Do-it-yourself wooden ceiling in the apartment. Which ceiling is better to make in the apartment and wood trim in the photo. Contrasting parquet ceiling

Designs made from natural materials always have many advantages. Among the advantages of wooden are the following:

  • Good heat and sound insulation properties.
  • The ability to regulate the microclimate in the room, take excess moisture from the air and give it away as needed.
  • Safety for living organisms. With some types of processing of raw materials, even a special beneficial effect on health.
  • The tree is quite simple in processing and installation.
  • Wooden structures are very beautiful, fit into.

When choosing such ceilings, remember about their shortcomings. The height of the room will noticeably decrease, this is due to the specifics of the installation of the system. Wood is flammable and does not tolerate moisture, so it must be treated. The material needs special care, at least regular treatment with protective solutions. And one more minus is the high cost of wooden ceilings.

Features of the arrangement of wooden ceilings

For installation in an apartment, two main types of construction can be used: with open or closed beams. You can choose any, but it is worth considering the height of the ceiling, which is usually small in apartments. Beams can play the role of a supporting structure or only imitate it. Coniferous elements with an interesting natural pattern look good as beams, but it is also possible to use painted foam or polyurethane.

To decorate a wooden ceiling, slats, narrow or wide, plates, caissons, etc. can be used. The choice depends on what result is planned to be obtained. It is highly undesirable to choose massive details for decoration. Their thickness should not exceed 2.5 cm. It is important that special processing. It is advisable to choose boards sawn from the edge of the trunk, they will last longer. For wet rooms, on the contrary, elements made from the core are selected.

Ceiling finishing materials

Sheathing a wooden ceiling can be made using various elements. Consider the most popular options.

Cladding boards

For their production, wood is used, including from valuable breeds. The material is processed, painted, varnished, etc. A special kind of such plates is impregnated with wax, which allows them to be installed even in rooms with high humidity. The boards are easy to install and easy to maintain. The main disadvantage of the material is its high cost.

Decorative panels

They are made by pressing several layers of wood. Outer side such a panel is usually made of precious wood. For the inner layers, inexpensive coniferous wood is selected. The panels are beautiful, durable, easy to install and maintain. Their cost is lower than that of plates, but also significant.

Lining of different types

Budget option for wooden ceiling cladding. Represents tongue-and-groove planed boards from various breeds tree. Most often it is pine, larch or oak. Thanks to castle system, lining is very easy to install. The structures assembled from it are durable and reliable. The material differs in the width of the panels, which results in a different decorative effect.

In addition to flat lining, the so-called one is also produced, which looks like a semicircular log. More often it is used for exterior finish, but can also be used in the decoration of the ceiling. The lining has classiness, this must be taken into account when choosing:

  1. Extra. Planks without the slightest defects, the complete absence of knots. Most even and smooth. It is made from various breeds, including valuable ones: red, cedar, oak.
  2. Classes A and B. Small defects and knots are allowed. Flaws somewhat spoil the appearance, but do not affect durability and strength.
  3. Class C. Planks with knots or irregularities. Made from inexpensive wood. The most budget option.

wooden wallpaper

Practical symbiosis wooden panels and wallpaper. For their manufacture, valuable species veneer is glued onto a paper or cork base. The result is a coating with a thickness of about 2 mm, which effectively imitates a solid wood. It is easily mounted on the ceiling, does not absorb odors, cleans well and is an effective sound insulator. But at the same time, it ignites easily and warps in conditions of high humidity, which limits the scope of its use.

Interior plywood

It is a kind of puff cake made of several plates of wood. Very easy to process, paint and install. If the material is treated with special impregnations, you can make it moisture resistant and protect it from fungus and mold. The material needs decorative processing, after which it acquires an attractive appearance.

false beams

A decorative element imitating a supporting structure. The internal cavities of the elements are used to mask wiring and cables, which is very convenient. Lamps are usually mounted on false beams. The design is easy to install. At correct placement not only decorates the room, but also helps to expand the space.

How to make a wooden ceiling in the apartment with your own hands

Self-arrangement of a wooden ceiling is not difficult, especially if you choose a sheathing that is easy to install. Perhaps one of the most suitable options- any kind of lining. Consider the process of assembling a ceiling from this material.

Preparatory work

The ceiling sheathing will be attached to the crate, so there is no need to level the base. It will only be necessary to remove significant defects, if any. Large or crumbling cracks are best repaired. If it is planned to install additional thermal or sound insulation, it must be laid at this stage. First, a layer of vapor barrier is mounted to the ceiling. A layer of insulation is fixed on top, followed by waterproofing.

Arrangement of the crate

The rack ceiling is a suspended structure fixed on the frame. The latter is called a crate and is assembled from wooden bars or slats. The first element is fixed near the wall. All subsequent ones are mounted in increments of 30-40 cm. It depends on the size of the lining. To make the ceiling even, it is recommended to stretch the fishing line before installing the crate, level it with a level and set the frame elements along it.

