Interiors in olive tones. Olive color in the interior: the possibility of an advantageous combination. Features of the color combination of the walls of the floor and ceiling

A person is so arranged that he constantly wants to change something in the apartment, and not only rearranging the furniture, or updating it, but also changing the color of the interior of the room, making it not quite ordinary. An example of this is the use of olive color as a dominant or additional shade. By itself, this color is not bright, even a little boring, but with a good layout and combination with other colors, it can become a “highlight” in the interior of the room, making it unusual and attractive. However, you will have to reckon with some features and nuances of decor that will help make the room not only boring, but, on the contrary, bright, colorful and attractive. We have the opportunity to look at numerous examples of how to use this color.

Olive color in the dining room

Let's look at two options for using olive color. Take a close look at them and try to understand why you give preference to one of these interiors.

The olive color absorbs light, so don't make the whole room the same color. It should contain light colors. How are these rooms different? The softness of the olive hue, the lightness, and the amount of softening white. Therefore, the first option looks more festive and fun, but the second one is not without its attractiveness. This dining room has a large chandelier that will make the room warmer, but only if you use warm light close to sunlight, because cold light lamps can make it gloomy.

On the example of other rooms, we can consider in detail the change in the interior by changing the color of the wall to olive. Let's start with the lightest shades, which least of all need to be "diluted", although they are not devoid of additional decor elements that are not dominant, but make the room more comfortable.

It will also be interesting to consider how red is, and its shades harmoniously fit into the interior of the room, emphasizing its individuality.

Or other options for rooms with olive-colored walls.

However, you can change the look of the room not only due to the walls.

Olive furniture

Olive color in a small hallway should not dominate, as it darkens it and creates a feeling of reduction in space, so using this color for furniture, combined with a lot of white and bright lighting, allows this room to look elegant and sophisticated. The addition of yellow, or in this case, orange, fits well.

Olive color in the bedroom

The bedroom deserves special attention, because the shades and combinations in the interior of the olive color bring a piece of nature into the house. For this reason, it, with all its shades, fits perfectly into the interior of the bedroom, as its shades make the atmosphere cozy and light, adding peace and tranquility.

It is important to consider that the olive color is more applicable to a classic style than an exotic one, and therefore there is no need to overload the interior with overly bright or heavy details.

In the event that you want to make the bedroom brighter, you can add soft pink, beige, yellow or orange. For this room, it is best to use gentle tones of both olive color and additional colors. Do not get carried away with dark shades, using heavy curtains or curtains. Even if such a blackout will save you from the bright sun during the day, then at gloomy or dark times of the day the situation can turn out to be gloomy.

Bath and toilet

Whether you have a tie knot or not, if you want to do something extravagant in it, you can paint the walls in light shades of purple. As you can see, even without additional lighting, the room turned out to be “warm”, and if you turn on the bright light, it softens the atmosphere even more, making it more attractive.

For lovers of dark tones, you can consider painting the walls of the toilet in a dark shade of olive color with the addition of lighter decor elements.


Of course, you want the kitchen to remain fresh after repair for as long as possible. Olive color will help with this, as it is practical. Whether it's walls, floors, or furniture, crumbs, stains, drops that appear on them will be less noticeable. But, if the question was only in practicality, then it is unlikely that the olive color was popular. To create a calm atmosphere and a non-distracting background in the kitchen, the number of bright and contrasting details should be minimized, and if there is a desire to revive this room, then their number should be increased. An example of this approach can be seen in the construction of kitchen designs, starting with a more strict one (from left to right).

Regardless of which shade of olive you choose, remember to strike a balance between dark and bright colors to achieve a good match for your space. Keep in mind that the look of the room changes with the lighting, and what was done in bright sunlight may look unattractive in the evening, and even repulsive (or vice versa). The right approach, plus a flight of design ideas, can change the interior of any room for the better.


Olive color in the design of the reception room is not common. The color of the fruits of the southern tree is quite complex, with its own character and characteristics. Therefore, it is very difficult to use it and skillfully interweave it into the design of the room. Especially if you do not have any knowledge or skills in this area.

Designers can handle this task quite easily. As a result, they can get a refined and sophisticated interior with a touch of olive freshness. About what rules should be observed when using olive color in the interior, we decided to tell in this article. So that you, without resorting to the help of specialists, can understand all the subtleties of the design of the living room and the caution that should be exercised when using this color.

What color is called olive

Olive is a natural symbiosis of three calm and pleasant colors:

  • green,
  • yellow,
  • gray.

All the properties that this color has, he adopted from his ancestors. As green, it brings peace and tranquility, symbolizes loyalty and understanding. It radiates security and reliability.

