How to align walls with a rule without beacons. Wall plastering without the use of special galvanized beacons. The order of work when plastering on beacons

P With the seeming simplicity of plastering, they are one of the most difficult in repairs, especially when it comes to plastering walls without do-it-yourself beacons. Plasterers perform wall plastering on lighthouses starting from 300 rubles. (2018 - approx.) per m² of wall area, at the same time, simplified plaster costs starting from 150 rubles. Let's see how the simplified (or "visual") wall plastering differs from the lighthouse plastering.



What is simplified wall plastering "under the rule"

When plastering walls without beacons “as a rule”, the master levels:

  • The plane of the wall, hiding bumps, depressions, bumps.
  • The upper part, where the ceiling plinth will pass, or the stretch ceiling profile.
  • The lower part, where the floor plinth will pass.
  • Corners so that the wallpaper or other finish or cladding looks visually even in the corners.

That is, all those irregularities and defects of the base are hidden, which will be visually visible after finishing. With simplified wall plastering, beacons are not installed, and if they are installed, then where it is really necessary.

The vertical of the walls is displayed with strong differences and the wishes of the customer or your desire, as a home master. The vertical is also displayed in bathrooms and kitchens, where it is necessary for high-quality finishing or installation of wall-mounted kitchen cabinets. In the bathroom, it is necessary that the finish wall cladding with tiles or panels in the corners is even, and not the same as in fig. below.

How to make wall plaster “under the rule” without beacons

Do-it-yourself plastering under the rule without beacons is performed as follows. Let's go through the points.

Dismantling works

The first step is demolition work. Everything that is on the walls must be removed: wallpaper, old paint, peeling plaster, old peeling putty, protruding screws, nails and dowels (dowels can not be pulled out, but cut with a clerical knife or hammered flush with the wall, they will hide under the plaster) . The basic rule of dismantling work before leveling the walls with plaster is to remove everything that falls off and will interfere with work, and what does not fall off and holds tight can not be removed.

Everyone wants to reduce repair costs. Plastering walls without beacons is one of the ways to level the surface with minimal financial investment. The work is done quickly, which allows you to save on labor if you hired a team. In the case when the repair is carried out on their own, the benefits are also obvious. A beginner will easily plaster the surface.

It is possible to create a flat wall surface with or without construction beacons. If you plaster without beacons, you can get a smooth wall without flaws. We are talking only about the visual appearance of the surface, the rough repair will look complete and neat. Correcting the slope of the wall without a building level and lighthouses is almost impossible. Only an experienced master will cope with the task, and the process will take a lot of time and effort.

If a person without skill will plaster, an ideal surface in relation to other planes will not work. The tool will show an inaccuracy that is invisible to the eye. Before carrying out work, it is recommended to evaluate the skew of the wall. The level checks the horizontal plane, vertical and diagonal, if necessary, use a charcoal ruler to assess the joints of the walls with the ceiling and floor. If the difference is not critical, then you can do without construction beacons.

In pantries, utility rooms, on balconies, perfect wall cladding is not required, so they level the surface by eye. Plaster without beacons is applied in a thin layer, for this reason the consumption of the mixture is minimal, which will save. In residential premises, it is also possible to use this method, however, the difference between the differences in level should not exceed 1-2 cm, otherwise it will be noticeable.

Tools for the job

The procedure for leveling walls without beacons is not complicated and does not require special tools. Usually they use their inventory, which is in the house. Any of the items can be replaced by whatever is at hand. To align the walls with your own hands, you need tools:

  • container for diluting the mixture;
  • bucket with water;
  • one or more spatulas of different sizes;
  • a spatula for preparing a solution or a whisk;
  • construction grater;
  • sieve for sifting;
  • roller or brush for preparatory work.

Do not forget about eye protection, respiratory system and skin, work with gloves. In addition, you should buy plaster in the store, gypsum or lime will do. Without the use of beacons, the solution should be more viscous, so PVA glue and cement are needed. Its range in the store is extensive, so as not to get lost in the choice, purchase the most popular - M400. A primer is used to prepare the surface.

If you have a building level, it will not be superfluous. The rule can replace it. It is better to use a tool longer than 2 m. The set differs little from the tools that are needed to align the walls with beacons. The difference is in the density of the solution and technologies.

How to prepare walls for plaster without beacons

Before plastering walls without beacons, they must be brought into proper condition. From this stage of work depends on how the layer of plaster applied without beacons will hold. The surface is cleaned of dirt and dust, washed with warm water or wiped with a damp cloth. Everything that can interfere should be removed: a wall defect, protruding nails, building brackets, protruding bumps of plaster, hardened drops of cement mortar.