If you plan to sheathe the ceiling along or across the plane, install the details of the crate perpendicular to the direction of fixing the planks. If you want to sheathe the ceiling at an angle, you can install the battens of the batten in both directions. After the installation of the crate is completed, all communications that should remain hidden can be laid.

Fixing the skin

When starting to clad the crate, you need to remember that the tree definitely needs a compensation gap. Therefore, the slats should not be installed close to the walls. wooden plates can be fixed to the crate in different ways. The simplest, but not very aesthetic, - This is a self-tapping screw. They can be installed in the groove of the board, then it will turn out concealed fastening. Or fasten directly to the surface of the board, then the hats will remain in sight.

You can use hidden fasteners or clamps. One part of the clamp is inserted into the fragment of the rail remaining outside, and the other is fixed on the crate with a self-tapping screw. It turns out reliably and aesthetically. After the entire ceiling is lined, a plinth, corners and decor, if any, are fixed on top.

Do wood ceilings need painting?

If the sheathing material is not finished, it should be treated with protective solutions after installation. Then there is the question of coloring. You need to know that the tree "gets along" badly with oil compositions. In addition, they deprive him of many significant advantages. For example, wood loses its ability to take excess moisture from the air, and its natural aroma disappears.

Painting a tree is necessary only when the room where it is located often happens sharp drops humidity and temperature. In this case, the paint layer becomes a kind of protection against cracking and deformation. In other cases, coloring is not required. It can be completely replaced with a clear varnish treatment. Some of them give the material additional properties.

Before applying the protective composition, you can cover the material with a tinting agent to give it the desired color and emphasize the texture.

Wooden ceilings in the interior of the apartment

The design of the ceiling should be combined with the interior of the room. Some styles categorically do not accept such decor, for others, on the contrary, it is suitable. Wooden ceilings fit well into the interior in the style of:

  • provence;
  • high tech;
  • country;
  • loft;
  • modern.

There are, of course, other options, but it is here that the wooden ceiling will fit into the design as organically as possible.

Wooden ceiling in a small apartment

It seems to many that a wooden ceiling is not suitable. standard apartment, but it's not. The decor you like can be installed, and at the same time the room will look spacious and very comfortable, you just need to follow simple rules.

  1. Maximum light colors. The ceiling can not be painted white or any other light tone let it be dark. But then the floor, furniture and walls should be kept only in light colors.
  2. Maximum light. The room needs to be flooded with light. Install additional lighting, change the lamps to the brightest ones and change the curtains to very light and transparent ones.
  3. We use verticals. Visually “raise” the ceiling: wall decor with a vertically oriented pattern, narrow tall furniture.
  4. We erase the boundaries. The finish that passes from one plane to another looks impressive: “ceiling-wall” or even “ceiling-wall-floor”. It turns out an open, but at the same time a single space.

The wooden ceiling gives a wide scope for creativity. It can be very different: bleached, dyed, painted or polished. The main thing is that he has long gone beyond the "bath" or "dacha" and can be original, boring and even respectable. It all depends on the desire of the owner.

In custody short video about wooden ceilings in the interior.

Wooden ceilings will harmoniously look not only in the country or in the bath, but also in the modern interior of an apartment or a country cottage. The main rule of using natural wood for decoration is the right combination decoration of ceilings and walls, as well as with other materials. It is recommended to mount wooden ceilings in rooms with low humidity and standard room temperature. Therefore, you should not finish the house, which is not heated in winter.

Advantages and disadvantages

To begin with, consider the advantages of the material itself and the ceilings from it. They are obvious:

  • natural material, the aroma of which has a beneficial effect on health;
  • excellent heat and sound insulation, wooden surfaces "breathe", normalizing the humidity in the room;
  • the wooden ceiling can be varnished, stained or painted, giving the desired shade;
  • ease of installation with nails or screws;
  • wooden coverings add coziness to the room.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • difficulty in care (requires regular antiseptic treatment for rot and mold);
  • flammable material (requires the use of a special flame retardant);
  • high price of natural finishing material;
  • wooden ceiling reduces the height of the room, so do not use this species finishes in low rooms.

Finish options

Installation of a wooden ceiling in the interior can be carried out with open beams or without them. Since wealthy people often choose natural finishing materials for decorating country villas, today finishing with expensive wooden beams is a kind of luxury. Beams can be both load-bearing structures and be their imitation.

If the beams are a full-fledged supporting structure, they perform, first of all, a practical and functional role. No less popular is imitation, when the beams play the role of a purely decorative element. For this, they usually use conifers with a graceful pattern or imitate beams using painted polyurethane and foam.

There are other options for finishing a wooden ceiling that can bring into the room real comfort and homely atmosphere.

  • Can be used clapboard trim, which is affordable and at the same time conveys the effect of natural wood.
  • Another popular option is rack ceiling . ceiling rail- this is actually a "lining under the beam", which is wider than the usual lining (13-20 cm) and has a length of 3 to 6 meters. Such a wooden surface resists mechanical damage and temperature fluctuations. At the same time, do not refuse to use special impregnations to protect the ceiling from moisture.

