How to lengthen the curtains yourself: we make an enviable curtain out of a problematic curtain. How to lengthen curtains: we will go the other way, more practical Ideas for lengthening curtains

On the Internet, on women's forums, questions often arise regarding how to fit new curtains to the desired size. It often happens that people just move, of course, they take their favorite curtains and curtains with them, but they do not correspond in length to the new window opening. Also, everyone in life probably had a situation when the dimensions of the new curtains were simply incorrectly calculated. But it happens that washing has a negative effect on the fabric - it shrinks a lot. If you are thinking about how to lengthen the curtains from the bottom with your own hands, then the following simple methods that can be implemented even at home will certainly come in handy for you.

The most popular ways to shorten curtains with your own hands

What can be done if the curtains are short? To work a little and do the work yourself, which will allow your interior to change dramatically and sparkle with new colors, find new accents and trends. There are many options for how to do this, the main thing is to choose the appropriate method in a particular case. Here everything will depend on your individual preferences, interior design and style of curtains. In the process of changing the size of the curtains, you will be able to unleash your creativity and gain new knowledge.

Now let's get acquainted with the most common and already proven methods of changing the length of curtains:

  • Ripping of seams.
  • Sewing loops.
  • Lambrequins.
  • Frill.
  • Cross inserts.
  • Pendants.

Unravel and iron

Are you wondering how to beautifully lengthen the curtains when only 10-15 cm are missing? Everything is very simple here, you can simply add the missing centimeters by steaming the bottom hem of the product. As a result, you will get the desired length, and it remains just to iron them well.

Extension with loops

This method provides a minimum of time costs, physical and mental strength. The main thing is to correctly determine the size of the loops. And we do it like this:

  • It is necessary to attach a curtain to the cornice and measure how many centimeters are missing.
  • Your folded loops should be equal in length to this segment.
  • Add 1.5-2 cm to this figure for a seam allowance.
  • If you intend to still use fasteners, then add another 5 cm to the length of the loops.
  • Now select the material from which the loops will be sewn. Better - if in its structure it is close to the fabric from which the curtains are sewn. They need to be attached to the top of the curtains by sewing, connecting with ties, bows or buttons. Then the hinges are simply put on the curtain rod, and your curtain is extended by 10-12 cm.

Important! The materials of the hinges and curtains in color, in principle, can both harmonize and contrast. You can sew loops from a decorative cord or thick braid. In shape, they can also be varied - ties, straps, bows. They can be both solid and kept on beautiful buttons.

We create lambrequins in order to lengthen the curtains

Have you bought curtains that are too short? How to lengthen them beautifully to hide the visually missing millimeters. Lambrequin can be called a fairly popular modern decorative element. It is very easy to make it yourself, following this algorithm:

  1. Buy light but dense material for lambrequins and fabric for lining.
  2. Carefully measure the length of the curtain and the height of the window.
  3. For life size drapery, create a template.
  4. Attach the finished template to the cornice and measure where the center of the window is.
  5. Make a pattern for the pelmet and lining.
  6. Make allowances of 1.5-2 cm for allowances.
  7. Place the details on a flat surface with the wrong side, sew the lambrequin and the lining together, while leaving one side open.
  8. Iron all seams well.
  9. Turn out the drapery.

Sew on the original trim

You can sew on a frill so carefully that the overall design of the curtains will not even change at all. If the room is decorated in the style of Minimalism, then it is not recommended to lengthen the curtains with too voluminous ruffles and flounces. It is better to create something more weightless and light.

It is better to make frills from a material that will match the texture and color with the main material as much as possible. The main thing is that the frills are not too large, otherwise the curtains will not become flirty.

Extension with transverse inserts

This option is considered the most painstaking of all the previously listed ones, since you will have to completely redo the seams in order to ennoble short curtains. How to lengthen beautifully products:

  • Cut the fabric where the inserts will be. To make the curtains more stylish, it is better to insert not in the center, but a little to the right or left.
  • It is better to make inserts from materials that contrast in color, as close as possible in type, style and texture. So that they do not look alienated, you should sew pickups from the same fabric.
  • To give completeness from the same fabric, sew a fringing.