It is impossible to plaster a smooth surface without the use of beacons. The biggest problem is oil paint, which was so loved by the builders of the last century. It is completely knocked down or removed with a solvent, and if this is not possible, frequent grooves are made with an ax. The mortar also does not adhere well to a wooden wall; it is upholstered with thin wooden slats located diagonally. A concrete wall will hold plaster better if notched first. A brick wall does not require mechanical preparation before plastering without beacons.

The entire surface is treated with a primer. It is selected according to the type of surface, usually recommendations for use are given on the packaging. Application is from top to bottom. It is a mistake to carry out work on leveling the walls without the use of beacons immediately after applying the ground solution. In accordance with the instructions for use, you should wait 12 hours, and then proceed with the procedure.

Stages of work without the use of beacons

Before plastering the walls, they should be moistened with water for better adhesion to the surface. The alignment technology includes several stages:

  1. Creation of a rough surface.
  2. Applying a second layer for adjustment.
  3. Working on a clean layer.
  4. Grout until smooth.

The first layer is applied with a construction trowel carelessly. The mixture is thrown against the wall so that it sticks. The mortar is leveled with a grater, perfect smoothness is not required, on the contrary, it is important to create a relief. The thickness of the resulting layer must be at least 5-7 mm. The uniformity of the application of the layer is achieved by using a grater with a large area. Its length should be 40-50 cm.

The movement of the tool is performed in different directions: from top to bottom, in a semicircle, from right to left. Do not try to fill the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe wall at once. Work moves from one section to another from the bottom up. About 2 hours is enough to move on to the second stage.

To assess the quality of applying the first layer, building rules will be needed. The applied layer has not completely dried yet. Having found uneven places, you can correct them with a rule. Then the next layer is applied. The plaster is carefully placed on the surface of the construction grater, and not on the wall, and smeared.

When setting the layer, the result is evaluated by the rule. The tool must be wet, then it is more convenient for them to work. Defects are corrected immediately: the bumps are erased in a circular motion with a grater, and the cavities are filled with plaster. The procedure is carried out until serious drops are completely eliminated. Wait 3 hours for the surface to dry.

The third layer of plaster will give smoothness to the wall. The mixture must be very liquid so that it can drain. At the very ceiling, they begin to apply the solution. It is convenient to water the wall with a ladle or a large spoon. With a grater, the liquid is smeared on the wall until it acquires the desired look. The top coat needs more time to cure, wait approximately 5 hours. The fourth stage is necessary to make the wall velvety. The wall is poured with water and rubbed with a grater.

After complete drying, the surface can be revetted. Of course, it is more correct to use the method of leveling walls without beacons where an ideal result is not required, but given the amount of financial and time costs, the method is not bad.

It is believed that high-quality leveling of walls with plaster is possible only when using lighthouses. Indeed, this method of plastering, with proper execution, allows you to get a perfectly flat surface, but its use is not always justified. If the walls do not have a significant slope and they do not need to be leveled, but it is only necessary to remove defects in the form of protrusions and recesses, you can simplify and reduce the cost of the process by abandoning the beacons and using the "under the rule" leveling method. Let's find out how to properly align the walls without beacons and how realistic it is to do it yourself.

When can you plaster without beacons

The method of plastering walls without the use of beacons - the so-called visual alignment - is relevant in the following situations:

  • The wall has no horizontal or vertical deviations, but there are potholes, protrusions, shells and other defects on its surface.
  • The plane of the wall is flat, but there is a slope in one or more corners.
  • The main plane of the wall and its lower part, where the wall adjoins the floor, do not require alignment, and its upper part, adjacent to the ceiling, is littered or “went in waves”.
  • The wall has defects and a slight slope that is not visible to the naked eye.

Advantages of leveling walls without beacons:

  • Saving time. Since it is not required to use beacons when leveling walls in this way, there is no need to additionally prepare a solution for them and wait until it fixes the landmarks. In addition, a small layer of mortar dries faster.
  • When using beacons, the plaster layer cannot be less than the thickness of the beacon profile. If beacons are not used, the thickness of the applied layer is minimal, which significantly reduces the consumption of the solution.

It should be borne in mind that it is quite difficult to achieve the desired result and make the walls perfectly even without beacons with your own hands, which can be considered a key drawback of the technology.

The main nuances of the process will help you find out the videos presented on the site.

Tools and materials

For work, you will need special tools and materials. You need to get the following tools:

  • mixer for kneading or a drill with a nozzle;
  • a large rule 2 m long;
  • a hammer;
  • file;
  • grater;
  • bucket;
  • spatula 8–10 cm and 45 cm;
  • primer brush.

You will definitely need the following materials:

  • gypsum plaster;
  • water.