There is a division of lumber for finishing the ceiling into classes:

  • extra is a smooth board without knots using expensive breeds trees (oak, red, cedar);
  • materials of classes A and B have minor defects;
  • class C includes inexpensive wood with irregularities or knots.

Please note that it is better not to use expensive extra-class wood in wet rooms, in here for a living room, it is perfect. From especially complex elements on the ceiling, one can note wooden caissons made of solid wood.

There is also a more unpretentious, but unnatural version of wood imitation. If you choose the right lighting, such artificial panels can not be distinguished from the real one. wood flooring. As an imitation, you can use MDF panels, which very realistically copy the natural texture of wood, while the price will be much cheaper than the original. Installation of such panels is easier, since MDF weighs much less than wood.

To paint or not?

After installing wooden ceilings and processing them protective compounds there is a logical question about further painting. Wood does not combine well with oil coatings, moreover, it has a number of advantages when it is not painted, for example, it is able to absorb excess moisture from the air or, conversely, fill it with natural aromas, if we are talking about coniferous and resinous tree species.

The ceiling should be painted only if there are frequent changes in temperature and humidity in the room, as a result of which the boards may crack. It turns out that a layer of paint is able to protect them from deformation.

Also, instead of paint, you can use the following protective transparent varnishes:

  • polyurethane to prevent yellowing;
  • alkyd, forming a waterproof film;
  • acrylic-polyurethane protection against negative impacts environment.

The tone and color of such structures can also be different. For example, wood looks great in combination with white walls, and textured wall paint is also suitable.

An interesting fact is that designers use the ability of wooden surfaces to scatter light, so the effect of natural shading is created when decorating a room with a wooden ceiling.


If there is a task to make the space more voluminous and wider, you can use wooden walls and ceilings in the interior, painted in White color. And in these interior styles, designers most often use wooden ceilings:

  • high tech(pronounced geometry of objects and clear boundaries of wooden boards on the ceiling fit perfectly into this style);
  • country and provence(it is simply impossible to imagine these "rustic" styles without the use of natural materials and a wooden ceiling);
  • modern(this style combines natural and artificial materials, the main thing is not to disturb the overall harmony);

Examples in the interior

A wooden ceiling is not a “legacy of the past” at all, but a fashionable trend in the interior. Designers often use imitation when the beams are not load-bearing and perform an exclusively decorative function.

Today you will not surprise anyone with traditional whitewashed ceilings. The abundance of modern finishing materials allows you to create unique and beautiful ceiling surfaces. If you do not know which ceiling is better to make, then give preference to wood flooring. Products made from this material are distinguished by a variety of shapes and colors, environmental friendliness, ease of processing and maintenance, as well as durability. From a wide range of finishing materials made of wood, you can easily choose a coating that fits the style of the interior and is distinguished by beauty and practicality.

Pros of wooden ceilings

Modern wood ceiling decoration in an apartment has a lot of advantages:

  • innovative methods of processing the material have deprived it of such shortcomings as the tendency to absorb moisture, ease of ignition, damage by insects and microorganisms;
  • material is different natural beauty and environmental cleanliness;
  • wood is easy to process and install;
  • the material absorbs and releases moisture, which maintains a constant favorable microclimate in the room;
  • wood trim protects the room from noise and cold;
  • such ceilings are suitable for decorating rooms in different styles;
  • durability is another advantage of finishing.

The choice of finishing material

Finishing the ceiling with wood in the apartment is made using the following materials:

  • lining;
  • wood ceiling panels;
  • plywood;


It is suitable for finishing walls and ceilings in a living room, on a balcony, loggia, terrace or in a steam room. In fact, this is a ceiling board with clear geometric shapes and tongue-and-groove connection in the end part.

The lining can be treated with tinting impregnations, painted or varnished. Modern ceilings in apartments are finished the following types lining:

  1. Eurolining is a high-quality expensive board, which is made from high-class wood. Compared to conventional lining, products with the prefix "euro" are distinguished by faster and easier installation, resistance to moisture and damage by microorganisms. On the back of the board there are recesses for air circulation and protection against rot.
  2. Clapboard Calm is very popular because of its beauty and reasonable price. The product has a shortened tongue-and-groove flange, so after assembling the cover, the recesses between separate elements practically invisible. The result is an almost even and smooth finish.

Important! Before the ceiling is made of lining, a crate of wooden bars is installed.

Ceiling panels

If you do not know how to make a wooden ceiling, use ceiling panels. They are easily and quickly mounted on glue or crate. In the latter case, self-tapping screws, clamps or nails are used for fixing to the frame. Finishing with a board is convenient in that, if necessary, one element can be easily dismantled and replaced.

There are two types of panels on the market. Some are made from solid solid wood. These elements have mastic coating to highlight the texture of the material. Cheaper sandwich panels are made from inexpensive softwood. As a covering, veneer made of valuable wood species is used.