Like yellow olive brings warmth and comfort. Finally, gray neutralizes the brightness of green and yellow. It is believed that green with a gray tint symbolizes wisdom. Thus, as a result of such a harmonious combination of three colors, a conservative olive color is obtained, which is characteristic of conservative, self-confident people, a little slow and phlegmatic.

Rules for using olive color in the interior

If you are confident in your desire to use olive color in the interior of the reception room, then you must definitely know the basic rules for its use.

Firstly, since this color obscures the room, it is necessary to provide it with intense artificial and natural lighting. Along with a powerful main light source such as a chandelier, you need to use spotlights that additionally illuminate certain parts of the room. As additional illumination use:

  • Spotlights,
  • spots,
  • floor lamps,

As well as LED blocks and strips. The lamps in all the lamps in the olive living room should emit a cold white light. With such lighting, the olive color composition looks more interesting.

Secondly, the olive elements in the reception room should be placed against a light background. This will avoid the effect of reducing the space that olive color can carry, this is especially important for living rooms of small sizes.

What colors go with olive

It is very important to form the right color composition in the olive living room, since olive color alone will not work. What colors go well with olive color in the interior?

Wall, floor and ceiling decoration

Let's talk in more detail about how to arrange vertical and horizontal surfaces in an olive living room so that they blend harmoniously with each other. There can be two main options, here we will talk about them.

The first option, the most common, assumes that the walls will be light in color, such as white or beige. As a finish, you can use plain wallpaper, wall panels, laminate, or a combination of both. Against the background of light walls, olive-colored furniture, textiles and accessories will look great. Light colors are always winning, and in this case, they will not only add light to the living room, but also give the room coziness and comfort.

The floor in such a living room is best done in a contrasting dark color, for example, walnut, wenge, chocolate, this is necessary so that all surfaces do not merge with each other, and the impression of a chamber space is not created.

The second option for using olive color in the interior of the reception room suggests that the walls will be decorated with an olive color finish, while it is better to use a lighter shade of it. The floor in such a living room can be either dark or light in color.

In this case, the texture of the flooring is better to choose one that imitates wood. In such an olive living room, the use of this color will be sufficient, all other interior elements must be selected in light colors.

However, you can think about how to combine light and olive shades when decorating walls, this option will also be appropriate when decorating a room. As for the ceiling in the living room in olive color, in any case, there can be no better option than a white ceiling.

No other color will add as much light as white. The only thing you can experiment with is with the texture of the ceiling, for example, stretch ceilings can be matte, glossy and satin, glossy ones reflect light the most, which in this case will only be a plus.

Furniture and accessories in the olive living room

As we have already said, there should not be too much olive color in the interior of your living room, so olive-colored furniture can only be the case with light walls. For example, an olive-colored sofa complete with armchairs looks noble and strict. The dining group, which includes upholstered chairs with olive upholstery, can elegantly complement the interior of the living room. White furniture against the backdrop of olive walls will also look chic, a chic leather sofa will emphasize the luxury of a classic style.

Cabinet furniture is usually chosen in white or very light colors, for example, bleached oak, it can be: a wall or chest of drawers, a large white dining table or a transforming coffee table. Decorate the living room and add coziness to the room will help a fireplace with decor in the form of columns. You can dilute white interior items with the help of textiles and accessories. You can spread an olive-colored blanket or put a couple of pillows on the sofa, decorate the windows with curtains in the same color, and place several beautiful figurines on the cabinet shelves. When setting the table, you can use olive-colored napkins.

As for accessories and additional interior items, they can be not only olive or light in color, but also some kind of bright, in harmony with the main palette. These colors include terracotta, turquoise or yellow.


Summing up, we note that the olive color in the interior of the room is able to give the room originality and originality. Due to its complexity and ambiguity, few dare to design a living room in this natural color, because your room can be unique and inimitable, such as many do not have.

The right dosage of color and the help of a specialist can turn it into a wonderful living corner in an eco-style or a simple and luxurious reception room in a classic design. Try to abstract from the standards, maybe olive is exactly the color that is missing in your living room.

Gorgeous olive shade has long been popular among many fashionistas. Let's see what it can be worn with and how to combine it in outfits.

The first association with this color is the Military style, which is so loved by many girls. Its main advantage is versatility and neutrality, which means that it suits everyone. The main thing is to correctly combine it with other colors, because the impression that you want to make on others will depend on this.

Olive color can be combined in one set with both neutral shades and bright ones, and it will look good everywhere.

