Homemade plinth for the floor. How to properly fix a wooden ceiling plinth How to make wooden plinth

If a few decades ago skirting boards were made of wood and fastened to the floor, now there is much more choice. For example, you can purchase plastic ones that are quite easy to mount on the floor with your own hands.

Choose them depending on the color of the floor, and also take into account the presence of a cable channel.

Calculation of the required material

Before you go to the hardware store, calculate the required amount of materials. You can do this in the following way:

  1. Using a tape measure, measure the floor around the perimeter - while not including the width of the openings.
  2. We calculate the number of planks: the number obtained as a result of the previous steps must be divided by the estimated length of the plinth. The number must be rounded up to an integer. For example, if according to the results of the calculation it turned out 7, 5 - then we buy 8 bars.
  3. In addition, the calculation includes external and internal corners, connecting elements, plugs, right and left.

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How to mount?

You will need at work:

  • nails, screws;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • plastic glue.

To mount skirting boards with cable channels on the floor, you will need nails or self-tapping screws:

  1. First, the cable channel bar is removed from the baseboard - it is necessary to drill holes in it. They are drilled in increments of 50 cm, and about 10 cm recede from the corner, the diameter of the drill used in this case will be 6 mm.
  2. An inner corner is attached to the plinth and glued with glue to fix it as securely as possible. A plinth is applied from the corner, after which points are marked on the wall, in which shallow holes are then made with a drill.
  3. Plastic dowels are inserted into the holes. The entire length of the plinth is fixed with screws (the latter can be replaced with dowel-nails).
  4. The end of the plinth is closed with a joint.
  5. Measure the length to the connection, then cut the bar. Follow the installation as above. Don't forget the markup.
  6. The cable is laid in the channel and closed with a lid.
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At first glance, the plinth may seem like a very insignificant element of the interior decoration of any room, but in reality it is difficult to get a complete full-fledged interior without it. The installation of the plinth is carried out at the final stage of all work, that is, after the surface of the walls, the ceiling, and the flooring have been laid.

According to its purpose, the plinth is divided into two main categories: ceiling and floor. Each of these types is worth talking about in more detail.

The plinth is not just a decorative detail of the interior, but also implements a number of functions, among which it should be noted:

  • protection of the wall surface from high humidity and, as a result, premature aging of the wallpaper;
  • reliable masking of shortcomings and minor defects that form when laying the floor covering. Most often they are concentrated at the junction of the floor and the wall;
  • creating a pleasant and thoughtful design of the room;
  • masking additional cables and wires.

Types of floor plinth

To date, for the manufacture of skirting boards, numerous materials are used, the choice of which determines the basic properties of a decorative and protective element. The diversity of the assortment is due to the existence of a large number of different finishing materials, and in order to achieve a harmonious color transition between the wall and the floor, it is necessary to choose an element that will best suit these goals.

Choice of floor plinth

The choice of a suitable decorative element should be based on many parameters. The main criteria are usually the aesthetic considerations of the owners, as well as the features of the room for which the skirting board is chosen. If the first factor is purely individual, then the situation with the second is simpler.

When it comes to the features of the room, we mean the surface of the walls. The fact is that not every skirting board is suitable for walls that are characterized by a large number of defects and irregularities. From this point of view, plastic seems to be an ideal option, since it is highly flexible and has functional elements that can hide flaws - a special edge and fasteners.

In order to purchase the right amount of building materials, it is important to calculate the perimeter of the room. It is necessary to arm yourself with a centimeter and measure the length of the room, including the so-called hard-to-reach places, and then divide the resulting figure by the standard skirting board length - 2.5 meters.

This technology is considered the main one and is applicable to most types of skirting boards. Depending on the material, there may be minor discrepancies, which are specified in the course of work. For example, plastic skirting boards are fastened with dowels and screws, and fastening clips are used for MDF panels.

Stage 1. At the first stage, you should take the necessary measurements described above. In order to avoid unpleasant situations, building material is bought "in reserve", that is, 3-5 meters more. At the stage of acquiring a skirting board, it is important not to forget about the connecting elements and plugs.

Stage 2. It is necessary to arm yourself with a set of tools, without which it will be difficult to complete the installation: a drill, a hacksaw, a miter box, dowels and screws.

Important: in order for the skirting board joints to be tightly fitted to each other, the material at the ends must be cut at an angle of 45 degrees. We insert the plinth into the miter box, adjust the angle and cut it with a hacksaw.

Stage 4. Marking usually starts from the corner, which is located on the longest wall of the room. You need to step back five centimeters from the corner and make a mark with a simple pencil. The following points are placed at a distance of forty centimeters from each other.