The advantages of ceiling panels include the following:

  • the ability to hide defects in the ceiling and utilities behind the suspension system;
  • is on sale square panels, slats and whole sheets;
  • suitable for installation of different lighting options.

Facing tiles

The easiest way to make a wooden ceiling with your own hands is using facing plates. This finish is made from a mixture of glue and wood shavings.

There are several types of such tiles on sale:

  • fibreboards in their structure, in addition to sawdust, contain vegetable fibers;
  • particle boards consist of glue and sawdust;
  • MDF boards are made from the smallest sawdust connected with lingin.


This material is used in various construction work. It is also suitable for finishing ceiling surface. Plywood consists of several layers of wood veneer, connected so that the fibers in each layer are in a mutually perpendicular direction.

Important! Use elite grades of plywood for facing the ceiling. In them, the middle layers are made of cheap pine wood. Veneer such plywood with beech, alder, maple or birch veneer.

Depending on the purpose of the premises, the following types of plywood are used:

  1. For places with high humidity, moisture-resistant products and laminated boards are suitable.
  2. For living rooms use ordinary sheets that have 3-5 layers of wood veneer.
  3. Polished plywood with a colorful ornament applied to it is used for an apartment and country house.
  4. Unpolished panels are suitable for finishing the ceiling in utility rooms or in the country.

wooden wallpaper

The original wooden ceiling in the apartment is made with the use of special wallpaper from wood. There are several varieties of such material:

  1. Veneered wallpaper consist of a paper base and a covering of the finest wood veneer. The front layer is sometimes decorated with carvings.
  2. Type-setting coating consists of several narrow slats with a width of 2 cm.
  3. Cork wallpapers are also made on a paper basis. Decorative coating is the thinnest layer of cork tree bark. To protect against moisture, dirt and absorb odors, the material has a wax coating. Cork wallpapers are sold in the form of plates and rolls.
  4. TMD wallpapers are made from heat-treated wood. The coating is allowed to be washed, it is resistant to fire and mechanical stress.

Important! The advantage of wooden wallpaper is that they are glued directly to the ceiling surface without creating a crate.

Wooden ceiling in rooms of different styles

ceiling covering made of wood materials suitable for different interior styles.
Most often, this finish is used in the following styles:

  • country;
  • high tech;
  • chalet;
  • modern;
  • loft;
  • Japanese interior.


This style is characterized by the use of rough, untreated wood in the decoration of walls and ceilings. Wooden elements are usually not painted, but varnished or impregnated with wax. As a finishing material, wooden panels, boards, lining, ceiling beams or wood wallpaper.

High tech

This style is characterized by strict laconic lines, plain surfaces with a steel glossy or matte sheen. The wooden finish of the ceiling should be as smooth, high-quality and well-finished as possible. In the case of using lining, the coating is carefully sanded, painted or varnished. As for the color scheme, give preference to silver-gray, cold white and steel shades.


It is impossible to imagine a chalet-style room without wooden elements in the interior. In the decoration of the ceiling, massive ceiling beams and coverings from clapboard, wooden wallpaper and other wood materials are used. Wooden elements are more often used in natural natural colors, so painting the finish in this style is inappropriate. Wood flooring is successfully combined with stone finishes and plastered surfaces.


In this style, different finishing materials are skillfully combined. The main attributes of the style are smooth lines, natural outlines, decor with floral motifs. Ceiling covered all over wood trim, would be out of place in this style, but various decorative elements embellish the ceiling surface and emphasize the style of the room.

You can use the following decor:

  • decorative inserts made of wood;
  • beautiful ceiling beams;
  • fillets and skirting boards.


Apartments in this style appeared when large industrial premises began to be converted into housing. In this regard, a certain style was formed, which is characterized by rough painted surfaces made of concrete and brick. Steel, wood and plaster coatings are also used in the loft style. If we talk about the ceiling, then its decoration should be as discreet as possible. It is allowed to use raw wood or paint ceilings.

As a loft-style finish, use:

  • ordinary lining;
  • plywood;
  • panels made of fiberboard, MDF or chipboard;
  • ceiling beams.

Ethnic style

Wooden ceilings - 25 interior examples

There are many options for choosing a ceiling covering: stretch, plasterboard, adhesive, aluminum rack and many others. But anyway wooden ceilings in many respects they are out of competition.

wooden ceilings

AT recent times in the design of interiors, there is a tendency to use more and more natural materials, including wood. This includes solid wood furniture, natural parquet, wooden windows and interior doors, wooden plinth and Wall panels. And of course, finishing touch for such interiors there will be wooden ceilings.

Wood is a classic natural material, which has always been used in interior design, including for finishing ceilings. And now in many ancient buildings, palaces, castles you can see uniquely designed ceiling vaults made of skillfully crafted wood.

The ability of the material to retain heat, "breathe", the unique beauty of the cut - these natural properties of wood have always been valued. Wooden ceilings give a feeling of warmth, comfort, creates an atmosphere of stability and nobility.