For thin layers, we recommend using gypsum mixtures. They have higher adhesion (the ability to stick to the wall) and are more convenient to apply and smear on the wall. When using a gypsum mix, it is much easier for craftsmen without experience to get a good result the first time.

Wall preparation

Preparation involves removing old finishes, loose parts, dirt and dust. Depending on the materials for each type of surface, certain work needs to be carried out:

  • In brickwork, it is better to deepen the seams by 1–2 cm.
  • On the concrete surface, you need to make notches, for which a file and a hammer are suitable.
  • Large protrusions must be knocked down, because they will have to spend a larger amount of plaster, cracks must be repaired.
  • It is possible to apply the solution on wooden walls only after installing a wooden shingle at an angle or a plaster mesh with cells of no more than 4 cm on them. If mold is present, the surface must be treated with antiseptics.

Important! Regardless of the material, it is necessary to treat the walls with a primer, after removing oil stains, dirt and dust.

  • At the junction of surfaces to the floor, you will need to remove all debris, so that it will be possible to collect and reuse the solution.
  • After applying and drying the primer, using the rule, you need to determine the areas with recesses and mark them with a pencil. This also applies to the floor plinth and ceiling areas.

The order of work when plastering on beacons

Before starting the process, the dry gypsum mixture is diluted according to the instructions in such a way that it is enough for about 20 minutes of work. After 25–30 minutes, the gypsum mortar will begin to set and can no longer be used.

If you need to level a wall with defects without deviations from the vertical and horizontal plane, you must perform the following steps:

  • The recesses are filled with plaster in excess, with going beyond the boundaries of the marked areas.
  • The solution is stretched by the rule, which is placed in a vertical position. Thus, the recesses are filled with plaster, and on the protrusions its layer remains minimal. If the solution was not enough, it must be added.

  • Actions are repeated until the next corner.
  • After setting the solution with a clean 45 cm spatula, the sags are cut off and the irregularities are corrected.
  • A new solution is diluted, slightly more liquid than for the first layer, applied to the wall and stretched over the surface, but in a different direction, the rule is held horizontally.

If there is a slope in the corner or in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ceiling or floor plinth, you can proceed as follows:

  • Apply mortar to a small area of ​​the sunken part of the wall.
  • Based on the rule on the main flat plane of the wall, stretch it along the mortar, cutting off the excess.
  • Wait until the tubercle of the solution dries. Thus, you will get a kind of beacon that you can rely on, leveling the problem area. If the zone of the wall that will be leveled has a large length, several such beacons can be made from the solution.

The technology with control beacons made of plaster is used when one part of the wall is even, and the other has deviations in level, or when the main plane of the wall does not require adjustment in level, and the corners are “sunk”.

The cost of leveling walls without beacons

The work will cost less than finishing the walls along the lighthouses with gypsum mortar. In Moscow and the Moscow Region, the cost for visual alignment under the rule is 300–350 rubles on average. for 1 sq. m., and in St. Petersburg from 280 rubles. for 1 sq. m..

Plastering surfaces in this way will allow the owners to create a basis for applying a decorative layer, with which you can make your apartment more beautiful and comfortable.

When are beacons not needed?

It must be borne in mind that the method of plastering walls, which does not involve the use of beacons, is quite difficult for beginners. It is much easier to get the job done with established benchmarks, but it will take more time.

When, when leveling walls with your own hands, is it appropriate to abandon the use of beacons?

  1. Disadvantages do not require the application of a layer with a thickness of more than 30–40 mm. Indeed, the greater the thickness of the leveling coating, the more difficult it is to bring out a perfectly flat plane.
  2. Most of the wall is flat, problem areas are found only in places. This is a fairly common situation. For example, in old apartment buildings, the coatings are often a little overwhelmed.
  3. The surface is almost even, but there are numerous defects that do not allow cladding with decorative products. For example, a brick wall, which is an internal partition in an apartment. Due to the large number of seams, the coating does not lend itself to uniform gluing or painting.

Brickwork always needs plastering, but beacons should be installed only if the wall deviates more than 3 mm per 1 sq.m.

Many mistakenly believe that lighthouses should be discarded in order to avoid rust. Indeed, such a problem exists when leaving metal guides in the wall. But this is quite easy to fix by deleting them or choosing a different method of creating landmarks.

On a note! An excellent alternative is a relatively new technology that involves pulling a cord or string through a certain gap. The bottom line is that the lines created allow not only to quickly and efficiently level the surface, but also do not require lengthy installation.

Plaster on strings - a new method of leveling walls

The procedure for performing work without beacons

Alignment of walls without beacons includes three successive stages: surface and tool preparation, mortar mixing, plastering.