Important! Not necessarily the inserts will be transverse, you can even make them oblique. It is recommended to do all the work as carefully as possible so that the finished products do not look too cheap.

Special hangers for curtains

Apply this method will be most appropriate if the curtains are short. What to do in order to use this trick to add some zest, splendor and charm to the design of the premises?

  • Buy strands of pearls, beads, pendants with crystals and stones.
  • From the bottom of the curtains, attach them at a certain distance in the form of hanging threads or waves.

Such curtains will look incredibly solemn, and their length will become as needed.

The length of the finished curtains does not always exactly match the height of the window opening. If the canvases are short, they will have to be extended, but if they are too long, it is not at all necessary to go to extreme measures - pick up scissors or a sharp knife and cut off the excess. There are many ways to shorten curtains without cutting. Among them, you can always find a suitable option, based on the characteristics of the cut of the curtains and the type of fabric for sewing them.

How to shorten tulle and curtains with a needle and thread assembly

These methods are also suitable when the curtains are short and do not reach the floor by 10-30 cm. In this case, it would be more expedient to adjust their height so that they hang down to or slightly below the windowsill. Fitting is easy to do by hand. The whole process will take quite a bit of time, and the window decoration will look like it was originally intended.

Work on fitting the bottom is more convenient to carry out on weight, after hanging the curtain in the place intended for it.

Create scalloped pleats at the bottom

Curtains shortened in this way will resemble Austrian (if pleated across the entire width) or English (if pleated only along the edges) curtains. To form folds, you will need a needle and thread to match the fabric.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. With the help of tailor's chalk and a ruler, we draw a horizontal line from the wrong side of the canvas along its entire width. Before it, we will tighten the scalloped folds.
  2. From the horizontal line to the bottom edge, with the same step, we draw several perpendicular lines. The type and width of the laid folds will depend on their number and location.
  3. We hang the curtain on the cornice. Along each vertical line, having previously secured the thread, we lay the “forward needle” seam from top to bottom. Tie a knot at the end of each seam.
  4. After all the seams are laid, we tighten the folds (we tighten with threads) to the required height. When the result suits, we fix the threads from the wrong side and straighten the drapery.

On light translucent curtains, such a bottom treatment looks gentle and neat.
Pleats can be decorated with saddlery accessories, such as organza or foramian flowers.

Assembly of the bottom on the curtain tape

If you're comfortable with a sewing machine, you can cut curtains more professionally. To do this, you need to purchase a narrow curtain tape, cut it into pieces and attach it to vertically marked lines.

The folds obtained in this way can be adjusted. In addition, the assembly on the curtain tape, unlike the assembly on the “live” thread, is more durable, suitable not only for curtains, but also for thick, heavy curtains, and it does not have to be restored every time after washing the curtains.

This is how the folds look on a dense fabric, pulled together with a curtain tape.

Simple ways for the "lazy"

You may be surprised, but there are ways to shorten the tulle without cutting it, and without any markings, measurements, and even without the use of threads and needles. And what is no less surprising - the result will look quite decent. In addition, if you want to return the canvases to their original form, this can be done in just seconds.

We collect excess in a roll

For those who don't want to mess around with pleating tulle, there is a very easy and quick way to get the right length. It should be noted that this option is only suitable for curtains made of soft, thin, transparent curtain materials. On dense canvases, the bottom, assembled into a roll, will look rough and clumsy.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Attach the curtains to the cornice and give them time to hang down.
  2. Take a thick darning needle and thread a woolen or nylon thread into it. It can be monophonic or colored. It all depends on your imagination.
  3. It is more convenient to do all the work, starting from the middle of the curtain, first in one direction, then in the other. Twist the bottom edge of the fabric into a loose roll and fasten it with threads tied into a knot.

Before washing the tulle, the roll bottom will have to be unfolded, and then reassembled.

Reduce the length with curtain magnets

With the help of magnets, you can adjust the bottom of the curtains without cutting or hemming, that is, without using threads and needles at all. In fact, apart from magnets, we do not need anything.