Wood is also able to scatter light and create little effect shading in the room. The play of shadow and light is often used by designers as one of the main techniques in interior decoration. And also wooden ceiling perfectly absorbs sounds. In a room with such a ceiling, the acoustics are almost ideal for a comfortable stay in it. So, when building or repairing a home, saving on ceiling material is not worth it.

Wooden ceiling decoration

The style of wood ceiling decoration can be very different. One project is able to give the room restraint and rigor, the other, on the contrary, will make it cozy and warm. It all depends on the functional purpose of the premises - an office, bedroom, living room or, for example, an office, as well as personal preferences of the customer.

Also, the ceiling can be decorated with wooden elements of the main plane. Wood is an excellent material for experiments. It is easy to process, which allows you to create interesting structures from it with portals, relief beams, ledges. This surface finish is varied additional details will emphasize the style of the room, allow you to achieve uniqueness, focus on a specific topic.

We must not forget that wood dark shades, no matter how good it would not be, visually reduces the space. Such color scheme suitable only for a spacious and bright room. There are no such restrictions for the use of light-colored wood. Also, designers quite often combine different varieties wood, composing compositions from fragments of different tones.

Under the wooden ceiling is extremely convenient to hide ventilation pipes or wires. AT wooden slats or panels are easy to embed lighting the most varied configuration.

wooden ceilings- hanging and hemming

Ceiling structures made of wood can be suspended or hemmed. Universal dropped ceilings are used more often, since for mounting suspension system wooden beams are required. Ceiling panels can be from an array of valuable wood species, as well as cheap species, pasted over with veneer. The last view of the panels in appearance and operational properties is not inferior to expensive panels and is more economical.

It should be noted that finishing the ceilings with wood panels has a number of advantages over painting and decorative painting:

  • before installing wooden panels, “rough plaster” is not needed;
  • no need to block communications - electric wires, water supply pipes;
  • until the end of the installation, it is possible to lay, for example, an additional cable for signaling or the Internet;
  • in case of shrinkage of the house, this will not affect the panels, they will not lose their appearance;
  • panels are not afraid of wet cleaning;
  • wooden ceilings - durable, environmentally friendly, warm, prestigious and beautiful!

wooden ceilings belong to designers to exclusive designs. Expensive wooden ceilings require an appropriate level of wall decoration, high-quality textiles and furniture. But this does not mean that this option is not suitable for decorating, for example, the ceiling in the living room in an ordinary city apartment. In this case, lining can be a worthy and economical solution for a wooden ceiling. It is easy enough to mount, it is appropriate not only in the city, but also in the country.

wooden ceilings- a photo

So that, wooden ceiling- a finishing method that is quite affordable for different categories of customers.

Natural wooden ceiling in the house

The advantage of wooden ceilings over reinforced concrete slabs is undeniable in terms of environmental friendliness, sound insulation and heat-shielding properties of the room. Beautiful design A ceiling with a textured pattern will perfectly complement the interior of the house, where the wall cladding is also made of boards with the same sawing method, with a complete match of the density and type of wood. Wooden ceilings in the interior of a city apartment when used for wall decoration modern materials not so unambiguous.

Compatibility of wood with other materials

A wooden house with wagon board ceiling cladding is a common design. Regardless of whether the walls are sheathed with a board or have natural look any type of log or timber, wooden ceilings are suitable for the room quite naturally. When covering the walls with color, it is not at all necessary to give the ceiling the same shade.

With a reddish color scheme for the walls, the ceiling can be covered with impregnation or protective varnish with a yellowish tint.

Wood ceiling and walls

The use of wood with low humidity for walls, and for the ceiling of boards with a natural level of humidity, it is necessary to treat the surfaces with impregnations that preserve the natural color or give the wood a special shade. Otherwise, in a few years it will seem that the ceiling is made of material older than the walls of the house. This will be noticeable because the aging process of wood will take place in different ways.

Wooden ceilings perfectly absorb steam, moisture, odors, which without additional protection of wood with natural humidity, in the kitchen room will not only change color, but can also be deformed. Both of these defects are easily eliminated with a planer and grinder.

There is no way to get rid of the smells that the wood has absorbed. They can only be blocked with varnish.

Such an attractive pattern of wood with longitudinal lines is obtained by tangential sawing of the trunk. And this means that the board has high level humidity and is subject to drying to the loss of its original shape. Ceilings from such a board can only be made for rooms with low humidity and constant air temperature. Making such ceilings in the country, which in winter time not heated, in the spring you can be very disappointed in your decision.

Board and stone

The ceiling in any interior should look more weightless than the walls, which is determined not by weight, but by the appearance of the material. Concrete blocks, brickwork, the look of natural stone in the design of the walls will be an excellent basis for using wooden ceilings. It is not necessary to use natural stone and brick. It is quite possible to limit ourselves to imitations of these materials, which are presented in hardware stores in the form of clinker facing tiles.

Wooden ceilings in a city apartment in a corridor or kitchen with a similar cladding will be fully justified. Wood looks good in combination with whitewashed plastered walls. Suitable for decorating a room with wooden ceilings and interior textured paint.