Olive is one of the shades of green. It personifies natural naturalness and naturalness, has a calming effect on a person, gives him a feeling of security and comfort.

People who choose clothes of this shade are unhurried, cautious and observant, they will think for a long time before making a decision. They are responsive and ready to help in a difficult situation.

Who will suit

Since the color is quite universal, it is suitable for every girl or woman. Especially good olive clothes will look on the owners of brown eyes and golden, slightly dark skin. Such girls can wear olive-colored blouses and dresses with complete confidence. But blondes should be a little more careful with this color so that it does not make their appearance paler; they are recommended to add it to the image in the form of small elements: a scarf, a handbag, a vest, and other accessories.


Compared to classic green, olive has more yellow in it, so it is warmer. Sometimes a little brown or white is added to the shade, in which case we get an even warmer clarified tone.

Olive color - the best combinations for clothes

The color itself is deep and calm in its structure, it gives the same combinations. Especially suitable for autumn, refined and warm, it will allow you to keep the impressions of the outgoing summer for a long time. Olive is able to emphasize your femininity and at the same time be strict and serious like a man.

Combining with other colors

So, what colors will our green-yellow shade look best with? Let's get a look.

+ White

The combination with white for any shade is classic and win-win, but in our case, you get a great elegant look. The color combination turns out to be quite neutral, so you can experiment by adding other options from our list to this pair.

Additional colors are suitable for accessories, shoes, handbags, or maybe you want to add a full-fledged thing in a third color, for example, white trousers + olive blouse + jacket (yellow, pink, beige, brown).

+ Black

+ Yellow

Since there is a bit of yellow in olive, it looks good paired with it. Yellow adds cheerfulness, brightness and dynamics in combination with olive. This combination looks very harmonious and warm.

+ Red (Orange)

Bright rich pink (crimson) will look great with a darker and more muted olive tint. They emphasize each other well and add expressiveness along with the whole. It is better to make one of the colors an accent and take it smaller, and let the other be the main one.

+ Purple (Lilac)

Olive color and purple (lilac) is one of the best combinations. They are gorgeous, elegant, a little mysterious and very original look with each other. Dark olive is best combined with purple, and light olive with lilac.

Additional colors will be black, white, beige and pink.

+ Blue (Cyan)

Blue jacket + dress or olive blouse + blue jeans— a universal option for work and for a walk. Add a few accents of yellow, light green or orange and a bright original set is ready.

+ Burgundy

Burgundy is one of the best options to pair with olive. They reinforce each other, add expressiveness and original, slightly muted contrast, look very noble and elegant side by side.

+ Olive

In this combination, not color, but tonal contrast (dark and light) looks good. Lighter shades complement dark ones perfectly. Accessories: blue, pink, purple or red-brown.

The total look option can be a stylish solution for a variety of situations.

Olive can transform next to other colors, it can look rough and tough, or it can become feminine and elegant, it all depends on color combinations. Still, you should not overload your image with things of this shade, otherwise it can create the impression of gloom and gloom (especially on rough materials). It is best if you use this color in your wardrobe in a dosed and delicate way.

This photo selection is dedicated to interiors in olive color. Olive is a very interesting shade, it is formed by a mixture of green, gray and yellow. The saturation of the olive color depends on the proportion of these colors - from green to pistachio. Olive can be used in the interiors of various rooms. It goes well with other colors and with its help you can create very stylish interiors with a bright, unique design.

Olive color combinations in the interior

Olive + brown
This combination is suitable for spacious living rooms and bedrooms with large windows. Both of these colors absorb light and visually reduce the volume of the room. The lack of light can be compensated for with light decor and accessories - pillows in white, cream and light beige shades, light curtains made in pastel colors, large light floor vases and lamps. Light olive walls perfectly shade expensive natural wood furniture.

Olive + beige
If the combination of olive with brown seems too dark and harsh for you, then you will like the combination of olive with beige, coffee with milk or cream. You can make the ceiling and accessories light. In such an interior, spotlights on the ceiling would be very appropriate, which will focus on the light ceiling and visually make the room brighter.

Olive + white
Olive color perfectly refreshes white. In the interior, you can use white inserts - white stripes on the walls, white curtains or snow-white bedspreads and tablecloths.

Olive + orange or yellow
Combining olive with such bright shades as carrot, orange, yellow, very positive interiors are obtained, uplifting and improving the vitality of the owners. In these shades, you can make armchairs, pouffes, lamps, bedspreads or pillows.

Olive + pastel
Olive color, like any vegetable shade, goes well with all pastel shades - pale blue (heavenly), light green (the color of young foliage), pale yellow (the color of wild flowers), pale pink (the color of tea rose).