On sale you will find a large selection of magnets, both almost invisible, which will not stand out and attract attention, and bright and original.

Curtain magnets are a wonderful accessory that carries both functional (support fabric, allow it to be beautifully draped) and decorative load.

The problem with using them is that not all magnets are strong enough to hold tight material tightly, so they must be checked when buying. For light tulle curtains, any magnets will do.

The procedure is extremely simple: we take magnets and select the bottom of the curtains with them, grabbing the fabric in several places to the desired height. As a result, we get beautiful scalloped folds. In addition to magnets, you can use curtain hairpins, crabs, pins according to the same principle, but you need to use them carefully, as they can leave puffs.

Do curtains always need to be shortened?

This question is not rhetorical. In fact, shortening too long curtains is not at all necessary. Canvases creeping along the floor, resembling a waterfall in shape, beautifully laid along the wall, are in trend today. Draperies and curtains lying on the floor give the interior softness and sophistication. They look great in both spacious and small rooms, as they visually raise the ceilings.

For sewing curtains and tulle below the floor, it is better to choose soft, well-draped, plain fabrics.

Such curtains do not need accessories and prints. Their main decoration is falling folds that creep along the floor.
Light curtains, freezing in the floor area with a picturesque waterfall, look very impressive.
You can pick up thick curtains and translucent curtains on the floor.

The disadvantage of long curtains, due to which they have to be washed more often than products of a standard size, is dust that collects in folds. In addition, despite all the beauty and presentability, such canvases are not appropriate for all rooms. They are best suited for bedrooms and living rooms. In the kitchen and in the nursery, it is more convenient and practical to use short or standard curtains.

In fact, there are many more ways to shorten curtains without cutting them. Each hostess or craftswoman is able to come up with something of her own, and it doesn’t matter what the length of specific curtains will be in the end. It is important that their appearance, design, shape and colors are in harmony with the interior.

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How to lengthen curtains or cut them with your own hands is a question very often asked on all sorts of forums on the Internet. If you decide to change the curtains in a new place, but they do not fit in length, then with the help of our article you can learn how to give the desired shape to the matter, ensuring the overall beauty of the interior. With your own hands, you can cut and lengthen the curtains in several ways. We offer you the most affordable.

Method number 1

If the length is not enough, you can safely add a few centimeters if you open the hem of the curtain from the bottom (you can try to do this with roller curtains). The length will be acquired by obtaining the centimeters that were missing.

Method number 2

Hinges for curtains in the photo

One of the easiest ways is to sew on fabric loops. It involves little investment in time and effort.

  1. First, the size of the loop is determined. To do this, apply a curtain to the eaves, after which all the centimeters that are missing are calculated. When the model is folded, the loops should be equal in length to the missing centimeters. In addition, you still need to add 1.5 or 2 cm for seam allowances. That is, if your curtains were 2.6 m long, and 2.9 m is required, then the length of any of the loops should not exceed 32 cm (when folded) or 64 cm (this is the whole length of the matter that is used in order to sew one loop). When planning the use of fasteners, leave another 5 cm.

For loops, you also need to choose the right matter. The material for them should be similar in structure to the curtain fabric. But the matter from which the hinges and curtains are made can be in the same color and different shades, or in different colors. Organza lace inserts look very good at the same time. Loops are sewn from a fabric base, braid or decorative lace. Loops also come in different shapes, such as bows, straps or ties. They can also be solid in shape, or they can simply be held on by buttons, which are also covered with fabric.

  1. The hinges are attached to the top of the curtains. They are either sewn on, fastened with buttons, or connected with bows or ties.
  2. After that, the loops are put on the eaves.

Thus, the curtain is extended by 10-15 cm. The curtain is cut off or elongated correctly if the upper part of the window opening is visible. We must not forget this simple rule.