In the design of pubs, pubs, night bars, stylized antique using in the interior wooden shelving, items of cooperage production often use a combination stone walls and floors with wooden ceilings.

To paint a wooden ceiling or not

Wood does not blend well with oily smooth coatings, even if the ceiling itself is covered with white paint. The painted wooden ceiling can be combined with large quantity materials, but there is no point in this, because most of the advantages that natural wood gives to the room will be securely hidden under a dense shell of paint.

Most best quality wood is that it maintains the humidity level of the room, sacrificing its own appearance. By absorbing excess moisture from the air or giving it the missing moisture, the wood undergoes natural contraction or expansion, but this is not a problem with minor or short-term drops.

The wooden ceiling will receive great damage during prolonged exposure to water, and when the temperature drops to -10⁰ C and below, the boards can become covered with longitudinal cracks. The same deformation awaits them with prolonged exposure to heat with a low importance of air. It turns out that when using wooden ceilings in rooms where long periods of intense heat or cold can occur, it is better to paint the ceiling to protect it from inevitable damage.

Room temperature is not able to lead to such drastic changes in the material, therefore, in an apartment or residential building, it is better to use wooden ceilings without additional decoration. Only uncoated wood can fill the room with a unique woody aroma, calming the mind. nervous system a person, qualitatively maintain a favorable microclimate of the room, maintaining a constant level of humidity.

Wood and artificial materials

The desire to make a wooden ceiling in an apartment is fraught with several difficulties. One of them is the poor compatibility of the material with wallpaper and PVC panels, which are most often used for wall decoration, because these materials are outwardly, and in fact, much lighter than wood. Here it is necessary to play on color.

Light natural wood on the ceiling can complement dark wood paneled walls or brick-based wallpaper.

In stores, you can find panels made of wooden dies, designed to create a wooden ceiling of a suspended structure. Using them in combination with light wall materials is just as impractical as boards. Turning yellow from time to time, they look rather unsightly, and because of this, the ceiling seems even lower.

Video gallery

Photo gallery
Wooden ceiling (46 photos): we create comfort and warmth in the house

Transverse wooden beams on the ceiling will visually expand the room and make it more interesting.

Wood is considered the best finishing material for residential premises. Natural wood panels and boards are environmentally friendly, they do not contain synthetic harmful substances (glue, flame retardants, phenols and formaldehydes). There is no atmospheric moisture inside the living quarters, and wooden surfaces do not need synthetic impregnations and protective coatings. Natural wood is durable and aesthetically pleasing, and if the outer surface is dirty, it can be renewed by sanding.

The wooden ceiling fits almost any style of interior and is combined with many decorative elements.

Wooden walls and ceiling will add simplicity and ease to the room.

Wood is characterized by low thermal conductivity, which is why wooden walls and ceilings are so warm. Natural materials have a beneficial effect on the mental state of a person. wooden rooms contain phytoncides of the tree from which the inner lining is made. Coniferous plants are considered especially fragrant.

These advantages provide the tree with wide popularity. Cozy wooden ceilings are made from natural wood, durable wall panels, doors, ceiling moldings and sills. Consider options for using wood to decorate the ceiling inside a residential building.

Rough wood texture combined with furniture and textiles pastel shades create a unique atmosphere

Lining the most accessible view wooden ceiling. But even with such an inexpensive and common material, you can create interesting interiors.

The undeniable advantage of wooden ceilings - there are many ways to modify and update them. At a minimum, you can always change their color.

Wooden ceilings go well with drywall constructions

Wooden panels: types of wood ceiling decoration

The design of a wooden ceiling is determined by the type of material used to finish the ceiling surface. There are several types of wood panels:

  • Clapboard - wooden planks, equipped with grooves around the perimeter. Grooves provide a dense assembly of elements. The lining design is a flat ceiling surface. Multi-level ceilings are sheathed with it, allowing you to decorate the space or separate the recreation area.
  • Eurolining differs from domestic lining in surface treatment. Outside, the boards are carefully sanded and impregnated with a special composition. On the back surface of the euromaterial there is a groove for ventilation and moisture removal. Also eurolining differs in the exact geometrical sizes, it is ideal flat surface. Eurolining does not require additional processing, only installation.

Using wood, you can create multi-level ceilings

Narrow lining in combination with massive wooden beams will add individuality to any room.

  • The ceiling block house is a convex imitation of a log surface. The individual panels are assembled using a tongue-and-groove connection (a convex rib and slot). The finished material is impregnated with antiseptics and flame retardants (reducing flammability). The external design, formed by the panels of the block house, imitates an old log cabin built from solid tree trunks. It is kind and quality material for ceilings.
  • Decorative panels are the most expensive wood ceiling covering. They are made to order for certain premises, under its dimensions. Decorative panels represent wooden base and embossed stripes made with patterns and carving decorations. The stripes on the ceiling are arranged in the form of squares or rectangles.