Stage 5. It is necessary to attach the product to the surface and mark the places where the holes will be drilled. For this, a drill with a diameter of three millimeters is used.

Stage 6. After that, you should mount the corner and screw the plinth to the wall surface with screws.

Stage 7. At the final stage, install the upper half of the plinth or decorative tape.

Mounting the plinth on the ledge

Step 1. First of all, we make oblique cuts so that the connection is not inward, but towards the outside.

Step 2. We nail the part with a nail without a hat.

Step 3. We fix the element with dowel-nails.

Step 4. We eliminate defects with putty or varnish.

Ceiling plinth - types and features

A ceiling plinth or fillet is a special type of cornice that is used to avoid broken corners in the room and make the interior design as harmonious as possible.

  • PVC skirting board- cheap, light, functional, but unstable to temperature fluctuations;
  • foam board skirting board- economical, easy to process, but combustible and has low strength;
  • polyurethane baseboard- durable, flexible, easy to install, resistant to temperature extremes, moisture resistant. Among the shortcomings, only the high cost of products can be noted;
  • styrofoam skirting board- relatively affordable, looks good and imitates real stucco. Cons - fragile and brittle;
  • gypsum plinth- high-quality, durable, environmentally friendly. Allows for a unique design. Disadvantages - fragility, bulkiness, high cost;
  • wooden crafts- strong, durable, aesthetic and environmentally friendly. Among the minuses is a low plasticity index.

Choosing a ceiling plinth

Usually the choice of ceiling plinth is based on its parameters. The length of the products is standard - two meters, but the width can vary from one centimeter to twenty. Before giving preference to one or another option, you should understand how the width of the skirting board affects the appearance of the entire room.

A wide plinth visually smoothes the corners of the room, and also helps to hide numerous surface defects and the junction of the ceiling structure and the wall. However, such a solution would be appropriate only in situations where the size of the room allows the use of a bulky baseboard. Otherwise, a wide product will visually reduce the room, make it uncomfortable and low. For compact rooms, thin baguettes are ideal.

Do-it-yourself installation of a ceiling plinth

For quick and efficient installation of the ceiling plinth, you will need a set of tools:

  • construction knife;
  • brush;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • ruler;
  • miter box;
  • rubber spatula;
  • sealant;
  • glue;
  • plinth directly.

Step 1. At the first stage, you should prepare the plinth, lay out the elements along the walls and determine the desired dimensions. Corner elements are cut with a miter box at an angle of 45 degrees. The "puzzle" of the parts must converge so that there are no problems during installation.

Step 2. It is necessary to take two pre-prepared corner parts of the plinth, cut so that the ends fit snugly against each other, apply glue to the inside of the elements with a brush.

Step 4. Then you need to take the next element, apply glue to it and attach it to the end of the plinth glued from the corner. All other parts are glued in the same way. It is important to press the skirting boards tightly against each other so that there is no gap between them.

Step 5. At the last stage, it is necessary to wipe the gaps between the baseboard, ceiling and wall with a sealant.

It is important to remember: if the plinth is mounted on a stretch ceiling, then a special polyethylene lining should be used. It is placed between the plinth and the surface of the stretch ceiling. After the installation work is completed, the lining is carefully removed from under the elements.

Following the above rules will allow you to get a quick and high-quality result that will delight the owners of the premises for a long time.

Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself floor plinth installation

Video - Do-it-yourself installation of a plinth (ceiling plinth)

All photos from the article

Wood trim is deservedly considered a classic, not subject to any newfangled trends. There are many good floor borders on the modern market, but natural wood, like a hundred years ago, is valued higher. In this article we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of this material, as well as tell you how to correctly select and install a plinth made of wood with your own hands.

What you need to know about wooden skirting boards

Tip: when choosing such products, you should remember that today high-quality wood cannot be cheap.
These borders belong to the upper or maximum, middle price category.
Even if you decide to make wooden skirting boards with your own hands, they will cost more than budget plastic.

Product types

At the moment, the market offers two types of natural wood products: this is a curb carved from solid wood and a veneered version.

  • Solid wood skirting board is a classic. The cost of such planks depends, first of all, on the type of wood, as well as on the complexity of the profile, grade and level of processing. Such borders can be found both among elite goods and in the middle price niche;
  • The basis of the veneered border is a natural array of inexpensive conifers, as a rule, it is pine or spruce. In some models, glued laminated timber is taken as the basis. After the formation of the front profile, the veneer is glued onto the bar in an industrial way. As a result, at the output we have a product that is absolutely identical to the elite natural array, but the price of this skirting board is an order of magnitude lower than the original.