Method number 3

Lambrequin will serve as a visual lengthening

Curtains can also be lengthened by creating a lambrequin. But this method contributes only to the visual effect of elongation and is the best option if the length of the curtains is only a couple of millimeters shorter than the desired one. Lambrequin is a lush and very beautiful curtain detail of home decor. It can be easily created and fixed with your own hands. To do this, you need to use the step-by-step action script we have deduced.

  1. First, a light and dense fabric material is acquired. Do not forget that you should also buy lining material (maybe organza).
  2. Then the height of the window and the length of the tulle and curtains are measured.
  3. Next, you need to create a template with which you can drape in full size;
  4. The resulting template is attached to the cornice, after which the center of the window is measured;
  5. The pattern for the lambrequin and for the lining is attached to the template.
  6. Also, don't forget about seam allowances.
  7. The wrong side of the part is placed on top, after which the lining is sewn with a lambrequin.
  8. But leave one side open.
  9. The seams need to be ironed.
  10. The drape turns out.

The product that you should get will definitely add the missing length to your curtains.

Method number 4

You can also sew frills with your own hands, which is also suitable for rolled curtains. They should be sewn very carefully so as not to disturb the overall design of the curtains. If the room is decorated in a minimalist style genre, in no case should any ruffles or flounces be sewn on. This will stylistically worsen your interior. You need to try to create something weightless, so the frills are preferably sewn from fabric material, which is in perfect harmony in color and texture with the base of the curtain (organza is often used). In addition, it will be right if the frills come out not very large and voluminous, which will give the curtains a flirty look.

Curtains with ruffles in the photo

Method number 5

Using transverse inserts for lengthening, it should be borne in mind that this method is the most painstaking, and thus it will be very difficult to make roller blinds. It will be necessary to prepare for a complete alteration of the curtains. Curtains are cut in the place where the insert is planned to be used. Curtains with insert material can look very stylish not just in the center of the canvas, but slightly to the left or right. As an insert, a material is usually used that has a contrasting color, but which will be as close as possible in style, texture and type. It can be linen, cotton, organza, etc. In order for the hemmed inserts not to look too alienated, it is recommended to sew special ties for curtains or any other decorative elements using the same material. Products can be given completeness by making a border from a similar material.

Inserts may not be transverse, if you like, they may also have an oblique appearance. In practical terms, the increase in the length of the curtain is carried out extremely carefully so that the finished product does not resemble a cheap craft.

Method number 6

You can also make special pendants for curtains in order to increase the length. In this way, you can not only lengthen the curtains, but also provide them with some kind of stylistic zest. You can decorate them as beads or pearl threads, or as pendants with stones or crystals. Applies to roller blinds as well.

Special pendants are attached at certain distances in width. They can be made in waves or as hanging threads. Everything will depend on your imagination. These curtains will look very solemn and beautiful. The length will reach the desired size. Finished curtains will radiate charm and nobility with their appearance.

Brush pendant for curtains in the photo


So, you are convinced that you can easily change the length of the curtains with your own hands, and the main factor here is desire. But it would also be nice to have sewing skills and work enthusiasm. In many cases, a hand-made elongated curtain will look much more beautiful and elegant, completing the style of the interior. After our article, you will be able to create elegant and perfect curtains in six ways.

The video will show you how to cut, hem or lengthen the curtains:

As in any profession, even seasoned and experienced designers make mistakes. In this article I will talk about the most common of them that I had to face.

1.White top black bottom. When applied to curtains, this means that the bottom layer of fabric (closest to the window) should be lighter than the top. Break this rule only if you know well what you are doing.

One common decorating technique is to use two contrasting colors. In order for such double curtains to look beautiful on the window, no "back" should be visible through the light behind the light fabric. In other words, the top layer of curtains should be thick enough so that the bottom layer of curtains does not shine through.

Another example is dark tulle with light curtains.

If the curtains are lighter than tulle, and this contrast is not supported in any way in the interior, then it must be balanced with something. For example, tiebacks or tassels to match the tulle. You can add the curtains themselves with a darker finish.