Olive + red
Dark red or burgundy furniture upholstery will shade light olive walls, they will look richer and more expressive.

Olive + black
These two colors are perfectly combined in strict, business interiors. In black, leather upholstery of sofas and armchairs is usually made. Against the backdrop of an olive wall, an Art Nouveau bookcase and a single black chair will look great.

Olive + mustard
These two colors complement each other perfectly, forming a gradient from lighter olive to darker mustard. For example, against the backdrop of a light olive wall, you can place a mustard-colored sofa.

Gone are the days when simple, monosyllabic colors were used for interior design. Modern designers are constantly looking for interesting, original shades that can create a certain atmosphere. And one of the original solutions refers to the olive color - a complex combination of several colors of green, yellow, gray and beige.

Psychologists claim that this natural tone on the wallpaper can give the room comfort, warmth, tranquility, nobility. And design professionals have embraced this unique color because of its ability to create an elegant, understated interior and blend with a variety of hues.

Today, you can often find olive wallpaper, which is successfully glued to decorate the walls of any room - living room, bedroom, kitchen, office. This versatility is another definite plus.

Olive color wallpaper features

If, when choosing wallpaper, the choice fell on olive, you should get to know the features of the palette better. Given certain points, you can extract all the positive aspects from gluing such wallpapers:

However, do not underestimate the palette of olive tones. They fit perfectly into modern styles, making the interior visually more comfortable, calmer, more harmonious. Take a look at the photo below:

But for the design of the office, such a relaxing effect is not always in place. Here you should prioritize, and find out if you need peace and relaxation during work? If yes, then you can safely buy such wallpapers and create the basis for the design in the interior, for example, as in the photo:

But if you need an atmosphere that helps you concentrate, concentrate on work, then you can choose an olive, but its darker, “serious” colors for cabinet design. The interior will be impressive and status:

Of course, here it is worth considering the material of the wallpaper, since the paper product will in any case be less wear-resistant than vinyl or non-woven.

Combination with soothing colors

As a true natural tone, olive goes well with all natural colors and can be used to create a harmonious interior. Moreover, such wallpapers are more often used in the interior with materials of a different color than by themselves. Among the most successful combinations are the following:

  • with brown. The combination of two discreet colors creates a discreet, but at the same time, sophisticated environment, as in the photo.

This combination is suitable for decorating a living room, study, bedroom, hallway. But it is important to consider that for cramped spaces an additional source of lighting will be required;

  • with beige shades. Warm, delicate beige is an excellent companion for olive color. From this combination, a very harmonious interior is obtained:

To decorate the room, it is desirable to hang various paintings, panels, installations. Houseplants also look beautiful and organic;

The design is light and modern;

However, there are some pitfalls in this design, as two calm natural shades can make the room monotonous and boring. To prevent this from happening, designers suggest using different materials in the interior of one room - imitation or natural stone, wood, linen fabrics and more.

The interior will look more dynamic and interesting.

Contrasting combination

But not only calm colors are suitable for a tandem.

Olive wallpapers and red accessories create a stylish design, warm in autumn, but not without richness and extravagance.

For such a design, muted reds are perfect - burgundy, lingonberry, mountain ash. Thick and rich, they are able to emphasize the depth of the olive color.

A rather rare and original combination - olive-colored wallpaper and orange, and yellow, which have the right to exist. However, experts recommend using a muted warm yellow or orange if you want to get a harmonious, calm interior. In addition, they can create a wonderful trio with olive.

Warm shades create the same atmosphere, eliminate excessive rigor and formality. White, brown, beige accents will help to complete the picture, giving the design idea a decorated look:

A bright combination of olive and yellow-orange wallpaper is suitable for interiors in the style of romanticism and Provence. In this case, the olive-colored wallpaper will somewhat reduce the dynamism of sunny, too hot shades.

Additional decor

The olive palette is rich in muted, inexpressive shades that are great for the background, but require the mandatory presence of additional decor. Glass, metal, wood products will help to make the interior more “alive” and bright:

Ethnic elements look great against the background of olive wallpaper - products made of birch bark, rattan, all kinds of ornaments and paintings.

When choosing olive wallpaper, you can use all shades of gold, silver, bronze. Such elements of luxury will not spoil the modesty of this color.

Olive does not belong to demanding, capricious colors, therefore, with the right selection of colors from this palette, based on the characteristics of the room and the level of illumination, you can “beat” almost any combination. In the interior, you can successfully use bright accents, and the wallpaper can also have a dark, strict color. But in this case, it is recommended to dilute the dark range with lighter accessories.