Important: in part, planks made of pressed MDF and covered with natural veneer can be attributed to wooden products.
Most often they are used for arrangement.

Product shape

Gone are the days when the entire range of such goods was limited to a few models with a triangular cut. And these plinths differed only in the presence or absence of a chamfer. The modern woodworking market is constantly improving technologies and equipment.

Now wooden laths are practically not inferior to polyurethane products or plaster moldings in terms of the complexity of the ornament. The patterns that CNC programmable machines are capable of applying can only be compared with hand-carved wood.

Each manufacturer is now trying to stand out with its unique models. Of course, there is a standard classic line of products in which the size of the bar base ranges from 10 to 25 mm. As for the height, there are no restrictions here, it starts from 40 mm and in some models can reach up to 300 mm.

Important: when choosing a size, they often start from the height of the ceiling.
For a city apartment with a standard ceiling in the region of 2.7 m, the height of the bar should not exceed 70 mm.
For ceilings up to 3 m, planks of 70 - 90 mm are suitable, for higher ceilings a plinth of at least 50 mm is taken, there is no upper limit here.

What wood is the plinth made from?

It has always been believed that the skirting board should be selected, starting from the material from which the floor is made.

But modern design trends allow you to successfully combine different breeds and bypass old dogmas.

  • Among conifers, of course, pine is considered the most popular. It is a pleasure to work with this material. The soft array is well cut and processed. Texture and color allow you to use a variety of tinting compositions, achieving an original design solution. Spruce is less commonly used in production, as this array is considered less elastic;

  • A separate niche is occupied by larch borders. The price of such an array is quite high, but larch is not afraid of moisture, and most importantly, it is not subject to decay. These skirting boards are great for spaces like the kitchen or shower room;
  • Oak is traditionally considered an elite massif. It has unique strength and durability. But it is valued not only for this, the aesthetic qualities of oak are deservedly considered one of the highest. Skirting boards made of stained, bleached or artificially aged oak emphasize the solidity of the interior;

  • Beech also belongs to the elite varieties; in terms of its characteristics, it is practically not inferior to oak. But in its pure form it has an original pink tint and a smooth texture;

  • Walnut borders have a noble brown color. These strips have good elasticity and are often used for the production of bent profiles. The high content of iodine gives the nut healing qualities and makes it resistant to decay;
  • Ash has a beautiful light olive color. Like walnut, it bends well, its texture is vaguely reminiscent of oak, but with a clearer drawing of the fibers;

  • Alder is quite pliable in processing, but the planks practically do not bend. In addition, this array is afraid of any moisture, even light, temporary dampness can lead to rotting and damage to the curb;
  • Exotic wenge and mahogany people choose because of the original colors and textures. The array itself is quite durable and lightweight, but not everyone can afford such a plinth;

  • Aspen and linden are quite resistant to moisture, flexible and well processed. They are relatively inexpensive, so baths and other similar premises are often trimmed with these rocks;
  • Cherry is also quite popular. It is certainly not as strong as oak, but it is more elastic and resistant to decay. When choosing such a plinth, one should take into account the fact that cherry changes color over time.

Tip: when you buy an unvarnished, clean border, be aware that after varnishing it will seriously change the shade.
In order to find out what awaits you at the finish line, you need to wipe the bar with a wet sponge.
But this only works for colorless varnishes.

Installation subtleties

Although wooden planks are much tougher compared to their plastic counterparts, the instructions for self-assembly of even an elite plinth, as a rule, do not cause difficulties for people who are familiar with a hacksaw, screwdriver and drill. Moreover, some masters make borders with their own hands.

Can you make your own border?

The question of how to make a plinth with your own hands from wood is asked by many. But here it should be remembered that independent production of borders is not always cost-effective.

First, you need to choose the right board. The moisture level of the forest should not exceed 16%.

Raw wood cannot be sanded well, plus it is poorly milled. Knots, rot, chips and other defects are also undesirable. Ideally, you need a clean, dry, planed board.

Wooden skirting boards, a traditional attribute of interior decoration, continue to be in fashion due to their environmental friendliness, spectacular appearance and durability. Lath decor can be made of solid wood or in combination with decorative veneer.

Skirting boards in a modern interior are used not only to decorate the floor and ceiling with walls, but also to mask wires and even pipes with a small diameter.

Features of wooden skirting boards

The cost of a plinth is determined by the type of wood, but in any case, wooden decor will cost more than plastic counterparts. It should be noted that in this case the value for money is quite fair. The durability and durability of wood products, the possibility of cosmetic renewal and the status look justify such a choice.

