wooden lining, plywood, OSB or GVL. Choose what suits you best in terms of external and internal characteristics.
  • Processing of joints. Using putty, we cover the joints between the plates and clean them.
  • Cosmetic finishing. The finished surface can be painted, covered with wallpaper, tiled or any other finishing materials.

Features of wall insulation made of certain materials

Walls made of foam concrete blocks are warm due to the huge number of air bubbles contained in foam concrete, but without additional insulation works cannot be done, otherwise heating costs will be too high. Insulating the outside is much more expensive because it requires cladding. Proper insulation walls from the inside requires good vapor barrier and ventilation of the insulating layer on both sides.

It is recommended to avoid highly absorbent, fibrous, moisture-permeable insulation materials. These measures are necessary to reduce humidity in the extension and prevent freezing of the walls. When installing insulation, it should be taken into account that cold penetrates into the room through the joints.

Mineral wool is not suitable for foam concrete blocks; expanded polystyrene sheets require additional joining. The best insulation such walls - spraying polyurethane foam. It prevents the formation of condensation. To form the required thickness of the insulating layer, you should use wooden sheathing. Metal profile creates cold bridges. A waterproofing layer is secured on top of the foam with slats, and then drywall is attached. The dew point is located at the point of contact between the polyurethane foam and the foam block extension or inside the polyurethane.

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

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A brick extension is insulated in the same way, but the insulation layer for brick walls is larger.

Disadvantages of spraying polyurethane - high price and the need to attract special equipment and trained specialists.

Insulating the walls of a frame extension from the outside

We do external insulation of an extension to a frame house according to the same principle as internal insulation. First, a vertical frame made of wooden beams. The distance between the boards should be about 50 cm, slightly less than the width of the insulation. Mineral wool blocks are tightly inserted between the beams, which are covered with a layer of waterproofing. The film is strengthened with staples around the perimeter of the frame. At the final finishing stage, the surface is covered with siding.

Outside or inside, which is more effective?

Advantages of internal insulation

  • insulate the ceiling, floor, walls in one step;
  • work can be performed in any weather conditions;
  • simplicity - insulated surfaces are available throughout the entire height.

Disadvantages of internal insulation

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, extensions, terraces and verandas.

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The freezing point during internal insulation shifts into the wall, which contributes to its faster destruction. In addition, if the extension room already has a fine finish, decorative coating will have to be dismantled.

Advantages of external insulation

  • displacement of the freezing point in the insulation, due to which the rate of destruction of walls decreases;
  • the internal living space of the extension is preserved;
  • no debris from indoor construction work;
  • the possibility of using the extension during work, the way of life is preserved;
  • additional protection wooden walls from getting wet.

Disadvantage of external insulation

Expert opinion

Sergey Yurievich

Construction of houses, extensions, terraces and verandas.

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You will not be able to observe the condition of the walls, since they will be hidden behind decorative cladding.

Insulation of concrete floor

List of materials you will need:

  • insulation – mineral wool boards;
  • vapor barrier;
  • scotch;
  • damper tape;
  • reinforcing mesh;
  • screed solution.

Stages of insulation

  • On concrete base a layer is applied vapor barrier film. The insulation joints must be carefully taped to ensure the overall tightness of the layer.
  • On top waterproofing material Insulation boards are laid. It is important that the blocks fit tightly to each other, there are no gaps or cracks left.
  • The entire perimeter of the room is taped damper tape. This is necessary to compensate in case of expansion of the screed.
  • Another layer of vapor barrier and then a reinforcing mesh is applied on top of the mineral wool insulation.
  • The screed is poured. Its thickness should be at least 3 cm.
  • After the surface has completely dried, any topcoat is applied.

Floor insulation on beams

List of materials - what you will need:

  • wooden boards, logs;
  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier coating;
  • clay mortar;
  • plywood.

Stages of work

Attach smaller transverse joists to the floor beams. Lay the boards on the joists with rough, continuous flooring to prevent heat from escaping. Coat the coating with a thick clay solution, wait until it dries and apply a layer of vapor barrier on top. Place insulation boards between the joists and cover it with another layer of vapor barrier. Cover the surface with boards or plywood on top. Lay a decorative coating to your liking on the resulting wooden floor.

Roof insulation

To properly insulate the roof of an extension to a house, the following principle should be observed: all layers of the insulation cake must provide moisture insulation with outside and vapor permeability from the inside. For thermal insulation of roofs, polystyrene foam, penoplex, and polyurethane foam are used, but mineral wool and other fiber insulation in combination with membrane films for removing water vapor are best suited.

Types of insulation - features, characteristics

  1. Mineral wool. It has low thermal conductivity, is fireproof, durable, flexible, temperature resistant and chemicals. In addition, mineral wool insulation provides good sound insulation. Cons: a frame is required for installation, after some time of operation it becomes compacted and loses its thermal insulation properties.
  2. Polyurethane foam is produced in three types: flexible, dense, sprayed. Polyurethane foam is easy to install, lightweight, and resistant to biological and chemical environments. Cons – expensive price, quickly ages from ultraviolet radiation, deforms from mechanical impact, has a low vapor permeability, which is why it accumulates moisture, which has a detrimental effect on the walls of the house.
  3. Penofol is environmentally friendly, flexible, and easy to install. The material has low vapor permeability and high combustion resistance. Cons: thin, overly soft. Expanded polystyrene has low weight, sufficient rigidity, and is easy to install and cut. This is a very durable, wear-resistant material. Cons – can’t stand it high temperatures from 100 degrees, has low soundproofing qualities.
  4. Basalt wool is a fibrous material, due to its properties and operational characteristics identical to mineral wool. Disadvantages - during operation it becomes compacted, which increases thermal conductivity.
  5. Foam plastic is light and hard, does not lose its operational properties even after prolonged use, it can be mounted either frameless or frame method. Insulation with low vapor permeability and hygroscopicity. Cons: flammable, loved by rodents.
  6. Ask a question to an expert

    When insulating an extension with your own hands, it is always better to start with the walls. How to insulate the extension, will it be external or internal insulation, depends on the size, characteristics of the room and the personal tastes and preferences of the homeowners. The insulation process itself does not take much time, and the cost of materials for such work will not hit the budget.