2.Beware the eyelets! Eyelet curtains require more space than other curtains. If you have eyelets on both rows of the eaves, then the brackets on the cornices must be replaced with special grommet brackets. These brackets have an increased distance between the rods. Below is an example of what can happen if you ignore this rule and use standard brackets.

And do not forget that the eyelets have a comb over the bar. Leave enough space, 4-5 centimeters, between the ceiling and the eaves. If the cornice has already been installed and the height is not enough, then when sewing curtains to order, ask for the scallop to be reduced to the one you need.

3. Combine with care. A new interesting design of curtains can be obtained by combining different ones in one canvas. The bad news is that fabrics can shed and shrink differently.

For example, some satin fabrics "like" shedding. More recently, we, together with a client, came up with combined Roman blinds for her son's room. We combined two fabrics, cotton base and satin used as a quality finish on the bottom of the curtains. While the finished curtains were waiting for the installation of the cornices, the young experimenter subjected them to an ordeal by pouring a glass of water on the curtains.

As a result, the satin, which was also a bright red-orange color, showed itself from the worst side, leaving marks on the main fabric. The situation was saved by the fact that the cotton fabric that we used tolerates washing well even in hot water. I didn't manage to spoil the curtains, but for me this lesson is obvious - you need to combine fabrics with great care.

The second disadvantage when combining different fabrics can be a different shrinkage coefficient. Pay attention to it. And in any case, it is better to hand over the curtains sewn from two different fabrics for cleaning.

4. Savings should be the result of smart choices, not a lack of budget. If you're skimping on the assembly factor of curtains, then do it in a way that makes the curtains look natural.

Looking at the curtains, no one should ever think that your curtains do not close on the window, because you spared the money. Let them think that you never imagined that they would have to be closed sometime. Focus on tulle.

You can use those types of tops that do not need a large assembly factor. It is believed that for loops, for example, a coefficient of 1.5 is sufficient.

5. Measure seven times, cut one. Take all measurements carefully. The floor and walls are rarely even, so measure the height on at least both sides of the eaves.

If you pick up the curtains under the pickups, then you can make the canvases more authentic. This will give you the opportunity to make deeper overlaps, and the excess fabric will rise above the floor on underarms or brushes. Curtains that are too short will always look a little "flawed", so don't be fooled by the height.

If the curtains are too short, look under the curtain tape. As a rule, a supply of fabric is hidden there in the sewing workshop. From below, it is better to leave the hem wide enough.

6. Check the fabric for pliability. If you want beautiful tails, the fabric should drape well. Please check this before purchasing.

This is not always possible, as many designer fabrics come in catalogs with only small cuts of fabric. But if you have a sample hanger in your hands, be sure to hang the fabric diagonally. This is a test by which designers pre-evaluate the ability of a fabric to form creases on a window.

There are fabrics from which it is almost impossible to achieve even beautiful tails. Curtains made of such fabric can save the grommets, and in cases with thinner fabrics, the lining.

7. What are you really like? When choosing a fabric for future curtains, we are guided by our taste and preferences. The same goes for choosing clothes. But do not forget that, unlike clothes, we observe curtains all day long under the influence of reverse light, through the light. Place a piece of cloth against a window and see how it changes as sunlight passes through it.

Many fabrics almost completely lose saturation, become faded. Some are stained with the color of the inside, which, as a rule, "dirty" their face. Others lose their pattern, and the underside appears in the light.

In any case, you should know how your curtains will behave on the window before buying. These problems are solved by the lining, which also helps to keep the fabric from fading.

We will talk about linings for curtains in the next articles. For now, I will say that there are only two arguments for not lining. The first is the need to maintain the transparency of the curtains, and the second is the economy.

Enjoy the shopping!

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The question of how to properly and beautifully lengthen the curtains may appear with any housewife. There are different reasons for such a decision: after washing, the fabric sat down, there was a desire to make changes to the design of the curtains, in a new apartment the ceilings are higher and the windows are larger, etc. Let's find out how to beautifully lengthen the curtains from below.