The eclectic approach allows you to use wooden skirting boards not only with parquet or plank cladding, but also with a wide range of floor coverings.

The possibility of effective heat and noise insulation, a variety of configurations and the simplest methods for joints and corners allow you to apply any design solution.

Fixing skirting boards made of wood

When calculating the price of a wooden baseboard, it is necessary to take into account the labor costs for their installation, which requires carpentry skills. Ideally smooth walls create the best conditions for installation. The higher the quality of the repair work, the more aesthetically pleasing the installation can be. Instead of self-tapping screws, you can use wooden dowels or liquid nails.

Skirting rails made of solid wood are the most workable material: they can not only be painted, but also carved. By changing the standard configuration, you can mask defects and implement non-standard ideas.

Skirting boards with clips

A special technology using metal holders allows you to fix both wooden and veneered skirting boards without damaging the decorative surface.

An important advantage of this method is easy dismantling without damaging the walls and decor, it gives the most convenient access to the communication lines hidden under the skirting boards. The clips are attached in increments of 30-50 cm, then once the skirting board is installed on the fasteners by pressing.

Fashionable configurations of wooden skirting boards

Special wiring channels are not the only innovation that distinguishes modern wooden skirting boards. The fashion for a wide edging around the entire perimeter of the floor conceptually changes the configuration of a wooden plinth.

The traditional boot that expands at the bottom is inferior in popularity to high and narrow baguettes, the surface of which is perpendicular to the floor.

Flat and narrow minimalist European-style skirting boards in models with a height of up to 10 cm are usually used more often in white, with a higher height, milling decoration is done in a classic style.

The use of non-standard large sizes of wooden skirting boards is possible only in spacious rooms with high ceilings.

The most neutral option is low solid wood baguettes with a height-to-width ratio of 2:1. Such dimensions favorably emphasize the natural texture of the tree.

Selection of wooden skirting boards

Raw baguettes made from the same types of wood as the flooring can be stained and varnished for a uniform effect or contrast. You can also purchase veneered skirting boards, picking them up a tone darker than the floor.

When choosing a floor baguette, the doorway trims can also be a reference point for a color scheme. Skirting boards can be selected in black and white contrast, or exactly in the color of doors and windows.

In modern design, painting of skirting boards in the color of walls or furniture is also used.

Ceiling plinth, or wood fillet

Wooden ceiling plinths matched to the floor decor can be a stylish addition to the interior, decorated in a classic style, but it must be taken into account that the installation is more laborious and the need for more careful alignment of the walls and ceiling.

The standard width of wooden planks is from 1 to 3 cm, they are fixed with screws or self-tapping screws.

The safety of wooden decor installed in hard-to-reach places, especially in rooms with high humidity, can only be ensured if treated with special paints and varnishes.

Photo of wooden skirting boards

For many years, wood finishes have been considered a real classic that is not subject to newfangled trends. The modern market offers a huge selection of high-quality floor borders, but it is natural wood that is valued above all else. In this article we will talk about the pros and cons of this material, we will try to figure out how to make a plinth on our own and install it.

Features of a modern skirting board

When choosing such products, first of all, you should remember that high-quality wood has never been cheap. Such borders belong to the middle or upper price category. Even if you understand how to make a wooden skirting board with your own hands, you must first take care of choosing the right material. Naturally, wood will cost much more than plastic. Now let's look at what skirting boards are, and get acquainted with their advantages and disadvantages.

Varieties of plinth

Today in the store you can find only two options for products made from natural wood:

  • Plinth made of solid wood. Their cost largely depends on the type of wood, in addition, the complexity of the profile, the level of processing and the variety play an important role in the formation of the price. As a rule, such borders are classified as elite goods and products of the middle price niche.
  • Veneer plinth. They are made from a natural array of less expensive conifers, in particular, spruce or pine. There are also models made of glued laminated timber. After the front profile has already been formed, the expensive wood veneer is glued onto the plank in an industrial way. As a result, a product is obtained that is identical to the expensive natural elite array, but it costs much less than the original.

Important! Planks made of pressed MDF covered with natural veneer are also wood products.

Skirting board shapes

Long gone are the days when the manufacture of such a product was limited only to models with triangular sections. They differed only in the absence or presence of a chamfer. Fortunately, the current woodworking market regularly improves equipment and technologies.

According to their form, they are divided into the following models:

  • traditional forms. Modern wooden planks are in no way inferior to gypsum stucco or polyurethane products in terms of the complexity of the ornament.

Important! High-tech programmable machines allow you to apply patterns that are as similar as possible to those created by hand carving.