Tools and materials

It all starts with the selection and acquisition of the necessary tools and materials for the job:

  1. Stucco mixture. Preference should be given to finished products, in this case there is no need for many components, which are always added in certain proportions. Solutions can be based on gypsum or cement, there is also a polymer material sold in mixed form.
  2. Clean water - for the preparation of a dry mixture.
  3. A drill with a mixer attachment, which will allow you to quickly prepare the solution and achieve the desired consistency.
  4. Composition container.
  5. Level rule. It is recommended to use a tool longer than 1.5 meters. It is important to make sure that the screed side is free from defects.
  6. A set of spatulas. They are needed for throwing the solution. It is better to refuse too cheap options.
  7. Grater. It is applied at the last stage in order to obtain a smooth surface.
  8. Devices for cleaning the coating, jointing cracks and seams.
  9. Brush and roller for primer.

You should make sure that everything is in stock and completely ready for use.

Surface preparation

The cover is being cleaned. If there is an old layer, then it is completely removed.

Due to the fact that the plaster is mainly applied to a concrete, brick or wooden base, the preparation process may vary slightly:

  • When working with brickwork, it is advisable to perform jointing by 10-15 mm. This will achieve better fixation, but will slightly increase the consumption of the solution.
  • Concrete surfaces can be very smooth, making it difficult to use leveling compound. Therefore, numerous notches are made throughout the coating. To do this, use a hammer, chisel and file.

  • With wooden walls, things are more complicated, but there is a fairly simple way out - installing a crate of thin slats located diagonally.

The general condition of the surface is assessed. To simplify the work, you can mark the places of the main irregularities in order to pay special attention to them.

Now the priming begins. Compositions that have the effect of deep penetration are used. At least two layers are applied, each of which dries well.

The first stage is considered completed, you can proceed to the main work.

Preparation of the composition

It is customary to single out this process as a separate stage when it comes to mixing dry mixes. This is especially true for gypsum-based solutions. The fact is that the compositions have a short time of use, so they are prepared immediately before facing.

In general, the process is quite simple:

  1. Water is poured into the container. Its quantity is calculated based on the material. To simplify the task, each manufacturer places the proportions on the label. But keep in mind that you need to get the volume of the solution for 30-40 minutes of work.
  2. The dry component is gradually poured into the water. Stirring is done using a drill with a nozzle. The tool is moved evenly to avoid the appearance of dry lumps.
  3. The composition is left for 5 minutes, after which the kneading is repeated.

The structure of the solution should depend on the specific task; plaster without beacons is applied in stages, with mixtures of different consistency.


Laying the first layer

This procedure involves the use of a thicker solution for application in layers up to 10 mm. Two main methods can be used: spraying and spreading. In the first case, the mixture is collected on the trowel in portions and literally pounces on the surface with a slight movement of the hand. It is important to exclude the transformation of the composition into thin shapeless pieces, this is obtained with strong throwing.

When spreading, the prepared material is quickly and evenly distributed over the wall. In both cases, careful alignment is not performed. The coating is left to dry completely.

Second layer

Here a more liquid solution is used. The condition of the previously applied material is preliminarily assessed; for this, it is pressed on in several places. If the coating does not deform, then you can proceed to further work:

The second layer should also be given time to dry well.

Finishing layer

The solution for this layer should have a pasty consistency, the mixture should not be allowed to flow over the surface. It is at the expense of this stage that all remaining shortcomings are corrected. If the coating is dry, then it is slightly moistened with a spray bottle. The composition is applied in a very thin layer - no more than 2 mm - and, as a rule, is distributed over the surface. After that, you need to wait a short period of time, in most cases it is 2-3 hours. Next, a grater or a wide spatula is wetted in water and the surface is rubbed. It is important to maintain the required humidity.

Thus, plastering walls without beacons requires a fairly large amount of time and effort. But if you follow all the steps, then the surface will be perfectly flat.

Materials and tools

For plastering, you will need the following tools:

  • solution container;
  • water container;
  • putty knife;
  • construction bucket or trowel;
  • construction grater;
  • rule;
  • shovel shovel (preferably a construction mixer with a drill, a concrete mixer);
  • a large sieve (in the case of preparing a solution from individual components);
  • large paint brush (for preparatory work).

You will also need consumables:

  • fine-grained sand;
  • cement brand 400;
  • water;
  • PVA glue (preferably);
  • primer (for surface preparation).

You can prepare the solution with your own hands, for plaster you should take 3-4 parts of sand + 1 part of grade 400 cement. PVA glue is added for the plasticity of the solution and for better adhesion to the surface of the wall and ceiling.