Today, many people have the opportunity to turn to professionals for help. To correct your curtains, a specialist comes to your house, who will discuss with you the style and color of the product, and also take all measurements. However, not everyone has the opportunity to call a designer at home or want to create a masterpiece to decorate a window with their own hands. In this case, this article will help you do your own lengthening curtains.

Another thing is if the curtains are very short. In this case, you will need to find a way to lengthen the curtains so that they look original and beautiful. The main thing is that the new curtains bring complete harmony to the overall interior design. There are several methods you can use to solve this problem yourself.

Other fabric

You can lengthen the curtains from below with another fabric. At the same time, they try to use curtain fabric in the same style with the main material from which the curtains are made. If you need to lengthen the curtains by 10-15 cm, it is enough to tear off its hem at the bottom and carefully iron the edge. However, this option is suitable if, when sewing the curtains, the hem was made of sufficient length. Rebuffing the seams, releasing the remaining fabric and smoothing the fabric well, changes in the product will be invisible, as in the photo.

If the material from which the curtains are sewn has been serving for more than one year, it may lose its original color. Therefore, from above, between the main fabric and the released hem, a clear contrast will be noticeable. In this case, you can completely shorten the curtains and apply them to the kitchen or bathroom, where they will fit more successfully.


If you do not want to part with the length of these curtains, you can cut off the problematic lower part of the curtains and lengthen the curtains from below: the photo shows how to do it beautifully. Women who know how to do this will make the new seam invisible. Of course, it is difficult to choose a pattern and color of fabric that would successfully match the main canvas. But you can choose a contrasting fabric that will be combined with curtains and look stylish. So, you can add a red hemming to the bottom of light curtains, and a fabric with a golden or silver sheen is suitable for dark curtains, as shown in the video.


Sometimes curtains lack only a couple of centimeters. This problem can be solved in this way: lower the cornice a little lower.


Very beautiful lengthening of curtains is performed using original pendants, which can be found in specialized stores. Such pendants can be made in the form of tassels of bright silk threads, Swarovski glass, beads and pearls. Using this method, you can lengthen the curtains if it is short and achieve the length that you need. In addition, beautiful pendants can bring a special charm and elegance to the interior of your room. You can also make your own pendant, which will perfectly fit into the style of your interior. For lengthening curtains made of fabric or tulle, you can find the right solution for yourself. It remains only to attach these products to the bottom edge of the canvas and your curtain will acquire the length you need. This method is not suitable if the curtains are very short. But even in this case, the pendants are able to perfectly decorate the window opening.


The ruffles on the curtains look very nice, especially on the kitchen window. This method must be approached carefully so as not to disturb the overall appearance of the product. If you have designed your room in a minimalist style, then you should not lengthen the curtains with frills and lush ruffles at the bottom. It is better to create something airy and light:

  • It is advisable to choose the fabric for frills so that it matches as much as possible not only in color, but also in texture with the main canvas;
  • Ruffles are strips of fabric that can be of various widths;

  • In order to lengthen the curtain, we cut off strips of fabric of the desired length in a straight line, plus for hemming and for sewing with the main fabric. At the same time, the length of the fabric strip should be almost one and a half times longer than the width of the curtain;
  • Be aware that for a ruffle made of thin and soft fabric, you need to prepare a longer piece of material than with ordinary fabric. This is necessary in order to be able to assemble a denser frill to preserve the beautiful appearance of the folds. For a pleated frill, you need to cut the length of the fabric three times the length of the stitching section.


There are many other ways to beautifully lengthen short curtains with your own hands: using fabric loops, pelmets, transverse inserts, etc. You can practice any methods yourself, and your curtains will acquire the desired format, and the interior of the room will sparkle in a new way.
It is worth noting that if your curtains belong to the category of chic and very expensive curtains, you should not lengthen them yourself. It is better to give such expensive things to professionals for restoration.

You can use any method to lengthen your curtains. The main thing is that you fantasize and try to do the work carefully. All the methods described above can be applied not only in extreme cases when you need to lengthen the curtains. They are also suitable for the case when you just want to change the design of curtains that you have already looked at. Moreover, a do-it-yourself elongated curtain will always look sleeker and nicer.