  • Running forms. All manufacturers are trying to somehow stand out from the crowd with their unique models. Therefore, there are also classic standard products on sale, in which the main bar has a size of 10 to 25 mm, and models with non-standard heights from 40 to 300 mm.

Important! When choosing the optimal size of the plinth, try to build on the height of the ceiling:

  • In city apartments, the ceiling has a standard height of 2.7 m, so the height of the bar in such cases should not exceed 7 cm.
  • For higher ceilings, it is better to buy borders no lower than 5 cm.

What material is the plinth made of?

Previously, people chose a skirting board based solely on what material it was made of. But modern designers successfully combine various tree species, so they easily bypass the already established rules. Before you make a plinth, familiarize yourself with its varieties depending on the material:

  • Pine. This type of conifer is considered the most popular, because it is quite simple to work with it. The array itself is very soft, it is easy to cut and process. The variety of colors and textures allows you to use a variety of tinting compositions in order to achieve an original design solution.
  • Larch. Borders made of this material occupy a separate niche in the modern market. It is not cheap, but it is not at all afraid of moisture, due to which it does not rot. Larch borders are ideal for showers or kitchens.
  • Oak. It belongs to the elite massif, as it is distinguished by its unique durability and strength. But this material is valued more for its aesthetic qualities.

Important! Models made of bleached, stained or artificially aged oak are usually used to give solidity to the interior.

  • Beech. It also belongs to the varieties of elite wood, because in terms of its characteristics it is in no way inferior to the aforementioned oak. In its pure form, it has an original pink hue, a perfectly even texture.
  • Nut. Such borders are distinguished by a noble brown hue. Walnut strips are elastic, mainly used for the manufacture of bent profiles.

Important! Due to the high content of iodine, the nut also has certain healing properties.

  • Ash. This material has a charming light olive shade. Like a walnut, it bends perfectly, the texture is a bit like oak, but the fibers are more clearly traced in it.
  • Alder. It can be processed, but it bends quite difficult. Such planks are afraid of water, even temporary dampness can lead to damage and rotting of the curb.
  • Exotic mahogany and wenge. Basically, they are preferred because of the original texture and colors. The array itself is very light and durable, but in terms of finances, not everyone can afford it.
  • Linden and aspen. The materials are flexible, resistant to moisture, perfectly processed. They are relatively inexpensive, so they, in particular, trim the baths.
  • Cherry. Such borders are in deserved demand. They are not as strong as oak, but more resistant to decay and resilient. If you choose such a thin baseboard, then keep in mind that over time it will change its color.

Important! When buying a clean, unvarnished border, remember that after you varnish it, it will change color a lot. If you want to know how it will turn out as a result of varnishing, then wipe the bar with a wet sponge.

The nuances of self-assembly of skirting boards

Despite the fact that wooden products are much tougher compared to their plastic counterparts, even a beginner will figure out how to make a do-it-yourself wooden skirting board. The self-installation guide does not cause any difficulties, especially if you have ever worked with a drill and a screwdriver.

Material selection and preparation for installation

Many people wonder if it is possible to make wooden borders on their own, but the main thing in this matter is not to forget that their manufacture is not always cost-effective.

Important! All financial and labor costs will pay off only if you choose the right board.


  • The moisture level of the material should not be lower than 16%. Raw wood cannot be sanded; moreover, it cannot be processed on a milling machine.
  • Rotten, various chips, knots, and other defects are undesirable here.
  • The ideal option is a dry, clean, planed board.

Important! The main type of processing at this stage of material preparation is milling. To do this, you will need a milling machine or a high-quality manual router with stops and clamps.

Installation of wooden plinth

The installation instructions for natural wood products are as follows:

  • Using a tape measure, determine how many bars you need, then add 20% to the resulting figure. This tolerance is necessary for trimming and joining.
  • Start the arrangement with a door hatch or a near corner. Move clockwise.

Important! Remember that wood is not plastic, there are no adapters and plugs, so in this situation, competent docking in a straight line of planks and cutting corners is especially important.

  • If the corners in the room are perfectly even, then use a carpenter's miter box to cut the planks at an angle of 45 degrees and join them. Since this situation is rare, it is better to use a flat plinth for marking, apply it alternately to both sides of each corner, then draw a line along the top and bottom edges of the plank. The cut angle line is the intersection of these lines.
  • Mount with self-tapping screws. To fix the slats with them, simply make through holes in them. Or fix them on the wall with clips, then install the plinth on top.


In this article, you learned how to make a wooden plinth with your own hands, so do not hesitate, choose quality material and get to work. As you know, natural wooden borders are preferred by people with a refined, well-developed taste. But, nevertheless, it is not difficult to mount them, as you can see by reading this material.