Surface preparation

The plaster should be applied to a previously prepared wall or ceiling surface, cleaned of dust, protruding lumps of masonry mortar or defects in concrete slabs and protruding screws.

On a smooth concrete wall, it is necessary to make notches with a chisel of about 20-30 pieces per square meter for better setting of the mortar with the surface. A wooden wall must be sheathed with shingles or slats diagonally. The seams of the brickwork themselves will serve as a link.

Next, we treat the surface of the walls and ceiling with a primer corresponding to the material of the walls (deep penetration or primer for concrete). The primer should be allowed to dry for at least 12 hours and you can start plastering.

Mixing solution

Sift the sand through a sieve to remove large particles and debris. Pour 3-4 parts of sand, 1 part of cement into the trough, mix with a shovel. Add a little water and mix again, add water gradually so that the solution is not too liquid, otherwise it will drain from the surface, and too thick a solution will fall off the wall. When kneading, add PVA glue to the water, the PVA consumption per bucket of solution is approximately equal to one construction ladle. Knead the solution and check how it holds on the wall, if it falls off, add more water, if it drains, add a dry mixture. For the ceiling, the solution should be kneaded thicker.

It is very easy to prepare a ready-made mixture for plastering walls and ceilings. Add water to it in the proportions indicated on the package and stir.

Solution application

First layer of solution

For better adhesion of the solution to the wall, be sure to moisten it with water.

With a construction bucket or trowel (as convenient), we throw the solution onto a section of the wall of about 1 square meter. We level the mortar over the surface with a construction grater, the thickness of the mortar should be about 5-7 mm. Choose a grater for work long enough (40-50 cm), then the solution layer will lie down more evenly. We drive the grater in different directions, from bottom to top, from left to right, in an arc, etc.

We throw the next meter of mortar and thus gradually plaster the entire wall. Work from the bottom of the wall upwards. No need to try to level the solution completely, the roughness will be useful for coupling with the second layer of plaster.

Leave the wall to dry for about 2 hours.

The second layer of mortar

After the first layer has dried up, we pass along the entire wall as a rule. This tool will remove large influxes of plaster. The rule is to apply close to the wall and drive it in different directions so that excess protruding particles move away from the wall.

Then we apply the second layer of the solution. This time, the plaster should be smoothed out more. We do not throw the second layer on the wall, but put it on a grater with a spatula and level the surface with it. Movement is also in all directions.

Give the solution a little time to set. When the top layer is slightly crusty, you can check the wall for evenness. Attach the rule to the wall and look for depressions and bumps. We remove the mounds with a construction grater, it should be driven in a circular motion, removing excess mortar. Periodically moisten the tool with water, then the solution will slightly soak and it is better to leave a thin layer. We rub the cavities with a small amount of the solution.

Periodically apply the rule and align the wall. Large defects should not remain at this stage.

Now let the plaster dry for another 3 hours.

Third layer of solution

This is the thinnest layer of plaster and is needed to make your plaster smooth.

Add water to the solution, it should become very liquid. With a construction bucket, starting from the top of the wall, we pour a square meter of the surface with this solution. Level the plaster with a grater in a circular motion. Getting a smooth surface.

Leave this layer to dry for 5-8 hours.

Grouting plaster

When the third layer dries well enough, start grouting. It gives the plaster a velvety touch. Pour water over the wall from the ladle and rub it with a grater in a circular motion. So go all over the wall.

If you are preparing walls for tiles or facing stone, then this step should be omitted. For the listed types of finishes, roughness should remain on the wall, they contribute to better adhesion of the finish to the plaster. Under wallpaper or painting, it is definitely recommended to grout the walls and ceiling, so in the future there will be lower putty costs.

The plaster should dry for several days at medium temperature and humidity. In very hot weather, the plaster must be moistened periodically with water so that cracks do not go through it.

That's all the tricks in plastering walls and ceilings without beacons with your own hands. Once again, we note that this method is best used for utility rooms, it is desirable to plaster living quarters on lighthouses. They help to make both the surface itself and the position of the wall in the plane more even. For a small room in the consumption of material in one way or another, there will be a small savings, and working with beacons with your own hands is much easier and more practical.

Where is plaster used without beacons

Comparing the cost of work for a team working with and without beacons, the method of applying plaster without beacons is more expensive. This is due to the fact that the use of beacons is a certain guideline for the worker, which affects not only the quality, but also the speed of work.

Aligning walls without beacons can be relevant for those rooms that do not require a perfectly smooth wall surface: in garages, in the country, in utility rooms. Or for plastering plasterboard walls, because such surfaces are initially even.

wall plaster technology

Activities associated with the application of plaster mixes without beacons are always dusty, very dirty, require special attention and skills. That is why a team of professionals is most often hired for their implementation. The cost of plaster depends on the amount of work and the shape of the surface.