Carved wooden ceiling complex type structures in production and installation

For a wooden ceiling, you need to correctly think over the lighting

  • Wooden wallpaper is a veneer on paper. They are used to decorate curved surfaces: arches. columns, vaulted ceilings. For installation, a crate is not required, the wallpaper is glued to a primed plastered ceiling. The combination of wooden wallpaper of different textures allows you to create a pattern or pattern on the ceiling. This is the least technologically complex design of a wooden ceiling.

Wooden materials are attached to the overhanging surface with the help of a crate. In some buildings, the ceiling rests on wooden floors- beams. Wooden ceiling with beams is finished frame structure, any ceiling panels can be attached to the beams.

What styles are suitable for a wooden ceiling

Making wood ceilings is appropriate and necessary in several stylistic decisions. For example, country style. hunting lodge and in a chalet.

A country-style house cannot do without a wooden ceiling. The hallmark of this style is round ceiling beams. wooden ceiling and log walls. Wooden ceilings in the interior are made of block house, lining and round logs. Block house and round ceilings look good in common rooms residential building: hall, comfortable entrance hall, cozy living room.

Wooden ceiling goes well with natural materials

With proper installation and care, a wooden ceiling will last for decades.

Wooden panels - another way to decorate the ceiling

The hunting lodge is another style where the ceiling must be wooden. It differs from the country in a rougher design and a large amount of untreated wood. The edges unedged boards can look very attractive if the bark on them is varnished.

The third style, where it is necessary to use wood in the design of the ceiling, is a chalet. A chalet is a style of a country house in Switzerland. The modern chalet is characterized by protruding beams. Sometimes the number of beams exceeds the required. In such designs, an imitation of a beam on the ceiling is used.

Modern wood ceiling classic version differs in ideal evenness of the surface made of eurolining.

Country style and wooden ceilings are made for each other

Decorating the ceiling with wood, you need to be wary of massive structures

Provence style kitchen with a perfect wooden ceiling

Combine materials in multi-level ceilings

The combination of a wooden ceiling with other interior elements

Harmonious design interior possible only when successful combination various elements of the interior. Ceiling and walls, furniture and floors, windows and doors. What to look for when choosing the type of ceiling wood and decorating style?

Color solutions for the ceiling and walls help to visually change the height of the ceiling surface. For example, high ceilings can be visually lowered if they are made of dark wood, and low ceilings they visually rise if they are sheathed with a light clapboard or block house. Also, light ceilings are best solution for deaf rooms without windows (corridor, entrance hall, bathroom).

Wooden ceilings in the interior create a feeling of comfort even in combination with painted and tiled walls. However, they are best combined with wooden walls. If the room is small, the material inner lining on the walls and ceiling should be the same. In a spacious room, you can experiment: sheathe the walls with a block house, and the ceiling with clapboard, or place wooden wallpaper on the walls and sophisticated decorative panels on the ceiling.

If the ceiling and walls are made of different wood materials, it is necessary to support ceiling finish similar design elements in furniture. For example, add sophistication to a furniture cabinet and make embossed sides on the doors. Or complement a flat wooden ceiling made of eurolining with a large wooden table.

In the interior of a room with a wooden ceiling, there must certainly be details in the same color scheme.

Wooden ceilings are very practical for the kitchen

Important! The durability of wood flooring is determined proper care. What do you need to pay attention to?

  • Temperature regime - not lower than + 15ºC.
  • The humidity of the dwelling should be in the range of 45-65%. At low humidity, the wood dries out, at high humidity it swells. Possible violations of the geometry of the ceiling.
  • Wipe dust with a dry or slightly damp soft cloth.

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  • Whoever says anything, but the tree has always been and will be the most the best view finishing material for a wooden house. The material is completely environmentally friendly and absolutely harmless to humans, and it’s hard to argue with this, because mother nature herself gave it to us. Finishing the ceilings with natural wood is deservedly the hallmark of any home, this is the first thing that catches your eye when you go inside. In this article, we will consider in detail all the finishing options that exist today, as well as color design ceiling.

    Wooden ceiling options

    The great advantage of wood is its low thermal conductivity. Thanks to this, wooden ceilings always retain heat and give comfort to your home. Being in such a room you will always feel comfortable, and the natural smell of wood will have a beneficial effect on your body.

    Modern market building materials can satisfy even the most capricious buyer.

    The presented assortment is so wide that sometimes it is impossible to make a choice right away. It takes more time to think.

    In a house made of timber, it is difficult to imagine anything as a material for the ceiling other than wood.

    The style for each room is selected depending on its main functional purpose. For example, in the living room he is alone, but in the bedroom and office he is completely different.

    In the past ten years, the white-painted ceiling has been very popular in interior design, especially among younger generation. This is due to the fact that the white color will never go out of fashion, and its unobtrusive appearance allows you to give the room lightness and airiness, which is sometimes so lacking.

    In this design, you can perform not only ceilings, but also walls, the space will look visually larger and wider, and you can easily dilute it with decorative elements.