If the budget for the work is very limited, do not despair. Aligning walls without beacons is quite realistic with your own hands. The main thing is to follow the basic rules and recommendations of professionals, do not rush and do everything carefully, you can also study a few video tutorials in our article.

Preparatory work

The first thing to do is to carefully remove all old decor and wall decoration. The walls must be cleaned to the very foundation and dry well.

If the wall is a brickwork, then for better adhesion to the plaster, deepen the seams between the bricks by 1-2 cm.

Notches must be made on a smooth concrete surface. To do this, you need a hammer and a file. Notches should be sufficiently frequent, at least 2 mm deep.

For wooden surfaces, it is necessary to mount the crate. To do this, use special thin slats or scraps of plywood. The material is stuffed diagonally onto the wall.

The walls are cleaned of dust and dirt. Brick or wood wall surfaces must be moistened with water. For these purposes, it is very convenient to use a garden sprayer, or just use a broom.

Concrete walls must be treated with a primer. If the wall is made of foam concrete or sand-lime brick, then a higher penetration primer must be used. All further work on applying the plaster mixture must be carried out after the wall is completely dry.

If the plaster is not prepared from individual components, but ready-made dry mixes are used, then the manufacturer's instructions must be strictly followed. As an example, consider the preparation of the most popular Rotband plaster mixture. For a bag of dry mix weighing 30 kg, it is necessary to prepare 18 liters of warm water.

Pour water into any convenient container, then pour seven trowels of dry mix. We mix everything thoroughly, and then add the remaining plaster, and again mix everything with a construction mixer. It is necessary to do everything possible so that the finished plaster is without lumps. We leave the prepared composition to infuse for 4-6 minutes, and then mix everything again.

After preparing the solution, we proceed to apply plaster on the wall without the use of beacons. The technological process involves the application of several layers one after another.

We apply the first layer - "spray"

In order to apply the first layer, the plaster must have a special consistency slightly thicker than sour cream. The spray layer for brick or masonry is about 5 mm, for wood -10 mm.

We collect a portion of the plaster on a trowel and throw the mixture onto the wall surface in random order. Sketching is done only with a brush, but by no means with the whole hand. So that the solution does not splatter in all directions, the swing does not need to be made very large.

Also, when applying the first layer, a method called "spreading" is used. The container is brought to the wall, the finished plaster is collected with a spatula and evenly smeared on the wall. After the solution is applied to the surface, there is no need to carefully align it. It is only necessary to remove the protruding sections of the plaster.

Advice! After the work is completed and the selected section of the wall is plastered, it is necessary to wash all the tools very carefully.

We apply the second layer on the wall "primer"

The second stage of plaster work without beacons is the application of a layer called "soil". To do this, prepare a special pasty plaster. You can start work only after the first layer of plaster has dried well. Readiness is checked as follows: with a finger we press the plastered surface and if it does not change its shape, then the layer is completely dry.

The plaster mixture is thrown onto the wall, trying to close up empty areas as best as possible. Then the plaster is leveled with the rule starting from the floor and ending at the ceiling. Surplus is immediately removed. If empty areas appear during leveling, then they must be immediately filled with the remaining solution and leveled again with the rule.

Finishing smoothness is brought with the help of a special tool - a trowel. It is driven along the surface in the vertical and horizontal direction.

Apply the third layer of "wash"

In order to apply the third final layer of plaster on the wall, it is necessary to prepare a solution that resembles sour cream in its consistency. The third layer is designed to remove even the most minor flaws that may remain after applying the previous two layers. The thickness of the plaster is no more than 2 mm. In order for the mixture to have the best adhesion to the surface, it must be properly diluted. To do this, all dry ingredients are sifted through a fine sieve and thoroughly mixed with water until the lumps completely disappear.

Wet the already plastered wall with water. We apply a very thin layer of plaster with a trowel. As a rule, we carefully level the plaster by circular or undulating movements. We perform surface grouting without waiting for the wall to dry completely.

The better to plaster walls

To level the surface of the internal walls of the house without the use of lighthouses, it is best to use lime, lime-clay or cement-lime mixtures. If the walls are wooden, then a little gypsum can be added to the solution.

For the outer walls of the building, it is best to use lime or lime-cement mortars. Repair of walls already plastered earlier is carried out using cement mixtures.

Lime plaster is very easy to prepare. To do this, five buckets of sand are taken per bucket of lime mixture. Sand must be added gradually so that lumps do not form, and it is possible to check the quality of the finished plaster at any time.

In order to prepare lime-clay plaster, you need to mix one bucket of cement and three buckets of lime paste and add six buckets of sand. If the mixture turned out to be very thick, you can slightly carry it with water.

Cement plaster, used to finish the exterior walls of a building, is prepared as follows: one bucket of cement is mixed with five buckets of sand, and with a little water added, kneaded to a soft dough.

Usually, plaster walls without beacons only in those cases when the surface of such walls is sufficiently even - it does not have large bumps and drops. Before you start plastering the walls, it is necessary to prepare the surface on which the plaster solution will be applied. That is, you need to clean the walls of old materials that were used in their decoration, dirt, dust and primed with a special solution - a primer that is sold in hardware stores.

When the base of the walls is ready, it's time to start mixing the mortar for plastering walls without beacons. On bags with a plaster mix, you can read the instructions, which describe how to properly prepare the mortar. For beginners, it is not recommended to immediately knead a large amount of the solution, since ideally the solution should be used up within half an hour, otherwise it may harden and lose its properties. Now you should apply the plaster solution to the wall. There are several ways to apply plaster: throwing, spreading and applying plaster using a special device - a machine (this method is often called machine plaster).

Using the rule, we level the plaster before it has time to harden. Move the rule should be in the direction from the floor to the ceiling.

Usually, plastering walls without beacons occurs in several stages. When the first coat dries, a second coat is applied to even out any imperfections. The third layer is then applied as a liquid solution. This last layer of plaster is rubbed with a float dipped in water. In cases where the plaster mortar has had time to harden, it must be moistened with water and only then begin grouting.

You can also learn how to plaster walls without beacons by watching the video "Cement-sand plaster without beacons".

There are two options for wall plastering: with and without beacons. Although plastering walls without beacons with your own hands is more difficult, the video and additional instructions will help you cope with the task quickly and without errors. Consider what is required for plastering without beacons, where exactly this technology is used, which mixture to choose, as well as the work process itself step by step.

In what cases can you do without beacons

Plastering walls without beacons is much harder, as they play the role of guides. With proper installation of beacons, it is easy to achieve a flat surface. Why is it worth stopping at plaster without beacons? There are several reasons for this. The main one is the lack of need for perfectly flat walls. If you build a utility room, such as a barn, workshop or poultry house, then making the surface perfectly flat is useless. Enough to protect the wall, avoiding defects. Plastering walls without beacons will help achieve visual evenness without wasting money and time for the purchase and installation of beacons.

The same applies to the plastering of the utility room in the house, the walls inside the garage, boiler room or workshop. You can hide wall defects with a thin plaster layer, and then paint or whitewash the walls. Nobody thinks about creating a perfectly flat surface and wallpapering the garage.

But, the technology of plastering without beacons is also applicable for residential premises. Indeed, with almost flat walls without obvious curvatures and drops, you can achieve a flat surface. Deficiencies are eliminated with plaster, and puttying and subsequent finishing will help to bring the surface of the walls to the ideal.

Before plastering walls without beacons, it is important to understand the advantage of this method. The first of these is the reduction of working time. It is enough to prepare the solution and start plastering. No marking, installation of beacons and a thorough check of evenness. The second point is less material consumption. As practice shows, when plastering without beacons, two or three times less plaster will be consumed. Why is it so? The minimum layer that can be achieved when installing beacons is 7 or 8 mm. It can be difficult to achieve such a minimum, since the curvature of the wall is added to everything. But plaster without beacons allows you to create a layer equal to 4-5 mm.

Note! The larger the cultivated area, the greater the savings.

It turns out that with wall differences of 1-1.5 cm, it is irrational to plaster without beacons. And the larger the wall area, the harder it is to achieve evenness on all surfaces.

The choice of plaster for work

Before leveling the wall with plaster without beacons, you need to choose this very plaster. On sale you can find dry and ready-made mixtures. The finished mixture, which contains all the necessary components, is enough to open and start working. But the dry will have to be prepared according to the instructions on the package. When choosing a mixture, consider the following points:

  1. The type of surface to be processed.
  2. Feature of the room: indoor humidity, temperature readings, etc.
  3. Deadline restrictions.

There are two options for proven mixtures:

  • plaster;
  • cement.

The first option is suitable for rooms with optimal humidity, it is plastic and easy to apply. I am pleased with the quick setting of the mixture, and the opportunity to proceed to the next step. Cement plaster is less expensive, used for wet areas, and helps create a strong, durable layer. It can be used not only for internal, but also for external works. The downside is the long drying time.

Tools and materials for work

Having decided on the plaster, you can begin to prepare the necessary tools and materials. Set of tools:

  • wide and narrow spatula;
  • several buckets for solution and water;
  • trowel or construction bucket;
  • grater;
  • drill with a mixing nozzle;
  • roller and paint brush;
  • a chisel and a hammer, if necessary, knock down the interfering mortar from the masonry;
  • rule.