    Despite the fact that wooden lining is relatively inexpensive material, this does not interfere with creating unique design interior, which is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent to it. To do this, you just need to show a little imagination and the result will not be long in coming.

    Making the ceilings in the house wooden clapboard, you can change their color to any other at any time, if you are a little fed up with the old one and you want some variety.

    The stereotypes that wood cannot be used in rooms with high humidity have long been erased. Modern technologies material handling and correct installation wooden ceilings, allows it to be used even in the bathroom.

    You don’t have to worry about the fact that something can happen to him, scientists and technologists have already done this for you. You just have to choose the right type of wood and the toner you like for it.

    There are plenty of options for finishing the bathroom ceiling and you can always choose the design that suits you.

    Wooden ceilings in a private house usually involve the use of two main types of material for this. The most popular finishing panels are:

    • clapboard "calm" : a fairly popular material that is used to decorate ceilings. Its long sides are made with a special groove and recess in such a way that when they are connected, the so-called “recessed-shelf” is not formed, that is, the surface is absolutely even. It looks especially beautiful when the ceiling is decorated with a wide clapboard "calm".
    • clapboard "Euro" : whiter expensive option, but much better. Made mainly from wood High Quality. The main emphasis is on the absence of knots, resin smudges and cracks. It undergoes better processing on four sides on expensive machines. On the back there is a recess for moisture removal and ventilation. The front side has a perfectly even and smooth surface that does not require additional processing.

    What styles use natural wood

    tree like finishing material has been in use all over the world for a long time. Reliability, aesthetics and elegant design allows it to be used in various styles interior design.

    The main styles are as follows:

    • High tech;
    • Country;
    • Modern;
    • Chalet;
    • Eco style;
    • Japanese style.

    Hi-tech style

    High-tech style is characterized by a clearly defined geometry of objects, however, despite this, they should not have strict boundaries.

    Country style

    A country-style room is hard to imagine without using wood as a finish, and ceilings are no exception. The finishing material can be both lining and wooden panels, boards or wooden wallpaper.

    well chosen color combination ceiling with walls, combined with a fireplace - will give the room a truly homely feel

    Modern style

    The main task of this style is to combine different kinds material, natural and artificial origin. The use of wood is a fundamental component of interior design, it can be both on the floor, and on the ceiling and walls. The main thing is that it does not violate the overall harmony of the interior.

    Art Nouveau kitchen will always have its relevance

    It will also always be appropriate to use various wooden structures, which will harmoniously complement the interior.

    Chalet style

    This style migrated to Russia from distant Switzerland and France. It would seem the usual simplicity of design wooden houses should have gone unnoticed, but as it turned out, this is not at all the case. The grandeur and beauty of the "chalet" style can charm any connoisseur of beauty.

    The predominant tones for this style are: brown, burgundy, dark green and red. use more bright colors it is necessary with extreme care so as not to disturb the overall atmosphere of the interior, since the “chalet” style loves natural tones.

    Chalet-style bedroom with wooden ceiling and suspended beams

    Eco style

    Eco is a derivative of the word ecology. From here it is not difficult to understand that the eco style provides only environmentally friendly finishes. harmless material created by nature itself.

    However, the use of natural materials is not one of the most important conditions for this style, it is very important to preserve their original appearance and appearance. The texture of the wood should be clearly visible, and its color palette should be as close to natural as possible.

    Interior design of a country house in eco style

    Unfortunately, it is impossible to ensure that harmful substances do not participate in the processing of wood and, at the same time, their cost does not increase. A tree treated with environmentally friendly impregnations will cost a lot, but believe me it's worth it, in return you will get crystal in the house fresh air and a feeling of complete solitude with nature.

    The use of other natural materials in decoration is also welcome, for example, such as.

    Floor-to-ceiling windows, fireplace, lined wall decorative brick, a lovely sofa with a coffee table is the perfect union to create a truly cozy atmosphere in the house

    Eco design loves space and good lighting. It is problematic to make the most of all the possibilities of this style in an apartment; a large country house with high ceilings and spacious rooms is perfect for this purpose. This is where you can truly let your imagination run wild.

    Wooden ceilings will look good not only in the house, but also in others. outbuildings. One style will avoid sharp boundaries between different zones.

    The open terrace of a country house decorated in the same style with the house will be an excellent addition to modern eco-style design.

    Japanese style

    Rather exotic and new style for Russian latitudes. However, in recent years it has been gaining more and more popularity. The main materials used in the decoration: stone and wood. Special attention paid to the design of ceilings, they are mainly made of boards or wooden panels, painted in dark colors.

    Remember that the Japanese style does not quite like experiments, it is characterized by minimalism and restraint.

    Dilute the interior is allowed only with decorative elements related to the style of the theme.

    Japanese style loves restraint. It has straight lines and simple shapes.

    Regardless of which style you choose for your interior, it is important to remember one thing that the ceilings in the house play a special, if not the main role in it.

    We invite you to consider more various options execution of wooden ceilings.

    Let this information will be food for your thought. For our part, we want you to make the right choice.