As for consumables, their list is small:

  • when preparing cement plaster with your own hands, you will need fine-grained sand and M400 cement and PVA glue;
  • to prepare the surface of the walls for better adhesion and reduce the consumption of plaster, a deep penetration primer is needed;
  • constant access to water for the preparation of plaster.

Advice! If you make a cement mortar with your own hands, then the proportion will be 4: 1, where 4 parts are sand, and 1 part is M400 cement. To increase the plasticity of the mixture and adhesion to the surface, PVA glue is added to it.

Usually masters prefer to use a ready-made mixture. We recommend using just such a composition or staying on dry plaster. More about preparation will be indicated later. Now we will consider step-by-step instructions on how to plaster without beacons.

Stage 1 - prepare the surface

The further result will depend on the quality of this stage. The main task is to remove all unnecessary from the wall, make it smooth, clean and ready for plaster. To begin with, all protruding parts are removed: frozen lumps of mortar, defects in concrete slabs and protruding nails or screws. After that, the surface is cleaned of dust.

Advice! Adhesion to the smooth surface of a concrete wall will be of poor quality, so notches can be made on it with a chisel or grinder. The wooden wall is sheathed with shingles. A brick wall can be called ideal for plastering, the seams of which will contribute to good adhesion.

It remains to treat the wall with a primer. To do this, you need a roller and a brush for processing hard-to-reach areas. You need to start subsequent work after the primer has dried.

Stage 2 - prepare the solution solution

It is enough to open the finished plaster and start work. Dry will have to be prepared. For kneading, you will need a bucket of water, into which plaster is added. At the same time, the contents are mixed with a mixer. The instructions indicate the proportions and sequence of work. The mixture should have a pasty consistency.

Subtlety! When the solution is mixed, it must be left for 5-10 minutes, then mixed again. So it will "reach" and be perfect.

You should not knead a lot of mortar at a time, as it has its own “life” time. During this time, the entire mixture must be applied to the wall.

Stage 3 - apply the solution to the wall

There is a slight difference in leveling walls without beacons using gypsum and cement materials. We will consider both the first and second options.

Gypsum work

The application of the gypsum mixture is easier. We have already completed all the preparatory work, it remains to plaster the wall without beacons. All work is done with a wide spatula. Using a narrow spatula, the solution is applied to sections of the wall with irregularities. All this is aligned with the rule. In addition, it is recommended to immediately install metal corners on the outer corners. The work uses a level. Fixing the corners is done with plaster.

Gypsum composition allows you to apply a thin layer on the surface in order to protect it and make it visually beautiful. Work starts from the corner, from the bottom up. With a narrow spatula, the plaster is applied to a wide spatula, and then transferred to the wall. An even layer is made by holding the spatula at a certain angle. The first layer is a primer. It allows you to fill all the voids. Using the rule, the evenness of the layer is checked and, if necessary, a mixture is added. The second layer is done in the same way as the first, the whole process is controlled by the rule in order to obtain a smooth surface. It remains to complete the last layer - smoothing. This is easy to do, and the plaster will require little. The output is a flat and smooth surface. It remains only to walk on the surface with a grater.

Cement work

  1. If a concrete wall is being processed, then before plastering without beacons, it is better to moisten it. Concrete absorbs moisture. And since there is water in the cement mixture, after application the layer may crack and lag behind. Then the sequence is:
  2. With a trowel or ladle, the mixture is thrown onto 1 m2 of the wall.
  3. Using a grater, the solution is leveled over the surface. The thickness of the first layer is from 5 to 7 mm.
  4. Drive the grater in different directions.
  5. After processing the first section, the second one is thrown and the work is repeated. Direction is from bottom to top.
  6. It is not necessary to ideally level the layer so that it is rough and adheres to the second layer.
  7. After drying the first layer, draw a rule along the wall. He will remove the influx of cement.
  8. The second layer of plaster is applied in the same way, only the composition is not pounced on it, but carried over with a grater. So the solution is smoothed out more.
  9. After setting, the wall is checked by the rule for evenness.
  10. The layer dries up for 3 hours.
  11. The last layer is the thinnest. It smooths out all the bumps and roughness. The solution becomes liquid. With a ladle from above, the wall is poured with plaster, after which it is leveled with a grater in a circular motion. The layer will dry from 5 to 8 hours, and then it needs to be grouted.


It remains to put everything into practice. Although plastering walls without beacons is more difficult than working with beacons, there is confidence that even a beginner, now, can quickly and efficiently cope with the task.